Items where Author is "Benova, Lenka"
Number of items: 60.
Bibliographic data only
Systematic review and meta-analysis: association between water and sanitation environment and maternal mortality. (2014)
Benova, Lenka; Cumming, Oliver; Campbell, Oona MR
The contribution of unimproved water and toilet facilities to pregnancy-related mortality in Afghanistan: analysis of the Afghan Mortality Survey. (2014)
Gon, Giorgia; Monzon-Llamas, Laura; Benova, Lenka; Willey, Barbara; Campbell, Oona MR
Hepatitis B in Egypt: A cross-sectional analysis of prevalence and risk factors for active infection from a nationwide survey. (2017)
Ismail, Sharif A; Cuadros, Diego F; Benova, Lenka
The role of the private sector in the provision of antenatal care: a study of Demographic and Health Surveys from 46 low- and middle-income countries. (2014)
Powell-Jackson, Timothy; Macleod, David; Benova, Lenka; Lynch, Caroline; Campbell, Oona MR
The Landscape of Cesarean Section in Sub-Saharan Africa and South and Southeast Asia. (2017)
Benova, L; Cavallaro, FL; Campbell, O
Estimation of hepatitis C virus infections resulting from vertical transmission in Egypt. (2015)
Benova, Lenka; Awad, Susanne F; Miller, F DeWolfe; Abu-Raddad, Laith J
Estimate of vertical transmission of Hepatitis C virus in Pakistan in 2007 and 2012 birth cohorts. (2017)
Benova, Lenka; Awad, Susanne Faissal; Abu-Raddad, Laith Jamal
Socio-economic gradients in maternal and child health-seeking behaviours in egypt: systematic literature review and evidence synthesis. (2014)
Benova, Lenka; Campbell, Oona MR; Ploubidis, George B
A mediation approach to understanding socio-economic inequalities in maternal health-seeking behaviours in Egypt. (2015)
Benova, Lenka; Campbell, Oona MR; Ploubidis, George B
Socio-economic inequalities in curative health-seeking for children in Egypt: analysis of the 2008 Demographic and Health Survey. (2015)
Benova, Lenka; Campbell, Oona MR; Ploubidis, George B
Socio-economic factors associated with maternal health-seeking behaviours among women from poor households in rural Egypt. (2014)
Benova, Lenka; Campbell, Oona MR; Sholkamy, Hania; Ploubidis, George B
Expanding Method Choice in Africa with Long-Acting Methods: IUDs, Implants or Both? (2017)
Benova, Lenka; Cleland, John; Daniele, Marina AS; Ali, Moazzam
Where there is no toilet: water and sanitation environments of domestic and facility births in Tanzania. (2014)
Benova, Lenka; Cumming, Oliver; Gordon, Bruce A; Magoma, Moke; Campbell, Oona MR
Two decades of antenatal and delivery care in Uganda: a cross-sectional study using Demographic and Health Surveys. (2018)
Benova, Lenka; Dennis, Mardieh L; Lange, Isabelle L; Campbell, Oona MR; Waiswa, Peter; Haemmerli, Manon; Fernandez, Yolanda; Kerber, Kate; Lawn, Joy E; Santos, Andreia Costa; Matovu, Fred; Macleod, David; Goodman, Catherine; Penn-Kekana, Loveday; Ssengooba, Freddie; Lynch, Caroline A
Association of BMI category change with TB treatment mortality in HIV-positive smear-negative and extrapulmonary TB patients in Myanmar and Zimbabwe. (2012)
Benova, Lenka; Fielding, Katherine; Greig, Jane; Nyang'wa, Bern-Thomas; Casas, Esther Carrillo; da Fonseca, Marcio Silveira; du Cros, Philipp
Socioeconomic Position and Health-Seeking Behavior for Hearing Loss Among Older Adults in England. (2014)
Benova, Lenka; Grundy, Emily; Ploubidis, George B
Role of the private sector in childbirth care: cross-sectional survey evidence from 57 low- and middle-income countries using Demographic and Health Surveys. (2015)
Benova, Lenka; Macleod, David; Footman, Katharine; Cavallaro, Francesca; Lynch, Caroline A; Campbell, Oona MR
