Items where Author is "Patel, Vikram"
Number of items: 395.
  • Mapping the Treatment Gap: A mixed methods exploration of barriers to treatment-seeking for depression in rural India. (2019) Roberts, T
  • Multiple mediation analysis of the peer-delivered Thinking Healthy Programme for perinatal depression: findings from two parallel, randomised controlled trials. (2019) Singla, Daisy R; MacKinnon, David P; Fuhr, Daniela C; Sikander, Siham; Rahman, Atif; Patel, Vikram description
  • 2018
  • Community-based rehabilitation intervention for people with schizophrenia in Ethiopia (RISE): a 12 month mixed methods pilot study. (2018) Asher, Laura; Hanlon, Charlotte; Birhane, Rahel; Habtamu, Alehegn; Eaton, Julian; Weiss, Helen A; Patel, Vikram; Fekadu, Abebaw; De Silva, Mary
  • Impact of district mental health care plans on symptom severity and functioning of patients with priority mental health conditions: the Programme for Improving Mental Health Care (PRIME) cohort protocol. (2018) Baron, Emily C; Rathod, Sujit D; Hanlon, Charlotte; Prince, Martin; Fedaku, Abebaw; Kigozi, Fred; Jordans, Mark; Luitel, Nagendra P; Medhin, Girmay; Murhar, Vaibhav; Nakku, Juliet; Patel, Vikram; Petersen, Inge; Selohilwe, One; Shidhaye, Rahul; Ssebunnya, Joshua; Tomlinson, Mark; Lund, Crick; De Silva, Mary
  • Development of mWellcare: an mHealth intervention for integrated management of hypertension and diabetes in low-resource settings. (2018) Jindal, Devraj; Gupta, Priti; Jha, Dilip; Ajay, Vamadevan S; Goenka, Shifalika; Jacob, Pramod; Mehrotra, Kriti; Perel, Pablo; Nyong, Jonathan; Roy, Ambuj; Tandon, Nikhil; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Patel, Vikram
  • Major Depressive Disorder: Longitudinal Analysis of Impact on Clinical and Behavioral Outcomes in Uganda. (2018) Kinyanda, Eugene; Levin, Jonathan; Nakasujja, Noeline; Birabwa, Harriet; Nakku, Juliet; Mpango, Richard; Grosskurth, Heiner; Seedat, Soraya; Araya, Ricardo; Shahmanesh, Maryam; Patel, Vikram
  • Probability of major depression diagnostic classification using semi-structured versus fully structured diagnostic interviews. (2018) Levis, Brooke; Benedetti, Andrea; Riehm, Kira E; Saadat, Nazanin; Levis, Alexander W; Azar, Marleine; Rice, Danielle B; Chiovitti, Matthew J; Sanchez, Tatiana A; Cuijpers, Pim; Gilbody, Simon; Ioannidis, John PA; Kloda, Lorie A; McMillan, Dean; Patten, Scott B; Shrier, Ian; Steele, Russell J; Ziegelstein, Roy C; Akena, Dickens H; Arroll, Bruce; Ayalon, Liat; Baradaran, Hamid R; Baron, Murray; Beraldi, Anna; Bombardier, Charles H; Butterworth, Peter; Carter, Gregory; Chagas, Marcos H; Chan, Juliana CN; Cholera, Rushina; Chowdhary, Neerja; Clover, Kerrie; Conwell, Yeates; de Man-van Ginkel, Janneke M; Delgadillo, Jaime; Fann, Jesse R; Fischer, Felix H; Fischler, Benjamin; Fung, Daniel; Gelaye, Bizu; Goodyear-Smith, Felicity; Greeno, Catherine G; Hall, Brian J; Hambridge, John; Harrison, Patricia A; Hegerl, Ulrich; Hides, Leanne; Hobfoll, Stevan E; Hudson, Marie; Hyphantis, Thomas; Inagaki, Masatoshi; Ismail, Khalida; Jetté, Nathalie; Khamseh, Mohammad E; Kiely, Kim M; Lamers, Femke; Liu, Shen-Ing; Lotrakul, Manote; Loureiro, Sonia R; Löwe, Bernd; Marsh, Laura; McGuire, Anthony; Mohd Sidik, Sherina; Munhoz, Tiago N; Muramatsu, Kumiko; Osório, Flávia L; Patel, Vikram; Pence, Brian W; Persoons, Philippe; Picardi, Angelo; Rooney, Alasdair G; Santos, Iná S; Shaaban, Juwita; Sidebottom, Abbey; Simning, Adam; Stafford, Lesley; Sung, Sharon; Tan, Pei Lin Lynnette; Turner, Alyna; van der Feltz-Cornelis, Christina M; van Weert, Henk C; Vöhringer, Paul A; White, Jennifer; Whooley, Mary A; Winkley, Kirsty; Yamada, Mitsuhiko; Zhang, Yuying; Thombs, Brett D
  • Unchaining people with mental disorders: medication is not the solution. (2018) Patel, Vikram; Bhui, Kamaldeep
  • Factors associated with health service utilisation for common mental disorders: a systematic review. (2018) Roberts, Tessa; Miguel Esponda, Georgina; Krupchanka, Dzmitry; Shidhaye, Rahul; Patel, Vikram; Rathod, Sujit
  • Effectiveness of SEHER, a school-based intervention to promote health in adolescents in Bihar, India: A clustered randomised trial. (2018) Shinde, S
  • Promoting school climate and health outcomes with the SEHER multi-component secondary school intervention in Bihar, India: a cluster-randomised controlled trial. (2018) Shinde, Sachin; Weiss, Helen A; Varghese, Beena; Khandeparkar, Prachi; Pereira, Bernadette; Sharma, Amit; Gupta, Rajesh; Ross, David A; Patton, George; Patel, Vikram
  • 2017
  • The development and evaluation of a community-based rehabilitation intervention for people with schizophrenia in Ethiopia. (2017) Asher, L
  • Community-based psychosocial interventions for people with schizophrenia in low and middle-income countries: systematic review and meta-analysis. (2017) Asher, Laura; Patel, Vikram; De Silva, Mary J
  • Mother-to-mother therapy in India and Pakistan: adaptation and feasibility evaluation of the peer-delivered Thinking Healthy Programme. (2017) Atif, Najia; Krishna, Revathi N; Sikander, Siham; Lazarus, Anisha; Nisar, Anum; Ahmad, Ikhlaq; Raman, Roopa; Fuhr, Daniela C; Patel, Vikram; Rahman, Atif
  • Intervention development for the indicated prevention of depression in later life: the "DIL" protocol in Goa, India. (2017) Dias, Amit; Azariah, Fredric; Health, Public; Cohen, Alex; Anderson, Stewart; Morse, Jennifer; Cuijpers, Pim; Sequeira, Miriam; Psychology, MA; Gaude, Vithoba; Soares, Salvino; Patel, Vikram; Reynolds, Charles F
  • Task-Sharing Approaches to Improve Mental Health Care in Rural and Other Low-Resource Settings: A Systematic Review. (2017) Hoeft, TJ; Fortney, JC; Patel, V; Unützer, J ['material/summary:fileicon_application/msword' not defined]
  • Universal health coverage and intersectoral action for health: key messages from Disease Control Priorities, 3rd edition. (2017) Jamison, Dean T; Alwan, Ala; Mock, Charles N; Nugent, Rachel; Watkins, David; Adeyi, Olusoji; Anand, Shuchi; Atun, Rifat; Bertozzi, Stefano; Bhutta, Zulfiqar; Binagwaho, Agnes; Black, Robert; Blecher, Mark; Bloom, Barry R; Brouwer, Elizabeth; Bundy, Donald AP; Chisholm, Dan; Cieza, Alarcos; Cullen, Mark; Danforth, Kristen; de Silva, Nilanthi; Debas, Haile T; Donkor, Peter; Dua, Tarun; Fleming, Kenneth A; Gallivan, Mark; Garcia, Patricia J; Gawande, Atul; Gaziano, Thomas; Gelband, Hellen; Glass, Roger; Glassman, Amanda; Gray, Glenda; Habte, Demissie; Holmes, King K; Horton, Susan; Hutton, Guy; Jha, Prabhat; Knaul, Felicia M; Kobusingye, Olive; Krakauer, Eric L; Kruk, Margaret E; Lachmann, Peter; Laxminarayan, Ramanan; Levin, Carol; Looi, Lai Meng; Madhav, Nita; Mahmoud, Adel; Mbanya, Jean Claude; Measham, Anthony; Medina-Mora, María Elena; Medlin, Carol; Mills, Anne; Mills, Jody-Anne; Montoya, Jaime; Norheim, Ole; Olson, Zachary; Omokhodion, Folashade; Oppenheim, Ben; Ord, Toby; Patel, Vikram; Patton, George C; Peabody, John; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Qi, Jinyuan; Reynolds, Teri; Ruacan, Sevket; Sankaranarayanan, Rengaswamy; Sepúlveda, Jaime; Skolnik, Richard; Smith, Kirk R; Temmerman, Marleen; Tollman, Stephen; Verguet, Stéphane; Walker, Damian G; Walker, Neff; Wu, Yangfeng; Zhao, Kun
  • Protocol for the mWellcare trial: a multicentre, cluster randomised, 12-month, controlled trial to compare the effectiveness of mWellcare, an mHealth system for an integrated management of patients with hypertension and diabetes, versus enhanced usual care in India. (2017) Jha, Dilip; Gupta, Priti; Ajay, Vamadevan S; Jindal, Devraj; Perel, Pablo; Prieto-Merino, David; Jacob, Pramod; Nyong, Jonathan; Venugopal, Vidya; Singh, Kavita; Goenka, Shifalika; Roy, Ambuj; Tandon, Nikhil; Patel, Vikram; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj
  • The Development of mWellcare, an mHealth System for the Integrated Management of Hypertension and Diabetes in Primary Care. (2017) Jindal, Devraj; Gupta, Priti; Jha, Dilip; Ajay, Vamadevan S; Jacob, Pramod; Mehrotra, Kriti; Perel, Pablo; Nyong, Jonathan; Roy, Ambuj; Tandon, Nikhil; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Patel, Vikram
  • Suicidal ideation and behaviour among community and health care seeking populations in five low- and middle-income countries: a cross-sectional study. (2017) Jordans, M; Rathod, S; Fekadu, A; Medhin, G; Kigozi, F; Kohrt, B; Luitel, N; Petersen, I; Shidhaye, R; Ssebunnya, J; Patel, V; Lund, C
  • Major depressive disorder and suicidality in early HIV infection and its association with risk factors and negative outcomes as seen in semi-urban and rural Uganda. (2017) Kinyanda, Eugene; Nakasujja, Noeline; Levin, Jonathan; Birabwa, Harriet; Mpango, Richard; Grosskurth, Heiner; Seedat, Soraya; Patel, Vikram
  • Experiences of stigma and discrimination faced by family caregivers of people with schizophrenia in India. (2017) Koschorke, Mirja; Padmavati, R; Kumar, Shuba; Cohen, Alex; Weiss, Helen A; Chatterjee, Sudipto; Pereira, Jesina; Naik, Smita; John, Sujit; Dabholkar, Hamid; Balaji, Madhumitha; Chavan, Animish; Varghese, Mathew; Thara, R; Patel, Vikram; Thornicroft, Graham
  • Commentary: Distillation and element-based design of psychological treatments in global mental health - a commentary on Brown et al. (2017). (2017) Michelson, Daniel; Patel, Vikram
  • The Systematic Development of the Counselling for Alcohol Problems (CAP): A Lay Counsellor Delivered Psychosocial Intervention for Harmful Drinking in Primary Care. (2017) Nadkarni, A
  • Trajectories of Alcohol Use Disorders and Their Differential Impact: A Population-Based Cohort Study in Goa, India. (2017) Nadkarni, A; Weiss, HA; Bhat, B; Patel, V
  • Sustained effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of Counselling for Alcohol Problems, a brief psychological treatment for harmful drinking in men, delivered by lay counsellors in primary care: 12-month follow-up of a randomised controlled trial. (2017) Nadkarni, Abhijit; Weiss, Helen A; Weobong, Benedict; McDaid, David; Singla, Daisy R; Park, A-La; Bhat, Bhargav; Katti, Basavaraj; McCambridge, Jim; Murthy, Pratima; King, Michael; Wilson, G Terence; Kirkwood, Betty; Fairburn, Christopher G; Velleman, Richard; Patel, Vikram
  • Mental illness and injuries: emerging health challenges of urbanisation in South Asia. (2017) Nambiar, Devaki; Razzak, Junaid; Afsana, Kaosar; Adams, Alayne M; Hasan, Arif; Mohan, Dinesh; Patel, Vikram
  • Digital technology for treating and preventing mental disorders in low-income and middle-income countries: a narrative review of the literature. (2017) Naslund, John A; Aschbrenner, Kelly A; Araya, Ricardo; Marsch, Lisa A; Unützer, Jürgen; Patel, Vikram; Bartels, Stephen J
  • Talking sensibly about depression. (2017) Patel, Vikram
  • Treating depression where there are no mental health professionals. (2017) Patel, Vikram; Fleck, Fiona
  • Accounting for the future of health in India. (2017) Prasad, A; Lakhanpaul, M; Narula, S; Patel, V; Piot, P; Venkatapuram, S
