Items where Author is "Kristan, Mojca"
Number of items: 25.
Bibliographic data only
Pyrethroid resistance/susceptibility and differential urban/rural distribution of Anopheles arabiensis and An. gambiae s.s. malaria vectors in Nigeria and Ghana. (2003)
Kristan, M; Fleischmann, H; della Torre, A; Stich, A; Curtis, CF
Pyrethroid resistance in Anopheles gambiae s.1. in Ogun State, Nigeria: Society Meeting at Manson House, London, 13 December 2001: Research in progress: short presentation [Poster Presentation]. (2002)
Kristan, M; Oyeneye, R; Biersack, G; Amajoh, C
Determinants of the accuracy of rapid diagnostic tests in malaria case management: evidence from low and moderate transmission settings in the East African highlands. (2008)
Abeku, Tarekegn A; Kristan, Mojca; Jones, Caroline; Beard, James; Mueller, Dirk H; Okia, Michael; Rapuoda, Beth; Greenwood, Brian; Cox, Jonathan
Detection of malaria sporozoites expelled during mosquito sugar feeding. (2018)
Brugman, VA; Kristan, M; Gibbins, MP; Angrisano, F; Sala, KA; Dessens, JT; Blagborough, AM; Walker, T
Technical Workflow Development for Integrating Drone Surveys and Entomological Sampling to Characterise Aquatic Larval Habitats of Anopheles funestus in Agricultural Landscapes in Côte d'Ivoire. (2021)
Byrne, Isabel; Chan, Kallista; Manrique, Edgar; Lines, Jo; Wolie, Rosine Z; Trujillano, Fedra; Garay, Gabriel Jimenez; Del Prado Cortez, Miguel Nunez; Alatrista-Salas, Hugo; Sternberg, Eleanore; Cook, Jackie; N'Guessan, Raphael; Koffi, Alphonsine; Ahoua Alou, Ludovic P; Apollinaire, Nombre; Messenger, Louisa A; Kristan, Mojca; Carrasco-Escobar, Gabriel; Fornace, Kimberly
High-throughput barcoding method for the genetic surveillance of insecticide resistance and species identification in Anopheles gambiae complex malaria vectors. (2022)
Campos, Monica; Phelan, Jody; Spadar, Anton; Collins, Emma; Gonçalves, Adéritow; Pelloquin, Bethanie; Vaselli, Natasha Marcella; Meiwald, Anne; Clark, Emma; Stica, Caleb; Orsborne, James; Sylla, Moussa; Edi, Constant; Camara, Denka; Mohammed, Abdul Rahim; Afrane, Yaw Asare; Kristan, Mojca; Walker, Thomas; Gomez, Lara Ferrero; Messenger, Louisa A; Clark, Taane G; Campino, Susana
An assessment of adult mosquito collection techniques for studying species abundance and diversity in Maferinyah, Guinea. (2020)
Cansado-Utrilla, Cintia; Jeffries, Claire L; Kristan, Mojca; Brugman, Victor A; Heard, Patrick; Camara, Gnepou; Sylla, Moussa; Beavogui, Abdoul H; Messenger, Louisa A; Irish, Seth R; Walker, Thomas
Evidence for natural hybridization and novel Wolbachia strain superinfections in the Anopheles gambiae complex from Guinea. (2021)
Jeffries, Claire L; Cansado-Utrilla, Cintia; Beavogui, Abdoul H; Stica, Caleb; Lama, Eugene K; Kristan, Mojca; Irish, Seth R; Walker, Thomas
Novel Wolbachia strains in Anopheles malaria vectors from Sub-Saharan Africa. (2018)
Jeffries, Claire L; Lawrence, Gena G; Golovko, George; Kristan, Mojca; Orsborne, James; Spence, Kirstin; Hurn, Eliot; Bandibabone, Janvier; Tantely, Luciano M; Raharimalala, Fara N; Keita, Kalil; Camara, Denka; Barry, Yaya; Wat'senga, Francis; Manzambi, Emile Z; Afrane, Yaw A; Mohammed, Abdul R; Abeku, Tarekegn A; Hedge, Shivanand; Khanipov, Kamil; Pimenova, Maria; Fofanov, Yuriy; Boyer, Sebastien; Irish, Seth R; Hughes, Grant L; Walker, Thomas
Effects of pyrethroid exposure and insecticide resistance on the sporogonic development of Plasmodium falciparum in Anopheles gambiae s.l. (2018)
Kristan, M
Variations in entomological indices in relation to weather patterns and malaria incidence in East African highlands: implications for epidemic prevention and control. (2008)
Kristan, Mojca; Abeku, Tarekegn A; Beard, James; Okia, Michael; Rapuoda, Beth; Sang, James; Cox, Jonathan
Effect of environmental variables and kdr resistance genotype on survival probability and infection rates in Anopheles gambiae (s.s.). (2018)
Kristan, Mojca; Abeku, Tarekegn A; Lines, Jo
Towards environmental detection, quantification, and molecular characterization of Anopheles stephensi and Aedes aegypti from experimental larval breeding sites. (2023)
Kristan, Mojca; Acford-Palmer, Holly; Oliveira Campos, Monica; Collins, Emma L; Phelan, Jody; Portwood, Natalie M; Pelloquin, Bethanie; Clarke, Sian; Lines, Jo; Clark, Taane G; Walker, Thomas; Campino, Susana; Messenger, Louisa A
