Items where Author is "Marchant, Tanya"
Number of items: 106.
  • Impact on malaria morbidity of a programme supplying insecticide treated nets in children aged under 2 years in Tanzania: community cross sectional study. (2001) Abdulla, S; Schellenberg, JA; Nathan, R; Mukasa, O; Marchant, T; Smith, T; Tanner, M; Lengeler, C
  • Associations between increased intervention coverage for mothers and newborns and the number and quality of contacts between families and health workers: An analysis of cluster level repeat cross sectional survey data in Ethiopia. (2018) Allen, Elizabeth; Schellenberg, Joanna; Berhanu, Della; Cousens, Simon; Marchant, Tanya
  • Advances in the measurement of coverage for RMNCH and nutrition: from contact to effective coverage. (2019) Amouzou, Agbessi; Leslie, Hannah Hogan; Ram, Malathi; Fox, Monica; Jiwani, Safia S; Requejo, Jennifer; Marchant, Tanya; Munos, Melinda Kay; Vaz, Lara ME; Weiss, William; Hayashi, Chika; Boerma, Ties
  • Timing of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria during pregnancy and the implications of current policy on early uptake in north-east Tanzania. (2008) Anders, Katherine; Marchant, Tanya; Chambo, Pili; Mapunda, Pasiens; Reyburn, Hugh
  • Risk factors for child mortality in rural Tanzania. (2002) Armstrong Schellenberg, Joanna RM; Nathan, Rose; Abdulla, Salim; Mukasa, Oscar; Marchant, Tanya J; Tanner, Marcel; Lengeler, Christian
  • Equity in antenatal care quality: an analysis of 91 national household surveys. (2018) Arsenault, Catherine; Jordan, Keely; Lee, Dennis; Dinsa, Girmaye; Manzi, Fatuma; Marchant, Tanya; Kruk, Margaret E
  • Unpredictability dictates quality of maternal and newborn care provision in rural Tanzania-A qualitative study of health workers' perspectives. (2017) Baker, Ulrika; Hassan, Farida; Hanson, Claudia; Manzi, Fatuma; Marchant, Tanya; Swartling Peterson, Stefan; Hylander, Ingrid
  • Identifying implementation bottlenecks for maternal and newborn health interventions in rural districts of the United Republic of Tanzania. (2015) Baker, Ulrika; Peterson, Stefan; Marchant, Tanya; Mbaruku, Godfrey; Temu, Silas; Manzi, Fatuma; Hanson, Claudia
  • Health workers' experiences of collaborative quality improvement for maternal and newborn care in rural Tanzanian health facilities: A process evaluation using the integrated 'Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services' framework. (2018) Baker, Ulrika; Petro, Arafumin; Marchant, Tanya; Peterson, Stefan; Manzi, Fatuma; Bergström, Anna; Hanson, Claudia
  • Improving the quality of routine maternal and newborn data captured in primary health facilities in Gombe State, Northeastern Nigeria: a before-and-after study. (2020) Bhattacharya, Antoinette Alas; Allen, Elizabeth; Umar, Nasir; Audu, Ahmed; Felix, Habila; Schellenberg, Joanna; Marchant, Tanya
  • Monitoring childbirth care in primary health facilities: a validity study in Gombe State, northeastern Nigeria. (2019) Bhattacharya, Antoinette Alas; Allen, Elizabeth; Umar, Nasir; Usman, Adamu Umar; Felix, Habila; Audu, Ahmed; Schellenberg, Joanna Rm; Marchant, Tanya
  • Quality of routine facility data for monitoring priority maternal and newborn indicators in DHIS2: A case study from Gombe State, Nigeria. (2019) Bhattacharya, Antoinette Alas; Umar, Nasir; Audu, Ahmed; Felix, Habila; Allen, Elizabeth; Schellenberg, Joanna RM; Marchant, Tanya
  • Methodological considerations for linking household and healthcare provider data for estimating effective coverage: a systematic review. (2021) Carter, Emily D; Leslie, Hannah H; Marchant, Tanya; Amouzou, Agbessi; Munos, Melinda K picture_as_pdf
  • Responsiveness of emergency obstetric care systems in low- and middle-income countries: a critical review of the "third delay". (2013) Cavallaro, Francesca L; Marchant, Tanya J
