Items where Author is "Goodman, Anna"
Number of items: 108.
Bibliographic data only
  • How to Prove that Good Learning Outcomes in Childhood Is an Independent Factor Strengthening the Cognitive Reserve Response. (2015) Dekhtyar, S; Wang, HX; Scott, K; Goodman, A; Koupil, I; Herlitz, A
  • Public
  • Anna Goodman - Suffrage Science Award. (2015) UNSPECIFIED
  • March 2015 - Ebola one year on, finding out about sex, and a Suffrage Science award winner. (2015) UNSPECIFIED
  • Anna Goodman - changes in cycling habits. (2013) UNSPECIFIED audio_file
  • LSHTM - August 2013 podcast - an app to test eye health, mobile labs, and changing cycling habits. (2013) UNSPECIFIED
  • British Indian Children Have Better Mental Health - 3 June 2010. (2010) UNSPECIFIED audio_file
  • Correlates of walking and cycling for transport and recreation: factor structure, reliability and behavioural associations of the perceptions of the environment in the neighbourhood scale (PENS). (2013) Adams, Emma J; Goodman, Anna; Sahlqvist, Shannon; Bull, Fiona C; Ogilvie, David; iConnect consortium
  • We are family--parents, siblings, and eating disorders in a prospective total-population study of 250,000 Swedish males and females. (2013) Ahrén, Jennie C; Chiesa, Flaminia; Koupil, Ilona; Magnusson, Cecilia; Dalman, Christina; Goodman, Anna
  • Impacts of an active travel intervention with a cycling focus in a suburban context: One-year findings from an evaluation of London’s in-progress mini-Hollands programme. (2019) Aldred, Rachel; Croft, Joseph; Goodman, Anna
  • Cycling provision separated from motor traffic: a systematic review exploring whether stated preferences vary by gender and age. (2016) Aldred, Rachel; Elliott, Bridget; Woodcock, James; Goodman, Anna
  • Contextualising Safety in Numbers: a longitudinal investigation into change in cycling safety in Britain, 1991-2001 and 2001-2011. (2017) Aldred, Rachel; Goel, Rahul; Woodcock, James; Goodman, Anna
  • Predictors of the frequency and subjective experience of cycling near misses: Findings from the first two years of the UK Near Miss Project. (2017) Aldred, Rachel; Goodman, Anna
  • Cycling injury risk in London: A case-control study exploring the impact of cycle volumes, motor vehicle volumes, and road characteristics including speed limits. (2018) Aldred, Rachel; Goodman, Anna; Gulliver, John; Woodcock, James
  • Association of Infrastructure and Route Environment Factors with Cycling Injury Risk at Intersection and Non-Intersection Locations: A Case-Crossover Study of Britain. (2021) Aldred, Rachel; Kapousizis, Georgios; Goodman, Anna
  • Equity in new active travel infrastructure: A spatial analysis of London's new Low Traffic Neighbourhoods. (2021) Aldred, Rachel; Verlinghieri, Ersilia; Sharkey, Megan; Itova, Irena; Goodman, Anna
  • Major investment in active travel in Outer London: Impacts on travel behaviour, physical activity, and health. (2021) Aldred, Rachel; Woodcock, James; Goodman, Anna
  • Does More Cycling Mean More Diversity in Cycling? (2015) Aldred, Rachel; Woodcock, James; Goodman, Anna
  • Evaluating the impacts of new walking and cycling infrastructure on carbon dioxide emissions from motorized travel: A controlled longitudinal study. (2014) Brand, Christian; Goodman, Anna; Ogilvie, David
  • Associations of individual, household and environmental characteristics with carbon dioxide emissions from motorised passenger travel. (2013) Brand, Christian; Goodman, Anna; Rutter, Harry; Song, Yena; Ogilvie, David
