Items where Author is "Webster, Jayne"
Number of items: 111.
  • Advancing the war on malaria. (2003) Addington, Whitney; Lines, Jo; Mortimer, Julia; Webster, Jayne
  • Global Call to Action to scale-up coverage of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy: seminar report. (2015) Agarwal, Koki; Alonso, Pedro; Chico, R Matthew; Coleman, Jane; Dellicour, Stephanie; Hill, Jenny; Majeres-Lugand, Maud; Mangiaterra, Viviana; Menendez, Clara; Mitchell, Kate; Roman, Elaine; Sicuri, Elisa; Tagbor, Harry; van Eijk, Anna Maria; Webster, Jayne
  • The Technical Feasibility of Integrating Primary Eye Care Into Primary Health Care Systems in Nigeria: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Cross-Sectional Study (Preprint). (2020) Aghaji, Ada; Burchett, Helen; Hameed, Shaffa; Webster, Jayne; Gilbert, Clare
  • The Technical Feasibility of Integrating Primary Eye Care Into Primary Health Care Systems in Nigeria: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Cross-Sectional Study. (2020) Aghaji, Ada; Burchett, Helen; Hameed, Shaffa; Webster, Jayne; Gilbert, Clare
  • Provider and user acceptability of intermittent screening and treatment for the control of malaria in pregnancy in Malawi. (2016) Almond, Deborah; Madanitsa, Mwayi; Mwapasa, Victor; Kalilani-Phiri, Linda; Webster, Jayne; Ter Kuile, Feiko; Paintain, Lucy
  • Health providers' perceptions of clinical trials: lessons from Ghana, Kenya and Burkina Faso. (2015) Angwenyi, Vibian; Asante, Kwaku-Poku; Traoré, Abdoulaye; Febir, Lawrence Gyabaa; Tawiah, Charlotte; Kwarteng, Anthony; Ouédraogo, Alphonse; Sirima, Sodiomon Bienvenue; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Imoukhuede, Egeruan Babatunde; Webster, Jayne; Chandramohan, Daniel; Molyneux, Sassy; Jones, Caroline
  • Shifting from presumptive to test-based management of malaria - technical basis and implications for malaria control in Ghana. (2014) Baiden, F; Malm, K; Bart-Plange, C; Hodgson, A; Chandramohan, D; Webster, J; Owusu-Agyei, S
  • Effect of Test-Based versus Presumptive Treatment of Malaria in Under-Five Children in Rural Ghana--A Cluster-Randomised Trial. (2016) Baiden, Frank; Bruce, Jane; Webster, Jayne; Tivura, Mathilda; Delmini, Rupert; Amengo-Etego, Seeba; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Chandramohan, Daniel
  • An evaluation of the clinical assessments of under-five febrile children presenting to primary health facilities in rural Ghana. (2011) Baiden, Frank; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Bawah, Justina; Bruce, Jane; Tivura, Mathilda; Delmini, Rupert; Gyaase, Stephaney; Amenga-Etego, Seeba; Chandramohan, Daniel; Webster, Jayne
  • Acceptability of rapid diagnostic test-based management of Malaria among caregivers of under-five children in rural Ghana. (2012) Baiden, Frank; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Okyere, Eunice; Tivura, Mathilda; Adjei, George; Chandramohan, Daniel; Webster, Jayne
  • The need for new antibiotics. (2010) Baiden, Frank; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Webster, Jayne; Chandramohan, Daniel
  • Would rational use of antibiotics be compromised in the era of test-based management of malaria? (2010) Baiden, Frank; Webster, Jayne; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Chandramohan, Daniel
  • Accuracy of rapid tests for malaria and treatment outcomes for malaria and non-malaria cases among under-five children in rural Ghana. (2012) Baiden, Frank; Webster, Jayne; Tivura, Mathilda; Delimini, Rupert; Berko, Yvonne; Amenga-Etego, Seeba; Agyeman-Budu, Akua; Karikari, Akosua B; Bruce, Jane; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Chandramohan, Daniel
  • The Impact of Introducing Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Tests on Fever Case Management: A Synthesis of Ten Studies from the ACT Consortium. (2017) Bruxvoort, KJ; Leurent, B; Chandler, CIR; Ansah, EK; Baiden, F; Björkman, A; Burchett, HED; Clarke, SE; Cundill, B; DiLiberto, DD; Elfving, K; Goodman, C; Hansen, KS; Kachur, SP; Lal, S; Lalloo, DG; Leslie, T; Magnussen, P; Mangham-Jefferies, L; Mårtensson, A; Mayan, I; Mbonye, AK; Msellem, MI; Onwujekwe, OE; Owusu-Agyei, S; Rowland, MW; Shakely, D; Staedke, SG; Vestergaard, LS; Webster, J; Whitty, CJM; Wiseman, VL; Yeung, S; Schellenberg, D; Hopkins, H
