Items where Author is "Porter, John"
Number of items: 118.
  • Public Health Surveillance of Construction Site Injuries in Delhi, India Using the First Information Reports (FIRs) Registered by Delhi Police. (2020) Yadav, SS
  • Epidemiology of construction site injuries in Delhi, India: protocol for a retrospective cohort study. (2020) Yadav, Sajjan S; Edwards, Phil; Bartlett, Jonathan; Porter, John
  • 2019
  • Global health is political; can it also be compassionate? (2019) Cislaghi, Beniamino; Bukuluki, Paul; Chowdhury, Mushtaque; Miranda, Angelica Espinosa; Kenny, Leah; Kohli, Anjalee; Kusumaningrum, Santi; Brah, Balkissa Harouna; Love, Catherine; Mathpati, Mahesh Madhav; Nkwi, Paul; Ona, Fernando; Porter, John; Ruiz-Casares, Mónica; Saldanha, Neela; Sulaiman, Munshi; Wessells, Mike
  • 2018
  • 'Bridging the gap' - A survey of medical GPs' awareness of child dental neglect as a marker of potential systemic child neglect. (2018) Colgan, SM; Randall, PG; Porter, JDH
  • Evidence use for global health policy development: a case study of malaria preventive treatment policy processes at the World Health Organization. (2018) D'Souza, BJ
  • Mental health workers' perceptions and perspectives on the right to health and a human rights-based approach to mental health: A case study of the Chitwan District in Nepal. (2018) Gunilla Backman, I
  • Ayurveda and medicalisation today: The loss of important knowledge and practice in health? (2018) Mathpati, Mahesh Madhav; Albert, Sandra; Porter, John DH
  • Understanding the complex relationships among actors involved in the implementation of public-private mix (PPM) for TB control in India, using social theory. (2018) Salve, Solomon; Harris, Kristine; Sheikh, Kabir; Porter, John DH
  • A public health approach to palliative care in the response to drug resistant TB: an ethnographic study in Bengaluru, India. (2018) Sawyer, Joseph M; Asgr, Rahul; Todd Fordham, Florence N; Porter, John DH
  • Who is answerable to whom? Exploring the complex relationship between researchers, community and Community Advisory Board (CAB) members in two research studies in Zambia. (2018) Simwinga, Musonda; Porter, John; Bond, Virginia
  • Setting the agenda for nurse leadership in India: what is missing. (2018) Varghese, Joe; Blankenhorn, Anneline; Saligram, Prasanna; Porter, John; Sheikh, Kabir
  • 2017
  • Doktor Kot, Doktor Sla - book doctors, plant doctors and the segmentation of the medical market place in Meghalaya, northeast India. (2017) Albert, Sandra; Porter, John; Green, Judith
  • Outcomes in adults and children with end-stage kidney disease requiring dialysis in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review. (2017) Ashuntantang, Gloria; Osafo, Charlotte; Olowu, Wasiu A; Arogundade, Fatiu; Niang, Abdou; Porter, John; Naicker, Saraladevi; Luyckx, Valerie A
  • Is microfinance coupled with gender training empowering for women? Lessons from the IMAGE process evaluation in rural South Africa. (2017) Porter, J
  • 2016
  • "Getting the water-carrier to light the lamps": Discrepant role perceptions of traditional, complementary, and alternative medical practitioners in government health facilities in India. (2016) Josyula, K Lakshmi; Sheikh, Kabir; Nambiar, Devaki; Narayan, Venkatesh V; Sathyanarayana, TN; Porter, John DH
  • Private Practitioners' Perspectives on Their Involvement With the Tuberculosis Control Programme in a Southern Indian State. (2016) Salve, Solomon; Sheikh, Kabir; Porter, John Dh
  • 2015
  • Sap and the Traditional Healer: A Tribal (Khasi) Understanding of the Human Potential. (2015) Albert, S; Porter, J; Green, J
  • Medical pluralism among indigenous peoples in northeast India - implications for health policy. (2015) Albert, Sandra; Nongrum, Melari; Webb, Emily L; Porter, John DH; Kharkongor, Glenn C
