Items where Author is "Langan, SM"
Number of items: 216.
Bibliographic data only
  • Conclusions about atopic dermatitis persistence might be premature. (2016) Abuabara, Katrina; Langan, Sinéad M; Yu, Ashley M
  • The Long-Term Course of Atopic Dermatitis. (2017) Abuabara, Katrina; Margolis, David J; Langan, Sinéad M
  • The many faces of secondary syphilis: a re-emergence of an old disease. (2006) Angus, J; Langan, SM; Stanway, A; Leach, IH; Littlewood, SM; English, JS
  • Report from the first European Dermato-Epidemiology Network forum. (2017) Ascott, A; Langan, SM; García-Doval, I; Descalzo, MA; Schmidt, SAJ; Nijsten, T; Hollestein, LM
  • Treatment of granulomatous cheilitis with infliximab. (2005) Barry, Olivia; Barry, Jane; Langan, Sinead; Murphy, Michelle; Fitzgibbon, James; Lyons, James F
  • Introducing ‘Critically Appraised Topics’. (2012) Batchelor, JM; Langan, SM
  • Call to RECORD: the need for complete reporting of research using routinely collected health data. (2013) Benchimol, Eric I; Langan, Sinead; Guttmann, Astrid; RECORD Steering Committee
  • Updates from the British Association of Dermatologists 87 th annual meeting, 10-13 July 2007, Birmingham, U.K. (2008) Birnie, A; Langan, S; English, JSC
  • Updates from the British Association of Dermatologists 86th annual meeting, 4-7 July 2006, Manchester, U.K. (2007) Birnie, A; Langan, S; English, JSC; Eedy, DJ
  • Task Shifting in Dermatology: A Call to Action. (2017) Brown, Danielle N; Langan, Sinéad M; Freeman, Esther E
  • Task Shifting in Dermatology-A Call to Action-Reply. (2018) Brown, Danielle; Langan, Sinéad M; Freeman, Esther E
  • Routinely collected electronic health data and STI research: RECORD extension to the STROBE guidelines. (2015) Chen, MY; Langan, S; Benchimol, EI
  • Quantification of risk factors for postherpetic neuralgia in a cohort of herpes zoster patients. (2015) Forbes, H; Bhaskaran, K; Thomas, S; Smeeth, L; Clayton, T; Mansfield, K; Minassian, C; Langan, S
  • The Epidemiology and Prevention of Herpes Zoster. (2012) Forbes, Harriet J; Thomas, Sara L; Langan, Sinéad M
  • Prescription of antiviral therapy after herpes zoster in general practice: who receives therapy? (2012) Forbes, Harriet J; Thomas, Sara L; Smeeth, Liam; Langan, Sinéad M
  • Updated systematic review of randomized controlled trials of treatments for inherited forms of epidermolysis bullosa. (2012) Garcia-Doval, I; Davila-Seijo, P; Langan, SM
  • Identification of translational dermatology research priorities in the U.K.: results of an electronic Delphi exercise. (2015) Healy, E; Brown, SJ; Langan, SM; Nicholls, SG; Shams, K; Reynolds, NJ
  • Comorbidities and inpatient mortality for pemphigus in the U.S.A. (2016) Hsu, DY; Brieva, J; Sinha, AA; Langan, SM; Silverberg, JI
  • Skin-coloured lumps in childhood. (2006) Langan, S; Fitzgibbon, J; Lyons, JF; Bourke, JF
  • Risk of stroke following herpes zoster: a self-controlled case-series study. (2014) Langan, S; Minassian, C; Smeeth, L; Thomas, S
  • Flares in childhood eczema. (2009) Langan, SM
  • Infections in children with eczema in UK general practice- a cohort study. (2016) Langan, SM; Abuabara, K; Henrickson, SE; Hoffstad, O; Margolis, DJ
  • Acne, isotretinoin and suicide attempts: a critical appraisal. (2011) Langan, SM; Batchelor, JM
  • Introducing ‘Putting Papers into Practice’. (2011) Langan, SM; Batchelor, JM
  • An exploratory prospective observational study of environmental factors exacerbating atopic eczema in children. (2006) Langan, SM; Bourke, JF; Silcocks, P; Williams, HC
  • Update on the activities of the European Dermato-Epidemiology Network (EDEN). (2006) Langan, SM; Bouwes Bavinck, JN; Coenraads, PJ; Diepgen, T; Elsner, P; Grob, JJ; Linder, D; Naldi, L; Svensson, A; Williams, HC; European Dermato-Epidemiology Network
  • Renal failure with herpes simplex. (2006) Langan, SM; Clair, J; Lyons, JF
  • Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled prospective study of the efficacy of topical anaesthesia with a eutetic mixture of lignocaine 2.5% and prilocaine 2.5% for topical 5-aminolaevulinic acid-photodynamic therapy for extensive scalp actinic keratoses. (2006) Langan, SM; Collins, P
  • A moving scalp nodule in a returning traveller! (2004) Langan, SM; Dervan, P; O'Loughlin, S
  • Occupational contact dermatitis from propolis in a dental technician. (2007) Langan, SM; English, JS
  • Does breastfeeding protect against the development of eczema? (2011) Langan, SM; Fewtrell, M
  • Incidence, mortality and disease associations of pyoderma gangrenosum in the UK: a retrospective cohort study. (2012) Langan, SM; Gulliford, M; Card, T; Groves, RW
  • A population-based study of acute medical conditions associated with bullous pemphigoid. (2009) Langan, SM; Hubbard, R; Fleming, K; West, J
  • Dermatomyositis associated with angiotropic lymphoma. (2003) Langan, SM; O'Briain, S; Barnes, L
  • STROBE and reporting observational studies in dermatology. (2011) Langan, SM; Schmitt, J; Coenraads, PJ; Svensson, A; von Elm, E; Williams, HC; European Dermato-Epidemiology Network (EDEN)
  • How are eczema 'flares' defined? A systematic review and recommendation for future studies. (2013) Langan, SM; Schmitt, J; Williams, HC; Smith, S; Thomas, KS
  • What causes flares of eczema in children? (2009) Langan, SM; Silcocks, P; Williams, HC
  • Incidence and mortality of bullous pemphigoid and peraphigus vulgaris in the UK. (2008) Langan, SM; Smeeth, L; Hubbard, R; Fleming, K; Smith, C; West, J
  • Herpes zoster vaccine effectiveness against incident herpes zoster and post-herpetic neuralgia in an older population in USA. (2013) Langan, SM; Smeeth, L; Margolis, DJ; Thomas, SL
  • Herpes zoster vaccine effectiveness against incident herpes zoster and post-herpetic neuralgia in an older US population. (2013) Langan, SM; Smeeth, L; Margolis, DJ; Thomas, SL
  • Reply to: Validation of database search strategies for the epidemiological study of pemphigus and pemphigoid. (2016) Langan, SM; Smeeth, L; West, J
  • What causes worsening of eczema? A systematic review. (2006) Langan, SM; Williams, HC
  • A systematic review of randomized controlled trials of treatments for inherited forms of epidermolysis bullosa. (2009) Langan, SM; Williams, HC
  • The use of electronic diaries in dermatology research. (2009) Langan, SM; Williams, HC
  • Photocontact allergy to oxybenzone and contact allergy to lignocaine and prilocaine. (2006) Langan, Sinead M; Collins, Paul
  • Cost analysis of narrowband UVB phototherapy in psoriasis. (2004) Langan, Sinead M; Heerey, Adrienne; Barry, Michael; Barnes, Louise
  • Nodule on the penis--quiz case. (2006) Langan, Sinead M; O'Brien, Ann; O'Riain, Ciaran; Collins, Paul
  • Vegetative pyoderma gangrenosum: a report of two new cases and a review of the literature. (2005) Langan, Sinead M; Powell, Frank C
  • The role of furry pets in eczema: a systematic review. (2007) Langan, Sinéad M; Flohr, Carsten; Williams, Hywel C
  • Incidence, mortality, and disease associations of pyoderma gangrenosum in the United Kingdom: a retrospective cohort study. (2012) Langan, Sinéad M; Groves, Richard W; Card, Tim R; Gulliford, Martin C
  • The relationship between neurological disease and bullous pemphigoid: a population-based case-control study. (2011) Langan, Sinéad M; Groves, Richard W; West, Joe