  • Who attends antenatal care and expanded programme on immunization services in Chad, Mali and Niger? The implications for insecticide-treated net delivery. (2011) Carlson, Meredith; Smith Paintain, Lucy; Bruce, Jane; Webster, Jayne; Lines, Jo
  • Examining intervention design: lessons from the development of eight related malaria health care intervention studies. (2016) Chandler, CIR; Burchett, H; Boyle, L; Achonduh, O; Mbonye, A; Diliberto, D; Reyburn, H; Onwujekwe, O; Haaland, A; Roca-Feltrer, A; Baiden, F; Mbacham, WF; Ndyomugyenyi, R; Nankya, F; Mangham-Jefferies, L; Clarke, S; Mbakilwa, H; Reynolds, J; Lal, S; Leslie, T; Maiteki-Sebuguzi, C; Webster, J; Magnussen, P; Ansah, E; Hansen, KS; Hutchinson, E; Cundill, B; Yeung, S; Schellenberg, D; Staedke, SG; Wiseman, V; Lalloo, DG; Whitty, CJM
  • Is the Expanded Programme on Immunisation the most appropriate delivery system for intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in West Africa? (2007) Chandramohan, Daniel; Webster, Jayne; Smith, Lucy; Awine, Timothy; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Carneiro, Ilona
  • Global Call to Action: maximize the public health impact of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy in sub-Saharan Africa. (2015) Chico, R Matthew; Dellicour, Stephanie; Roman, Elaine; Mangiaterra, Viviana; Coleman, Jane; Menendez, Clara; Majeres-Lugand, Maud; Webster, Jayne; Hill, Jenny
  • Treatment of uncomplicated and severe malaria during pregnancy. (2018) D'Alessandro, Umberto; Hill, Jenny; Tarning, Joel; Pell, Christopher; Webster, Jayne; Gutman, Julie; Sevene, Esperanca
  • Effectiveness of the delivery of interventions to prevent malaria in pregnancy in Kenya. (2016) Dellicour, Stephanie; Hill, Jenny; Bruce, Jane; Ouma, Peter; Marwanga, Doris; Otieno, Peter; Desai, Meghna; Hamel, Mary J; Kariuki, Simon; Webster, Jayne
  • Prevention of malaria in pregnancy. (2018) Desai, Meghna; Hill, Jenny; Fernandes, Silke; Walker, Patrick; Pell, Christopher; Gutman, Julie; Kayentao, Kassoum; Gonzalez, Raquel; Webster, Jayne; Greenwood, Brian; Cot, Michel; Ter Kuile, Feiko O
  • Cost-effectiveness analysis of the national implementation of integrated community case management and community-based health planning and services in Ghana for the treatment of malaria, diarrhoea and pneumonia. (2017) Escribano Ferrer, Blanca; Hansen, Kristian Schultz; Gyapong, Margaret; Bruce, Jane; Narh Bana, Solomon A; Narh, Clement T; Allotey, Naa-Korkor; Glover, Roland; Azantilow, Naa-Charity; Bart-Plange, Constance; Sagoe-Moses, Isabella; Webster, Jayne
  • Effectiveness of two community-based strategies on disease knowledge and health behaviour regarding malaria, diarrhoea and pneumonia in Ghana. (2017) Escribano-Ferrer, Blanca; Gyapong, Margaret; Bruce, Jane; Narh Bana, Solomon A; Narh, Clement T; Allotey, Naa-Korkor; Glover, Roland; Azantilow, Charity; Bart-Plange, Constance; Sagoe-Moses, Isabella; Webster, Jayne
  • Assessing the impact of health research on health policies: a study of the Dodowa Health Research Centre, Ghana. (2017) Escribano-Ferrer, Blanca; Webster, Jayne; Gyapong, Margaret
  • Consequences of restricting antimalarial drugs to rapid diagnostic test-positive febrile children in south-west Nigeria. (2019) Falade, Catherine Olufunke; Orimadegun, Adebola Emanuel; Michael, Obaro Stanley; Dada-Adegbola, Hannah Odunola; Ogunkunle, Oluwatoyin Oluwafunmilayo; Badejo, Joseph Ayotunde; Funwei, Roland Ibenipere; Ajayi, IkeOluwapo Oyeneye; Jegede, Ayodele Samuel; Ojurongbe, Olusola Daniel; Ssekitooleko, James; Baba, Ebenezer; Hamade, Prudence; Webster, Jayne; Chandramohan, Daniel
  • Implementation of the integrated management of childhood illness with parasitological diagnosis of malaria in rural Ghana: health worker perceptions. (2015) Febir, Lawrence G; Baiden, Frank E; Agula, Justina; Delimini, Rupert K; Akpalu, Bright; Tivura, Mathilda; Amanfo, Nelson; Chandramohan, Daniel; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Webster, Jayne
  • Cost-effectiveness of two versus three or more doses of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria during pregnancy in sub-Saharan Africa: a modelling study of meta-analysis and cost data. (2015) Fernandes, Silke; Sicuri, Elisa; Kayentao, Kassoum; van Eijk, Anne Maria; Hill, Jenny; Webster, Jayne; Were, Vincent; Akazili, James; Madanitsa, Mwayi; ter Kuile, Feiko O; Hanson, Kara