  • Is 'mainstreaming AYUSH' the right policy for Meghalaya, northeast India? (2015) Albert, Sandra; Porter, John
  • Engaging for-profit providers in TB control: lessons learnt from initiatives in South Asia. (2015) Khan, Mishal S; Salve, Solomon; Porter, John DH
  • Outcomes of acute kidney injury in children and adults in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review. (2015) Olowu, Wasiu A; Niang, Abdou; Osafo, Charlotte; Ashuntantang, Gloria; Arogundade, Fatiu A; Porter, John; Naicker, Saraladevi; Luyckx, Valerie A
  • Acá y allá (Here and there): Intersecting perspectives of young children’s ‘how-being’ in Achuar communities of the mid Corrientes River, Peruvian Amazon. (2015) Willis, RN
  • 2014
  • Medical Pluralism among the Indigenous Peoples of Meghalaya, Northeast India – Implications for Health Policy. (2014) Albert, SM
  • Medical abuse at Guantanamo Bay Military Prison--what do we do now? (2014) Buckley, Emmeline J; Rokadiya, Sakib; Kessel, Anthony; Porter, John; Dar, Osman
  • Cultural consonance, constructions of science and co-existence: a review of the integration of traditional, complementary and alternative medicine in low- and middle-income countries. (2014) Lakshmi, Josyula K; Nambiar, Devaki; Narayan, Venkatesh; Sathyanarayana, Tamysetty N; Porter, John; Sheikh, Kabir
  • Deception in research is morally problematic … and so too is not using it morally: reply to open peer commentaries on "the use of deception in public health behavioral intervention trials: a case study of three online alcohol trials". (2014) McCambridge, Jim; Kypri, Kypros; Bendtsen, Preben; Porter, John
  • Experiences and meanings of integration of TCAM (Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medical) providers in three Indian states: results from a cross-sectional, qualitative implementation research study. (2014) Nambiar, D; Narayan, VV; Josyula, LK; Porter, JDH; Sathyanarayana, TN; Sheikh, K
  • 2013
  • Prevalence of clinically captured and confirmed malaria among HIV seropositve clinic attendants in five hospitals in Ghana. (2013) Adu-Gyasi, Dennis; Fanello, Caterina I; Baiden, Frank; Porter, John DH; Korbel, Dan; Adjei, George; Mahama, Emmanuel; Manu, Alexander; Asante, Kwaku Poku; Newton, Sam; Owusu-Agyei, Seth
  • The use of deception in public health behavioral intervention trials: a case study of three online alcohol trials. (2013) McCambridge, Jim; Kypri, Kypros; Bendtsen, Preben; Porter, John
  • Ethical aspects of directly observed treatment for tuberculosis: a cross-cultural comparison. (2013) Sagbakken, Mette; Frich, Jan C; Bjune, Gunnar A; Porter, John DH
  • 'Communicative' rationality in health policy implementation of national public health guidelines in India. (2013) Sheikh, K; Porter, J
  • 2012
  • Application of standard treatment guidelines in rural community health centres, Timor-Leste. (2012) Higuchi, Michiyo; Okumura, Junko; Aoyama, Atsuko; Suryawati, Sri; Porter, John
  • Use of medicines and adherence to standard treatment guidelines in rural community health centers, Timor-Leste. (2012) Higuchi, Michiyo; Okumura, Junko; Aoyama, Atsuko; Suryawati, Sri; Porter, John
  • Informed consent in Leprosy Studies. (2012) Porter, J
  • Ethics and the Right to health. (2012) Porter, John; Venkatapuram, Sridhar
  • 2011
  • Cash transfer and microfinance interventions for tuberculosis control: review of the impact evidence and policy implications. (2011) Boccia, D; Hargreaves, J; Lönnroth, K; Jaramillo, E; Weiss, J; Uplekar, M; Porter, JDH; Evans, CA
  • The social determinants of tuberculosis: from evidence to action. (2011) Hargreaves, James R; Boccia, Delia; Evans, Carlton A; Adato, Michelle; Petticrew, Mark; Porter, John DH
