Items where Author is "Pocock, Stuart J"
Number of items: 481.
Bibliographic data only
Impact of hospitalization for acute coronary events on subsequent mortality in patients with chronic heart failure. (2009)
Abrahamsson, Putte; Dobson, Joanna; Granger, Christopher B; McMurray, John JV; Michelson, Eric L; Pfeffer, Marc; Pocock, Stuart; Solomon, Scott D; Yusuf, Salim; Swedberg, Karl; CHARM Investigators
Liver function abnormalities and outcome in patients with chronic heart failure: data from the Candesartan in Heart Failure: Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and Morbidity (CHARM) program. (2009)
Allen, Larry A; Felker, G Michael; Pocock, Stuart; McMurray, John JV; Pfeffer, Marc A; Swedberg, Karl; Wang, Duolao; Yusuf, Salim; Michelson, Eric L; Granger, Christopher B; CHARM Investigators
An international multicenter protocol to assess the single and combined benefits of antiemetic interventions in a controlled clinical trial of a 2x2x2x2x2x2 factorial design (IMPACT). (2003)
Apfel, Christian C; Korttila, Kari; Abdalla, Mona; Biedler, Andreas; Kranke, Peter; Pocock, Stuart J; Roewer, N
Days alive and out of hospital and the patient journey in patients with heart failure: Insights from the candesartan in heart failure: assessment of reduction in mortality and morbidity (CHARM) program. (2011)
Ariti, Cono A; Cleland, John GF; Pocock, Stuart J; Pfeffer, Marc A; Swedberg, Karl; Granger, Christopher B; McMurray, John JV; Michelson, Eric L; Ostergren, Jan; Yusuf, Salim
Associations Between Chronic Kidney Disease and Outcomes With Use of Prasugrel Versus Clopidogrel in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Report From the PROMETHEUS Study. (2017)
Baber, Usman; Chandrasekhar, Jaya; Sartori, Samantha; Aquino, Melissa; Kini, Annapoorna S; Kapadia, Samir; Weintraub, William; Muhlestein, Joseph B; Vogel, Birgit; Faggioni, Michela; Farhan, Serdar; Weiss, Sandra; Strauss, Craig; Toma, Catalin; DeFranco, Anthony; Baker, Brian A; Keller, Stuart; Effron, Mark B; Henry, Timothy D; Rao, Sunil; Pocock, Stuart; Dangas, George; Mehran, Roxana
Time-Dependent Associations Between Actionable Bleeding, Coronary Thrombotic Events, and Mortality Following Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Results From the PARIS Registry. (2016)
Baber, Usman; Dangas, George; Chandrasekhar, Jaya; Sartori, Samantha; Steg, Philippe Gabriel; Cohen, David J; Giustino, Gennaro; Ariti, Cono; Witzenbichler, Bernhard; Henry, Timothy D; Kini, Annapoorna S; Krucoff, Mitchell W; Gibson, C Michael; Chieffo, Alaide; Moliterno, David J; Weisz, Giora; Colombo, Antonio; Pocock, Stuart; Mehran, Roxana
Ticagrelor with aspirin or alone in high-risk patients after coronary intervention: Rationale and design of the TWILIGHT study. (2016)
Baber, Usman; Dangas, George; Cohen, David J; Gibson, C Michael; Mehta, Shamir R; Angiolillo, Dominick J; Pocock, Stuart J; Krucoff, Mitchell W; Kastrati, Adnan; Ohman, E Magnus; Steg, Philippe Gabriel; Badimon, Juan; Zafar, M Urooj; Chandrasekhar, Jaya; Sartori, Samantha; Aquino, Melissa; Mehran, Roxana
Incidence, Patterns, and Impact of Dual Antiplatelet Therapy Cessation Among Patients With and Without Chronic Kidney Disease Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Results From the PARIS Registry (Patterns of Non-Adherence to Anti-Platelet Regimens in Stented Patients). (2018)
Baber, Usman; Li, Shawn X; Pinnelas, Rebecca; Pocock, Stuart J; Krucoff, Mitchell W; Ariti, Cono; Gibson, C Michael; Steg, Philippe Gabriel; Weisz, Giora; Witzenbichler, Bernhard; Henry, Timothy D; Kini, Annapoorna S; Stuckey, Thomas; Cohen, David J; Iakovou, Ioannis; Dangas, George; Aquino, Melissa B; Sartori, Samantha; Chieffo, Alaide; Moliterno, David J; Colombo, Antonio; Mehran, Roxana
Coronary Thrombosis and Major Bleeding After PCI With Drug-Eluting Stents: Risk Scores From PARIS. (2016)
Baber, Usman; Mehran, Roxana; Giustino, Gennaro; Cohen, David J; Henry, Timothy D; Sartori, Samantha; Ariti, Cono; Litherland, Claire; Dangas, George; Gibson, C Michael; Krucoff, Mitchell W; Moliterno, David J; Kirtane, Ajay J; Stone, Gregg W; Colombo, Antonio; Chieffo, Alaide; Kini, Annapoorna S; Witzenbichler, Bernhard; Weisz, Giora; Steg, Philippe Gabriel; Pocock, Stuart
Prevalence, impact, and predictive value of detecting subclinical coronary and carotid atherosclerosis in asymptomatic adults: the BioImage study. (2015)
Baber, Usman; Mehran, Roxana; Sartori, Samantha; Schoos, Mikkel Malby; Sillesen, Henrik; Muntendam, Pieter; Garcia, Mario J; Gregson, John; Pocock, Stuart; Falk, Erling; Fuster, Valentin
Integrating indacaterol dose selection in a clinical study in COPD using an adaptive seamless design. (2010)
Barnes, Peter J; Pocock, Stuart J; Magnussen, Helgo; Iqbal, Amir; Kramer, Benjamin; Higgins, Mark; Lawrence, David
Can we improve the statistical analysis of vascular prevention trials? Assessment of ordinal outcomes. (2007)
Bath, PM; Geeganage, C; Gray, LJ; Collier, T; Pocock, S
Triple versus guideline antiplatelet therapy to prevent recurrence after acute ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack: the TARDIS RCT. (2018)
Bath, PM; Woodhouse, LJ; Appleton, JP; Beridze, M; Christensen, H; Dineen, RA; Flaherty, K; Duley, L; England, TJ; Havard, D; Heptinstall, S; James, M; Kasonde, C; Krishnan, K; Markus, HS; Montgomery, AA; Pocock, S; Randall, M; Ranta, A; Robinson, TG; Scutt, P; Venables, GS; Sprigg, N
Bath, Philip MW; Dixon, Mark; Appleton, Jason; Scutt, Polly; England, Timothy; Foster, Hayley; Howard, Harriet; Jarvis, Malcolm; Montgomery, Alan; Pocock, Stuart; Potter, John; Price, Christopher; Robinson, Tom; Roffe, Christine; Siriwardena, A Niro; Sprigg, Nikola; Wardlaw, Joanna
Use of ordinal outcomes in vascular prevention trials: comparison with binary outcomes in published trials. (2008)
Bath, Philip MW; Geeganage, Chamila; Gray, Laura J; Collier, Timothy; Pocock, Stuart
Apparent effect on blood pressure is only partly responsible for the risk reduction due to antihypertensive treatments. (2005)
Boissel, Jean-Pierre; Gueyffier, François; Boutitie, Florent; Pocock, Stuart; Fagard, Robert
Systolic blood pressure independent treatment effect on the risk of stroke and coronary artery disease: An individual patient data meta-analysis of hypertension trials. (2004)
Boutitie, F; Gueyffier, F; Pocock, S; Boissel, JP
Variation of treatment effect over time: A meta-analysis of hypertension trials. (2004)
Boutitie, F; Gueyffier, F; Pocock, S; Boissel, JP
J-shaped relationship between blood pressure and mortality in hypertensive patients: new insights from a meta-analysis of individual-patient data. (2002)
Boutitie, Florent; Gueyffier, François; Pocock, Stuart; Fagard, Robert; Boissel, Jean Pierre; INDANA Project Steering Committee. INdividual Data ANalysis of A
Regional variations in hospital management and post-discharge mortality in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome. (2018)
Bueno, Héctor; Rossello, Xavier; Pocock, Stuart; Van de Werf, Frans; Chin, Chee Tang; Danchin, Nicolas; Lee, Stephen W-L; Medina, Jesús; Vega, Ana; Huo, Yong
Opportunities for improvement in anti-thrombotic therapy and other strategies for the management of acute coronary syndromes: Insights from EPICOR, an international study of current practice patterns. (2015)
Bueno, Héctor; Sinnaeve, Peter; Annemans, Lieven; Danchin, Nicolas; Licour, Muriel; Medina, Jesús; Pocock, Stuart; Sánchez-Covisa, Joaquín; Storey, Robert F; Jukema, J Wouter; Zeymer, Uwe; Van de Werf, Frans; EPICOR Investigators
Large streamlined trials in cardiovascular disease. (2014)
Calvo, Gonzalo; McMurray, John JV; Granger, Christopher B; Alonso-García, Ángeles; Armstrong, Paul; Flather, Marcus; Gómez-Outes, Antonio; Pocock, Stuart; Stockbridge, Norman; Svensson, Anders; Van de Werf, Frans
Reed Elsevier and the arms trade revisited. (2007)
Campbell, Oona; Coleman, Michel; Cousens, Simon; Doyle, Pat; Elbourne, Diana; Evans, Stephen; Filteau, Suzanne; Fine, Paul EM; Glynn, Judith R; Grundy, Emily; Haines, Andy; Hall, Andrew J; Hayes, Richard; Kenward, Mike; Kirkwood, Betty; Lamping, Donna L; Lee, Kelley; Leon, Dave; Mabey, David; McKee, Martin; Meade, Tom; Milligan, Paul; Mills, Anne; Patel, Vikram; Peto, Julian; Pocock, Stuart; Prentice, Andrew; Roberts, Ian; Rodrigues, Laura C; dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Smeeth, Liam; Sondorp, Egbert; De Stavola, Bianca; Timaeus, Ian M; Walt, Gill; Whittaker, John; Wilkinson, Paul; Zaba, Basia
Clinical outcomes according to QRS duration and morphology in the Eplerenone in Mild Patients: Hospitalization and SurvIval Study in Heart Failure (EMPHASIS-HF). (2015)
Cannon, Jane A; Collier, Timothy J; Shen, Li; Swedberg, Karl; Krum, Henry; Van Veldhuisen, Dirk J; Vincent, John; Pocock, Stuart J; Pitt, Bertram; Zannad, Faiez; McMurray, John JV
Coping with missing data in clinical trials: a model-based approach applied to asthma trials. (2002)
Carpenter, James; Pocock, Stuart; Lamm, Carl Johan
A polypill strategy to improve adherence: results from the FOCUS project. (2014)
Castellano, José M; Sanz, Ginés; Peñalvo, José L; Bansilal, Sameer; Fernández-Ortiz, Antonio; Alvarez, Luz; Guzmán, Luis; Linares, Juan Carlos; García, Fernando; D'Aniello, Fabiana; Arnáiz, Joan Albert; Varea, Sara; Martínez, Felipe; Lorenzatti, Alberto; Imaz, Iñaki; Sánchez-Gómez, Luis M; Roncaglioni, Maria Carla; Baviera, Marta; Smith, Sidney C; Taubert, Kathryn; Pocock, Stuart; Brotons, Carlos; Farkouh, Michael E; Fuster, Valentin
TCT-111 Relationship between anemia, prasugrel use and clinical outcomes in contemporary percutaneous coronary intervention for acute coronary syndromes. (2016)
Chandrasekhar, J; Baber, U; Sartori, S; Aquino, M; Faggioni, M; Vogel, B; Farhan, S; Muhlestein, JB; Henry, T; Strauss, C; Toma, C; Weintraub, W; Weiss, S; DeFranco, A; Kini, A; Effron, M; Baker, B; Keller, S; Kapadia, S; Pocock, S; Rao, S; Mehran, R
TCT-205 Incidence and clinical outcomes associated with DAPT discontinuation in complex PCI patients: From the PARIS registry. (2016)
Chandrasekhar, J; Baber, U; Sartori, S; Aquino, M; Stuckey, T; Henry, T; Moliterno, D; Cohen, D; Steg, PG; Iakovou, I; Bruckel, J; Pocock, S; Kini, A; Colombo, A; Chieffo, A; Witzenbichler, B; Weisz, G; Dangas, G; Gibson, CM; Mehran, R
TCT-211 Incidence and Impact of Dual Antiplatelet Therapy Cessation on Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Renal Dysfunction: Insights from the PARIS Registry. (2016)
Chandrasekhar, J; Baber, U; Sartori, S; Pinnelas, R; Henry, T; Moliterno, D; Cohen, D; Weisz, G; Kini, A; Bruckel, J; Pocock, S; Steg, PG; Witzenbichler, B; Colombo, A; Chieffo, A; Iakovou, I; Dangas, G; Gibson, CM; Stuckey, T; Mehran, R
Patterns and associations between DAPT cessation and 2-year clinical outcomes in left main/proximal LAD versus other PCI: Results from the Patterns of Non-Adherence to Dual Antiplatelet Therapy in Stented Patients (PARIS) registry. (2017)
Chandrasekhar, Jaya; Baber, Usman; Sartori, Samantha; Aquino, Melissa; Tomey, Matthew; Kruckoff, Mitchell; Moliterno, David; Henry, Timothy D; Weisz, Giora; Gibson, C Michael; Iakovou, Ioannis; Kini, Annapoorna; Faggioni, Michela; Vogel, Birgit; Farhan, Serdar; Colombo, Antonio; Steg, P Gabriel; Witzenbichler, Bernhard; Chieffo, Alaide; Cohen, David; Stuckey, Thomas; Ariti, Cono; Pocock, Stuart; Dangas, George; Mehran, Roxana
