Items where Author is "Bustinduy, Amaya L"
Number of items: 73.
  • Visual diagnosis of female genital schistosomiasis in Zambian women from hand-held colposcopy: agreement of expert image review and association with clinical symptoms. (2023) Sturt, Amy; Bristowe, Henrietta; Webb, Emily; Hansingo, Isaiah; Phiri, Comfort; Mudenda, Maina; Mapani, Joyce; Mweene, Tobias; Levecke, Bruno; Cools, Piet; van Dam, Govert; Corstjens, Paul; Ayles, Helen; Hayes, Richard; Francis, Suzanna; van Lieshout, Lisette; Vwalika, Bellington; Kjetland, Eyrun; Bustinduy, Amaya
  • 2022
  • Validation of the isothermal Schistosoma haematobium Recombinase Polymerase Amplification (RPA) assay, coupled with simplified sample preparation, for diagnosing female genital schistosomiasis using cervicovaginal lavage and vaginal self-swab samples. (2022) Archer, John; Patwary, Farhan K; Sturt, Amy S; Webb, Emily L; Phiri, Comfort Rutty; Mweene, Tobias; Hayes, Richard J; Ayles, Helen; Brienen, Eric AT; van Lieshout, Lisette; Webster, Bonnie L; Bustinduy, Amaya L
  • Impact of a Novel, Low-Cost and Sustainable Health Education Program on the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Related to Intestinal Schistosomiasis in School Children in a Hard-to-Reach District of Madagascar. (2022) Spencer, Stephen A; Andriamasy, Emmanuel H; Linder, Cortland; Penney, James M StJ; Henstridge-Blows, Jemima; Russell, Hannah J; Hyde, Kate; Sheehy, Caitlin; Young, Isla L; Sjoflot, Benedicte; Rakotomampianina, Daniel AL; Nandimbiniaina, Anjara M; Raderalazasoa, Gina U; Ranaivoson, Tahiry N; Andrianiaina, Antsa; Michèle, Rasolofomanana SM; Rohe, Zafera A; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Stothard, J Russell; Cruickshank, Sheena M; Edosoa, Glenn T; Rahetilahy, Alain M
  • A review of the genetic determinants of praziquantel resistance in Schistosoma mansoni: Is praziquantel and intestinal schistosomiasis a perfect match? (2022) Summers, Shannan; Bhattacharyya, Tapan; Allan, Fiona; Stothard, J Russell; Edielu, Andrew; Webster, Bonnie L; Miles, Michael A; Bustinduy, Amaya L
  • 2021
  • Malaria and helminth co-infections in children living in endemic countries: A systematic review with meta-analysis. (2021) Afolabi, Muhammed O; Ale, Boni M; Dabira, Edgard D; Agbla, Schadrac C; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Ndiaye, Jean Louis A; Greenwood, Brian
  • Meningococcal carriage among Hajj pilgrims, risk factors for carriage and records of vaccination: a study of pilgrims to Mecca. (2021) Alasmari, Abrar; Houghton, Joanna; Greenwood, Brian; Heymann, David; Edwards, Phil; Larson, Heidi; Assiri, Abdullah; Ben-Rached, Fathia; Pain, Arnab; Behrens, Ron; Bustinduy, Amaya
  • The challenges for women's health in sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons learned from an integrative multistakeholder workshop in Gabon. (2021) Habib, Marrium; Adegnika, Ayola Akim; Honkpehedji, Josiane; Klug, Stefanie J; Lobmaier, Silvia; Vogg, Kathrin; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Ullrich, Andreas; Reinhard-Rupp, Jutta; Esen, Meral; Prazeres da Costa, Clarissa
  • Promoting gender, equity, human rights and ethnic equality in neglected tropical disease programmes. (2021) Mbabazi, PS; Del Pino, S; Ducker, C; Dean, L; Broekkamp, H; Prasetyanti, W; Jacobson, J; Krentel, A; Seunik, M; Bustinduy, AL; Malecela, M