  • Promoting critical consciousness and social mobilization in HIV/AIDS programmes: lessons and curricular tools from a South African intervention. (2011) Hatcher, Abigail; de Wet, Jacques; Bonell, Christopher Philip; Strange, Vicki; Phetla, Godfrey; Proynk, Paul M; Kim, Julia C; Morison, Linda; Porter, John DH; Busza, Joanna; Watts, Charlotte; Hargreaves, James R
  • Economic evaluation of a combined microfinance and gender training intervention for the prevention of intimate partner violence in rural South Africa. (2011) Jan, Stephen; Ferrari, Giulia; Watts, Charlotte H; Hargreaves, James R; Kim, Julia C; Phetla, Godfrey; Morison, Linda A; Porter, John D; Barnett, Tony; Pronyk, Paul M
  • Sustaining PPM-DOTS: the case of Pimpri Chinchwad, Maharashtra, India. (2011) Pradhan, Anagha; Datye, Vinita; Kielmann, Karina; Khilare, Kishor; Datye, Amruta; Inamdar, Vikas; Porter, John; Rangan, Sheela
  • Disempowered doctors? A relational view of public health policy implementation in urban India. (2011) Sheikh, Kabir; Porter, John DH
  • Does the insularity of the medical profession threaten its future in national health? (2011) Sheikh, Kabir; Porter, John DH
  • 2010
  • Process evaluation of the Intervention with Microfinance for AIDS and Gender Equity (IMAGE) in rural South Africa. (2010) Hargreaves, James; Hatcher, Abigail; Strange, Vicki; Phetla, Godfrey; Busza, Joanna; Kim, Julia; Watts, Charlotte; Morison, Linda; Porter, John; Pronyk, Paul; Bonell, Christopher
  • Examining sex differentials in the uptake and process of HIV testing in three high prevalence districts of India. (2010) Joseph, Saju; Kielmann, Karina; Kudale, Abhay; Sheikh, Kabir; Shinde, Swati; Porter, John; Rangan, Sheela
  • What 'outliers' tell us about missed opportunities for tuberculosis control: a cross-sectional study of patients in Mumbai, India. (2010) Pradhan, Anagha; Kielmann, Karina; Gupte, Himanshu; Bamne, Arun; Porter, John DH; Rangan, Sheela
  • Discursive gaps in the implementation of public health policy guidelines in India: the case of HIV testing. (2010) Sheikh, Kabir; Porter, John
  • 2009
  • Characteristics of sexual partnerships, not just of individuals, are associated with condom use and recent HIV infection in rural South Africa. (2009) Hargreaves, James R; Morison, Linda A; Kim, Julia C; Busza, Joanna; Phetla, Godfrey; Porter, John DH; Watts, Charlotte; Pronyk, Paul M
  • Reconciling organisational intent and local strategies an in-depth study of health workers in an urban leprosy project in India. (2009) Harris, Kristine
  • Assessing the incremental effects of combining economic and health interventions: the IMAGE study in South Africa. (2009) Kim, Julia; Ferrari, Giulia; Abramsky, Tanya; Watts, Charlotte; Hargreaves, James; Morison, Linda; Phetla, Godfrey; Porter, John; Pronyk, Paul
  • Ethical issues in international health research and epidemiology. (2009) Porter, J; Stephens, C; Kessel, A
  • HIV testing in urban Indian hospitals a study of policy-practice relationships in the formal medical sector. (2009) Sheikh, Kabir
  • "It's 100% for me": hospital practitioners' perspectives on mandatory HIV testing. (2009) Sheikh, Kabir; Porter, John DH
  • Integration of leprosy elimination into primary health care in orissa, India. (2009) Siddiqui, M Ruby; Velidi, Nageswara Rao; Pati, Surendra; Rath, Nilambar; Kanungo, Akshay K; Bhanjadeo, Amiya K; Rao, Bandaru Bhaskar; Ojha, Bijaya M; Krishna Moorthy, Kodyur; Soutar, Douglas; Porter, John DH; Ranganadha Rao, Pemmaraju V picture_as_pdf
  • 2008
  • Fighting poverty to control tuberculosis. (2008) Curatola, AR; Montoya, R; Lopez, P; Ynga, W; Franco, J; Alva, J; Rivero, M; Zevallos, K; Herrera, B; Ramos, E; Tovar, M; Hargreaves, J; Porter, J; Evans, CA
