Items where Author is "Chiodini, Peter L"
Number of items: 115.
  • Clinical guidelines for the management of cutaneous leishmaniasis in British military personnel. (2005) Bailey, MS; Green, AD; Ellis, CJ; O'Dempsey, TJ; Beeching, NJ; Lockwood, DN; Chiodini, PL; Bryceson, AD
  • Measuring the efficacy of anti-malarial drugs in vivo: quantitative PCR measurement of parasite clearance. (2010) Beshir, Khalid B; Hallett, Rachel L; Eziefula, Alice C; Bailey, Robin; Watson, Julie; Wright, Stephen G; Chiodini, Peter L; Polley, Spencer D; Sutherland, Colin J
  • Strongyloides stercoralis: a plea for action. (2013) Bisoffi, Zeno; Buonfrate, Dora; Montresor, Antonio; Requena-Méndez, Ana; Muñoz, Jose; Krolewiecki, Alejandro J; Gotuzzo, Eduardo; Mena, Maria Alejandra; Chiodini, Peter L; Anselmi, Mariella; Moreira, Juan; Albonico, Marco
  • Serological analysis of the outcome of treatment of Schistosoma mansoni infections with praziquantel. (2010) Bligh, J; Schramm, G; Chiodini, PL; Doenhoff, MJ
  • A critical assessment of two real-time PCR assays targeting the (SSU) rRNA and gdh genes for the molecular identification of Giardia intestinalis in a clinical laboratory. (2014) Boadi, Samuel; Polley, Spencer D; Kilburn, Sally; Mills, Graham A; Chiodini, Peter L
  • Inter-rater reliability of malaria parasite counts and comparison of methods. (2009) Bowers, Katherine M; Bell, David; Chiodini, Peter L; Barnwell, John; Incardona, Sandra; Yen, Seiha; Luchavez, Jennifer; Watt, Hilary picture_as_pdf
  • Geographical concentration of falciparum malaria treated in the UK and delay to treatment with artesunate in severe cases: an observational study. (2012) Broderick, Claire; Friend, Philip; Smith, Valerie; Blaze, Marie; Gothard, Philip; Chiodini, Peter L; Whitty, Christopher Jm picture_as_pdf
  • Clinical, geographical, and temporal risk factors associated with presentation and outcome of vivax malaria imported into the United Kingdom over 27 years: observational study. (2015) Broderick, Claire; Nadjm, Behzad; Smith, Valerie; Blaze, Marie; Checkley, Anna; Chiodini, Peter L; Whitty, Christopher JM
  • Praziquantel: neglected drug? Ineffective treatment? Or therapeutic choice in cystic hydatid disease? (2009) Bygott, JM; Chiodini, PL
  • Estimating unreported malaria cases in England: a capture-recapture study. (2010) Cathcart, SJ; Lawrence, J; Grant, A; Quinn, D; Whitty, CJM; Jones, J; Chiodini, PL; Fraser, G
  • Development of a new assay for the diagnosis of schistosomiasis, using cercarial antigens. (2010) Chand, MA; Chiodini, PL; Doenhoff, MJ
  • Imported human fascioliasis, United Kingdom. (2009) Chand, Meera A; Herman, Joanna S; Partridge, David G; Hewitt, Kirsten; Chiodini, Peter L picture_as_pdf
  • Eosinophilia in returning travellers and migrants from the tropics: UK recommendations for investigation and initial management. (2010) Checkley, Anna M; Chiodini, Peter L; Dockrell, David H; Bates, Imelda; Thwaites, Guy E; Booth, Helen L; Brown, Michael; Wright, Stephen G; Grant, Alison D; Mabey, David C; Whitty, Christopher JM; Sanderson, Frances; British Infection Society and Hospital for Tropical Diseases
  • Risk factors for mortality from imported falciparum malaria in the United Kingdom over 20 years: an observational study. (2012) Checkley, Anna M; Smith, Adrian; Smith, Valerie; Blaze, Marie; Bradley, David; Chiodini, Peter L; Whitty, Christopher JM
  • Recommendations for the practice of travel medicine. (2012) Chiodini, JH; Anderson, E; Driver, C; Field, VK; Flaherty, GT; Grieve, AM; Green, AD; Jones, ME; Marra, FJ; McDonald, AC; Riley, SF; Simons, H; Smith, CC; Chiodini, PL