  • What is meant by a "flare" in atopic dermatitis? A systematic review and proposal. (2006) Langan, Sinéad M; Thomas, Kim S; Williams, Hywel C
  • The reporting of observational research studies in dermatology journals: a literature-based study. (2010) Langan, Sinéad; Schmitt, Jochen; Coenraads, Pieter-Jan; Svensson, Ake; von Elm, Erik; Williams, Hywel; European Dermato-Epidemiology Network (EDEN)
  • SHO training in Northern Ireland. (2002) Leggett, Julian; Langan, Sinead
  • Safety of medicines delivered by homecare companies. (2018) Matthews, Anthony; Donaldson, Liam J; Evans, Stephen J; Langan, Sinéad M
  • Herpes zoster, acute cardiovascular events and the role of zoster vaccination. (2015) Minassian, C; Thomas, S; Smeeth, L; Douglas, I; Brauer, R; Langan, S
  • Routinely collected data: the importance of high-quality diagnostic coding to research. (2017) Nicholls, Stuart G; Langan, Sinéad M; Benchimol, Eric I
  • Evaluation of reporting quality for observational studies using routinely collected health data in pharmacovigilance. (2018) Nie, Xiaolu; Zhang, Ying; Wu, Zehao; Jia, Lulu; Wang, Xiaoling; Langan, Sinéad M; Benchimol, Eric I; Peng, Xiaoxia
  • Prevalence and treatment patterns of psoriatic arthritis in the UK. (2012) Ogdie, Alexis; Langan, Sinéad; Love, Thorvardur; Haynes, Kevin; Shin, Daniel; Seminara, Nicole; Mehta, Nehal N; Troxel, Andrea; Choi, Hyon; Gelfand, Joel M
  • A randomized trial of methotrexate vs. azathioprine for severe atopic eczema: a critical appraisal. (2012) Patel, AN; Langan, SM; Batchelor, JM
  • Hospitalization, inpatient burden and comorbidities associated with bullous pemphigoid in the U.S.A. (2016) Ren, Z; Hsu, DY; Brieva, J; Silverberg, NB; Langan, SM; Silverberg, JI
  • What are the best outcome measurements for atopic eczema? A systematic review. (2007) Schmitt, Jochen; Langan, Sinead; Williams, Hywel C; European Dermato-Epidemiology Network
  • Assessment of clinical signs of atopic dermatitis: a systematic review and recommendation. (2013) Schmitt, Jochen; Langan, Sinéad; Deckert, Stefanie; Svensson, Ake; von Kobyletzki, Laura; Thomas, Kim; Spuls, Phyllis; Harmonising Outcome Measures for Atopic Dermatitis (HOME) Initia
  • Core outcome domains for controlled trials and clinical recordkeeping in eczema: international multiperspective Delphi consensus process. (2011) Schmitt, Jochen; Langan, Sinéad; Stamm, Tanja; Williams, Hywel C; Harmonizing Outcome Measurements in Eczema (HOME) Delphi panel
  • Validity of The Health Improvement Network (THIN) for the study of psoriasis. (2011) Seminara, NM; Abuabara, K; Shin, DB; Langan, SM; Kimmel, SE; Margolis, D; Troxel, AB; Gelfand, JM
  • Oral propranolol in the treatment of proliferating infantile haemangiomas: British Society for Paediatric Dermatology consensus guidelines. (2018) Solman, L; Glover, M; Beattie, PE; Buckley, H; Clark, S; Gach, JE; Giardini, A; Helbling, I; Hewitt, RJ; Laguda, B; Langan, SM; Martinez, AE; Murphy, R; Proudfoot, L; Ravenscroft, J; Shahidullah, H; Shaw, L; Syed, SB; Wells, L; Flohr, C
  • Generalized pustular psoriasis (von Zumbusch) following the use of calcipotriol and betamethasone dipropionate ointment: a report of two cases. (2009) Tobin, AM; Langan, SM; Collins, P; Kirby, B
  • Efficacy of pulsed-dye laser for viral warts--an internal audit. (2003) Wu, C; Langan, S; Kilmurray, M; Lawlor, D; Watson, R
  • Eczema and educational attainment: a systematic review. (2016) von Kobyletzki, LB; Beckman, L; Smirnova, J; Smeeth, L; Williams, HC; McKee, M; Abuabara, K; Langan, SM
  • Public
  • Development and validation of an algorithm to accurately identify atopic eczema patients in primary care electronic health records from the UK. (2017) Abuabara, K; Magyari, AM; Hoffstad, O; Jabbar-Lopez, ZK; Smeeth, L; Williams, HC; Gelfand, JM; Margolis, DJ; Langan, SM
  • Priority research questions in atopic dermatitis: an International Eczema Council eDelphi consensus. (2021) Abuabara, K; Nicholls, SG; Langan, SM; Guttman-Yassky, E; Reynolds, NJ; Paller, AS; Brown, SJ; International Eczema Council Priority Research Group
  • The prevalence of atopic dermatitis beyond childhood: A systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. (2017) Abuabara, K; Yu, AM; Okhovat, J-P; Allen, IE; Langan, SM
  • Patterns of Atopic Eczema Disease Activity From Birth Through Midlife in 2 British Birth Cohorts. (2021) Abuabara, Katrina; Ye, Morgan; Margolis, David J; McCulloch, Charles E; Mulick, Amy R; Silverwood, Richard J; Sullivan, Alice; Williams, Hywel C; Langan, Sinéad M
  • Clinical onset of atopic eczema: Results from 2 nationally representative British birth cohorts followed through midlife. (2019) Abuabara, Katrina; Ye, Morgan; McCulloch, Charles E; Sullivan, Alice; Margolis, David J; Strachan, David P; Paternoster, Lavinia; Yew, Yik Weng; Williams, Hywel C; Langan, Sinéad M
  • Risk factors for mental illness in adults with atopic eczema or psoriasis: protocol for a systematic review. (2020) Adesanya, Elizabeth I; Schonmann, Yochai; Hayes, Joseph F; Mathur, Rohini; Mulick, Amy R; Rayner, Lauren; Smeeth, Liam; Smith, Catherine H; Langan, Sinéad M; Mansfield, Kathryn E
  • Alcohol use recording in adults with depression in English primary care: a cross-sectional study. (2022) Adesanya, Elizabeth; Cook, Sarah; Crellin, Elizabeth; Langan, Sinead; Mansfield, Kathryn; Smeeth, Liam; Herrett, Emily
  • Parents' and teachers' attitudes to and experiences of the implementation of COVID-19 preventive measures in primary and secondary schools following reopening of schools in autumn 2020: a descriptive cross-sectional survey. (2022) Amin-Chowdhury, Zahin; Bertran, Marta; Kall, Meaghan; Ireland, Georgina; Aiano, Felicity; Powell, Annabel; Jones, Samuel E; Brent, Andrew J; Brent, Bernadette E; Baawuah, Frances; Okike, Ifeanychukwu; Beckmann, Joanne; Garstang, Joanna; Ahmad, Shazaad; Sundaram, Neisha; Bonell, Chris; Langan, Sinéad M; Hargreaves, James; Ladhani, Shamez N
  • Atopic eczema and obesity: a population-based study. (2020) Ascott, Anna; Mansfield, Kathryn; Schonmann, Yochai; Mulick, Amy; Abuabara, Katrina; Roberts, Amanda; Smeeth, Liam; Langan, Sinéad
  • Atopic eczema and major cardiovascular outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis of population-based studies. (2018) Ascott, Anna; Mulick, Amy; Yu, Ashley M; Prieto-Merino, David; Schmidt, Morten; Abuabara, Katrina; Smeeth, Liam; Roberts, Amanda; Langan, Sinéad M
  • Association between eczema and major cardiovascular outcomes in population-based studies: a systematic review protocol. (2017) Ascott, Anna; Yu, Ashley M; Schmidt, Morten; Abuabara, Katrina; Smeeth, Liam; Langan, Sinéad M
  • Safety of topical corticosteroids in atopic eczema: an umbrella review. (2021) Axon, Emma; Chalmers, Joanne R; Santer, Miriam; Ridd, Matthew J; Lawton, Sandra; Langan, Sinead M; Grindlay, Douglas JC; Muller, Ingrid; Roberts, Amanda; Ahmed, Amina; Williams, Hywel C; Thomas, Kim S
  • Mixed evidence on the relationship between socioeconomic position and atopic dermatitis: A systematic review. (2021) Bajwa, Harsimran; Baghchechi, Mohsen; Mujahid, Mahasin; Kang Dufour, Mi-Suk; Langan, Sinéad M; Abuabara, Katrina
