Items where Author is "Persson, Lars Ake"
Number of items: 141.
  • A facilitated social innovation: stakeholder groups using Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles for perinatal health across levels of the health system in Cao Bang province, Vietnam. (2023) Bergström, Anna; Hoa, Dinh Phuong; Nga, Nguyen Thu; Hoa, Trieu; Tu, Tran Thanh; Lien, Pham Thi Lan; Trang, Tran; Wallin, Lars; Persson, Lars-Åke; Eriksson, Leif
  • 2021
  • Factors associated with the referral of children with severe illnesses at primary care level in Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study. (2021) Beyene, Habtamu; Kassa, Dejene Hailu; Tadele, Henok Dangiso; Persson, Lars; Defar, Atkure; Berhanu, Della
  • Strengthening routine health data analysis in Ethiopia: the Operational Research and Coaching for Analysts (ORCA) experience. (2021) Busza, Joanna; Lemma, Seblewengel; Janson, Annika; Adem, Serawit Omar; Berhanu, Della; Defar, Atkure; Persson, Lars-Åke; Källestål, Carina
  • Health extension workers' perceived health system context and health post preparedness to provide services: a cross-sectional study in four Ethiopian regions. (2021) Getachew, Theodros; Abebe, Solomon Mekonnen; Yitayal, Mezgebu; Bergström, Anna; Persson, Lars-Ake; Berhanu, Della
  • Trends and factors related to adolescent pregnancies: an incidence trend and conditional inference trees analysis of northern Nicaragua demographic surveillance data. (2021) Pérez, Wilton; Ekholm Selling, Katarina; Zelaya Blandón, Elmer; Peña, Rodolfo; Contreras, Mariela; Persson, Lars-Åke; Sysoev, Oleg; Källestål, Carina
  • 2020
  • Improving quality and use of routine health information system data in low- and middle-income countries: A scoping review. (2020) Lemma, Seblewengel; Janson, Annika; Persson, Lars-Åke; Wickremasinghe, Deepthi; Källestål, Carina
  • 2019
  • Review of the evidence regarding the use of antenatal multiple micronutrient supplementation in low- and middle-income countries. (2019) Bourassa, Megan W; Osendarp, Saskia JM; Adu-Afarwuah, Seth; Ahmed, Saima; Ajello, Clayton; Bergeron, Gilles; Black, Robert; Christian, Parul; Cousens, Simon; de Pee, Saskia; Dewey, Kathryn G; Arifeen, Shams El; Engle-Stone, Reina; Fleet, Alison; Gernand, Alison D; Hoddinott, John; Klemm, Rolf; Kraemer, Klaus; Kupka, Roland; McLean, Erin; Moore, Sophie E; Neufeld, Lynnette M; Persson, Lars-Åke; Rasmussen, Kathleen M; Shankar, Anuraj H; Smith, Emily; Sudfeld, Christopher R; Udomkesmalee, Emorn; Vosti, Stephen A
  • Assessing the Multiple Dimensions of Poverty. Data Mining Approaches to the 2004-14 Health and Demographic Surveillance System in Cuatro Santos, Nicaragua. (2019) Källestål, Carina; Blandón, Elmer Zelaya; Peña, Rodolfo; Peréz, Wilton; Contreras, Mariela; Persson, Lars-Åke; Sysoev, Oleg; Selling, Katarina Ekholm
  • Stunting, recovery from stunting and puberty development in the MINIMat cohort, Bangladesh. (2019) Svefors, Pernilla; Pervin, Jesmin; Islam Khan, Ashraful; Rahman, Anisur; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte; El Arifeen, Shams; Ekholm Selling, Katarina; Persson, Lars-Åke
  • Relative importance of prenatal and postnatal determinants of stunting: data mining approaches to the MINIMat cohort, Bangladesh. (2019) Svefors, Pernilla; Sysoev, Oleg; Ekstrom, Eva-Charlotte; Persson, Lars Ake; Arifeen, Shams E; Naved, Ruchira T; Rahman, Anisur; Khan, Ashraful Islam; Selling, Katarina
  • 2018
  • Secular trend, seasonality and effects of a community-based intervention on neonatal mortality: follow-up of a cluster-randomised trial in Quang Ninh province, Vietnam. (2018) Eriksson, Leif; Nga, Nguyen T; Hoa, Dinh T Phuong; Duc, Duong M; Bergström, Anna; Wallin, Lars; Målqvist, Mats; Ewald, Uwe; Huy, Tran Q; Thuy, Nguyen T; Do, Tran Thanh; Lien, Pham TL; Persson, Lars-Åke; Selling, Katarina Ekholm
  • Food insecurity and self-rated health in rural Nicaraguan women of reproductive age: a cross-sectional study. (2018) Pérez, Wilton; Contreras, Mariela; Peña, Rodolfo; Zelaya, Elmer; Persson, Lars-Åke; Källestål, Carina
  • Cost-effectiveness of prenatal food and micronutrient interventions on under-five mortality and stunting: Analysis of data from the MINIMat randomized trial, Bangladesh. (2018) Svefors, Pernilla; Selling, Katarina Ekholm; Shaheen, Rubina; Khan, Ashraful Islam; Persson, Lars-Åke; Lindholm, Lars
  • 2017
  • Breaking the cycles of poverty: Strategies, achievements, and lessons learned in Los Cuatro Santos, Nicaragua, 1990-2014. (2017) Blandón, Elmer Zelaya; Källestål, Carina; Peña, Rodolfo; Perez, Wilton; Berglund, Staffan; Contreras, Mariela; Persson, Lars-Åke