  • Association between cervical dysplasia and female genital schistosomiasis diagnosed by genital PCR in Zambian women. (2021) Rafferty, H; Sturt, AS; Phiri, CR; Webb, EL; Mudenda, M; Mapani, J; Corstjens, PLAM; van Dam, GJ; Schaap, A; Ayles, H; Hayes, RJ; van Lieshout, L; Hansingo, I; Bustinduy, AL
  • Prevalence of intestinal schistosomiasis in pre-school aged children: a pilot survey in Marolambo District, Madagascar. (2021) Sheehy, Caitlin; Lawson, Heather; Andriamasy, Emmanuel H; Russell, Hannah J; Reid, Alice; Raderalazasoa, Gina U; Dodge, Graham; Kornitschky, Robbie; Penney, James M StJ; Ranaivoson, Tahiry N; Andrianiaina, Antsa; Emmanoela, Jenny S; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Stothard, J Russell; Andrianjaka, Louis; Spencer, Stephen A
  • Five-Year Follow-Up on the Prevalence and Intensity of Infections of Schistosoma mansoni in a Hard-to-Reach District of Madagascar. (2021) Spencer, Stephen A; Linder, Cortland; Penney, James M StJ; Russell, Hannah J; Hyde, Kate; Sheehy, Caitlin; Reid, Alice; Andriamasy, Emmanuel H; Raderalazasoa, Gina U; Rakotomampianina, Daniel AL; Nandimbiniaina, Anjara M; Ranaivoson, Tahiry N; Andrianiaina, Antsa; Cruickshank, Sheena M; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Stothard, J Russell; Edosoa, Glenn T; Rahetilahy, Alain M; MADEX
  • The cervicovaginal environment and HIV incidence in Zambian women with female genital schistosomiasis. (2021) Sturt, AS
  • Association of Female Genital Schistosomiasis With the Cervicovaginal Microbiota and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Zambian Women. (2021) Sturt, Amy S; Webb, Emily L; Himschoot, Lisa; Phiri, Comfort R; Mapani, Joyce; Mudenda, Maina; Kjetland, Eyrun F; Mweene, Tobias; Levecke, Bruno; van Dam, Govert J; Corstjens, Paul LAM; Ayles, Helen; Hayes, Richard J; van Lieshout, Lisette; Hansingo, Isaiah; Francis, Suzanna C; Cools, Piet; Bustinduy, Amaya L
  • Cervicovaginal Immune Activation in Zambian Women With Female Genital Schistosomiasis. (2021) Sturt, Amy S; Webb, Emily L; Patterson, Catriona; Phiri, Comfort R; Mweene, Tobias; Kjetland, Eyrun F; Mudenda, Maina; Mapani, Joyce; Mutengo, Mable M; Chipeta, James; van Dam, Govert J; Corstjens, Paul LAM; Ayles, Helen; Hayes, Richard J; Hansingo, Isaiah; Cools, Piet; van Lieshout, Lisette; Helmby, Helena; McComsey, Grace A; Francis, Suzanna C; Bustinduy, Amaya L
  • Female Genital Schistosomiasis and HIV-1 Incidence in Zambian Women: A Retrospective Cohort Study. (2021) Sturt, Amy S; Webb, Emily L; Phiri, Comfort R; Mudenda, Maina; Mapani, Joyce; Kosloff, Barry; Cheeba, Maina; Shanaube, Kwame; Bwalya, Justin; Kjetland, Eyrun F; Francis, Suzanna C; Corstjens, Paul LAM; van Dam, Govert J; van Lieshout, Lisette; Hansingo, Isaiah; Ayles, Helen; Hayes, Richard J; Bustinduy, Amaya L
  • The praziquantel in preschoolers (PIP) trial: study protocol for a phase II PK/PD-driven randomised controlled trial of praziquantel in children under 4 years of age. (2021) Webb, Emily L; Edielu, Andrew; Wu, Hannah W; Kabatereine, Narcis B; Tukahebwa, Edridah M; Mubangizi, Alfred; Adriko, Moses; Elliott, Alison M; Hope, William W; Mawa, Patrice A; Friedman, Jennifer F; Bustinduy, Amaya L
  • 2020
  • Use of face masks and other personal preventive measures by Hajj pilgrims and their impact on health problems during the Hajj. (2020) Alasmari, Abrar K; Edwards, Phil J; Assiri, Abdullah M; Behrens, Ronald H; Bustinduy, Amaya L
