Conference or Workshop Item
Cytokine expression and regulation in skin lesions of leprosy patients in type 1 reactions. (2003)
Andersson, AK; Chaduvula, M; Khanolkar-Young, S; Holland, M; Jain, S; Suneetha, L; Suneetha, S; Lockwood, DNJ
Impact of Mass Azithromycin Treatment on the Prevalence of Active Trachoma and Ocular Chlamydia Trachomatis in the Gambia. (2008)
Harding-Esch, E; Holland, MJ; Sillah, A; Molina, S; Aguirre-Andreasen, A; Snell, P; Edwards, T; Bailey, RL; Mabey, DC
Genomic diversity in candidate virulence-associated genes in clinical strains of ocular Chlamydia trachomatis from a trachoma-hyperendemic population on the Bijagós Archipelago of Guinea Bissau in West Africa. (2013)
Last, A; Cassama, E; Nabicassa, M; Clark, T; Coll, F; Gundogdu, O; Burr, S; Cutcliffe, L; Clarke, I; Thompson, N; Mabey, D; Bailey, R; Holland, M
The Scarring Sequelae of Ocular Chlamydia Trachomatis Infections Are Associated with the Hla-C2 Nk Epitope in Early Onset Trachoma. (2015)
Roberts, CH; Goncalves, A; Holland, MJ
KIR Haplotypes defined by segregation analysis in Gambian Families. (2009)
Roberts, CH; Molina, S; Makalo, P; Bailey, RL; Mabey, DC; Holland, MJ
KIR 'B' Haplotypes co-segregate with scarring trachoma in Gambian families : preliminary indications of a role for KIR in the immune response to a bacterial infection. (2010)
Roberts, CH; Molina, S; Makalo, P; Harding-Esch, EM; Bailey, RL; Mabey, DC; Holland, MJ