  • A strategy for reducing maternal and newborn deaths by 2015 and beyond. (2013) Darmstadt, Gary L; Marchant, Tanya; Claeson, Mariam; Brown, Win; Morris, Saul; Donnay, France; Taylor, Mary; Ferguson, Rebecca; Voller, Shirine; Teela, Katherine C; Makowiecka, Krystyna; Hill, Zelee; Mangham-Jefferies, Lindsay; Avan, Bilal; Spicer, Neil; Engmann, Cyril; Twum-Danso, Nana; Somers, Kate; Kraushaar, Dan; Schellenberg, Joanna
  • Linking household and facility data for better coverage measures in reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health care: systematic review. (2016) Do, Mai; Micah, Angela; Brondi, Luciana; Campbell, Harry; Marchant, Tanya; Eisele, Thomas; Munos, Melinda
  • Newborn resuscitation in Gombe State, northeastern Nigeria. (2018) Exley, Josephine Lr; Umar, Nasir; Moxon, Sarah; Usman, Adamu Umar; Marchant, Tanya
  • Operationalising effective coverage measurement of facility based childbirth in Gombe State; a comparison of data sources. (2022) Exley, Josephine; Bhattacharya, Antoinette; Hanson, Claudia; Shuaibu, Abdulrahman; Umar, Nasir; Marchant, Tanya
  • A rapid systematic review and evidence synthesis of effective coverage measures and cascades for childbirth, newborn and child health in low- and middle-income countries. (2021) Exley, Josephine; Gupta, Prateek Anand; Schellenberg, Joanna; Strong, Kathleen L; Requejo, Jennifer Harris; Moller, Ann-Beth; Moran, Allisyn C; Marchant, Tanya; Child Health Accountability Tracking Technical Advisory Group (C
  • Provision of essential evidence-based interventions during facility-based childbirth: cross-sectional observations of births in northeast Nigeria. (2020) Exley, Josephine; Hanson, Claudia; Umar, Nasir; Willey, Barbara; Shuaibu, Abdulrahman; Marchant, Tanya
  • Inequalities in effective coverage measures: are we asking too much of the data? (2022) Exley, Josephine; Marchant, Tanya
  • Household demand for insecticide-treated bednets in Tanzania and policy options for increasing uptake. (2011) Gingrich, Chris D; Hanson, Kara G; Marchant, Tanya J; Mulligan, Jo-Ann; Mponda, Hadji
  • Price subsidies and the market for mosquito nets in developing countries: A study of Tanzania's discount voucher scheme. (2011) Gingrich, Chris D; Hanson, Kara; Marchant, Tanya; Mulligan, Jo-Ann; Mponda, Hadji
  • The Clean pilot study: evaluation of an environmental hygiene intervention bundle in three Tanzanian hospitals. (2021) Gon, Giorgia; Kabanywanyi, Abdunoor M; Blinkhoff, Petri; Cousens, Simon; Dancer, Stephanie J; Graham, Wendy J; Hokororo, Joseph; Manzi, Fatuma; Marchant, Tanya; Mkoka, Dickson; Morrison, Emma; Mswata, Sarah; Oza, Shefali; Penn-Kekana, Loveday; Sedekia, Yovitha; Virgo, Sandra; Woodd, Susannah; Aiken, Alexander M
  • Community-based approaches for neonatal survival: meta-analyses of randomized trial data. (2017) Hanson, Claudia; Kujala, Sanni; Waiswa, Peter; Marchant, Tanya; Schellenberg, Joanna
  • Effectiveness of a Home-Based Counselling Strategy on Neonatal Care and Survival: A Cluster-Randomised Trial in Six Districts of Rural Southern Tanzania. (2015) Hanson, Claudia; Manzi, Fatuma; Mkumbo, Elibariki; Shirima, Kizito; Penfold, Suzanne; Hill, Zelee; Shamba, Donat; Jaribu, Jennie; Hamisi, Yuna; Soremekun, Seyi; Cousens, Simon; Marchant, Tanya; Mshinda, Hassan; Schellenberg, David; Tanner, Marcel; Schellenberg, Joanna
  • Expanded Quality Management Using Information Power (EQUIP): protocol for a quasi-experimental study to improve maternal and newborn health in Tanzania and Uganda. (2014) Hanson, Claudia; Waiswa, Peter; Marchant, Tanya; Marx, Michael; Manzi, Fatuma; Mbaruku, Godfrey; Rowe, Alex; Tomson, Göran; Schellenberg, Joanna; Peterson, Stefan; EQUIP Study Team
  • Erratum to: Expanded Quality Management Using Information Power (EQUIP): protocol for a quasi-experimental study to improve maternal and newborn health in Tanzania and Uganda. (2015) Hanson, Claudia; Waiswa, Peter; Marchant, Tanya; Marx, Michael; Manzi, Fatuma; Mbaruku, Godfrey; Rowe, Alex; Tomson, Göran; Schellenberg, Joanna; Peterson, Stefan; EQUIP Study Team