  • Evaluation and establishment of a ward-based geriatric liaison service for older urological surgical patients: Proactive care of Older People undergoing Surgery (POPS)-Urology. (2016) Braude, Philip; Goodman, Anna; Elias, Tania; Babic-Illman, Gordana; Challacombe, Ben; Harari, Danielle; Dhesi, Jugdeep K
  • Birth weight is not associated with risk of fracture: results from two Swedish cohort studies. (2014) Byberg, Liisa; Michaëlsson, Karl; Goodman, Anna; Zethelius, Björn; Koupil, Ilona
  • The factors influencing car use in a cycle-friendly city: the case of Cambridge. (2013) Carse, Andrew; Goodman, Anna; Mackett, Roger L; Panter, Jenna; Ogilvie, David
  • Objectively measured physical activity and sedentary time in youth: the International children's accelerometry database (ICAD). (2015) Cooper, Ashley R; Goodman, Anna; Page, Angie S; Sherar, Lauren B; Esliger, Dale W; van Sluijs, Esther MF; Andersen, Lars Bo; Anderssen, Sigmund; Cardon, Greet; Davey, Rachel; Froberg, Karsten; Hallal, Pedro; Janz, Kathleen F; Kordas, Katarzyna; Kreimler, Susi; Pate, Russ R; Puder, Jardena J; Reilly, John J; Salmon, Jo; Sardinha, Luis B; Timperio, Anna; Ekelund, Ulf
  • Associations of head circumference at birth with early life school performance and later-life occupational prestige. (2015) Dekhtyar, Serhiy; Wang, Hui-Xin; Scott, Kirk; Goodman, Anna; Koupil, Ilona; Herlitz, Agneta
  • A Life-Course Study of Cognitive Reserve in Dementia--From Childhood to Old Age. (2015) Dekhtyar, Serhiy; Wang, Hui-Xin; Scott, Kirk; Goodman, Anna; Koupil, Ilona; Herlitz, Agneta
  • Health impacts of free bus travel for young people: evaluation of a natural experiment in London. (2013) Edwards, Phil; Steinbach, Rebecca; Green, Judith; Petticrew, Mark; Goodman, Anna; Jones, Alasdair; Roberts, Helen; Kelly, Charlotte; Nellthorp, John; Wilkinson, Paul
  • Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire Added Value Scores: evaluating effectiveness in child mental health interventions. (2009) Ford, Tamsin; Hutchings, Judy; Bywater, Tracey; Goodman, Anna; Goodman, Robert
  • Data Resource Profile: Mental Health of Children and Young People (MHCYP) Surveys. (2020) Ford, Tamsin; Vizard, Tim; Sadler, Katharine; McManus, Sally; Goodman, Anna; Merad, Salah; Tejerina-Arreal, Maria; Collinson, Dan; MHCYP Collaboration
  • Associations of birth characteristics with perimenopausal disorders: a prospective cohort study. (2018) Gao, M; Goodman, A; Mishra, G; Koupil, I
  • Estimating city-level travel patterns using street imagery: A case study of using Google Street View in Britain. (2018) Goel, Rahul; Garcia, Leandro MT; Goodman, Anna; Johnson, Rob; Aldred, Rachel; Murugesan, Manoradhan; Brage, Soren; Bhalla, Kavi; Woodcock, James
  • Cycling behaviour in 17 countries across 6 continents: levels of cycling, who cycles, for what purpose, and how far? (2021) Goel, Rahul; Goodman, Anna; Aldred, Rachel; Nakamura, Ryota; Tatah, Lambed; Garcia, Leandro Martin Totaro; Zapata-Diomedi, Belen; de Sa, Thiago Herick; Tiwari, Geetam; de Nazelle, Audrey; Tainio, Marko; Buehler, Ralph; Götschi, Thomas; Woodcock, James
  • Reciprocity: combining youth involvement, engagement and participation in health research. (2013) Goodman, A; Roberts, H; Green, J
  • Substance use and common child mental health problems: examining longitudinal associations in a British sample. (2010) Goodman, Anna
  • Walking, cycling and driving to work in the English and Welsh 2011 census: trends, socio-economic patterning and relevance to travel behaviour in general. (2013) Goodman, Anna
  • Beware the "Texas sharp shooter" in rate ratios of progression. (2007) Goodman, Anna C
  • Inequalities in utility and leisure cycling in England, and variation by local cycling prevalence. (2018) Goodman, Anna; Aldred, Rachel