  • The effect of VISHRAM, a grass-roots community-based mental health programme, on the treatment gap for depression in rural communities in India: a population-based study. (2017) Shidhaye, Rahul; Murhar, Vaibhav; Gangale, Siddharth; Aldridge, Luke; Shastri, Rahul; Parikh, Rachana; Shrivastava, Ritu; Damle, Suvarna; Raja, Tasneem; Nadkarni, Abhijit; Patel, Vikram
  • The development and pilot testing of a multicomponent health promotion intervention (SEHER) for secondary schools in Bihar, India. (2017) Shinde, Sachin; Pereira, Bernadette; Khandeparkar, Prachi; Sharma, Amit; Patton, George; Ross, David A; Weiss, Helen A; Patel, Vikram
  • Sustained effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the Healthy Activity Programme, a brief psychological treatment for depression delivered by lay counsellors in primary care: 12-month follow-up of a randomised controlled trial. (2017) Weobong, Benedict; Weiss, Helen A; McDaid, David; Singla, Daisy R; Hollon, Steven D; Nadkarni, Abhijit; Park, A-La; Bhat, Bhargav; Katti, Basavraj; Anand, Arpita; Dimidjian, Sona; Araya, Ricardo; King, Michael; Vijayakumar, Lakshmi; Wilson, G Terence; Velleman, Richard; Kirkwood, Betty R; Fairburn, Christopher G; Patel, Vikram
  • Human resources and models of mental healthcare integration into primary and community care in India: Case studies of 72 programmes. (2017) van Ginneken, Nadja; Maheedhariah, Meera S; Ghani, Sarah; Ramakrishna, Jayashree; Raja, Anusha; Patel, Vikram
  • 2016
  • Community-based Rehabilitation Intervention for people with Schizophrenia in Ethiopia (RISE): study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial. (2016) Asher, Laura; De Silva, Mary; Hanlon, Charlotte; Weiss, Helen A; Birhane, Rahel; Ejigu, Dawit A; Medhin, Girmay; Patel, Vikram; Fekadu, Abebaw
  • Barefoot therapists: barriers and facilitators to delivering maternal mental health care through peer volunteers in Pakistan: a qualitative study. (2016) Atif, Najia; Lovell, Karina; Husain, Nusrat; Sikander, Siham; Patel, Vikram; Rahman, Atif
  • Maternal mental health in primary care in five low- and middle-income countries: a situational analysis. (2016) Baron, Emily C; Hanlon, Charlotte; Mall, Sumaya; Honikman, Simone; Breuer, Erica; Kathree, Tasneem; Luitel, Nagendra P; Nakku, Juliet; Lund, Crick; Medhin, Girmay; Patel, Vikram; Petersen, Inge; Shrivastava, Sanjay; Tomlinson, Mark
  • Aging and well-being in Goa, India: a qualitative study. (2016) Cohen, A; Dias, A; Azariah, F; Krishna, RN; Sequeira, M; Abraham, S; Cuijpers, P; Morse, JQ; Reynolds, CF3rd; Patel, V
  • Concepts of madness in diverse settings: a qualitative study from the INTREPID project. (2016) Cohen, Alex; Padmavati, Ramachandran; Hibben, Maia; Oyewusi, Samuel; John, Sujit; Esan, Oluyomi; Patel, Vikram; Weiss, Helen; Murray, Robin; Hutchinson, Gerard; Gureje, Oye; Thara, Rangaswamy; Morgan, Craig
  • Interventions for Adolescent Mental Health: An Overview of Systematic Reviews. (2016) Das, Jai K; Salam, Rehana A; Lassi, Zohra S; Khan, Marium Naveed; Mahmood, Wajeeha; Patel, Vikram; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A
  • Translating neuroscience to the front lines: point-of-care detection of neuropsychiatric disorders. (2016) Dasgupta, J; Bhavnani, S; Estrin, GL; Mukherjee, D; Banerjee, A; Belmonte, MK; Chakrabarti, B; Divan, G; Dawson, G; Johnson, MH; McPartland, JC; Singh, NC; Patel, V description
  • The global coverage of prevalence data for mental disorders in children and adolescents. (2016) Erskine, HE; Baxter, AJ; Patton, G; Moffitt, TE; Patel, V; Whiteford, HA; Scott, JG
  • The impact of digital technology on psychological treatments and their dissemination. (2016) Fairburn, Christopher G; Patel, Vikram
  • Sharing clinical trial data. (2016) Hayes, Richard; Ayles, Helen; Binka, Fred; Cowan, Frances; Kamali, Anatoli; Kapiga, Saidi; Kleinschmidt, Immo; Mayaud, Philippe; Patel, Vikram; Smith, Peter; Weiss, Helen
  • Community-based rehabilitation for people with physical and mental disabilities in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2016) Iemmi, Valentina; Blanchet, Karl; Gibson, Lorna J; Kumar, K Suresh; Rath, Santosh; Hartley, Sally; Murthy, Gudlavalleti VS; Patel, Vikram; Weber, Joerg; Kuper, Hannah
  • Community-based rehabilitation for people with physical and mental disabilities in low- and middle-income countries. (2016) Iemmi, Valentina; Kumar, K Suresh; Blanchet, Karl; Gibson, Lorna; Hartley, Sally; Murthy, Gudlavalleti VS; Patel, Vikram; Weber, Joerg; Kuper, Hannah
  • Calibrating EASY-Care independence scale to improve accuracy. (2016) Jotheeswaran, AT; Dias, Amit; Philp, Ian; Patel, Vikram; Prince, Martin
  • Incidence and Persistence of Major Depressive Disorder Among People Living with HIV in Uganda. (2016) Kinyanda, E; Weiss, HA; Levin, J; Nakasujja, N; Birabwa, H; Nakku, J; Mpango, R; Grosskurth, H; Seedat, S; Araya, R; Patel, V
  • Intimate partner violence as seen in post-conflict eastern Uganda: prevalence, risk factors and mental health consequences. (2016) Kinyanda, Eugene; Weiss, Helen A; Mungherera, Margaret; Onyango-Mangen, Patrick; Ngabirano, Emmanuel; Kajungu, Rehema; Kagugube, Johnson; Muhwezi, Wilson; Muron, Julius; Patel, Vikram
  • 'Restoring the person's life': a qualitative study to inform development of care for people with severe mental disorders in rural Ethiopia. (2016) Mall, S; Hailemariam, M; Selamu, M; Fekadu, A; Lund, C; Patel, V; Petersen, I; Hanlon, C ['material/summary:fileicon_application/msword' not defined]
  • Pathways to HIV testing and care in Goa, India: exploring psychosocial barriers and facilitators using mixed methods. (2016) Mayston, Rosie; Lazarus, Anisha; Patel, Vikram; Abas, Melanie; Korgaonkar, Priya; Paranjape, Ramesh; Rodrigues, Savio; Prince, Martin
  • Global burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors for young people's health during 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. (2016) Mokdad, Ali H; Forouzanfar, Mohammad Hossein; Daoud, Farah; Mokdad, Arwa A; El Bcheraoui, Charbel; Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar; Kyu, Hmwe Hmwe; Barber, Ryan M; Wagner, Joseph; Cercy, Kelly; Kravitz, Hannah; Coggeshall, Megan; Chew, Adrienne; O'Rourke, Kevin F; Steiner, Caitlyn; Tuffaha, Marwa; Charara, Raghid; Al-Ghamdi, Essam Abdullah; Adi, Yaser; Afifi, Rima A; Alahmadi, Hanan; AlBuhairan, Fadia; Allen, Nicholas; AlMazroa, Mohammad; Al-Nehmi, Abdulwahab A; AlRayess, Zulfa; Arora, Monika; Azzopardi, Peter; Barroso, Carmen; Basulaiman, Mohammed; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Bonell, Chris; Breinbauer, Cecilia; Degenhardt, Louisa; Denno, Donna; Fang, Jing; Fatusi, Adesegun; Feigl, Andrea B; Kakuma, Ritsuko; Karam, Nadim; Kennedy, Elissa; Khoja, Tawfik AM; Maalouf, Fadi; Obermeyer, Carla Makhlouf; Mattoo, Amitabh; McGovern, Terry; Memish, Ziad A; Mensah, George A; Patel, Vikram; Petroni, Suzanne; Reavley, Nicola; Zertuche, Diego Rios; Saeedi, Mohammad; Santelli, John; Sawyer, Susan M; Ssewamala, Fred; Taiwo, Kikelomo; Tantawy, Muhammad; Viner, Russell M; Waldfogel, Jane; Zuñiga, Maria Paola; Naghavi, Mohsen; Wang, Haidong; Vos, Theo; Lopez, Alan D; Al Rabeeah, Abdullah A; Patton, George C; Murray, Christopher JL
  • The incidence of psychoses in diverse settings, INTREPID (2): a feasibility study in India, Nigeria, and Trinidad. (2016) Morgan, C; John, S; Esan, O; Hibben, M; Patel, V; Weiss, H; Murray, RM; Hutchinson, G; Gureje, O; Thara, R; Cohen, A
  • The six-year outcome of alcohol use disorders in men: A population based study from India. (2016) Nadkarni, Abhijit; Weiss, Helen A; Naik, Aresh; Bhat, Bhargav; Patel, Vikram
  • Counselling for Alcohol Problems (CAP), a lay counsellor-delivered brief psychological treatment for harmful drinking in men, in primary care in India: a randomised controlled trial. (2016) Nadkarni, Abhijit; Weobong, Benedict; Weiss, Helen A; McCambridge, Jim; Bhat, Bhargav; Katti, Basavaraj; Murthy, Pratima; King, Michael; McDaid, David; Park, A-La; Wilson, G Terence; Kirkwood, Betty; Fairburn, Christopher G; Velleman, Richard; Patel, Vikram description
  • From delivery science to discovery science: realising the full potential of global mental health. (2016) Patel, V
  • The neglect of eating disorders - Authors' reply. (2016) Patel, Vikram
  • Author's reply. (2016) Patel, Vikram
  • Sustainable development and global mental health--a Lancet Commission. (2016) Patel, Vikram; Saxena, Shekhar; Frankish, Helen; Boyce, Niall
  • The Healthy Activity Program (HAP), a lay counsellor-delivered brief psychological treatment for severe depression, in primary care in India: a randomised controlled trial. (2016) Patel, Vikram; Weobong, Benedict; Weiss, Helen A; Anand, Arpita; Bhat, Bhargav; Katti, Basavraj; Dimidjian, Sona; Araya, Ricardo; Hollon, Steve D; King, Michael; Vijayakumar, Lakshmi; Park, A-La; McDaid, David; Wilson, Terry; Velleman, Richard; Kirkwood, Betty R; Fairburn, Christopher G
  • The magnitude of and health system responses to the mental health treatment gap in adults in India and China. (2016) Patel, Vikram; Xiao, Shuiyuan; Chen, Hanhui; Hanna, Fahmy; Jotheeswaran, AT; Luo, Dan; Parikh, Rachana; Sharma, Eesha; Usmani, Shamaila; Yu, Yu; Druss, Benjamin G; Saxena, Shekhar
  • Our future: a Lancet commission on adolescent health and wellbeing. (2016) Patton, George C; Sawyer, Susan M; Santelli, John S; Ross, David A; Afifi, Rima; Allen, Nicholas B; Arora, Monika; Azzopardi, Peter; Baldwin, Wendy; Bonell, Christopher; Kakuma, Ritsuko; Kennedy, Elissa; Mahon, Jaqueline; McGovern, Terry; Mokdad, Ali H; Patel, Vikram; Petroni, Suzanne; Reavley, Nicola; Taiwo, Kikelomo; Waldfogel, Jane; Wickremarathne, Dakshitha; Barroso, Carmen; Bhutta, Zulfiqar; Fatusi, Adesegun O; Mattoo, Amitabh; Diers, Judith; Fang, Jing; Ferguson, Jane; Ssewamala, Frederick; Viner, Russell M
  • Suicide in adolescent girls - Authors' reply. (2016) Petroni, Suzanne; Patel, Vikram; Patton, George
  • Treatment Contact Coverage for Probable Depressive and Probable Alcohol Use Disorders in Four Low- and Middle-Income Country Districts: The PRIME Cross-Sectional Community Surveys. (2016) Rathod, Sujit D; De Silva, Mary J; Ssebunnya, Joshua; Breuer, Erica; Murhar, Vaibhav; Luitel, Nagendra P; Medhin, Girmay; Kigozi, Fred; Shidhaye, Rahul; Fekadu, Abebaw; Jordans, Mark; Patel, Vikram; Tomlinson, Mark; Lund, Crick
  • Coping strategies and mental health outcomes of conflict-affected persons in the Republic of Georgia. (2016) Saxon, L; Makhashvili, N; Chikovani, I; Seguin, M; McKee, M; Patel, V; Bisson, J; Roberts, B
  • Prevalence and treatment coverage for depression: a population-based survey in Vidarbha, India. (2016) Shidhaye, Rahul; Gangale, Siddharth; Patel, Vikram
  • Fatigue as a manifestation of psychosocial distress in a low-income country: a population-based panel study. (2016) Smartt, Caroline; Medhin, Girmay; Alem, Atalay; Patel, Vikram; Dewey, Michael; Prince, Martin; Hanlon, Charlotte