  • Chemotherapy for patients with multiple parasitic infections. (2001) Chiodini, PL
  • Blastocystis hominis: a common yet neglected human parasite. (2001) Chiodini, PL; Kettelhut, MM
  • LAMP in the context of travellers' malaria: a shining light? (2015) Chiodini, Peter L
  • New diagnostics in parasitology. (2005) Chiodini, Peter L
  • Plasmodium knowlesi. (2017) Chiodini, Peter; Bain, Barbara J
  • Schistosomiasis presenting in travellers: a 15 year observational study at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, London. (2015) Coltart, Cordelia EM; Chew, Anastasia; Storrar, Neill; Armstrong, Margaret; Suff, Natalie; Morris, Leila; Chiodini, Peter L; Whitty, Christopher JM
  • Specific and sensitive diagnosis of schistosome infection: can it be done with antibodies? (2004) Doenhoff, Michael J; Chiodini, Peter L; Hamilton, Joanne V
  • Chagas disease among pregnant Latin American women in the United Kingdom: time for action. (2017) Fernandez Turienzo, Cristina; Cabeza Brasa, Carmen; Newsholme, William; Sandall, Jane; Chiodini, Peter L; Moore, David AJ
  • Best Practice No 174. Best practice guidelines for the examination of specimens for the diagnosis of parasitic infections in routine diagnostic laboratories. (2003) Francis, J; Barrett, SP; Chiodini, PL
  • Intensive care admissions for children with imported malaria in the United kingdom. (2010) Garbash, Mehdi; Round, Jonathan; Whitty, Christopher JM; Chiodini, Peter L; Riordan, F Andrew I; Shingadia, Delane; Ladhani, Shamez
  • An assessment of false positive rates for malaria rapid diagnostic tests caused by non-Plasmodium infectious agents and immunological factors. (2018) Gatton, Michelle L; Ciketic, Sadmir; Barnwell, John W; Cheng, Qin; Chiodini, Peter L; Incardona, Sandra; Bell, David; Cunningham, Jane; González, Iveth J
  • Pan-Plasmodium band sensitivity for Plasmodium falciparum detection in combination malaria rapid diagnostic tests and implications for clinical management. (2015) Gatton, Michelle L; Rees-Channer, Roxanne R; Glenn, Jeffrey; Barnwell, John W; Cheng, Qin; Chiodini, Peter L; Incardona, Sandra; González, Iveth J; Cunningham, Jane
  • Requests for malaria prevention advice to Public Health England, Malaria Reference Laboratory: a retrospective observational study. (2013) Godbole, Gauri; Blaze, Marie; Smith, Valerie; Whitty, Christopher JM; Chiodini, Peter L
  • Nephrotic syndrome due to loiasis following a tropical adventure holiday: a case report and review of the literature. (2001) Hall, CL; Stephens, L; Peat, D; Chiodini, PL
  • Epidemiology of Toxocariasis in England and Wales. (2016) Halsby, K; Senyonjo, L; Gupta, S; Ladbury, G; Suvari, M; Chiodini, P; Morgan, D
  • Fatal Outcome of a Hyperinfection Syndrome despite Successful Eradication of Strongyloides with Subcutaneous Ivermectin. (2005) Hauber, HP; Galle, J; Chiodini, PL; Rupp, J; Birke, R; Vollmer, E; Zabel, P; Lange, C
  • Gnathostomiasis, another emerging imported disease. (2009) Herman, Joanna S; Chiodini, Peter L
  • Gnathostomiasis acquired by British tourists in Botswana. (2009) Herman, Joanna S; Wall, Emma C; van-Tulleken, Christoffer; Godfrey-Faussett, Peter; Bailey, Robin L; Chiodini, Peter L picture_as_pdf
  • Active neurocysticercosis at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, London: a clinical case series. (2018) Hunter, Ewan; Cliff, Michael; Armstrong, Margaret; Manji, Hadi; Jäger, Hans Rolf; Chiodini, Peter; Brown, Mike