  • Rebuilding research capacity in fragile states: the case of a Somali-Swedish global health initiative. (2017) Dalmar, Abdirisak Ahmed; Hussein, Abdullahi Sheik; Walhad, Said Ahmed; Ibrahim, Abdirashid Omer; Abdi, Abshir Ali; Ali, Mohamed Khalid; Ereg, Derie Ismail; Egal, Khadra Ali; Shirwa, Abdulkadir Mohamed; Aden, Mohamed Hussain; Yusuf, Marian Warsame; Abdi, Yakoub Aden; Freij, Lennart; Johansson, Annika; Mohamud, Khalif Bile; Abdulkadir, Yusuf; Emmelin, Maria; Eriksen, Jaran; Erlandsson, Kerstin; Gustafsson, Lars L; Ivarsson, Anneli; Klingberg-Allvin, Marie; Kinsman, John; Källestål, Carina; Målqvist, Mats; Osman, Fatumo; Persson, Lars-Åke; Sahlén, Klas-Göran; Wall, Stig
  • Case review of perinatal deaths at hospitals in Kigali, Rwanda: perinatal audit with application of a three-delays analysis. (2017) Musafili, Aimable; Persson, Lars-Åke; Baribwira, Cyprien; Påfs, Jessica; Mulindwa, Patrick Adam; Essén, Birgitta
  • Community-based child care: household and health-facility perspectives. Dagu Baseline Survey, Ethiopia, December 2016 - February 2017. (2017) Okwaraji, Yemisrach B; Berhanu, Della; Persson, Lars Ake
  • Child survival revolutions revisited. Lessons learned from Bangladesh, Nicaragua, Rwanda and Vietnam. (2017) Persson, L.Å; Rahman, A; Peña, R; Perez, W; Musafili, A; Hoa, DP
  • Early life arsenic exposure, infant and child growth, and morbidity: a systematic review. (2017) Rahman, A; Granberg, C; Persson, L.Å
  • Modifiers of the effect of maternal multiple micronutrient supplementation on stillbirth, birth outcomes, and infant mortality: a meta-analysis of individual patient data from 17 randomised trials in low-income and middle-income countries. (2017) Smith, Emily R; Shankar, Anuraj H; Wu, Lee S-F; Aboud, Said; Adu-Afarwuah, Seth; Ali, Hasmot; Agustina, Rina; Arifeen, Shams; Ashorn, Per; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Christian, Parul; Devakumar, Delanjathan; Dewey, Kathryn G; Friis, Henrik; Gomo, Exnevia; Gupta, Piyush; Kæstel, Pernille; Kolsteren, Patrick; Lanou, Hermann; Maleta, Kenneth; Mamadoultaibou, Aissa; Msamanga, Gernard; Osrin, David; Persson, Lars-Åke; Ramakrishnan, Usha; Rivera, Juan A; Rizvi, Arjumand; Sachdev, HPS; Urassa, Willy; West, Keith P; Zagre, Noel; Zeng, Lingxia; Zhu, Zhonghai; Fawzi, Wafaie W; Sudfeld, Christopher R
  • 2016
  • Effects of prenatal micronutrient and early food supplementation on metabolic status of the offspring at 4.5 years of age. The MINIMat randomized trial in rural Bangladesh. (2016) Ekström, Eva-Charlotte; Lindström, Emma; Raqib, Rubhana; El Arifeen, Shams; Basu, Samar; Brismar, Kerstin; Selling, Katarina; Persson, Lars-Åke
  • Process evaluation of a knowledge translation intervention using facilitation of local stakeholder groups to improve neonatal survival in the Quang Ninh province, Vietnam. (2016) Eriksson, Leif; Huy, Tran Q; Duc, Duong M; Ekholm Selling, Katarina; Hoa, Dinh P; Thuy, Nguyen T; Nga, Nguyen T; Persson, Lars-Åke; Wallin, Lars
  • Using health and demographic surveillance for the early detection of cholera outbreaks: analysis of community- and hospital-based data from Matlab, Bangladesh. (2016) Saulnier, DD; Persson, L.Å; Streatfield, PK; Faruque, AS; Rahman, A
  • Using health and demographic surveillance for the early detection of cholera outbreaks: analysis of community- and hospital-based data from Matlab, Bangladesh. (2016) Saulnier, Dell D; Persson, Lars-Åke; Streatfield, Peter Kim; Faruque, ASG; Rahman, Anisur
  • 2015
  • Health system context and implementation of evidence-based practices-development and validation of the Context Assessment for Community Health (COACH) tool for low- and middle-income settings. (2015) Bergström, Anna; Skeen, Sarah; Duc, Duong M; Blandon, Elmer Zelaya; Estabrooks, Carole; Gustavsson, Petter; Hoa, Dinh Thi Phuong; Källestål, Carina; Målqvist, Mats; Nga, Nguyen Thu; Persson, Lars-Åke; Pervin, Jesmin; Peterson, Stefan; Rahman, Anisur; Selling, Katarina; Squires, Janet E; Tomlinson, Mark; Waiswa, Peter; Wallin, Lars
  • Socio-economic resources, young child feeding practices, consumption of highly processed snacks and sugar-sweetened beverages: a population-based survey in rural northwestern Nicaragua. (2015) Contreras, Mariela; Blandón, Elmer Zelaya; Persson, Lars-Åke; Hjern, Anders; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte
