Items where Author is "Aunger, Robert"
Number of items: 66.
  • What's special about human technology? (2010) Aunger, R
  • Types of technology. (2010) Aunger, Robert
  • Major transitions in ‘big’ history. (2007) Aunger, Robert
  • A rigorous periodization of ‘big’ history. (2007) Aunger, Robert
  • Tooth brushing as routine behaviour. (2007) Aunger, Robert
  • Culture evolves only if there is cultural inheritance. (2006) Aunger, Robert
  • Exposure versus Susceptibility in the Epidemiology of "Everyday" Beliefs. (2002) Aunger, Robert
  • Toward a Model of Situations and Their Context. (2020) Aunger, Robert
  • Behaviour Centred Design: towards an applied science of behaviour change. (2016) Aunger, Robert; Curtis, Valerie
  • Unintentional behaviour change. (2014) Aunger, Robert; Curtis, Valerie
  • Kinds of behaviour. (2008) Aunger, Robert; Curtis, Valerie
  • Psychometric Analysis of a Postulated Set of Evolved Human Motives. (2021) Aunger, Robert; Foster, Dugald; Curtis, Val
  • The Determinants of Reported Personal and Household Hygiene Behaviour: A Multi-Country Study. (2016) Aunger, Robert; Greenland, Katie; Ploubidis, George; Schmidt, Wolf; Oxford, John; Curtis, Valerie
  • Three kinds of psychological determinants for hand-washing behaviour in Kenya. (2009) Aunger, Robert; Schmidt, Wolf-Peter; Ranpura, Ashish; Coombes, Yolande; Maina, Peninnah Mukiri; Matiko, Carol Nkatha; Curtis, Valerie
  • Effect of a behaviour-change intervention on handwashing with soap in India (SuperAmma): a cluster-randomised trial. (2014) Biran, Adam; Schmidt, Wolf-Peter; Varadharajan, Kiruba Sankar; Rajaraman, Divya; Kumar, Raja; Greenland, Katie; Gopalan, Balaji; Aunger, Robert; Curtis, Val
  • A cluster-randomised trial to evaluate an intervention to promote handwashing in rural Nigeria. (2020) Biran, Adam; White, S; Awe, B; Greenland, K; Akabike, K; Chuktu, N; Aunger, R; Curtis, V; Schmidt, W; Van der Voorden, C
  • The social dynamics around shared sanitation in an informal settlement of Lusaka, Zambia. (2019) Chipungu, Jenala; Tidwell, James B; Chilengi, Roma; Curtis, Valerie; Aunger, Robert
  • Independent origins of Indian caste and tribal paternal lineages. (2004) Cordaux, Richard; Aunger, Robert; Bentley, Gillian; Nasidze, Ivane; Sirajuddin, SM; Stoneking, Mark
  • Y-STR haplotypes from eight south Indian groups based on five loci. (2004) Cordaux, Richard; Bentley, Gillian; Aunger, Robert; Sirajuddin, SM; Stoneking, Mark
  • Evidence that disgust evolved to protect from risk of disease. (2004) Curtis, Val; Aunger, Robert; Rabie, Tamer
  • Behaviour settings theory applied to domestic water use in Nigeria: A new conceptual tool for the study of routine behaviour. (2019) Curtis, Val; Dreibelbis, Robert; Buxton, Helen; Izang, Nancy; Adekunle, Dara; Aunger, Robert
  • How to set up government-led national hygiene communication campaigns to combat COVID-19: a strategic blueprint. (2020) Curtis, Val; Dreibelbis, Robert; Sidibe, Myriam; Cardosi, Jason; Sara, Jennifer; Bonell, Chris; Mwambuli, Kaposo; Ghosh Moulik, Soma; White, Sian; Aunger, Robert
  • Planned, motivated and habitual hygiene behaviour: an eleven country review. (2009) Curtis, Valerie A; Danquah, Lisa O; Aunger, Robert V
  • Disgust as an adaptive system for disease avoidance behaviour. (2011) Curtis, Valerie; de Barra, Mícheál; Aunger, Robert
  • Theory-driven formative research to inform the design of a national sanitation campaign in Tanzania. (2019) Czerniewska, Alexandra; Muangi, Winnie C; Aunger, Robert; Massa, Khalid; Curtis, Val