  • Intestinal Schistosomiasis and Giardiasis Co-Infection in Sub-Saharan Africa: Can a One Health Approach Improve Control of Each Waterborne Parasite Simultaneously? (2020) Archer, John; O'Halloran, Lisa; Al-Shehri, Hajri; Summers, Shannan; Bhattacharyya, Tapan; Kabaterine, Narcis B; Atuhaire, Aaron; Adriko, Moses; Arianaitwe, Moses; Stewart, Martyn; LaCourse, E James; Webster, Bonnie L; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Stothard, J Russell
  • Could This Child Have Schistosomiasis?: When to Suspect It and What to Do About It. (2020) Bustinduy, Amaya L; Edielu, Andrew; Sturt, Amy S
  • Population Pharmacokinetics of Praziquantel in Pregnant and Lactating Filipino Women Infected with Schistosoma japonicum. (2020) Bustinduy, Amaya L; Kolamunnage-Dona, Ruwanthi; Mirochnick, Mark H; Capparelli, Edmund V; Tallo, Veronica; Acosta, Luz P; Olveda, Remigio M; Friedman, Jennifer F; Hope, William W
  • Integration of prevention and control measures for female genital schistosomiasis, HIV and cervical cancer. (2020) Engels, Dirk; Hotez, Peter J; Ducker, Camilla; Gyapong, Margaret; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Secor, William E; Harrison, Wendy; Theobald, Sally; Thomson, Rachael; Gamba, Victoria; Masong, Makia C; Lammie, Patrick; Govender, Kreeneshni; Mbabazi, Pamela S; Malecela, Mwelecele N
  • Correction: Female genital schistosomiasis and HIV/AIDS: Reversing the neglect of girls and women. (2020) Hotez, Peter J; Harrison, Wendy; Fenwick, Alan; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Ducker, Camilla; Mbabazi, Pamela Sabina; Engels, Dirk; Kjetland, Eyrun Floerecke
  • Schistosomiasis-associated pulmonary arterial hypertension: a systematic review. (2020) Knafl, Daniela; Gerges, Christian; King, Charles H; Humbert, Marc; Bustinduy, Amaya L
  • Could This Child Have Schistosomiasis? When to Suspect It and What to Do About It. (2020) Lopez Bustinduy, Amaya; Edielu, Andrew; Sturt, Amy
  • Application of a recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) assay and pilot field testing for Giardia duodenalis at Lake Albert, Uganda. (2020) Molina-Gonzalez, Sandra J; Bhattacharyya, Tapan; AlShehri, Hajri R; Poulton, Kate; Allen, Stephen; Miles, Michael A; Arianitwe, Moses; Tukahebwa, Edridah M; Webster, Bonnie; Russell Stothard, J; Bustinduy, Amaya L
  • A cross-sectional study of periportal fibrosis and Schistosoma mansoni infection among school-aged children in a hard-to-reach area of Madagascar. (2020) Russell, Hannah J; Penney, James M StJ; Linder, Cortland; Joekes, Elizabeth C; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Stothard, J Russell; Rakotomampianina, Daniel AL; Andriamasy, Emmanuel H; Mahary, Lalarizo R; Ranjanoro, Elodie P; Rahetilahy, Alain M; Spencer, Stephen A
  • Acceptability and feasibility of genital self-sampling for the diagnosis of female genital schistosomiasis: a cross-sectional study in Zambia. (2020) Rutty Phiri, Comfort; Sturt, Amy S; Webb, Emily L; Chola, Namakau; Hayes, Richard; Shanaube, Kwame; Ayles, Helen; Hansingo, Isaiah; Bustinduy, Amaya L description
  • Acceptability and feasibility of genital self-sampling for the diagnosis of female genital schistosomiasis: a cross-sectional study in Zambia. (2020) Rutty Phiri, Comfort; Sturt, Amy S; Webb, Emily L; Chola, Namakau; Hayes, Richard; Shanaube, Kwame; Ayles, Helen; Hansingo, Isaiah; Bustinduy, Amaya L; BILHIV study team