  • Effect of an integrated community-based package for maternal and newborn care on feeding patterns during the first 12 weeks of life: a cluster-randomized trial in a South African township. (2015) Ijumba, Petrida; Doherty, Tanya; Jackson, Debra; Tomlinson, Mark; Sanders, David; Swanevelder, Sonja; Persson, Lars-Åke
  • Trends and social differentials in child mortality in Rwanda 1990-2010: results from three demographic and health surveys. (2015) Musafili, Aimable; Essén, Birgitta; Baribwira, Cyprien; Binagwaho, Agnes; Persson, Lars-Åke; Selling, Katarina Ekholm
  • Social equity in perinatal survival: a case-control study at hospitals in Kigali, Rwanda. (2015) Musafili, Aimable; Essén, Birgitta; Baribwira, Cyprien; Selling, Katarina Ekholm; Persson, Lars-Åke
  • Effect of Facilitation of Local Stakeholder Groups on Equity in Neonatal Survival; Results from the NeoKIP Trial in Northern Vietnam. (2015) Målqvist, Mats; Hoa, Dinh Phuong Thi; Persson, Lars-Åke; Ekholm Selling, Katarina
  • 2014
  • Consumption of highly processed snacks, sugar-sweetened beverages and child feeding practices in a rural area of Nicaragua. (2014) Contreras, Mariela; Zelaya Blandón, Elmer; Persson, Lars-Åke; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte
  • Effect of a food supplementation and psychosocial stimulation trial for severely malnourished children on the level of maternal depressive symptoms in Bangladesh. (2014) Nahar, B; Hossain, I; Hamadani, JD; Ahmed, T; Grantham-McGregor, S; Persson, L-A
  • Comparing progress toward the millennium development goal for under-five mortality in León and Cuatro Santos, Nicaragua, 1990-2008. (2014) Pérez, Wilton; Eriksson, Leif; Blandón, Elmer Zelaya; Persson, Lars-Åke; Källestål, Carina; Peña, Rodolfo
  • Equity in adherence to and effect of prenatal food and micronutrient supplementation on child mortality: results from the MINIMat randomized trial, Bangladesh. (2014) Shaheen, Rubina; Streatfield, Peter Kim; Naved, Ruchira Tabassum; Lindholm, Lars; Persson, Lars Ake
  • Women's autonomy and social support and their associations with infant and young child feeding and nutritional status: community-based survey in rural Nicaragua. (2014) Ziaei, Shirin; Contreras, Mariela; Zelaya Blandón, Elmer; Persson, Lars-Åke; Hjern, Anders; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte
  • 2013
  • [Mortality decreases, but seven million children does still die every year]. (2013) Alfvén, Tobias; Axelson, Henrik; Lindstrand, Ann; Peterson, Stefan Swartling; Persson, Lars-Ake
  • Risk of childhood undernutrition related to small-for-gestational age and preterm birth in low- and middle-income countries. (2013) Christian, Parul; Lee, Sun Eun; Donahue Angel, Moira; Adair, Linda S; Arifeen, Shams E; Ashorn, Per; Barros, Fernando C; Fall, Caroline HD; Fawzi, Wafaie W; Hao, Wei; Hu, Gang; Humphrey, Jean H; Huybregts, Lieven; Joglekar, Charu V; Kariuki, Simon K; Kolsteren, Patrick; Krishnaveni, Ghattu V; Liu, Enqing; Martorell, Reynaldo; Osrin, David; Persson, Lars-Ake; Ramakrishnan, Usha; Richter, Linda; Roberfroid, Dominique; Sania, Ayesha; Ter Kuile, Feiko O; Tielsch, James; Victora, Cesar G; Yajnik, Chittaranjan S; Yan, Hong; Zeng, Lingxia; Black, Robert E
  • Early prenatal food supplementation ameliorates the negative association of maternal stress with birth size in a randomised trial. (2013) Frith, Amy L; Naved, Ruchira T; Persson, Lars Ake; Frongillo, Edward A
  • Combined food and micronutrient supplements during pregnancy have limited impact on child blood pressure and kidney function in rural Bangladesh. (2013) Hawkesworth, Sophie; Wagatsuma, Yukiko; Kahn, Ashraf I; Hawlader, Mohammad DH; Fulford, Anthony JC; Arifeen, Shams-El; Persson, Lars-Åke; Moore, Sophie E
  • Elevated manganese concentrations in drinking water may be beneficial for fetal survival. (2013) Rahman, Syed Moshfiqur; Akesson, Agneta; Kippler, Maria; Grandér, Margaretha; Hamadani, Jena Derakhshani; Streatfield, Peter Kim; Persson, Lars-Åke; El Arifeen, Shams; Vahter, Marie
  • Urinary iodine concentrations of pregnant women in rural Bangladesh: a longitudinal study. (2013) Rydbeck, Filip; Bottai, Matteo; Tofail, Fahmida; Persson, Lars-Åke; Kippler, Maria
  • 2012
  • Early participation in a prenatal food supplementation program ameliorates the negative association of food insecurity with quality of maternal-infant interaction. (2012) Frith, Amy L; Naved, Ruchira T; Persson, Lars Ake; Rasmussen, Kathleen M; Frongillo, Edward A
  • Early exposure to toxic metals has a limited effect on blood pressure or kidney function in later childhood, rural Bangladesh. (2012) Hawkesworth, Sophie; Wagatsuma, Yukiko; Kippler, Maria; Fulford, Anthony JC; Arifeen, Shams E; Persson, Lars-Ake; Moore, Sophie E; Vahter, Marie