  • Associations of health, physical activity and weight status with motorised travel and transport carbon dioxide emissions: a cross-sectional, observational study. (2012) Goodman, Anna; Brand, Christian; Ogilvie, David; iConnect consortium
  • Inequalities in the London bicycle sharing system revisited: impacts of extending the scheme to poorer areas but then doubling prices. (2014) Goodman, Anna; Cheshire, James
  • Child, family, school and community risk factors for poor mental health in Brazilian schoolchildren. (2007) Goodman, Anna; Fleitlich-Bilyk, Bacy; Patel, Vikram; Goodman, Robert
  • Validation of the Ford Score as a Measure for Predicting the Level of Emotional and Behavioural Problems in Mainstream Schools. (2008) Goodman, Anna; Ford, Tamsin
  • Who are we missing? Area deprivation and survey participation. (2008) Goodman, Anna; Gatward, Rebecca
  • Population mean scores predict child mental disorder rates: validating SDQ prevalence estimators in Britain. (2010) Goodman, Anna; Goodman, Robert
  • Strengths and difficulties questionnaire as a dimensional measure of child mental health. (2009) Goodman, Anna; Goodman, Robert
  • Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire scores and mental health in looked after children. (2012) Goodman, Anna; Goodman, Robert
  • The role of bicycle sharing systems in normalising the image of cycling: An observational study of London cyclists. (2013) Goodman, Anna; Green, Judith; Woodcock, James
  • Healthy travel and the socio-economic structure of car commuting in Cambridge, UK: a mixed-methods analysis. (2012) Goodman, Anna; Guell, Cornelia; Panter, Jenna; Jones, Natalia R; Ogilvie, David
  • The 'DAWBA bands' as an ordered-categorical measure of child mental health: description and validation in British and Norwegian samples. (2010) Goodman, Anna; Heiervang, Einar; Collishaw, Stephan; Goodman, Robert
  • Cross-national differences in questionnaires do not necessarily reflect comparable differences in disorder prevalence. (2012) Goodman, Anna; Heiervang, Einar; Fleitlich-Bilyk, Bacy; Alyahri, Abdulla; Patel, Vikram; Mullick, Mohammad SI; Slobodskaya, Helena; Dos Santos, Darci Neves; Goodman, Robert
  • Family history of education predicts eating disorders across multiple generations among 2 million Swedish males and females. (2014) Goodman, Anna; Heshmati, Amy; Koupil, Ilona
  • Associations between birth characteristics and eating disorders across the life course: findings from 2 million males and females born in Sweden, 1975-1998. (2014) Goodman, Anna; Heshmati, Amy; Malki, Ninoa; Koupil, Ilona
  • ‘We Can All Just Get on a Bus and Go’: Rethinking Independent Mobility in the Context of the Universal Provision of Free Bus Travel to Young Londoners. (2014) Goodman, Anna; Jones, Alasdair; Roberts, Helen; Steinbach, Rebecca; Green, Judith
  • The relationship between umbilical cord length and chronic rheumatic heart disease: a prospective cohort study. (2014) Goodman, Anna; Kajantie, Eero; Osmond, Clive; Eriksson, Johan; Koupil, Ilona; Thornburg, Kent; Phillips, David IW
  • Social and biological determinants of reproductive success in Swedish males and females born 1915–1929. (2009) Goodman, Anna; Koupil, Ilona
  • The effect of school performance upon marriage and long-term reproductive success in 10,000 Swedish males and females born 1915–1929. (2010) Goodman, Anna; Koupil, Ilona
  • Low fertility increases descendant socioeconomic position but reduces long-term fitness in a modern post-industrial society. (2012) Goodman, Anna; Koupil, Ilona; Lawson, David W