  • The 12-item WHO Disability Assessment Schedule II as an outcome measure for treatment of common mental disorders. (2016) Thomas, CC; Rathod, SD; De Silva, MJ; Weiss, HA; Patel, V
  • 2015
  • April 2015 - Malaria and mental health. (2015) UNSPECIFIED
  • Vikram Patel - my career in mental health and being in the TIME 100. (2015) UNSPECIFIED audio_file
  • Identifying common impairments in frail and dependent older people: validation of the COPE assessment for non-specialised health workers in low resource primary health care settings. (2015) A T, Jotheeswaran; Dias, Amit; Philp, Ian; Beard, John; Patel, Vikram; Prince, Martin
  • Development of a Community-Based Rehabilitation Intervention for People with Schizophrenia in Ethiopia. (2015) Asher, Laura; Fekadu, Abebaw; Hanlon, Charlotte; Mideksa, Gemechu; Eaton, Julian; Patel, Vikram; De Silva, Mary J
  • The Role of Early Life Stress in Early Child Development in Rural India: SPRING-ELS. (2015) Bhopal, S; Divan, G; Avan, B; Hill, Z; Roy, R; Barlow, J; Patel, V; Kirkwood, B
  • Customising informed consent procedures for people with schizophrenia in India. (2015) Chatterjee, Sudipto; Kieselbach, Berit; Naik, Smita; Kumar, Shuba; John, Sujit; Balaji, Madhumitha; Koschorke, Mirja; Dabholkar, Hamid; Varghese, Mathew; Patel, Vikram; Thornicroft, Graham; Thara, Rangaswamy
  • Health service utilization for mental, behavioural and emotional problems among conflict-affected population in Georgia: a cross-sectional study. (2015) Chikovani, Ivdity; Makhashvili, Nino; Gotsadze, George; Patel, Vikram; McKee, Martin; Uchaneishvili, Maia; Rukhadze, Natia; Roberts, Bayard
  • The Healthy Activity Program lay counsellor delivered treatment for severe depression in India: systematic development and randomised evaluation. (2015) Chowdhary, Neerja; Anand, Arpita; Dimidjian, Sona; Shinde, Sachin; Weobong, Benedict; Balaji, Madhumitha; Hollon, Steven D; Rahman, Atif; Wilson, G Terence; Verdeli, Helena; Araya, Ricardo; King, Michael; Jordans, Mark JD; Fairburn, Christopher; Kirkwood, Betty; Patel, Vikram
  • The core competencies for mental, neurological, and substance use disorder care in sub-Saharan Africa. (2015) Collins, PY; Musisi, S; Frehywot, S; Patel, V
  • The core competencies for mental, neurological, and substance use disorder care in sub-Saharan Africa. (2015) Collins, Pamela Y; Musisi, Seggane; Frehywot, Seble; Patel, Vikram
  • Patterns of somatic distress among conflict-affected persons in the Republic of Georgia. (2015) Comellas, Ruben Moreno; Makhashvili, Nino; Chikovani, Ivdity; Patel, Vikram; McKee, Martin; Bisson, Jonathan; Roberts, Bayard
  • Prevention of depressive disorders in older adults: An overview. (2015) Cuijpers, Pim; Smit, Filip; Patel, Vikram; Dias, Amit; Li, Juan; Reynolds, Charles F
  • Evaluation of district mental healthcare plans: the PRIME consortium methodology. (2015) De Silva, Mary J; Rathod, Sujit D; Hanlon, Charlotte; Breuer, Erica; Chisholm, Dan; Fekadu, Abebaw; Jordans, Mark; Kigozi, Fred; Petersen, Inge; Shidhaye, Rahul; Medhin, Girmay; Ssebunnya, Joshua; Prince, Martin; Thornicroft, Graham; Tomlinson, Mark; Lund, Crick; Patel, Vikram
  • Adapting an evidence-based intervention for autism spectrum disorder for scaling up in resource-constrained settings: the development of the PASS intervention in South Asia. (2015) Divan, G; Hamdani, SU; Vajartkar, V; Minhas, A; Taylor, C; Aldred, C; Leadbitter, K; Rahman, A; Green, J; Patel, V
  • Adapting an evidence-based intervention for autism spectrum disorder for scaling up in resource-constrained settings: the development of the PASS intervention in South Asia. (2015) Divan, Gauri; Hamdani, Syed Usman; Vajartkar, Vivek; Minhas, Ayesha; Taylor, Carol; Aldred, Catherine; Leadbitter, Kathy; Rahman, Atif; Green, Jonathan; Patel, Vikram
  • Development of a scalable mental healthcare plan for a rural district in Ethiopia. (2015) Fekadu, Abebaw; Hanlon, Charlotte; Medhin, Girmay; Alem, Atalay; Selamu, Medhin; Giorgis, Tedla W; Shibre, Teshome; Teferra, Solomon; Tegegn, Teketel; Breuer, Erica; Patel, Vikram; Tomlinson, Mark; Thornicroft, Graham; Prince, Martin; Lund, Crick
  • Care for bipolar disorder in LMICs needs evidence from local settings. (2015) Fekadu, Abebaw; Hanlon, Charlotte; Thornicroft, Graham; Lund, Crick; Kaaya, Sylvia; Alem, Atalay; Gureje, Oye; Cleare, Anthony J; Patel, Vikram; Prince, Martin J
  • Assessing development assistance for mental health in developing countries: 2007-2013. (2015) Gilbert, Barnabas J; Patel, Vikram; Farmer, Paul E; Lu, Chunling
  • A review of breast cancer awareness among women in India: Cancer literate or awareness deficit? (2015) Gupta, A; Shridhar, K; Dhillon, PK
  • District mental healthcare plans for five low- and middle-income countries: commonalities, variations and evidence gaps. (2015) Hanlon, Charlotte; Fekadu, Abebaw; Jordans, Mark; Kigozi, Fred; Petersen, Inge; Shidhaye, Rahul; Honikman, Simone; Lund, Crick; Prince, Martin; Raja, Shoba; Thornicroft, Graham; Tomlinson, Mark; Patel, Vikram
  • Informing mental health policies and services in the EMR: cost-effective deployment of human resources to deliver integrated community-based care. (2015) Ivbijaro, G; Patel, V; Chisholm, D; Goldberg, D; Khoja, TAM; Edwards, TM; Enum, Y; Kolkiewic, LA
  • Mental health and wellbeing in the Sustainable Development Goals. (2015) Izutsu, Takashi; Tsutsumi, Atsuro; Minas, Harry; Thornicroft, Graham; Patel, Vikram; Ito, Akiko
  • Development and pilot testing of a mental healthcare plan in Nepal. (2015) Jordans, MJD; Luitel, NP; Pokhrel, P; Patel, V
  • Public health research in India in the new millennium: a bibliometric analysis. (2015) Kalita, Anuska; Shinde, Sachin; Patel, Vikram
  • Development of a district mental healthcare plan in Uganda. (2015) Kigozi, Fred N; Kizza, Dorothy; Nakku, Juliet; Ssebunnya, Joshua; Ndyanabangi, Sheila; Nakiganda, Blandina; Lund, Crick; Patel, Vikram
  • Therapist competence in global mental health: Development of the ENhancing Assessment of Common Therapeutic factors (ENACT) rating scale. (2015) Kohrt, Brandon A; Jordans, Mark JD; Rai, Sauharda; Shrestha, Pragya; Luitel, Nagendra P; Ramaiya, Megan K; Singla, Daisy R; Patel, Vikram
  • Integration of mental health into primary care in low- and middle-income countries: the PRIME mental healthcare plans. (2015) Lund, Crick; Tomlinson, Mark; Patel, Vikram
  • Searching for psychosis: INTREPID (1): systems for detecting untreated and first-episode cases of psychosis in diverse settings. (2015) Morgan, Craig; Hibben, Maia; Esan, Oluyomi; John, Sujit; Patel, Vikram; Weiss, Helen A; Murray, Robin M; Hutchinson, Gerard; Gureje, Oye; Thara, Rangaswamy; Cohen, Alex
  • The management of adult psychiatric emergencies in low-income and middle-income countries: a systematic review. (2015) Nadkarni, Abhijit; Hanlon, Charlotte; Bhatia, Urvita; Fuhr, Daniela; Ragoni, Celina; de Azevedo Perocco, Sérgio Luiz; Fortes, Sandra; Shidhaye, Rahul; Kinyanda, Eugene; Rangaswamy, Thara; Patel, Vikram
  • The systematic development and pilot randomized evaluation of counselling for alcohol problems, a lay counselor-delivered psychological treatment for harmful drinking in primary care in India: the PREMIUM study. (2015) Nadkarni, Abhijit; Velleman, Richard; Dabholkar, Hamid; Shinde, Sachin; Bhat, Bhargav; McCambridge, Jim; Murthy, Pratima; Wilson, Terry; Weobong, Benedict; Patel, Vikram
  • A proposal for standardization of health outcome measures for depression and anxiety. (2015) Obbarius, A; Clark, D; Crocker, AG; Emmelkamp, P; Furukawa, TA; Hedman, E; Kangas, M; Lesage, A; Mwesigire, DM; Nolte, S; Patel, V; Pilkonis, P; Pincus, HA; Reis, RA; Rojas, G; Sherbourne, C; Stowell, C; Rose, M
  • Universal Health Coverage for Schizophrenia: A Global Mental Health Priority. (2015) Patel, Vikram
  • Special issue on South Asian mental health. (2015) Patel, Vikram
  • Rethinking personalised medicine. (2015) Patel, Vikram
  • Addressing social injustice: a key public mental health strategy. (2015) Patel, Vikram
  • Integrating Mental Health In Care For Noncommunicable Diseases: An Imperative For Person-Centered Care. (2015) Patel, Vikram; Chatterji, Somnath ['material/summary:fileicon_application/msword' not defined]
  • Addressing the burden of mental, neurological, and substance use disorders: key messages from Disease Control Priorities, 3rd edition. (2015) Patel, Vikram; Chisholm, Dan; Parikh, Rachana; Charlson, Fiona J; Degenhardt, Louisa; Dua, Tarun; Ferrari, Alize J; Hyman, Steve; Laxminarayan, Ramanan; Levin, Carol; Lund, Crick; Medina Mora, María Elena; Petersen, Inge; Scott, James; Shidhaye, Rahul; Vijayakumar, Lakshmi; Thornicroft, Graham; Whiteford, Harvey; DCP MNS Author Group description
  • Assuring health coverage for all in India. (2015) Patel, Vikram; Parikh, Rachana; Nandraj, Sunil; Balasubramaniam, Priya; Narayan, Kavita; Paul, Vinod K; Kumar, AK Shiva; Chatterjee, Mirai; Reddy, K Srinath
  • Editorial Commentary: An agenda for global child mental health. (2015) Patel, Vikram; Rahman, Atif
  • Integrating mental health into chronic care in South Africa: the development of a district mental healthcare plan. (2015) Petersen, Inge; Fairall, Lara; Bhana, Arvin; Kathree, Tasneem; Selohilwe, One; Brooke-Sumner, Carrie; Faris, Gill; Breuer, Erica; Sibanyoni, Nomvula; Lund, Crick; Patel, Vikram
  • Why is suicide the leading killer of older adolescent girls? (2015) Petroni, Suzanne; Patel, Vikram; Patton, George
  • Effectiveness of the parent-mediated intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder in south Asia in India and Pakistan (PASS): a randomised controlled trial. (2015) Rahman, Atif; Divan, Gauri; Hamdani, Syed Usman; Vajaratkar, Vivek; Taylor, Carol; Leadbitter, Kathy; Aldred, Catherine; Minhas, Ayesha; Cardozo, Percy; Emsley, Richard; Patel, Vikram; Green, Jonathan
  • Mental health research: developing priorities and promoting its utilization to inform policies and services. (2015) Regan, M; Gater, R; Rahman, A; Patel, V
  • Beyond the biomedical: community resources for mental health care in rural Ethiopia. (2015) Selamu, Medhin; Asher, Laura; Hanlon, Charlotte; Medhin, Girmay; Hailemariam, Maji; Patel, Vikram; Thornicroft, Graham; Fekadu, Abebaw
  • Challenges for Transformation: A Situational Analysis of Mental Health Care Services in Sehore District, Madhya Pradesh. (2015) Shidhaye, Rahul; Raja, Anusha; Shrivastava, Sanjay; Murhar, Vaibhav; Ramaswamy, Rohit; Patel, Vikram
  • Development and piloting of a plan for integrating mental health in primary care in Sehore district, Madhya Pradesh, India. (2015) Shidhaye, Rahul; Shrivastava, Sanjay; Murhar, Vaibhav; Samudre, Sandesh; Ahuja, Shalini; Ramaswamy, Rohit; Patel, Vikram
  • The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the peer-delivered Thinking Healthy Programme for perinatal depression in Pakistan and India: the SHARE study protocol for randomised controlled trials. (2015) Sikander, Siham; Lazarus, Anisha; Bangash, Omer; Fuhr, Daniela C; Weobong, Benedict; Krishna, Revathi N; Ahmad, Ikhlaq; Weiss, Helen A; Price, LeShawndra; Rahman, Atif; Patel, Vikram