  • Social circumstances that drive early introduction of formula milk: an exploratory qualitative study in a peri-urban South African community. (2012) Ijumba, Petrida; Doherty, Tanya; Jackson, Debra; Tomlinson, Mark; Sanders, David; Persson, Lars-Åke
  • Free formula milk in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission programme: voices of a peri-urban community in South Africa on policy change. (2012) Ijumba, Petrida; Doherty, Tanya; Jackson, Debra; Tomlinson, Mark; Sanders, David; Persson, Lars-Åke
  • Body composition of Bangladeshi children: comparison and development of leg-to-leg bioelectrical impedance equation. (2012) Khan, Ashraful I; Hawkesworth, Sophie; Hawlader, Mohammad Delwer Hossain; El Arifeen, Shams; Moore, Sophie; Hills, Andrew P; Wells, Jonathan C; Persson, Lars-Åke; Kabir, Iqbal
  • Environmental exposure to arsenic and cadmium during pregnancy and fetal size: a longitudinal study in rural Bangladesh. (2012) Kippler, Maria; Wagatsuma, Yukiko; Rahman, Anisur; Nermell, Barbro; Persson, Lars-Åke; Raqib, Rubhana; Vahter, Marie
  • Associations between oxidative parameters in pregnancy and birth anthropometry in a cohort of women and children in rural Bangladesh: the MINIMat-cohort. (2012) Lindström, Emma; Persson, Lars-Åke; Raqib, Rubhana; El Arifeen, Shams; Basu, Samar; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte
  • Evaluating Helping Babies Breathe: training for healthcare workers at hospitals in Rwanda. (2012) Musafili, Aimable; Essén, Birgitta; Baribwira, Cyprien; Rukundo, Alphonse; Persson, Lars-Åke
  • Early infections are associated with increased risk for celiac disease: an incident case-referent study. (2012) Myléus, Anna; Hernell, Olle; Gothefors, Leif; Hammarström, Marie-Louise; Persson, Lars-Åke; Stenlund, Hans; Ivarsson, Anneli
  • Early vaccinations are not risk factors for celiac disease. (2012) Myléus, Anna; Stenlund, Hans; Hernell, Olle; Gothefors, Leif; Hammarström, Marie-Louise; Persson, Lars-Åke; Ivarsson, Anneli
  • Effects of a community-based approach of food and psychosocial stimulation on growth and development of severely malnourished children in Bangladesh: a randomised trial. (2012) Nahar, B; Hossain, MI; Hamadani, JD; Ahmed, T; Huda, SN; Grantham-McGregor, SM; Persson, LA
  • Effects of psychosocial stimulation on improving home environment and child-rearing practices: results from a community-based trial among severely malnourished children in Bangladesh. (2012) Nahar, Baitun; Hossain, Md Iqbal; Hamadani, Jena D; Ahmed, Tahmeed; Grantham-McGregor, Sally; Persson, Lars-Ake
  • Progress towards Millennium Development Goal 1 in northern rural Nicaragua: findings from a health and demographic surveillance site. (2012) Pérez, Wilton; Blandón, Elmer Zelaya; Persson, Lars-Åke; Peña, Rodolfo; Källestål, Carina
  • Intimate partner violence and early child growth: a community-based cohort study in Nicaragua. (2012) Salazar, Mariano; Högberg, Ulf; Valladares, Eliette; Persson, Lars-Åke
  • 2011
  • Newborn care and knowledge translation - perceptions among primary healthcare staff in northern Vietnam. (2011) Eriksson, Leif; Nga, Nguyen Thu; Hoa, Dinh P; Persson, Lars-Åke; Ewald, Uwe; Wallin, Lars
  • Effects of prenatal food and micronutrient supplementation on child growth from birth to 54 months of age: a randomized trial in Bangladesh. (2011) Khan, Ashraful Islam; Kabir, Iqbal; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte; Åsling-Monemi, Kajsa; Alam, Dewan Shamsul; Frongillo, Edward A; Yunus, Md; Arifeen, Shams; Persson, Lars-Åke
  • Causes of neonatal death: results from NeoKIP community-based trial in Quang Ninh province, Vietnam. (2011) Nga, Nguyen Thu; Hoa, Dinh Thi Phuong; Målqvist, Mats; Persson, Lars-Åke; Ewald, Uwe
  • Tracking progress towards equitable child survival in a Nicaraguan community: neonatal mortality challenges to meet the MDG 4. (2011) Pérez, Wilton; Peña, Rodolfo; Persson, Lars-Åke; Källestål, Carina
  • Implementing knowledge into practice for improved neonatal survival; a cluster-randomised, community-based trial in Quang Ninh province, Vietnam. (2011) Wallin, Lars; Målqvist, Mats; Nga, Nguyen T; Eriksson, Leif; Persson, Lars-Åke; Hoa, Dinh P; Huy, Tran Q; Duc, Duong M; Ewald, Uwe
  • 2010
  • Survival of infants in the context of prevention of mother to child HIV transmission in South Africa. (2010) Chopra, M; Doherty, T; Goga, A; Jackson, D; Persson, LA
