Items where Author is "Ensink, Jeroen HJ"
Number of items: 35.
Bibliographic data only
  • Transmission of Enterobius vermicularis eggs through hands of school children in rural South Africa. (2015) Cranston, Imogen; Potgieter, Natasha; Mathebula, Sammy; Ensink, Jeroen HJ
  • Evaluating the efficacy of a centrifugation-flotation method for extracting Ascaris ova from soil. (2016) Cranston, Imogen; Teoh, Penelope J; Baker, Sarah M; Sengupta, Mita E; Ensink, Jeroen HJ
  • Abastecimiento de agua, saneamiento, hygiene y salud pública. (2013) Ensink, JHJ; Cairncross, S
  • Waste stabilization pond performance in Pakistan and its implications for wastewater use in agriculture. (2007) Ensink, JHJ; van der Hoek, W; Mara, DD; Cairncross, S
  • Assessment of a membrane drinking water filter in an emergency setting. (2015) Ensink, Jeroen HJ; Bastable, Andy; Cairncross, Sandy
  • Wastewater-irrigated vegetables: market handling versus irrigation water quality. (2007) Ensink, Jeroen HJ; Mahmood, Tariq; Dalsgaard, Anders
  • Simple intervention to reduce mosquito breeding in waste stabilisation ponds. (2007) Ensink, Jeroen HJ; Mukhtar, Muhammad; van der Hoek, Wim; Konradsen, Flemming
  • Giardia duodenalis infection and wastewater irrigation in Pakistan. (2005) Ensink, Jeroen HJ; van der Hoek, Wim; Amerasinghe, Felix P
  • Transmission of helminth eggs through hands in a high-risk community. (2014) Gulliver, Francesca; Jeandron, Aurelie; Nguyen, Viet Anh; Do, Hong Anh; Ensink, Jeroen HJ
  • Knowledge, attitudes and practices on use of Fossa Alternas and double vault urine diverting dry (DVUDD) latrines in Malawi. (2016) Kumwenda, Save; Msefula, Chisomo; Kadewa, Wilfred; Ngwira, Bagrey; Morse, Tracy; Ensink, Jeroen HJ
  • Importance of waste stabilization ponds and wastewater irrigation in the generation of vector mosquitoes in Pakistan. (2006) Mukhtar, Muhammad; Ensink, Jeroen; Van der Hoek, Wim; Amerasinghe, Felix Prashantha; Konradsen, Flemming
  • The risk of cancer as a result of elevated levels of nitrate in drinking water and vegetables in Central India. (2017) Taneja, Pinky; Labhasetwar, Pawan; Nagarnaik, Pranav; Ensink, Jeroen HJ
  • Modelling the fill rate of pit latrines in Ifakara, Tanzania. (2015) Todman, Lindsay C; van Eekert, Miriam HA; Templeton, Michael R; Hardy (née Kelly), Marie; Gibson, Walter T; Torondel, Belen; Abdelahi, Faraji; Ensink, Jeroen HJ
  • Public
  • Risk factors associated with recurrent diarrheal illnesses among children in Kabul, Afghanistan: a prospective cohort study. (2015) Aluisio, Adam R; Maroof, Zabihullah; Chandramohan, Daniel; Bruce, Jane; Masher, Mohammad I; Manaseki-Holland, Semira; Ensink, Jeroen HJ
  • A faecal exposure assessment of farm workers in Accra, Ghana: a cross sectional study. (2016) Antwi-Agyei, Prince; Biran, Adam; Peasey, Anne; Bruce, Jane; Ensink, Jeroen
  • A Farm to Fork Risk Assessment for the Use of Wastewater in Agriculture in Accra, Ghana. (2015) Antwi-Agyei, Prince; Cairncross, Sandy; Peasey, Anne; Price, Vivien; Bruce, Jane; Baker, Kelly; Moe, Christine; Ampofo, Joseph; Armah, George; Ensink, Jeroen
  • Risk Perceptions of Wastewater Use for Urban Agriculture in Accra, Ghana. (2016) Antwi-Agyei, Prince; Peasey, Anne; Biran, Adam; Bruce, Jane; Ensink, Jeroen
  • A controlled, before-and-after trial of an urban sanitation intervention to reduce enteric infections in children: research protocol for the Maputo Sanitation (MapSan) study, Mozambique. (2015) Brown, Joe; Cumming, Oliver; Bartram, Jamie; Cairncross, Sandy; Ensink, Jeroen; Holcomb, David; Knee, Jackie; Kolsky, Peter; Liang, Kaida; Liang, Song; Nala, Rassul; Norman, Guy; Rheingans, Richard; Stewart, Jill; Zavale, Olimpio; Zuin, Valentina; Schmidt, Wolf-Peter
  • Adopt or Adapt: Sanitation Technology Choices in Urbanizing Malawi. (2016) Chunga, Richard M; Ensink, Jeroen HJ; Jenkins, Marion W; Brown, Joe
  • Moving up the sanitation ladder with the help of microfinance in urban Malawi. (2017) Chunga, Richard; Jenkins, MW; Ensink, Jeroen; Brown, Joe