  • Sensor recorded changes in rates of hand washing with soap in response to the media reports of the H1N1 pandemic in Britain. (2011) Fleischman, Diana S; Webster, Gregory D; Judah, Gaby; de Barra, Mícheál; Aunger, Robert; Curtis, Valerie A
  • A Practical Guide to Using Time-and-Motion Methods to Monitor Compliance With Hand Hygiene Guidelines: Experience From Tanzanian Labor Wards. (2020) Gon, Giorgia; Ali, Said M; Aunger, Robert; Campbell, Oona M; de Barra, Mícheál; de Bruin, Marijn; Juma, Mohammed; Nash, Stephen; Tajo, Amour; Westbrook, Johanna; Woodd, Susannah; Graham, Wendy J
  • The context and practice of handwashing among new mothers in Serang, Indonesia: a formative research study. (2013) Greenland, Katie; Iradati, Endang; Ati, Abigael; Maskoen, Yanti Yulianti; Aunger, Robert
  • Experimental pretesting of hand-washing interventions in a natural setting. (2009) Judah, Gaby; Aunger, Robert; Schmidt, Wolf-Peter; Michie, Susan; Granger, Stewart; Curtis, Val
  • Forming a flossing habit: an exploratory study of the psychological determinants of habit formation. (2013) Judah, Gaby; Gardner, Benjamin; Aunger, Robert
  • Exploratory study of the impact of perceived reward on habit formation. (2018) Judah, Gaby; Gardner, Benjamin; Kenward, Michael G; DeStavola, Bianca; Aunger, Robert
  • The development and validation of a Real Time Location System to reliably monitor everyday activities in natural contexts. (2017) Judah, Gaby; de Witt Huberts, Jessie; Drassal, Allan; Aunger, Robert
  • The evolution of the human healthcare system and implications for understanding our responses to COVID-19. (2022) Kessler, Sharon E; Aunger, Robert
  • Causal chain mapping: a novel method to analyse treatment compliance decisions relating to lymphatic filariasis elimination in Alor, Indonesia. (2012) Krentel, Alison; Aunger, Robert
  • Evaluation of a behavior-centered design strategy for creating demand for oral PrEP among young women in Cape Town, South Africa. (2020) Morton, Jennifer F; Myers, Laura; Gill, Katherine; Bekker, Linda-Gail; Stein, Gabrielle; Thomas, Katherine K; Duyver, Menna; van der Straten, Ariane; McConnell, Margaret; Aunger, Robert; Curtis, Valerie; de Witt Huberts, Jessie; Van Damme, Lut; Baeten, Jared M; Celum, Connie
  • Implementing effective hygiene promotion: lessons from the process evaluation of an intervention to promote handwashing with soap in rural India. (2014) Rajaraman, Divya; Varadharajan, Kiruba Sankar; Greenland, Katie; Curtis, Val; Kumar, Raja; Schmidt, Wolf-Peter; Aunger, Robert; Biran, Adam
  • Serotonin--a link between disgust and immunity? (2007) Rubio-Godoy, M; Aunger, R; Curtis, V
  • The effect of behavioural interventions targeting hand hygiene practices among nurses in high-income hospital settings: a systematic review. (2020) Sands, Madeline; Aiken, Alexander M; Cumming, Oliver; Aunger, Robert
  • Determinants of hand hygiene compliance among nurses in US hospitals: A formative research study. (2020) Sands, Madeline; Aunger, Robert
  • Development of a behaviour change intervention using a theory-based approach, Behaviour Centred Design, to increase nurses' hand hygiene compliance in the US hospitals. (2021) Sands, Madeline; Aunger, Robert
  • Determinants of handwashing practices in Kenya: the role of media exposure, poverty and infrastructure. (2009) Schmidt, Wolf-Peter; Aunger, Robert; Coombes, Yolande; Maina, Peninnah Mukiri; Matiko, Carol Nkatha; Biran, Adam; Curtis, Val
