Items where Author is "Lacerda, Eliana M"

Number of items: 47.
  • Incidence of Lyme disease in the United Kingdom and association with fatigue: A population-based, historical cohort study. (2022) Brellier, Florence; Pujades-Rodriguez, Mar; Powell, Emma; Mudie, Kathleen; Mattos Lacerda, Eliana; Nacul, Luis; Wing, Kevin
  • A Natural History of Disease Framework for Improving the Prevention, Management, and Research on Post-viral Fatigue Syndrome and Other Forms of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. (2022) O'Boyle, Shennae; Nacul, Luis; Nacul, Flavio E; Mudie, Kathleen; Kingdon, Caroline C; Cliff, Jacqueline M; Clark, Taane G; Dockrell, Hazel M; Lacerda, Eliana M
  • Revisiting IgG Antibody Reactivity to Epstein-Barr Virus in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Its Potential Application to Disease Diagnosis. (2022) Sepúlveda, Nuno; Malato, João; Sotzny, Franziska; Grabowska, Anna D; Fonseca, André; Cordeiro, Clara; Graça, Luís; Biecek, Przemyslaw; Behrends, Uta; Mautner, Josef; Westermeier, Francisco; Lacerda, Eliana M; Scheibenbogen, Carmen
  • Editorial: Current Insights Into Complex Post-infection Fatigue Syndromes With Unknown Aetiology: The Case of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Beyond. (2022) Westermeier, Francisco; Lacerda, Eliana Mattos; Scheibenbogen, Carmen; Sepúlveda, Nuno
  • 2021
  • Herpesviruses Serology Distinguishes Different Subgroups of Patients From the United Kingdom Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Biobank. (2021) Domingues, Tiago Dias; Grabowska, Anna D; Lee, Ji-Sook; Ameijeiras-Alonso, Jose; Westermeier, Francisco; Scheibenbogen, Carmen; Cliff, Jacqueline M; Nacul, Luis; Lacerda, Eliana M; Mouriño, Helena; Sepúlveda, Nuno
  • Fatigue in Women with Fibromyalgia: A Gene-Physical Activity Interaction Study. (2021) Estévez-López, Fernando; Salazar-Tortosa, Diego F; Camiletti-Moirón, Daniel; Gavilán-Carrera, Blanca; Aparicio, Virginia A; Acosta-Manzano, Pedro; Segura-Jiménez, Víctor; Álvarez-Gallardo, Inmaculada C; Carbonell-Baeza, Ana; Munguía-Izquierdo, Diego; Geenen, Rinie; Lacerda, Eliana; Delgado-Fernández, Manuel; Martínez-González, Luis J; Ruiz, Jonatan R; Álvarez-Cubero, María J
  • Salivary DNA Loads for Human Herpesviruses 6 and 7 Are Correlated With Disease Phenotype in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. (2021) Lee, Ji-Sook; Lacerda, Eliana M; Nacul, Luis; Kingdon, Caroline C; Norris, Jasmin; O'Boyle, Shennae; Roberts, Chrissy H; Palla, Luigi; Riley, Eleanor M; Cliff, Jacqueline M
  • Salivary DNA loads for human herpes viruses 6 and 7 are correlated with disease phenotype in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. (2021) Lee, Ji-Sook; Lacerda, Eliana M; Nacul, Luis; Kingdon, Caroline C; Norris, Jasmin; O’Boyle, Shennae; Roberts, Chrissy H; Palla, Luigi; Riley, Eleanor M; Cliff, Jacqueline M
  • The SARS-CoV-2 receptor angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome: A meta-analysis of public DNA methylation and gene expression data. (2021) Malato, João; Sotzny, Franziska; Bauer, Sandra; Freitag, Helma; Fonseca, André; Grabowska, Anna D; Graça, Luís; Cordeiro, Clara; Nacul, Luís; Lacerda, Eliana M; Castro-Marrero, Jesus; Scheibenbogen, Carmen; Westermeier, Francisco; Sepúlveda, Nuno
  • European Network on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (EUROMENE): Expert Consensus on the Diagnosis, Service Provision, and Care of People with ME/CFS in Europe. (2021) Nacul, Luis; Authier, François Jérôme; Scheibenbogen, Carmen; Lorusso, Lorenzo; Helland, Ingrid Bergliot; Martin, Jose Alegre; Sirbu, Carmen Adella; Mengshoel, Anne Marit; Polo, Olli; Behrends, Uta; Nielsen, Henrik; Grabowski, Patricia; Sekulic, Slobodan; Sepulveda, Nuno; Estévez-López, Fernando; Zalewski, Pawel; Pheby, Derek FH; Castro-Marrero, Jesus; Sakkas, Giorgos K; Capelli, Enrica; Brundsdlund, Ivan; Cullinan, John; Krumina, Angelika; Bergquist, Jonas; Murovska, Modra; Vermuelen, Ruud CW; Lacerda, Eliana M