  • When to use broader internalising and externalising subscales instead of the hypothesised five subscales on the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ): data from British parents, teachers and children. (2010) Goodman, Anna; Lamping, Donna L; Ploubidis, George B
  • Activity compensation and activity synergy in British 8-13 year olds. (2011) Goodman, Anna; Mackett, Roger L; Paskins, James
  • Testing the activitystat hypothesis: Authors' response. (2011) Goodman, Anna; Mackett, Roger L; Paskins, James
  • Maternal pelvic size not predictive of daughter's breast cancer or ovarian cancer in a large Swedish cohort. (2009) Goodman, Anna; Mishra, Gita D; Silva, Isabel dos Santos; Koupil, Ilona
  • Daylight saving time as a potential public health intervention: an observational study of evening daylight and objectively-measured physical activity among 23,000 children from 9 countries. (2014) Goodman, Anna; Page, Angie S; Cooper, Ashley R; International Children’s Accelerometry Database (ICAD) Collabora
  • Effectiveness and equity impacts of town-wide cycling initiatives in England: a longitudinal, controlled natural experimental study. (2013) Goodman, Anna; Panter, Jenna; Sharp, Stephen J; Ogilvie, David
  • Day length and weather effects on children's physical activity and participation in play, sports, and active travel. (2012) Goodman, Anna; Paskins, James; Mackett, Roger
  • Child mental health differences amongst ethnic groups in Britain: a systematic review. (2008) Goodman, Anna; Patel, Vikram; Leon, David A
  • Why do British Indian children have an apparent mental health advantage? (2010) Goodman, Anna; Patel, Vikram; Leon, David A
  • Scenarios of cycling to school in England, and associated health and carbon impacts: Application of the ‘Propensity to Cycle Tool’. (2019) Goodman, Anna; Rojas, Ilan Fridman; Woodcock, James; Aldred, Rachel; Berkoff, Nikolai; Morgan, Malcolm; Abbas, Ali; Lovelace, Robin
  • New walking and cycling routes and increased physical activity: one- and 2-year findings from the UK iConnect Study. (2014) Goodman, Anna; Sahlqvist, Shannon; Ogilvie, David; iConnect Consortium
  • Who uses new walking and cycling infrastructure and how? Longitudinal results from the UK iConnect study. (2013) Goodman, Anna; Sahlqvist, Shannon; Ogilvie, David; iConnect consortium
  • Characterising socio-economic inequalities in exposure to air pollution: a comparison of socio-economic markers and scales of measurement. (2011) Goodman, Anna; Wilkinson, Paul; Stafford, Mai; Tonne, Cathryn
  • Impact of offering cycle training in schools upon cycling behaviour: a natural experimental study. (2016) Goodman, Anna; van Sluijs, Esther MF; Ogilvie, David
  • Cycle training for children: Which schools offer it and who takes part? (2015) Goodman, Anna; van Sluijs, Esther MF; Ogilvie, David
  • Integrating quasi-experimental and inductive designs in evaluation: A case study of the impact of free bus travel on public health. (2015) Green, Judith; Roberts, Helen; Petticrew, Mark; Steinbach, Rebecca; Goodman, Anna; Jones, Alasdair; Edwards, Phil
  • On the buses: a mixed-method evaluation of the impact of free bus travel for young people on the public health. (2014) Green, Judith; Steinbach, Rebecca; Jones, Alasdair; Edwards, Phil; Kelly, Charlotte; Nellthorp, John; Goodman, Anna; Roberts, Helen; Petticrew, Mark; Wilkinson, Paul
  • Contrasts in active transport behaviour across four countries: how do they translate into public health benefits? (2015) Götschi, Thomas; Tainio, Marko; Maizlish, Neil; Schwanen, Tim; Goodman, Anna; Woodcock, James
