Items where Author is "Behrens, Ron H"
Number of items: 89.
Meningococcal carriage among Hajj pilgrims, risk factors for carriage and records of vaccination: a study of pilgrims to Mecca. (2021)
Alasmari, Abrar; Houghton, Joanna; Greenwood, Brian; Heymann, David; Edwards, Phil; Larson, Heidi; Assiri, Abdullah; Ben-Rached, Fathia; Pain, Arnab; Behrens, Ron; Bustinduy, Amaya
Longitudinal study based on a safety registry for malaria patients treated with artenimol-piperaquine in six European countries. (2021)
Vignier, Nicolas; Bouchaud, Olivier; Angheben, Andrea; Bottieau, Emmanuel; Calleri, Guido; Salas-Coronas, Joaquín; Martin, Charlotte; Ramos, José Manuel; Mechain, Matthieu; Rapp, Christophe; Nothdurft, Hans-Dieter; Velasco, Maria; Bardají, Azucena; Rojo-Marcos, Gerardo; Visser, Leo G; Hatz, Christoph; Bisoffi, Zeno; Jelinek, Tomas; Duparc, Stephan; Bourhis, Yann; Tommasini, Silva; Iannucelli, Maurizio; Bacchieri, Antonella; Mattera, Giovan Giuseppe; Merlo Pich, Emilio; Behrens, Ronald H
Influenza Vaccination Primes Human Myeloid Cell Cytokine Secretion and NK Cell Function. (2019)
Wagstaffe, Helen R; Pickering, Harry; Houghton, Joanna; Mooney, Jason P; Wolf, Asia-Sophia; Prevatt, Natalie; Behrens, Ron H; Holland, Martin J; Riley, Eleanor M; Goodier, Martin R
Sustained Immune Complex-Mediated Reduction in CD16 Expression after Vaccination Regulates NK Cell Function. (2016)
Goodier, Martin R; Lusa, Chiara; Sherratt, Sam; Rodriguez-Galan, Ana; Behrens, Ron; Riley, Eleanor M
Influenza Vaccination Generates Cytokine-Induced Memory-like NK Cells: Impact of Human Cytomegalovirus Infection. (2016)
Goodier, Martin R; Rodriguez-Galan, Ana; Lusa, Chiara; Nielsen, Carolyn M; Darboe, Alansana; Moldoveanu, Ana L; White, Matthew J; Behrens, Ron; Riley, Eleanor M
The Raised Potential for Vector-Borne Diseases in European Travelers Following the EU's Biocide Directive on DEET Dosing. (2015)
Behrens, Ron H
Travel-associated infections in Europe. (2015)
Behrens, Ron H; Alexander, Neal; Noble, Lorraine M
Imported malaria among people who travel to visit friends and relatives: is current UK policy effective or does it need a strategic change? (2015)
Behrens, Ron H; Neave, Penny E; Jones, Caroline OH
Authors' reply to Rivers. (2015)
Logan, James G; Behrens, Ron H; Stanczyk, Nina M
Mefloquine at the crossroads? Implications for malaria chemoprophylaxis in Europe. (2015)
Schlagenhauf, Patricia; Hatz, Christoph; Behrens, Ron; Visser, Leo; Funk, Maia; Holzer, Benedikt; Beck, Bernhard; Bourquin, Cathérine; Etter, Hermann; Furrer, Hansjakob; Genton, Blaise; Landry, Pierre; Chappuis, Francois; Loutan, Louis; Stössel, Ulrich; Jeschko, Eva; Rossanese, Andrea; Nothdurft, Hans Dieter
Mosquito repellents for travellers. (2015)
Stanczyk, Nina M; Behrens, Ron H; Chen-Hussey, Vanessa; Stewart, Sophie A; Logan, James G
Assessment of methods used to determine the safety of the topical insect repellent N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET). (2014)
Chen-Hussey, Vanessa; Behrens, Ron; Logan, James G
NHS contribution to the Ebola epidemic. (2014)
Houlihan, Catherine; Behrens, Ron; Moore, David
Challenges facing providers of imported malaria-related healthcare services for Africans visiting friends and relatives (VFRs). (2014)
Neave, Penny E; Jones, Caroline OH; Behrens, Ron H
Vaccine-preventable travel health risks: what is the evidence--what are the gaps? (2014)
Steffen, Robert; Behrens, Ron H; Hill, David R; Greenaway, Christina; Leder, Karin
Malaria knowledge and utilization of chemoprophylaxis in the UK population and in UK passengers departing to malaria-endemic areas. (2013)
Behrens, Ron H; Alexander, Neal
The challenges of disease risk ascertainment using accessible data sources for numbers of travelers. (2013)
Behrens, Ronald H; Carroll, Bernadette