Should I stay or should I go?: consistency and switching of delivery locations among new mothers in 39 Sub-Saharan African and South/Southeast Asian countries. (2017)
Benova, Lenka; Macleod, David; Radovich, Emma; Lynch, Caroline A; Campbell, Oona MR
Vertical transmission of hepatitis C virus: systematic review and meta-analysis. (2014)
Benova, Lenka; Mohamoud, Yousra A; Calvert, Clara; Abu-Raddad, Laith J
Using three indicators to understand the parity-specific contribution of adolescent childbearing to all births. (2018)
Benova, Lenka; Neal, Sarah; Radovich, Emma G; Ross, David A; Siddiqi, Manahil; Chandra-Mouli, Venkatraman
Not just a number: examining coverage and content of antenatal care in low-income and middle-income countries. (2018)
Benova, Lenka; Tunçalp, Özge; Moran, Allisyn C; Campbell, Oona Maeve Renee
Is childbirth location associated with higher rates of favourable early breastfeeding practices in Sub-Saharan Africa? (2019)
Bergamaschi, Natasha; Oakley, Laura; Benova, Lenka
The scale, scope, coverage, and capability of childbirth care. (2016)
Campbell, OM; Calvert, C; Testa, A; Strehlow, M; Benova, L; Keyes, E; Donnay, F; Macleod, D; Gabrysch, S; Rong, L; Ronsmans, C; Sadruddin, S; Koblinsky, M; Bailey, P
Getting the basic rights - the role of water, sanitation and hygiene in maternal and reproductive health: a conceptual framework. (2014)
Campbell, Oona MR; Benova, Lenka; Gon, Giorgia; Afsana, Kaosar; Cumming, Oliver
Family planning, antenatal and delivery care: cross-sectional survey evidence on levels of coverage and inequalities by public and private sector in 57 low- and middle-income countries. (2016)
Campbell, Oona MR; Benova, Lenka; MacLeod, David; Baggaley, Rebecca F; Rodrigues, Laura C; Hanson, Kara; Powell-Jackson, Timothy; Penn-Kekana, Loveday; Polonsky, Reen; Footman, Katharine; Vahanian, Alice; Pereira, Shreya K; Santos, Andreia Costa; Filippi, Veronique GA; Lynch, Caroline A; Goodman, Catherine
Who, What, Where: an analysis of private sector family planning provision in 57 low- and middle-income countries. (2015)
Campbell, Oona MR; Benova, Lenka; Macleod, David; Goodman, Catherine; Footman, Katharine; Pereira, Audrey L; Lynch, Caroline A
Length of Stay After Childbirth in 92 Countries and Associated Factors in 30 Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Compilation of Reported Data and a Cross-sectional Analysis from Nationally Representative Surveys. (2016)
Campbell, Oona MR; Cegolon, Luca; Macleod, David; Benova, Lenka
Caesarean Section Provision and Capacity in Health Facilities in Tanzania. (2018)
Cavallaro, FL; Pembe, AB; Campbell, O; Hanson, C; Tripathi, V; Wong, K; Radovich, E; Benova, L
Examining trends in family planning among harder-to-reach women in Senegal 1992-2014. (2017)
Cavallaro, Francesca L; Benova, Lenka; Macleod, David; Faye, Adama; Lynch, Caroline A
Caesarean section provision and readiness in Tanzania: analysis of cross-sectional surveys of women and health facilities over time. (2018)
Cavallaro, Francesca L; Pembe, Andrea B; Campbell, Oona; Hanson, Claudia; Tripathi, Vandana; Wong, Kerry Lm; Radovich, Emma; Benova, Lenka
The promotion of intrauterine contraception in low- and middle-income countries: a narrative review. (2017)
Cleland, John; Ali, Moazzam; Benova, Lenka; Daniele, Marina
A Fresh Look at the Level of Unmet Need for Family Planning in the Postpartum Period, Its Causes and Program Implications. (2015)
Cleland, John; Shah, Iqbal H; Benova, Lenka
Provider and lay perspectives on intra-uterine contraception: a global review. (2017)