  • Effectiveness of a rural sanitation programme on diarrhoea, soil-transmitted helminth infection, and child malnutrition in Odisha, India: a cluster-randomised trial. (2014) Clasen, Thomas; Boisson, Sophie; Routray, Parimita; Torondel, Belen; Bell, Melissa; Cumming, Oliver; Ensink, Jeroen; Freeman, Matthew; Jenkins, Marion; Odagiri, Mitsunori; Ray, Subhajyoti; Sinha, Antara; Suar, Mrutyunjay; Schmidt, Wolf-Peter
  • Wastewater quality and the risk of intestinal nematode infection in sewage farming families in hyderabad, India. (2008) Ensink, Jeroen HJ; Blumenthal, Ursula J; Brooker, Simon
  • The sanitation ladder, what constitutes an improved form of sanitation? (2015) Exley, Josephine LR; Liseka, Bernard; Cumming, Oliver; Ensink, Jeroen HJ
  • Comparison of Kato-Katz, ethyl-acetate sedimentation, and Midi Parasep® in the diagnosis of hookworm, Ascaris and Trichuris infections in the context of an evaluation of rural sanitation in India. (2013) Funk, Anna L; Boisson, Sophie; Clasen, Thomas; Ensink, Jeroen HJ
  • Needs assessment to strengthen capacity in water and sanitation research in Africa: experiences of the African SNOWS consortium. (2014) Hunter, Paul R; Abdelrahman, Samira H; Antwi-Agyei, Prince; Awuah, Esi; Cairncross, Sandy; Chappell, Eileen; Dalsgaard, Anders; Ensink, Jeroen HJ; Potgieter, Natasha; Mokgobu, Ingrid; Muchiri, Edward W; Mulogo, Edgar; van der Es, Mike; Odai, Samuel N
  • Tap water access and its relationship with cholera and other diarrhoeal diseases in an urban, cholera-endemic setting in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. (2020) Jeandron, A
  • A quantitative assessment method for Ascaris eggs on hands. (2014) Jeandron, Aurelie; Ensink, Jeroen HJ; Thamsborg, Stig M; Dalsgaard, Anders; Sengupta, Mita E
  • Water supply interruptions and suspected cholera incidence: a time-series regression in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. (2015) Jeandron, Aurélie; Saidi, Jaime Mufitini; Kapama, Alois; Burhole, Manu; Birembano, Freddy; Vandevelde, Thierry; Gasparrini, Antonio; Armstrong, Ben; Cairncross, Sandy; Ensink, Jeroen HJ
  • The cost of a knowledge silo: a systematic re-review of water, sanitation and hygiene interventions. (2014) Loevinsohn, Michael; Mehta, Lyla; Cuming, Katie; Nicol, Alan; Cumming, Oliver; Ensink, Jeroen HJ
  • Monitoring the inputs required to extend and sustain hygiene promotion: findings from the GLAAS 2013/2014 survey. (2016) Moreland, Leslie D; Gore, Fiona M; Andre, Nathalie; Cairncross, Sandy; Ensink, Jeroen HJ
  • Evidence on the Effectiveness of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Interventions on Health Outcomes in Humanitarian Crises: A Systematic Review. (2015) Ramesh, Anita; Blanchet, Karl; Ensink, Jeroen HJ; Roberts, Bayard
  • Measuring domestic water use: a systematic review of methodologies that measure unmetered water use in low-income settings. (2016) Tamason, Charlotte C; Bessias, Sophia; Villada, Adriana; Tulsiani, Suhella M; Ensink, Jeroen HJ; Gurley, Emily S; Mackie Jensen, Peter Kjaer
  • The Impact of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Interventions to Control Cholera: A Systematic Review. (2015) Taylor, Dawn L; Kahawita, Tanya M; Cairncross, Sandy; Ensink, Jeroen HJ
  • Assessment of the influence of intrinsic environmental and geographical factors on the bacterial ecology of pit latrines. (2016) Torondel, Belen; Ensink, Jeroen HJ; Gundogdu, Ozan; Ijaz, Umer Zeeshan; Parkhill, Julian; Abdelahi, Faraji; Nguyen, Viet-Anh; Sudgen, Steven; Gibson, Walter; Walker, Alan W; Quince, Christopher
  • Does targeting children with hygiene promotion messages work? The effect of handwashing promotion targeted at children, on diarrhoea, soil-transmitted helminth infections and behaviour change, in low- and middle-income countries. (2017) Watson, JA; Ensink, JH; Ramos, M; Benelli, P; Holdsworth, E; Dreibelbis, R; Cumming, O