  • Incidence and sociodemographic characteristics of eczema diagnosis in children: A cohort study. (2018) Ban, Lu; Langan, Sinéad M; Abuabara, Katrina; Thomas, Kim S; Abdul Sultan, Alyshah; Sach, Tracey; McManus, Emma; Santer, Miriam; Ratib, Sonia
  • Vaccine hesitancy and access to psoriasis care during the COVID-19 pandemic: findings from a global patient-reported cross-sectional survey. (2022) Bechman, Katie; Cook, Emma S; Dand, Nick; Yiu, Zenas ZN; Tsakok, Teresa; Meynell, Freya; Coker, Bolaji; Vincent, Alexandra; Bachelez, Herve; Barbosa, Ines; Brown, Matthew A; Capon, Francesca; Contreras, Claudia R; De La Cruz, Claudia; Meglio, Paola Di; Gisondi, Paolo; Jullien, Denis; Kelly, Jade; Lambert, Jo; Lancelot, Camille; Langan, Sinead M; Mason, Kayleigh J; McAteer, Helen; Moorhead, Lucy; Naldi, Luigi; Norton, Sam; Puig, Lluís; Spuls, Phyllis I; Torres, Tiago; Urmston, Dominic; Vesty, Amber; Warren, Richard B; Waweru, Hoseah; Weinman, John; Griffiths, Christopher EM; Barker, Jonathan N; Smith, Catherine H; Galloway, James B; Mahil, Satveer K; PsoProtect study group
  • Retraction of COVID-19 Pharmacoepidemiology Research Could Have Been Avoided by Effective Use of Reporting Guidelines. (2020) Benchimol, Eric I; Moher, David; Ehrenstein, Vera; Langan, Sinéad M
  • [The REporting of studies Conducted using Observational Routinely-collected health Data (RECORD) statement]. (2016) Benchimol, Eric I; Smeeth, Liam; Guttmann, Astrid; Harron, Katie; Hemkens, Lars G; Moher, David; Petersen, Irene; Sørensen, Henrik T; von Elm, Erik; Langan, Sinéad M; RECORD Working Committee
  • [Not Available]. (2019) Benchimol, Eric I; Smeeth, Liam; Guttmann, Astrid; Harron, Katie; Moher, David; Petersen, Irene; Sørensen, Henrik T; Januel, Jean-Marie; von Elm, Erik; Langan, Sinéad M; pour le comité de travail RECORD description
  • The REporting of studies Conducted using Observational Routinely-collected health Data (RECORD) statement. (2015) Benchimol, Eric I; Smeeth, Liam; Guttmann, Astrid; Harron, Katie; Moher, David; Petersen, Irene; Sørensen, Henrik T; von Elm, Erik; Langan, Sinéad M; RECORD Working Committee
  • Is there an association between long-term antibiotics for acne and subsequent infection sequelae and antimicrobial resistance? A systematic review. (2021) Bhate, Ketaki; Lin, Liang-Yu; Barbieri, John S; Leyrat, Clémence; Hopkins, Susan; Stabler, Richard; Shallcross, Laura; Smeeth, Liam; Francis, Nick; Mathur, Rohini; Langan, Sinéad M; Sinnott, Sarah-Jo
  • Is there an association between long-term antibiotics for acne and subsequent infection sequelae and antimicrobial resistance? A systematic review protocol. (2021) Bhate, Ketaki; Lin, Liang-Yu; Barbieri, John; Leyrat, Clémence; Hopkins, Susan; Stabler, Richard; Shallcross, Laura; Smeeth, Liam; Francis, Nick A; Mathur, Rohini; Langan, Sinéad M; Sinnott, Sarah-Jo
  • Adverse outcomes after partner bereavement in people with reduced kidney function: Parallel cohort studies in England and Denmark. (2021) Bidulka, Patrick; Vestergaard, Søren Viborg; Hlupeni, Admire; Kjærsgaard, Anders; Wong, Angel YS; Langan, Sinéad M; Schmidt, Sigrun Alba Johannesdottir; Lyon, Susan; Christiansen, Christian Fynbo; Nitsch, Dorothea
  • What is the evidence for interactions between filaggrin null mutations and environmental exposures in the aetiology of atopic dermatitis? A systematic review. (2019) Blakeway, H; Van-de-Velde, V; Allen, VB; Kravvas, G; Palla, L; Page, MJ; Flohr, C; Weller, RB; Irvine, AD; McPherson, T; Roberts, A; Williams, HC; Reynolds, N; Brown, SJ; Paternoster, L; Langan, SM; (on behalf of UK TREND Eczema Network)
  • Classifying atopic dermatitis: a systematic review of phenotypes and associated characteristics. (2022) Bosma, AL; Ascott, A; Iskandar, R; Farquhar, K; Matthewman, J; Langendam, MW; Mulick, A; Abuabara, K; Williams, HC; Spuls, PI; Langan, SM; Middelkamp-Hup, MA
  • Extra-Gastrointestinal Manifestations of Inflammatory Bowel Disease May Be Less Common Than Previously Reported. (2016) Card, TR; Langan, SM; Chu, TP ['material/summary:fileicon_application/msword' not defined]
  • Report from the fifth international consensus meeting to harmonize core outcome measures for atopic eczema/dermatitis clinical trials (HOME initiative). (2018) Chalmers, JR; Thomas, KS; Apfelbacher, C; Williams, HC; Prinsen, CA; Spuls, PI; Simpson, E; Gerbens, LAA; Boers, M; Barbarot, S; Stalder, JF; Abuabara, K; Aoki, V; Ardeleanu, M; Armstrong, J; Bang, B; Berents, TL; Burton, T; Butler, L; Chubachi, T; Cresswell-Melville, A; DeLozier, A; Eckert, L; Eichenfield, L; Flohr, C; Futamura, M; Gadkari, A; Gjerde, ES; van Halewijn, KF; Hawkes, C; Howells, L; Howie, L; Humphreys, R; Ishii, HA; Kataoka, Y; Katayama, I; Kouwenhoven, W; Langan, SM; Leshem, YA; Merhand, S; Mina-Osorio, P; Murota, H; Nakahara, T; Nunes, FP; Nygaard, U; Nygårdas, M; Ohya, Y; Ono, E; Rehbinder, E; Rogers, NK; Romeijn, GLE; Schuttelaar, MLA; Sears, AV; Simpson, MA; Singh, JA; Srour, J; Stuart, B; Svensson, Å; Talmo, G; Talmo, H; Teixeira, HD; Thyssen, JP; Todd, G; Torchet, F; Volke, A; von Kobyletzki, L; Weisshaar, E; Wollenberg, A; Zaniboni, M
  • Different strategies for using topical corticosteroids in people with eczema. (2019) Chalmers, Joanne R; Axon, Emma; Harvey, Jane; Santer, Miriam; Ridd, Matthew J; Lawton, Sandra; Langan, Sinéad; Roberts, Amanda; Ahmed, Amina; Muller, Ingrid; Long, Chiau Ming; Panda, Saumya; Chernyshov, Pavel; Carter, Ben; Williams, Hywel C; Thomas, Kim S
  • The epidemiology of atopic dermatitis in older adults: A population-based study in the United Kingdom. (2021) Chan, Leslie N; Magyari, Alexa; Ye, Morgan; Al-Alusi, Noor A; Langan, Sinead M; Margolis, David; McCulloch, Charles E; Abuabara, Katrina
  • Systematic review of atopic dermatitis disease definition in studies using routinely collected health data. (2018) Dizon, MP; Yu, AM; Singh, RK; Wan, J; Chren, M-M; Flohr, C; Silverberg, JI; Margolis, DJ; Langan, SM; Abuabara, K
  • Understanding risk factors for herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia in UK primary care: investigations to inform vaccine policy. (2016) Forbes, HJ
  • Incidence of acute complications of herpes zoster among immunocompetent adults in England: a matched cohort study using routine health data. (2021) Forbes, HJ; Bhaskaran, K; Grint, D; Hu, VH; Langan, SM; McDonald, HI; Morton, C; Smeeth, L; Walker, JL; Warren-Gash, C
  • The association between human herpesvirus infections and stroke: a systematic review protocol. (2017) Forbes, Harriet J; Benjamin, Laura; Breuer, Judy; Brown, Martin M; Langan, Sinéad M; Minassian, Caroline; Smeeth, Liam; Thomas, Sara L; Warren-Gash, Charlotte
  • Quantification of risk factors for herpes zoster: population based case-control study. (2014) Forbes, Harriet J; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Thomas, Sara L; Smeeth, Liam; Clayton, Tim; Langan, Sinéad M
  • Quantification of risk factors for postherpetic neuralgia in herpes zoster patients: A cohort study. (2016) Forbes, Harriet J; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Thomas, Sara L; Smeeth, Liam; Clayton, Tim; Mansfield, Kathryn; Minassian, Caroline; Langan, Sinéad M
  • A systematic review and meta-analysis of risk factors for postherpetic neuralgia. (2015) Forbes, Harriet J; Thomas, Sara L; Smeeth, Liam; Clayton, Tim; Farmer, Ruth; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Langan, Sinéad M