Efficacy and safety of a patch vaccine containing heat-labile toxin from Escherichia coli against travellers' diarrhoea: a phase 3, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled field trial in travellers from Europe to Mexico and Guatemala. (2013)
Behrens, Ronald H; Cramer, Jakob P; Jelinek, Tomas; Shaw, Hilary; von Sonnenburg, Frank; Wilbraham, Darren; Weinke, Thomas; Bell, David J; Asturias, Edwin; Pauwells, Hermann L Enkerlin; Maxwell, Roberto; Paredes-Paredes, Mercedes; Glenn, Gregory M; Dewasthaly, Shailesh; Stablein, Donald M; Jiang, Zhi-Dong; DuPont, Herbert L
The burden of imported malaria among Nigerians and Ghanaians living in London: understanding the influences of the social, cultural, environmental, economic and structural context. (2013)
Neave, Pe
Does public subsidy of the cost of malaria chemoprophylaxis reduce imported malaria? A comparative policy analysis. (2013)
Neave, Penny E; Taylor, Steve; Behrens, Ron H
Efficacy of a travelers' diarrhea vaccine system in travelers to India. (2013)
Steffen, Robert; Cramer, Jakob P; Burchard, Gerd; Jelinek, Tomas; Schwarz, Ute; Ramdas, Prabhugaunker; Chatterjee, Santanu; Jiang, Zhi-Dong; DuPont, Herbert L; Dewasthaly, Shailesh; Westritschnig, Kerstin; Behrens, Ronald H
Guidelines for the public health management of typhoid and paratyphoid in England: practice guidelines from the National Typhoid and Paratyphoid Reference Group. (2012)
Balasegaram, S; Potter, AL; Grynszpan, D; Barlow, S; Behrens, RH; Lighton, L; Booth, L; Inamdar, L; Neal, K; Nye, K; Lawrence, J; Jones, J; Gray, I; Tolley, D; Lane, C; Adak, B; Cummins, A; Addiman, S; Typhoid and Paratyphoid Reference Group, Health Protection Agenc
Travel trends and patterns of travel-associated morbidity. (2012)
Behrens, Ronald H; Carroll, Bernadette
The new health threats of exotic and global travel. (2012)
Coltart, Cordelia EM; Behrens, Ron H
Preparing young travellers for low resource destinations. (2012)
Fhogartaigh, Caoimhe Nic; Sanford, Christopher; Behrens, Ron H
Malaria: an update for physicians. (2012)
Nadjm, Behzad; Behrens, Ron H
Travel clinic consultation and risk assessment. (2012)
Noble, Lorraine M; Willcox, Adrienne; Behrens, Ronald H
Travel medicine. (2012)
Zumla, Alimuddin; Behrens, Ronald H; Memish, Ziad A
Malaria chemoprophylaxis recommendations for immigrants to Europe, visiting relatives and friends--a Delphi method study. (2011)
Calleri, Guido; Behrens, Ron H; Schmid, Matthias L; Gobbi, Federico; Grobusch, Martin P; Castelli, Francesco; Gascon, Joaquim; Bisoffi, Zeno; Jelinek, Tomas; Caramello, Pietro; TropNetEurop
Travel clinic communication and non-adherence to malaria chemoprophylaxis. (2011)
Farquharson, Lorna; Noble, Lorraine M; Behrens, Ron H
Cost risk benefit analysis to support chemoprophylaxis policy for travellers to malaria endemic countries. (2011)
Massad, Eduardo; Behrens, Ben C; Coutinho, Francisco AB; Behrens, Ronald H
The visiting friends or relatives traveler in the 21st century: time for a new definition. (2010)
Barnett, Elizabeth D; MacPherson, Douglas W; Stauffer, William M; Loutan, Louis; Hatz, Christoph F; Matteelli, Alberto; Behrens, Ron H
The incidence of malaria in travellers to South-East Asia: is local malaria transmission a useful risk indicator? (2010)
Behrens, Ron H; Carroll, Bernadette; Hellgren, Urban; Visser, Leo G; Siikamäki, Heli; Vestergaard, Lasse S; Calleri, Guido; Jänisch, Thomas; Myrvang, Bjørn; Gascon, Joaquim; Hatz, Christoph
Travel case scenarios as a demonstration of risk assessment of VFR travelers: introduction to criteria and evidence-based definition and framework. (2010)
Behrens, Ron H; Stauffer, William M; Barnett, Elizabeth D; Loutan, Louis; Hatz, Christoph F; Matteelli, Alberto; Macpherson, Douglas W
