Items where Author is "Llewellyn, Martin S"
Number of items: 30.
  • Chagas disease reactivation in a heart transplant patient infected by domestic Trypanosoma cruzi discrete typing unit I (TcIDOM). (2015) Costales, Jaime A; Kotton, Camille N; Zurita-Leal, Andrea C; Garcia-Perez, Josselyn; Llewellyn, Martin S; Messenger, Louisa A; Bhattacharyya, Tapan; Burleigh, Barbara A
  • Deep sequencing of the Trypanosoma cruzi GP63 surface proteases reveals diversity and diversifying selection among chronic and congenital Chagas disease patients. (2015) Llewellyn, Martin S; Messenger, Louisa A; Luquetti, Alejandro O; Garcia, Lineth; Torrico, Faustino; Tavares, Suelene BN; Cheaib, Bachar; Derome, Nicolas; Delepine, Marc; Baulard, Céline; Deleuze, Jean-Francois; Sauer, Sascha; Miles, Michael A
  • Molecular genotyping of Trypanosoma cruzi for lineage assignment and population genetics. (2015) Messenger, Louisa A; Yeo, Matthew; Lewis, Michael D; Llewellyn, Martin S; Miles, Michael A
  • 2014
  • Leishmania donovani populations in Eastern Sudan: temporal structuring and a link between human and canine transmission. (2014) Baleela, Rania; Llewellyn, Martin S; Fitzpatrick, Sinead; Kuhls, Katrin; Schönian, Gabriele; Miles, Michael A; Mauricio, Isabel L
  • Wild Trypanosoma cruzi I genetic diversity in Brazil suggests admixture and disturbance in parasite populations from the Atlantic Forest region. (2014) Lima, Valdirene S; Jansen, Ana M; Messenger, Louisa A; Miles, Michael A; Llewellyn, Martin S
  • 2013
  • Molecular epidemiologic source tracking of orally transmitted Chagas disease, Venezuela. (2013) Segovia, Maikell; Carrasco, Hernán J; Martínez, Clara E; Messenger, Louisa A; Nessi, Anaibeth; Londoño, Juan C; Espinosa, Raul; Martínez, Cinda; Alfredo, Mijares; Bonfante-Cabarcas, Rafael; Lewis, Michael D; de Noya, Belkisyolé A; Miles, Michael A; Llewellyn, Martin S
  • 2012
  • Comparative genomic analysis of human infective Trypanosoma cruzi lineages with the bat-restricted subspecies T. cruzi marinkellei. (2012) Franzén, Oscar; Talavera-López, Carlos; Ochaya, Stephen; Butler, Claire E; Messenger, Louisa A; Lewis, Michael D; Llewellyn, Martin S; Marinkelle, Cornelis J; Tyler, Kevin M; Miles, Michael A; Andersson, Björn
  • Candidate targets for Multilocus Sequence Typing of Trypanosoma cruzi: validation using parasite stocks from the Chaco Region and a set of reference strains. (2012) Lauthier, Juan J; Tomasini, Nicolás; Barnabé, Christian; Rumi, María M Monje; D'Amato, Anahí M Alberti; Ragone, Paula G; Yeo, Matthew; Lewis, Michael D; Llewellyn, Martin S; Basombrío, Miguel A; Miles, Michael A; Tibayrenc, Michel; Diosque, Patricio
  • Multiple mitochondrial introgression events and heteroplasmy in trypanosoma cruzi revealed by maxicircle MLST and next generation sequencing. (2012) Messenger, Louisa A; Llewellyn, Martin S; Bhattacharyya, Tapan; Franzén, Oscar; Lewis, Michael D; Ramírez, Juan David; Carrasco, Hernan J; Andersson, Björn; Miles, Michael A
  • Contemporary cryptic sexuality in Trypanosoma cruzi. (2012) Ramírez, Juan David; Guhl, Felipe; Messenger, Louisa A; Lewis, Michael D; Montilla, Marleny; Cucunuba, Zulma; Miles, Michael A; Llewellyn, Martin S
  • The revised Trypanosoma cruzi subspecific nomenclature: rationale, epidemiological relevance and research applications. (2012) Zingales, Bianca; Miles, Michael A; Campbell, David A; Tibayrenc, Michel; Macedo, Andrea M; Teixeira, Marta MG; Schijman, Alejandro G; Llewellyn, Martin S; Lages-Silva, Eliane; Machado, Carlos R; Andrade, Sonia G; Sturm, Nancy R
  • North American import? Charting the origins of an enigmatic Trypanosoma cruzi domestic genotype. (2012) Zumaya-Estrada, Federico A; Messenger, Louisa A; Lopez-Ordonez, Teresa; Lewis, Michael D; Flores-Lopez, Carlos A; Martínez-Ibarra, Alejandro J; Pennington, Pamela M; Cordon-Rosales, Celia; Carrasco, Hernan V; Segovia, Maikel; Miles, Michael A; Llewellyn, Martin S
  • 2011
  • Shotgun sequencing analysis of Trypanosoma cruzi I Sylvio X10/1 and comparison with T. cruzi VI CL Brener. (2011) Franzén, Oscar; Ochaya, Stephen; Sherwood, Ellen; Lewis, Michael D; Llewellyn, Martin S; Miles, Michael A; Andersson, Björn
  • Identification and lineage genotyping of South American trypanosomes using fluorescent fragment length barcoding. (2011) Hamilton, PB; Lewis, MD; Cruickshank, C; Gaunt, MW; Yeo, M; Llewellyn, MS; Valente, SA; Maia da Silva, F; Stevens, JR; Miles, MA; Teixeira, MMG