  • Integrated community case management and community-based health planning and services: a cross sectional study on the effectiveness of the national implementation for the treatment of malaria, diarrhoea and pneumonia. (2016) Ferrer, Blanca Escribano; Webster, Jayne; Bruce, Jane; Narh-Bana, Solomon A; Narh, Clement T; Allotey, Naa-KorKor; Glover, Roland; Bart-Plange, Constance; Sagoe-Moses, Isabella; Malm, Keziah; Gyapong, Margaret
  • How useful are malaria risk maps at the country level? Perceptions of decision-makers in Kenya, Malawi and the Democratic Republic of Congo. (2020) Ghilardi, Ludovica; Okello, George; Nyondo-Mipando, Linda; Chirambo, Chawanangwa Mahebere; Malongo, Fathy; Hoyt, Jenna; Lee, Jieun; Sedekia, Yovitha; Parkhurst, Justin; Lines, Jo; Snow, Robert W; Lynch, Caroline A; Webster, Jayne
  • Delivery strategies for malaria vaccination in areas with seasonal malaria transmission. (2023) Grant, Jane; Diawara, Halimatou; Traore, Seydou; Koita, Fatoumata; Myers, Jessica; Sagara, Issaka; Chandramohan, Daniel; Dicko, Alassane; Greenwood, Brian; Webster, Jayne
  • Challenges and lessons learned during the planning and early implementation of the RTS,S/AS01E malaria vaccine in three regions of Ghana: a qualitative study. (2022) Grant, Jane; Gyan, Thomas; Agbokey, Francis; Webster, Jayne; Greenwood, Brian; Asante, Kwaku Poku
  • Perceptions of quality and the integrated delivery of family planning with childhood immunisation services in Kenya and Uganda. (2022) Hamon, Jessie K; Hoyt, Jenna; Krishnaratne, Shari; Barbra, Ariko Angela; Morukileng, Job; Spilotros, Nathaly; Mbembe, Miriam; Marcus, Seth; Webster, Jayne
  • Integrated delivery of family planning and childhood immunisation services: a mixed methods assessment of service responsiveness. (2022) Hamon, Jessie K; Kambanje, Misozi; Pryor, Shannon; Kaponda, Alice S; Mwale, Erick; Burchett, Helen ED; Mayhew, Susannah H; Webster, Jayne
  • Integrated delivery of family planning and childhood immunization services: a qualitative study of factors influencing service responsiveness in Malawi. (2022) Hamon, Jessie K; Kambanje, Misozi; Pryor, Shannon; Kaponda, Alice S; Mwale, Erick; Mayhew, Susannah H; Webster, Jayne; Burchett, Helen ED
  • Integrated delivery of family planning and childhood immunisation services in routine outreach clinics: findings from a realist evaluation in Malawi. (2020) Hamon, Jessie K; Krishnaratne, Shari; Hoyt, Jenna; Kambanje, Misozi; Pryor, Shannon; Webster, Jayne
  • Five Challenges in the Design and Conduct of IS Trials for HIV Prevention and Treatment. (2019) Hargreaves, James R; Hassan, Syreen; Schellenberg, Joanna; Hayes, Richard; Webster, Jayne; Lewis, James J
  • Taking stock: provider prescribing practices in the presence and absence of ACT stock. (2011) Hensen, Bernadette; Paintain, Lucy Smith; Shretta, Rima; Bruce, Jane; Jones, Caroline; Webster, Jayne
  • Women's access and provider practices for the case management of malaria during pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2014) Hill, Jenny; D'Mello-Guyett, Lauren; Hoyt, Jenna; van Eijk, Anna M; ter Kuile, Feiko O; Webster, Jayne
  • User and Provider Acceptability of Intermittent Screening and Treatment and Intermittent Preventive Treatment with Dihydroartemisinin-Piperaquine to Prevent Malaria in Pregnancy in Western Kenya. (2016) Hill, Jenny; Hoyt, Jenna; Achieng, Florence; Ouma, Peter; L'lanziva, Anne; Kariuki, Simon; Desai, Meghna; Webster, Jayne
  • Factors affecting the delivery, access, and use of interventions to prevent malaria in pregnancy in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2013) Hill, Jenny; Hoyt, Jenna; van Eijk, Anna Maria; D'Mello-Guyett, Lauren; Ter Kuile, Feiko O; Steketee, Rick; Smith, Helen; Webster, Jayne
  • Prioritizing pregnant women for long-lasting insecticide treated nets through antenatal care clinics. (2014) Hill, Jenny; Hoyt, Jenna; van Eijk, Anna Maria; ter Kuile, Feiko O; Webster, Jayne; Steketee, Richard W