  • Global mental health and neuroscience: different synergies might be needed – Authors' reply. (2015) Stein, Dan J; He, Yanling; Phillips, Anthony; Sahakian, Barbara J; Williams, John; Patel, Vikram
  • Global mental health and neuroscience: potential synergies. (2015) Stein, Dan J; He, Yanling; Phillips, Anthony; Sahakian, Barbara J; Williams, John; Patel, Vikram
  • Mental health mainstreamed in new UN disaster framework. (2015) Tsutsumi, Atsuro; Izutsu, Takashi; Ito, Akiko; Thornicroft, Graham; Patel, Vikram; Minas, Harry
  • Designing Psychological Treatments for Scalability: The PREMIUM Approach. (2015) Vellakkal, Sukumar; Patel, Vikram
  • The roles of primary-level health workers in delivering mental healthcare in India. (2015) van Ginneken, N
  • 2014
  • Using consumer perspectives to inform the cultural adaptation of psychological treatments for depression: a mixed methods study from South Asia. (2014) Aggarwal, Neil Krishan; Balaji, Madhumitha; Kumar, Shuba; Mohanraj, Rani; Rahman, Atif; Verdeli, Helena; Araya, Ricardo; Jordans, MJD; Chowdhary, Neerja; Patel, Vikram
  • Effectiveness of a community-based intervention for people with schizophrenia and their caregivers in India (COPSI): a randomised controlled trial. (2014) Chatterjee, Sudipto; Naik, Smita; John, Sujit; Dabholkar, Hamid; Balaji, Madhumitha; Koschorke, Mirja; Varghese, Mathew; Thara, Rangaswamy; Weiss, Helen A; Williams, Paul; McCrone, Paul; Patel, Vikram; Thornicroft, Graham
  • Declaration on mental health in Africa: moving to implementation. (2014) Daar, Abdallah S; Jacobs, Marian; Wall, Stig; Groenewald, Johann; Eaton, Julian; Patel, Vikram; dos Santos, Palmira; Kagee, Ashraf; Gevers, Anik; Sunkel, Charlene; Andrews, Gail; Daniels, Ingrid; Ndetei, David
  • Theory of Change: a theory-driven approach to enhance the Medical Research Council's framework for complex interventions. (2014) De Silva, Mary J; Breuer, Erica; Lee, Lucy; Asher, Laura; Chowdhary, Neerja; Lund, Crick; Patel, Vikram
  • Estimating the coverage of mental health programmes: a systematic review. (2014) De Silva, Mary J; Lee, Lucy; Fuhr, Daniela C; Rathod, Sujit; Chisholm, Dan; Schellenberg, Joanna; Patel, Vikram
  • Policy actions to achieve integrated community-based mental health services. (2014) DeSilva, Mary; Samele, Chiara; Saxena, Shekhar; Patel, Vikram; Darzi, Ara
  • The global dissemination of psychological treatments: a road map for research and practice. (2014) Fairburn, Christopher G; Patel, Vikram
  • Mental health interventions in schools in low-income and middle-income countries. (2014) Fazel, Mina; Patel, Vikram; Thomas, Saji; Tol, Wietse
  • Contribution of suicide and injuries to pregnancy-related mortality in low-income and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2014) Fuhr, Daniela C; Calvert, Clara; Ronsmans, Carine; Chandra, Prabha S; Sikander, Siham; De Silva, Mary J; Patel, Vikram
  • Effectiveness of peer-delivered interventions for severe mental illness and depression on clinical and psychosocial outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2014) Fuhr, Daniela C; Salisbury, Tatiana Taylor; De Silva, Mary J; Atif, Najia; van Ginneken, Nadja; Rahman, Atif; Patel, Vikram
  • Challenges and opportunities for implementing integrated mental health care: a district level situation analysis from five low- and middle-income countries. (2014) Hanlon, Charlotte; Luitel, Nagendra P; Kathree, Tasneem; Murhar, Vaibhav; Shrivasta, Sanjay; Medhin, Girmay; Ssebunnya, Joshua; Fekadu, Abebaw; Shidhaye, Rahul; Petersen, Inge; Jordans, Mark; Kigozi, Fred; Thornicroft, Graham; Patel, Vikram; Tomlinson, Mark; Lund, Crick; Breuer, Erica; De Silva, Mary; Prince, Martin
  • Classification of mental disorders: a global mental health perspective. (2014) Jacob, KS; Patel, Vikram
  • How Google's 'ten Things We Know To Be True' could guide the development of mental health mobile apps. (2014) Jones, Sarah P; Patel, Vikram; Saxena, Shekhar; Radcliffe, Naomi; Ali Al-Marri, Salih; Darzi, Ara
  • Experiences of stigma and discrimination of people with schizophrenia in India. (2014) Koschorke, Mirja; Padmavati, R; Kumar, Shuba; Cohen, Alex; Weiss, Helen A; Chatterjee, Sudipto; Pereira, Jesina; Naik, Smita; John, Sujit; Dabholkar, Hamid; Balaji, Madhumitha; Chavan, Animish; Varghese, Mathew; Thara, R; Thornicroft, Graham; Patel, Vikram
  • Mental disorders and their association with disability among internally displaced persons and returnees in Georgia. (2014) Makhashvili, Nino; Chikovani, Ivdity; McKee, Martin; Bisson, Jonathan; Patel, Vikram; Roberts, Bayard
  • Determinants of common mental disorder, alcohol use disorder and cognitive morbidity among people coming for HIV testing in Goa, India. (2014) Mayston, Rosie; Patel, Vikram; Abas, Melanie; Korgaonkar, Priya; Paranjape, Ramesh; Rodrigues, Savio; Prince, Martin
  • Psychological predictors for attendance of post-HIV test counselling and linkage to care: the Umeed cohort study in Goa, India. (2014) Mayston, Rosie; Patel, Vikram; Abas, Melanie; Korgaonkar, Priya; Paranjape, Ramesh; Rodrigues, Savio; Prince, Martin
  • Acceptability and feasibility of using non-specialist health workers to deliver mental health care: stakeholder perceptions from the PRIME district sites in Ethiopia, India, Nepal, South Africa, and Uganda. (2014) Mendenhall, Emily; De Silva, Mary J; Hanlon, Charlotte; Petersen, Inge; Shidhaye, Rahul; Jordans, Mark; Luitel, Nagendra; Ssebunnya, Joshua; Fekadu, Abebaw; Patel, Vikram; Tomlinson, Mark; Lund, Crick
  • Reappraising the findings of the global burden of mental and substance use disorders. (2014) Patel, V
  • Global mental health: an interview with Vikram Patel. (2014) Patel, Vikram
  • Transforming lives, enhancing communities--innovations in global mental health. (2014) Patel, Vikram; Saxena, Shekhar
  • The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of lay counsellor-delivered psychological treatments for harmful and dependent drinking and moderate to severe depression in primary care in India: PREMIUM study protocol for randomized controlled trials. (2014) Patel, Vikram; Weobong, Benedict; Nadkarni, Abhijit; Weiss, Helen A; Anand, Arpita; Naik, Smita; Bhat, Bhargav; Pereira, Jesina; Araya, Ricardo; Dimidjian, Sona; Hollon, Steven D; King, Michael; McCambridge, Jim; McDaid, David; Murthy, Pratima; Velleman, Richard; Fairburn, Christopher G; Kirkwood, Betty
  • Adolescent drinking onset and its adult consequences among men: a population based study from India. (2014) Pillai, Aravind; Nayak, Madhabika B; Greenfield, Thomas K; Bond, Jason C; Hasin, Deborah S; Patel, Vikram
  • Individual and community level risk-factors for alcohol use disorder among conflict-affected persons in Georgia. (2014) Roberts, Bayard; Murphy, Adrianna; Chikovani, Ivdity; Makhashvili, Nino; Patel, Vikram; McKee, Martin
  • Improving the scalability of psychological treatments in developing countries: an evaluation of peer-led therapy quality assessment in Goa, India. (2014) Singla, Daisy R; Weobong, Benedict; Nadkarni, Abhijit; Chowdhary, Neerja; Shinde, Sachin; Anand, Arpita; Fairburn, Christopher G; Dimijdan, Sona; Velleman, Richard; Weiss, Helen; Patel, Vikram
  • "Someone like us": delivering maternal mental health through peers in two South Asian contexts. (2014) Singla, Daisy; Lazarus, Anisha; Atif, Najia; Sikander, Siham; Bhatia, Urvita; Ahmad, Ikhlaq; Nisar, Anum; Khan, Sonia; Fuhr, Daniela; Patel, Vikram; Rahman, Atif
  • The global prevalence of common mental disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis 1980-2013. (2014) Steel, Zachary; Marnane, Claire; Iranpour, Changiz; Chey, Tien; Jackson, John W; Patel, Vikram; Silove, Derrick
  • The COPSI Trial: additional fidelity testing needed - Authors' reply. (2014) Thornicroft, Graham; Chatterjee, Sudipto; Thara, Rangaswamy; Patel, Vikram
  • Including mental health among the new sustainable development goals. (2014) Thornicroft, Graham; Patel, Vikram
  • The development of mental health services within primary care in India: learning from oral history. (2014) van Ginneken, Nadja; Jain, Sanjeev; Patel, Vikram; Berridge, Virginia
  • 2013
  • LSHTM - October 2013 podcast - Malaria, mental health and flu vaccinations. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • Vikram Patel - global mental health. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • A systematic review of the effectiveness of mental health promotion interventions for young people in low and middle income countries. (2013) Barry, Margaret M; Clarke, Aleisha M; Jenkins, Rachel; Patel, Vikram
  • The methods and outcomes of cultural adaptations of psychological treatments for depressive disorders: a systematic review. (2013) Chowdhary, N; Jotheeswaran, AT; Nadkarni, A; Hollon, SD; King, M; Jordans, MJD; Rahman, A; Verdeli, H; Araya, R; Patel, V
  • The content and delivery of psychological interventions for perinatal depression by non-specialist health workers in low and middle income countries: a systematic review. (2013) Chowdhary, Neerja; Sikander, Siham; Atif, Najia; Singh, Neha; Ahmad, Ikhlaq; Fuhr, Daniela C; Rahman, Atif; Patel, Vikram
  • Effect of psychosocial interventions on social functioning in depression and schizophrenia: meta-analysis. (2013) De Silva, Mary J; Cooper, Sara; Li, Henry Lishi; Lund, Crick; Patel, Vikram
  • Abuse and other correlates of common mental disorders in youth: a cross-sectional study in Goa, India. (2013) Fernandes, Andrea C; Hayes, Richard D; Patel, Vikram
  • John Snow's legacy: epidemiology without borders. (2013) Fine, Paul; Victora, Cesar G; Rothman, Kenneth J; Moore, Patrick S; Chang, Yuan; Curtis, Val; Heymann, David L; Slutkin, Gary; May, Robert M; Patel, Vikram; Roberts, Ian; Wortley, Richard; Torgerson, Carole; Deaton, Angus
  • The effectiveness of mobile-health technology-based health behaviour change or disease management interventions for health care consumers: a systematic review. (2013) Free, Caroline; Phillips, Gemma; Galli, Leandro; Watson, Louise; Felix, Lambert; Edwards, Phil; Patel, Vikram; Haines, Andy
  • The effectiveness of mobile-health technologies to improve health care service delivery processes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2013) Free, Caroline; Phillips, Gemma; Watson, Louise; Galli, Leandro; Felix, Lambert; Edwards, Phil; Patel, Vikram; Haines, Andy
  • Community-based rehabilitation for people with physical and mental disabilities in low- and middle-income countries. (2013) Iemmi, Valentina; Suresh Kumar, K; Blanchet, Karl; Gibson, Lorna; Hartley, Sally; Murthy, Gudlavalleti VS; Patel, Vikram; Weber, Joerg; Kuper, Hannah
  • Prevalence and risk factors of attempted suicide in adult war-affected population of eastern Uganda. (2013) Kinyanda, Eugene; Weiss, Helen A; Mungherera, Margaret; Onyango-Mangen, Patrick; Ngabirano, Emmanuel; Kajungu, Rehema; Kagugube, Johnson; Muhwezi, Winston; Muron, Julius; Patel, Vikram