  • The association between school attendance, HIV infection and sexual behaviour among young people in rural South Africa. (2008) Hargreaves, JR; Morison, LA; Kim, JC; Bonell, CP; Porter, JDH; Watts, C; Busza, J; Phetla, G; Pronyk, PM
  • India's Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme: looking beyond detection and cure. (2008) Kelkar-Khambete, A; Kielmann, K; Pawar, S; Porter, J; Inamdar, V; Datye, A; Rangan, S
  • "They have opened our mouths": increasing women's skills and motivation for sexual communication with young people in rural South Africa. (2008) Phetla, Godfrey; Busza, Joanna; Hargreaves, James R; Pronyk, Paul M; Kim, Julia C; Morison, Linda A; Watts, Charlotte; Porter, John DH
  • Can social capital be intentionally generated? a randomized trial from rural South Africa. (2008) Pronyk, Paul M; Harpham, Trudy; Busza, Joanna; Phetla, Godfrey; Morison, Linda A; Hargreaves, James R; Kim, Julia C; Watts, Charlotte H; Porter, John D
  • Is social capital associated with HIV risk in rural South Africa? (2008) Pronyk, Paul M; Harpham, Trudy; Morison, Linda A; Hargreaves, James R; Kim, Julia C; Phetla, Godfrey; Watts, Charlotte H; Porter, John D
  • A combined microfinance and training intervention can reduce HIV risk behaviour in young female participants. (2008) Pronyk, Paul M; Kim, Julia C; Abramsky, Tanya; Phetla, Godfrey; Hargreaves, James R; Morison, Linda A; Watts, Charlotte; Busza, Joanna; Porter, John Dh
  • 2007
  • Explaining continued high HIV prevalence in South Africa: socioeconomic factors, HIV incidence and sexual behaviour change among a rural cohort, 2001-2004. (2007) Hargreaves, James R; Bonell, Christopher P; Morison, Linda A; Kim, Julia C; Phetla, Godfrey; Porter, John Dh; Watts, Charlotte; Pronyk, Paul M
  • Assessing household wealth in health studies in developing countries: a comparison of participatory wealth ranking and survey techniques from rural South Africa. (2007) Hargreaves, James R; Morison, Linda A; Gear, John SS; Kim, Julia C; Makhubele, Mzamani B; Porter, John DH; Watts, Charlotte; Pronyk, Paul M
  • “Hearing the Voices of the Poor”: Assigning Poverty Lines on the Basis of Local Perceptions of Poverty. A Quantitative Analysis of Qualitative Data from Participatory Wealth Ranking in Rural South Africa. (2007) Hargreaves, James R; Morison, Linda A; Gear, John SS; Makhubele, Mzamani B; Porter, John DH; Busza, Joanna; Watts, Charlotte; Kim, Julia C; Pronyk, Paul M
  • Understanding the impact of a microfinance-based intervention on women's empowerment and the reduction of intimate partner violence in South Africa. (2007) Kim, Julia C; Watts, Charlotte H; Hargreaves, James R; Ndhlovu, Luceth X; Phetla, Godfrey; Morison, Linda A; Busza, Joanna; Porter, John DH; Pronyk, Paul
  • UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. (2007) Stephens, Carolyn; Porter, John; Nettleton, Clive; Willis, Ruth
  • 2006
  • Should structural interventions be evaluated using RCTs? The case of HIV prevention. (2006) Bonell, Christopher; Hargreaves, James; Strange, Vicki; Pronyk, Paul; Porter, John
  • Private practitioners' communications with patients around HIV testing in Pune, India. (2006) Datye, Vinita; Kielmann, Karina; Sheikh, Kabir; Deshmukh, Deepali; Deshpande, Sucheta; Porter, John; Rangan, Sheela
  • The ethical governance of health: a case study of worker health in Kenyan floriculture. (2006) Kilbourne, J; Porter, J
  • Commentary on “Communicable disease control and contemporary themes in public health law”. (2006) Porter, John DH
  • Epidemiological reflections of the contribution of anthropology to public health policy and practice. (2006) Porter, John DH