  • Maternal multiple micronutrient supplementation has limited impact on micronutrient status of Bangladeshi infants compared with standard iron and folic acid supplementation. (2010) Eneroth, Hanna; El Arifeen, Shams; Persson, Lars-Ake; Lönnerdal, Bo; Hossain, Mohammad Bakhtiar; Stephensen, Charles B; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte
  • Infant anaemia is associated with infection, low birthweight and iron deficiency in rural Bangladesh. (2010) Eneroth, Hanna; Persson, Lars-Åke; El Arifeen, Shams; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte
  • Distance decay in delivery care utilisation associated with neonatal mortality. A case referent study in northern Vietnam. (2010) Målqvist, Mats; Sohel, Nazmul; Do, Tran T; Eriksson, Leif; Persson, Lars-Åke
  • Perinatal services and outcomes in Quang Ninh province, Vietnam. (2010) Nga, Nguyen T; Målqvist, Mats; Eriksson, Leif; Hoa, Dinh P; Johansson, Annika; Wallin, Lars; Persson, Lars-Åke; Ewald, Uwe
  • Arsenic exposure and risk of spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, and infant mortality. (2010) Rahman, Anisur; Persson, Lars-Åke; Nermell, Barbro; El Arifeen, Shams; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte; Smith, Allan H; Vahter, Marie
  • Arsenic exposure in pregnancy increases the risk of lower respiratory tract infection and diarrhea during infancy in Bangladesh. (2010) Rahman, Anisur; Vahter, Marie; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte; Persson, Lars-Åke
  • Household food security is associated with early childhood language development: results from a longitudinal study in rural Bangladesh. (2010) Saha, KK; Tofail, F; Frongillo, EA; Rasmussen, KM; Arifeen, SE; Persson, LA; Huda, SN; Hamadani, JD
  • Spatial modelling of individual arsenic exposure via well water: evaluation of arsenic in urine, main water source and influence of neighbourhood water sources in rural Bangladesh. (2010) Sohel, Nazmul; Kanaroglou, Pavlos S; Persson, Lars Ake; Haq, M Zahirul; Rahman, Mahfuzar; Vahter, Marie
  • Spatial patterns of fetal loss and infant death in an arsenic-affected area in Bangladesh. (2010) Sohel, Nazmul; Vahter, Marie; Ali, Mohammad; Rahman, Mahfuzar; Rahman, Anisur; Streatfield, Peter Kim; Kanaroglou, Pavlos S; Persson, Lars Ake
  • 2009
  • Violence against women and the risk of fetal and early childhood growth impairment: a cohort study in rural Bangladesh. (2009) Asling-Monemi, K; Naved, RT; Persson, LA
  • Violence against women and increases in the risk of diarrheal disease and respiratory tract infections in infancy: a prospective cohort study in Bangladesh. (2009) Asling-Monemi, Kajsa; Naved, Ruchira Tabassum; Persson, Lars Ake
  • Duration of exclusive breast-feeding and infant iron and zinc status in rural Bangladesh. (2009) Eneroth, Hanna; El Arifeen, Shams; Persson, Lars-Ake; Kabir, Iqbal; Lönnerdal, Bo; Hossain, Mohammad Bakhtiar; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte
  • Evidence-based practice in neonatal health: knowledge among primary health care staff in northern Viet Nam. (2009) Eriksson, Leif; Nga, Nguyen Thu; Målqvist, Mats; Persson, Lars-Ake; Ewald, Uwe; Wallin, Lars
  • Impact of smoking and chewing tobacco on arsenic-induced skin lesions. (2009) Lindberg, Anna-Lena; Sohel, Nazmul; Rahman, Mahfuzar; Persson, Lars Ake; Vahter, Marie
  • Early-life nutritional and environmental determinants of thymic size in infants born in rural Bangladesh. (2009) Moore, Sophie E; Prentice, AM; Wagatsuma, Y; Fulford, AJC; Collinson, AC; Raqib, R; Vahter, M; Persson, LA; Arifeen, SE
  • Effects of in utero arsenic exposure on child immunity and morbidity in rural Bangladesh. (2009) Raqib, Rubhana; Ahmed, Sultan; Sultana, Rokeya; Wagatsuma, Yukiko; Mondal, Dinesh; Hoque, AM Waheedul; Nermell, Barbro; Yunus, Mohammed; Roy, Shantonu; Persson, Lars Ake; Arifeen, Shams El; Moore, Sophie; Vahter, Marie
  • Household food security is associated with growth of infants and young children in rural Bangladesh. (2009) Saha, Kuntal K; Frongillo, Edward A; Alam, Dewan S; Arifeen, Shams E; Persson, Lars A; Rasmussen, Kathleen M
  • Use of the new World Health Organization child growth standards to describe longitudinal growth of breastfed rural Bangladeshi infants and young children. (2009) Saha, Kuntal K; Frongillo, Edward A; Alam, Dewan S; Arifeen, Shams E; Persson, Lars A; Rasmussen, Kathleen M
  • Arsenic in drinking water and adult mortality: a population-based cohort study in rural Bangladesh. (2009) Sohel, Nazmul; Persson, Lars Ake; Rahman, Mahfuzar; Streatfield, Peter Kim; Yunus, Muhammad; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte; Vahter, Marie