NK cells as effectors of acquired immune responses: effector CD4+ T cell-dependent activation of NK cells following vaccination. (2010)
Horowitz, Amir; Behrens, Ron H; Okell, Lucy; Fooks, Anthony R; Riley, Eleanor M
Modeling the risk of malaria for travelers to areas with stable malaria transmission. (2010)
Massad, Eduardo; Behrens, Ronald H; Burattini, Marcelo N; Coutinho, Francisco AB
Is a new definition required for travelers who visit friends and relatives? (2010)
Matteelli, Alberto; Stauffer, William M; Barnett, Elizabeth D; MacPherson, Douglas W; Loutan, Louis; Hatz, Christoph; Behrens, Ron H
A review of risk factors for imported malaria in the European African diaspora. (2010)
Neave, Penny E; Jones, Caroline OH; Behrens, Ron H
Travel Medicine. (2008)
Behrens, RH; Steffen, R
Declining incidence of malaria imported into the UK from West Africa. (2008)
Behrens, Ron H; Carroll, Bernadette; Smith, Valerie; Alexander, Neal
Yellow fever recommendations for tourists to Kenya: a flawed risk assessment? (2008)
Behrens, Ronald H
Variability in malaria prophylaxis prescribing across Europe: A Delphi method analysis. (2008)
Calleri, G; Behrens, RH; Bisoffi, Z; Bjorkman, A; Castelli, F; Gascon, J; Gobbi, F; Grobusch, MP; Jelinek, T; Schmid, ML; Niero, M; Caramello, P
Travel health. Part 1: preparing the tropical traveller. (2008)
Carroll, Bernadette; Daniel, Amanda; Behrens, Ron H
Travel health. Part 3: illness in the returning traveller. (2008)
Carroll, Bernadette; Phillips, Diana; Behrens, Ron H
Imported malaria and high risk groups: observational study using UK surveillance data 1987-2006. (2008)
Smith, Adrian D; Bradley, David J; Smith, Valerie; Blaze, Marie; Behrens, Ron H; Chiodini, Peter L; Whitty, Christopher JM
Travel health. Part 2: advising travellers visiting friends and relatives abroad. (2008)
Wong, Claire S; Behrens, Ron H
The low and declining risk of malaria in travellers to Latin America: is there still an indication for chemoprophylaxis? (2007)
Behrens, Ron H; Carroll, Bernadette; Beran, Jiri; Bouchaud, Olivier; Hellgren, Urban; Hatz, Christoph; Jelinek, Tomas; Legros, Fabrice; Mühlberger, Nikolai; Myrvang, Bjørn; Siikamäki, Heli; Visser, Leo; TropNetEurop
Illness in travelers visiting friends and relatives: what can be concluded? (2007)
Behrens, Ron H; Hatz, Christoph H; Gushulak, Brian D; MacPherson, Douglas W
Malaria chemoprophylaxis in VFRs: a study with the Delphi method. (2007)
Calleri, G; Gobbi, F; Behrens, RH; Bisoffi, Z; Bjorkman, A; Castelli, F; Gascon, J; Grobusch, MP; Jelinek, T; Schmid, ML; Niero, M; Caramello, P
Cost Effective Approach to Travelers' Diarrhea Management. (2007)
Perez Cachafeiro, S; Szucs, TD; Behrens, RH
Malaria prophylaxis policy for travellers from Europe to the Indian Subcontinent. (2006)
Behrens, RH; Bisoffi, Z; Björkman, A; Gascon, J; Hatz, C; Jelinek, T; Legros, F; Mühlberger, N; Voltersvik, P; TropNetEurop
Latest advances in travel medicine. (2006)
Busonero, Federico; Behrens, Ron H
Knowledge, attitudes and health outcomes in HIV-infected travellers to the USA. (2006)
Mahto, M; Ponnusamy, K; Schuhwerk, M; Richens, J; Lambert, N; Wilkins, E; Churchill, DR; Miller, RF; Behrens, RH
Pharmacokinetics of artesunate following oral and rectal administration in healthy Sudanese volunteers. (2004)
Awad, MI; Eltayeb, IB; Baraka, OZ; Behrens, RH; Alkadru, AMY
Travel Medicine. (2004)
Behrens, RH
Transparency in publishing. (2004)
Behrens, Ron H; Björkman, Anders; Bryceson, Anthony; Corachan, Manuel; Freedman, David; Hill, David R; Jelinek, Tomas; Rombo, Lars
Airline crews' risk for malaria on layovers in urban sub-Saharan Africa: risk assessment and appropriate prevention policy. (2004)
Byrne, Neville J; Behrens, Ron H
Health beliefs and communication in the travel clinic consultation as predictors of adherence to malaria chemoprophylaxis. (2004)