  • Household ownership and use of insecticide treated nets among target groups after implementation of a national voucher programme in the United Republic of Tanzania: plausibility study using three annual cross sectional household surveys. (2009) Hanson, Kara; Marchant, Tanya; Nathan, Rose; Mponda, Hadji; Jones, Caroline; Bruce, Jane; Mshinda, Hassan; Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong
  • Vouchers for scaling up insecticide-treated nets in Tanzania: methods for monitoring and evaluation of a national health system intervention. (2008) Hanson, Kara; Nathan, Rose; Marchant, Tanya; Mponda, Hadji; Jones, Caroline; Bruce, Jane; Stephen, Godlove; Mulligan, Jo; Mshinda, Hassan; Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong
  • Mortality risk in preterm and small-for-gestational-age infants in low-income and middle-income countries: a pooled country analysis. (2013) Katz, Joanne; Lee, Anne Cc; Kozuki, Naoko; Lawn, Joy E; Cousens, Simon; Blencowe, Hannah; Ezzati, Majid; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Marchant, Tanya; Willey, Barbara A; Adair, Linda; Barros, Fernando; Baqui, Abdullah H; Christian, Parul; Fawzi, Wafaie; Gonzalez, Rogelio; Humphrey, Jean; Huybregts, Lieven; Kolsteren, Patrick; Mongkolchati, Aroonsri; Mullany, Luke C; Ndyomugyenyi, Richard; Nien, Jyh Kae; Osrin, David; Roberfroid, Dominique; Sania, Ayesha; Schmiegelow, Christentze; Silveira, Mariangela F; Tielsch, James; Vaidya, Anjana; Velaphi, Sithembiso C; Victora, Cesar G; Watson-Jones, Deborah; Black, Robert E; CHERG Small-for-Gestational-Age-Preterm Birth Working Group picture_as_pdf
  • High-quality health systems in the Sustainable Development Goals era: time for a revolution. (2018) Kruk, Margaret E; Gage, Anna D; Arsenault, Catherine; Jordan, Keely; Leslie, Hannah H; Roder-DeWan, Sanam; Adeyi, Olusoji; Barker, Pierre; Daelmans, Bernadette; Doubova, Svetlana V; English, Mike; García-Elorrio, Ezequiel; Guanais, Frederico; Gureje, Oye; Hirschhorn, Lisa R; Jiang, Lixin; Kelley, Edward; Lemango, Ephrem Tekle; Liljestrand, Jerker; Malata, Address; Marchant, Tanya; Matsoso, Malebona Precious; Meara, John G; Mohanan, Manoj; Ndiaye, Youssoupha; Norheim, Ole F; Reddy, K Srinath; Rowe, Alexander K; Salomon, Joshua A; Thapa, Gagan; Twum-Danso, Nana AY; Pate, Muhammad
  • The Lancet Global Health Commission on High Quality Health Systems-where's the complexity? - Authors' reply. (2017) Kruk, Margaret E; Marchant, Tanya; Doubova, Svetlana; Leslie, Hannah H; Pate, Muhammad
  • Stated job preferences of three health worker cadres in Ethiopia: a discrete choice experiment. (2021) Lamba, Shyam; Arora, Nikita; Keraga, Dorka Woldesenbet; Kiflie, Abiyou; Jembere, Birkety Mengistu; Berhanu, Della; Dubale, Mehret; Marchant, Tanya; Schellenberg, Joanna; Umar, Nasir; Estafinos, Abiy Seifu; Quaife, Matthew
  • National and regional estimates of term and preterm babies born small for gestational age in 138 low-income and middle-income countries in 2010. (2013) Lee, ACC; Katz, J; Blencowe, H; Cousens, S; Kozuki, N; Vogel, JP; Adair, L; Baqui, AH; Bhutta, ZA; Caulfield, LE; Christian, P; Clarke, SE; Ezzati, M; Fawzi, W; Gonzalez, R; Huybregts, L; Kariuki, S; Kolsteren, P; Lusingu, J; Marchant, T; Merialdi, M; Mongkolchati, A; Mullany, LC; Ndirangu, J; Newell, ML; Nien, JK; Osrin, D; Roberfroid, D; Rosen, HE; Sania, A; Silveira, MF; Tielsch, J; Vaidya, A; Willey, BA; Lawn, JE; Black, RE