Sex-related differences in outcomes among men and women under 55 years of age with acute coronary syndrome undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: Results from the PROMETHEUS study. (2016)
Chandrasekhar, Jaya; Baber, Usman; Sartori, Samantha; Faggioni, Michela; Aquino, Melissa; Kini, Annapoorna; Weintraub, William; Rao, Sunil; Kapadia, Samir; Weiss, Sandra; Strauss, Craig; Toma, Catalin; Muhlestein, Brent; DeFranco, Anthony; Effron, Mark; Keller, Stuart; Baker, Brian; Pocock, Stuart; Henry, Timothy; Mehran, Roxana
Impact of proton pump inhibitors and dual antiplatelet therapy cessation on outcomes following percutaneous coronary intervention: Results From the PARIS Registry. (2016)
Chandrasekhar, Jaya; Bansilal, Sameer; Baber, Usman; Sartori, Samantha; Aquino, Melissa; Farhan, Serdar; Vogel, Birgit; Faggioni, Michela; Giustino, Gennaro; Ariti, Cono; Colombo, Antonio; Chieffo, Alaide; Kini, Annapoorna; Saporito, Richard; Michael Gibson, C; Witzenbichler, Bernhard; Cohen, David; Moliterno, David; Stuckey, Thomas; Henry, Timothy; Pocock, Stuart; Dangas, George; Gabriel Steg, P; Mehran, Roxana
Characteristics and outcomes of medically managed patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes: Insights from the multinational EPICOR Asia study. (2017)
Chin, Chee Tang; Ong, Tiong K; Krittayaphong, Rungroj; Lee, Stephen W-L; Sawhney, Jitendra PS; Kim, Hyo-Soo; Garcia, Angeles Alonso; Bueno, Héctor; Pocock, Stuart J; Nhan, Vo T; Vega, Ana; Hayashi, Nobuya; Huo, Yong
Aspirin does not reduce the clinical benefits of the mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist eplerenone in patients with systolic heart failure and mild symptoms: an analysis of the EMPHASIS-HF study. (2016)
Chin, Ken Lee; Collier, Timothy J; Pitt, Bertram; McMurray, John JV; Swedberg, Karl; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J; Pocock, Stuart J; Vincent, John; Turgonyi, Eva; Zannad, Faiez; Krum, Henry; EMPHASIS-HF Study Investigators
Do women and men with unstable coronary artery disease benefit from an interventional strategy? Sex differences in the RITA-3 trial. (2004)
Clayton, T; Fox, K; Henderson, R; Knight, R; Pocock, S
Problems in the reporting of trials and (mis)interpretation of results: Lessons from the RITA-3 trial. (2003)
Clayton, T; Pocock, S
Do men benefit more than women from an interventional strategy in patients with unstable angina or non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction? The impact of gender in the RITA 3 trial. (2004)
Clayton, TC; Pocock, SJ; Henderson, RA; Poole-Wilson, PA; Shaw, TRD; Knight, R; Fox, KAA
The impact of underlying risk and gender on the benefit of early intervention in non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome patients: findings from the RITA-3 trial. (2005)
Clayton, TC; Pocock, SJ; Henderson, RA; Poole-Wilson, PA; Shaw, TRD; Wheatley, DJ; Fox, KAA
Data monitoring in randomized controlled trials: surveys of recent practice and policies. (2005)
Clemens, Felicity; Elbourne, Diana; Darbyshire, Janet; Pocock, Stuart; DAMOCLES Group
The quality, content and style of epidemiological publications: A survey of recent practice. (2003)
Collier, T; Pocock, S; Dandreo, K; de Stavola, B; Goldman, M; Kalish, L; Kasten, L; McCormack, V
The impact of eplerenone at different levels of risk in patients with systolic heart failure and mild symptoms: insight from a novel risk score for prognosis derived from the EMPHASIS-HF trial. (2013)
Collier, Timothy J; Pocock, Stuart J; McMurray, John JV; Zannad, Faiez; Krum, Henry; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J; Swedberg, Karl; Shi, Harry; Vincent, John; Pitt, Bertram
Effects of age on long-term outcomes after a routine invasive or selective invasive strategy in patients presenting with non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndromes: a collaborative analysis of individual data from the FRISC II - ICTUS - RITA-3 (FIR) trials. (2012)
Damman, Peter; Clayton, Tim; Wallentin, Lars; Lagerqvist, Bo; Fox, Keith AA; Hirsch, Alexander; Windhausen, Fons; Swahn, Eva; Pocock, Stuart J; Tijssen, Jan GP; de Winter, Robbert J
Usefulness of the admission electrocardiogram to predict long-term outcomes after non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome (from the FRISC II, ICTUS, and RITA-3 [FIR] Trials). (2012)
Damman, Peter; Holmvang, Lene; Tijssen, Jan GP; Lagerqvist, Bo; Clayton, Tim C; Pocock, Stuart J; Windhausen, Fons; Hirsch, Alexander; Fox, Keith AA; Wallentin, Lars; de Winter, Robbert J
Long-term cardiovascular mortality after procedure-related or spontaneous myocardial infarction in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome: a collaborative analysis of individual patient data from the FRISC II, ICTUS, and RITA-3 trials (FIR). (2012)
Damman, Peter; Wallentin, Lars; Fox, Keith AA; Windhausen, Fons; Hirsch, Alexander; Clayton, Tim; Pocock, Stuart J; Lagerqvist, Bo; Tijssen, Jan GP; de Winter, Robbert J
Influence of hospitalization for cardiovascular versus noncardiovascular reasons on subsequent mortality in patients with chronic heart failure across the spectrum of ejection fraction. (2014)
Desai, Akshay S; Claggett, Brian; Pfeffer, Marc A; Bello, Natalie; Finn, Peter V; Granger, Christopher B; McMurray, John JV; Pocock, Stuart; Swedberg, Karl; Yusuf, Salim; Solomon, Scott D
Oseltamivir treatment for influenza in adults: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. (2015)
Dobson, Joanna; Whitley, Richard J; Pocock, Stuart; Monto, Arnold S
Surrogate endpoints in randomized cardiovascular clinical trials. (2011)
Domanski, Michael; Pocock, Stuart; Bernaud, Corine; Borer, Jeffrey; Geller, Nancy; Revkin, James; Zannad, Faiez
Costs of an early intervention versus a conservative strategy in acute coronary syndrome. (2008)
Epstein, David M; Sculpher, Mark J; Clayton, Tim C; Henderson, Rob A; Pocock, Stuart J; Buxton, Martin J; Fox, Keith AA
Safety and efficacy of eplerenone in patients at high risk for hyperkalemia and/or worsening renal function: analyses of the EMPHASIS-HF study subgroups (Eplerenone in Mild Patients Hospitalization And SurvIval Study in Heart Failure). (2013)
Eschalier, Romain; McMurray, John JV; Swedberg, Karl; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J; Krum, Henry; Pocock, Stuart J; Shi, Harry; Vincent, John; Rossignol, Patrick; Zannad, Faiez; Pitt, Bertram; EMPHASIS-HF Investigators
TCT-219 Influence Of Anemia On Physician-Recommended DAPT Discontinuation After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. (2016)
Faggioni, M; Chandrasekhar, J; Baber, U; Vogel, B; Moliterno, D; Henry, T; Steg, PG; Colombo, A; Gibson, C; Pocock, S; Witzenbichler, B; Chieffo, A; Cohen, D; Weisz, G; Kini, A; Dangas, G; Krucoff, M; Mehran, R
TCT-66 Effects of dual antiplatelet therapy cessation among patients with diabetes mellitus after PCI with DES. (2016)
Faggioni, M; Farhan, S; Baber, U; Giustino, G; Chieffo, A; Colombo, A; Henry, T; Cohen, D; Weisz, G; Dangas, G; Gibson, C; Krucoff, M; Steg, PG; Kini, A; Witzenbichler, B; Pocock, S; Mehran, R
TCT-221 Predictors of optimal medical therapy on discharge after percutaneous coronary intervention for acute coronary syndrome: An analysis of the PROMETHEUS registry. (2016)
Farhan, S; Baber, U; Chandrasekhar, J; Sartori, S; Aquino, M; Giustino, G; Kini, A; Weintraub, W; Rao, S; Kapadia, S; Weiss, S; Strauss, C; Toma, C; Muhlestein, JB; DeFranco, A; Effron, M; Keller, S; Baker, B; Pocock, S; Henry, T; Mehran, R
Red cell distribution width as a novel prognostic marker in heart failure: data from the CHARM Program and the Duke Databank. (2007)
Felker, G Michael; Allen, Larry A; Pocock, Stuart J; Shaw, Linda K; McMurray, John JV; Pfeffer, Marc A; Swedberg, Karl; Wang, Duolao; Yusuf, Salim; Michelson, Eric L; Granger, Christopher B; CHARM Investigators
Short Telomere Load, Telomere Length, and Subclinical Atherosclerosis: The PESA Study. (2016)
Fernández-Alvira, Juan M; Fuster, Valentin; Dorado, Beatriz; Soberón, Nora; Flores, Ignacio; Gallardo, Mercedes; Pocock, Stuart; Blasco, María A; Andrés, Vicente
Prevalence, Vascular Distribution, and Multiterritorial Extent of Subclinical Atherosclerosis in a Middle-Aged Cohort: The PESA (Progression of Early Subclinical Atherosclerosis) Study. (2015)
Fernández-Friera, Leticia; Peñalvo, José L; Fernández-Ortiz, Antonio; Ibañez, Borja; López-Melgar, Beatriz; Laclaustra, Martín; Oliva, Belén; Mocoroa, Agustín; Mendiguren, José; Martínez de Vega, Vicente; García, Laura; Molina, Jesús; Sánchez-González, Javier; Guzmán, Gabriela; Alonso-Farto, Juan C; Guallar, Eliseo; Civeira, Fernando; Sillesen, Henrik; Pocock, Stuart; Ordovás, José M; Sanz, Ginés; Jiménez-Borreguero, Luis Jesús; Fuster, Valentín
The effect of age on outcomes of coronary artery bypass surgery compared with balloon angioplasty or bare-metal stent implantation among patients with multivessel coronary disease. A collaborative analysis of individual patient data from 10 randomized trials. (2012)
Flather, Marcus; Rhee, June-Wha; Boothroyd, Derek B; Boersma, Eric; Brooks, Maria Mori; Carrié, Didier; Clayton, Tim C; Danchin, Nicholas; Hamm, Christian W; Hueb, Whady A; King, Spencer B; Pocock, Stuart J; Rodriguez, Alfredo E; Serruys, Patrick; Sigwart, Ulrich; Stables, Rodney H; Hlatky, Mark A
Ketorolac, diclofenac, and ketoprofen are equally safe for pain relief after major surgery. (2002)
Forrest, JB; Camu, F; Greer, IA; Kehlet, H; Abdalla, M; Bonnet, F; Ebrahim, S; Escolar, G; Jage, J; Pocock, S; Velo, G; Langman, MJS; Bianchi, Porro G; Samama, MM; Heitlinger, E; POINT Investigators
5-year outcome of an interventional strategy in non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome: the British Heart Foundation RITA 3 randomised trial. (2005)
Fox, KAA; Poole-Wilson, P; Clayton, TC; Henderson, RA; Shaw, TRD; Wheatley, DJ; Knight, R; Pocock, SJ
Interventional versus conservative treatment for patients with unstable angina or non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction: the British Heart Foundation RITA 3 randomised trial. Randomized Intervention Trial of unstable Angina. (2002)
Fox, KAA; Poole-Wilson, PA; Henderson, RA; Clayton, TC; Chamberlain, DA; Shaw, TRD; Wheatley, DJ; Pocock, SJ; Randomized Intervention Trial of unstable Angina Investigators
Long-term outcome of a routine versus selective invasive strategy in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome a meta-analysis of individual patient data. (2010)
Fox, Keith AA; Clayton, Tim C; Damman, Peter; Pocock, Stuart J; de Winter, Robbert J; Tijssen, Jan GP; Lagerqvist, Bo; Wallentin, Lars; FIR Collaboration
Pulsatile blood pressure component as predictor of mortality in hypertension: a meta-analysis of clinical trial control groups. (2002)
Gasowski, Jerzy; Fagard, Robert H; Staessen, Jan A; Grodzicki, Tomasz; Pocock, Stuart; Boutitie, Florent; Gueyffier, François; Boissel, Jean-Pierre; INDANA Project Collaborators
The prevalence, predictors and outcomes of guideline-directed medical therapy in patients with acute myocardial infarction undergoing PCI, an analysis from the PROMETHEUS registry. (2018)
Ge, Zhen; Baber, Usman; Claessen, Bimmer E; Farhan, Serdar; Chandrasekhar, Jaya; Li, Shawn X; Sartori, Samantha; Kini, Annapoorna S; Rao, Sunil V; Weiss, Sandra; Henry, Timothy D; Vogel, Birgit; Sorrentino, Sabato; Faggioni, Michela; Kapadia, Samir; Muhlestein, Brent; Strauss, Craig; Toma, Catalin; DeFranco, Anthony; Effron, Mark B; Keller, Stuart; Baker, Brian A; Pocock, Stuart; Dangas, George; Mehran, Roxana