  • Neuroendocrine response to violence during pregnancy--impact on duration of pregnancy and fetal growth. (2009) Valladares, Eliette; Peña, Rodolfo; Ellsberg, Mary; Persson, Lars Ake; Högberg, Ulf
  • 2008
  • Violence against women and the risk of under-five mortality: analysis of community-based data from rural Bangladesh. (2008) Asling-Monemi, Kajsa; Tabassum Naved, Ruchira; Persson, Lars Ake
  • Effects of mode of oral iron administration on serum ferritin and haemoglobin in infants. (2008) Domellöf, Magnus; Lind, Torbjörn; Lönnerdal, Bo; Persson, Lars Ake; Dewey, Kathryn G; Hernell, Olle
  • Mental health of Bosnian refugee children: a comparison of clinician appraisal with parent, child and teacher reports. (2008) Goldin, Stephen; Hägglöf, Bruno; Levin, Lilian; Persson, Lars Ake
  • Persistent neonatal mortality despite improved under-five survival: a retrospective cohort study in northern Vietnam. (2008) Hoa, Dinh P; Nga, Nguyen T; Målqvist, Mats; Persson, Lars Ake
  • Iron supplementation of iron-replete Indonesian infants is associated with reduced weight-for-age. (2008) Lind, Torbjörn; Seswandhana, Rosadi; Persson, Lars-Ake; Lönnerdal, Bo
  • The risk of arsenic induced skin lesions in Bangladeshi men and women is affected by arsenic metabolism and the age at first exposure. (2008) Lindberg, Anna-Lena; Rahman, Mahfuzar; Persson, Lars-Ake; Vahter, Marie
  • Delivery care utilisation and care-seeking in the neonatal period: a population-based study in Vietnam. (2008) Målqvist, M; Nga, NT; Eriksson, L; Wallin, L; Ewald, U; Persson, L-AA
  • Unreported births and deaths, a severe obstacle for improved neonatal survival in low-income countries; a population based study. (2008) Målqvist, Mats; Eriksson, Leif; Nguyen, Thu Nga; Fagerland, Linn Irene; Dinh, Phuong Hoa; Wallin, Lars; Ewald, Uwe; Persson, Lars-Ake
  • Factors associated with physical spousal abuse of women during pregnancy in Bangladesh. (2008) Naved, Ruchira Tabassum; Persson, Lars Ake
  • The Nicaraguan Health and Demographic Surveillance Site, HDSS-Leon: a platform for public health research. (2008) Peña, Rodolfo; Pérez, Wilton; Meléndez, Marlon; Källestål, Carina; Persson, Lars-Ake
  • Arsenic exposure during pregnancy and size at birth: a prospective cohort study in Bangladesh. (2008) Rahman, Anisur; Vahter, Marie; Smith, Allan H; Nermell, Barbro; Yunus, Mohammed; El Arifeen, Shams; Persson, Lars-Ake; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte
  • Appropriate infant feeding practices result in better growth of infants and young children in rural Bangladesh. (2008) Saha, Kuntal K; Frongillo, Edward A; Alam, Dewan S; Arifeen, Shams E; Persson, Lars Ake; Rasmussen, Kathleen M
  • Household food security is associated with infant feeding practices in rural Bangladesh. (2008) Saha, Kuntal K; Frongillo, Edward A; Alam, Dewan S; Arifeen, Shams E; Persson, Lars Ake; Rasmussen, Kathleen M
  • Effects of prenatal food and micronutrient supplementation on infant development: a randomized trial from the Maternal and Infant Nutrition Interventions, Matlab (MINIMat) study. (2008) Tofail, Fahmida; Persson, Lars Ake; El Arifeen, Shams; Hamadani, Jena D; Mehrin, Ferdina; Ridout, Deborah; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte; Huda, Syed N; Grantham-McGregor, Sally M
  • 2007
  • Effectiveness of the WHO/UNICEF guidelines on infant feeding for HIV-positive women: results from a prospective cohort study in South Africa. (2007) Doherty, Tanya; Chopra, Mickey; Jackson, Debra; Goga, Ameena; Colvin, Mark; Persson, Lars-Ake
  • Detecting arsenic-related skin lesions: experiences from a large community-based survey in Bangladesh. (2007) Hore, Samar Kumar; Rahman, Mahfuzar; Yunus, Mohammad; Das, Chandra Shakhar; Yeasmin, Sultana; Ahmad, SK Akhtar; Sayed, MH Salim Ullah; Islam, Azm Maidul; Vahter, Marie; Persson, Lars Ake
  • Screening of arsenic in tubewell water with field test kits: evaluation of the method from public health perspective. (2007) Jakariya, Md; Vahter, Marie; Rahman, Mahfuzar; Wahed, M Abdul; Hore, Samar Kumar; Bhattacharya, Prosun; Jacks, Gunnar; Persson, Lars Ake
  • Influence of iron and zinc status on cadmium accumulation in Bangladeshi women. (2007) Kippler, Maria; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte; Lönnerdal, Bo; Goessler, Walter; Akesson, Agneta; El Arifeen, Shams; Persson, Lars-Ake; Vahter, Marie