  • Association of herpesviruses and stroke: Systematic review and meta-analysis. (2018) Forbes, Harriet J; Williamson, Elizabeth; Benjamin, Laura; Breuer, Judith; Brown, Martin M; Langan, Sinéad M; Minassian, Caroline; Smeeth, Liam; Thomas, Sara L; Warren-Gash, Charlotte
  • Partner Bereavement and Detection of Dementia: A UK-Based Cohort Study Using Routine Health Data. (2019) Forbes, Harriet J; Wong, Angel YS; Morton, Caroline; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Smeeth, Liam; Richards, Marcus; Schmidt, Sigrun AJ; Langan, Sinéad M; Warren-Gash, Charlotte
  • Risk of herpes zoster after exposure to varicella to explore the exogenous boosting hypothesis: self controlled case series study using UK electronic healthcare data. (2020) Forbes, Harriet; Douglas, Ian; Finn, Adam; Breuer, Judith; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Smeeth, Liam; Packer, Simon; Langan, Sinéad M; Mansfield, Kathryn E; Marlow, Robin; Whitaker, Heather; Warren-Gash, Charlotte
  • 'It's like the bad guy in a movie who just doesn't die': a qualitative exploration of young people's adaptation to eczema and implications for self-care. (2019) Ghio, D; Muller, I; Greenwell, K; Roberts, A; McNiven, A; Langan, SM; Santer, M
  • The association of smoking and socioeconomic status on cutaneous melanoma: a population-based, data-linkage, case-control study. (2020) Gibson, JAG; Dobbs, TD; Griffiths, R; Song, J; Akbari, A; Whitaker, S; Watkins, A; Langan, SM; Hutchings, HA; Lyons, RA; Whitaker, IS description
  • Eczema Care Online: development and qualitative optimisation of an online behavioural intervention to support self-management in young people with eczema. (2022) Greenwell, Kate; Ghio, Daniela; Sivyer, Katy; Steele, Mary; Teasdale, Emma; Ridd, Matthew J; Roberts, Amanda; Chalmers, Joanne R; Lawton, Sandra; Langan, Sinead; Cowdell, Fiona; Le Roux, Emma; Wilczynska, Sylvia; Jones, Hannah; Whittaker, Emilia; Williams, HC; Thomas, Kim Suzanne; Yardley, Lucy; Santer, Miriam; Muller, Ingrid
  • Herpes zoster risk after 21 specific cancers: population-based case-control study. (2017) Hansson, Erik; Forbes, Harriet J; Langan, Sinéad M; Smeeth, Liam; Bhaskaran, Krishnan
  • Epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 infection among staff and students in a cohort of English primary and secondary schools during 2020-2021. (2022) Hargreaves, James R; Langan, Sinéad M; Oswald, William E; Halliday, Katherine E; Sturgess, Joanna; Phelan, Jody; Nguipdop-Djomo, Patrick; Ford, Benjamin; Allen, Elizabeth; Sundaram, Neisha; Ireland, Georgina; Poh, John; Ijaz, Samreen; Diamond, Ian; Rourke, Emma; Dawe, Fiona; Judd, Alison; Warren-Gash, Charlotte; Clark, Taane G; Glynn, Judith R; Edmunds, W John; Bonell, Chris; Mangtani, Punam; Ladhani, Shamez N; COVID-19 Schools Infection Survey Study Group
  • Using the RECORD guidelines to improve transparent reporting of studies based on routinely collected data. (2018) Harron, K; Benchimol, E; Langan, S
  • Engaging the Patient's Perspective in Clinical Trials Research. (2019) Hefele, Brooke; Langan, Sinéad M; Pollins, Karen; Gelfand, Joel M
  • The reporting of studies using routinely collected health data was often insufficient. (2016) Hemkens, Lars G; Benchimol, Eric I; Langan, Sinéad M; Briel, Matthias; Kasenda, Benjamin; Januel, Jean-Marie; Herrett, Emily; von Elm, Erik
  • Better research reporting to improve the utility of routine data for making better treatment decisions. (2016) Hemkens, Lars G; Langan, Sinéad M; Benchimol, Eric I description
  • The association between atopic eczema and lymphopenia: Results from a UK cohort study with replication in US survey data. (2023) Hollestein, Loes M; Ye, Morgan Ya Fang; Ang, Ky-Leigh; Forbes, Harriet; Mansfield, Kathryn E; Abuabara, Katrina; Smeeth, Liam; Langan, Sinéad M
  • Personalized prediction of daily eczema severity scores using a mechanistic machine learning model. (2020) Hurault, Guillem; Domínguez-Hüttinger, Elisa; Langan, Sinéad M; Williams, Hywel C; Tanaka, Reiko J
  • Methods and results used in the development of a consensus-driven extension to the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) statement for trials conducted using cohorts and routinely collected data (CONSORT-ROUTINE). (2021) Imran, Mahrukh; Kwakkenbos, Linda; McCall, Stephen J; McCord, Kimberly A; Fröbert, Ole; Hemkens, Lars G; Zwarenstein, Merrick; Relton, Clare; Rice, Danielle B; Langan, Sinéad M; Benchimol, Eric I; Thabane, Lehana; Campbell, Marion K; Sampson, Margaret; Erlinge, David; Verkooijen, Helena M; Moher, David; Boutron, Isabelle; Ravaud, Philippe; Nicholl, Jon; Uher, Rudolf; Sauvé, Maureen; Fletcher, John; Torgerson, David; Gale, Chris; Juszczak, Edmund; Thombs, Brett D
  • Reporting transparency and completeness in trials: Paper 3 - trials conducted using administrative databases do not adequately report elements related to use of databases. (2021) Imran, Mahrukh; Mc Cord, Kimberly; McCall, Stephen J; Kwakkenbos, Linda; Sampson, Margaret; Fröbert, Ole; Gale, Chris; Hemkens, Lars G; Langan, Sinéad M; Moher, David; Relton, Clare; Zwarenstein, Merrick; Juszczak, Edmund; Thombs, Brett D; CONSORT Extension for Trials Conducted Using Cohorts and Routine
  • Inequalities in zoster disease burden: a population-based cohort study to identify social determinants using linked data from the U.K. Clinical Practice Research Datalink. (2018) Jain, A; van Hoek, AJ; Walker, JL; Forbes, HJ; Langan, SM; Root, A; Smeeth, L; Thomas, SL
  • Zoster vaccination inequalities: A population based cohort study using linked data from the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink. (2018) Jain, Anu; Walker, Jemma L; Mathur, Rohini; Forbes, Harriet J; Langan, Sinéad M; Smeeth, Liam; van Hoek, Albert J; Thomas, Sara L
  • Global Skin Disease Morbidity and Mortality: An Update From the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. (2017) Karimkhani, Chante; Dellavalle, Robert P; Coffeng, Luc E; Flohr, Carsten; Hay, Roderick J; Langan, Sinéad M; Nsoesie, Elaine O; Ferrari, Alize J; Erskine, Holly E; Silverberg, Jonathan I; Vos, Theo; Naghavi, Mohsen
  • Association of Atopic Dermatitis and Mental Health Outcomes Across Childhood: A Longitudinal Cohort Study. (2021) Kern, Chloe; Wan, Joy; LeWinn, Kaja Z; Ramirez, Faustine D; Lee, Yong; McCulloch, Charles E; Langan, Sinéad M; Abuabara, Katrina
  • How "benign" is cutaneous mastocytosis? A Danish registry-based matched cohort study. (2020) Kibsgaard, Line; Deleuran, Mette; Flohr, Carsten; Langan, Sinéad; Braae Olesen, Anne; Vestergaard, Christian
  • CONSORT extension for the reporting of randomised controlled trials conducted using cohorts and routinely collected data (CONSORT-ROUTINE): checklist with explanation and elaboration. (2021) Kwakkenbos, Linda; Imran, Mahrukh; McCall, Stephen J; McCord, Kimberly A; Fröbert, Ole; Hemkens, Lars G; Zwarenstein, Merrick; Relton, Clare; Rice, Danielle B; Langan, Sinéad M; Benchimol, Eric I; Thabane, Lehana; Campbell, Marion K; Sampson, Margaret; Erlinge, David; Verkooijen, Helena M; Moher, David; Boutron, Isabelle; Ravaud, Philippe; Nicholl, Jon; Uher, Rudolf; Sauvé, Maureen; Fletcher, John; Torgerson, David; Gale, Chris; Juszczak, Edmund; Thombs, Brett D