  • Burden and Protection: Heterogeneous Effects of Occupational and Operational Stressors on Burnout Dimensions Among Firefighters. (2021) de Carvalho, Thalyta Gleyane Silva; Araújo, Larissa Fortunato; Lima, Eduardo de Paula; de Andrade, Alan Lúcio Alencar; Bastos, Maria Luiza Almeida; Lacerda, Eliana Mattos; Ferreira, Marcelo José Monteiro
  • 2020
  • Systematic Review of the Epidemiological Burden of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Across Europe: Current Evidence and EUROMENE Research Recommendations for Epidemiology. (2020) Estévez-López, Fernando; Mudie, Kathleen; Wang-Steverding, Xia; Bakken, Inger Johanne; Ivanovs, Andrejs; Castro-Marrero, Jesús; Nacul, Luis; Alegre, Jose; Zalewski, Paweł; Słomko, Joanna; Strand, Elin Bolle; Pheby, Derek; Shikova, Evelina; Lorusso, Lorenzo; Capelli, Enrica; Sekulic, Slobodan; Scheibenbogen, Carmen; Sepúlveda, Nuno; Murovska, Modra; Lacerda, Eliana
  • Review of the Quality Control Checks Performed by Current Genome-Wide and Targeted-Genome Association Studies on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. (2020) Grabowska, Anna D; Lacerda, Eliana M; Nacul, Luís; Sepúlveda, Nuno
  • Health Care Responsibility and Compassion-Visiting the Housebound Patient Severely Affected by ME/CFS. (2020) Kingdon, Caroline; Giotas, Dionysius; Nacul, Luis; Lacerda, Eliana
  • Analysis of Risk Factors in Occupational Accidents in Brazil: A Population-Based Study. (2020) Monteiro Ferreira, Marcelo José; Silveira Correa, Francisco Gustavo; Lacerda, Eliana Mattos; Hajat, Shakoor; de Araújo, Larissa Fortunato
  • Recommendations for Epidemiological Research in ME/CFS from the EUROMENE Epidemiology Working Group. (2020) Mudie, Kathleen; Estévez-López, Fernando; Sekulic, Slobodan; Ivanovs, Andrejs; Sepulveda, Nuno; Zalewski, Pawel; Mengshoel, Anne Marit; De Korwin, Jean-Dominique; Hinic Capo, Natasa; Alegre-Martin, Jose; Castro-Marrero, Jesus; Murovska, Modra; Nacul, Luis; Lacerda, Eliana
  • How Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Progresses: The Natural History of ME/CFS. (2020) Nacul, Luis; O'Boyle, Shennae; Palla, Luigi; Nacul, Flavio E; Mudie, Kathleen; Kingdon, Caroline C; Cliff, Jacqueline M; Clark, Taane G; Dockrell, Hazel M; Lacerda, Eliana M
  • 2019
  • Cellular Immune Function in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS). (2019) Cliff, Jacqueline M; King, Elizabeth C; Lee, Ji-Sook; Sepúlveda, Nuno; Wolf, Asia-Sophia; Kingdon, Caroline; Bowman, Erinna; Dockrell, Hazel M; Nacul, Luis; Lacerda, Eliana; Riley, Eleanor M
  • Trends in morbidity and mortality from COPD in Brazil, 2000 to 2016. (2019) Gonçalves-Macedo, Liana; Lacerda, Eliana Mattos; Markman-Filho, Brivaldo; Lundgren, Fernando Luiz Cavalcanti; Luna, Carlos Feitosa
  • A logistic regression analysis of risk factors in ME/CFS pathogenesis. (2019) Lacerda, Eliana M; Geraghty, Keith; Kingdon, Caroline C; Palla, Luigi; Nacul, Luis
  • Hope, disappointment and perseverance: Reflections of people with Myalgic encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and Multiple Sclerosis participating in biomedical research. A qualitative focus group study. (2019) Lacerda, Eliana M; McDermott, Clare; Kingdon, Caroline C; Butterworth, Jack; Cliff, Jacqueline M; Nacul, Luis