  • Beyond the barrier: Female Genital Schistosomiasis as a potential risk factor for HIV-1 acquisition. (2020) Sturt, AS; Webb, EL; Francis, SC; Hayes, RJ; Bustinduy, AL
  • Genital self-sampling compared with cervicovaginal lavage for the diagnosis of female genital schistosomiasis in Zambian women: The BILHIV study. (2020) Sturt, Amy S; Webb, Emily L; Phiri, Comfort R; Mweene, Tobias; Chola, Namakau; van Dam, Govert J; Corstjens, Paul LAM; Wessels, Els; Stothard, J Russell; Hayes, Richard; Ayles, Helen; Hansingo, Isaiah; van Lieshout, Lisette; Bustinduy, Amaya L
  • 2019
  • Implementation of a Highly Accurate Rapid Point-of-Care Test for Group a Streptococcus Detection at a Large Pediatric Emergency Department in South London. (2019) Demirjian, Alicia; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Ladhani, Shamez; Iqbal, Yasser; Sharland, Mike
  • Female genital schistosomiasis and HIV/AIDS: Reversing the neglect of girls and women. (2019) Hotez, Peter J; Harrison, Wendy; Fenwick, Alan; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Ducker, Camilla; Sabina Mbabazi, Pamela; Engels, Dirk; Floerecke Kjetland, Eyrun
  • Focused Assessment with Sonography for Urinary Schistosomiasis (FASUS)-pilot evaluation of a simple point-of-care ultrasound protocol and short training program for detecting urinary tract morbidity in highly endemic settings. (2019) Remppis, J; Verheyden, A; Bustinduy, AL; Heller, T; García-Tardón, N; Manouana, GP; Obiang, R; Adegnika, AA; Grobusch, MP; Ramharter, M; Joekes, E; Bélard, S
  • Schistosoma mansoni Infection as a Predictor of Low Aerobic Capacity in Ugandan Children. (2019) Smith, Courtney; McLachlan, Georgia; Al Shehri, Hajri; Adriko, Moses; Arinaitwe, Moses; Atuhaire, Aaron; Muheki Tukahebwa, Edridah; LaCourse, E James; Stanton, Michelle; Stothard, J Russell; Bustinduy, Amaya L
  • 2018
  • Cognitive deficits and educational loss in children with schistosome infection-A systematic review and meta-analysis. (2018) Ezeamama, Amara E; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Nkwata, Allan K; Martinez, Leonardo; Pabalan, Noel; Boivin, Michael J; King, Charles H
  • Schistosomiasis in Africa: Improving strategies for long-term and sustainable morbidity control. (2018) French, Michael D; Evans, Darin; Fleming, Fiona M; Secor, W Evan; Biritwum, Nana-Kwadwo; Brooker, Simon J; Bustinduy, Amaya; Gouvras, Anouk; Kabatereine, Narcis; King, Charles H; Rebollo Polo, Maria; Reinhard-Rupp, Jutta; Rollinson, David; Tchuem Tchuenté, Louis-Albert; Utzinger, Jürg; Waltz, Johannes; Zhang, Yaobi
  • 2017
  • One hundred years of neglect in paediatric schistosomiasis. (2017) Bustinduy, AL; Wright, S; Joekes, EC; Kabatereine, NB; Reinhard-Rupp, J; King, CH; Stothard, JR
  • Point-of-care tests for infectious diseases: barriers to implementation across three London teaching hospitals. (2017) Bustinduy, Amaya L; Jeyaratnam, Dakshika; Douthwaite, Sam; Tonkin-Crine, Sarah; Shaw, Rebecca; Hyrapetian, Laura; Sevdalis, Nick; Goldenberg, Simon; Adams, Elisabeth J; Sharland, Mike; CLAHRC South London; Paediatric Infection Network
  • Paediatric and maternal schistosomiasis: shifting the paradigms. (2017) Bustinduy, Amaya L; Stothard, J Russell; Friedman, Jennifer F
  • Praziquantel for the treatment of schistosomiasis during human pregnancy. (2017) Friedman, Jennifer F; Olveda, Remigio M; Mirochnick, Mark H; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Elliott, Alison M