  • Cluster-randomised trial to test the effect of a behaviour change intervention on toilet use in rural India: results and methodological considerations. (2020) Schmidt, Wolf-Peter; Chauhan, Kavita; Bhavsar, Priya; Yasobant, Sandul; Patwardhan, Vaibhav; Aunger, Robert; Mavalankar, Dileep; Saxena, Deepak; Curtis, Val
  • Marketing hygiene behaviours: the impact of different communication channels on reported handwashing behaviour of women in Ghana. (2007) Scott, Beth E; Schmidt, Wolf P; Aunger, Robert; Garbrah-Aidoo, Nana; Animashaun, Rasaaque
  • Effect of a behaviour change intervention on the quality of peri-urban sanitation in Lusaka, Zambia: a randomised controlled trial. (2019) Tidwell, James B; Chipungu, Jenala; Bosomprah, Samuel; Aunger, Robert; Curtis, Val; Chilengi, Roma
  • Assessing peri-urban sanitation quality using a theoretically derived composite measure in Lusaka, Zambia. (2018) Tidwell, James B; Chipungu, Jenala; Chilengi, Roma; Aunger, Robert
  • Using a theory-driven creative process to design a peri-urban on-site sanitation quality improvement intervention. (2019) Tidwell, James B; Chipungu, Jenala; Chilengi, Roma; Curtis, Val; Aunger, Robert
  • Theory-driven formative research on on-site, shared sanitation quality improvement among landlords and tenants in peri-urban Lusaka, Zambia. (2018) Tidwell, James B; Chipungu, Jenala; Chilengi, Roma; Curtis, Valerie; Aunger, Robert
  • Understanding demand for higher quality sanitation in peri-urban Lusaka, Zambia through stated and revealed preference analysis. (2019) Tidwell, James B; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Quaife, Matthew; Aunger, Robert
  • Child handwashing in an internally displaced persons camp in Northern Iraq: A qualitative multi-method exploration of motivational drivers and other handwashing determinants. (2020) Watson, Julie; Cumming, Oliver; Aunger, Robert; Deola, Claudio; Chase, Rachel P; Dreibelbis, Robert
  • Child's play: Harnessing play and curiosity motives to improve child handwashing in a humanitarian setting. (2018) Watson, Julie; Dreibelbis, Robert; Aunger, Robert; Deola, Claudio; King, Katrice; Long, Susan; Chase, Rachel P; Cumming, Oliver
  • Book Section
  • Conclusion. (2001) Aunger, R
  • Introduction. (2001) Aunger, R
  • What's the matter with memes? (2006) Aunger, R
  • Cultural transmission and diffusion. (2003) Aunger, R
  • The Evo-Eco approach to behaviour change. (2014) Aunger, R; Curtis, V
  • Motivational mismatch: evolved motives as the source of - and solution to - global public health problems. (2011) Curtis, V; Aunger, R
  • Motivational mismatch: evolved motives as the source of - and solution to - global public health problems. (2011) Curtis, V; Aunger, R
  • Monograph
  • Consolidating Behaviour Change Theory. (2007) Aunger, R; Curtis, V
  • What do we know about handwashing practices?A review of the results of ten formative research studies. (2007) Curtis, V; Danquah, L; Aunger, R
  • Book
  • The Electric Meme: A New Theory of How We Think. (2002) Aunger, R
  • Reflexive Ethnographic Science. (2003) Aunger, R
  • Gaining control: how human behaviour evolved. (2015) Aunger, R; Curtis, V
  • Thesis
  • An Investigation into the Psychological Determinants of Health Habit Formation. (2015) Judah, GD
  • Developing and Evaluating A Novel Intervention to Improve the Hand Hygiene Behaviour of Nurses In Acute Care Hospital Units in the United States. (2020) Sands, M
  • Creating Demand for Peri-Urban Sanitation in Lusaka, Zambia. (2018) Tidwell, JB
  • Improving handwashing among older children in emergency settings: a multi-method exploration of behavioural determinants and behaviour change approaches. (2022) Watson, J