  • Recent, independent and anthropogenic origins of Trypanosoma cruzi hybrids. (2011) Lewis, Michael D; Llewellyn, Martin S; Yeo, Matthew; Acosta, Nidia; Gaunt, Michael W; Miles, Michael A
  • Extraordinary Trypanosoma cruzi diversity within single mammalian reservoir hosts implies a mechanism of diversifying selection. (2011) Llewellyn, Martin S; Rivett-Carnac, John B; Fitzpatrick, Sinead; Lewis, Michael D; Yeo, Matthew; Gaunt, Michael W; Miles, Michael A
  • Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) for lineage assignment and high resolution diversity studies in Trypanosoma cruzi. (2011) Yeo, Matthew; Mauricio, Isabel L; Messenger, Louisa A; Lewis, Michael D; Llewellyn, Martin S; Acosta, Nidia; Bhattacharyya, Tapan; Diosque, Patricio; Carrasco, Hernan J; Miles, Michael A
  • Invasion mechanisms among emerging food-borne protozoan parasites. (2011) Yoshida, Nobuko; Tyler, Kevin M; Llewellyn, Martin S
  • 2010
  • Analysis of molecular diversity of the Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigote small surface antigen reveals novel epitopes, evidence of positive selection and potential implications for lineage-specific serology. (2010) Bhattacharyya, Tapan; Brooks, Jessica; Yeo, Matthew; Carrasco, Hernan J; Lewis, Michael D; Llewellyn, Martin S; Miles, Michael A
  • Sex, subdivision, and domestic dispersal of Trypanosoma cruzi lineage I in southern Ecuador. (2010) Ocaña-Mayorga, Sofía; Llewellyn, Martin S; Costales, Jaime A; Miles, Michael A; Grijalva, Mario J
  • 2009
  • Flow cytometric analysis and microsatellite genotyping reveal extensive DNA content variation in Trypanosoma cruzi populations and expose contrasts between natural and experimental hybrids. (2009) Lewis, Michael D; Llewellyn, Martin S; Gaunt, Michael W; Yeo, Matthew; Carrasco, Hernán J; Miles, Michael A
  • Genotyping of Trypanosoma cruzi: systematic selection of assays allowing rapid and accurate discrimination of all known lineages. (2009) Lewis, Michael D; Ma, Jonathan; Yeo, Matthew; Carrasco, Hernán J; Llewellyn, Martin S; Miles, Michael A
  • Trypanosoma cruzi IIc: phylogenetic and phylogeographic insights from sequence and microsatellite analysis and potential impact on emergent Chagas disease. (2009) Llewellyn, Martin S; Lewis, Michael D; Acosta, Nidia; Yeo, Matthew; Carrasco, Hernan J; Segovia, Maikell; Vargas, Jorge; Torrico, Faustino; Miles, Michael A; Gaunt, Michael W
  • Genome-scale multilocus microsatellite typing of Trypanosoma cruzi discrete typing unit I reveals phylogeographic structure and specific genotypes linked to human infection. (2009) Llewellyn, Martin S; Miles, Michael A; Carrasco, Hernan J; Lewis, Michael D; Yeo, Matthew; Vargas, Jorge; Torrico, Faustino; Diosque, Patricio; Valente, Vera; Valente, Sebastiao A; Gaunt, Michael W
  • Comparative phylogeography of Trypanosoma cruzi TCIIc: new hosts, association with terrestrial ecotopes, and spatial clustering. (2009) Marcili, Arlei; Lima, Luciana; Valente, Vera C; Valente, Sebastião A; Batista, Jael S; Junqueira, Angela CV; Souza, Alda I; da Rosa, João A; Campaner, Marta; Lewis, Michael D; Llewellyn, Martin S; Miles, Michael A; Teixeira, Marta MG
  • The molecular epidemiology and phylogeography of Trypanosoma cruzi and parallel research on Leishmania: looking back and to the future. (2009) Miles, MA; Llewellyn, MS; Lewis, MD; Yeo, M; Baleela, R; Fitzpatrick, S; Gaunt, MW; Mauricio, IL
  • 2008
  • The molecular epidemiology of trypanosoma cruzi infection in wild and domestic transmission cycles with special emphasis on multilocus microsatellite analysis. (2008) Llewellyn, MS
  • 2006
  • Resolution of multiclonal infections of Trypanosoma cruzi from naturally infected triatomine bugs and from experimentally infected mice by direct plating on a sensitive solid medium. (2006) Yeo, Matthew; Lewis, Michael D; Carrasco, Hernan J; Acosta, Nidia; Llewellyn, Martin; da Silva Valente, Sebastião Aldo; de Costa Valente, Vera; de Arias, Antonieta Rojas; Miles, Michael A
  • 2005
  • Origins of Chagas disease: Didelphis species are natural hosts of Trypanosoma cruzi I and armadillos hosts of Trypanosoma cruzi II, including hybrids. (2005) Yeo, Matthew; Acosta, Nidia; Llewellyn, Martin; Sánchez, Humberto; Adamson, Susie; Miles, Graham AJ; López, Elsa; González, Nilsa; Patterson, James S; Gaunt, Michael W; de Arias, Antonieta Rojas; Miles, Michael A
  • 2004
  • Ecological constraints on diversification in a model adaptive radiation. (2004) Kassen, Rees; Llewellyn, Martin; Rainey, Paul B