  • Protocol for a scoping review to support development of a CONSORT extension for randomised controlled trials using cohorts and routinely collected health data. (2018) Kwakkenbos, Linda; Imran, Mahrukh; McCord, Kimberly A; Sampson, Margaret; Fröbert, Ole; Gale, Chris; Hemkens, Lars G; Langan, Sinead M; Moher, David; Relton, Clare; Zwarenstein, Merrick; Benchimol, Eric I; Boutron, Isabelle; Campbell, Marion K; Erlinge, David; Jawad, Sena; Ravaud, Philippe; Rice, Danielle B; Sauve, Maureen; van Staa, Tjeerd P; Thabane, Lehana; Uher, Rudolf; Verkooijen, Helena M; Juszczak, Edmund; Thombs, Brett D
  • Protocol for the development of a CONSORT extension for RCTs using cohorts and routinely collected health data. (2018) Kwakkenbos, Linda; Juszczak, Edmund; Hemkens, Lars G; Sampson, Margaret; Fröbert, Ole; Relton, Clare; Gale, Chris; Zwarenstein, Merrick; Langan, Sinéad M; Moher, David; Boutron, Isabelle; Ravaud, Philippe; Campbell, Marion K; Mc Cord, Kimberly A; van Staa, Tjeerd P; Thabane, Lehana; Uher, Rudolf; Verkooijen, Helena M; Benchimol, Eric I; Erlinge, David; Sauvé, Maureen; Torgerson, David; Thombs, Brett D
  • An updated report on the incidence and epidemiological trends of keratinocyte cancers in the United Kingdom 2013-2018. (2021) Kwiatkowska, M; Ahmed, S; Ardern-Jones, M; Bhatti, LA; Bleiker, TO; Gavin, A; Hussain, S; Huws, DW; Irvine, L; Langan, SM; Millington, GWM; Mitchell, H; Murphy, R; Paley, L; Proby, CM; Thomson, CS; Thomas, R; Turner, C; Vernon, S; Venables, ZC
  • A summary of the updated report on the incidence and epidemiological trends of keratinocyte cancers in the UK 2013-2018. (2021) Kwiatkowska, M; Ahmed, S; Ardern-Jones, MR; Bhatti, LA; Bleiker, TO; Gavin, A; Hussain, S; Huws, DW; Irvine, L; Langan, SM; Millington, GWM; Mitchell, H; Murphy, R; Paley, L; Proby, CM; Thomson, CS; Thomas, R; Turner, C; Vernon, S; Venables, ZC
  • The need to improve reporting of routinely collected dermatology data for patient benefit. (2016) Langan, SM; Benchimol, EI description
  • Bullous pemphigoid and pemphigus vulgaris--incidence and mortality in the UK: population based cohort study. (2008) Langan, SM; Smeeth, L; Hubbard, R; Fleming, KM; Smith, CJP; West, J
  • Increased Risk of Cutaneous and Systemic Infections in Atopic Dermatitis-A Cohort Study. (2017) Langan, Sinéad M; Abuabara, Katrina; Henrickson, Sarah E; Hoffstad, Ole; Margolis, David J
  • Setting the RECORD straight: developing a guideline for the REporting of studies Conducted using Observational Routinely collected Data. (2013) Langan, Sinéad M; Benchimol, Eric I; Guttmann, Astrid; Moher, David; Petersen, Irene; Smeeth, Liam; Sørensen, Henrik Toft; Stanley, Fiona; Von Elm, Erik
  • Childhood eczema and the importance of the physical environment. (2013) Langan, Sinéad M; Irvine, Alan D
  • Risk of stroke following herpes zoster: a self-controlled case-series study. (2014) Langan, Sinéad M; Minassian, Caroline; Smeeth, Liam; Thomas, Sara L
  • The reporting of studies conducted using observational routinely collected health data statement for pharmacoepidemiology (RECORD-PE). (2018) Langan, Sinéad M; Schmidt, Sigrún Aj; Wing, Kevin; Ehrenstein, Vera; Nicholls, Stuart G; Filion, Kristian B; Klungel, Olaf; Petersen, Irene; Sorensen, Henrik T; Dixon, William G; Guttmann, Astrid; Harron, Katie; Hemkens, Lars G; Moher, David; Schneeweiss, Sebastian; Smeeth, Liam; Sturkenboom, Miriam; von Elm, Erik; Wang, Shirley V; Benchimol, Eric I
  • Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in patients with psoriasis: a population-based study in the United Kingdom. (2012) Langan, Sinéad M; Seminara, Nicole M; Shin, Daniel B; Troxel, Andrea B; Kimmel, Stephen E; Mehta, Nehal N; Margolis, David J; Gelfand, Joel M
  • Herpes zoster vaccine effectiveness against incident herpes zoster and post-herpetic neuralgia in an older US population: a cohort study. (2013) Langan, Sinéad M; Smeeth, Liam; Margolis, David J; Thomas, Sara L
  • Measuring long-term disease control in patients with atopic dermatitis: A validation study of well-controlled weeks. (2017) Langan, Sinéad M; Stuart, Beth; Bradshaw, Lucy; Schmitt, Jochen; Williams, Hywel C; Thomas, Kim S
  • Zoster vaccination is associated with a reduction of zoster in elderly patients with chronic kidney disease. (2016) Langan, Sinéad M; Thomas, Sara L; Smeeth, Liam; Margolis, David J; Nitsch, Dorothea description
  • The global burden of atopic dermatitis: lessons from the Global Burden of Disease Study 1990-2017. (2020) Laughter, MR; Maymone, MBC; Mashayekhi, S; Arents, BWM; Karimkhani, C; Langan, SM; Dellavalle, RP; Flohr, C
  • Strategies for using topical corticosteroids in children and adults with eczema. (2022) Lax, Stephanie J; Harvey, Jane; Axon, Emma; Howells, Laura; Santer, Miriam; Ridd, Matthew J; Lawton, Sandra; Langan, Sinéad; Roberts, Amanda; Ahmed, Amina; Muller, Ingrid; Ming, Long Chiau; Panda, Saumya; Chernyshov, Pavel; Carter, Ben; Williams, Hywel C; Thomas, Kim S; Chalmers, Joanne R
  • The association between vitamin D deficiency and the risk of herpes zoster and COVID-19. (2022) Lin, L-Y
  • Vitamin D deficiency or supplementation and the risk of human herpesvirus infections or reactivation: a systematic review protocol. (2019) Lin, Liang-Yu; Bhate, Ketaki; Forbes, Harriet; Smeeth, Liam; Warren-Gash, Charlotte; Langan, Sinéad
  • Vitamin D Deficiency or Supplementation and the Risk of Human Herpesvirus Infections or Reactivation: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. (2021) Lin, Liang-Yu; Bhate, Ketaki; Forbes, Harriet; Smeeth, Liam; Warren-Gash, Charlotte; Langan, Sinéad M
  • Association between vitamin D and incident herpes zoster: a UK Biobank study. (2022) Lin, Liang-Yu; Mathur, Rohini; Mulick, Amy; Smeeth, Liam; Langan, Sinéad M; Warren-Gash, Charlotte
  • The association between vitamin D status and COVID-19 in England: A cohort study using UK Biobank. (2022) Lin, Liang-Yu; Mulick, Amy; Mathur, Rohini; Smeeth, Liam; Warren-Gash, Charlotte; Langan, Sinéad M
  • Distribution of vitamin D status in the UK: a cross-sectional analysis of UK Biobank. (2021) Lin, Liang-Yu; Smeeth, Liam; Langan, Sinead; Warren-Gash, Charlotte
  • Atopic eczema and fracture risk in adults: A population-based cohort study. (2019) Lowe, Katherine E; Mansfield, Kathryn E; Delmestri, Antonella; Smeeth, Liam; Roberts, Amanda; Abuabara, Katrina; Prieto-Alhambra, Daniel; Langan, Sinéad M
  • Risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes associated with immune-mediated inflammatory diseases and immune-modifying therapies: a nationwide cohort study in the OpenSAFELY platform. (2022) MacKenna, Brian; Kennedy, Nicholas A; Mehrkar, Amir; Rowan, Anna; Galloway, James; Matthewman, Julian; Mansfield, Kathryn E; Bechman, Katie; Yates, Mark; Brown, Jeremy; Schultze, Anna; Norton, Sam; Walker, Alex J; Morton, Caroline E; Harrison, David; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Rentsch, Christopher T; Williamson, Elizabeth; Croker, Richard; Bacon, Seb; Hickman, George; Ward, Tom; Davy, Simon; Green, Amelia; Fisher, Louis; Hulme, William; Bates, Chris; Curtis, Helen J; Tazare, John; Eggo, Rosalind M; Evans, David; Inglesby, Peter; Cockburn, Jonathan; McDonald, Helen I; Tomlinson, Laurie A; Mathur, Rohini; Wong, Angel YS; Forbes, Harriet; Parry, John; Hester, Frank; Harper, Sam; Douglas, Ian J; Smeeth, Liam; Lees, Charlie W; Evans, Stephen JW; Goldacre, Ben; Smith, Catherine H; Langan, Sinéad M