Clinical benefits of eplerenone in patients with systolic heart failure and mild symptoms when initiated shortly after hospital discharge: analysis from the EMPHASIS-HF trial. (2015)
Girerd, Nicolas; Collier, Tim; Pocock, Stuart; Krum, Henry; McMurray, John J; Swedberg, Karl; Van Veldhuisen, Dirk J; Vincent, John; Pitt, Bertram; Zannad, Faiez
Duration of dual antiplatelet therapy after drug-eluting stent implantation: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. (2015)
Giustino, Gennaro; Baber, Usman; Sartori, Samantha; Mehran, Roxana; Mastoris, Ioannis; Kini, Annapoorna S; Sharma, Samin K; Pocock, Stuart J; Dangas, George D
A practical, validated model for prediction of risk in chronic heart failure. (2006)
Granger, CB; Wang, D; Pfeffer, MA; Swedberg, K; Cleland, JG; Poole-Wilson, P; Charlesworth, A; Pocock, S
The rise, fall, and possible resurrection of renal denervation. (2016)
Gulati, Rajiv; Raphael, Claire E; Negoita, Manuela; Pocock, Stuart J; Gersh, Bernard J
DISCOVERing treatment of type 2 diabetes in real world settings using electronic medical record databases. (2015)
Hammar, N; Charbonnel, B; Fenici, P; Garcia-Alvarez, L; Gomes, MB; Hashigami, K; Hiller, J; Ji, L; Khunti, K; Nicolucci, A; Pocock, S; Shestakova, MV; Shimomura, I; Surmont, FA; Medina, J
Prevalence and prognostic implications of electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy in heart failure: evidence from the CHARM programme. (2007)
Hawkins, NM; Wang, D; McMurray, JJV; Pfeffer, MA; Swedberg, K; Granger, CB; Yusuf, S; Pocock, SJ; Ostergren, J; Michelson, EL; Dunn, FG; CHARM Investigators and Committees
Prevalence and prognostic impact of bundle branch block in patients with heart failure: evidence from the CHARM programme. (2007)
Hawkins, Nathaniel M; Wang, Duolao; McMurray, John JV; Pfeffer, Marc A; Swedberg, Karl; Granger, Christopher B; Yusuf, Salim; Pocock, Stuart J; Ostergren, Jan; Michelson, Eric L; Dunn, Francis G; CHARM Investigators and Committees
Baseline characteristics and outcomes of patients with heart failure receiving bronchodilators in the CHARM programme. (2010)
Hawkins, Nathaniel M; Wang, Duolao; Petrie, Mark C; Pfeffer, Marc A; Swedberg, Karl; Granger, Christopher B; Yusuf, Salim; Solomon, Scott D; Ostergren, Jan; Michelson, Eric L; Pocock, Stuart J; Maggioni, Aldo P; McMurray, John JV; CHARM Investigators and Committees
Seven-year outcome in the RITA-2 trial: coronary angioplasty versus medical therapy. (2003)
Henderson, Robert A; Pocock, Stuart J; Clayton, Tim C; Knight, Rosemary; Fox, Keith AA; Julian, Desmond G; Chamberlain, Douglas A; Second Randomized Intervention Treatment of Angina (RITA-2) Tria
The cost-effectiveness of an early interventional strategy in non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome based on the RITA 3 trial. (2008)
Henriksson, M; Epstein, DM; Palmer, SJ; Sculpher, MJ; Clayton, TC; Pocock, SJ; Henderson, RA; Buxton, MJ; Fox, KAA
Renal function as a predictor of outcome in a broad spectrum of patients with heart failure. (2006)
Hillege, Hans L; Nitsch, Dorothea; Pfeffer, Marc A; Swedberg, Karl; McMurray, John JV; Yusuf, Salim; Granger, Christopher B; Michelson, Eric L; Ostergren, Jan; Cornel, Jan Hein; de Zeeuw, Dick; Pocock, Stuart; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J; Candesartan in Heart Failure: Assessment of Reduction in Mortali
Coronary artery bypass surgery compared with percutaneous coronary interventions for multivessel disease: a collaborative analysis of individual patient data from ten randomised trials. (2009)
Hlatky, Mark A; Boothroyd, Derek B; Bravata, Dena M; Boersma, Eric; Booth, Jean; Brooks, Maria M; Carrié, Didier; Clayton, Tim C; Danchin, Nicolas; Flather, Marcus; Hamm, Christian W; Hueb, Whady A; Kähler, Jan; Kelsey, Sheryl F; King, Spencer B; Kosinski, Andrzej S; Lopes, Neuza; McDonald, Kathryn M; Rodriguez, Alfredo; Serruys, Patrick; Sigwart, Ulrich; Stables, Rodney H; Owens, Douglas K; Pocock, Stuart J
Rosiglitazone Evaluated for Cardiac Outcomes and Regulation of Glycaemia in Diabetes (RECORD): study design and protocol. (2005)
Home, PD; Pocock, SJ; Beck-Nielsen, H; Gomis, R; Hanefeld, M; Dargie, H; Komajda, M; Gubb, J; Biswas, N; Jones, NP
Rosiglitazone evaluated for cardiovascular outcomes in oral agent combination therapy for type 2 diabetes (RECORD): a multicentre, randomised, open-label trial. (2009)
Home, Philip D; Pocock, Stuart J; Beck-Nielsen, Henning; Curtis, Paula S; Gomis, Ramon; Hanefeld, Markolf; Jones, Nigel P; Komajda, Michel; McMurray, John JV; RECORD Study Team
Rationale, Design, and Baseline Characteristics of the EPICOR Asia Study (Long-tErm follow-uP of antithrombotic management patterns In Acute CORonary Syndrome patients in Asia). (2015)
Huo, Yong; Lee, Stephen W-L; Sawhney, Jitendra PS; Kim, Hyo-Soo; Krittayaphong, Rungroj; Nhan, Vo T; Alonso-Garcia, Angeles; Han, Ya Ling; Ge, Junbo; Chin, Chee Tang; Ong, Tiong K; Jan, Stephen; Itoh, Yohji; Vega, Ana Maria; Pocock, Stuart
Effect of early metoprolol on infarct size in ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention: the Effect of Metoprolol in Cardioprotection During an Acute Myocardial Infarction (METOCARD-CNIC) trial. (2013)
Ibanez, Borja; Macaya, Carlos; Sánchez-Brunete, Vicente; Pizarro, Gonzalo; Fernández-Friera, Leticia; Mateos, Alonso; Fernández-Ortiz, Antonio; García-Ruiz, José M; García-Álvarez, Ana; Iñiguez, Andrés; Jiménez-Borreguero, Jesús; López-Romero, Pedro; Fernández-Jiménez, Rodrigo; Goicolea, Javier; Ruiz-Mateos, Borja; Bastante, Teresa; Arias, Mercedes; Iglesias-Vázquez, José A; Rodriguez, Maite D; Escalera, Noemí; Acebal, Carlos; Cabrera, José A; Valenciano, Juan; Pérez de Prado, Armando; Fernández-Campos, María J; Casado, Isabel; García-Rubira, Juan C; García-Prieto, Jaime; Sanz-Rosa, David; Cuellas, Carlos; Hernández-Antolín, Rosana; Albarrán, Agustín; Fernández-Vázquez, Felipe; de la Torre-Hernández, José M; Pocock, Stuart; Sanz, Ginés; Fuster, Valentin
Differing prognostic value of pulse pressure in patients with heart failure with reduced or preserved ejection fraction: results from the MAGGIC individual patient meta-analysis. (2015)
Jackson, Colette E; Castagno, Davide; Maggioni, Aldo P; Køber, Lars; Squire, Iain B; Swedberg, Karl; Andersson, Bert; Richards, A Mark; Bayes-Genis, Antoni; Tribouilloy, Christophe; Dobson, Joanna; Ariti, Cono A; Poppe, Katrina K; Earle, Nikki; Whalley, Gillian; Pocock, Stuart J; Doughty, Robert N; McMurray, John JV; Meta-Analysis Global Group in Chronic Heart Failure MAGGIC
Dexmedetomidine vs midazolam or propofol for sedation during prolonged mechanical ventilation: two randomized controlled trials. (2012)
Jakob, Stephan M; Ruokonen, Esko; Grounds, R Michael; Sarapohja, Toni; Garratt, Chris; Pocock, Stuart J; Bratty, J Raymond; Takala, Jukka; Dexmedetomidine for Long-Term Sedation Investigators
Two-year outcomes of high bleeding risk patients with acute coronary syndrome after Biolimus A9 polymer-free drug-coated stents: a LEADERS FREE substudy. (2018)
Jensen, Christoph J; Naber, Christoph K; Urban, Philip; Ong, Paul J; Valdes-Chavarri, Mariano; Abizaid, Alexandre A; Pocock, Stuart J; Fabbiocchi, Franco; Dubois, Christophe; Copt, Samuel; Stoll, Hans-Peter; Morice, Marie-Claude
Effects of long-term use of cardiovascular drugs. (2015)
Julian, Desmond G; Pocock, Stuart J
The SPYRAL HTN Global Clinical Trial Program: Rationale and design for studies of renal denervation in the absence (SPYRAL HTN OFF-MED) and presence (SPYRAL HTN ON-MED) of antihypertensive medications. (2015)
Kandzari, David E; Kario, Kazuomi; Mahfoud, Felix; Cohen, Sidney A; Pilcher, Garrett; Pocock, Stuart; Townsend, Raymond; Weber, Michael A; Böhm, Michael
Neonatal head circumference, neonatal weight, and risk of hayfever, asthma and eczema in a large cohort of adolescents from Sheffield, England. (2003)
Katz, KA; Pocock, SJ; Strachan, DP
Weight loss (but not weight gain) is a strong predictor of mortality in chronic heart failure: Findings from the candesartan in heart failure assessment of reduction in mortality and morbidity (CHARM) program. (2005)
Kenchaiah, S; McMurray, JJ; Pocock, SJ; Wang, DL; Solomon, SD; McEntegart, M; Michelson, EL; Granger, CB; Pfeffer, MA
Body mass index and prognosis in patients with chronic heart failure: insights from the Candesartan in Heart failure: Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and morbidity (CHARM) program. (2007)
Kenchaiah, Satish; Pocock, Stuart J; Wang, Duolao; Finn, Peter V; Zornoff, Leonardo AM; Skali, Hicham; Pfeffer, Marc A; Yusuf, Salim; Swedberg, Karl; Michelson, Eric L; Granger, Christopher B; McMurray, John JV; Solomon, Scott D; CHARM Investigators
Health related quality of life after an interventional V conservative treatment strategy for unstable angina or non-ST elevation myocardial infarction: Interim results of the RITA-3 trial. (2004)
Kim, J; Henderson, RA; Pocock, SJ; Clayton, T; Fox, KAA
Hormone replacement therapy and acute myocardial infarction: a large observational study exploring the influence of age. (2006)
Kim, Joseph; Evans, Stephen; Smeeth, Liam; Pocock, Stuart
Response: Response to the Stampfer commentary. (2006)
Kim, Joseph; Evans, Stephen; Smeeth, Liam; Pocock, Stuart
Health-related quality of life after interventional or conservative strategy in patients with unstable angina or non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: one-year results of the third Randomized Intervention Trial of unstable Angina (RITA-3). (2005)
Kim, Joseph; Henderson, Robert A; Pocock, Stuart J; Clayton, Tim; Sculpher, Mark J; Fox, Keith AA; RITA-3 Trial Investigators
Relative Prognostic Utility of Different Bleeding Scales Among Patients Undergoing Primary Angioplasty for Acute Myocardial Infarction: The HORIZONS-AMI Trial. (2008)
Kirtane, AJ; Mehran, R; Parise, H; Pocock, S; Clayton, T; Witzenbichler, B; Guagliumi, G; Peruga, J; Kornowski, R; Nikolsky, E; Ohman, EM; Kastrati, A; Dangas, GD; Lansky, AJ; Stone, GW
Impact of Blood Transfusion and Other Bleeding Measures on Subsequent Mortality Among Patients Undergoing Primary PCI for Acute Myocardial Infarction: The HORIZONS-AMI Trial. (2008)
Kirtane, AJ; Mehran, R; Parise, H; Witzenbichler, B; Guagliumi, G; Peruga, JZ; Brodie, B; Dudek, D; Pocock, S; Clayton, TC; Tourkova, V; Dangas, GD; Lansky, AJ; Stone, GW
Comparison of catheterization lab initiated abciximab and double-bolus eptifibatide during percutaneous coronary intervention in acute coronary syndromes: an ACUITY substudy. (2007)
Kirtane, AJ; Parise, H; Mehran, R; Moses, JW; Fahy, M; Bertrand, ME; Ohman, EM; White, HD; Feit, F; Colombo, A; McLaurin, BT; Cox, DA; Ware, JH; Pocock, S; Stone, GW
Comparison of catheterization laboratory initiated abciximab and eptifibatide during percutaneous coronary intervention in acute coronary syndromes (an ACUITY substudy). (2010)
Kirtane, Ajay J; Parise, Helen; Mehran, Roxana; Moses, Jeffrey W; Fahy, Martin; Bertrand, Michel E; Ohman, E Magnus; White, Harvey D; Feit, Frederick; Colombo, Antonio; McLaurin, Brent T; Cox, David A; Ware, James H; Pocock, Stuart J; Lansky, Alexandra J; Stone, Gregg W
Quality management of a large randomized double-blind multi-centre trial: the ACTION experience. (2008)