  • Effect of a structural intervention for the prevention of intimate-partner violence and HIV in rural South Africa: a cluster randomised trial. (2006) Pronyk, Paul M; Hargreaves, James R; Kim, Julia C; Morison, Linda A; Phetla, Godfrey; Watts, Charlotte; Busza, Joanna; Porter, John DH
  • Public-private partnerships for equity of access to care for tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS: lessons from Pune, India. (2006) Sheikh, Kabir; Porter, John; Kielmann, Karina; Rangan, Sheela
  • Disappearing, displaced, and undervalued: a call to action for Indigenous health worldwide. (2006) Stephens, Carolyn; Porter, John; Nettleton, Clive; Willis, Ruth
  • Descriptive ethics: a qualitative study of local research ethics committees in Mexico. (2006) Valdez-Martinez, Edith; Turnbull, Bernardo; Garduño-Espinosa, Juan; Porter, John DH
  • 2005
  • Ethical issues in the application of verbal autopsies in mortality surveillance systems. (2005) Chandramohan, Daniel; Soleman, Nadia; Shibuya, Kenji; Porter, John
  • Tuberculosis control and directly observed therapy from the Public Health/Human Rights perspective. (2005) Hurtig, A; Porter, JDH; Ogden, JA
  • Managing uncertainty around HIV/AIDS in an urban setting: private medical providers and their patients in Pune, India. (2005) Kielmann, Karina; Deshmukh, Deepali; Deshpande, Sucheta; Datye, Vinita; Porter, John; Rangan, Sheela
  • Promoting worker health rights within global supply chains and beyond : a case study of the Kenyan export floriculture business. (2005) Kilbourne, Julia E
  • Public health, ethics, and tuberculosis: is DOTs a breakthrough or inappropriate strategy in the Indian context? (2005) Porter, JD; Ogden, JA
  • Integrating Microfinance and HIV prevention - perspectives and emerging lessons from rural South Africa. (2005) Pronyk, PM; Kim, JC; Hargreaves, JR; Morison, L; Makhubele, MB; Watts, C; Porter, JDH
  • Adherence to TB preventive therapy for HIV-positive patients in rural South Africa: implications for antiretroviral delivery in resource-poor settings? (2005) Rowe, KA; Makhubele, B; Hargreaves, JR; Porter, JD; Hausler, HP; Pronyk, PM
  • Urban private practitioners: potential partners in the care of patients with HIV/AIDS. (2005) Sheikh, Kabir; Rangan, Sheela; Deshmukh, Deepali; Dholakia, Yatin; Porter, John
  • Private providers and HIV testing in Pune, India: challenges and opportunities. (2005) Sheikh, Kabir; Rangan, Sheela; Kielmann, Karina; Deshpande, Sucheta; Datye, Vinita; Porter, John
  • Indigenous peoples' health--why are they behind everyone, everywhere? (2005) Stephens, Carolyn; Nettleton, Clive; Porter, John; Willis, Ruth; Clark, Stephanie
  • Indigenous peoples' health—why are they behind everyone, everywhere? (2005) Stephens, Carolyn; Nettleton, Clive; Porter, John; Willis, Ruth; Clark, Stephanie
  • Integrating HIV testing into immunological studies of non-HIV-related diseases. (2005) Struik, Siske S; Maxwell, Caroline A; Malecela-Lazaro, Mwele; Eckstein, Sue; Porter, John DH; Riley, Eleanor M
  • Understanding the structure and practices of research ethics committees through research and audit: a study from Mexico. (2005) Valdez-Martinez, Edith; Trumbull, Bernardo; Garduño-Espinosa, Juan; Porter, John David Henley
  • 2004
  • Ethical Problems in the Tropics. (2004) Porter, JDH
  • Introducing operations research into management and policy practices of a non-governmental organization (NGO): a partnership between an Indian leprosy NGO and an international academic institution. (2004) Porter, JDH; Ogden, JA; Rao, PV Ranganadha; Rao, V Prabhakar; Rajesh, D; Buskade, RA; Soutar, D
  • Supporting 'the individual' with leprosy: the need for a 'post-elimination strategy'. (2004) Porter, John DH
  • Undiagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis deaths in rural South Africa. (2004) Pronyk, PM; Kahn, K; Hargreaves, JR; Tollman, SM; Collinson, M; Hausler, HP; Porter, JDH