  • National and regional estimates of term and preterm babies born small for gestational age in 138 low-income and middle-income countries in 2010. (2013) Lee, Anne CC; Katz, Joanne; Blencowe, Hannah; Cousens, Simon; Kozuki, Naoko; Vogel, Joshua P; Adair, Linda; Baqui, Abdullah H; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Caulfield, Laura E; Christian, Parul; Clarke, Siân E; Ezzati, Majid; Fawzi, Wafaie; Gonzalez, Rogelio; Huybregts, Lieven; Kariuki, Simon; Kolsteren, Patrick; Lusingu, John; Marchant, Tanya; Merialdi, Mario; Mongkolchati, Aroonsri; Mullany, Luke C; Ndirangu, James; Newell, Marie-Louise; Nien, Jyh Kae; Osrin, David; Roberfroid, Dominique; Rosen, Heather E; Sania, Ayesha; Silveira, Mariangela F; Tielsch, James; Vaidya, Anjana; Willey, Barbara A; Lawn, Joy E; Black, Robert E; CHERG SGA-Preterm Birth Working Group
  • Health systems thinking: A new generation of research to improve healthcare quality. (2018) Leslie, Hannah H; Hirschhorn, Lisa R; Marchant, Tanya; Doubova, Svetlana V; Gureje, Oye; Kruk, Margaret E
  • Characterising innovations in maternal and newborn health based on a common theory of change: lessons from developing and applying a characterisation framework in Nigeria, Ethiopia and India. (2019) Makowiecka, Krystyna; Marchant, Tanya; Betemariam, Wuleta; Chaturvedi, Anuraag; Jana, Laboni; Liman, Audu; Mathewos, Bereket; Muhammad, Fatima B; Semrau, Katherine; Wunnava, Sita Shankar; Sibley, Lynn M; Berhanu, Della; Gautham, Meenakshi; Umar, Nasir; Spicer, Neil; Schellenberg, Joanna
  • Harnessing the health systems strengthening potential of quality improvement using realist evaluation: an example from southern Tanzania. (2020) Manzi, Fatuma; Marchant, Tanya; Hanson, Claudia; Schellenberg, Joanna; Mkumbo, Elibariki; Mlaguzi, Mwanaidi; Tancred, Tara
  • Anaemia during pregnancy in southern Tanzania. (2002) Marchant, T; Armstrong Schellenberg, JRM; Edgar, T; Ronsmans, C; Nathan, R; Abdulla, S; Mukasa, O; Urassa, H; Lengeler, C
  • Coverage and equity of maternal and newborn health care in rural Nigeria, Ethiopia and India. (2019) Marchant, Tanya; Beaumont, Emma; Makowiecka, Krystyna; Berhanu, Della; Tessema, Tsegahun; Gautham, Meenakshi; Singh, Kultar; Umar, Nasir; Usman, Adamu Umar; Tomlin, Keith; Cousens, Simon; Allen, Elizabeth; Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong picture_as_pdf
  • Advancing measurement and monitoring of reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health and nutrition: global and country perspectives. (2019) Marchant, Tanya; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Black, Robert; Grove, John; Kyobutungi, Catherine; Peterson, Stefan
  • Measurement and accountability for maternal, newborn and child health: fit for 2030? (2020) Marchant, Tanya; Boerma, Ties; Diaz, Theresa; Huicho, Luis; Kyobutungi, Catherine; Mershon, Claire-Helene; Schellenberg, Joanna; Somers, Kate; Waiswa, Peter; Nairobi Group
  • Improved measurement for mothers, newborns and children in the era of the Sustainable Development Goals. (2016) Marchant, Tanya; Bryce, Jennifer; Victora, Cesar; Moran, Allisyn C; Claeson, Mariam; Requejo, Jennifer; Amouzou, Agbessi; Walker, Neff; Boerma, Ties; Grove, John
  • Timing of delivery of malaria preventive interventions in pregnancy: results from the Tanzania national voucher programme. (2011) Marchant, Tanya; Hanson, Kara; Nathan, Rose; Mponda, Hadji; Bruce, Jane; Jones, Caroline; Sedekia, Yovitha; Mshinda, Hassan; Schellenberg, Joanna
  • Measuring newborn foot length to identify small babies in need of extra care: a cross sectional hospital based study with community follow-up in Tanzania. (2010) Marchant, Tanya; Jaribu, Jennie; Penfold, Suzanne; Tanner, Marcel; Armstrong Schellenberg, Joanna picture_as_pdf
  • Individual, facility and policy level influences on national coverage estimates for intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy in Tanzania. (2008) Marchant, Tanya; Nathan, Rose; Jones, Caroline; Mponda, Hadji; Bruce, Jane; Sedekia, Yovitha; Schellenberg, Joanna; Mshinda, Hassan; Hanson, Kara