Daniele, Marina AS; Cleland, John; Benova, Lenka; Ali, Moazzam
Pragmatic pluralism for health: Understanding the role of public financing and public-private engagement on use, quality, and equity in access to maternal health services in Kenya. (2020)
Dennis, ML
Evaluating the impact of a maternal health voucher programme on service use before and after the introduction of free maternity services in Kenya: a quasi-experimental study. (2018)
Dennis, Mardieh L; Abuya, Timothy; Campbell, Oona Maeve Renee; Benova, Lenka; Baschieri, Angela; Quartagno, Matteo; Bellows, Benjamin
Initiation and continuity of maternal healthcare: examining the role of vouchers and user-fee removal on maternal health service use in Kenya. (2019)
Dennis, Mardieh L; Benova, Lenka; Abuya, Timothy; Quartagno, Matteo; Bellows, Ben; Campbell, Oona MR
Meeting need vs. sharing the market: a systematic review of methods to measure the use of private sector family planning and childbirth services in sub-Saharan Africa. (2018)
Dennis, Mardieh L; Benova, Lenka; Owolabi, Onikepe O; Campbell, Oona MR
Pathways to increased coverage: an analysis of time trends in contraceptive need and use among adolescents and young women in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda. (2017)
Dennis, Mardieh L; Radovich, Emma; Wong, Kerry LM; Owolabi, Onikepe; Cavallaro, Francesca L; Mbizvo, Michael T; Binagwaho, Agnes; Waiswa, Peter; Lynch, Caroline A; Benova, Lenka
Time trends in facility-based and private-sector childbirth care: analysis of Demographic and Health Surveys from 25 sub-Saharan African countries from 2000 to 2016. (2019)
Doctor, Henry Victor; Radovich, Emma; Benova, Lenka
Effect of maternal age on facility-based delivery: analysis of first-order births in 34 countries of sub-Saharan Africa using demographic and health survey data. (2018)
Dunlop, Catherine L; Benova, Lenka; Campbell, Oona
Using multi-country household surveys to understand who provides reproductive and maternal health services in low- and middle-income countries: a critical appraisal of the Demographic and Health Surveys. (2015)
Footman, K; Benova, L; Goodman, C; Macleod, D; Lynch, CA; Penn-Kekana, L; Campbell, OMR
Who Delivers without Water? A Multi Country Analysis of Water and Sanitation in the Childbirth Environment. (2016)
Gon, Giorgia; Restrepo-Méndez, María Clara; Campbell, Oona MR; Barros, Aluísio JD; Woodd, Susannah; Benova, Lenka; Graham, Wendy J
How equitable is social franchising? Case studies of three maternal healthcare franchises in Uganda and India. (2018)
Haemmerli, Manon; Santos, Andreia; Penn-Kekana, Loveday; Lange, Isabelle; Matovu, Fred; Benova, Lenka; Wong, Kerry LM; Goodman, Catherine
National policies and care provision in pregnancy and childbirth for twins in Eastern and Southern Africa: A mixed-methods multi-country study. (2019)
Hanson, Claudia; Munjanja, Stephen; Binagwaho, Agnes; Vwalika, Bellington; Pembe, Andrea B; Jacinto, Elsa; Chilinda, George K; Donahoe, Kateri B; Wanyonyi, Sikolia Z; Waiswa, Peter; Gidiri, Muchabayiwa F; Benova, Lenka
Early breastfeeding practices: Descriptive analysis of recent Demographic and Health Surveys. (2017)
Oakley, Laura; Benova, Lenka; Macleod, David; Lynch, Caroline A; Campbell, Oona MR
Comparing the use and content of antenatal care in adolescent and older first-time mothers in 13 countries of west Africa: a cross-sectional analysis of Demographic and Health Surveys. (2017)
Owolabi, OO; Wong, KLM; Dennis, ML; Radovich, E; Cavallaro, FL; Lynch, CA; Fatusi, A; Sombie, I; Benova, L