Farquharson, Lorna; Noble, Lorraine M; Barker, Chris; Behrens, Ron H
A description of travel medicine in general practice: a postal questionnaire survey. (2004)
Hoveyda, Nourieh; McDonald, Paula; Behrens, Ron H
New world mucosal and cutaneous leishmaniasis: an emerging health problem among British travellers. (2004)
Lawn, SD; Whetham, J; Chiodini, PL; Kanagalingam, J; Watson, J; Behrens, RH; Lockwood, DNJ
Risk factors for malaria in UK travellers. (2004)
Moore, David A; Grant, Alison D; Armstrong, Margaret; Stümpfle, Richard; Behrens, Ron H
Descriptive study on the efficacy and safety of artesunate suppository in combination with other antimalarials in the treatment of severe malaria in Sudan. (2003)
Awad, MI; Alkadru, AMY; Behrens, RH; Baraka, OZ; Eltayeb, IB
Visiting friends and relatives. (2003)
Behrens, RH
Travel medicine. (2003)
Behrens, RH; Steffen, R
Malaria clusters among illegal Chinese immigrants to Europe through Africa. (2003)
Bisoffi, Zeno; Matteelli, Alberto; Aquilini, Donatella; Guaraldi, Giovanni; Magnani, Giacomo; Orlando, Giovanna; Gaiera, Giovanni; Jelinek, Tomas; Behrens, Ron H
More travel advice and fewer vaccinations are needed. (2003)
Hoveyda, N; Behrens, Ron
Schistosomiasis prophylaxis in vivo using N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET). (2003)
Jackson, F; Doherty, JF; Behrens, RH
Age as a risk factor for severe manifestations and fatal outcome of falciparum malaria in European patients: observations from TropNetEurop and SIMPID Surveillance Data. (2003)
Mühlberger, N; Jelinek, T; Behrens, RH; Gjørup, I; Coulaud, JP; Clerinx, J; Puente, S; Burchard, G; Gascon, J; Grobusch, MP; Weitzel, T; Zoller, T; Kollaritsch, H; Beran, J; Iversen, J; Hatz, C; Schmid, ML; Björkman, A; Fleischer, K; Bisoffi, Z; Guggemos, W; Knobloch, J; Matteelli, A; Schulze, MH; Laferl, H; Kapaun, A; McWhinney, P; Lopez-Velez, R; Fätkenheuer, G; Kern, P; Zieger, BW; Kotlowski, A; Fry, G; Cuadros, J; Myrvang, B; TropNetEurop; Surveillance importierter Infektionen in Deutschland Surveillanc
Special Hosts: Children, Pregnant Women, Immunocompromised Patients, the Elderly traveler. (2003)
Oberhelman, RA; McLellan, SLF; Behrens, RH
Cholera. (2002)
Behrens, RH
Substandard and counterfeit drugs in developing countries. (2002)
Behrens, RH; Awad, AI; Taylor, RB
Diarrhoea and intestinal infections. (2002)
Behrens, RH; Barer, M
Imported Falciparum malaria in Europe: sentinel surveillance data from the European network on surveillance of imported infectious diseases. (2002)
Jelinek, T; Schulte, C; Behrens, R; Grobusch, MP; Coulaud, JP; Bisoffi, Z; Matteelli, A; Clerinx, J; Corachán, M; Puente, S; Gjørup, I; Harms, G; Kollaritsch, H; Kotlowski, A; Björkmann, A; Delmont, JP; Knobloch, J; Nielsen, LN; Cuadros, J; Hatz, C; Beran, J; Schmid, ML; Schulze, M; Lopez-Velez, R; Fleischer, K; Kapaun, A; McWhinney, P; Kern, P; Atougia, J; Fry, G; da Cunha, S; Boecken, G
Changing epidemiology of hepatitis A: time for vaccination in childhood. (2001)
Behrens, RH
Knowledge of malaria, risk perception, and compliance with prophylaxis and personal and environmental preventive measures in travelers exiting Zimbabwe from Harare and Victoria Falls International airport. (2001)
Laver, SM; Wetzels, J; Behrens, RH
Atovaquone-proguanil versus mefloquine for malaria prophylaxis in nonimmune travelers: results from a randomized, double-blind study. (2001)
Overbosch, D; Schilthuis, H; Bienzle, U; Behrens, RH; Kain, KC; Clarke, PD; Toovey, S; Knobloch, J; Nothdurft, HD; Shaw, D; Roskell, NS; Chulay, JD; Malarone International Study Team
Pharmacopoeial quality of drugs supplied by Nigerian pharmacies. (2001)
Taylor, RB; Shakoor, O; Behrens, RH; Everard, M; Low, AS; Wangboonskul, J; Reid, RG; Kolawole, JA