  • Access and use of interventions to prevent and treat malaria among pregnant women in Kenya and Mali: a qualitative study. (2015) Hill, Jenny; Kayentao, Kassoum; Achieng, Florence; Diarra, Samba; Dellicour, Stephanie; Diawara, Sory I; Hamel, Mary J; Ouma, Peter; Desai, Meghna; Doumbo, Ogobara K; ter Kuile, Feiko O; Webster, Jayne
  • Effectiveness of antenatal clinics to deliver intermittent preventive treatment and insecticide treated nets for the control of malaria in pregnancy in Mali: a household survey. (2014) Hill, Jenny; Kayentao, Kassoum; Touré, Mahamoudou; Diarwara, Sory; Bruce, Jane; Smedley, James; Doumbo, Ogobara K; ter Kuile, Feiko O; Webster, Jayne
  • Evaluation of the national policy of single screening and treatment for the prevention of malaria in pregnancy in two districts in Eastern Indonesia: health provider perceptions. (2018) Hill, Jenny; Landuwulang, Chandra UR; Ansariadi; Hoyt, Jenna; Burdam, Faustina H; Bonsapia, Irene; Syafruddin, Din; Poespoprodjo, Jeanne R; Ter Kuile, Feiko O; Ahmed, Rukhsana; Webster, Jayne
  • Intermittent screening and treatment with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine for the prevention of malaria in pregnancy: implementation feasibility in a routine healthcare system setting in western Kenya. (2020) Hill, Jenny; Ouma, Peter; Oluoch, Seth; Bruce, Jane; Kariuki, Simon; Desai, Meghna; Webster, Jayne
  • Impact of introduction of rapid diagnostic tests for malaria on antibiotic prescribing: analysis of observational and randomised studies in public and private healthcare settings. (2017) Hopkins, Heidi; Bruxvoort, Katia J; Cairns, Matthew E; Chandler, Clare IR; Leurent, Baptiste; Ansah, Evelyn K; Baiden, Frank; Baltzell, Kimberly A; Björkman, Anders; Burchett, Helen ED; Clarke, Siân E; DiLiberto, Deborah D; Elfving, Kristina; Goodman, Catherine; Hansen, Kristian S; Kachur, S Patrick; Lal, Sham; Lalloo, David G; Leslie, Toby; Magnussen, Pascal; Jefferies, Lindsay Mangham; Mårtensson, Andreas; Mayan, Ismail; Mbonye, Anthony K; Msellem, Mwinyi I; Onwujekwe, Obinna E; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Reyburn, Hugh; Rowland, Mark W; Shakely, Delér; Vestergaard, Lasse S; Webster, Jayne; Wiseman, Virginia L; Yeung, Shunmay; Schellenberg, David; Staedke, Sarah G; Whitty, Christopher JM
  • "It was my own decision": the transformational shift that influences a woman's decision to use contraceptives covertly. (2022) Hoyt, Jenna; Hamon, Jessie K; Krishnaratne, Shari; Houndekon, Emmanuel; Curry, Dora; Mbembe, Miriam; Marcus, Seth; Kambanje, Misozi; Pryor, Shannon; Barbra, Ariko Angela; Muhumuza, Herbert; Spilotros, Nathaly; Webster, Jayne
  • Healthcare provider and pregnant women's perspectives on the implementation of intermittent screening and treatment with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine for malaria in pregnancy in western Kenya: a qualitative study. (2021) Hoyt, Jenna; Hill, Jenny; Achieng, Florence; Ouma, Peter; Kariuki, Simon; Desai, Meghna; Webster, Jayne
  • "As a woman who watches how my family is… I take the difficult decisions": a qualitative study on integrated family planning and childhood immunisation services in five African countries. (2021) Hoyt, Jenna; Krishnaratne, Shari; Hamon, Jessie K; Boudarene, Lydia; Chantler, Tracey; Demissie, Shiferaw Dechasa; Landegger, Justine; Moseti, Easterlina; Marcus, Seth; Kambanje, Misozi; Pryor, Shannon; Spilotros, Nathaly; Gnintoungbe, Marius; Curry, Dora; Webster, Jayne
  • Intermittent screening and treatment or intermittent preventive treatment compared to current policy of single screening and treatment for the prevention of malaria in pregnancy in Eastern Indonesia: acceptability among health providers and pregnant women. (2018) Hoyt, Jenna; Landuwulang, Chandra UR; Ansariadi; Ahmed, Rukhsana; Burdam, Faustina H; Bonsapia, Irene; Poespoprodjo, Jeanne R; Syafruddin, Din; Ter Kuile, Feiko O; Webster, Jayne; Hill, Jenny
  • Evaluation of a capacity building intervention on malaria treatment for under-fives in rural health facilities in Niger State, Nigeria. (2020) Jegede, Ayodele; Willey, Barbara; Hamade, Prudence; Oshiname, Fredrick; Chandramohan, Daniel; Ajayi, IkeOluwa; Falade, Catherine; Baba, Ebenezer; Webster, Jayne
  • Malaria control in complex emergencies: the example of East Timor. (2003) Kolaczinski, Jan; Webster, Jayne