  • The reliability of a newborn foot length measurement tool used by community volunteers to identify low birth weight or premature babies born at home in southern Tanzania. (2014) Marchant, Tanya; Penfold, Suzanne; Mkumbo, Elibariki; Shamba, Donat; Jaribu, Jennie; Manzi, Fatuma; Schellenberg, Joanna
  • Assessment of a national voucher scheme to deliver insecticide-treated mosquito nets to pregnant women. (2010) Marchant, Tanya; Schellenberg, David; Nathan, Rose; Armstrong-Schellenberg, Joanna; Mponda, Hadji; Jones, Caroline; Sedekia, Yovitha; Bruce, Jane; Hanson, Kara
  • Measuring skilled attendance at birth using linked household, health facility, and health worker surveys in Ethiopia, northeast Nigeria, and Uttar Pradesh, India. (2013) Marchant, Tanya; Schellenberg, Joanna
  • Socially marketed insecticide-treated nets improve malaria and anaemia in pregnancy in southern Tanzania. (2002) Marchant, Tanya; Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong; Edgar, Tabitha; Nathan, Rose; Abdulla, Salim; Mukasa, Oscar; Mponda, Hadji; Lengeler, Christian
  • Anaemia in pregnancy and infant mortality in Tanzania. (2004) Marchant, Tanya; Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong; Nathan, Rose; Abdulla, Salim; Mukasa, Oscar; Mshinda, Hassan; Lengeler, Christian
  • The use of continuous surveys to generate and continuously report high quality timely maternal and newborn health data at the district level in Tanzania and Uganda. (2014) Marchant, Tanya; Schellenberg, Joanna; Peterson, Stefan; Manzi, Fatuma; Waiswa, Peter; Hanson, Claudia; Temu, Silas; Darious, Kajjo; Sedekia, Yovitha; Akuze, Joseph; Rowe, Alexander K; EQUIP Study Group
  • Adding content to contacts: measurement of high quality contacts for maternal and newborn health in Ethiopia, north east Nigeria, and Uttar Pradesh, India. (2015) Marchant, Tanya; Tilley-Gyado, Ritgak Dimka; Tessema, Tsegahun; Singh, Kultar; Gautham, Meenakshi; Umar, Nasir; Berhanu, Della; Cousens, Simon; Armstrong Schellenberg, Joanna RM
  • Neonatal mortality risk associated with preterm birth in East Africa, adjusted by weight for gestational age: individual participant level meta-analysis. (2012) Marchant, Tanya; Willey, Barbara; Katz, Joanne; Clarke, Siân; Kariuki, Simon; ter Kuile, Feiko; Lusingu, John; Ndyomugyenyi, Richard; Schmiegelow, Christentze; Watson-Jones, Deborah; Armstrong Schellenberg, Joanna
  • Measuring coverage of essential maternal and newborn care interventions: An unfinished agenda to define the data matrix for action in maternal and newborn health. (2017) Moran, Allisyn; Marchant, Tanya
  • Count every newborn; a measurement improvement roadmap for coverage data. (2015) Moxon, Sarah G; Ruysen, Harriet; Kerber, Kate J; Amouzou, Agbessi; Fournier, Suzanne; Grove, John; Moran, Allisyn C; Vaz, Lara ME; Blencowe, Hannah; Conroy, Niall; Gülmezoglu, A; Vogel, Joshua P; Rawlins, Barbara; Sayed, Rubayet; Hill, Kathleen; Vivio, Donna; Qazi, Shamim A; Sitrin, Deborah; Seale, Anna C; Wall, Steve; Jacobs, Troy; Ruiz Peláez, Juan; Guenther, Tanya; Coffey, Patricia S; Dawson, Penny; Marchant, Tanya; Waiswa, Peter; Deorari, Ashok; Enweronu-Laryea, Christabel; Arifeen, Shams; Lee, Anne CC; Mathai, Matthews; Lawn, Joy E
  • Bypassing or successful referral? A population-based study of reasons why women travel far for childbirth in Eastern Uganda. (2020) Mubiri, Paul; Kajjo, Darious; Okuga, Monica; Marchant, Tanya; Peterson, Stefan; Waiswa, Peter; Hanson, Claudia
  • Validation studies for population-based intervention coverage indicators: design, analysis, and interpretation. (2018) Munos, Melinda K; Blanc, Ann K; Carter, Emily D; Eisele, Thomas P; Gesuale, Steve; Katz, Joanne; Marchant, Tanya; Stanton, Cynthia K; Campbell, Harry; Improving Coverage Measurement Group
  • Identifying high-risk babies born in the community using foot length measurement at birth in Uganda. (2013) Nabiwemba, E; Marchant, T; Namazzi, G; Kadobera, D; Waiswa, P