  • Nutritional status has marginal influence on the metabolism of inorganic arsenic in pregnant Bangladeshi women. (2007) Li, Li; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte; Goessler, Walter; Lönnerdal, Bo; Nermell, Barbro; Yunus, Mohammad; Rahman, Anisur; El Arifeen, Shams; Persson, Lars Ake; Vahter, Marie
  • Gender and age differences in the metabolism of inorganic arsenic in a highly exposed population in Bangladesh. (2007) Lindberg, Anna-Lena; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte; Nermell, Barbro; Rahman, Mahfuzar; Lönnerdal, Bo; Persson, Lars-Ake; Vahter, Marie
  • Use of stable-isotope techniques to validate infant feeding practices reported by Bangladeshi women receiving breastfeeding counseling. (2007) Moore, Sophie E; Prentice, Andrew M; Coward, W Andy; Wright, Antony; Frongillo, Edward A; Fulford, Anthony Jc; Mander, Adrian P; Persson, Lars-Ake; Arifeen, Shams E; Kabir, Iqbal
  • Urinary arsenic concentration adjustment factors and malnutrition. (2007) Nermell, Barbro; Lindberg, Anna-Lena; Rahman, Mahfuzar; Berglund, Marika; Persson, Lars Ake; El Arifeen, Shams; Vahter, Marie
  • Association of arsenic exposure during pregnancy with fetal loss and infant death: a cohort study in Bangladesh. (2007) Rahman, Anisur; Vahter, Marie; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte; Rahman, Mahfuzar; Golam Mustafa, Abu Haider Mohammad; Wahed, Mohammad Abdul; Yunus, Mohammed; Persson, Lars-Ake
  • 2006
  • A longitudinal qualitative study of infant-feeding decision making and practices among HIV-positive women in South Africa. (2006) Doherty, Tanya; Chopra, Mickey; Nkonki, Lungiswa; Jackson, Debra; Persson, Lars-Ake
  • [Millions of newborn infants die unnecessarily. Simple means can result in big measures--and reduced perinatal mortality]. (2006) Målqvist, Mats; Persson, Lars-Ake; Ewald, Uwe; Nga, Nguyen Thu
  • Physical violence by husbands: magnitude, disclosure and help-seeking behavior of women in Bangladesh. (2006) Naved, Ruchira Tabassum; Azim, Safia; Bhuiya, Abbas; Persson, Lars Ake
  • Whom can I rely on? Mothers' approaches to support for feeding: an interview study in suburban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. (2006) Omer-Salim, Amal; Persson, Lars-Ake; Olsson, Pia
  • Arsenic exposure and age and sex-specific risk for skin lesions: a population-based case-referent study in Bangladesh. (2006) Rahman, Mahfuzar; Vahter, Marie; Sohel, Nazmul; Yunus, Muhammad; Wahed, Mohammad Abdul; Streatfield, Peter Kim; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte; Persson, Lars Ake
  • Prevalence of arsenic exposure and skin lesions. A population based survey in Matlab, Bangladesh. (2006) Rahman, Mahfuzar; Vahter, Marie; Wahed, Mohammad Abdul; Sohel, Nazmul; Yunus, Mohammad; Streatfield, Peter Kim; El Arifeen, Shams; Bhuiya, Abbas; Zaman, Khalequz; Chowdhury, A Mushtaq R; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte; Persson, Lars Ake
  • Effect of prenatal food supplementation on birth weight: an observational study from Bangladesh. (2006) Shaheen, Rubina; de Francisco, Andres; El Arifeen, Shams; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte; Persson, Lars Ake
  • Arsenic exposure in pregnancy: a population-based study in Matlab, Bangladesh. (2006) Vahter, Marie E; Li, Li; Nermell, Barbro; Rahman, Anisur; El Arifeen, Shams; Rahman, Mahfuzar; Persson, Lars Ake; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte
  • A modified routine analysis of arsenic content in drinking-water in Bangladesh by hydride generation-atomic absorption spectrophotometry. (2006) Wahed, MA; Chowdhury, Dulaly; Nermell, Barbro; Khan, Shafiqul Islam; Ilias, Mohammad; Rahman, Mahfuzar; Persson, Lars Ake; Vahter, Marie
  • 2005
  • Factors associated with spousal physical violence against women in Bangladesh. (2005) Naved, Ruchira Tabassum; Persson, Lars Ake
  • Violence against pregnant women: prevalence and characteristics. A population-based study in Nicaragua. (2005) Valladares, Eliette; Peña, Rodolfo; Persson, Lars Ake; Högberg, Ulf
  • 2004
  • Anaemia and iron deficiency during pregnancy in rural Bangladesh. (2004) Hyder, SM Ziauddin; Persson, Lars-Ake; Chowdhury, Mushtaque; Lönnerdal, BO; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte
  • Dietary iron intake is positively associated with hemoglobin concentration during infancy but not during the second year of life. (2004) Lind, Torbjörn; Hernell, Olle; Lönnerdal, Bo; Stenlund, Hans; Domellöf, Magnus; Persson, Lars-Ake
  • A community-based randomized controlled trial of iron and zinc supplementation in Indonesian infants: effects on growth and development. (2004) Lind, Torbjörn; Lönnerdal, Bo; Stenlund, Hans; Gamayanti, Indria L; Ismail, Djauhar; Seswandhana, Rosadi; Persson, Lars-Ake