  • High burden of Schistosoma mansoni infection in school-aged children in Marolambo District, Madagascar. (2017) Spencer, Stephen A; Penney, James M St John; Russell, Hannah J; Howe, Anthony P; Linder, Cortland; Rakotomampianina, Andriamahitsisambatra LD; Nandimbiniaina, Anjara M; Squire, S Bertel; Stothard, J Russell; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Rahetilahy, Alain M
  • 2016
  • Predictors of fever-related admissions to a paediatric assessment unit, ward and reattendances in a South London emergency department: the CABIN 2 study. (2016) Bustinduy, Amaya L; Chis Ster, Irina; Shaw, Rebecca; Irwin, Adam; Thiagarajan, Jaiganesh; Beynon, Rhys; Ladhani, Shamez; Sharland, Mike; CABIN network
  • Expanding Praziquantel (PZQ) Access beyond Mass Drug Administration Programs: Paving a Way Forward for a Pediatric PZQ Formulation for Schistosomiasis. (2016) Bustinduy, Amaya L; Friedman, Jennifer F; Kjetland, Eyrun Floerecke; Ezeamama, Amara E; Kabatereine, Narcis B; Stothard, J Russell; King, Charles H
  • Population Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Praziquantel in Ugandan Children with Intestinal Schistosomiasis: Higher Dosages Are Required for Maximal Efficacy. (2016) Bustinduy, Amaya L; Waterhouse, David; de Sousa-Figueiredo, Jose C; Roberts, Stephen A; Atuhaire, Aaron; Van Dam, Govert J; Corstjens, Paul LAM; Scott, Janet T; Stanton, Michelle C; Kabatereine, Narcis B; Ward, Stephen; Hope, William W; Stothard, J Russell
  • Population Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Praziquantel in Ugandan Children with Intestinal Schistosomiasis: Higher Dosages Are Required for Maximal Efficacy. (2016) Bustinduy, Amaya; Waterhouse, David; Sousa-Figueiredo, Jose C; Roberts, Stephen A.; Atuhaire, Aaron; Van Dam, Govert J.; Corstjens, Paul L. A. M.; Scott, Janet T.; Stanton, Michelle C.; Kabatereine, Narcis B.; Ward, Stephen; Hope, William W.; Stothard, J.Russell
  • A call to strengthen the global strategy against schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis: the time is now. (2016) Lo, Nathan C; Addiss, David G; Hotez, Peter J; King, Charles H; Stothard, J Russell; Evans, Darin S; Colley, Daniel G; Lin, William; Coulibaly, Jean T; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Raso, Giovanna; Bendavid, Eran; Bogoch, Isaac I; Fenwick, Alan; Savioli, Lorenzo; Molyneux, David; Utzinger, Jürg; Andrews, Jason R
  • A centenary of Robert T. Leiper's lasting legacy on schistosomiasis and a COUNTDOWN on control of neglected tropical diseases. (2016) Stothard, J Russell; Kabatereine, Narcis B; Archer, John; Al-Shehri, Hajri; Tchuem-Tchuenté, Louis Albert; Gyapong, Margaret; Bustinduy, Amaya L
  • 2015
  • Review Article: Point-of-Care Ultrasound Assessment of Tropical Infectious Diseases-A Review of Applications and Perspectives. (2015) Belard, Sabine; Tamarozzi, Francesca; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Wallrauch, Claudia; Grobusch, Martin P; Kuhn, Walter; Brunetti, Enrico; Joekes, Elizabeth; Heller, Tom
  • Age-Stratified Profiles of Serum IL-6, IL-10, and TNF-alpha Cytokines among Kenyan Children with Schistosoma haematobium, Plasmodium falciparum, and Other Chronic Parasitic Co-infections. (2015) Bustinduy, Amaya L; Sutherland, Laura J; Chang-Cojulun, Alicia; Malhotra, Indu; DuVall, Adam S; Fairley, Jessica K; Mungai, Peter L; Muchiri, Eric M; Mutuku, Francis M; Kitron, Uriel; King, Charles H