  • A new highly sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of Plasmodium falciparum histidine-rich protein 2 in whole blood. (2018) Jang, Ihn Kyung; Das, Smita; Barney, Rebecca S; Peck, Roger B; Rashid, Andrew; Proux, Stephane; Arinaitwe, Emmanuel; Rek, John; Murphy, Maxwell; Bowers, Katherine; Boadi, Samuel; Watson, Julie; Nosten, Francois; Greenhouse, Bryan; Chiodini, Peter L; Domingo, Gonzalo J
  • Artemisinin therapy and severe delayed haemolysis. (2013) Jarvis, Joseph N; Coltart, Cordelia EM; Pule, Martin; Chiodini, Peter L; Doherty, Tom
  • Clinical management of cystic echinococcosis: state of the art, problems, and perspectives. (2008) Junghanss, Thomas; da Silva, Antonio Menezes; Horton, John; Chiodini, Peter L; Brunetti, Enrico
  • External quality assessment schemes raise standards: evidence from the UKNEQAS parasitology subschemes. (2003) Kettelhut, MM; Chiodini, PL; Edwards, H; Moody, A
  • Acute malaria in a repeat blood donor. (2017) Kitchen, AD; Hewitt, PE; Chiodini, PL
  • Evaluation of a malarial antibody assay for use in the screening of blood and tissue products for clinical use. (2004) Kitchen, AD; Lowe, PHJ; Lalloo, K; Chiodini, PL
  • Parasitic infections of the lung: a guide for the respiratory physician. (2011) Kunst, H; Mack, D; Kon, OM; Banerjee, AK; Chiodini, P; Grant, A
  • Lesson of the month 2: Cough and right hypochondrial discomfort. (2015) Kurunadalingam, Hariney; Dubrey, Simon W; Chiodini, Peter L
  • Imported malaria in pregnant women: A retrospective pooled analysis. (2015) Käser, Annina K; Arguin, Paul M; Chiodini, Peter L; Smith, Valerie; Delmont, Jean; Jiménez, Beatriz C; Färnert, Anna; Kimura, Mikio; Ramharter, Michael; Grobusch, Martin P; Schlagenhauf, Patricia
  • Prospective, national clinical and epidemiologic study on imported childhood malaria in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. (2010) Ladhani, Shamez; Garbash, Mehdi; Whitty, Christopher JM; Chiodini, Peter L; Aibara, Rashna J; Riordan, F Andrew I; Shingadia, Delane
  • UK malaria treatment guidelines 2016. (2016) Lalloo, David G; Shingadia, Delane; Bell, David J; Beeching, Nicholas J; Whitty, Christopher JM; Chiodini, Peter L; PHE Advisory Committee on Malaria Prevention in UK Travellers
  • UK malaria treatment guidelines. (2007) Lalloo, David G; Shingadia, Delane; Pasvol, Geoffrey; Chiodini, Peter L; Whitty, Christopher J; Beeching, Nicholas J; Hill, David R; Warrell, David A; Bannister, Barbara A; HPA Advisory Committee on Malaria Prevention in UK Travellers
  • Schistosoma mansoni infection: Failure ofstandard treatment with praziquantel in a returned traveller: A reply. (2003) Lawn, SD; Lucas, SB; Chiodini, PL
  • New world mucosal and cutaneous leishmaniasis: an emerging health problem among British travellers. (2004) Lawn, SD; Whetham, J; Chiodini, PL; Kanagalingam, J; Watson, J; Behrens, RH; Lockwood, DNJ
  • Human cystic echinococcosis: evaluation of post-treatment serologic follow-up by IgG subclass antibody detection. (2004) Lawn, Stephen D; Bligh, John; Craig, Philip S; Chiodini, Peter L
  • Case report: Schistosoma mansoni infection: failure of standard treatment with praziquantel in a returned traveller. (2003) Lawn, Stephen D; Lucas, Sebastian B; Chiodini, Peter L
  • Plasmodium malariae in Haitian refugees, Jamaica. (2007) Lindo, John F; Bryce, Jeanette Horner; Ducasse, Marion Bullock; Howitt, Christina; Barrett, Donnett M; Lorenzo Morales, Jacob; Ord, Rosalynn; Burke, Martina; Chiodini, Peter L; Sutherland, Colin J