  • Describing the burden of the COVID-19 pandemic in people with psoriasis: findings from a global cross-sectional study. (2021) Mahil, SK; Yates, M; Yiu, ZZN; Langan, SM; Tsakok, T; Dand, N; Mason, KJ; McAteer, H; Meynell, F; Coker, B; Vincent, A; Urmston, D; Vesty, A; Kelly, J; Lancelot, C; Moorhead, L; Bachelez, H; Capon, F; Contreras, CR; De La Cruz, C; Di Meglio, P; Gisondi, P; Jullien, D; Lambert, J; Naldi, L; Norton, S; Puig, L; Spuls, P; Torres, T; Warren, RB; Waweru, H; Weinman, J; Brown, MA; Galloway, JB; Griffiths, CM; Barker, JN; Smith, CH; PsoProtect study group
  • Global reporting of cases of COVID-19 in psoriasis and atopic dermatitis: an opportunity to inform care during a pandemic. (2020) Mahil, SK; Yiu, ZZN; Mason, KJ; Dand, N; Coker, B; Wall, D; Fletcher, G; Bosma, A; Capon, F; Iversen, L; Langan, SM; Di Meglio, P; Musters, AH; Prieto-Merino, D; Tsakok, T; Warren, RB; Flohr, C; Spuls, PI; Griffiths, CEM; Barker, J; Irvine, AD; Smith, CH; Secure-AD and PsoProtect study groups
  • Factors associated with adverse COVID-19 outcomes in patients with psoriasis-insights from a global registry-based study. (2021) Mahil, Satveer K; Dand, Nick; Mason, Kayleigh J; Yiu, Zenas ZN; Tsakok, Teresa; Meynell, Freya; Coker, Bola; McAteer, Helen; Moorhead, Lucy; Mackenzie, Teena; Rossi, Maria Teresa; Rivera, Raquel; Mahe, Emmanuel; Carugno, Andrea; Magnano, Michela; Rech, Giulia; Balogh, Esther A; Feldman, Steven R; De La Cruz, Claudia; Choon, Siew Eng; Naldi, Luigi; Lambert, Jo; Spuls, Phyllis; Jullien, Denis; Bachelez, Hervé; McMahon, Devon E; Freeman, Esther E; Gisondi, Paolo; Puig, Luis; Warren, Richard B; Di Meglio, Paola; Langan, Sinéad M; Capon, Francesca; Griffiths, Christopher EM; Barker, Jonathan N; Smith, Catherine H; PsoProtect study group
  • Indirect acute effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on physical and mental health in the UK: a population-based study. (2021) Mansfield, Kathryn E; Mathur, Rohini; Tazare, John; Henderson, Alasdair D; Mulick, Amy R; Carreira, Helena; Matthews, Anthony A; Bidulka, Patrick; Gayle, Alicia; Forbes, Harriet; Cook, Sarah; Wong, Angel YS; Strongman, Helen; Wing, Kevin; Warren-Gash, Charlotte; Cadogan, Sharon L; Smeeth, Liam; Hayes, Joseph F; Quint, Jennifer K; McKee, Martin; Langan, Sinéad M
  • Association Between Atopic Eczema and Cancer in England and Denmark. (2020) Mansfield, Kathryn E; Schmidt, Sigrún AJ; Darvalics, Bianka; Mulick, Amy; Abuabara, Katrina; Wong, Angel YS; Sørensen, Henrik Toft; Smeeth, Liam; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Silverwood, Richard J; Langan, Sinéad M
  • Atopic eczema and cancer: parallel cohort studies in England and Denmark. (2020) Mansfield, Kathryn; Schmidt, Sigrún; Darvalics, Bianka; Mulick, Amy; Wong, Y; Søresen, Henrik Toft; Smeeth, Liam; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Silverwood, Richard; Langan, Sinéad
  • Atopic Eczema-Associated Fracture Risk and Oral Corticosteroids: A Population-Based Cohort Study. (2021) Matthewman, Julian; Mansfield, Kathryn E; Prieto-Alhambra, Daniel; Mulick, Amy R; Smeeth, Liam; Lowe, Katherine E; Silverwood, Richard J; Langan, Sinéad M
  • Statin use and the risk of herpes zoster: a nested case-control study using primary care data from the U.K. Clinical Research Practice Datalink. (2016) Matthews, A; Turkson, M; Forbes, H; Langan, SM; Smeeth, L; Bhaskaran, K description
  • Phosphodiesterase Type 5 Inhibitors and Risk of Malignant Melanoma: Matched Cohort Study Using Primary Care Data from the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink. (2016) Matthews, Anthony; Langan, Sinéad M; Douglas, Ian J; Smeeth, Liam; Bhaskaran, Krishnan
  • Pyoderma gangrenosum. (2020) Maverakis, Emanual; Marzano, Angelo V; Le, Stephanie T; Callen, Jeffrey P; Brüggen, Marie-Charlotte; Guenova, Emmanuella; Dissemond, Joachim; Shinkai, Kanade; Langan, Sinéad M description
  • Reporting transparency and completeness in Trials: Paper 2 - reporting of randomised trials using registries was often inadequate and hindered the interpretation of results. (2021) Mc Cord, Kimberly A; Imran, Mahrukh; Rice, Danielle B; McCall, Stephen J; Kwakkenbos, Linda; Sampson, Margaret; Fröbert, Ole; Gale, Chris; Langan, Sinéad M; Moher, David; Relton, Clare; Zwarenstein, Merrick; Juszczak, Edmund; Thombs, Brett D; Hemkens, Lars G; CONSORT Extension for Trials Conducted Using Cohorts and Routine
  • Reporting transparency and completeness in trials: Paper 4 - reporting of randomised controlled trials conducted using routinely collected electronic records - room for improvement. (2021) McCall, Stephen J; Imran, Mahrukh; Hemkens, Lars G; Mc Cord, Kimberly; Kwakkenbos, Linda; Sampson, Margaret; Jawad, Sena; Zwarenstein, Merrick; Relton, Clare; Langan, Sinéad M; Moher, David; Fröbert, Ole; Thombs, Brett D; Gale, Chris; Juszczak, Edmund; CONSORT Extension for Trials Conducted Using Cohorts and Routine
  • A study protocol for the development of a SPIRIT extension for trials conducted using cohorts and routinely collected data (SPIRIT-ROUTINE). (2021) McCarthy, Megan; O'Keeffe, Linda; Williamson, Paula R; Sydes, Matthew R; Farrin, Amanda; Lugg-Widger, Fiona; Davies, Gwyneth; Avery, Kerry; Chan, An-Wen; Kwakkenbos, Linda; Thombs, Brett D; Watkins, Alan; Hemkens, Lars G; Gale, Chris; Zwarenstein, Merrick; Langan, Sinead M; Thabane, Lehana; Juszczak, Edmund; Moher, David; Kearney, Patricia M
  • Acute Cardiovascular Events after Herpes Zoster: A Self-Controlled Case Series Analysis in Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Older Residents of the United States. (2015) Minassian, Caroline; Thomas, Sara L; Smeeth, Liam; Douglas, Ian; Brauer, Ruth; Langan, Sinéad M
  • Four childhood atopic dermatitis subtypes identified from trajectory and severity of disease and internally validated in a large UK birth cohort. (2021) Mulick, AR; Mansfield, KE; Silverwood, RJ; Budu-Aggrey, A; Roberts, A; Custovic, A; Pearce, N; Irvine, AD; Smeeth, L; Abuabara, K; Langan, SM
  • Classifying atopic dermatitis: protocol for a systematic review of subtypes (phenotypes) and associated characteristics. (2018) Mulick, Amy R; Allen, Victoria; Williams, Hywel C; Grindlay, Douglas JC; Pearce, Neil; Abuabara, Katrina; Langan, Sinéad M
  • Novel multimorbidity clusters in people with eczema and asthma: a population-based cluster analysis. (2022) Mulick, Amy R; Henderson, Alasdair D; Prieto-Merino, David; Mansfield, Kathryn E; Matthewman, Julian; Quint, Jennifer K; Lyons, Ronan A; Sheikh, Aziz; McAllister, David A; Nitsch, Dorothea; Langan, Sinéad M
  • Supporting self-care for eczema: protocol for two randomised controlled trials of ECO (Eczema Care Online) interventions for young people and parents/carers. (2021) Muller, Ingrid; Stuart, Beth; Sach, Tracey; Hooper, Julie; Wilczynska, Sylvia; Steele, Mary; Greenwell, Kate; Sivyer, Katy; Yardley, Lucy; Williams, Hywel C; Chalmers, Joanne R; Leighton, Paul; Howells, Laura M; Ridd, Matthew J; Lawton, Sandra; Griffiths, Gareth; Nuttall, Jacqui; Langan, Sinead M; Roberts, Amanda; Ahmed, Amina; Kirk, Hayden; Becque, Taeko; Little, Paul; Thomas, Kim S; Santer, Miriam
  • Risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection in primary and secondary school students and staff in England in the 2020/2021 school year: a longitudinal study. (2023) Nguipdop-Djomo, Patrick; Oswald, William E; Halliday, Katherine E; Cook, Sarah; Sturgess, Joanna; Sundaram, Neisha; Warren-Gash, Charlotte; Fine, Paul Em; Glynn, Judith; Allen, Elizabeth; Clark, Taane G; Ford, Benjamin; Judd, Alison; Ireland, Georgina; Poh, John; Bonell, Chris; Dawe, Fiona; Rourke, Emma; Diamond, Ian; Ladhani, Shamez N; Langan, Sinéad M; Hargreaves, James; Mangtani, Punam; COVID-19 Schools Infection Survey Study Group
  • The RECORD reporting guidelines: meeting the methodological and ethical demands of transparency in research using routinely-collected health data. (2016) Nicholls, Stuart G; Langan, Sinead M; Sørensen, Henrik Toft; Petersen, Irene; Benchimol, Eric I
  • Reporting transparency: making the ethical mandate explicit. (2016) Nicholls, Stuart G; Langan, Sinéad M; Benchimol, Eric I; Moher, David
  • The REporting of Studies Conducted Using Observational Routinely-Collected Health Data (RECORD) Statement: Methods for Arriving at Consensus and Developing Reporting Guidelines. (2015) Nicholls, Stuart G; Quach, Pauline; von Elm, Erik; Guttmann, Astrid; Moher, David; Petersen, Irene; Sørensen, Henrik T; Smeeth, Liam; Langan, Sinéad M; Benchimol, Eric I
  • Understanding asthma phenotypes: the World Asthma Phenotypes (WASP) international collaboration. (2018) Pembrey, L; Barreto, ML; Douwes, J; Cooper, P; Henderson, J; Mpairwe, H; Ardura-Garcia, C; Chico, M; Brooks, C; Cruz, AA; Elliott, AM; Figueiredo, CA; Langan, SM; Nassanga, B; Ring, S; Rodrigues, L; Pearce, N
  • Understanding asthma phenotypes: the World Asthma Phenotypes (WASP) international collaboration. (2018) Pembrey, Lucy; Barreto, Mauricio L; Douwes, Jeroen; Cooper, Philip; Henderson, John; Mpairwe, Harriet; Ardura-Garcia, Cristina; Chico, Martha; Brooks, Collin; Cruz, Alvaro A; Elliott, Alison M; Figueiredo, Camila A; Langan, Sinéad M; Nassanga, Beatrice; Ring, Susan; Rodrigues, Laura; Pearce, Neil
  • Using electronic health records to inform trial feasibility in a rare autoimmune blistering skin disease in England. (2021) Persson, MSM; Harman, KE; Thomas, KS; Chalmers, JR; Vinogradova, Y; Langan, SM; Hippisley-Cox, J; Gran, S
  • Incidence, prevalence and mortality of bullous pemphigoid in England 1998-2017: a population-based cohort study. (2020) Persson, MSM; Harman, KE; Vinogradova, Y; Langan, SM; Hippisley-Cox, J; Thomas, KS; Gran, S
  • Validation study of bullous pemphigoid and pemphigus vulgaris recording in routinely collected electronic primary healthcare records in England. (2020) Persson, Monica SM; Harman, Karen E; Vinogradova, Yana; Langan, Sinead M; Hippisley-Cox, Julia; Thomas, Kim S; Gran, Sonia
  • Long-term oral prednisolone exposure in primary care for bullous pemphigoid: population-based study. (2021) Persson, Monica Sm; Harman, Karen E; Thomas, Kim S; Chalmers, Joanne R; Vinogradova, Yana; Langan, Sinead M; Hippisley-Cox, Julia; Gran, Sonia
  • Secondary attack rates in primary and secondary school bubbles following a confirmed case: Active, prospective national surveillance, November to December 2020, England. (2022) Powell, Annabel A; Ireland, Georgina; Baawuah, Frances; Beckmann, Joanne; Okike, Ifeanyichukwu O; Ahmad, Shazaad; Garstang, Joanna; Brent, Andrew J; Brent, Bernadette; Aiano, Felicity; Hargreaves, James; Langan, Sinéad M; Mangtani, Punam; Nguipdop-Djomo, Patrick; Sturgess, Joanna; Oswald, William; Halliday, Katherine; Rourke, Emma; Dawe, Fiona; Amin-Chowdhury, Zahin; Kall, Meaghan; Zambon, Maria; Poh, John; Ijaz, Samreen; Lackenby, Angie; Elli, Joanna; Brown, Kevin E; Diamond, Sir Ian; Ramsay, Mary E; Ladhani, Shamez N
  • Assessment of Sleep Disturbances and Exhaustion in Mothers of Children With Atopic Dermatitis. (2019) Ramirez, Faustine D; Chen, Shelley; Langan, Sinéad M; Prather, Aric A; McCulloch, Charles E; Kidd, Sharon A; Cabana, Michael D; Chren, Mary-Margaret; Abuabara, Katrina
  • Association of Atopic Dermatitis With Sleep Quality in Children. (2019) Ramirez, Faustine D; Chen, Shelley; Langan, Sinéad M; Prather, Aric A; McCulloch, Charles E; Kidd, Sharon A; Cabana, Michael D; Chren, Mary-Margaret; Abuabara, Katrina
  • Are Environmental Factors for Atopic Eczema in ISAAC Phase Three due to Reverse Causation? (2018) Rutter, Charlotte E; Silverwood, Richard J; Williams, Hywel C; Ellwood, Philippa; Asher, Innes; Garcia-Marcos, Luis; Strachan, David P; Pearce, Neil; Langan, Sinéad M; ISAAC Phase Three Study Group
  • Eczema Care Online behavioural interventions to support self-care for children and young people: two independent, pragmatic, randomised controlled trials. (2022) Santer, Miriam; Muller, Ingrid; Becque, Taeko; Stuart, Beth; Hooper, Julie; Steele, Mary; Wilczynska, Sylvia; Sach, Tracey H; Ridd, Matthew J; Roberts, Amanda; Ahmed, Amina; Yardley, Lucy; Little, Paul; Greenwell, Kate; Sivyer, Katy; Nuttall, Jacqui; Griffiths, Gareth; Lawton, Sandra; Langan, Sinéad M; Howells, Laura M; Leighton, Paul; Williams, Hywel C; Thomas, Kim S
  • Perceived psychological stress and risk of herpes zoster: a nationwide population-based cohort study. (2021) Schmidt, SAJ; Sørensen, HT; Langan, SM; Vestergaard, M
  • Mood Disorders and Risk of Herpes Zoster in 2 Population-Based Case-Control Studies in Denmark and the United Kingdom. (2018) Schmidt, Sigrun AJ; Langan, Sinéad M; Pedersen, Henrik S; Schønheyder, Henrik C; Thomas, Sara L; Smeeth, Liam; Mansfield, Kathryn E; Sørensen, Henrik T; Forbes, Harriet J; Vestergaard, Mogens ['material/summary:fileicon_application/msword' not defined]
  • Atopic dermatitis and risk of atrial fibrillation or flutter: A 35-year follow-up study. (2019) Schmidt, Sigrun AJ; Olsen, Morten; Schmidt, Morten; Vestergaard, Christian; Langan, Sinéad M; Deleuran, Mette S; Riis, Jette L
  • Partner Bereavement and Risk of Herpes Zoster: Results from Two Population-Based Case-Control Studies in Denmark and the United Kingdom. (2016) Schmidt, Sigrun AJ; Vestergaard, Mogens; Pedersen, Henrik S; Schønheyder, Henrik C; Thomas, Sara L; Smeeth, Liam; Mansfield, Kathryn E; Sørensen, Henrik T; Forbes, Harriet J; Langan, Sinéad M
  • Association Between Atopic Dermatitis and Educational Attainment in Denmark. (2021) Schmidt, Sigrun Alba Johannesdottir; Mailhac, Aurélie; Darvalics, Bianka; Mulick, Amy; Deleuran, Mette S; Sørensen, Henrik T; Riis, Jette Lindorff; Langan, Sinéad M
  • Inflammatory skin diseases and the risk of chronic kidney disease: population-based case-control and cohort analyses. (2021) Schonmann, Y; Mansfield, KE; Mulick, A; Roberts, A; Smeeth, L; Langan, SM; Nitsch, D
  • Atopic Eczema in Adulthood and Risk of Depression and Anxiety: A Population-Based Cohort Study. (2019) Schonmann, Yochai; Mansfield, Kathryn E; Hayes, Joseph F; Abuabara, Katrina; Roberts, Amanda; Smeeth, Liam; Langan, Sinéad M
  • Severe and predominantly active atopic eczema in adulthood and long term risk of cardiovascular disease: population based cohort study. (2018) Silverwood, Richard J; Forbes, Harriet J; Abuabara, Katrina; Ascott, Anna; Schmidt, Morten; Schmidt, Sigrún AJ; Smeeth, Liam; Langan, Sinéad M