Kirwan, Bridget-Anne; Lubsen, Jacobus; de Brouwer, Sophie; van Dalen, Frederik J; Pocock, Stuart J; Clayton, Tim; Danchin, Nicolas; Poole-Wilson, Philip A; ACTION (A Coronary disease Trial Investigating Outcome with Nife
Efficacy and safety of atorvastatin in the prevention of cardiovascular end points in subjects with type 2 diabetes: the Atorvastatin Study for Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease Endpoints in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (ASPEN). (2006)
Knopp, Robert H; d'Emden, Michael; Smilde, Johan G; Pocock, Stuart J
Glyceryl Trinitrate for Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Results From the Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke (ENOS) Trial, a Subgroup Analysis. (2015)
Krishnan, Kailash; Scutt, Polly; Woodhouse, Lisa; Adami, Alessandro; Becker, Jennifer L; Berge, Eivind; Cala, Lesley A; Casado, Ana M; Caso, Valeria; Chen, Christopher; Christensen, Hanna; Collins, Ronan; Czlonkowska, Anna; Dineen, Robert A; Gommans, John; Koumellis, Panos; Lees, Kennedy R; Ntaios, George; Ozturk, Serefnur; Phillips, Stephen J; Pocock, Stuart J; de Silva, Asita; Sprigg, Nikola; Szatmari, Szabolcs; Wardlaw, Joanna M; Bath, Philip M
TCT-206 Tailoring the Intensity of Antiplatelet Pharmacotherapy to Ischemic and Bleeding Risk: A Cost Optimizing Simulation From PARIS. (2016)
Leisman, D; Baber, U; Cohen, D; Gibson, CM; Pocock, S; Henry, T; Steg, PG; Dangas, G; Moliterno, D; Witzenbichler, B; Kini, A; Krucoff, M; Bruckel, J; Colombo, A; Chieffo, A; Mehran, R
Study design of a mortality trial with intravenous levosimendan - the SURVIVE study - in patients with acutely decompensated heart failure. (2004)
Mebazaa, A; Cohen-Solal, A; Kleber, F; Nieminen, MS; Packer, M; Pocock, S; Poder, P; Sarapohja, T; Kivikko, M
Levosimendan vs dobutamine for patients with acute decompensated heart failure: the SURVIVE Randomized Trial. (2007)
Mebazaa, Alexandre; Nieminen, Markku S; Packer, Milton; Cohen-Solal, Alain; Kleber, Franz X; Pocock, Stuart J; Thakkar, Roopal; Padley, Robert J; Põder, Pentti; Kivikko, Matti; SURVIVE Investigators
Contrast-Induced Nephropathy Redefined; Impact of Any Acute Kidney Injury on Clinical Outcomes in Patients with ACS undergoing Angiography: Results from the ACUITY Trial. (2008)
Mehran, R; Dangas, GD; Weisz, G; Manoukian, SV; Colombo, A; Moses, J; Feit, F; Pocock, S; Ohman, EM; Lincoff, AM; White, HD; Lansky, AJ; Stone, GW
Long-term outcomes of patients with acute coronary syndromes and chronic renal insufficiency undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention and being treated with bivalirudin vs heparin plus a glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor: Results from the randomized ACUITY Trial. (2007)
Mehran, R; Kirlone, AJ; Dangas, GD; Ohman, EM; Pocock, SJ; Gersh, B; Bertrand, ME; Hamon, M; Manoukian, SV; Hoekstra, J; Pollack, CV; Desmet, W; Feit, F; Stella, J; Cequier, AR; Stuckey, T; Cohen, D; Lanskk, AJ; Stone, GW
Long-term outcomes of acute coronary syndrome patients with chronic renal insufficiency treated with bivalirudin vs heparin plus a glycoprotein Ilb/Illa inhibitor: one year results from the randomized ACUITY trial. (2007)
Mehran, R; Kirtane, AJ; Dangas, GD; Ohman, EM; Pocock, S; Gersh, BJ; Bertrand, ME; Hamon, M; Manoukian, SV; Hoekstra, J; Pollack, CV; Desmet, W; Feit, F; Stella, J; Cequier, AR; Stuckey, T; Cohen, DJ; Lansky, AJ; Stone, GW
Drug eluting stents in patients with acute coronary syndromes undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: The ACUITY trial. (2006)
Mehran, R; Moses, JW; Nikolsky, E; Dangas, G; Manoukian, S; White, HD; Ohman, EM; Bertrand, ME; Lincoff, AM; McLaurin, BT; Cox, DA; Gersh, B; Pocock, SJ; Ware, JH; Feit, F; Colombo, A; Stone, GW
Impact of chronic kidney disease on early (30-day) and late (1-year) outcomes of patients with acute coronary syndromes treated with alternative antithrombotic treatment strategies: an ACUITY (Acute Catheterization and Urgent Intervention Triage strategY) substudy. (2009)
Mehran, Roxana; Nikolsky, Eugenia; Lansky, Alexandra J; Kirtane, Ajay J; Kim, Young-Hak; Feit, Frederick; Manoukian, Steven; Moses, Jeffrey W; Ebrahimi, Ramin; Ohman, E Magnus; White, Harvey D; Pocock, Stuart J; Dangas, George D; Stone, Gregg W
A risk score to predict bleeding in patients with acute coronary syndromes. (2010)
Mehran, Roxana; Pocock, Stuart J; Nikolsky, Eugenia; Clayton, Tim; Dangas, George D; Kirtane, Ajay J; Parise, Helen; Fahy, Martin; Manoukian, Steven V; Feit, Frederick; Ohman, Magnus E; Witzenbichler, Bernard; Guagliumi, Giulio; Lansky, Alexandra J; Stone, Gregg W
Associations of major bleeding and myocardial infarction with the incidence and timing of mortality in patients presenting with non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes: a risk model from the ACUITY trial. (2009)
Mehran, Roxana; Pocock, Stuart J; Stone, Gregg W; Clayton, Tim C; Dangas, George D; Feit, Frederick; Manoukian, Steven V; Nikolsky, Eugenia; Lansky, Alexandra J; Kirtane, Ajay; White, Harvey D; Colombo, Antonio; Ware, James H; Moses, Jeffrey W; Ohman, E Magnus
Impact of bleeding on mortality after percutaneous coronary intervention results from a patient-level pooled analysis of the REPLACE-2 (randomized evaluation of PCI linking angiomax to reduced clinical events), ACUITY (acute catheterization and urgent intervention triage strategy), and HORIZONS-AMI (harmonizing outcomes with revascularization and stents in acute myocardial infarction) trials. (2011)
Mehran, Roxana; Pocock, Stuart; Nikolsky, Eugenia; Dangas, George D; Clayton, Tim; Claessen, Bimmer E; Caixeta, Adriano; Feit, Frederick; Manoukian, Steven V; White, Harvey; Bertrand, Michel; Ohman, E Magnus; Parise, Helen; Lansky, Alexandra J; Lincoff, A Michael; Stone, Gregg W
Authors' response to “Comment on adaptive increase in sample size when interim results are promising”. (2011)
Mehta, Cyrus R; Pocock, Stuart J
Authors' reply. (2012)
Mehta, Cyrus R; Pocock, Stuart J
Adaptive increase in sample size when interim results are promising: a practical guide with examples. (2011)
Mehta, Cyrus R; Pocock, Stuart J
Learning from recent trials and shaping the future of acute heart failure trials. (2013)
Mentz, Robert J; Felker, Gary Michael; Ahmad, Tariq; Peacock, William Frank; Pitt, Bertram; Fiuzat, Mona; Maggioni, Aldo P; Gheorghiade, Mihai; Ando, Yuki; Pocock, Stuart J; Zannad, Faiez; O'Connor, Christopher M
The Usefulness of the MEESSI Score for Risk Stratification of Patients With Acute Heart Failure at the Emergency Department. (2018)
Miró, Òscar; Rosselló, Xavier; Gil, Víctor; Martín-Sánchez, Francisco Javier; Llorens, Pere; Herrero, Pablo; Jacob, Javier; López-Grima, María Luisa; Gil, Cristina; Lucas Imbernón, Francisco Javier; Garrido, José Manuel; Pérez-Durá, María José; López-Díez, María Pilar; Richard, Fernando; Bueno, Héctor; Pocock, Stuart J
Predicting 30-Day Mortality for Patients With Acute Heart Failure in the Emergency Department. (2018)
Miró, Óscar; Pocock, Stuart J
Oseltamivir for influenza - Authors' reply. (2016)
Monto, Arnold S; Dobson, Joanna; Pocock, Stuart; Whitley, Richard J
Angiographic findings in the of the acute catheterization and urgent intervention triage strategY (ACUITY) trial. (2006)
Mori, K; Lansky, AJ; Costa, RA; Bertrand, M; Feit, F; Pietras, C; Cristea, E; Pocock, S; Ohman, M; Stone, GW
Use of patient-reported outcomes in evaluation of heart failure device therapy: The regulatory perspective. (2004)
Muni, NI; Pocock, S; Berman, MR; Yue, LQ
Impact of anemia on outcomes of patients undergoing percutaneous coronary interventions. (2004)
Nikolsky, Eugenia; Mehran, Roxana; Aymong, Eve D; Mintz, Gary S; Lansky, Alexandra J; Lasic, Zoran; Negoita, Manuela; Fahy, Martin; Pocock, Stuart J; Na, Yingbo; Krieger, Shoshana; Moses, Jeffrey W; Stone, Gregg W; Leon, Martin B; Dangas, George
Outcomes of patients treated with triple antithrombotic therapy after primary percutaneous coronary intervention for ST-elevation myocardial infarction (from the Harmonizing Outcomes With Revascularization and Stents in Acute Myocardial Infarction [HORIZONS-AMI] trial). (2012)
Nikolsky, Eugenia; Mehran, Roxana; Dangas, George D; Yu, Jennifer; Parise, Helen; Xu, Ke; Pocock, Stuart J; Stone, Gregg W
Development and validation of a prognostic risk score for major bleeding in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention via the femoral approach. (2007)
Nikolsky, Eugenia; Mehran, Roxana; Dangas, George; Fahy, Martin; Na, Yingbo; Pocock, Stuart J; Lincoff, A Michael; Stone, Gregg W
Vascular complications associated with arteriotomy closure devices in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary procedures: a meta-analysis. (2004)
Nikolsky, Eugenia; Mehran, Roxana; Halkin, Amir; Aymong, Eve D; Mintz, Gary S; Lasic, Zoran; Negoita, Manuela; Fahy, Martin; Krieger, Shoshana; Moussa, Issam; Moses, Jeffrey W; Stone, Gregg W; Leon, Martin B; Pocock, Stuart J; Dangas, George
Low hematocrit predicts contrast-induced nephropathy after percutaneous coronary interventions. (2005)
Nikolsky, Eugenia; Mehran, Roxana; Lasic, Zoran; Mintz, Gary S; Lansky, Alexandra J; Na, Yingbo; Pocock, Stuart; Negoita, Manuela; Moussa, Issam; Stone, Gregg W; Moses, Jeffrey W; Leon, Martin B; Dangas, George
Clinical correlates and consequences of anemia in a broad spectrum of patients with heart failure: results of the Candesartan in Heart Failure: Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and Morbidity (CHARM) Program. (2006)
O'Meara, Eileen; Clayton, Tim; McEntegart, Margaret B; McMurray, John JV; Lang, Chim C; Roger, Simon D; Young, James B; Solomon, Scott D; Granger, Christopher B; Ostergren, Jan; Olofsson, Bertil; Michelson, Eric L; Pocock, Stuart; Yusuf, Salim; Swedberg, Karl; Pfeffer, Marc A; CHARM Committees and Investigators
Sex differences in clinical characteristics and prognosis in a broad spectrum of patients with heart failure: results of the Candesartan in Heart failure: Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and morbidity (CHARM) program. (2007)
O'Meara, Eileen; Clayton, Tim; McEntegart, Margaret B; McMurray, John JV; Piña, Ileana L; Granger, Christopher B; Ostergren, Jan; Michelson, Eric L; Solomon, Scott D; Pocock, Stuart; Yusuf, Salim; Swedberg, Karl; Pfeffer, Marc A; CHARM Investigators
Can we improve the statistical analysis of stroke trials? Statistical reanalysis of functional outcomes in stroke trials. (2007)
Optimising Analysis of Stroke Trials (OAST) Collaboration; Bath, Philip MW; Gray, Laura J; Collier, Timothy; Pocock, Stuart; Carpenter, James
The obesity paradox in heart failure patients with preserved versus reduced ejection fraction: a meta-analysis of individual patient data. (2013)
Padwal, R; McAlister, FA; McMurray, JJV; Cowie, MR; Rich, M; Pocock, S; Swedberg, K; Maggioni, A; Gamble, G; Ariti, C; Earle, N; Whalley, G; Poppe, KK; Doughty, RN; Bayes-Genis, A; Meta-analysis Global Group in Chronic Heart Failure (MAGGIC)
Relative Impact of MACE and Varying Definitions of Major Bleeding on Mortality: Results from the HORIZONS-AMI Trial. (2008)
Parise, H; Mehran, R; Witzenbichler, B; Guagliumi, G; Peruga, JZ; Brodie, BR; Dudek, D; Kornowski, R; Hartmann, F; Gersh, BJ; Pocock, SJ; Dangas, G; Wong, SC; Kirtane, A; Lansky, AJ; Stone, GW