  • Age-Stratified Profiles of Serum IL-6, IL-10, and TNF-α Cytokines Among Kenyan Children with Schistosoma haematobium, Plasmodium falciparum, and Other Chronic Parasitic Co-Infections. (2015) Bustinduy, Amaya L; Sutherland, Laura J; Chang-Cojulun, Alicia; Malhotra, Indu; DuVall, Adam S; Fairley, Jessica K; Mungai, Peter L; Muchiri, Eric M; Mutuku, Francis M; Kitron, Uriel; King, Charles H
  • HIV and schistosomiasis co-infection in African children. (2015) Bustinduy, Amaya; King, Charles; Scott, Janet; Appleton, Sarah; Sousa-Figueiredo, Jose Carlos; Betson, Martha; Stothard, J Russell
  • Point-of-Care Ultrasound Assessment of Tropical Infectious Diseases--A Review of Applications and Perspectives. (2015) Bélard, Sabine; Tamarozzi, Francesca; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Wallrauch, Claudia; Grobusch, Martin P; Kuhn, Walter; Brunetti, Enrico; Joekes, Elizabeth; Heller, Tom
  • Anemia Among Children Exposed to Polyparasitism in Coastal Kenya. (2015) Chang Cojulun, Alicia; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Sutherland, Laura J; Mungai, Peter L; Mutuku, Francis; Muchiri, Eric; Kitron, Uriel; King, Charles H
  • Anemia among Children Exposed to Polyparasitism in Coastal Kenya. (2015) Cojulun, Alicia Chang; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Sutherland, Laura J; Mungai, Peter L; Mutuku, Francis; Muchiri, Eric; Kitron, Uriel; King, Charles H
  • 2014
  • Cross-sectional study of the burden of vector-borne and soil-transmitted polyparasitism in rural communities of Coast Province, Kenya. (2014) Bisanzio, Donal; Mutuku, Francis; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Mungai, Peter L; Muchiri, Eric M; King, Charles H; Kitron, Uriel
  • Cross-sectional Study of the Burden of Vector-Borne and Soil-Transmitted Polyparasitism in Rural Communities of Coast Province, Kenya. (2014) Bisanzio, Donal; Mutuku, Francis; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Mungai, Peter L; Muchiri, Eric M; King, Charles H; Kitron, Uriel
  • Case Report: Endomyocardial Fibrosis (EMF) in a Ugandan Child with Advanced Hepatosplenic Schistosomiasis: Coincidence or Connection? (2014) Bustinduy, Amaya L; Luzinda, Kenneth; Mpoya, Simon; Gothard, Philip; Stone, Neil; Wright, Stephen; Stothard, J Russell
  • Endomyocardial fibrosis (EMF) in a Ugandan child with advanced hepatosplenic schistosomiasis: coincidence or connection? (2014) Bustinduy, Amaya L; Luzinda, Kenneth; Mpoya, Simon; Gothard, Philip; Stone, Neil; Wright, Stephen; Stothard, J Russell
  • HIV and schistosomiasis co-infection in African children. (2014) Bustinduy, Amaya; King, Charles; Scott, Janet; Appleton, Sarah; Sousa-Figueiredo, José Carlos; Betson, Martha; Stothard, J Russell
  • Human schistosomiasis. (2014) Colley, Daniel G; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Secor, Evan; King, Charles H
  • Human schistosomiasis. (2014) Colley, Daniel G; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Secor, W Evan; King, Charles H
  • Development of a specimen-sparing multichannel bead assay to detect antiparasite IgG4 for the diagnosis of Schistosoma and Wuchereria infections on the coast of Kenya. (2014) DuVall, Adam S; Fairley, Jessica K; Sutherland, Laura; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Mungai, Peter L; Muchiri, Eric M; Malhotra, Indu; Kitron, Uriel; King, Charles H