  • Weather and children's physical activity; how and why do relationships vary between countries? (2017) Harrison, Flo; Goodman, Anna; van Sluijs, Esther MF; Andersen, Lars Bo; Cardon, Greet; Davey, Rachel; Janz, Kathleen F; Kriemler, Susi; Molloy, Lynn; Page, Angie S; Pate, Russ; Puder, Jardena J; Sardinha, Luis B; Timperio, Anna; Wedderkopp, Niels; Jones, Andy P; on behalf the ICAD collaborators
  • The Nordic advantage in child mental health: separating health differences from reporting style in a cross-cultural comparison of psychopathology. (2008) Heiervang, Einar; Goodman, Anna; Goodman, Robert
  • Early life characteristics, social mobility during childhood and risk of stroke in later life: findings from a Swedish cohort. (2017) Heshmati, Amy; Chaparro, M Pia; Goodman, Anna; Koupil, Ilona
  • Socio-economic position at four time points across the life course and all-cause mortality: updated results from the Uppsala Birth Cohort Multigenerational Study. (2019) Heshmati, Amy; Mishra, Gita D; Goodman, Anna; Koupil, Ilona
  • Social inequality in pre-pregnancy BMI and gestational weight gain in the first and second pregnancy among women in Sweden. (2015) Holowko, Natalie; Chaparro, M Pia; Nilsson, Karina; Ivarsson, Anneli; Mishra, Gita; Koupil, Ilona; Goodman, Anna
  • Latent class trajectories of socioeconomic position over four time points and mortality: the Uppsala Birth Cohort Study. (2022) Hossin, Muhammad Zakir; Heshmati, Amy; Koupil, Ilona; Goodman, Anna; Mishra, Gita D
  • Associations between active commuting and physical and mental wellbeing. (2013) Humphreys, David K; Goodman, Anna; Ogilvie, David
  • Changing the environment to improve population health: a framework for considering exposure in natural experimental studies. (2016) Humphreys, David K; Panter, Jenna; Sahlqvist, Shannon; Goodman, Anna; Ogilvie, David
  • Entitlement to concessionary public transport and wellbeing: a qualitative study of young people and older citizens in London, UK. (2012) Jones, Alasdair; Goodman, Anna; Roberts, Helen; Steinbach, Rebecca; Green, Judith
  • Rethinking passive transport: bus fare exemptions and young people's wellbeing. (2012) Jones, Alasdair; Steinbach, Rebecca; Roberts, Helen; Goodman, Anna; Green, Judith
  • School performance and hospital admission due to unipolar depression: a three-generational study of social causation and social selection. (2012) Jonsson, Ulf; Goodman, Anna; von Knorring, Anne-Liis; von Knorring, Lars; Koupil, Ilona
  • Birth characteristics and all-cause mortality: a sibling analysis using the Uppsala birth cohort multigenerational study. (2016) Juárez, S; Goodman, A; De Stavola, B; Koupil, I
  • From cradle to grave: tracking socioeconomic inequalities in mortality in a cohort of 11 868 men and women born in Uppsala, Sweden, 1915-1929. (2016) Juárez, Sol P; Goodman, Anna; Koupil, Ilona
  • Cycling injury risk in Britain: A case-crossover study of infrastructural and route environment correlates. (2021) Kapousizis, Georgios; Goodman, Anna; Aldred, Rachel
  • Low traffic neighbourhoods and population health. (2021) Laverty, Anthony A; Goodman, Anna; Aldred, Rachel
  • Associations of active travel with adiposity among children and socioeconomic differentials: a longitudinal study. (2021) Laverty, Anthony A; Hone, Thomas; Goodman, Anna; Kelly, Yvonne; Millett, Christopher
  • Sibling configuration predicts individual and descendant socioeconomic success in a modern post-industrial society. (2013) Lawson, David W; Makoli, Arijeta; Goodman, Anna
  • The Propensity to Cycle Tool: An open source online system for sustainable transport planning. (2016) Lovelace, Robin; Goodman, Anna; Aldred, Rachel; Berkoff, Nikolai; Abbas, Ali; Woodcock, James