  • What mechanisms drive uptake of family planning when integrated with childhood immunisation in Ethiopia? A realist evaluation. (2021) Krishnaratne, Shari; Hamon, Jessie K; Hoyt, Jenna; Chantler, Tracey; Landegger, Justine; Spilotros, Nathaly; Demissie, Shiferaw Dechasa; Mohammed, Siraj; Webster, Jayne
  • Acceptability of family planning in a changing context in Uganda: a realist evaluation at two time points. (2022) Krishnaratne, Shari; Hoyt, Jenna; Hamon, Jessie K; Ariko, Angela Barbra; Atayo, Carol; Morukileng, Job; Spilotros, Nathaly; Webster, Jayne
  • Effectiveness of intermittent screening and treatment for the control of malaria in pregnancy: a cluster randomised trial in India. (2019) Kuepfer, Irene; Mishra, Neelima; Bruce, Jane; Mishra, Vinit; Anvikar, Anupkumar R; Satpathi, Sanghamitra; Behera, Prativa; Muehlenbachs, Atis; Webster, Jayne; terKuile, Feiko; Greenwood, Brian; Valecha, Neena; Chandramohan, Daniel
  • Options for the delivery of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria to children: a community randomised trial. (2009) Kweku, Margaret; Webster, Jayne; Adjuik, Martin; Abudey, Samuel; Greenwood, Brian; Chandramohan, Daniel
  • Public-private delivery of insecticide-treated nets: a voucher scheme in Volta Region, Ghana. (2007) Kweku, Margaret; Webster, Jayne; Taylor, Ian; Burns, Susan; Dedzo, McDamien
  • Evaluating health workers' potential resistance to new interventions: a role for discrete choice experiments. (2011) Lagarde, Mylene; Smith Paintain, Lucy; Antwi, Gifti; Jones, Caroline; Greenwood, Brian; Chandramohan, Daniel; Tagbor, Harry; Webster, Jayne
  • Interventions to improve district-level routine health data in low-income and middle-income countries: a systematic review. (2021) Lee, Jieun; Lynch, Caroline A; Hashiguchi, Lauren Oliveira; Snow, Robert W; Herz, Naomi D; Webster, Jayne; Parkhurst, Justin; Erondu, Ngozi A
  • Scaling-up and sustaining insecticide-treated net coverage. (2003) Lines, Jo; Lengeler, Christian; Cham, Kabir; de Savigny, Don; Chimumbwa, John; Langi, Peter; Carroll, Dennis; Mills, Anne; Hanson, Kara; Webster, Jayne; Lynch, Matthew; Addington, Whitney; Hill, Jenny; Rowland, Mark; Worrall, Eve; MacDonald, Michael; Kilian, Albert
  • Co-circulation of Chikungunya Virus during the 2015-2017 Zika Virus Outbreak in Pernambuco, Brazil: An Analysis of the Microcephaly Epidemic Research Group Pregnancy Cohort. (2022) Lobkowicz, Ludmila; Miranda-Filho, Demócrito de Barros; Montarroyos, Ulisses Ramos; Martelli, Celina Maria Turchi; Barreto de Araújo, Thalia Velho; De Souza, Wayner Vieira; Bezerra, Luciana Caroline Albuquerque; Dhalia, Rafael; Marques, Ernesto TA; Clemente, Nuria Sanchez; Webster, Jayne; Vaughan, Aisling; Webb, Emily L; Brickley, Elizabeth B; Alencar Ximenes, Ricardo Arraes de; Microcephaly Epidemic Research Group picture_as_pdf
  • An investigation into the knowledge, perceptions and role of personal protective technologies in Zika prevention in Colombia. (2020) Mendoza, Carolina; Jaramillo, Gloria-Isabel; Ant, Thomas H; Power, Grace M; Jones, Robert T; Quintero, Juliana; Alexander, Neal; Webster, Jayne; Osorio, Lyda; Logan, James G
  • Molecular determinants of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine resistance in Plasmodium falciparum in Nigeria and the regional emergence of dhps 431V. (2016) Oguike, Mary C; Falade, Catherine O; Shu, Elvis; Enato, Izehiuwa G; Watila, Ismaila; Baba, Ebenezer S; Bruce, Jane; Webster, Jayne; Hamade, Prudence; Meek, Sylvia; Chandramohan, Daniel; Sutherland, Colin J; Warhurst, David; Roper, Cally ['material/summary:fileicon_text/html' not defined]
  • From intervention to impact: modelling the potential mortality impact achievable by different long-lasting, insecticide-treated net delivery strategies. (2012) Okell, Lucy C; Paintain, Lucy Smith; Webster, Jayne; Hanson, Kara; Lines, Jo
  • Sustaining fragile gains: the need to maintain coverage with long-lasting insecticidal nets for malaria control and likely implications of not doing so. (2013) Paintain, Lucy Smith; Kolaczinski, Jan; Renshaw, Melanie; Filler, Scott; Kilian, Albert; Webster, Jayne; Lokko, Kojo; Lynch, Matthew