  • Acute schistosomiasis in travelers: 14 years' experience at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, London. (2013) Logan, Sarah; Armstrong, Margaret; Moore, Elinor; Nebbia, Gaia; Jarvis, Joseph; Suvari, Muhiddin; Bligh, John; Chiodini, Peter L; Brown, Michael; Doherty, Tom
  • Human Infections with Plasmodium knowlesi, the Philippines. (2008) Luchavez, Jennifer; Espino, Fe; Curameng, Peter; Espina, Ronald; Bell, David; Chiodini, Peter; Nolder, Debbie; Sutherland, Colin; Lee, Kim-Sung; Singh, Balbir
  • Detection of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in clinical laboratories in Europe--a comparative study. (2013) Manser, M; Granlund, M; Edwards, H; Saez, A; Petersen, E; Evengard, B; Chiodini, P; European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease
  • Severe imported falciparum malaria among adults requiring intensive care: a retrospective study at the hospital for tropical diseases, London. (2013) Marks, Michael E; Armstrong, Margaret; Suvari, Muhiddin M; Batson, Steve; Whitty, Christopher JM; Chiodini, Peter L; Bellinghan, Geoff; Doherty, Justin F
  • Hyperreactive Malarial Splenomegaly Syndrome--Can the Diagnostic Criteria Be Improved? (2015) McGregor, Alastair; Doherty, Tom; Lowe, Patricia; Chiodini, Peter; Newsholme, William
  • Trichinellosis acquired in the United Kingdom. (2001) Milne, LM; Bhagani, S; Bannister, BA; Laitner, SM; Moore, P; Eza, D; Chiodini, PL
  • Will the high rates of post-treatment sexual stage parasitaemia seen in malaria-endemic areas make the optimal antigen test unreliable in predicting malaria treatment outcome? Reply to Tjitra and Anstey. (2001) Moody, AH; Chiodini, PL
  • Non-microscopic method for malaria diagnosis using OptiMAL IT, a second-generation dipstick for malaria pLDH antigen detection. (2002) Moody, AH; Chiodini, PL
  • African trypanosomiasis in travelers returning to the United Kingdom. (2002) Moore, David AJ; Edwards, Mark; Escombe, Rod; Agranoff, Dan; Bailey, J Wendi; Squire, S Bertel; Chiodini, Peter L
  • Treatment of anisakiasis with albendazole. (2002) Moore, David AJ; Girdwood, RWA; Chiodini, Peter L
  • Assessing the severity of malaria. (2003) Moore, David AJ; Jennings, Richard M; Doherty, Tom F; Lockwood, Diana N; Chiodini, Peter L; Wright, Stephen G; Whitty, Christopher JM
  • Gnathostomiasis: an emerging imported disease. (2003) Moore, David AJ; McCroddan, Janice; Dekumyoy, Paron; Chiodini, Peter L
  • Unusual case of a lung abscess. (2013) Musa, Duduzile; Godbole, Gauri; Chiodini, Peter L; Phillips, Russell
  • Increased incidence of nitroimidazole-refractory giardiasis at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, London: 2008-2013. (2015) Nabarro, LEB; Lever, RA; Armstrong, M; Chiodini, PL
  • Current management of cystic echinococcosis: a survey of specialist practice. (2014) Nabarro, Laura Eve; Amin, Zahir; Chiodini, Peter L
  • East African trypanosomiasis in a pregnant traveler. (2009) Nadjm, Behzad; Van Tulleken, Chris; Macdonald, Douglas; Chiodini, Peter L
  • Cyclospora infection linked to travel to Mexico, June to September 2015. (2015) Nichols, Gordon L; Freedman, Joanne; Pollock, Kevin G; Rumble, Caroline; Chalmers, Rachel M; Chiodini, Peter; Hawkins, Gillian; Alexander, Claire L; Godbole, Gauri; Williams, Christopher; Kirkbride, Hilary A; Hamel, Meghan; Hawker, Jeremy I
  • An observational study of malaria in British travellers: Plasmodium ovale wallikeri and Plasmodium ovale curtisi differ significantly in the duration of latency. (2013) Nolder, Debbie; Oguike, Mary C; Maxwell-Scott, Hector; Niyazi, Hatoon A; Smith, Valerie; Chiodini, Peter L; Sutherland, Colin J