  • Circulating levels of GDF15 in patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome. (2019) Melvin, A; Lacerda, E; Dockrell, HM; O'Rahilly, S; Nacul, L
  • Evidence of Clinical Pathology Abnormalities in People with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) from an Analytic Cross-Sectional Study. (2019) Nacul, Luis; de Barros, Barbara; Kingdon, Caroline C; Cliff, Jacqueline M; Clark, Taane G; Mudie, Kathleen; Dockrell, Hazel M; Lacerda, Eliana M
  • HERV-K and HERV-W transcriptional activity in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome. (2019) Rodrigues, Lucas S; da Silva Nali, Luiz H; Leal, Cibele OD; Sabino, Ester C; Lacerda, Eliana M; Kingdon, Caroline C; Nacul, Luis; Romano, Camila M
  • Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as a Hyper-Regulated Immune System Driven by an Interplay Between Regulatory T Cells and Chronic Human Herpesvirus Infections. (2019) Sepúlveda, Nuno; Carneiro, Jorge; Lacerda, Eliana; Nacul, Luis
  • Environmental Exposure to Pesticides and Breast Cancer in a Region of Intensive Agribusiness Activity in Brazil: A Case-Control Study. (2019) Silva, Ageo MC; Campos, Paulo HN; Mattos, Inês E; Hajat, Shakoor; Lacerda, Eliana M; Ferreira, Marcelo JM
  • 2018
  • Prevalence and incidence of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome in Europe-the Euro-epiME study from the European network EUROMENE: a protocol for a systematic review. (2018) Estévez-López, Fernando; Castro-Marrero, Jesus; Wang, Xia; Bakken, Inger Johanne; Ivanovs, Andrejs; Nacul, Luis; Sepúlveda, Nuno; Strand, Elin B; Pheby, Derek; Alegre, Jose; Scheibenbogen, Carmen; Shikova, Evelina; Lorusso, Lorenzo; Capelli, Enrica; Sekulic, Slobodan; Lacerda, Eliana; Murovska, Modra; European Network on ME/CFS (EUROMENE)
  • Functional Status and Well-Being in People with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Compared with People with Multiple Sclerosis and Healthy Controls. (2018) Kingdon, Caroline C; Bowman, Erinna W; Curran, Hayley; Nacul, Luis; Lacerda, Eliana M
  • The UK ME/CFS Biobank: A Disease-Specific Biobank for Advancing Clinical Research Into Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. (2018) Lacerda, Eliana M; Mudie, Kathleen; Kingdon, Caroline C; Butterworth, Jack D; O'Boyle, Shennae; Nacul, Luis
  • Hand Grip Strength as a Clinical Biomarker for ME/CFS and Disease Severity. (2018) Nacul, Luis Carlos; Mudie, Kathleen; Kingdon, Caroline C; Clark, Taane G; Lacerda, Eliana Mattos
  • 2017
  • Prevalence of and risk factors for severe cognitive and sleep symptoms in ME/CFS and MS. (2017) Jain, Vageesh; Arunkumar, Amit; Kingdon, Caroline; Lacerda, Eliana; Nacul, Luis
  • The UK ME/CFS Biobank for biomedical research on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and Multiple Sclerosis. (2017) Lacerda, Eliana M; Bowman, Erinna W; Cliff, Jacqueline M; Kingdon, Caroline C; King, Elizabeth C; Lee, Ji-Sook; Clark, Taane G; Dockrell, Hazel M; Riley, Eleanor M; Curran, Hayley; Nacul, Luis
  • Using a participatory approach to develop and implement the UK ME/CFS Biobank. (2017) Lacerda, Eliana M; Kingdon, Caroline C; Bowman, Erinna W; Nacul, Luis
  • Differing case definitions point to the need for an accurate diagnosis of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome. (2017) Nacul, Luis; Kingdon, Caroline C; Bowman, Erinna W; Curran, Hayley; Lacerda, Eliana M
  • How have selection bias and disease misclassification undermined the validity of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome studies? (2017) Nacul, Luis; Lacerda, Eliana M; Kingdon, Caroline C; Curran, Hayley; Bowman, Erinna W