  • 1580 – Patterns of mental disorders and their co-morbidity with conflict-affected populations in georgia. (2013) Makhashvili, N; Chikovani, I; Rukhadze, N; McKee, M; Patel, V; Roberts, B
  • Symptoms of common mental disorder and cognitive associations with seropositivity among a cohort of people coming for testing for HIV/AIDS in Goa, India: a cross-sectional survey. (2013) Mayston, Rosie; Patel, Vikram; Abas, Melanie; Korgaonkar, Priya; Paranjape, Ramesh; Rodrigues, Savio; Prince, Martin
  • The course and outcome of alcohol use disorders in men in Goa: A population- based follow-up study. (2013) Nadkarni, Abhijit; Bhat, Bhargav; Ebrahim, Shah; Patel, Vikram
  • The explanatory models and coping strategies for alcohol use disorders: an exploratory qualitative study from India. (2013) Nadkarni, Abhijit; Dabholkar, Hamid; McCambridge, Jim; Bhat, Bhargav; Kumar, Shuba; Mohanraj, Rani; Murthy, Pratima; Patel, Vikram
  • Symptoms of antenatal common mental disorders, preterm birth and low birthweight: a prospective cohort study in a semi-rural district of Vietnam. (2013) Niemi, Maria; Falkenberg, Torkel; Petzold, Max; Chuc, Nguyen Thi Kim; Patel, Vikram
  • Prevalence and correlates of alcohol dependence disorder among TB and HIV infected patients in Zambia. (2013) O'Connell, Rebecca; Chishinga, Nathaniel; Kinyanda, Eugene; Patel, Vikram; Ayles, Helen; Weiss, Helen A; Seedat, Soraya
  • Reducing the burden of depression in youth: what are the implications of neuroscience and genetics on policies and programs? (2013) Patel, V
  • Reducing the burden of depression in youth: what are the implications of neuroscience and genetics on policies and programs? (2013) Patel, Vikram
  • Why adolescent depression is a global health priority and what we should do about it. (2013) Patel, Vikram
  • Grand challenges: integrating mental health services into priority health care platforms. (2013) Patel, Vikram; Belkin, Gary S; Chockalingam, Arun; Cooper, Janice; Saxena, Shekhar; Unützer, Jürgen
  • Improving access to care for children with mental disorders: a global perspective. (2013) Patel, Vikram; Kieling, Christian; Maulik, Pallab K; Divan, Gauri
  • Tobacco use and nicotine dependence among conflict-affected men in the Republic of Georgia. (2013) Roberts, Bayard; Chikovani, Ivdity; Makhashvili, Nino; Patel, Vikram; McKee, Martin
  • Association of somatoform disorders with anxiety and depression in women in low and middle income countries: a systematic review. (2013) Shidhaye, Rahul; Mendenhall, Emily; Sumathipala, Kethakie; Sumathipala, Athula; Patel, Vikram
  • The impact of a lay counselor led collaborative care intervention for common mental disorders in public and private primary care: a qualitative evaluation nested in the MANAS trial in Goa, India. (2013) Shinde, Sachin; Andrew, Gracy; Bangash, Omer; Cohen, Alex; Kirkwood, Betty; Patel, Vikram
  • Non-specialist health worker interventions for the care of mental, neurological and substance-abuse disorders in low- and middle-income countries. (2013) van Ginneken, Nadja; Tharyan, Prathap; Lewin, Simon; Rao, Girish N; Meera, SM; Pian, Jessica; Chandrashekar, Sudha; Patel, Vikram
  • 2012
  • The development of a lay health worker delivered collaborative community based intervention for people with schizophrenia in India. (2012) Balaji, Madhumitha; Chatterjee, Sudipto; Koschorke, Mirja; Rangaswamy, Thara; Chavan, Animish; Dabholkar, Hamid; Dakshin, Lilly; Kumar, Pratheesh; John, Sujit; Thornicroft, Graham; Patel, Vikram
  • A United Nations General Assembly Special Session for mental, neurological, and substance use disorders: the time has come. (2012) Bass, Judith K; Bornemann, Thomas H; Burkey, Matthew; Chehil, Sonia; Chen, Lenis; Copeland, John RM; Eaton, William W; Ganju, Vijay; Hayward, Erin; Hock, Rebecca S; Kidwai, Rubeena; Kolappa, Kavitha; Lee, Patrick T; Minas, Harry; Or, Flora; Raviola, Giuseppe J; Saraceno, Benedetto; Patel, Vikram
  • Economic evaluation of a task-shifting intervention for common mental disorders in India. (2012) Buttorff, C; Hock, RS; Weiss, HA; Naik, S; Araya, R; Kirkwood, BR; Chisholm, D; Patel, V
  • Sitting with others: mental health self-help groups in northern Ghana. (2012) Cohen, Alex; Raja, Shoba; Underhill, Chris; Yaro, Badimak Peter; Dokurugu, Adam Yahaya; De Silva, Mary; Patel, Vikram
  • Challenges, coping strategies, and unmet needs of families with a child with autism spectrum disorder in Goa, India. (2012) Divan, Gauri; Vajaratkar, Vivek; Desai, Miraj U; Strik-Lievers, Luisa; Patel, Vikram
  • Prevalence and determinants of common perinatal mental disorders in women in low- and lower-middle-income countries: a systematic review. (2012) Fisher, Jane; Cabral de Mello, Meena; Patel, Vikram; Rahman, Atif; Tran, Thach; Holton, Sara; Holmes, Wendy
  • Cross-national differences in questionnaires do not necessarily reflect comparable differences in disorder prevalence. (2012) Goodman, Anna; Heiervang, Einar; Fleitlich-Bilyk, Bacy; Alyahri, Abdulla; Patel, Vikram; Mullick, Mohammad SI; Slobodskaya, Helena; Dos Santos, Darci Neves; Goodman, Robert
  • PRIME: a programme to reduce the treatment gap for mental disorders in five low- and middle-income countries. (2012) Lund, Crick; Tomlinson, Mark; De Silva, Mary; Fekadu, Abebaw; Shidhaye, Rahul; Jordans, Mark; Petersen, Inge; Bhana, Arvin; Kigozi, Fred; Prince, Martin; Thornicroft, Graham; Hanlon, Charlotte; Kakuma, Ritsuko; McDaid, David; Saxena, Shekhar; Chisholm, Dan; Raja, Shoba; Kippen-Wood, Sarah; Honikman, Simone; Fairall, Lara; Patel, Vikram
  • Patterns of post traumatic stress disorder among conflict-affected populations in Georgia. European Public Health Association Conference, Malta. (2012) Makhashvili, N; Chikovani, I; Rukhadze, N; McKee, M; Patel, V; Roberts, B
  • Mental disorder and the outcome of HIV/AIDS in low-income and middle-income countries: a systematic review. (2012) Mayston, Rosie; Kinyanda, Eugene; Chishinga, Nathaniel; Prince, Martin; Patel, Vikram
  • Global mental health: from science to action. (2012) Patel, Vikram
  • Putting Evidence into Practice: The PLoS Medicine Series on Global Mental Health Practice. (2012) Patel, Vikram; Jenkins, Rachel; Lund, Crick
  • Suicide mortality in India: a nationally representative survey. (2012) Patel, Vikram; Ramasundarahettige, Chinthanie; Vijayakumar, Lakshmi; Thakur, JS; Gajalakshmi, Vendhan; Gururaj, Gopalkrishna; Suraweera, Wilson; Jha, Prabhat; Million Death Study Collaborators
  • Patterns of alcohol use, their correlates, and impact in male drinkers: a population-based survey from Goa, India. (2012) Pillai, Aravind; Nayak, Madhabika B; Greenfield, Thomas K; Bond, Jason C; Nadkarni, Abhijit; Patel, Vikram
  • Predictors of maternal psychological distress in rural India: a cross-sectional community-based study. (2012) Prost, Audrey; Lakshminarayana, Rashmi; Nair, Nirmala; Tripathy, Prasanta; Copas, Andrew; Mahapatra, Rajendra; Rath, Shibanand; Gope, Raj Kumar; Rath, Suchitra; Bajpai, Aparna; Patel, Vikram; Costello, Anthony
  • Integrating mental health and development: a case study of the BasicNeeds Model in Nepal. (2012) Raja, Shoba; Underhill, Chris; Shrestha, Padam; Sunder, Uma; Mannarath, Saju; Wood, Sarah Kippen; Patel, Vikram
  • The acceptability, feasibility and impact of a lay health counsellor delivered health promoting schools programme in India: a case study evaluation. (2012) Rajaraman, Divya; Travasso, Sandra; Chatterjee, Achira; Bhat, Bhargav; Andrew, Gracy; Parab, Suraj; Patel, Vikram
  • Early intervention to reduce the global health and economic burden of major depression in older adults. (2012) Reynolds, Charles F; Cuijpers, Pim; Patel, Vikram; Cohen, Alex; Dias, Amit; Chowdhary, Neerja; Okereke, Olivia I; Dew, Mary Amanda; Anderson, Stewart J; Mazumdar, Sati; Lotrich, Frank; Albert, Steven M
  • Relevance or excellence? Setting research priorities for mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian settings. (2012) Tol, Wietse A; Patel, Vikram; Tomlinson, Mark; Baingana, Florence; Galappatti, Ananda; Silove, Derrick; Sondorp, Egbert; van Ommeren, Mark; Wessells, Michael G; Panter-Brick, Catherine
  • 2011
  • Call For Action: India’s Universal Health Care By 2020 - Chronic Diseases - 28 January 2011. (2011) UNSPECIFIED audio_file
  • The acceptability, feasibility, and effectiveness of a population-based intervention to promote youth health: an exploratory study in Goa, India. (2011) Balaji, Madhumitha; Andrews, Teddy; Andrew, Gracy; Patel, Vikram
  • Under-nutrition among adolescents: a survey in five secondary schools in rural Goa. (2011) Banerjee, Sohini; Dias, Amit; Shinkre, Rajal; Patel, Vikram
  • Efficacy of antidepressants and benzodiazepines in minor depression: systematic review and meta-analysis. (2011) Barbui, Corrado; Cipriani, Andrea; Patel, Vikram; Ayuso-Mateos, José L; van Ommeren, Mark
  • Collaborative community based care for people and their families living with schizophrenia in India: protocol for a randomised controlled trial. (2011) Chatterjee, Sudipto; Leese, Morven; Koschorke, Mirja; McCrone, Paul; Naik, Smita; John, Sujit; Dabholkar, Hamid; Goldsmith, Kimberley; Balaji, Madhumitha; Varghese, Mathew; Thara, Rangaswamy; Patel, Vikram; Thornicroft, Graham; COmmunity care for People with Schizophrenia in India (COPSI) gr picture_as_pdf
  • Validation of brief screening tools for depressive and alcohol use disorders among TB and HIV patients in primary care in Zambia. (2011) Chishinga, Nathaniel; Kinyanda, Eugene; Weiss, Helen A; Patel, Vikram; Ayles, Helen; Seedat, Soraya
  • Three models of community mental health services In low-income countries. (2011) Cohen, Alex; Eaton, Julian; Radtke, Birgit; George, Christina; Manuel, Bro Victor; De Silva, Mary; Patel, Vikram
  • Grand challenges in global mental health. (2011) Collins, Pamela Y; Patel, Vikram; Joestl, Sarah S; March, Dana; Insel, Thomas R; Daar, Abdallah S; Scientific Advisory Board and the Executive Committee of the Gra; Anderson, Warwick; Dhansay, Muhammad A; Phillips, Anthony; Shurin, Susan; Walport, Mark; Ewart, Wendy; Savill, Sir John; Bordin, Isabel A; Costello, E Jane; Durkin, Maureen; Fairburn, Christopher; Glass, Roger I; Hall, Wayne; Huang, Yueqin; Hyman, Steven E; Jamison, Kay; Kaaya, Sylvia; Kapur, Shitij; Kleinman, Arthur; Ogunniyi, Adesola; Otero-Ojeda, Angel; Poo, Mu-Ming; Ravindranath, Vijayalakshmi; Sahakian, Barbara J; Saxena, Shekhar; Singer, Peter A; Stein, Dan J
  • Patterns and risk factors with help-seeking for common mental disorders in an urban Malaysian community. (2011) Ismail, Siti Irma Fadhilah
  • Prevalence and risk factors of major depressive disorder in HIV/AIDS as seen in semi-urban Entebbe district, Uganda. (2011) Kinyanda, Eugene; Hoskins, Susan; Nakku, Juliet; Nawaz, Saira; Patel, Vikram