  • Cost-effectiveness of intermittent preventive treatment with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine versus single screening and treatment for the control of malaria in pregnancy in Papua, Indonesia: a provider perspective analysis from a cluster-randomised trial. (2020) Paintain, Lucy; Hill, Jenny; Ahmed, Rukhsana; Umbu Reku Landuwulang, Chandra; Ansariadi, Ansariadi; Rini Poespoprodjo, Jeanne; Syafruddin, Din; Khairallah, Carole; Burdam, Faustina Helena; Bonsapia, Irene; Ter Kuile, Feiko O; Webster, Jayne
  • Using donor funding to catalyse investment in malaria prevention in Ghana: an analysis of the potential impact on public and private sector expenditure. (2022) Paintain, Lucy; Kpabitey, Richard; Nyanor-Fosu, Felix; Piccinini Black, Danielle; Bertram, Kathryn; Webster, Jayne; Goodman, Catherine; Lynch, Matt
  • Understanding evidence use from a programmatic perspective: conceptual development and empirical insights from national malaria control programmes. (2020) Parkhurst, Justin; Ghilardi, Ludovica; Webster, Jayne; Hoyt, Jenna; Hill, Jenny; Lynch, Caroline A
  • Competing interests, clashing ideas and institutionalizing influence: insights into the political economy of malaria control from seven African countries. (2020) Parkhurst, Justin; Ghilardi, Ludovica; Webster, Jayne; Snow, Robert W; Lynch, Caroline A
  • Coverage, adherence and costs of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in children employing different delivery strategies in Jasikan, Ghana. (2011) Patouillard, Edith; Conteh, Lesong; Webster, Jayne; Kweku, Margaret; Chandramohan, Daniel; Greenwood, Brian
  • The practice of 'doing' evaluation: lessons learned from nine complex intervention trials in action. (2014) Reynolds, Joanna; DiLiberto, Deborah; Mangham-Jefferies, Lindsay; Ansah, Evelyn K; Lal, Sham; Mbakilwa, Hilda; Bruxvoort, Katia; Webster, Jayne; Vestergaard, Lasse S; Yeung, Shunmay; Leslie, Toby; Hutchinson, Eleanor; Reyburn, Hugh; Lalloo, David G; Schellenberg, David; Cundill, Bonnie; Staedke, Sarah G; Wiseman, Virginia; Goodman, Catherine; Chandler, Clare IR
  • Malaria and complex emergencies. (2002) Rowland, M; Webster, J; Meek, S
  • Prevention of malaria in Afghanistan through social marketing of insecticide-treated nets: evaluation of coverage and effectiveness by cross-sectional surveys and passive surveillance. (2002) Rowland, Mark; Webster, Jayne; Saleh, Padshah; Chandramohan, Daniel; Freeman, Tim; Pearcy, Barbara; Durrani, Naeem; Rab, Abdur; Mohammed, Nasir
  • Setting priorities in global child health research investments: guidelines for implementation of CHNRI method. (2008) Rudan, Igor; Gibson, Jennifer L; Ameratunga, Shanthi; El Arifeen, Shams; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Black, Maureen; Black, Robert E; Brown, Kenneth H; Campbell, Harry; Carneiro, Ilona; Chan, Kit Yee; Chandramohan, Daniel; Chopra, Mickey; Cousens, Simon; Darmstadt, Gary L; Meeks Gardner, Julie; Hess, Sonja Y; Hyder, Adnan A; Kapiriri, Lydia; Kosek, Margaret; Lanata, Claudio F; Lansang, Mary Ann; Lawn, Joy; Tomlinson, Mark; Tsai, Alexander C; Webster, Jayne; Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative
  • Setting priorities in global child health research investments: assessment of principles and practice. (2007) Rudan, Igor; Gibson, Jennifer; Kapiriri, Lydia; Lansang, Mary Ann; Hyder, Adnan A; Lawn, Joy; Darmstadt, Gary L; Cousens, Simon; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Brown, Kenneth H; Hess, Sonja Y; Black, Maureen; Gardner, Julie Meeks; Webster, Jayne; Carneiro, Ilona; Chandramohan, Daniel; Kosek, Margaret; Lanata, Claudio F; Tomlinson, Mark; Chopra, Mickey; Ameratunga, Shanthi; Campbell, Harry; El Arifeen, Shams; Black, Robert E; Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative (CHNRI)
  • Intermittent screening and treatment versus intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy: provider knowledge and acceptability. (2011) Smith Paintain, Lucy; Antwi, Gifty D; Jones, Caroline; Amoako, Esther; Adjei, Rose O; Afrah, Nana A; Greenwood, Brian; Chandramohan, Daniel; Tagbor, Harry; Webster, Jayne
  • Community health workers and stand-alone or integrated case management of malaria: a systematic literature review. (2014) Smith Paintain, Lucy; Willey, Barbara; Kedenge, Sarah; Sharkey, Alyssa; Kim, Julia; Buj, Valentina; Webster, Jayne; Schellenberg, David; Ngongo, Ngashi