Exposure to deltamethrin affects development of Plasmodium falciparum inside wild pyrethroid resistant Anopheles gambiae s.s. mosquitoes in Uganda. (2016)
Kristan, Mojca; Lines, Jo; Nuwa, Anthony; Ntege, Charles; Meek, Sylvia R; Abeku, Tarekegn A
Mosquito and human hepatocyte infections with Plasmodium ovale curtisi and Plasmodium ovale wallikeri. (2019)
Kristan, Mojca; Thorburn, Samuel G; Hafalla, Julius C; Sutherland, Colin J; Oguike, Mary C
Reduced long-lasting insecticidal net efficacy and pyrethroid insecticide resistance are associated with over-expression of <i>CYP6P4, CYP6P3</i> and <i>CYP6Z1</i> in populations of <i>Anopheles coluzzii</i> from South-East Côte d’Ivoire. (2020)
Meiwald, Anne; Clark, Emma; Kristan, Mojca; Edi, Constant; Jeffries, Claire L; Pelloquin, Bethanie; Irish, Seth R; Walker, Thomas; Messenger, Louisa A
Association of Reduced Long-Lasting Insecticidal Net Efficacy and Pyrethroid Insecticide Resistance With Overexpression of CYP6P4, CYP6P3, and CYP6Z1 in Populations of Anopheles coluzzii From Southeast Côte d'Ivoire. (2020)
Meiwald, Anne; Clark, Emma; Kristan, Mojca; Edi, Constant; Jeffries, Claire L; Pelloquin, Bethanie; Irish, Seth R; Walker, Thomas; Messenger, Louisa A
Investigating the blood-host plasticity and dispersal of Anopheles coluzzii using a novel field-based methodology. (2019)
Orsborne, James; Furuya-Kanamori, Luis; Jeffries, Claire L; Kristan, Mojca; Mohammed, Abdul Rahim; Afrane, Yaw A; O'Reilly, Kathleen; Massad, Eduardo; Drakeley, Chris; Walker, Thomas; Yakob, Laith
Using the human blood index to investigate host biting plasticity: a systematic review and meta-regression of the three major African malaria vectors. (2018)
Orsborne, James; Furuya-Kanamori, Luis; Jeffries, Claire L; Kristan, Mojca; Mohammed, Abdul Rahim; Afrane, Yaw A; O'Reilly, Kathleen; Massad, Eduardo; Drakeley, Chris; Walker, Thomas; Yakob, Laith
Evidence of extrinsic factors dominating intrinsic blood host preferences of major African malaria vectors. (2020)
Orsborne, James; Mohammed, Abdul Rahim; Jeffries, Claire L; Kristan, Mojca; Afrane, Yaw A; Walker, Thomas; Yakob, Laith
Multi-centre discriminating concentration determination of broflanilide and potential for cross-resistance to other public health insecticides in Anopheles vector populations. (2022)
Portwood, Natalie M; Shayo, Magreth F; Tungu, Patrick K; Mbewe, Njelembo J; Mlay, George; Small, Graham; Snetselaar, Janneke; Kristan, Mojca; Levy, Prisca; Walker, Thomas; Kirby, Matthew J; Kisinza, William; Mosha, Franklin W; Rowland, Mark; Messenger, Louisa A
Characterizing the molecular and metabolic mechanisms of insecticide resistance in Anopheles gambiae in Faranah, Guinea. (2019)
Stica, Caleb; Jeffries, Claire L; Irish, Seth R; Barry, Yaya; Camara, Denka; Yansane, Ismael; Kristan, Mojca; Walker, Thomas; Messenger, Louisa A
Genomic and microscopic evidence of stable high density and maternally inherited <i>Wolbachia</i> infections in <i>Anopheles</i> mosquitoes.
Walker, Thomas; Quek, Shannon; Jeffries, Claire L; Bandibabone, Janvier; Dhokiya, Vishaal; Bamou, Roland; Kristan, Mojca; Messenger, Louisa A; Gidley, Alexandra; Hornett, Emily A; Anderson, Enyia R; Cansado-Utrilla, Cintia; Hegde, Shivanand; Bantuzeko, Chimanuka; Stevenson, Jennifer C; Lobo, Neil F; Wagstaff, Simon C; Antonio Nkondjio, Christophe; Heinz, Eva; Hughes, Grant L
Stable high-density and maternally inherited Wolbachia infections in Anopheles moucheti and Anopheles demeilloni mosquitoes. (2021)
Walker, Thomas; Quek, Shannon; Jeffries, Claire L; Bandibabone, Janvier; Dhokiya, Vishaal; Bamou, Roland; Kristan, Mojca; Messenger, Louisa A; Gidley, Alexandra; Hornett, Emily A; Anderson, Enyia R; Cansado-Utrilla, Cintia; Hegde, Shivanand; Bantuzeko, Chimanuka; Stevenson, Jennifer C; Lobo, Neil F; Wagstaff, Simon C; Nkondjio, Christophe Antonio; Irish, Seth R; Heinz, Eva; Hughes, Grant L
Overabundance of Asaia and Serratia Bacteria Is Associated with Deltamethrin Insecticide Susceptibility in Anopheles coluzzii from Agboville, Côte d'Ivoire. (2021)
Pelloquin, Bethanie; Kristan, Mojca; Edi, Constant; Meiwald, Anne; Clark, Emma; Jeffries, Claire L; Walker, Thomas; Dada, Nsa; Messenger, Louisa A