  • Poverty, life events and the risk for depression in Uganda. (2011) Kinyanda, Eugene; Woodburn, Patrick; Tugumisirize, Joshua; Kagugube, Johnson; Ndyanabangi, Sheila; Patel, Vikram
  • Poverty and mental disorders: breaking the cycle in low-income and middle-income countries. (2011) Lund, Crick; De Silva, Mary; Plagerson, Sophie; Cooper, Sara; Chisholm, Dan; Das, Jishnu; Knapp, Martin; Patel, Vikram
  • Prevalence and correlates of perpetration of violence among young people: a population-based survey from Goa, India. (2011) Nadkarni, Abhijit; Dean, Kimberlie; Weiss, Helen A; Patel, Vikram
  • Traditional healers for mental health care in Africa. (2011) Patel, Vikram
  • A renewed agenda for global mental health. (2011) Patel, Vikram; Boyce, Niall; Collins, Pamela Y; Saxena, Shekhar; Horton, Richard
  • Chronic diseases and injuries in India. (2011) Patel, Vikram; Chatterji, Somnath; Chisholm, Dan; Ebrahim, Shah; Gopalakrishna, Gururaj; Mathers, Colin; Mohan, Viswanathan; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Ravindran, Ravilla D; Reddy, K Srinath
  • Improving access to psychological treatments: lessons from developing countries. (2011) Patel, Vikram; Chowdhary, Neerja; Rahman, Atif; Verdeli, Helen
  • The movement for global mental health. (2011) Patel, Vikram; Collins, Pamela Y; Copeland, John; Kakuma, Ritsuko; Katontoka, Sylvester; Lamichhane, Jagannath; Naik, Smita; Skeen, Sarah
  • The great push for mental health: why it matters for India. (2011) Patel, Vikram; Copeland, John draft
  • Universal health care in India: the time is right. (2011) Patel, Vikram; Kumar, AK Shiva; Paul, Vinod K; Rao, Krishna D; Reddy, K Srinath
  • Reducing the treatment gap for mental disorders: a WPA survey. (2011) Patel, Vikram; Maj, Mario; Flisher, Alan J; De Silva, Mary J; Koschorke, Mirja; Prince, Martin; WPA Zonal and Member Society Representatives
  • Lay health worker led intervention for depressive and anxiety disorders in India: impact on clinical and disability outcomes over 12 months. (2011) Patel, Vikram; Weiss, Helen A; Chowdhary, Neerja; Naik, Smita; Pednekar, Sulochana; Chatterjee, Sudipto; Bhat, Bhargav; Araya, Ricardo; King, Michael; Simon, Gregory; Verdeli, Helena; Kirkwood, Betty R
  • The integration of the treatment for common mental disorders in primary care: experiences of health care providers in the MANAS trial in Goa, India. (2011) Pereira, Bernadette; Andrew, Gracy; Pednekar, Sulochana; Kirkwood, Betty R; Patel, Vikram
  • Towards achievement of universal health care in India by 2020: a call to action. (2011) Reddy, K Srinath; Patel, Vikram; Jha, Prabhat; Paul, Vinod K; Kumar, AK Shiva; Dandona, Lalit; Lancet India Group for Universal Healthcare
  • Perinatal mental distress and infant morbidity in Ethiopia: a cohort study. (2011) Ross, Joanna; Hanlon, Charlotte; Medhin, Girmay; Alem, Atalay; Tesfaye, Fikru; Worku, Bogale; Dewey, Michael; Patel, Vikram; Prince, Martin
  • Research priorities for mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian settings. (2011) Tol, Wietse A; Patel, Vikram; Tomlinson, Mark; Baingana, Florence; Galappatti, Ananda; Panter-Brick, Catherine; Silove, Derrick; Sondorp, Egbert; Wessells, Michael; van Ommeren, Mark
  • Non-specialist health worker interventions for mental health care in low- and middle- income countries. (2011) van Ginneken, Nadja; Tharyan, Prathap; Lewin, Simon; Rao, Girish N; Romeo, Renee; Patel, Vikram
  • 2010
  • Effects of severe obstetric complications on women's health and infant mortality in Benin. (2010) Filippi, Véronique; Goufodji, Sourou; Sismanidis, Charalambos; Kanhonou, Lydie; Fottrell, Edward; Ronsmans, Carine; Alihonou, Eusèbe; Patel, Vikram
  • Risk of psychological distress following severe obstetric complications in Benin: the role of economics, physical health and spousal abuse. (2010) Fottrell, Edward; Kanhonou, Lydie; Goufodji, Sourou; Béhague, Dominique P; Marshall, Tom; Patel, Vikram; Filippi, Véronique
  • The effectiveness of M-health technologies for improving health and health services: a systematic review protocol. (2010) Free, Caroline; Phillips, Gemma; Felix, Lambert; Galli, Leandro; Patel, Vikram; Edwards, Philip
  • Why do British Indian children have an apparent mental health advantage? (2010) Goodman, Anna; Patel, Vikram; Leon, David A
  • Validating alcohol use measures among male drinkers in Goa: implications for research on alcohol, sexual risk, and HIV in India. (2010) Greenfield, Thomas K; Nayak, Madhabika B; Bond, Jason; Patel, Vikram; Trocki, Karen; Pillai, Aravind
  • Sociocultural practices in Ethiopia: association with onset and persistence of postnatal common mental disorders. (2010) Hanlon, Charlotte; Medhin, Girmay; Alem, Atalay; Araya, Mesfin; Abdulahi, Abdulreshid; Tomlinson, Mark; Hughes, Marcus; Patel, Vikram; Dewey, Michael; Prince, Martin
  • Psychiatric Disorders and Psychosocial Correlates of High HIV Risk Sexual Behaviour in War-Affected Eastern Uganda. (2010) Kinyanda, E; Weiss, HA; Mungherera, M; Mangen, PO; Ngabirano, E; Kajungu, R; Kagugube, J; Muhwezi, W; Muron, J; Patel, V
  • A UN summit on global mental health. (2010) Lee, Patrick T; Henderson, Michael; Patel, Vikram
  • Poverty and common mental disorders in low and middle income countries: A systematic review. (2010) Lund, Crick; Breen, Alison; Flisher, Alan J; Kakuma, Ritsuko; Corrigall, Joanne; Joska, John A; Swartz, Leslie; Patel, Vikram
  • The 5/95 gap in the indexation of psychiatric journals of low- and middle-income countries. (2010) Mari, JJ; Patel, V; Kieling, C; Razzouk, D; Tyrer, P; Herrman, H
  • The effect of maternal common mental disorders on infant undernutrition in Butajira, Ethiopia: the P-MaMiE study. (2010) Medhin, Girmay; Hanlon, Charlotte; Dewey, Michael; Alem, Atalay; Tesfaye, Fikru; Lakew, Zufan; Worku, Bogale; Aray, Mesfin; Abdulahi, Abdulreshid; Tomlinson, Mark; Hughes, Marcus; Patel, Vikram; Prince, Martin
  • Partner alcohol use, violence and women's mental health: population-based survey in India. (2010) Nayak, Madhabika B; Patel, Vikram; Bond, Jason C; Greenfield, Thomas K
  • The social contexts of depression during motherhood: a study of Explanatory Models in Vietnam. (2010) Niemi, Maria E; Falkenberg, Torkel; Nguyen, Mai TT; Nguyen, Minh TN; Patel, Vikram; Faxelid, Elisabeth
  • Global Mental Health - a New Global Health Discipline Comes of Age. (2010) Patel, V
  • Predictors of outcome in patients with common mental disorders receiving a brief psychological treatment: an exploratory analysis of a randomized controlled trial from Goa, India. (2010) Patel, V; Weiss, H; Mann, A
  • Predictors of outcome in patients with common mental disorders receiving a brief psychological treatment: an exploratory analysis of a randomized controlled trial from Goa, India. (2010) Patel, V; Weiss, H; Mann, A
  • Building social capital and improving mental health care to prevent suicide. (2010) Patel, Vikram
  • Principles to guide mental health policies in low- and middle-income countries. (2010) Patel, Vikram; Eaton, Julian
  • Global mental health: a new global health field comes of age. (2010) Patel, Vikram; Prince, Martin
  • Effectiveness of an intervention led by lay health counsellors for depressive and anxiety disorders in primary care in Goa, India (MANAS): a cluster randomised controlled trial. (2010) Patel, Vikram; Weiss, Helen A; Chowdhary, Neerja; Naik, Smita; Pednekar, Sulochana; Chatterjee, Sudipto; De Silva, Mary J; Bhat, Bhargav; Araya, Ricardo; King, Michael; Simon, Gregory; Verdeli, Helen; Kirkwood, Betty R
  • Mapping a global agenda for adolescent health. (2010) Patton, George C; Viner, Russell M; Linh, Le Cu; Ameratunga, Shanthi; Fatusi, Adesegun O; Ferguson, B Jane; Patel, Vikram
  • Does money matter for mental health? Evidence from the Child Support Grants in Johannesburg, South Africa. (2010) Plagerson, Sophie; Patel, Vikram; Harpham, Trudy; Kielmann, Karina; Mathee, Angela
  • Association of socio-economic, gender and health factors with common mental disorders in women: a population-based study of 5703 married rural women in India. (2010) Shidhaye, Rahul; Patel, Vikram
  • Effect of a participatory intervention with women's groups on birth outcomes and maternal depression in Jharkhand and Orissa, India: a cluster-randomised controlled trial. (2010) Tripathy, Prasanta; Nair, Nirmala; Barnett, Sarah; Mahapatra, Rajendra; Borghi, Josephine; Rath, Shibanand; Rath, Suchitra; Gope, Rajkumar; Mahto, Dipnath; Sinha, Rajesh; Lakshminarayana, Rashmi; Patel, Vikram; Pagel, Christina; Prost, Audrey; Costello, Anthony
  • 2009
  • Social vaccines to resist and change unhealthy social and economic structures: a useful metaphor for health promotion. (2009) Baum, Fran; Narayan, Ravi; Sanders, David; Patel, Vikram; Quizhpe, Arturo
  • Outcomes of people with psychotic disorders in a community-based rehabilitation programme in rural India. (2009) Chatterjee, Sudipto; Pillai, Aravind; Jain, Sumeet; Cohen, Alex; Patel, Vikram
  • Psychosocial interventions for the prevention of disability following traumatic physical injury. (2009) De Silva, Mary; Maclachlan, Malcolm; Devane, Declan; Desmond, Deirdre; Gallagher, Pamela; Schnyder, Ulrich; Brennan, Muireann; Patel, Vikram
  • Why do British Indian children have an apparent mental health advantage? (2009) Goodman, A
  • Impact of antenatal common mental disorders upon perinatal outcomes in Ethiopia: the P-MaMiE population-based cohort study. (2009) Hanlon, Charlotte; Medhin, Girmay; Alem, Atalay; Tesfaye, Fikru; Lakew, Zufan; Worku, Bogale; Dewey, Michael; Araya, Mesfin; Abdulahi, Abdulreshid; Hughes, Marcus; Tomlinson, Mark; Patel, Vikram; Prince, Martin
  • Indexation of psychiatric journals from low- and middle-income countries: a survey and a case study. (2009) Kieling, Christian; Herrman, Helen; Patel, Vikram; Mari, Jair de Jesus
  • A global perspective on the dissemination of mental health research. (2009) Kieling, Christian; Herrman, Helen; Patel, Vikram; Tyrer, Peter; Mari, Jair J
  • Interventions for improving the psychosocial well-being of children affected by HIV and AIDS. (2009) King, Evelyn; De Silva, Mary; Stein, Alan; Patel, Vikram
  • Detecting alcohol-related problems in developing countries: a comparison of 2 screening measures in India. (2009) Nayak, Madhabika B; Bond, Jason C; Cherpitel, Cheryl; Patel, Vikram; Greenfield, Thomas K
  • The future of psychiatry in low- and middle-income countries. (2009) Patel, V
  • The future of psychiatry in low- and middle-income countries. (2009) Patel, V
  • The ethical imperative to scale up health care services for people with severe mental disorders in low and middle income countries. (2009) Patel, V; Bloch, S
  • Packages of care for depression in low- and middle-income countries. (2009) Patel, Vikram; Simon, Gregory; Chowdhary, Neerja; Kaaya, Sylvia; Araya, Ricardo
  • Packages of care for mental, neurological, and substance use disorders in low- and middle-income countries: PLoS Medicine Series. (2009) Patel, Vikram; Thornicroft, Graham