  • From fever to anti-malarial: the treatment-seeking process in rural Senegal. (2010) Smith, Lucy A; Bruce, Jane; Gueye, Lamine; Helou, Anthony; Diallo, Rodio; Gueye, Babacar; Jones, Caroline; Webster, Jayne
  • Intermittent screening and treatment versus intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy: user acceptability. (2010) Smith, Lucy A; Jones, Caroline; Adjei, Rose O; Antwi, Gifty D; Afrah, Nana A; Greenwood, Brian; Chandramohan, Daniel; Tagbor, Harry; Webster, Jayne
  • Review: Provider practice and user behavior interventions to improve prompt and effective treatment of malaria: do we know what works? (2009) Smith, Lucy A; Jones, Caroline; Meek, Sylvia; Webster, Jayne
  • Access to health care for people with stroke in South Africa: a qualitative study of community perspectives. (2022) Smythe, T; Inglis-Jassiem, G; Conradie, T; Kamalakannan, S; Fernandes, S; van-Niekerk, SM; English, R; Webster, J; Hameed, S; Louw, QA
  • Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Test-Based versus Presumptive Treatment of Uncomplicated Malaria in Children under Five Years in an Area of High Transmission in Central Ghana. (2016) Tawiah, Theresa; Hansen, Kristian Schultz; Baiden, Frank; Bruce, Jane; Tivura, Mathilda; Delimini, Rupert; Amengo-Etego, Seeba; Chandramohan, Daniel; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Webster, Jayne
  • Operational challenges to continuous LLIN distribution: a qualitative rapid assessment in four countries. (2016) Theiss-Nyland, Katherine; Ejersa, Waqo; Karema, Corine; Koné, Diakalia; Koenker, Hannah; Cyaka, Yves; Lynch, Matthew; Webster, Jayne; Lines, Jo
  • The relative roles of ANC and EPI in the continuous distribution of LLINs: a qualitative study in four countries. (2016) Theiss-Nyland, Katherine; Koné, Diakalia; Karema, Corine; Ejersa, Waqo; Webster, Jayne; Lines, Jo
  • The Impact of a Community Awareness Strategy on Caregiver Treatment Seeking Behaviour and Use of Artemether-Lumefantrine for Febrile Children in Rural Kenya. (2015) Wasunna, Beatrice; Okiro, Emelda A; Webster, Jayne; Todd, Jim; Snow, Robert W; Jones, Caroline
  • Health worker performance in the management of paediatric fevers following in-service training and exposure to job aids in Kenya. (2010) Wasunna, Beatrice; Zurovac, Dejan; Bruce, Jane; Jones, Caroline; Webster, Jayne; Snow, Robert W
  • Evaluation of the implementation of single screening and treatment for the control of malaria in pregnancy in Eastern Indonesia: a systems effectiveness analysis. (2018) Webster, Jayne; Ansariadi; Burdam, Faustina Helena; Landuwulang, Chandra Umbu Reku; Bruce, Jane; Poespoprodjo, Jeanne Rini; Syafruddin, Din; Ahmed, Rukhsana; Hill, Jenny
  • Management of febrile children under five years in hospitals and health centres of rural Ghana. (2014) Webster, Jayne; Baiden, Frank; Bawah, Justina; Bruce, Jane; Tivura, Mathilda; Delmini, Rupert; Amenga-Etego, Seeba; Chandramohan, Daniel; Owusu-Agyei, Seth
  • A health facility based case-control study of effectiveness of insecticide treated nets: potential for selection bias due to pre-treatment with chloroquine. (2003) Webster, Jayne; Chandramohan, Daniel; Freeman, Tim; Greenwood, Brian; Kamawal, Amin Ullah; Rahim, Fazle; Rowland, Mark
  • Methods for evaluating delivery systems for scaling-up malaria control intervention. (2010) Webster, Jayne; Chandramohan, Daniel; Hanson, Kara
  • Timely evaluation in international development. (2018) Webster, Jayne; Exley, Josephine; Copestake, James; Davies, Rick; Hargreaves, James
  • Delivery systems for insecticide treated and untreated mosquito nets in Africa: categorization and outcomes achieved. (2007) Webster, Jayne; Hill, Jenny; Lines, Jo; Hanson, Kara
  • Adoption of evidence-based global policies at the national level: intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in pregnancy and first trimester treatment in Kenya, Malawi, Mali and The Gambia. (2020) Webster, Jayne; Hoyt, Jenna; Diarra, Samba; Manda-Taylor, Lucinda; Okoth, George; Achan, Jane; Ghilardi, Ludovica; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Madanista, Mwayi; Kariuki, Simon; Kayentao, Kassoum; Hill, Jenny