  • Atopic eczema in adulthood and mortality: UK population-based cohort study, 1998-2016. (2021) Silverwood, Richard J; Mansfield, Kathryn E; Mulick, Amy; Wong, Angel YS; Schmidt, Sigrún AJ; Roberts, Amanda; Smeeth, Liam; Abuabara, Katrina; Langan, Sinéad M
  • Antibiotics and acne: an emerging iceberg of antibiotic resistance? (2016) Sinnott, S-J; Bhate, K; Margolis, DJ; Langan, SM
  • Supporting families managing childhood eczema: developing and optimising eczema care online using qualitative research. (2022) Sivyer, Katy; Teasdale, Emma; Greenwell, Kate; Steele, Mary; Ghio, Daniela; Ridd, Matthew J; Roberts, Amanda; Chalmers, Joanne R; Lawton, Sandra; Langan, Sinead M; Cowdell, Fiona; Le Roux, Emma; Wilczynska, Sylvia; Williams, Hywel C; Thomas, Kim S; Yardley, Lucy; Santer, Miriam; Muller, Ingrid
  • Atopic dermatitis, educational attainment and psychological functioning: a national cohort study. (2018) Smirnova, J; von Kobyletzki, LB; Lindberg, M; Svensson, Å; Langan, SM; Montgomery, S
  • Obesity, Waist Circumference, Weight Change, and Risk of Incident Psoriasis: Prospective Data from the HUNT Study. (2017) Snekvik, Ingrid; Smith, Catherine H; Nilsen, Tom IL; Langan, Sinéad M; Modalsli, Ellen H; Romundstad, Pål R; Saunes, Marit
  • Implementation of preventive measures to prevent COVID-19: a national study of English primary schools in summer 2020. (2021) Sundaram, Neisha; Bonell, Chris; Ladhani, Shamez; Langan, Sinéad M; Baawuah, Frances; Okike, Ifeanychukwu; Ahmad, Shazaad; Beckmann, Joanne; Garstang, Joanna; Brent, Bernadette E; Brent, Andrew J; Amin-Chowdhury, Zahin; Aiano, Felicity; Hargreaves, James
  • Psoriasis and comorbid diseases: Epidemiology. (2017) Takeshita, J; Grewal, S; Langan, SM; Mehta, NN; Ogdie, A; Van Voorhees, AS; Gelfand, JM
  • Psoriasis and comorbid diseases: Implications for management. (2017) Takeshita, J; Grewal, S; Langan, SM; Mehta, NN; Ogdie, A; Van Voorhees, AS; Gelfand, JM
  • Validation of treatment escalation as a definition of atopic eczema flares. (2015) Thomas, Kim S; Stuart, Beth; O'Leary, Caroline J; Schmitt, Jochen; Paul, Carle; Williams, Hywel C; Langan, Sinead
  • Chickenpox and risk of stroke: a self-controlled case series analysis. (2013) Thomas, Sara L; Minassian, Caroline; Ganesan, Vijeya; Langan, Sinéad M; Smeeth, Liam
  • Epidemiology of basal and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma in the U.K. 2013-15: a cohort study. (2019) Venables, ZC; Nijsten, T; Wong, KF; Autier, P; Broggio, J; Deas, A; Harwood, CA; Hollestein, LM; Langan, SM; Morgan, E; Proby, CM; Rashbass, J; Leigh, IM
  • Effectiveness of herpes zoster vaccination in an older United Kingdom population. (2018) Walker, Jemma L; Andrews, Nick J; Amirthalingam, Gayatri; Forbes, Harriet; Langan, Sinead M; Thomas, Sara L
  • HARmonized Protocol Template to Enhance Reproducibility of hypothesis evaluating real-world evidence studies on treatment effects: A good practices report of a joint ISPE/ISPOR task force. (2022) Wang, Shirley V; Pottegård, Anton; Crown, William; Arlett, Peter; Ashcroft, Darren M; Benchimol, Eric I; Berger, Marc L; Crane, Gracy; Goettsch, Wim; Hua, Wei; Kabadi, Shaum; Kern, David M; Kurz, Xavier; Langan, Sinead; Nonaka, Takahiro; Orsini, Lucinda; Perez-Gutthann, Susana; Pinheiro, Simone; Pratt, Nicole; Schneeweiss, Sebastian; Toussi, Massoud; Williams, Rebecca J
  • European consensus-based (S2k) Guideline on the Management of Herpes Zoster - guided by the European Dermatology Forum (EDF) in cooperation with the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV), Part 2: Treatment. (2016) Werner, RN; Nikkels, AF; Marinović, B; Schäfer, M; Czarnecka-Operacz, M; Agius, AM; Bata-Csörgő, Z; Breuer, J; Girolomoni, G; Gross, GE; Langan, S; Lapid-Gortzak, R; Lesser, TH; Pleyer, U; Sellner, J; Verjans, GM; Wutzler, P; Dressler, C; Erdmann, R; Rosumeck, S; Nast, A
  • European consensus-based (S2k) Guideline on the Management of Herpes Zoster - guided by the European Dermatology Forum (EDF) in cooperation with the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV), Part 1: Diagnosis. (2016) Werner, RN; Nikkels, AF; Marinović, B; Schäfer, M; Czarnecka-Operacz, M; Agius, AM; Bata-Csörgő, Z; Breuer, J; Girolomoni, G; Gross, GE; Langan, S; Lapid-Gortzak, R; Lesser, TH; Pleyer, U; Sellner, J; Verjans, GM; Wutzler, P; Dressler, C; Erdmann, R; Rosumeck, S; Nast, A
  • The association between partner bereavement and melanoma: cohort studies in the U.K. and Denmark. (2020) Wong, AYS; Frøslev, T; Dearing, L; Forbes, HJ; Mulick, A; Mansfield, KE; Silverwood, RJ; Kjaersgaard, A; Sørensen, HT; Smeeth, L; Lewin, A; Schmidt, SAJ; Langan, SM
  • Partner bereavement and risk of psoriasis and atopic eczema: cohort studies in the U.K. and Denmark. (2019) Wong, AYS; Frøslev, T; Forbes, HJ; Kjaersgaard, A; Mulick, A; Mansfield, K; Silverwood, RJ; Sørensen, HT; Smeeth, L; Schmidt, SAJ; Langan, SM
  • Partner bereavement and risk of chronic urticaria, alopecia areata and vitiligo: cohort studies in the UK and Denmark. (2020) Wong, AYS; Kjaersgaard, A; Frøslev, T; Forbes, HJ; Mansfield, KE; Silverwood, RJ; Sørensen, HT; Smeeth, L; Schmidt, SAJ; Langan, SM
  • Lansoprazole use and tuberculosis incidence in the United Kingdom Clinical Practice Research Datalink: A population based cohort. (2017) Yates, Tom A; Tomlinson, Laurie A; Bhaskaran, Krishnan; Langan, Sinead; Thomas, Sara; Smeeth, Liam; Douglas, Ian J
  • Risk of hospitalization and death due to infection in people with psoriasis: a population-based cohort study using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink. (2020) Yiu, ZZN; Parisi, R; Lunt, M; Warren, RB; Griffiths, CEM; Langan, SM; Ashcroft, DM
  • Association between childhood allergic diseases, educational attainment and occupational status in later life: systematic review protocol. (2017) von Kobyletzki, Laura Beate; Beckman, Linda; Smeeth, Liam; McKee, Martin; Quint, Jennifer K; Abuabara, Katrina; Langan, Sinead
  • Restricted
  • Risk-mitigating behaviours in people with inflammatory skin and joint disease during the COVID-19 pandemic differ by treatment type: a cross-sectional patient survey. (2020) Mahil, SK; Yates, M; Langan, SM; Yiu, ZZN; Tsakok, T; Dand, N; Mason, KJ; McAteer, H; Meynell, F; Coker, B; Vincent, A; Urmston, D; Vesty, A; Kelly, J; Lancelot, C; Moorhead, L; Bachelez, H; Bruce, IN; Capon, F; Contreras, CR; Cope, AP; De La Cruz, C; Di Meglio, P; Gisondi, P; Hyrich, K; Jullien, D; Lambert, J; Marzo-Ortega, H; McInnes, I; Naldi, L; Norton, S; Puig, L; Sengupta, R; Spuls, P; Torres, T; Warren, RB; Waweru, H; Weinman, J; Griffiths, CEM; Barker, JN; Brown, MA; Galloway, JB; Smith, CH; PsoProtect, CORE-UK study groups picture_as_pdf
  • Associations of Lifestyle and Anthropometric Factors With the Risk of Herpes Zoster: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study. (2021) Schmidt, Sigrun AJ; Sørensen, Henrik Toft; Langan, Sinéad M; Vestergaard, Mogens
  • Nationwide Incidence of Metastatic Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma in England. (2018) Venables, Zoë C; Autier, Philippe; Nijsten, Tamar; Wong, Kwok F; Langan, Sinéad M; Rous, Brian; Broggio, John; Harwood, Catherine; Henson, Katherine; Proby, Charlotte M; Rashbass, Jem; Leigh, Irene M description