  • Knowledge of malaria influences the use of insecticide treated nets but not intermittent presumptive treatment by pregnant women in Tanzania. (2004) Nganda, Rhoida Y; Drakeley, Chris; Reyburn, Hugh; Marchant, Tanya
  • How valid are women's reports of the antenatal health services they receive from Community Health Workers in Gombe State north-eastern Nigeria? (2022) Olal, Emmanuel; Umar, Nasir; Anyanti, Jennifer; Hill, Zelee; Marchant, Tanya
  • From Theory to Implementation: Adaptations to a Quality Improvement Initiative According to Implementation Context. (2021) Olaniran, Abimbola A; Oludipe, Modupe; Hill, Zelee; Ogunyemi, Adedoyin; Umar, Nasir; Ohiri, Kelechi; Schellenberg, Joanna; Marchant, Tanya
  • Influence of context on quality improvement priorities: a qualitative study of three facility types in Lagos State, Nigeria. (2022) Olaniran, Abimbola Ayodele; Oludipe, Modupe; Hill, Zelee; Ogunyemi, Adedoyin; Umar, Nasir; Ayorinde, Rebecca; Ohiri, Kelechi; Schellenberg, Joanna; Marchant, Tanya
  • Effect of home-based counselling on newborn care practices in southern Tanzania one year after implementation: a cluster-randomised controlled trial. (2014) Penfold, Suzanne; Manzi, Fatuma; Mkumbo, Elibariki; Temu, Silas; Jaribu, Jennie; Shamba, Donat D; Mshinda, Hassan; Cousens, Simon; Marchant, Tanya; Tanner, Marcel; Schellenberg, David; Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong
  • Staff experiences of providing maternity services in rural southern Tanzania - a focus on equipment, drug and supply issues. (2013) Penfold, Suzanne; Shamba, Donat; Hanson, Claudia; Jaribu, Jennie; Manzi, Fatuma; Marchant, Tanya; Tanner, Marcel; Ramsey, Kate; Schellenberg, David; Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong
  • Changes in health worker knowledge and motivation in the context of a quality improvement programme in Ethiopia. (2021) Quaife, Matthew; Estafinos, Abiy Seifu; Keraga, Dorka Woldesenbet; Lohmann, Julia; Hill, Zelee; Kiflie, Abiyou; Marchant, Tanya; Borghi, Josephine; Schellenberg, Joanna
  • Contextual factors in maternal and newborn health evaluation: a protocol applied in Nigeria, India and Ethiopia. (2018) Sabot, K; Marchant, T; Spicer, N; Berhanu, D; Gautham, M; Umar, N; Schellenberg, J
  • Contextual factors in maternal and newborn health evaluation: a protocol applied in Nigeria, India and Ethiopia. (2018) Sabot, Kate; Marchant, Tanya; Spicer, Neil; Berhanu, Della; Gautham, Meenakshi; Umar, Nasir; Schellenberg, Joanna
  • Measurement of delayed bathing and early initiation of breastfeeding: a cross-sectional survey exploring experiences of data collectors in Ethiopia. (2015) Salasibew, Mihretab Melesse; Dinsa, Girmaye; Berhanu, Della; Filteau, Suzanne; Marchant, Tanya
  • A qualitative study exploring newborn care behaviours after home births in rural Ethiopia: implications for adoption of essential interventions for saving newborn lives. (2014) Salasibew, Mihretab Melesse; Filteau, Suzanne; Marchant, Tanya
  • Measurement of breastfeeding initiation: Ethiopian mothers' perception about survey questions assessing early initiation of breastfeeding. (2014) Salasibew, Mihretab Melesse; Filteau, Suzanne; Marchant, Tanya
  • Effect of large-scale social marketing of insecticide-treated nets on child survival in rural Tanzania. (2001) Schellenberg, JR; Abdulla, S; Nathan, R; Mukasa, O; Marchant, TJ; Kikumbih, N; Mushi, AK; Mponda, H; Minja, H; Mshinda, H; Tanner, M; Lengeler, C
  • Re-treatment of mosquito nets with insecticide. (2002) Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong; Minja, Happiness; Mponda, Haji; Kikumbih, Nassor; Mushi, Adiel; Nathan, Rose; Abdulla, Salim; Mukasa, Oscar; Marchant, Tanya J; Tanner, Marcel; Lengeler, Christian
  • Using contraceptives to delay first birth: a qualitative study of individual, community and health provider perceptions in southern Tanzania. (2017) Sedekia, Yovitha; Jones, Caroline; Nathan, Rose; Schellenberg, Joanna; Marchant, Tanya