  • Violence, psychological distress and the risk of suicidal behaviour in young people in India. (2009) Pillai, Aravind; Andrews, Teddy; Patel, Vikram
  • Depression in Mongolian women over the first 2 months after childbirth: prevalence and risk factors. (2009) Pollock, JI; Manaseki-Holland, S; Patel, V
  • The burden and determinants of HIV and sexually transmitted infections in a population-based sample of female sex workers in Goa, India. (2009) Shahmanesh, M; Cowan, F; Wayal, S; Copas, A; Patel, V; Mabey, D
  • Suicidal behavior among female sex workers in Goa, India: the silent epidemic. (2009) Shahmanesh, Maryam; Wayal, Sonali; Cowan, Frances; Mabey, David; Copas, Andrew; Patel, Vikram
  • Mental health research priorities in low- and middle-income countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. (2009) Sharan, P; Gallo, C; Gureje, O; Lamberte, E; Mari, JJ; Mazzotti, G; Patel, V; Swartz, L; Olifson, S; Levav, I; de Francisco, A; Saxena, S; World Health Organization-Global Forum for Health Research - Me
  • Setting priorities for global mental health research. (2009) Tomlinson, Mark; Rudan, Igor; Saxena, Shekhar; Swartz, Leslie; Tsai, Alexander C; Patel, Vikram
  • The 5/95 Gap on the dissemination of mental health research: The World Psychiatric Association (WPA) task force report on project with editors of low and middle income (LAMI) countries. (2009) de Jesus Mari, J; Patel, V; Kieling, C; Anders, M; Jakovljevi, M; Lam, LC; Lotaief, F; Mendlowicz, MV; Okulat, G; Sathyanarayana Rao, TS; Tamam, L; Tyrer, P; Herrman, H
  • 2008
  • Improving the prevention and management of chronic disease in low-income and middle-income countries: a priority for primary health care. (2008) Beaglehole, Robert; Epping-Jordan, Joanne; Patel, Vikram; Chopra, Mickey; Ebrahim, Shah; Kidd, Michael; Haines, Andy
  • Integrating evidence-based treatments for common mental disorders in routine primary care: feasibility and acceptability of the MANAS intervention in Goa, India. (2008) Chatterjee, Sudipto; Chowdhary, Neerja; Pednekar, Sulochana; Cohen, Alex; Andrew, Gracy; Andrew, Gracy; Araya, Ricardo; Simon, Gregory; King, Michael; Telles, Shirley; Verdeli, Helena; Clougherty, Kathleen; Kirkwood, Betty; Patel, Vikram
  • The effect of spousal violence on women's health: findings from the Stree Arogya Shodh in Goa, India. (2008) Chowdhary, N; Patel, V
  • Questioning an axiom: better prognosis for schizophrenia in the developing world? (2008) Cohen, Alex; Patel, Vikram; Thara, R; Gureje, Oye
  • Poverty and mental illness: fact or fiction? A commentary on Das, Do, Friedman, McKenzie & Scott (65:3, 2007, 467-480). (2008) Corrigall, Joanne; Lund, Crick; Patel, Vikram; Plagerson, Sophie; Funk, Michelle K
  • Patient outcome after traumatic brain injury in high-, middle- and low-income countries: analysis of data on 8927 patients in 46 countries. (2008) De Silva, Mary J; Roberts, Ian; Perel, Pablo; Edwards, Phil; Kenward, Michael G; Fernandes, Janice; Shakur, Haleema; Patel, Vikram; CRASH Trial Collaborators
  • Socio-cultural, psychosexual and biomedical factors associated with genital symptoms experienced by men in rural India. (2008) Gautham, Meenakshi; Singh, Rajesh; Weiss, Helen; Brugha, Ruairi; Patel, Vikram; Desai, Nimesh G; Nandan, Deoki; Kielmann, Karina; Grosskurth, Heiner
  • Child mental health differences amongst ethnic groups in Britain: a systematic review. (2008) Goodman, Anna; Patel, Vikram; Leon, David A
  • Detecting perinatal common mental disorders in Ethiopia: validation of the self-reporting questionnaire and Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. (2008) Hanlon, Charlotte; Medhin, Girmay; Alem, Atalay; Araya, Mesfin; Abdulahi, Abdulreshid; Hughes, Marcus; Tesfaye, Markos; Wondimagegn, Dawit; Patel, Vikram; Prince, Martin
  • Mental health and poverty: A systematic review of the research in low- and middle-income countries. (2008) Lund, Crick; Breen, Alison; Flisher, Alan J; Kakuma, Ritsuko; Swartz, Leslie; Joska, John; Corrigall, Joanne; Patel, Vikram; Consortium, MHapp Res Programme
  • Why women attempt suicide: the role of mental illness and social disadvantage in a community cohort study in India. (2008) Maselko, J; Patel, V
  • Detecting common mental disorders in primary care in India: a comparison of five screening questionnaires. (2008) Patel, V; Araya, R; Chowdhary, N; King, M; Kirkwood, B; Nayak, S; Simon, G; Weiss, HA
  • Clinical trials for severe mental disorders in developing countries. (2008) Patel, VH
  • Task shifting: A practical strategy for scaling up mental health care in developing countries. (2008) Patel, Vikram
  • 10 best resources on mental health. (2008) Patel, Vikram
  • Improving the outcomes of primary care attenders with common mental disorders in developing countries: a cluster randomized controlled trial of a collaborative stepped care intervention in Goa, India. (2008) Patel, Vikram H; Kirkwood, Betty R; Pednekar, Sulochana; Araya, Ricardo; King, Michael; Chisholm, Daniel; Simon, Gregory; Weiss, Helen
  • The psychological and social contexts of complaints of abnormal vaginal discharge: a study of illness narratives in India. (2008) Patel, Vikram; Andrew, Gracy; Pelto, Pertti J
  • The Lancet's series on global mental health: 1 year on. (2008) Patel, Vikram; Garrison, Preston; de Jesus Mari, Jair; Minas, Harry; Prince, Martin; Saxena, Shekhar; Advisory group of the Movement for Global Mental Health
  • Perinatal depression treated by community health workers. (2008) Patel, Vikram; Kirkwood, Betty
  • From science to action: the Lancet Series on Global Mental Health. (2008) Patel, Vikram; Sartorius, Norman
  • Non-traditional lifestyles and prevalence of mental disorders in adolescents in Goa, India. (2008) Pillai, Aravind; Patel, Vikram; Cardozo, Percy; Goodman, Robert; Weiss, Helen A; Andrew, Gracy
  • The neglected 'm' in MCH programmes--why mental health of mothers is important for child nutrition. (2008) Rahman, Atif; Patel, Vikram; Maselko, Joanna; Kirkwood, Betty
  • Effectiveness of interventions for the prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections in female sex workers in resource poor setting: a systematic review. (2008) Shahmanesh, Maryam; Patel, Vikram; Mabey, David; Cowan, Frances
  • Estimating clinically relevant mental disorders in a rural and an urban setting in postconflict Timor Leste. (2008) Silove, Derrick; Bateman, Catherine Robina; Brooks, Robert T; Fonseca, C Amaral Zulmira; Steel, Zachary; Rodger, James; Soosay, Ian; Fox, Greg; Patel, Vikram; Bauman, Adrian
  • Spousal sexual violence and poverty are risk factors for sexually transmitted infections in women: a longitudinal study of women in Goa, India. (2008) Weiss, HA; Patel, V; West, B; Peeling, RW; Kirkwood, BR; Mabey, D
  • 2007
  • Detecting depression after pregnancy: the validity of the K10 and K6 in Burkina Faso. (2007) Baggaley, RF; Ganaba, R; Filippi, V; Kere, M; Marshall, T; Sombié, I; Storeng, KT; Patel, V
  • Reed Elsevier and the arms trade revisited. (2007) Campbell, Oona; Coleman, Michel; Cousens, Simon; Doyle, Pat; Elbourne, Diana; Evans, Stephen; Filteau, Suzanne; Fine, Paul EM; Glynn, Judith R; Grundy, Emily; Haines, Andy; Hall, Andrew J; Hayes, Richard; Kenward, Mike; Kirkwood, Betty; Lamping, Donna L; Lee, Kelley; Leon, Dave; Mabey, David; McKee, Martin; Meade, Tom; Milligan, Paul; Mills, Anne; Patel, Vikram; Peto, Julian; Pocock, Stuart; Prentice, Andrew; Roberts, Ian; Rodrigues, Laura C; dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Smeeth, Liam; Sondorp, Egbert; De Stavola, Bianca; Timaeus, Ian M; Walt, Gill; Whittaker, John; Wilkinson, Paul; Zaba, Basia
  • Harmful alcohol use in Goa, India, and its associations with violence: a study in primary care. (2007) D'Costa, Gladstone; Nazareth, Irwin; Naik, Deepali; Vaidya, Raj; Levy, Gus; Patel, Vikram; King, Michael
  • Somatic Presentations—A Challenge for DSM-V. (2007) Dimsdale, Joel E; Patel, Vikram; Xin, Yu; Kleinman, Arthur
  • The impact of maternal experience of violence and common mental disorders on neonatal outcomes: a survey of adolescent mothers in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (2007) Ferri, Cleusa P; Mitsuhiro, Sandro S; Barros, Marina CM; Chalem, Elisa; Guinsburg, Ruth; Patel, Vikram; Prince, Martin; Laranjeira, Ronaldo
  • Child, family, school and community risk factors for poor mental health in Brazilian schoolchildren. (2007) Goodman, Anna; Fleitlich-Bilyk, Bacy; Patel, Vikram; Goodman, Robert
  • Culturally-sensitive complaints of depressions and anxieties in women. (2007) Halbreich, Uriel; Alarcon, Renato D; Calil, Helena; Douki, Saida; Gaszner, Peter; Jadresic, Enrique; Jasovic-Gasic, Miroslava; Kadri, Nadia; Kerr-Correa, Florence; Patel, Vikram; Sarache, Xarifa; Trivedi, JK
  • Empowerment of women and mental health promotion: a qualitative study in rural Maharashtra, India. (2007) Kermode, Michelle; Herrman, Helen; Arole, Rajanikant; White, Joshua; Premkumar, Ramaswamy; Patel, Vikram
  • Scale up services for mental disorders: a call for action. (2007) Lancet Global Mental Health Group; Chisholm, D; Flisher, AJ; Lund, C; Patel, V; Saxena, S; Thornicroft, G; Tomlinson, M
  • Mental Health in the Millennium Development Goals: Authors' Reply. (2007) Miranda, JJ; Patel, V
  • Depression, chronic diseases, and decrements in health: results from the World Health Surveys. (2007) Moussavi, Saba; Chatterji, Somnath; Verdes, Emese; Tandon, Ajay; Patel, Vikram; Ustun, Bedirhan
  • Commentary: preventing suicide: need for a life course approach. (2007) Patel, Vikram
  • Alcohol Use and Mental Health in Developing Countries. (2007) Patel, Vikram
  • Mental health in low- and middle-income countries. (2007) Patel, Vikram
  • Treatment and prevention of mental disorders in low-income and middle-income countries. (2007) Patel, Vikram; Araya, Ricardo; Chatterjee, Sudipto; Chisholm, Dan; Cohen, Alex; De Silva, Mary; Hosman, Clemens; McGuire, Hugh; Rojas, Graciela; van Ommeren, Mark
  • Prioritizing health problems in women in developing countries: comparing the financial burden of reproductive tract infections, anaemia and depressive disorders in a community survey in India. (2007) Patel, Vikram; Chisholm, Daniel; Kirkwood, Betty R; Mabey, David
  • What is the best approach to treating schizophrenia in developing countries? (2007) Patel, Vikram; Farooq, Saeed; Thara, R picture_as_pdf
  • Mental health of young people: a global public-health challenge. (2007) Patel, Vikram; Flisher, Alan J; Hetrick, Sarah; McGorry, Patrick
  • Promoting child and adolescent mental health in low and middle income countries. (2007) Patel, Vikram; Flisher, Alan J; Nikapota, Anula; Malhotra, Savita
  • Researching protective and promotive factors in mental health. (2007) Patel, Vikram; Goodman, Anna
  • Contribution of low- and middle-income countries to research published in leading general psychiatry journals, 2002-2004. (2007) Patel, Vikram; Kim, Youl-Ri