  • Use of a rapid, single-round, multiplex PCR to detect malarial parasites and identify the species present. (2003) Padley, D; Moody, AH; Chiodini, PL; Saldanha, J
  • Development of a rapid serological assay for the diagnosis of strongyloidiasis using a novel diffraction-based biosensor technology. (2014) Pak, Brian J; Vasquez-Camargo, Fabio; Kalinichenko, Evgeniya; Chiodini, Peter L; Nutman, Thomas B; Tanowitz, Herbert B; McAuliffe, Isabel; Wilkins, Patricia; Smith, Paul T; Ward, Brian J; Libman, Michael D; Ndao, Momar
  • Development and clinical performance of high throughput loop-mediated isothermal amplification for detection of malaria. (2017) Perera, Rushini S; Ding, Xavier C; Tully, Frank; Oliver, James; Bright, Nigel; Bell, David; Chiodini, Peter L; Gonzalez, Iveth J; Polley, Spencer D
  • The design and evaluation of a shaped filter collection device to sample and store defined volume dried blood spots from finger pricks. (2015) Polley, Spencer D; Bell, David; Oliver, James; Tully, Frank; Perkins, Mark D; Chiodini, Peter L; González, Iveth J
  • Detection and species identification of microsporidial infections using SYBR Green real-time PCR. (2011) Polley, Spencer D; Boadi, Samuel; Watson, Julie; Curry, Alan; Chiodini, Peter L
  • Clinical evaluation of a loop-mediated amplification kit for diagnosis of imported malaria. (2013) Polley, Spencer D; González, Iveth J; Mohamed, Deqa; Daly, Rosemarie; Bowers, Kathy; Watson, Julie; Mewse, Emma; Armstrong, Margaret; Gray, Christen; Perkins, Mark D; Bell, David; Kanda, Hidetoshi; Tomita, Norihiro; Kubota, Yutaka; Mori, Yasuyoshi; Chiodini, Peter L; Sutherland, Colin J
  • Mitochondrial DNA targets increase sensitivity of malaria detection using loop-mediated isothermal amplification. (2010) Polley, Spencer D; Mori, Yasuyoshi; Watson, Julie; Perkins, Mark D; González, Iveth J; Notomi, Tsugunori; Chiodini, Peter L; Sutherland, Colin J
  • Increased sensitivity for detecting malaria parasites in human umbilical cord blood using scaled-up DNA preparation. (2012) Polley, Spencer D; Sutherland, Colin J; Regan, Fiona; Hassan, Maha; Chiodini, Peter L
  • Visceral Leishmaniasis in Traveler to Guyana Caused by Leishmania siamensis, London, UK. (2018) Polley, Spencer D; Watson, Julie; Chiodini, Peter L; Lockwood, Diana NJ
  • Trend analysis of imported malaria in London; observational study 2000 to 2014. (2017) Rees, E; Saavedra-Campos, M; Usdin, M; Anderson, C; Freedman, J; De Burgh, J; Kirkbride, H; Chiodini, P; Smith, V; Blaze, M; Whitty, CJM; Balasegaram, S
  • Health policies to control Chagas disease transmission in European countries. (2014) Requena-Méndez, Ana; Albajar-Viñas, Pere; Angheben, Andrea; Chiodini, Peter; Gascón, Joaquim; Muñoz, José; Chagas Disease COHEMI Working Group
  • Gametocyte carriage in Plasmodium falciparum-infected travellers. (2013) Roberts, Catherine H; Armstrong, Margaret; Zatyka, Ewa; Boadi, Samuel; Warren, Simon; Chiodini, Peter L; Sutherland, Colin J; Doherty, Tom
  • Drug-resistant genotypes and multi-clonality in Plasmodium falciparum analysed by direct genome sequencing from peripheral blood of malaria patients. (2011) Robinson, Timothy; Campino, Susana G; Auburn, Sarah; Assefa, Samuel A; Polley, Spencer D; Manske, Magnus; MacInnis, Bronwyn; Rockett, Kirk A; Maslen, Gareth L; Sanders, Mandy; Quail, Michael A; Chiodini, Peter L; Kwiatkowski, Dominic P; Clark, Taane G; Sutherland, Colin J