  • Delaying first birth: an analysis of household survey data from rural Southern Tanzania. (2017) Sedekia, Yovitha; Nathan, Rose; Church, Kathryn; Temu, Silas; Hanson, Claudia; Schellenberg, Joanna; Marchant, Tanya
  • Clean home-delivery in rural Southern Tanzania: barriers, influencers, and facilitators. (2013) Shamba, Donat D; Schellenberg, Joanna; Penfold, Suzanne C; Mashasi, Irene; Mrisho, Mwifadhi; Manzi, Fatuma; Marchant, Tanya; Tanner, Marcel; Mshinda, Hassan; Schellenberg, David; Hill, Zelee
  • Thermal care for newborn babies in rural southern Tanzania: a mixed-method study of barriers, facilitators and potential for behaviour change. (2014) Shamba, Donat; Schellenberg, Joanna; Hildon, Zoe Jane-Lara; Mashasi, Irene; Penfold, Suzanne; Tanner, Marcel; Marchant, Tanya; Hill, Zelee
  • Bibliometric analysis of authorship patterns in publications from a research group at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, 2016-2020. (2023) Shambe, Iornum; Thomas, Katherine; Bradley, John; Marchant, Tanya; Weiss, Helen A; Webb, Emily L
  • How people-centred health systems can reach the grassroots: experiences implementing community-level quality improvement in rural Tanzania and Uganda. (2014) Tancred, T; Mandu, R; Hanson, C; Okuga, M; Manzi, F; Peterson, S; Schellenberg, J; Waiswa, P; Marchant, T; Team, TES
  • How people-centred health systems can reach the grassroots: experiences implementing community-level quality improvement in rural Tanzania and Uganda. (2014) Tancred, Tara; Mandu, Rogers; Hanson, Claudia; Okuga, Monica; Manzi, Fatuma; Peterson, Stefan; Schellenberg, Joanna; Waiswa, Peter; Marchant, Tanya; EQUIP Study Team
  • Facilitators and Barriers of Community-Level Quality Improvement for Maternal and Newborn Health in Tanzania. (2016) Tancred, Tara; Manzi, Fatuma; Schellenberg, Joanna; Marchant, Tanya
  • Birth preparedness and place of birth in Tandahimba district, Tanzania: what women prepare for birth, where they go to deliver, and why. (2016) Tancred, Tara; Marchant, Tanya; Hanson, Claudia; Schellenberg, Joanna; Manzi, Fatuma
  • Using mixed methods to evaluate perceived quality of care in southern Tanzania. (2016) Tancred, Tara; Schellenberg, Joanna; Marchant, Tanya description
  • Assessing capacity of health facilities to provide routine maternal and newborn care in low-income settings: what proportions are ready to provide good-quality care, and what proportions of women receive it? (2020) Tomlin, Keith; Berhanu, Della; Gautham, Meenakshi; Umar, Nasir; Schellenberg, Joanna; Wickremasinghe, Deepthi; Marchant, Tanya
  • Assessing capacity of health facilities to provide routine maternal and newborn care in low-income settings: what proportions are ready to provide good-quality care, and what proportions of women receive it? (2020) Tomlin, Keith; Berhanu, Della; Gautham, Meenakshi; Umar, Nasir; Schellenberg, Joanna; Wickremasinghe, Deepthi; Marchant, Tanya
  • Toward improving respectful maternity care: a discrete choice experiment with rural women in northeast Nigeria. (2020) Umar, Nasir; Quaife, Matthew; Exley, Josephine; Shuaibu, Abdulrahman; Hill, Zelee; Marchant, Tanya
  • To call or not to call: exploring the validity of telephone interviews to derive maternal self-reports of experiences with facility childbirth care in northern Nigeria. (2022) Umar, Nasir; Schellenberg, Joanna; Hill, Zelee; Bhattacharya, Antoinette Alas; Muzigaba, Moise; Tunçalp, Özge; Sambo, Nuraddeen Umar; Shuaibu, Abdulrahman; Marchant, Tanya
  • Understanding mistreatment during institutional delivery in Northeast Nigeria: a mixed-method study. (2019) Umar, Nasir; Wickremasinghe, Deepthi; Hill, Zelee; Usman, Umar Adamu; Marchant, Tanya