  • Development of a Specimen-Sparing Multichannel Bead Assay to Detect Antiparasite IgG4 for the Diagnosis of Schistosoma and Wuchereria Infections on the Coast of Kenya. (2014) DuVall, Adam S; Fairley, Jessica K; Sutherland, Laura; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Mungai, Peter L; Muchiri, Eric M; Malhotra, Indu; Kitron, Uriel; King, Charles H
  • Preventive chemotherapy for schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis by cotreatment with praziquantel and albendazole. (2014) Stothard, J Russell; Bustinduy, Amaya; Montresor, Antonio
  • Diagnostics for schistosomiasis in Africa and Arabia: a review of present options in control and future needs for elimination. (2014) Stothard, J Russell; Stanton, Michelle C; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Sousa-Figueiredo, Jose C; Van Dam, Govert J; Betson, Martha; Waterhouse, David; Ward, Steve; Allan, Fiona; Hassan, Amir A; Al-Helal, Mohammad A; Memish, Ziad A; Rollinson, David picture_as_pdf
  • Diagnostics for schistosomiasis in Africa and Arabia: a review of present options in control and future needs for elimination. (2014) Stothard, J Russell; Stanton, Michelle C; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Sousa-Figueiredo, José C; Van Dam, Govert J; Betson, Martha; Waterhouse, David; Ward, Steve; Allan, Fiona; Hassan, Amir A; Al-Helal, Mohammad A; Memish, Ziad A; Rollinson, David
  • 2013
  • Impact of polyparasitic infections on anemia and undernutrition among Kenyan children living in a Schistosoma haematobium-endemic area. (2013) Bustinduy, Amaya L; Parraga, Isabel M; Thomas, Charles L; Mungai, Peter L; Mutuku, Francis; Muchiri, Eric M; Kitron, Uriel; King, Charles H
  • Fecal occult blood and fecal calprotectin as point-of-care markers of intestinal morbidity in Ugandan children with Schistosoma mansoni infection. (2013) Bustinduy, Amaya L; Sousa-Figueiredo, José C; Adriko, Moses; Betson, Martha; Fenwick, Alan; Kabatereine, Narcis; Stothard, J Russell
  • Schistosomiasis in African infants and preschool children: let them now be treated! (2013) Stothard, J Russell; Sousa-Figueiredo, José C; Betson, Martha; Bustinduy, Amaya; Reinhard-Rupp, Jutta
  • Evaluation of the health-related quality of life of children in Schistosoma haematobium-endemic communities in Kenya: a cross-sectional study. (2013) Terer, Carolyn C; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Magtanong, Ruth V; Muhoho, Ng'ethe; Mungai, Peter L; Muchiri, Eric M; Kitron, Uriel; King, Charles H; Mutuku, Francis M
  • 2011
  • Measuring fitness of Kenyan children with polyparasitic infections using the 20-meter shuttle run test as a morbidity metric. (2011) Bustinduy, Amaya L; Thomas, Charles L; Fiutem, Justin J; Parraga, Isabel M; Mungai, Peter L; Muchiri, Eric M; Mutuku, Francis; Kitron, Uriel; King, Charles H
  • Modeling the effect of chronic schistosomiasis on childhood development and the potential for catch-up growth with different drug treatment strategies promoted for control of endemic schistosomiasis. (2011) Gurarie, David; Wang, Xiaoxia; Bustinduy, Amaya L; King, Charles H
  • Impact of drought on the spatial pattern of transmission of Schistosoma haematobium in coastal Kenya. (2011) Mutuku, Francis M; King, Charles H; Bustinduy, Amaya L; Mungai, Peter L; Muchiri, Eric M; Kitron, Uriel