Impact of Major Adverse Cardiac Events and Major Bleeding on Overall Mortality in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction: Results from the HORIZONS-AMI Trial. (2008)
Parise, Helen; Mehran, Roxana; Witzenbichler, Bernhard; Guagliumi, Giulio; Peruga, Jan Z; Brodie, Bruce R; Dudek, Dariusz; Kornowski, Ran; Hartmann, Franz; Gersh, Bernard J; Pocock, Stuart J; Dangas, George; Wong, S Chiu; Kirtane, Ajay; Lansky, Alexandra J; Stone, Gregg W
Effects of candesartan on mortality and morbidity in patients with chronic heart failure: the CHARM-Overall programme. (2003)
Pfeffer, Marc A; Swedberg, Karl; Granger, Christopher B; Held, Peter; McMurray, John JV; Michelson, Eric L; Olofsson, Bertil; Ostergren, Jan; Yusuf, Salim; Pocock, Stuart; CHARM Investigators and Committees
Reporting of noninferiority and equivalence randomized trials: Extension of the CONSORT 2010 statement. (2012)
Piaggio, G; Elbourne, DR; Pocock, SJ; Evans, SJ; Altman, DG; CONSORT Group
Long-term benefit of early pre-reperfusion metoprolol administration in patients with acute myocardial infarction: results from the METOCARD-CNIC trial (Effect of Metoprolol in Cardioprotection During an Acute Myocardial Infarction). (2014)
Pizarro, Gonzalo; Fernández-Friera, Leticia; Fuster, Valentin; Fernández-Jiménez, Rodrigo; García-Ruiz, José M; García-Álvarez, Ana; Mateos, Alonso; Barreiro, María V; Escalera, Noemí; Rodriguez, Maite D; de Miguel, Antonio; García-Lunar, Inés; Parra-Fuertes, Juan J; Sánchez-González, Javier; Pardillos, Luis; Nieto, Beatriz; Jiménez, Adriana; Abejón, Raquel; Bastante, Teresa; Martínez de Vega, Vicente; Cabrera, José A; López-Melgar, Beatriz; Guzman, Gabriela; García-Prieto, Jaime; Mirelis, Jesús G; Zamorano, José Luis; Albarrán, Agustín; Goicolea, Javier; Escaned, Javier; Pocock, Stuart; Iñiguez, Andrés; Fernández-Ortiz, Antonio; Sánchez-Brunete, Vicente; Macaya, Carlos; Ibanez, Borja
Procedures of data and safety monitoring committees. (2001)
Pocock, S; Furberg, CD
Relationship between late loss, diameter stenosis and target lesion revascularization after stent implantation: An examination of surrogate endpoints from a pooled analysis of eight large randomized DES trials. (2006)
Pocock, S; Stone, GW; Fahy, M; Mehran, R; Lansky, AJ; Nikolsky, E; Moses, JW; Leon, MB; Popma, JJ
Ethical dilemmas and malfunctions in clinical trials research. (2012)
Pocock, SJ
The pros and cons of non-inferiority (equivalence) trials. (2002)
Pocock, SJ
Predictors of 2-year mortality following hospital discharge in patients with acute coronary syndromes: a new risk score from the EPICOR and EPICOR Asia studies. (2016)
Pocock, SJ; Huo, Y; van de Werf, F; Newsome, S; Chin, CT; Vega, AM; Medina, J; Bueno, H
Individual cardiovascular risk cannot be predicted. Authors' reply. (2001)
Pocock, SJ; McCormack, V; Gueyffier, F; Fagard, RH
Predicting mortality and morbidity in chronic heart failure independent of left ventricular systolic function: Results from the CHARM program. (2004)
Pocock, SJ; Wang, DL; Pfeffer, MA; McMurray, JJ; Swedberg, K; Ostergren, J; Yusuf, S; Michelson, EL; Pieper, KS; Granger, CB
Percutaneous coronary intervention for stable angina in ORBITA. (2018)
Pocock, Stuart J
Safety of drug-eluting stents: demystifying network meta-analysis. (2007)
Pocock, Stuart J
Current controversies in data monitoring for clinical trials. (2006)
Pocock, Stuart J
A major trial needs three statisticians: why, how and who? (2004)
Pocock, Stuart J
The pros and cons of noninferiority trials. (2003)
Pocock, Stuart J
Ethical dilemmas and malfunctions in clinical trials research. (2012)
Pocock, Stuart J
The win ratio: a new approach to the analysis of composite endpoints in clinical trials based on clinical priorities. (2012)
Pocock, Stuart J; Ariti, Cono A; Collier, Timothy J; Wang, Duolao
Predicting survival in heart failure: a risk score based on 39 372 patients from 30 studies. (2013)
Pocock, Stuart J; Ariti, Cono A; McMurray, John JV; Maggioni, Aldo; Køber, Lars; Squire, Iain B; Swedberg, Karl; Dobson, Joanna; Poppe, Katrina K; Whalley, Gillian A; Doughty, Rob N; Meta-Analysis Global Group in Chronic Heart Failure
Subgroup analysis, covariate adjustment and baseline comparisons in clinical trial reporting: current practice and problems. (2002)
Pocock, Stuart J; Assmann, Susan E; Enos, Laura E; Kasten, Linda E
Regression to the Mean in SYMPLICITY HTN-3: Implications for Design and Reporting of Future Trials. (2016)
Pocock, Stuart J; Bakris, George; Bhatt, Deepak L; Brar, Sandeep; Fahy, Martin; Gersh, Bernard J
Survival plots of time-to-event outcomes in clinical trials: good practice and pitfalls. (2002)
Pocock, Stuart J; Clayton, Tim C; Altman, Douglas G
Ever-Pregnant Female Blood Donors and Mortality Risk in Male Recipients. (2018)
Pocock, Stuart J; Conthe, Andrés
Do current clinical trials meet society's needs?: a critical review of recent evidence. (2014)
Pocock, Stuart J; Gersh, Bernard J
Angiographic surrogate end points in drug-eluting stent trials: a systematic evaluation based on individual patient data from 11 randomized, controlled trials. (2008)
Pocock, Stuart J; Lansky, Alexandra J; Mehran, Roxana; Popma, Jeffrey J; Fahy, Martin P; Na, Yingbo; Dangas, George; Moses, Jeffrey W; Pucelikova, Tereza; Kandzari, David E; Ellis, Stephen G; Leon, Martin B; Stone, Gregg W
Weight loss and mortality risk in patients with chronic heart failure in the candesartan in heart failure: assessment of reduction in mortality and morbidity (CHARM) programme. (2008)
Pocock, Stuart J; McMurray, John JV; Dobson, Joanna; Yusuf, Salim; Granger, Christopher B; Michelson, Eric L; Ostergren, Jan; Pfeffer, Marc A; Solomon, Scott D; Anker, Stefan D; Swedberg, Karl B
Prognostic modeling of individual patient risk and mortality impact of ischemic and hemorrhagic complications: assessment from the Acute Catheterization and Urgent Intervention Triage Strategy trial. (2010)
Pocock, Stuart J; Mehran, Roxana; Clayton, Tim C; Nikolsky, Eugenia; Parise, Helen; Fahy, Martin; Lansky, Alexandra J; Bertrand, Michel E; Lincoff, A Michael; Moses, Jeffrey W; Ohman, E Magnus; White, Harvey D; Stone, Gregg W
Reporting noninferiority trials--reply. (2013)
Pocock, Stuart J; Piaggio, Gilda; Altman, Douglas G; CONSORT Group
Insulin glargine and malignancy: an unwarranted alarm. (2009)
Pocock, Stuart J; Smeeth, Liam
Individualizing treatment choices using quantitative methods. (2014)
Pocock, Stuart J; Stone, Gregg W; Mehran, Roxana; Clayton, Tim C
How to interpret figures in reports of clinical trials. (2008)
Pocock, Stuart J; Travison, Thomas G; Wruck, Lisa M
Predictors of mortality and morbidity in patients with chronic heart failure. (2006)
Pocock, Stuart J; Wang, Duolao; Pfeffer, Marc A; Yusuf, Salim; McMurray, John JV; Swedberg, Karl B; Ostergren, Jan; Michelson, Eric L; Pieper, Karen S; Granger, Christopher B
Translating statistical findings into plain English. (2009)
Pocock, Stuart J; Ware, James H
International differences in treatment effect: do they really exist and why? (2013)
Pocock, Stuart; Calvo, Gonzalo; Marrugat, Jaume; Prasad, Krishna; Tavazzi, Luigi; Wallentin, Lars; Zannad, Faiez; Alonso Garcia, Angeles
The data monitoring experience in the Candesartan in Heart Failure Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and morbidity (CHARM) program. (2005)
Pocock, Stuart; Wang, Duolao; Wilhelmsen, Lars; Hennekens, Charles H
The data monitoring experience in the MOXCON trial. (2004)
Pocock, Stuart; Wilhelmsen, Lars; Dickstein, Kenneth; Francis, Gary; Wittes, Janet
Interventional versus conservative treatment in acute non-ST elevation coronary syndrome: time course of patient management and disease events over one year in the RITA 3 trial. (2006)
Poole-Wilson, PA; Pocock, SJ; Fox, KAA; Henderson, RA; Wheatley, DJ; Chamberlain, DA; Shaw, TRD; Clayton, TC; Randomised Intervention Trial of unstable Angina Investigators
Effect of long-acting nifedipine on mortality and cardiovascular morbidity in patients with stable angina requiring treatment (ACTION trial): randomised controlled trial. (2004)
Poole-Wilson, Philip A; Lubsen, Jacobus; Kirwan, Bridget-Anne; van Dalen, Fred J; Wagener, Gilbert; Danchin, Nicolas; Just, Hanjörg; Fox, Keith AA; Pocock, Stuart J; Clayton, Tim C; Motro, Michael; Parker, John D; Bourassa, Martial G; Dart, Anthony M; Hildebrandt, Per; Hjalmarson, Ake; Kragten, Johannes A; Molhoek, G Peter; Otterstad, Jan-Erik; Seabra-Gomes, Ricardo; Soler-Soler, Jordi; Weber, Simon; Coronary disease Trial Investigating Outcome with Nifedipine gas
Characteristics and survival of heart failure patients in whom left ventricular ejection fraction is not assessed: analysis from a large-scale individual patient meta-analysis (MAGGIC). (2010)
Poppe, K; Berry, C; Dobson, J; Pocock, SJ; Kober, L; McAlister, FA; Squire, IB; Whalley, GA; Doughty, RN
Role of blood pressure and other variables in the differential cardiovascular event rates noted in the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial-Blood Pressure Lowering Arm (ASCOT-BPLA). (2005)
Poulter, Neil R; Wedel, Hans; Dahlöf, Björn; Sever, Peter S; Beevers, D Gareth; Caulfield, Mark; Kjeldsen, Sverre E; Kristinsson, Arni; McInnes, Gordon T; Mehlsen, Jesper; Nieminen, Markku; O'Brien, Eoin; Ostergren, Jan; Pocock, Stuart; ASCOT Investigators
Prognostic significance of periprocedural versus spontaneously occurring myocardial infarction after percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with acute coronary syndromes: an analysis from the ACUITY (Acute Catheterization and Urgent Intervention Triage Strategy) trial. (2009)
Prasad, Abhiram; Gersh, Bernard J; Bertrand, Michel E; Lincoff, A Michael; Moses, Jeffrey W; Ohman, E Magnus; White, Harvey D; Pocock, Stuart J; McLaurin, Brent T; Cox, David A; Lansky, Alexandra J; Mehran, Roxana; Stone, Gregg W
Eplerenone and new-onset diabetes in patients with mild heart failure: results from the Eplerenone in Mild Patients Hospitalization and Survival Study in Heart Failure (EMPHASIS-HF). (2012)
Preiss, David; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J; Sattar, Naveed; Krum, Henry; Swedberg, Karl; Shi, Harry; Vincent, John; Pocock, Stuart J; Pitt, Bertram; Zannad, Faiez; McMurray, John JV
ASCORE: an up-to-date cardiovascular risk score for hypertensive patients reflecting contemporary clinical practice developed using the (ASCOT-BPLA) trial data. (2013)
Prieto-Merino, D; Dobson, J; Gupta, AK; Chang, C-L; Sever, PS; Dahlöf, B; Wedel, H; Pocock, S; Poulter, N; ASCOT-BPLA Investigators
The science of risk models. (2012)
Prieto-Merino, David; Pocock, Stuart J
BMI and risk of dementia in two million people over two decades: a retrospective cohort study. (2015)
Qizilbash, Nawab; Gregson, John; Johnson, Michelle E; Pearce, Neil; Douglas, Ian; Wing, Kevin; Evans, Stephen JW; Pocock, Stuart J
Does midlife obesity really lower dementia risk? - Authors' reply. (2015)
Qizilbash, Nawab; Gregson, John; Pocock, Stuart
TCT-105 Prevalence of prasugrel use and associations between type of acute coronary syndrome and 1-year clinical outcomes. (2016)
Rafique, A; Chandrasekhar, J; Baber, U; Sartori, S; Aquino, M; Kapadia, S; Rao, S; Muhlestein, JB; Toma, C; Strauss, C; Weintraub, W; Weiss, S; DeFranco, A; Pocock, S; Effron, M; Keller, S; Baker, B; Kini, A; Mehran, R; Henry, T