Comparing the use and content of antenatal care in adolescent and older first-time mothers in 13 countries of west Africa: a cross-sectional analysis of Demographic and Health Surveys. (2017)
Owolabi, Onikepe O; Wong, Kerry LM; Dennis, Mardieh L; Radovich, Emma; Cavallaro, Francesca L; Lynch, Caroline A; Fatusi, Adesegun; Sombie, Issiaka; Benova, Lenka
Lifelong Socio Economic Position and biomarkers of later life health: testing the contribution of competing hypotheses. (2014)
Ploubidis, George B; Benova, Lenka; Grundy, Emily; Laydon, Daniel; DeStavola, Bianca
Childbirth care in Egypt: a repeat cross-sectional analysis using Demographic and Health Surveys between 1995 and 2014 examining use of care, provider mix and immediate postpartum care content. (2020)
Pugliese-Garcia, Miguel; Radovich, Emma; Campbell, Oona MR; Hassanein, Nevine; Khalil, Karima; Benova, Lenka
Temporal and regional variations in use, equity and quality of antenatal care in Egypt: a repeat cross-sectional analysis using Demographic and Health Surveys. (2019)
Pugliese-Garcia, Miguel; Radovich, Emma; Hassanein, Nevine; Campbell, Oona MR; Khalil, Karima; Benova, Lenka
'Who assisted with the delivery of (NAME)?' Issues in estimating skilled birth attendant coverage through population-based surveys and implications for improving global tracking. (2019)
Radovich, Emma; Benova, Lenka; Penn-Kekana, Loveday; Wong, Kerry; Campbell, Oona Maeve Renee
Who pays and how much? A cross-sectional study of out-of-pocket payment for modern contraception in Kenya. (2019)
Radovich, Emma; Dennis, Mardieh L; Barasa, Edwine; Cavallaro, Francesca L; Wong, Kerry Lm; Borghi, Josephine; Lynch, Caroline A; Lyons-Amos, Mark; Abuya, Timothy; Benova, Lenka
Who Meets the Contraceptive Needs of Young Women in Sub-Saharan Africa? (2017)
Radovich, Emma; Dennis, Mardieh L; Wong, Kerry LM; Ali, Moazzam; Lynch, Caroline A; Cleland, John; Owolabi, Onikepe; Lyons-Amos, Mark; Benova, Lenka
Rising up: Fertility trends in Egypt before and after the revolution. (2018)
Radovich, Emma; El-Shitany, Atef; Sholkamy, Hania; Benova, Lenka
From joint thinking to joint action: a call to action on improving water, sanitation, and hygiene for maternal and newborn health. (2014)
Velleman, Yael; Mason, Elizabeth; Graham, Wendy; Benova, Lenka; Chopra, Mickey; Campbell, Oona MR; Gordon, Bruce; Wijesekera, Sanjay; Hounton, Sennen; Esteves Mills, Joanna; Curtis, Val; Afsana, Kaosar; Boisson, Sophie; Magoma, Moke; Cairncross, Sandy; Cumming, Oliver
Too poor or too far? Partitioning the variability in hospital birth by poverty and travel time in four sub-Saharan countries. (2020)
Wong, KLM
A look back on how far to walk: Systematic review and meta-analysis of physical access to skilled care for childbirth in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2017)
Wong, Kerry LM; Benova, Lenka; Campbell, Oona MR
Comparison of spatial interpolation methods to create high-resolution poverty maps for low- and middle-income countries. (2018)
Wong, Kerry LM; Brady, Oliver J; Campbell, Oona MR; Benova, Lenka
Why not? Understanding the spatial clustering of private facility-based delivery and financial reasons for homebirths in Nigeria. (2018)
Wong, Kerry LM; Radovich, Emma; Owolabi, Onikepe O; Campbell, Oona MR; Brady, Oliver J; Lynch, Caroline A; Benova, Lenka
Current realities versus theoretical optima: quantifying efficiency and sociospatial equity of travel time to hospitals in low-income and middle-income countries. (2019)
Wong, Kerry Lm; Brady, Oliver J; Campbell, Oona Maeve Renee; Jarvis, Christopher I; Pembe, Andrea; Gomez, Gabriela B; Benova, Lenka