  • Effects of the EQUIP quasi-experimental study testing a collaborative quality improvement approach for maternal and newborn health care in Tanzania and Uganda. (2017) Waiswa, P; Manzi, F; Mbaruku, G; Rowe, AK; Marx, M; Tomson, G; Marchant, T; Willey, BA; Schellenberg, J; Peterson, S; Hanson, C; EQUIP study team
  • 'A seamless transition': how to sustain a community health worker scheme within the health system of Gombe state, northeast Nigeria. (2021) Wickremasinghe, Deepthi; Alkali Hamza, Yashua; Umar, Nasir; Willey, Barbara; Okolo, Magdalene; Gana, Ahmed; Shuaibu, Abdulrahman; Anyanti, Jennifer; Marchant, Tanya; Spicer, Neil
  • Improving maternal and newborn health services in Northeast Nigeria through a government-led partnership of stakeholders: a quasi-experimental study. (2022) Willey, Barbara; Umar, Nasir; Beaumont, Emma; Allen, Elizabeth; Anyanti, Jennifer; Bello, Abubakar Bala; Bhattacharya, Antoinette; Exley, Josephine; Makowiecka, Krystyna; Okolo, Magdalene; Sani, Rabi; Schellenberg, Joanna; Spicer, Neil; Usman, Umar Adamu; Gana, Ahmed Mohammed; Shuaibu, Abdulrahman; Marchant, Tanya
  • Linking data sources for measurement of effective coverage in maternal and newborn health: what do we learn from individual- vs ecological-linking methods? (2018) Willey, Barbara; Waiswa, Peter; Kajjo, Darious; Munos, Melinda; Akuze, Joseph; Allen, Elizabeth; Marchant, Tanya
  • Book Section
  • Ifakara DSS, Tanzania. (2002) Armstrong Schellenberg, JRM; Mukasa, O; Abdulla, S; Marchant, T; Lengeler, C; Kikumbih, N; Mshinda, H; Nathan, R
  • Monograph
  • Informed Decisions for Actions in Maternal and Newborn Health 2010–17 Report What works, why and how in maternal and newborn health. (2017) Allen, E; Avan, B; Beaumont, E; Becker, A; Berhanu, D; Gautham, M; Hill, Z; Lyons, A; Makowiecka, K; Marchant, T; Sabot, K; Schellenberg, J; Spicer, N; Umar, N; Voller, S; Welsh, S; Wickremasinghe, D
  • The Centre for Maternal, Adolsecent, Reporoductive & Child Health (MARCH) Report. (2014) Lawn, Joy; Marchant, Tanya; Ross, David; Marston, Cicely; Filippi, V; Chico, Matthew; Yeung, Shunmay
  • The Pathway to Improved Maternal and Newborn Health Outcomes: Use of data for maternal and newborn health in Gombe State, Nigeria. (2016) Makowiecka, Krystyna
  • Conference or Workshop Item
  • The Tanzanian National Voucher Scheme (Tnvs): Evidence on Core Bednet and Malaria Indicators for Pregnant Women and Infants after Three Years of Implementation. (2008) Marchant, TJ; Hanson, K; Nathan, R; Bruce, J; Mponda, H; Jones, C; Schellenberg, JA
  • Measurement, learning and evaluation for maternal and newborn health - IDEAS satellite session presentation at the Fourth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research. (2016) Schellenberg, Joanna; Marchant, Tanya; Makowiecka, Krystyna; Spicer, Neil; Avan, Bilal desktop_windows
  • Thesis
  • Evaluating the quality of routine data in primary health facilities for monitoring maternal and newborn care in Gombe State, northeastern Nigeria. (2021) Bhattacharya, AA
  • Measuring effective coverage of facility-based childbirth care: a case study from northeast Nigeria. (2022) Exley, J
  • Measurement of early initiation of breastfeeding: a mixed methods study exploring accuracy, challenges and implications for tracking newborn health targets. (2015) Salasibew, Mihretab
  • Family planning services in rural southern Tanzania for women who would like to delay their first birth: a mixed method study. (2018) Sedekia, Yovitha
  • Implementation of community-level quality improvement in southeastern Tanzania: a mixed methods process evaluation of what worked, what didn't, and why? (2016) Tancred, T
  • Video
  • Maternal and Newborn Care in Ethiopia, Nigeria and India. (2016) Marchant, Tanya; Williams, Rhys
  • ['eprint_typename_podcast' not defined]
  • Tanzanian Women And Babies Study Shows How To Improve Mosquito Net... - 2 February 2010. (2010) UNSPECIFIED audio_file