TCT-55 Risk-Benefit Analysis of Upstream Antithrombotic Therapy in Patients with Non-ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes Prior to Coronary Angiography. (2016)
Redfors, B; Généreux, P; Kirtane, A; Pocock, S; Ayele, G; Deliargyris, M; Mehran, R; Stone, G
Bleeding Events Before Coronary Angiography in Patients With Non-ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome. (2016)
Redfors, Björn; Kirtane, Ajay J; Pocock, Stuart J; Ayele, Girma Minalu; Deliargyris, Efthymios N; Mehran, Roxana; Stone, Gregg W; Généreux, Philippe
Feasibility and exploratory efficacy evaluation of the Embrella Embolic Deflector system for the prevention of cerebral emboli in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement: the PROTAVI-C pilot study. (2014)
Rodés-Cabau, Josep; Kahlert, Philip; Neumann, Franz-Josef; Schymik, Gerhard; Webb, John G; Amarenco, Pierre; Brott, Thomas; Garami, Zsolt; Gerosa, Gino; Lefèvre, Thierry; Plicht, Bjoern; Pocock, Stuart J; Schlamann, Marc; Thomas, Martyn; Diamond, Beverly; Merioua, Ihsen; Beyersdorf, Friedhelm; Vahanian, Alec
Effect of rosuvastatin on repeat heart failure hospitalizations: the CORONA Trial (Controlled Rosuvastatin Multinational Trial in Heart Failure). (2014)
Rogers, Jennifer K; Jhund, Pardeep S; Perez, Ana-Cristina; Böhm, Michael; Cleland, John G; Gullestad, Lars; Kjekshus, John; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J; Wikstrand, John; Wedel, Hans; McMurray, John JV; Pocock, Stuart J
Cracking the NNT Code: Effect of Ivabradine on Recurrent Hospitalizations. (2015)
Rogers, Jennifer K; Kielhorn, Adrian; Borer, Jeffrey S; Ford, Ian; Pocock, Stuart J
Effect of ivabradine on numbers needed to treat for the prevention of recurrent hospitalizations in heart failure patients. (2015)
Rogers, Jennifer K; Kielhorn, Adrian; Borer, Jeffrey S; Ford, Ian; Pocock, Stuart J
Eplerenone in patients with systolic heart failure and mild symptoms: analysis of repeat hospitalizations. (2012)
Rogers, Jennifer K; McMurray, John JV; Pocock, Stuart J; Zannad, Faiez; Krum, Henry; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J; Swedberg, Karl; Shi, Harry; Vincent, John; Pitt, Bertram
Analysing recurrent hospitalizations in heart failure: a review of statistical methodology, with application to CHARM-Preserved. (2013)
Rogers, Jennifer K; Pocock, Stuart J; McMurray, John JV; Granger, Christopher B; Michelson, Eric L; Östergren, Jan; Pfeffer, Marc A; Solomon, Scott D; Swedberg, Karl; Yusuf, Salim
Impact of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists on the risk of sudden cardiac death in patients with heart failure and left-ventricular systolic dysfunction: an individual patient-level meta-analysis of three randomized-controlled trials. (2018)
Rossello, Xavier; Ariti, Cono; Pocock, Stuart J; Ferreira, João Pedro; Girerd, Nicolas; McMurray, John JV; Van Veldhuisen, Dirk J; Pitt, Bertram; Zannad, Faiez
Long-Term Use of Cardiovascular Drugs: Challenges for Research and for Patient Care. (2015)
Rossello, Xavier; Pocock, Stuart J; Julian, Desmond G
Association between anthropometry and high blood pressure in a representative sample of preschoolers in madrid. (2014)
Santos-Beneit, Gloria; Sotos-Prieto, Mercedes; Pocock, Stuart; Redondo, Juliana; Fuster, Valentín; Peñalvo, José L
Gender Differences in Associations Between Intraprocedural Thrombotic Events During Percutaneous Coronary Intervention and Adverse Outcomes. (2016)
Schoos, Mikkel M; Mehran, Roxana; Dangas, George D; Yu, Jennifer; Baber, Usman; Clemmensen, Peter; Feit, Frederick; Gersh, Bernard J; Guagliumi, Giulio; Ohman, E Magnus; Pocock, Stuart J; Witzenbichler, Bernhard; Stone, Gregg W
Coronary angioplasty versus medical therapy for angina. Health service costs based on the second Randomized Intervention Treatment of Angina (RITA-2) trial. (2002)
Sculpher, M; Smith, D; Clayton, T; Henderson, R; Buxton, M; Pocock, S; Chamberlain, D; Randomized Intervention Treatment of Angina (RITA-2) trial
Contemporary inter-hospital transfer patterns for the management of acute coronary syndrome patients: findings from the EPICOR study. (2014)
Sinnaeve, Peter R; Zeymer, Uwe; Bueno, Héctor; Danchin, Nicolas; Medina, Jesús; Sánchez-Covisa, Joaquín; Licour, Muriel; Annemans, Lieven; Jukema, J Wouter; Pocock, Stuart; Storey, Robert F; Van de Werf, Frans
Insulin glargine and cancer – Authors' reply. (2009)
Smeeth, Liam; Pocock, Stuart
Neural modulation for hypertension and heart failure. (2016)
Smith, S; Rossignol, P; Willis, S; Zannad, F; Mentz, R; Pocock, S; Bisognano, J; Nadim, Y; Geller, N; Ruble, S; Linde, C
Increase in risk of death in early months following hospitalization for heart failure: Observations from the CHARM program. (2006)
Solomon, SD; Marro, J; Pocock, S; Skali, H; McMurray, JJ; Granger, C; Yusuf, S; Swedberg, K; Michelson, EL; Zeneca, A; Young, JB; Pfeffer, MA
Influence of ejection fraction on cardiovascular outcomes in a broad spectrum of heart failure patients. (2005)
Solomon, Scott D; Anavekar, Nagesh; Skali, Hicham; McMurray, John JV; Swedberg, Karl; Yusuf, Salim; Granger, Christopher B; Michelson, Eric L; Wang, Duolao; Pocock, Stuart; Pfeffer, Marc A; Candesartan in Heart Failure Reduction in Mortality (CHARM) Inve
Influence of nonfatal hospitalization for heart failure on subsequent mortality in patients with chronic heart failure. (2007)
Solomon, Scott D; Dobson, Joanna; Pocock, Stuart; Skali, Hicham; McMurray, John JV; Granger, Christopher B; Yusuf, Salim; Swedberg, Karl; Young, James B; Michelson, Eric L; Pfeffer, Marc A; Candesartan in Heart failure: Assessment of Reduction in Mortali
Response to Letter Regarding Article, “Influence of Nonfatal Hospitalization for Heart Failure on Subsequent Mortality in Patients With Chronic Heart Failure”. (2008)
Solomon, Scott D; Pfeffer, Marc A; Pocock, Stuart; Marro, Joanna; McMurray, John JV; Granger, Christopher B; Yusuf, Salim; Swedberg, Karl; Young, James B; Michelson, Eric
Dual Antiplatelet Therapy Cessation and Adverse Events After Drug-Eluting Stent Implantation in Patients at High Risk for Atherothrombosis (from the PARIS Registry). (2018)
Sorrentino, Sabato; Giustino, Gennaro; Baber, Usman; Sartori, Samantha; Cohen, David J; Henry, Timothy D; Farhan, Serdar; Sharma, Madhav; Ariti, Cono; Dangas, George; Gibson, Michael; Faggioni, Michela; Krucoff, Mitchell W; Aquino, Melissa; Chandrasekhar, Jaya; Moliterno, David J; Colombo, Antonio; Vogel, Birgit; Chieffo, Alaide; Kini, Annapoorna S; Witzenbichler, Bernhard; Weisz, Giora; Steg, Philippe Gabriel; Pocock, Stuart; Mehran, Roxana
Sotos-Prieto, Mercedes; Santos-Beneit, Gloria; Bodega, Patricia; Pocock, Stuart; Mattei, Josiemer; Peñalvo, Jose Luis
Intravenous tranexamic acid for hyperacute primary intracerebral hemorrhage: Protocol for a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. (2016)
Sprigg, Nikola; Robson, Katie; Bath, Philip; Dineen, Robert; Roberts, Ian; Robinson, Tom; Roffe, Christine; Werring, David; Al-Shahi Salman, Rustam; Pocock, Stuart; Duley, Lelia; England, Tim; Whynes, David; Ciccone, Alfonso; Laska, Ann Charlotte; Christensen, Hanne; Ozturk, Serefnur; Collins, Ronan; Bereczki, Daniel; Egea-Guerrero, Juan Jose; Law, Zhe Kang; Czlonkowska, Anna; Seiffge, David; Beredzie, Maia; TICH-2 Investigators
Comparison of heparin plus IIb/IIIa inhibition versus bivalirudin with or without IIb/IIIa inhibition in patients with acute coronary syndromes undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: The ACUITY trial. (2006)
Stone, GW; White, HD; Ohman, EM; Bertrand, ME; Lincoff, AM; McLaurin, BT; Cox, DA; Pocock, SJ; Ware, JH; Colombo, A; Mehran, R; Moses, JW
Impact of major bleeding and blood transfusions after cardiac surgery: analysis from the Acute Catheterization and Urgent Intervention Triage strategY (ACUITY) trial. (2012)
Stone, Gregg W; Clayton, Tim C; Mehran, Roxana; Dangas, George; Parise, Helen; Fahy, Martin; Pocock, Stuart J
Reduction in cardiac mortality with bivalirudin in patients with and without major bleeding: The HORIZONS-AMI trial (Harmonizing Outcomes with Revascularization and Stents in Acute Myocardial Infarction). (2013)
Stone, Gregg W; Clayton, Tim; Deliargyris, Efthymios N; Prats, Jayne; Mehran, Roxana; Pocock, Stuart J
Bivalirudin versus heparin with or without glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors in patients with STEMI undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention: pooled patient-level analysis from the HORIZONS-AMI and EUROMAX trials. (2014)
Stone, Gregg W; Mehran, Roxana; Goldstein, Patrick; Witzenbichler, Bernhard; Van't Hof, Arnoud; Guagliumi, Giulio; Hamm, Christian W; Généreux, Philippe; Clemmensen, Peter; Pocock, Stuart J; Gersh, Bernard J; Bernstein, Debra; Deliargyris, Efthymios N; Steg, Philippe Gabriel
Randomized trials, statistics, and clinical inference. (2010)
Stone, Gregg W; Pocock, Stuart J
Bivalirudin in patients with acute coronary syndromes undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: a subgroup analysis from the Acute Catheterization and Urgent Intervention Triage strategy (ACUITY) trial. (2007)
Stone, Gregg W; White, Harvey D; Ohman, E Magnus; Bertrand, Michel E; Lincoff, A Michael; McLaurin, Brent T; Cox, David A; Pocock, Stuart J; Ware, James H; Feit, Frederick; Colombo, Antonio; Manoukian, Steven V; Lansky, Alexandra J; Mehran, Roxana; Moses, Jeffrey W; Acute Catheterization and Urgent Intervention Triage strategy (A
Heparin plus a glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor versus bivalirudin monotherapy and paclitaxel-eluting stents versus bare-metal stents in acute myocardial infarction (HORIZONS-AMI): final 3-year results from a multicentre, randomised controlled trial. (2011)
Stone, Gregg W; Witzenbichler, Bernhard; Guagliumi, Giulio; Peruga, Jan Z; Brodie, Bruce R; Dudek, Dariusz; Kornowski, Ran; Hartmann, Franz; Gersh, Bernard J; Pocock, Stuart J; Dangas, George; Wong, S Chiu; Fahy, Martin; Parise, Helen; Mehran, Roxana; HORIZONS-AMI Trial Investigators
A comparison of two methods for the estimation of precision with incomplete longitudinal data, jointly modelled with a time-to-event outcome. (2003)
Touloumi, G; Babiker, AG; Kenward, MG; Pocock, SJ; Darbyshire, JH
Impact of missing data due to drop-outs on estimators for rates of change in longitudinal studies: a simulation study. (2001)
Touloumi, G; Babiker, AG; Pocock, SJ; Darbyshire, JH
Impact of missing data due to selective dropouts in cohort studies and clinical trials. (2002)
Touloumi, Giota; Pocock, Stuart J; Babiker, Abdel G; Darbyshire, Janet H
Rationale and design of the LEADERS FREE trial: A randomized double-blind comparison of the BioFreedom drug-coated stent vs the Gazelle bare metal stent in patients at high bleeding risk using a short (1 month) course of dual antiplatelet therapy. (2013)
Urban, Philip; Abizaid, Alex; Chevalier, Bernard; Greene, Samantha; Meredith, Ian; Morice, Marie-Claude; Pocock, Stuart
[Strengthening the reporting of observational studies in epidemiology (STROBE): explanation and elaboration]. (2009)
Vandenbroucke, Jan P; Von Elm, Erik; Altman, Douglas G; Gøtzsche, Peter C; Mulrow, Cynthia D; Pocock, Stuart J; Poole, Charles; Schlesselman, James J; Egger, Matthias; Iniciativa STROBE
Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE): explanation and elaboration. (2007)
Vandenbroucke, Jan P; von Elm, Erik; Altman, Douglas G; Gøtzsche, Peter C; Mulrow, Cynthia D; Pocock, Stuart J; Poole, Charles; Schlesselman, James J; Egger, Matthias; STROBE Initiative