  • Prevalence of severe mental and neurological disorders in Mozambique: a population-based survey. (2007) Patel, Vikram; Simbine, Ana Paula Ferrao; Soares, Isabel Cristina; Weiss, Helen A; Wheeler, Erica
  • The explanatory models of depression in low income countries: listening to women in India. (2007) Pereira, Bernadette; Andrew, Gracy; Pednekar, Sulochana; Pai, Reshma; Pelto, Pertti; Patel, Vikram
  • No health without mental health. (2007) Prince, Martin; Patel, Vikram; Saxena, Shekhar; Maj, Mario; Maselko, Joanna; Phillips, Michael R; Rahman, Atif
  • Australian and New Zealand contribution to international mental health research publications: a survey of high-impact journals. (2007) White, Joshua; Patel, Vikram; Herrman, Helen
  • Seeking help for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in developing countries: a study of parental explanatory models in Goa, India. (2007) Wilcox, Claire E; Washburn, Rachel; Patel, Vikram
  • 2006
  • What is the relevance of mental health to HIV/AIDS care and treatment programs in developing countries? A systematic review. (2006) Collins, Pamela Y; Holman, Alea R; Freeman, Melvyn C; Patel, Vikram
  • Mental Disorders. (2006) Hyman, S; Chisholm, D; Kessler, R; Patel, V; Whiteford, H
  • Mental Health. (2006) Patel, V; , Cohen, A; Flisher, A
  • Mental Health. (2006) Patel, V; Cohen, A; Flisher, A
  • Global Mental Health. (2006) Patel, V; Prince, M; Saxena, S
  • The evidence from resource-poor settings. (2006) Patel, V; Swartz, L; Cohen, A
  • The burden and determinants of dysmenorrhoea: a population-based survey of 2262 women in Goa, India. (2006) Patel, V; Tanksale, V; Sahasrabhojanee, M; Gupte, S; Nevrekar, P
  • The burden and determinants of reproductive tract infections in India: a population based study of women in Goa, India. (2006) Patel, V; Weiss, HA; Mabey, D; West, B; D'Souza, S; Patil, V; Nevrekar, P; Gupte, S; Kirkwood, BR
  • Ethics of placebo-controlled trial in severe mania. (2006) Patel, Vikram
  • Returning the debt: how rich countries can invest in mental health capacity in developing countries. (2006) Patel, Vikram; Boardman, Ed; Prince, Martin; Bhugra, Dinesh
  • Returning the debt: how rich countries can invest in mental health capacity in developing countries. (2006) Patel, Vikram; Boardman, Jed; Prince, Martin; Bhugra, Dinesh
  • Is the outcome of schizophrenia really better in developing countries? (2006) Patel, Vikram; Cohen, Alex; Thara, Rangaswamy; Gureje, Oye
  • Gender disadvantage and reproductive health risk factors for common mental disorders in women: a community survey in India. (2006) Patel, Vikram; Kirkwood, Betty R; Pednekar, Sulochana; Pereira, Bernadette; Barros, Preetam; Fernandes, Janice; Datta, Jane; Pai, Reshma; Weiss, Helen; Mabey, David
  • Risk factors for common mental disorders in women. Population-based longitudinal study. (2006) Patel, Vikram; Kirkwood, Betty R; Pednekar, Sulochana; Weiss, Helen; Mabey, David
  • Maternal psychological morbidity and low birth weight in India. (2006) Patel, Vikram; Prince, Martin
  • Beyond evidence: the moral case for international mental health. (2006) Patel, Vikram; Saraceno, Benedetto; Kleinman, Arthur
  • Psychological approaches to somatisation in developing countries. (2006) Patel, Vikram; Sumathipala, Athula
  • Common genital complaints in women: the contribution of psychosocial and infectious factors in a population-based cohort study in Goa, India. (2006) Patel, Vikram; Weiss, Helen A; Kirkwood, Betty R; Pednekar, Sulochana; Nevrekar, Prasad; Gupte, Sheela; Mabey, David
  • Detection of depression in women of child-bearing age in non-Western cultures: a comparison of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and the Self-Reporting Questionnaire-20 in Mongolia. (2006) Pollock, JI; Manaseki-Holland, S; Patel, V
  • 2005
  • Handbook of Psychiatry: A South Asian perspective. (2005) Bhugra, D; Ranjith, G; Patel, V
  • Integrating mental health in global initiatives for HIV/AIDS. (2005) Freeman, Melvyn; Patel, Vikram; Collins, Pamela Y; Bertolote, Jose
  • The impact and patterns of hazardous drinking amongst male industrial workers in Goa, India. (2005) Gaunekar, Gaurish; Patel, Vikram; Rane, Anil
  • Poverty, violence and depression during pregnancy: a survey of mothers attending a public hospital in Brazil. (2005) Lovisi, Giovanni Marcos; López, José Ramon RA; Coutinho, Evandro Silva Freire; Patel, Vikram
  • Validity of the construct of post-traumatic stress disorder in a low-income country: interview study of women in Gujarat, India. (2005) Mehta, Khyati; Vankar, Ganpat; Patel, Vikram
  • Achieving the Millennium Development Goals: does mental health play a role? (2005) Miranda, J Jaime; Patel, Vikram
  • Essentials of Clinical Psychiatry for sub-Saharan Africa. (2005) Njenga, F; Acuda, W; Patel, V; Maj, M
  • Social origins, biological treatments: the public health significance of common mental disorders in India. (2005) Patel, V
  • Mental health. (2005) Patel, V; Flisher, A; Cohen, A
  • Irrational drug use in India: a prescription survey from Goa. (2005) Patel, V; Vaidya, R; Naik, D; Borker, P
  • Poverty, gender and mental health promotion in a global society. (2005) Patel, Vikram
  • Chronic fatigue in developing countries: population based survey of women in India. (2005) Patel, Vikram; Kirkwood, Betty R; Weiss, Helen; Pednekar, Sulochana; Fernandes, Janice; Pereira, Bernadette; Upadhye, Medha; Mabey, David
  • Why do women complain of vaginal discharge? A population survey of infectious and pyschosocial risk factors in a South Asian community. (2005) Patel, Vikram; Pednekar, Sulochana; Weiss, Helen; Rodrigues, Merlyn; Barros, Preetam; Nayak, Bernice; Tanksale, Vandana; West, Beryl; Nevrekar, Prasad; Kirkwood, Betty R; Mabey, David
  • 2004
  • The impact associated with caring for a person with dementia: a report from the 10/66 Dementia Research Group's Indian network. (2004) Dias, Amit; Samuel, Ravi; Patel, Vikram; Prince, Martin; Parameshwaran, R; Krishnamoorthy, ES
  • Drinking patterns of hazardous drinkers: a multicenter study in India. (2004) Gaunekar, G; Patel, V; Jacob, KS; Vankar, G; Mohan, D; Rane, A; Prasad, S; Johari, N; Chopra, A
  • Learning from low income countries: mental health. (2004) McKenzie, Kwame; Patel, Vikram; Araya, Ricardo
  • NGOs in Mental Health Care. (2004) Patel, V; Varghese, M
  • NGOs and Mental Health: Search for Synergy. (2004) Patel, V; Varghese, M
  • Treating depression in the developing world. (2004) Patel, Vikram; Araya, Ricardo; Bolton, Paul
  • Effect of maternal mental health on infant growth in low income countries: new evidence from South Asia. (2004) Patel, Vikram; Rahman, Atif; Jacob, KS; Hughes, Marcus
  • Are visual measures of mood superior to questionnaire measures in non-Western settings? (2004) Puertas, Gloria; Patel, Vikram; Marshall, Tom
  • Under-representation of developing countries in the research literature: ethical issues arising from a survey of five leading medical journals. (2004) Sumathipala, Athula; Siribaddana, Sisira; Patel, Vikram
  • The Graying of India. (2004) Varghese, M; Patel, V
  • 2003
  • Sex, studies or strife? What to integrate in adolescent health services. (2003) Andrew, Gracy; Patel, Vikram; Ramakrishna, Jayashree
  • The prevalence and correlates of hazardous drinking in industrial workers: a study from Goa, India. (2003) Chagas Silva, Melvin; Gaunekar, Gaurish; Patel, Vikram; Kukalekar, Damodar S; Fernandes, John
  • Evaluation of a community-based rehabilitation model for chronic schizophrenia in rural India. (2003) Chatterjee, Sudipto; Patel, Vikram; Chatterjee, Achira; Weiss, Helen A
  • Violence against women. (2003) Dutton, MA; Kilpatrick, D; Friedman, M; Patel, V
  • Where there is No Psychiatrist. (2003) Patel, V
  • Cultural issues in measurement and research. (2003) Patel, V
  • Postnatal depression and infant growth and development in low income countries: a cohort study from Goa, India. (2003) Patel, V; DeSouza, N; Rodrigues, M
  • Psychiatry in India [Review]. (2003) Patel, V; Saxena, S
  • Meeting the mental health needs of developing countries: NGO innovations in India. (2003) Patel, V; Thara, R
  • Introduction: The role of NGOs in mental health care. (2003) Patel, V; Thara, R
  • Recruiting doctors from poor countries: the great brain robbery? (2003) Patel, Vikram
  • Pharmacological treatment of severe psychiatric disorders in the developing world : lessons from India. (2003) Patel, Vikram; Andrade, Chittaranjan
  • Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of drug and psychological treatments for common mental disorders in general health care in Goa, India: a randomised, controlled trial. (2003) Patel, Vikram; Chisholm, Daniel; Rabe-Hesketh, Sophia; Dias-Saxena, Fiona; Andrew, Gracy; Mann, Anthony
  • Poverty and common mental disorders in developing countries. (2003) Patel, Vikram; Kleinman, Arthur
  • Listening to mothers: qualitative studies on motherhood and depression from Goa, India. (2003) Rodrigues, Merlyn; Patel, Vikram; Jaswal, Surinder; de Souza, Nandita
  • The reliability of a structured examination protocol and self administered vaginal swabs: a pilot study of gynaecological outpatients in Goa, India. (2003) Tanksale, VS; Sahasrabhojanee, M; Patel, V; Nevrekar, P; Menezes, S; Mabey, D
  • NGOs in mental health: Meeting the need? (2003) Thara, R; Patel, V
  • Sangath--Families as partners. (2003) de Souza, N; Patel, V
  • 2002
  • Gender, poverty, and postnatal depression: a study of mothers in Goa, India. (2002) Patel, Vikram; Rodrigues, Merlyn; DeSouza, Nandita
  • Exploring the associations between social class, binge drinking and other risk behaviours among Brazilian young people. (2002) Uchoa, R; Wolff, K; Patel, V; Rabe-Hesketh, S; Strang, J
  • 2001
  • Is Depression a Disease of Poverty? [Editorial]. (2001) Patel, V
  • Cultural factors and international epidemiology. (2001) Patel, V
  • The Indian Sub-Continent: Presentation and Epidemiology of Depression. (2001) Patel, V
  • Poverty, Inequality and mental health in developing countries. (2001) Patel, V
  • Crying & Psychiatric Disorder. (2001) Patel, V
  • Depression in developing countries: lessons from Zimbabwe. (2001) Patel, V; Abas, M; Broadhead, J; Todd, C; Reeler, A
  • Gender, sexual abuse and risk behaviours in adolescents: a cross-sectional survey in schools in Goa. (2001) Patel, V; Andrew, G
  • Socio-economic factors and mental health. (2001) Patel, V; Araya, R; Lewis, G; Swartz, L
  • Ageing and mental health in a developing country: who cares? Qualitative studies from Goa, India. (2001) Patel, V; Prince, M
  • International representation in psychiatric literature: survey of six leading journals. (2001) Patel, V; Sumathipala, A
  • Mental health policies in developing countries: a radical rethink [Editorial]. (2001) Patel, V; Thara, R
  • The State of Goa?s Health. (2001) Patel, V; de Souza, N; Dias-Saxena, F; Dourado, R
  • Women?s and mental health. (2001) Thara, R; Patel, V