  • Clinical Features of Imported Loiasis: A Case Series from the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, London. (2015) Saito, Makoto; Armstrong, Margaret; Boadi, Samuel; Lowe, Patricia; Chiodini, Peter L; Doherty, Tom
  • The utility of screening for parasitic infections in HIV-1-infected Africans with eosinophilia in London. (2007) Sarner, Liat; Fakoya, Ade O; Tawana, Cheryl; Allen, Elizabeth; Copas, Andrew J; Chiodini, Peter L; Fenton, Kevin A
  • Clinical features and diagnosis of 42 travellers with cutaneous leishmaniasis. (2006) Scarisbrick, JJ; Chiodini, PL; Watson, J; Moody, A; Armstrong, M; Lockwood, D; Bryceson, A; Vega-López, F
  • The risk of malaria in travelers to India. (2009) Schmid, Sabine; Chiodini, Peter; Legros, Fabrice; D'Amato, Stefania; Schöneberg, Irene; Liu, Conan; Janzon, Ragnhild; Schlagenhauf, Patricia
  • Parasitic infections of the intestine. (2001) Schuster, H; Chiodini, PL
  • Cervical schistosomiasis. (2001) Sharma, S; Boyle, D; Wansbrough-Jones, MH; Chiodini, PL; Smith, JR
  • Imported malaria and high risk groups: observational study using UK surveillance data 1987-2006. (2008) Smith, Adrian D; Bradley, David J; Smith, Valerie; Blaze, Marie; Behrens, Ron H; Chiodini, Peter L; Whitty, Christopher JM
  • Cutaneous larvae migrans and beyond—a rare association. (2003) Soo, JK; Vega-Lopez, F; Stevens, HP; Chiodini, PL
  • Clinical presentation and diagnostic sensitivity of laboratory tests for Strongyloides stercoralis in travellers compared with immigrants in a non-endemic country. (2003) Sudarshi, Sonali; Stümpfle, Richard; Armstrong, Margaret; Ellman, Thomas; Parton, Simon; Krishnan, Prabha; Chiodini, Peter L; Whitty, Christopher JM
  • Novel pfdhps haplotypes among imported cases of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in the United Kingdom. (2009) Sutherland, Colin J; Fifer, Helen; Pearce, Richard J; bin Reza, Faisal; Nicholas, Meredydd; Haustein, Thomas; Njimgye-Tekumafor, Njah E; Doherty, Justin F; Gothard, Philip; Polley, Spencer D; Chiodini, Peter L
  • Reply to Plucinski et al., "Interpreting Data from Passive Surveillance of Antimalarial Treatment Failures". (2017) Sutherland, Colin J; Gkrania-Klotsas, Effrossyni; Chiodini, Peter L
  • Chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum infections among UK travellers returning with malaria after chloroquine prophylaxis. (2007) Sutherland, Colin J; Haustein, Thomas; Gadalla, Nahla; Armstrong, Margaret; Doherty, Justin F; Chiodini, Peter L
  • pfk13-Independent Treatment Failure in Four Imported Cases of Plasmodium falciparum Malaria Treated with Artemether-Lumefantrine in the United Kingdom. (2017) Sutherland, Colin J; Lansdell, Paul; Sanders, Mandy; Muwanguzi, Julian; van Schalkwyk, Donelly A; Kaur, Harparkash; Nolder, Debbie; Tucker, Julie; Bennett, Hayley M; Otto, Thomas D; Berriman, Matthew; Patel, Trupti A; Lynn, Roderick; Gkrania-Klotsas, Effrossyni; Chiodini, Peter L
  • Two nonrecombining sympatric forms of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium ovale occur globally. (2010) Sutherland, Colin J; Tanomsing, Naowarat; Nolder, Debbie; Oguike, Mary; Jennison, Charlie; Pukrittayakamee, Sasithon; Dolecek, Christiane; Hien, Tran Tinh; do Rosário, Virgilio E; Arez, Ana Paula; Pinto, João; Michon, Pascal; Escalante, Ananias A; Nosten, Francois; Burke, Martina; Lee, Rogan; Blaze, Marie; Otto, Thomas Dan; Barnwell, John W; Pain, Arnab; Williams, John; White, Nicholas J; Day, Nicholas PJ; Snounou, Georges; Lockhart, Peter J; Chiodini, Peter L; Imwong, Mallika; Polley, Spencer D