Antithrombotic outcome trials in acute coronary syndromes: seeking the optimal balance between safety and efficacy. (2013)
Verheugt, Freek WA; Clemmensen, Peter; Mehran, Roxana; Agewall, Stefan; Pocock, Stuart J; Goldstein, Sidney; Torp-Pedersen, Christian; Simoons, Maarten L; Borer, Jeffrey S; Khder, Yasser M; Burton, Paul; Deliargyris, Efthymios; McMurray, John JV; Berkowitz, Scott D; Stough, Wendy Gattis; Zannad, Faiez
TCT-271 Sex-related differences in outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in patients with diabetes presenting with acute coronary syndrome (ACS): Results from the PROMETHEUS study. (2016)
Vogel, B; Baber, U; Sartori, S; Chandrasekhar, J; Aquino, M; Farhan, S; Kini, A; Weintraub, W; Rao, S; Kapadia, S; Weiss, S; Strauss, C; Toma, C; Muhlestein, JB; DeFranco, A; Effron, M; Keller, S; Baker, B; Pocock, S; Henry, T; Mehran, R
A win ratio approach to comparing continuous non-normal outcomes in clinical trials. (2016)
Wang, Duolao; Pocock, Stuart
Incidence and impact of acute kidney injury in patients with acute coronary syndromes treated with coronary artery bypass grafting: Insights from the Harmonizing Outcomes With Revascularization and Stents in Acute Myocardial Infarction (HORIZONS-AMI) and Acute Catheterization and Urgent Intervention Triage Strategy (ACUITY) trials. (2015)
Warren, Josephine; Mehran, Roxana; Baber, Usman; Xu, Ke; Giacoppo, Daniele; Gersh, Bernard J; Guagliumi, Giulio; Witzenbichler, Bernhard; Magnus Ohman, E; Pocock, Stuart J; Stone, Gregg W
Incidence and impact of totally occluded culprit coronary arteries in patients presenting with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. (2014)
Warren, Josephine; Mehran, Roxana; Yu, Jennifer; Xu, Ke; Bertrand, Michel E; Cox, David A; Lincoff, A Michael; Manoukian, Steven V; Ohman, E Magnus; Pocock, Stuart J; White, Harvey D; Stone, Gregg W
The perils of surrogate endpoints. (2015)
Weintraub, William S; Lüscher, Thomas F; Pocock, Stuart
Safety and efficacy of bivalirudin with and without glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors in patients with acute coronary syndromes undergoing percutancous coronary intervention: One year results from the randomized ACUITY trial. (2007)
White, HD; Ohman, EM; Lincoff, AM; Bertrand, ME; Colombo, A; McLaurin, BT; Cox, DA; Pocock, SJ; Ware, JH; Feit, F; Manoukian, SV; Lansky, AJ; Mehran, R; Moses, JW; Stone, GW
Safety and efficacy of switching from either unfractionated heparin or enoxaparin to bivalirudin in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes managed with an invasive strategy: results from the ACUITY (Acute Catheterization and Urgent Intervention Triage strategY) trial. (2008)
White, Harvey D; Chew, Derek P; Hoekstra, James W; Miller, Chadwick D; Pollack, Charles V; Feit, Frederick; Lincoff, A Michael; Bertrand, Michel; Pocock, Stuart; Ware, James; Ohman, E Magnus; Mehran, Roxana; Stone, Gregg W
Safety and efficacy of bivalirudin with and without glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors in patients with acute coronary syndromes undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention 1-year results from the ACUITY (Acute Catheterization and Urgent Intervention Triage strategY) trial. (2008)
White, Harvey D; Ohman, E Magnus; Lincoff, A Michael; Bertrand, Michel E; Colombo, Antonio; McLaurin, Brent T; Cox, David A; Pocock, Stuart J; Ware, James A; Manoukian, Steven V; Lansky, Alexandra J; Mehran, Roxana; Moses, Jeffrey W; Stone, Gregg W
Randomized clinical trials with added rescue medication: some approaches to their analysis and interpretation. (2001)
White, IR; Bamias, C; Hardy, P; Pocock, S; Warner, J
Adjusting treatment comparisons to account for non-randomized interventions: an example from an angina trial. (2003)
White, Ian R; Carpenter, James; Pocock, Stuart J; Henderson, Robert A
Eliciting and using expert opinions about influence of patient characteristics on treatment effects: a Bayesian analysis of the CHARM trials. (2005)
White, Ian R; Pocock, Stuart J; Wang, Duolao
Sex-Based Differences in Cessation of Dual-Antiplatelet Therapy Following Percutaneous Coronary Intervention With Stents. (2016)
Yu, Jennifer; Baber, Usman; Mastoris, Ioannis; Dangas, George; Sartori, Samantha; Steg, Philippe Gabriel; Cohen, David J; Giustino, Gennaro; Chandrasekhar, Jaya; Ariti, Cono; Witzenbichler, Bernhard; Henry, Timothy D; Kini, Annapoorna S; Krucoff, Mitchell W; Gibson, C Michael; Chieffo, Alaide; Moliterno, David J; Colombo, Antonio; Pocock, Stuart; Mehran, Roxana
Prediction of 1-year mortality and impact of bivalirudin therapy according to level of baseline risk: A patient-level pooled analysis from three randomized trials. (2015)
Yu, Jennifer; Mehran, Roxana; Clayton, Tim; Gibson, C Michael; Brodie, Bruce R; Witzenbichler, Bernhard; Lincoff, A Michael; Deliargyris, Efthymios N; Gersh, Bernard J; Pocock, Stuart J; Stone, Gregg W; Dangas, George D
Clinical outcome endpoints in heart failure trials: a European Society of Cardiology Heart Failure Association consensus document. (2013)
Zannad, Faiez; Garcia, Angeles Alonso; Anker, Stefan D; Armstrong, Paul W; Calvo, Gonzalo; Cleland, John GF; Cohn, Jay N; Dickstein, Kenneth; Domanski, Michael J; Ekman, Inger; Filippatos, Gerasimos S; Gheorghiade, Mihai; Hernandez, Adrian F; Jaarsma, Tiny; Koglin, Joerg; Konstam, Marvin; Kupfer, Stuart; Maggioni, Aldo P; Mebazaa, Alexandre; Metra, Marco; Nowack, Christina; Pieske, Burkert; Piña, Ileana L; Pocock, Stuart J; Ponikowski, Piotr; Rosano, Giuseppe; Ruilope, Luis M; Ruschitzka, Frank; Severin, Thomas; Solomon, Scott; Stein, Kenneth; Stockbridge, Norman L; Stough, Wendy Gattis; Swedberg, Karl; Tavazzi, Luigi; Voors, Adriaan A; Wasserman, Scott M; Woehrle, Holger; Zalewski, Andrew; McMurray, John JV
When to stop a clinical trial early for benefit: lessons learned and future approaches. (2012)
Zannad, Faiez; Gattis Stough, Wendy; McMurray, John JV; Remme, Willem J; Pitt, Bertram; Borer, Jeffrey S; Geller, Nancy L; Pocock, Stuart J
Assessment of cardiovascular risk of new drugs for the treatment of diabetes mellitus: risk assessment vs. risk aversion. (2016)
Zannad, Faiez; Stough, Wendy Gattis; Lipicky, Raymond J; Tamargo, Juan; Bakris, George L; Borer, Jeffrey S; Alonso García, Maria de Los Angeles; Hadjadj, Samy; Koenig, Wolfgang; Kupfer, Stuart; McCullough, Peter A; Mosenzon, Ofri; Pocock, Stuart; Scheen, André J; Sourij, Harald; Van der Schueren, Bart; Stahre, Christina; White, William B; Calvo, Gonzalo
Current challenges for clinical trials of cardiovascular medical devices. (2014)
Zannad, Faiez; Stough, Wendy Gattis; Piña, Ileana L; Mehran, Roxana; Abraham, William T; Anker, Stefan D; De Ferrari, Gaetano M; Farb, Andrew; Geller, Nancy L; Kieval, Robert S; Linde, Cecilia; Redberg, Rita F; Stein, Kenneth; Vincent, Alphons; Woehrle, Holger; Pocock, Stuart J
Diabetes clinical trials: helped or hindered by the current shift in regulatory requirements? (2012)
Zannad, Faiez; Stough, Wendy Gattis; Pocock, Stuart J; Sleight, Peter; Cushman, William C; Cleland, John GF; McMurray, John JV; Lonn, Eva; Geller, Nancy L; Wedel, Hans; Abadie, Eric; Alonso-Garcia, Angeles; Pitt, Bertram
Diagnostic and Prognostic Implications of Coronary Flow Capacity: A Comprehensive Cross-Modality Physiological Concept in Ischemic Heart Disease. (2015)
van de Hoef, Tim P; Echavarría-Pinto, Mauro; van Lavieren, Martijn A; Meuwissen, Martijn; Serruys, Patrick WJC; Tijssen, Jan GP; Pocock, Stuart J; Escaned, Javier; Piek, Jan J
The Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) statement: Guidelines for reporting of observational studies. (2008)
von Elm, E; Altman, DG; Egger, M; Pocock, SJ; Gotzsche, PC; Vandenbroucke, JP; Initiative, S
Das Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE-) Statement. (2008)
von Elm, E; Altman, DG; Egger, M; Pocock, SJ; Gøtzsche, PC; Vandenbroucke, JP
[The Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) statement: guidelines for reporting of observational studies]. (2008)
von Elm, E; Altman, DG; Egger, M; Pocock, SJ; Gøtzsche, PC; Vandenbroucke, JP; STROBE-Initiative
[The Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology [STROBE] statement: guidelines for reporting observational studies]. (2008)
von Elm, Erik; Altman, Douglas G; Egger, Matthias; Pocock, Stuart J; Gøtzsche, Peter C; Vandenbroucke, Jan P; Iniciativa STROBE
[The Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) statement: guidelines for reporting observational studies]. (2008)
von Elm, Erik; Altman, Douglas G; Egger, Matthias; Pocock, Stuart J; Gøtzsche, Peter C; Vandenbroucke, Jan P; Iniciativa STROBE
The Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) statement: guidelines for reporting observational studies. (2008)
von Elm, Erik; Altman, Douglas G; Egger, Matthias; Pocock, Stuart J; Gøtzsche, Peter C; Vandenbroucke, Jan P; STROBE Initiative
The Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) statement: guidelines for reporting observational studies. (2007)
von Elm, Erik; Altman, Douglas G; Egger, Matthias; Pocock, Stuart J; Gøtzsche, Peter C; Vandenbroucke, Jan P; STROBE Initiative
The Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) statement: guidelines for reporting observational studies. (2007)
von Elm, Erik; Altman, Douglas G; Egger, Matthias; Pocock, Stuart J; Gøtzsche, Peter C; Vandenbroucke, Jan P; STROBE Initiative
The Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) statement: guidelines for reporting observational studies. (2007)
von Elm, Erik; Altman, Douglas G; Egger, Matthias; Pocock, Stuart J; Gøtzsche, Peter C; Vandenbroucke, Jan P; STROBE Initiative
The Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) statement: guidelines for reporting observational studies. (2007)
von Elm, Erik; Altman, Douglas G; Egger, Matthias; Pocock, Stuart J; Gøtzsche, Peter C; Vandenbroucke, Jan P; STROBE Initiative
von Elm, Erik; Altman, Douglas G; Pocock, Stuart; Vandenbroucke, Jan P; Egger, Matthias
Giovanni Apolone and Stuart Pocock - 6 May 2008. (2008)
Sharing Data from Cardiovascular Clinical Trials--A Proposal. (2016)
Academic Research Organization Consortium for Continuing Evaluat; Patel, Manesh R; Armstrong, Paul W; Bhatt, Deepak L; Braunwald, Eugene; Camm, A John; Fox, Keith AA; Harrington, Robert A; Hiatt, William R; James, Stefan K; Kirtane, Ajay J; Leon, Martin B; Lincoff, A Michael; Mahaffey, Kenneth W; Mauri, Laura; Mehran, Roxana; Mehta, Shamir R; Montalescot, Gilles; Nicholls, Stephen J; Perkovic, Vlado; Peterson, Eric D; Pocock, Stuart J; Roe, Matthew T; Sabatine, Marc S; Sekeres, Mikkael; Solomon, Scott D; Steg, Gabriel; Stone, Gregg W; Van de Werf, Frans; Wallentin, Lars; White, Harvey D; Gibson, Michael
Ticagrelor With or Without Aspirin in High-Risk Patients With Diabetes Mellitus Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. (2020)
Angiolillo, Dominick J; Baber, Usman; Sartori, Samantha; Briguori, Carlo; Dangas, George; Cohen, David J; Mehta, Shamir R; Gibson, C Michael; Chandiramani, Rishi; Huber, Kurt; Kornowski, Ran; Weisz, Giora; Kunadian, Vijay; Oldroyd, Keith G; Ya-Ling, Han; Kaul, Upendra; Witzenbichler, Bernhard; Dudek, Dariusz; Sardella, Gennaro; Escaned, Javier; Sharma, Samin; Shlofmitz, Richard A; Collier, Timothy; Pocock, Stuart; Mehran, Roxana