  • Tuberculosis control in rural India: lessons from public-private collaboration. (2004) Rangan, SG; Juvekar, SK; Rasalpurkar, SB; Morankar, SN; Joshi, AN; Porter, JDH
  • Local research ethics committees of the Mexican Institute of Social Security: results of a national survey. (2004) Valdez-Martinez, E; Garduño-Espinosa, J; Martinez-Salgado, H; Porter, JDH
  • 2003
  • Tuberculosis treatment in complex emergencies: are risks outweighing benefits? (2003) Biot, M; Chandramohan, D; Porter, JDH
  • Transfusion medicine in India: a survey of current practice. (2003) Bray, TJ; Salil, P; Weiss, HA; Porter, JDH
  • Adherence to tuberculosis treatment: lessons from the urban setting of Delhi, India. (2003) Jaiswal, A; Singh, V; Ogden, JA; Porter, JDH; Sharma, PP; Sarin, R; Arora, VK; Jain, RC
  • Public Health Law and Ethics: a reader. (2003) Porter, J
  • TB Control in India: the need for research in policy and decision making. (2003) Porter, JDH; Kielmann, K
  • The Mumbai experience in building field level partnerships for DOTS implementation. (2003) Rangan, S; Ambe, G; Borremans, N; Zallocco, D; Porter, J
  • 2002
  • Intervention to promote appropriate blood use in India. (2002) Bray, TJ; Salil, P; Weiss, HA; Porter, JDH
  • Social Interventions for HIV/AIDS. (2002) Hargreaves, J; Atsbeha, T; Gear, J; Kim, J; Mzamani, M; Mashaba, K; Morison, L; Motsei, M; Porter, J; Pronyk, P; Watts, C
  • Linking private and public sectors in tuberculosis treatment in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. (2002) Hurtig, Anna Karin; Pande, Shanta B; Baral, Sushil C; Newell, James; Porter, John DH; Bam, Dirga Sing
  • Factors affecting the choice of delivery site and incorporation of traditional birth customs in a refugee camp, Thailand. (2002) Ishikawa, N; Simon, K; Porter, JDH
  • Review of book entitled 'From chaos to coercion: detention and the control of tuberculosis. R. Coker. (2002) Porter, JDH
  • L'epidemiologie de la tuberculose en l'an 2000. Institut National de Veille Sanitaire, Saint Maurice, France. (2002) Porter, JDH
  • Lessons in integration--operations research in an Indian leprosy NGO. (2002) Porter, JDH; Ogden, JA; Rao, PV Ranganadha; Rao, V Prabhakar; Rajesh, D; Buskade, RA; Soutar, D
  • Commentary on ‘the resurgence of disease: social and historical perspectives on the ‘new’ tuberculosis’. (2002) Porter, John DH; Ogden, Jessica A
  • A fair trial? Ethics and the Developing World. (2002) Samuals, G; Porter, JDH
  • TB control, poverty, and vulnerability in Delhi, India. (2002) Singh, V; Jaiswal, A; Porter, JDH; Ogden, JA; Sarin, R; Sharma, PP; Arora, VK; Jain, RC
  • 2001
  • Module for distance based learning. Study unit 502. (2001) Corbett, E; Godfrey-Faussett, P; McNerney, R; Movahedzadeh, F; Porter, JDH; Stoker, N
  • Under-diagnosis of smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis in Nairobi, Kenya. (2001) Hawken, MP; Muhindi, DW; Chakaya, JM; Bhatt, SM; Ng'ang'a, LW; Porter, JD
  • Researching TB Control in India: the politics of partnership in tropical public health. (2001) Ogden, JA; Porter, JDH
  • Needing to know? Ethical dilemmas in leprosy treatment and control. (2001) Porter, JD; Kessel, AS
  • Missed opportunities? Coercion or commitment: policies of prevention. (2001) Porter, JD; Ogden, JA
  • Ethical and Legal Issues in Tuberculosis Control. (2001) Porter, JDH
  • Commentary on: Tuberculosis in Retrospect & Prospect, by Gandy, M. and Zumla, A. (2001) Porter, JDH; Ogden, J
  • The globalisation of DOTS: TB as a global emergency. (2001) Porter, JDH; Ogden, JA; Lee, K
  • Whose priorities? A response to the issue of antiretrovirals in Africa. (2001) Pronyk, PM; Kim, J; Porter, JD