  • Comparative analysis of patterns of survival by season of birth in rural Bangladeshi and Gambian populations. (2004) Moore, Sophie E; Fulford, Anthony JC; Streatfield, P Kim; Persson, Lars Ake; Prentice, Andrew M
  • [Children's right of survival--vulnerable status in spite of progress]. (2004) Persson, Lars Ake
  • Diet, growth, and the risk for type 1 diabetes in childhood: a matched case-referent study. (2004) Pundziute-Lyckå, Auste; Persson, Lars-Ake; Cedermark, Gunilla; Jansson-Roth, Agneta; Nilsson, Ulla; Westin, Vera; Dahlquist, Gisela
  • 2003
  • Violence against women increases the risk of infant and child mortality: a case-referent study in Nicaragua. (2003) Asling-Monemi, Kajsa; Peña, Rodolfo; Ellsberg, Mary Carroll; Persson, Lars Ake
  • Simultaneous weekly supplementation of iron and zinc is associated with lower morbidity due to diarrhea and acute lower respiratory infection in Bangladeshi infants. (2003) Baqui, Abdullah H; Zaman, K; Persson, Lars Ake; El Arifeen, Shams; Yunus, Mohammad; Begum, Nazma; Black, Robert E
  • Child war trauma: a comparison of clinician, parent and child assessments. (2003) Goldin, Stephen; Levin, Lilian; Persson, Lars Ake; Hägglöf, Bruno
  • Children born in the summer have increased risk for coeliac disease. (2003) Ivarsson, A; Hernell, O; Nyström, L; Persson, LA
  • The Swedish coeliac disease epidemic with a prevailing twofold higher risk in girls compared to boys may reflect gender specific risk factors. (2003) Ivarsson, Anneli; Persson, Lars Ake; Nyström, Lennarth; Hernell, Olle
  • Effects of weaning cereals with different phytate contents on hemoglobin, iron stores, and serum zinc: a randomized intervention in infants from 6 to 12 mo of age. (2003) Lind, Torbjörn; Lönnerdal, Bo; Persson, Lars-Ake; Stenlund, Hans; Tennefors, Catharina; Hernell, Olle
  • A community-based randomized controlled trial of iron and zinc supplementation in Indonesian infants: interactions between iron and zinc. (2003) Lind, Torbjörn; Lönnerdal, Bo; Stenlund, Hans; Ismail, Djauhar; Seswandhana, Rosadi; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte; Persson, Lars-Ake
  • Determinants of anaemia and iron deficiency in European infants at 12 months of age (Euro-Growth Study). (2003) Male, C; Persson, LA; Freeman, V; Guerra, A; van't Hof, MA; Haschke, F; Euro-Growth Iron Study Group
  • 2002
  • Efficacy and trial effectiveness of weekly and daily iron supplementation among pregnant women in rural Bangladesh: disentangling the issues. (2002) Ekström, Eva-Charlotte; Hyder, SM Ziauddin; Chowdhury, A Mushtaque R; Chowdhury, Sadia A; Lönnerdal, Bo; Habicht, Jean-Pierre; Persson, Lars Ake
  • Do side-effects reduce compliance to iron supplementation? A study of daily- and weekly-dose regimens in pregnancy. (2002) Hyder, SM Ziauddin; Persson, Lars Ake; Chowdhury, AMR; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte
  • Breast-feeding protects against celiac disease. (2002) Ivarsson, Anneli; Hernell, Olle; Stenlund, Hans; Persson, Lars Ake
  • Breast-feeding protects against celiac disease in childhood--epidemiological evidence. (2002) Persson, LA; Ivarsson, A; Hernell, O
  • Public health services use in a mountainous area, Vietnam: implications for health for policy. (2002) Toan, NV; Trong, LN; Höjer, B; Persson, LA
  • Physical partner abuse during pregnancy: a risk factor for low birth weight in Nicaragua. (2002) Valladares, Eliette; Ellsberg, Mary; Peña, Rodolfo; Högberg, Ulf; Persson, Lars Ake
  • 2001
  • Stories of pre-war, war and exile: Bosnian refugee children in Sweden. (2001) Goldin, S; Levin, L; Persson, LA; Hägglof, B
  • New automated immunoassay measuring immunoglobulin A antigliadin antibodies for prediction of celiac disease in childhood. (2001) Grodzinsky, E; Ivarsson, A; Juto, P; Olcén, P; Fälth-Magnusson, K; Persson, LA; Hernell, O
  • Coeliac disease: effect of early feeding on the incidence of the disease. (2001) Hernell, O; Ivarsson, A; Persson, LA
  • Screening for adult coeliac disease - which serological marker(s) to use? (2001) Lagerqvist, C; Ivarsson, A; Juto, P; Persson, LA; Hernell, O
  • Prevalence of iron deficiency in 12-mo-old infants from 11 European areas and influence of dietary factors on iron status (Euro-Growth study). (2001) Male, C; Persson, LA; Freeman, V; Guerra, A; van't Hof, MA; Haschke, F; Euro-Growth Iron Study Group
  • Breaking the cycles of malnutrition: are pregnancy nutrition interventions effective? (2001) Persson, LA