  • Trends in local newspaper reporting of London cyclist fatalities 1992-2012: the role of the media in shaping the systems dynamics of cycling. (2015) Macmillan, Alex; Roberts, Alex; Woodcock, James; Aldred, Rachel; Goodman, Anna
  • Migration and autism spectrum disorder: population-based study. (2012) Magnusson, Cecilia; Rai, Dheeraj; Goodman, Anna; Lundberg, Michael; Idring, Selma; Svensson, Anna; Koupil, Ilona; Serlachius, Eva; Dalman, Christina
  • Cycle training and factors associated with cycling among adolescents in England. (2020) McKay, Ailsa; Goodman, Anna; van Sluijs, Esther; Millett, Christopher; Laverty, Anthony A
  • Socio-economic position over the life course and all-cause, and circulatory diseases mortality at age 50-87 years: results from a Swedish birth cohort. (2013) Mishra, Gita Devi; Chiesa, Flaminia; Goodman, Anna; De Stavola, Bianca; Koupil, Ilona
  • The current and potential health benefits of the National Health Service Health Check cardiovascular disease prevention programme in England: A microsimulation study. (2018) Mytton, Oliver T; Jackson, Christopher; Steinacher, Arno; Goodman, Anna; Langenberg, Claudia; Griffin, Simon; Wareham, Nick; Woodcock, James
  • Inequalities in usage of a public bicycle sharing scheme: socio-demographic predictors of uptake and usage of the London (UK) cycle hire scheme. (2012) Ogilvie, F; Goodman, A
  • Mental health and childhood adversities: a longitudinal study in Kabul, Afghanistan. (2011) Panter-Brick, Catherine; Goodman, Anna; Tol, Wietse; Eggerman, Mark
  • Researching protective and promotive factors in mental health. (2007) Patel, Vikram; Goodman, Anna
  • The link between socioeconomic position, access to cycling infrastructure and cycling participation rates: An ecological study in Melbourne, Australia. (2014) Pistoll, Chance; Goodman, Anna
  • Change in active travel and changes in recreational and total physical activity in adults: longitudinal findings from the iConnect study. (2013) Sahlqvist, Shannon; Goodman, Anna; Cooper, Ashley R; Ogilvie, David; iConnect consortium
  • Mechanisms underpinning use of new walking and cycling infrastructure in different contexts: mixed-method analysis. (2015) Sahlqvist, Shannon; Goodman, Anna; Jones, Tim; Powell, Jane; Song, Yena; Ogilvie, David; iConnect consortium
  • The association of cycling with all-cause, cardiovascular and cancer mortality: findings from the population-based EPIC-Norfolk cohort. (2013) Sahlqvist, Shannon; Goodman, Anna; Simmons, Rebecca K; Khaw, Kay-Tee; Cavill, Nick; Foster, Charlie; Luben, Robert; Wareham, Nicholas J; Ogilvie, David
  • Social class, social mobility and alcohol-related disorders in Swedish men and women: A study of four generations. (2018) Sidorchuk, Anna; Goodman, Anna; Koupil, Ilona
  • Health impact modelling of different travel patterns on physical activity, air pollution and road injuries for São Paulo, Brazil. (2017) Sá, Thiago Hérick de; Tainio, Marko; Goodman, Anna; Edwards, Phil; Haines, Andy; Gouveia, Nelson; Monteiro, Carlos; Woodcock, James
  • Development of the Impacts of Cycling Tool (ICT): A modelling study and web tool for evaluating health and environmental impacts of cycling uptake. (2018) Woodcock, James; Abbas, Ali; Ullrich, Alvaro; Tainio, Marko; Lovelace, Robin; Sá, Thiago H; Westgate, Kate; Goodman, Anna
  • Health, environmental and distributional impacts of cycling uptake: The model underlying the Propensity to Cycle tool for England and Wales. (2021) Woodcock, James; Aldred, Rachel; Lovelace, Robin; Strain, Tessa; Goodman, Anna
  • Health effects of the London bicycle sharing system: health impact modelling study. (2014) Woodcock, James; Tainio, Marko; Cheshire, James; O'Brien, Oliver; Goodman, Anna