  • Disseminated cerebral hydatid disease (multiple intracranial echinococcosis). (2018) Svrckova, Patricia; Nabarro, Laura; Chiodini, Peter L; Jäger, Hans Rolf
  • The use of miltefosine in the management of refractory Acanthamoeba keratitis. (2018) Tavassoli, Shokufeh; Buckle, Miranda; Tole, Derek; Chiodini, Peter; Darcy, Kieren
  • Delayed Onset of Symptoms and Atovaquone-Proguanil Chemoprophylaxis Breakthrough by Plasmodium malariae in the Absence of Mutation at Codon 268 of pmcytb. (2015) Teo, Beatrix Huei-Yi; Lansdell, Paul; Smith, Valerie; Blaze, Marie; Nolder, Debbie; Beshir, Khalid B; Chiodini, Peter L; Cao, Jun; Färnert, Anna; Sutherland, Colin J
  • Serological speciation of human schistosome infections by ELISA with a panel of three antigens. (2004) Turner, P; Lalloo, K; Bligh, J; Armstrong, M; Whitty, CJM; Doenhoff, MJ; Chiodini, PL
  • Comparison of Leishmania typing results obtained from 16 European clinical laboratories in 2014. (2016) Van der Auwera, Gert; Bart, Aldert; Chicharro, Carmen; Cortes, Sofia; Davidsson, Leigh; Di Muccio, Trentina; Dujardin, Jean-Claude; Felger, Ingrid; Paglia, Maria Grazia; Grimm, Felix; Harms, Gundel; Jaffe, Charles L; Manser, Monika; Ravel, Christophe; Robert-Gangneux, Florence; Roelfsema, Jeroen; Töz, Seray; Verweij, Jaco J; Chiodini, Peter L
  • Epidemiology of imported cutaneous leishmaniasis at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, London, United Kingdom: use of polymerase chain reaction to identify the species. (2012) Wall, Emma C; Watson, Julie; Armstrong, Margaret; Chiodini, Peter L; Lockwood, Diana N
  • Investigation of tropical eosinophilia; assessing a strategy based on geographical area. (2003) Whetham, J; Day, JN; Armstrong, M; Chiodini, PL; Whitty, CJM
  • Investigation and treatment of imported malaria in non-endemic countries. (2013) Whitty, Christopher JM; Chiodini, Peter L; Lalloo, David G
  • Early risk assessment for viral haemorrhagic fever: experience at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, London, UK. (2007) Woodrow, Charles J; Eziefula, Alice C; Agranoff, Dan; Scott, Geoffrey M; Watson, Julie; Chiodini, Peter L; Lockwood, Diana NJ; Grant, Alison D
  • Culture-adapted Plasmodium falciparum isolates from UK travellers: in vitro drug sensitivity, clonality and drug resistance markers. (2013) van Schalkwyk, Donelly A; Burrow, Rebekah; Henriques, Gisela; Gadalla, Nahla B; Beshir, Khalid B; Hasford, Christian; Wright, Stephen G; Ding, Xavier C; Chiodini, Peter L; Sutherland, Colin J
  • Book Section
  • Babesiosis. (2003) Chiodini, PL
  • Parasitic infections. (2003) Chiodini, PL
  • Other protozoal infections. (2003) Chiodini, PL; Schuster, H
  • Malaria. (2007) Whitty, CJM; Chiodini, P
  • Malaria. (2007) Whitty, CJM; Chiodini, P
  • Conference or Workshop Item
  • Sparganosis in East Anglia. (2013) Allinson, KSJ; Mok, HP; Antoun, NM; Berriman, M; Holroyd, N; Bennett, HM; Tsai, IJ; Manford, MR; Price, SJ; Santarius, TS; Gkrania-Klotsas, E; Carmichael, AJ; Chiodini, PL; Lucas, SB; Dean, AF
  • Applying a Real Time Pcr Assay to the Routine Laboratory Diagnosis of Falciparum Malaria. (2008) Checkley, A; Burke, M; Chiodini, PL; Nolder, D; Sutherland, C
  • Book
  • Mims' Medical Microbiology. (2013) Goering, RV; Dockrell, HM; Zuckerman, M; Roitt, IM; Chiodini, PL
  • Mims' Medical Microbiology. (2008) Goering, RV; Dockrell, HM; Zuckerman, M; Wakelin, D; Roitt, IM; Mims, C; Chiodini, PL