  • The European ME/CFS Biomarker Landscape project: an initiative of the European network EUROMENE. (2017) Scheibenbogen, Carmen; Freitag, Helma; Blanco, Julià; Capelli, Enrica; Lacerda, Eliana; Authier, Jerome; Meeus, Mira; Castro Marrero, Jesus; Nora-Krukle, Zaiga; Oltra, Elisa; Strand, Elin Bolle; Shikova, Evelina; Sekulic, Slobodan; Murovska, Modra
  • 2016
  • Overweight effect on spirometric parameters in adolescents undergoing exercise. (2016) Costa, Rayana de Oliveira; Silva, Juliana Pereira; Lacerda, Eliana Mattos; Dias, Rodrigo; Pezolato, Vitor Alexandre; Silva, Carlos Alberto da; Krinski, Kleverton; Correia, Marco Aurélio de Valois; Cieslak, Fabrício
  • 2014
  • Considerations in establishing a post-mortem brain and tissue bank for the study of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome: a proposed protocol. (2014) Nacul, Luis; O'Donovan, Dominic G; Lacerda, Eliana M; Gveric, Djordje; Goldring, Kirstin; Hall, Alison; Bowman, Erinna; Pheby, Derek
  • 2011
  • The functional status and well being of people with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome and their carers. (2011) Nacul, Luis C; Lacerda, Eliana M; Campion, Peter; Pheby, Derek; Drachler, Maria de L; Leite, José C; Poland, Fiona; Howe, Amanda; Fayyaz, Shagufta; Molokhia, Mariam
  • Prevalence of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) in three regions of England: a repeated cross-sectional study in primary care. (2011) Nacul, Luis C; Lacerda, Eliana M; Pheby, Derek; Campion, Peter; Molokhia, Mariam; Fayyaz, Shagufta; Leite, Jose CDC; Poland, Fiona; Howe, Amanda; Drachler, Maria L
  • COPD in England: a comparison of expected, model-based prevalence and observed prevalence from general practice data. (2011) Nacul, Luis; Soljak, Michael; Samarasundera, Edgar; Hopkinson, Nicholas S; Lacerda, Eliana; Indulkar, Tejal; Flowers, Julian; Walford, Hannah; Majeed, Azeem
  • A Disease Register for ME/CFS: Report of a Pilot Study. (2011) Pheby, Derek; Lacerda, Eliana; Nacul, Luis; Drachler, Maria de Lourdes; Campion, Peter; Howe, Amanda; Poland, Fiona; Curran, Monica; Featherstone, Valerie; Fayyaz, Shagufta; Sakellariou, Dikaios; Leite, José Carlos de Carvalho
  • Social support needs for equity in health and social care: a thematic analysis of experiences of people with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis. (2011) de Carvalho Leite, Jose C; de L Drachler, Maria; Killett, Anne; Kale, Swati; Nacul, Luis; McArthur, Maggie; Hong, Chia Swee; O'Driscoll, Lucy; Pheby, Derek; Campion, Peter; Lacerda, Eliana; Poland, Fiona
  • 2010
  • Exploring the feasibility of establishing a disease-specific post-mortem tissue bank in the UK: a case study in ME/CFS. (2010) Lacerda, Eliana M; Nacul, Luis; Pheby, Derek; Shepherd, Charles; Spencer, Peter
  • 2009
  • The expressed needs of people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis: A systematic review. (2009) Drachler, Maria de Lourdes; Leite, Jose Carlos de Carvalho; Hooper, Lee; Hong, Chia Swee; Pheby, Derek; Nacul, Luis; Lacerda, Eliana; Campion, Peter; Killett, Anne; McArthur, Maggie; Poland, Fiona
  • The expressed needs of people with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis: a systematic review. (2009) Drachler, Maria de Lourdes; Leite, Jose Carlos de Carvalho; Hooper, Lee; Hong, Chia Swee; Pheby, Derek; Nacul, Luis; Lacerda, Eliana; Campion, Peter; Killett, Anne; McArthur, Maggie; Poland, Fiona
  • 2005
  • Prevalence and associations of symptoms of upper extremities, repetitive strain injuries (RSI) and 'RSI-like condition'. A cross sectional study of bank workers in Northeast Brazil. (2005) Lacerda, Eliana M; Nácul, Luis C; Augusto, Lia G da S; Olinto, Maria Teresa A; Rocha, Dyhanne C; Wanderley, Danielle C