  • Prevention of malaria in pregnancy with intermittent preventive treatment and insecticide treated nets in Mali: a quantitative health systems effectiveness analysis. (2013) Webster, Jayne; Kayentao, Kassoum; Bruce, Jane; Diawara, Sory I; Abathina, Amadou; Haiballa, Alhassane Ag; Doumbo, Ogobara K; Hill, Jenny
  • Context-acceptability theories: example of family planning interventions in five African countries. (2021) Webster, Jayne; Krishnaratne, Shari; Hoyt, Jenna; Demissie, Shiferaw Dechasa; Spilotros, Nathaly; Landegger, Justine; Kambanje, Misozi; Pryor, Shannon; Moseti, Easterlina; Marcus, Seth; Gnintoungbe, Marius; Curry, Dora; Hamon, Jessie K
  • Evaluating delivery systems: complex evaluations and plausibility inference. (2010) Webster, Jayne; Kweku, Margaret; Dedzo, McDamien; Tinkorang, Kojo; Bruce, Jane; Lines, Jo; Chandramohan, Daniel; Hanson, Kara
  • Which delivery systems reach the poor? A review of equity of coverage of ever-treated nets, never-treated nets, and immunisation to reduce child mortality in Africa. (2005) Webster, Jayne; Lines, Jo; Bruce, Jane; Armstrong Schellenberg, Joanna Rm; Hanson, Kara
  • Evaluation of Implementation of Intermittent Screening and Treatment for Control of Malaria in Pregnancy in Jharkhand, India. (2020) Webster, Jayne; Mishra, Vinit Kumar; Anvikar, Anupkumar R; Kuepfer, Irene; Hoyt, Jenna; Bruce, Jane; Greenwood, Brian; Chandramohan, Daniel; Valecha, Neena; Mishra, Neelima
  • Experience of targeting subsidies on insecticide-treated nets: what do we know and what are the knowledge gaps? (2005) Worrall, Eve; Hill, Jenny; Webster, Jayne; Mortimer, Julia
  • The economics of malaria in pregnancy--a review of the evidence and research priorities. (2007) Worrall, Eve; Morel, Chantal; Yeung, Shunmay; Borghi, Jo; Webster, Jayne; Hill, Jenny; Wiseman, Virginia; Mills, Anne
  • Introducing vouchers for malaria prevention in Ghana and Tanzania: context and adoption of innovation in health systems. (2012) de Savigny, Don; Webster, Jayne; Agyepong, Irene Akua; Mwita, Alex; Bart-Plange, Constance; Baffoe-Wilmot, Aba; Koenker, Hannah; Kramer, Karen; Brown, Nick; Lengeler, Christian
  • Coverage of intermittent preventive treatment and insecticide-treated nets for the control of malaria during pregnancy in sub-Saharan Africa: a synthesis and meta-analysis of national survey data, 2009-11. (2013) van Eijk, Anna Maria; Hill, Jenny; Larsen, David A; Webster, Jayne; Steketee, Richard W; Eisele, Thomas P; ter Kuile, Feiko O
  • Achieving universal health coverage for people with stroke in South Africa: protocol for a scoping review. (2020) van Niekerk, Sjan-Mari; Inglis-Jassiem, Gakeemah; Kamalakannan, Sureshkumar; Fernandes, Silke; Webster, Jayne; English, Rene; Smythe, Tracey; Louw, QA
  • Towards universal health coverage for people with stroke in South Africa: a scoping review. (2021) van Niekerk, Sjan-Mari; Kamalakannan, Sureshkumar; Inglis-Jassiem, Gakeemah; Charumbira, Maria Yvonne; Fernandes, Silke; Webster, Jayne; English, Rene; Louw, Quinette A; Smythe, Tracey
  • Monograph
  • Protecting all pregnant women and children under five years living in malaria endemic areas in Africa with insecticide treated mosquito nets. Report for the Roll Back Malaria Department. (2005) Webster, J; Lines, J; Smith, L
  • Conference or Workshop Item
  • Restricting artemisinin-based combination therapy to test positive malaria in a high-transmission setting in Ghana - a cluster-randomised trial. (2013) Baiden, F; Bruce, J; Webster, J; Tivura, M; Delmini, R; Amenga-Etego, S; Owusu-Agyei, S; Chandramohan, D
  • The impact of schistosomiasis and intestinal helminth control program on health in rural Uganda. (2006) Fenwick, A; Kabatereine, N; Koukounari, Artemis; Webster, J; Brooker, S
  • Interventions to Improve Prompt and Effective Treatment of Malaria: Do We Know What Works? (2008) Smith, LA; Webster, J; Jones, C
  • Outcomes of delivery systems for ITNs: attributing coverage through a household survey in Ghana. (2007) Webster, J; Marin, C
  • Thesis
  • Integrated Community Case Management And Community-Based Health Planning And Services In Ghana: Assessment Of The National Implementation For The Prevention And Management Of Malaria, Diarrhoea And Suspected Pneumonia. (2017) Escribano Ferrer, Blanca
  • Co-circulating Arboviruses in Latin America: Zika Virus, Chikungunya Virus and Dengue Virus. (2020) Lobkowicz, L