Impact of Age on the Safety and Efficacy of Ticagrelor Monotherapy in Patients Undergoing PCI. (2021)
Angiolillo, Dominick J; Cao, Davide; Baber, Usman; Sartori, Samantha; Zhang, Zhongjie; Dangas, George; Mehta, Shamir; Briguori, Carlo; Cohen, David J; Collier, Timothy; Dudek, Dariusz; Escaned, Javier; Gibson, C Michael; Gil, Robert; Huber, Kurt; Kaul, Upendra; Kornowski, Ran; Krucoff, Mitchell W; Kunadian, Vijay; Moliterno, David J; Ohman, E Magnus; Oldroyd, Keith; Sardella, Gennaro; Sharma, Samin K; Shlofmitz, Richard; Weisz, Giora; Witzenbichler, Bernhard; Pocock, Stuart; Mehran, Roxana
Empagliflozin in Heart Failure with a Preserved Ejection Fraction. (2021)
Anker, Stefan D; Butler, Javed; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Ferreira, João P; Bocchi, Edimar; Böhm, Michael; Brunner-La Rocca, Hans-Peter; Choi, Dong-Ju; Chopra, Vijay; Chuquiure-Valenzuela, Eduardo; Giannetti, Nadia; Gomez-Mesa, Juan Esteban; Janssens, Stefan; Januzzi, James L; Gonzalez-Juanatey, Jose R; Merkely, Bela; Nicholls, Stephen J; Perrone, Sergio V; Piña, Ileana L; Ponikowski, Piotr; Senni, Michele; Sim, David; Spinar, Jindrich; Squire, Iain; Taddei, Stefano; Tsutsui, Hiroyuki; Verma, Subodh; Vinereanu, Dragos; Zhang, Jian; Carson, Peter; Lam, Carolyn Su Ping; Marx, Nikolaus; Zeller, Cordula; Sattar, Naveed; Jamal, Waheed; Schnaidt, Sven; Schnee, Janet M; Brueckmann, Martina; Pocock, Stuart J; Zannad, Faiez; Packer, Milton; EMPEROR-Preserved Trial Investigators
Effect of Empagliflozin on Cardiovascular and Renal Outcomes in Patients With Heart Failure by Baseline Diabetes Status: Results From the EMPEROR-Reduced Trial. (2020)
Anker, Stefan D; Butler, Javed; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Khan, Muhammad Shahzeb; Marx, Nikolaus; Lam, Carolyn SP; Schnaidt, Sven; Ofstad, Anne Pernille; Brueckmann, Martina; Jamal, Waheed; Bocchi, Edimar A; Ponikowski, Piotr; Perrone, Sergio V; Januzzi, James L; Verma, Subodh; Böhm, Michael; Ferreira, João Pedro; Pocock, Stuart J; Zannad, Faiez; Packer, Milton
Baseline characteristics of patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction in the EMPEROR-Preserved trial. (2020)
Anker, Stefan D; Butler, Javed; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Shahzeb Khan, Muhammad; Ferreira, João Pedro; Bocchi, Edimar; Böhm, Michael; Brunner-La Rocca, Hans Pieter; Choi, Dong-Ju; Chopra, Vijay; Chuquiure, Eduardo; Giannetti, Nadia; Gomez-Mesa, Juan Esteban; Janssens, Stefan; Januzzi, James L; Gonzalez-Juanatey, Jose R; Merkely, Bela; Nicholls, Stephen J; Perrone, Sergio V; Piña, Ileana L; Ponikowski, Piotr; Senni, Michele; Seronde, Marie-France; Sim, David; Spinar, Jindrich; Squire, Iain; Taddei, Stefano; Tsutsui, Hiroyuki; Verma, Subodh; Vinereanu, Dragos; Zhang, Jian; Jamal, Waheed; Schnaidt, Sven; Schnee, Janet M; Brueckmann, Martina; Pocock, Stuart J; Zannad, Faiez; Packer, Milton; EMPEROR-Preserved Trial Committees and Investigators
Efficacy of empagliflozin in heart failure with preserved versus mid-range ejection fraction: a pre-specified analysis of EMPEROR-Preserved. (2022)
Anker, Stefan D; Butler, Javed; Usman, Muhammad Shariq; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Ferreira, João Pedro; Bocchi, Edimar; Böhm, Michael; Rocca, Hans Pieter Brunner-La; Choi, Dong-Ju; Chopra, Vijay; Chuquiure, Eduardo; Giannetti, Nadia; Gomez-Mesa, Juan Esteban; Janssens, Stefan; Januzzi, James L; González-Juanatey, José R; Merkely, Bela; Nicholls, Stephen J; Perrone, Sergio V; Piña, Ileana L; Ponikowski, Piotr; Senni, Michele; Sim, David; Spinar, Jindrich; Squire, Iain; Taddei, Stefano; Tsutsui, Hiroyuki; Verma, Subodh; Vinereanu, Dragos; Zhang, Jian; Iwata, Tomoko; Schnee, Janet M; Brueckmann, Martina; Pocock, Stuart J; Zannad, Faiez
Rationale and design of Ferinject assessment in patients with IRon deficiency and chronic Heart Failure (FAIR-HF) study: a randomized, placebo-controlled study of intravenous iron supplementation in patients with and without anaemia. (2009)
Anker, Stefan D; Colet, Josep Comin; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Willenheimer, Ronnie; Dickstein, Kenneth; Drexler, Helmut; Lüscher, Thomas F; Mori, Claudio; von Eisenhart Rothe, Barbara; Pocock, Stuart; Poole-Wilson, Philip A; Ponikowski, Piotr; FAIR-HF committees and investigators
Ferric carboxymaltose in patients with heart failure and iron deficiency. (2009)
Anker, Stefan D; Comin Colet, Josep; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Willenheimer, Ronnie; Dickstein, Kenneth; Drexler, Helmut; Lüscher, Thomas F; Bart, Boris; Banasiak, Waldemar; Niegowska, Joanna; Kirwan, Bridget-Anne; Mori, Claudio; von Eisenhart Rothe, Barbara; Pocock, Stuart J; Poole-Wilson, Philip A; Ponikowski, Piotr; FAIR-HF Trial Investigators
Effects of ferric carboxymaltose on hospitalisations and mortality rates in iron-deficient heart failure patients: an individual patient data meta-analysis. (2017)
Anker, Stefan D; Kirwan, Bridget-Anne; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Comin-Colet, Josep; Ruschitzka, Frank; Lüscher, Thomas F; Arutyunov, Gregory P; Motro, Michael; Mori, Claudio; Roubert, Bernard; Pocock, Stuart J; Ponikowski, Piotr
Outcomes with empagliflozin in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction using DELIVER-like endpoint definitions. (2022)
Anker, Stefan D; Siddiqi, Tariq Jamal; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Zannad, Faiez; Ferreira, João Pedro; Pocock, Stuart J; Brueckmann, Martina; Zeller, Cordula; Packer, Milton; Butler, Javed
Prehospital and in-hospital use of healthcare resources in patients surviving acute coronary syndromes: an analysis of the EPICOR registry. (2016)
Annemans, Lieven; Danchin, Nicolas; Van de Werf, Frans; Pocock, Stuart; Licour, Muriel; Medina, Jesús; Bueno, Héctor
A factorial trial of six interventions for the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting. (2004)
Apfel, Christian C; Korttila, Kari; Abdalla, Mona; Kerger, Heinz; Turan, Alparslan; Vedder, Ina; Zernak, Carmen; Danner, Klaus; Jokela, Ritva; Pocock, Stuart J; Trenkler, Stefan; Kredel, Markus; Biedler, Andreas; Sessler, Daniel I; Roewer, Norbert; IMPACT Investigators
Ambulance-delivered transdermal glyceryl trinitrate versus sham for ultra-acute stroke: Rationale, design and protocol for the Rapid Intervention with Glyceryl trinitrate in Hypertensive stroke Trial-2 (RIGHT-2) trial (ISRCTN26986053). (2017)
Appleton, Jason P; Scutt, Polly; Dixon, Mark; Howard, Harriet; Haywood, Lee; Havard, Diane; Hepburn, Trish; England, Tim; Sprigg, Nikola; Woodhouse, Lisa J; Wardlaw, Joanna M; Montgomery, Alan A; Pocock, Stuart; Bath, Philip M; RIGHT-2 Investigators
Use of prasugrel vs clopidogrel and outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndrome undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention in contemporary clinical practice: Results from the PROMETHEUS study. (2017)
Baber, U; Sartori, S; Aquino, M; Kini, A; Kapadia, S; Weiss, S; Strauss, C; Muhlestein, JB; Toma, C; Rao, SV; Defranco, A; Poddar, KL; Chandrasekhar, J; Weintraub, W; Henry, TD; Bansilal, S; Baker, BA; Marrett, E; Keller, S; Effron, M; Pocock, S; Mehran, R
Ticagrelor alone vs. ticagrelor plus aspirin following percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes: TWILIGHT-ACS. (2020)
Baber, Usman; Dangas, George; Angiolillo, Dominick Joseph; Cohen, David Joel; Sharma, Samin Kumar; Nicolas, Johny; Briguori, Carlo; Cha, Jin Yu; Collier, Timothy; Dudek, Dariusz; Džavik, Vladimir; Escaned, Javier; Gil, Robert; Gurbel, Paul; Hamm, Christian W; Henry, Timothy; Huber, Kurt; Kastrati, Adnan; Kaul, Upendra; Kornowski, Ran; Krucoff, Mitchell; Kunadian, Vijay; Marx, Steven Owen; Mehta, Shamir; Moliterno, David; Ohman, Erik Magnus; Oldroyd, Keith; Sardella, Gennaro; Sartori, Samantha; Shlofmitz, Richard; Steg, Philippe Gabriel; Weisz, Giora; Witzenbichler, Bernhard; Han, Ya-Ling; Pocock, Stuart; Gibson, Charles Michael; Mehran, Roxana
Use of prasugrel vs clopidogrel and outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndrome undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention in contemporary clinical practice: Results from the PROMETHEUS study. (2017)
Baber, Usman; Sartori, Samantha; Aquino, Melissa; Kini, Annapoorna; Kapadia, Samir; Weiss, Sandra; Strauss, Craig; Muhlestein, J Brent; Toma, Catalin; Rao, Sunil V; DeFranco, Anthony; Poddar, Kanhaiya L; Chandrasekhar, Jaya; Weintraub, William; Henry, Timothy D; Bansilal, Sameer; Baker, Brian A; Marrett, Elizabeth; Keller, Stuart; Effron, Mark; Pocock, Stuart; Mehran, Roxana
Multimorbidity, functional impairment, and mortality in older patients stable after prior acute myocardial infarction: Insights from the TIGRIS registry. (2022)
Bagai, Akshay; Ali, Faeez M; Gregson, John; Alexander, Karen P; Cohen, Mauricio G; Sundell, Karolina Andersson; Simon, Tabassome; Westermann, Dirk; Yasuda, Satoshi; Brieger, David; Goodman, Shaun G; Nicolau, Jose C; Granger, Christopher B; Pocock, Stuart
Intensive versus Guideline Blood Pressure and Lipid Lowering in Patients with Previous Stroke: Main Results from the Pilot 'Prevention of Decline in Cognition after Stroke Trial' (PODCAST) Randomised Controlled Trial. (2017)
Bath, Philip M; Scutt, Polly; Blackburn, Daniel J; Ankolekar, Sandeep; Krishnan, Kailash; Ballard, Clive; Burns, Alistair; Mant, Jonathan; Passmore, Peter; Pocock, Stuart; Reckless, John; Sprigg, Nikola; Stewart, Rob; Wardlaw, Joanna M; Ford, Gary A; PODCAST Trial Investigators
Antiplatelet therapy with aspirin, clopidogrel, and dipyridamole versus clopidogrel alone or aspirin and dipyridamole in patients with acute cerebral ischaemia (TARDIS): a randomised, open-label, phase 3 superiority trial. (2017)
Bath, Philip M; Woodhouse, Lisa J; Appleton, Jason P; Beridze, Maia; Christensen, Hanne; Dineen, Robert A; Duley, Lelia; England, Timothy J; Flaherty, Katie; Havard, Diane; Heptinstall, Stan; James, Marilyn; Krishnan, Kailash; Markus, Hugh S; Montgomery, Alan A; Pocock, Stuart J; Randall, Marc; Ranta, Annemarei; Robinson, Thompson G; Scutt, Polly; Venables, Graham S; Sprigg, Nikola; TARDIS Investigators
Statistical analysis plan for the 'Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke' (ENOS) trial. (2014)
Bath, Philip MW; Houlton, Aimee; Woodhouse, Lisa; Sprigg, Nikola; Wardlaw, Joanna; Pocock, Stuart; ENOS Trialists
Statistical analysis plan for the 'Triple Antiplatelets for Reducing Dependency after Ischaemic Stroke' (TARDIS) trial. (2014)
Bath, Philip MW; Robson, Katie; Woodhouse, Lisa J; Sprigg, Nikola; Dineen, Robert; Pocock, Stuart; TARDIS Trialists
Baseline characteristics of the 3096 patients recruited into the 'Triple Antiplatelets for Reducing Dependency after Ischemic Stroke' trial. (2016)
Bath, Philip Mw; Appleton, Jason P; Beridze, Maia; Christensen, Hanne; Dineen, Robert A; Duley, Lelia; England, Timothy J; Heptinstall, Stan; James, Marilyn; Krishnan, Kailash; Markus, Hugh S; Pocock, Stuart; Ranta, Annemarei; Robinson, Thompson G; Flaherty, Katie; Scutt, Polly; Venables, Graham S; Woodhouse, Lisa J; Sprigg, Nikola
Relationship between nitrate headache and outcome in patients with acute stroke: results from the efficacy of nitric oxide in stroke (ENOS) trial. (2020)
Beishon, Lucy; Woodhouse, Lisa J; Bereczki, Daniel; Christensen, Hanne K; Collins, Ronan; Gommans, John; Kruuse, Christina; Ntaios, George; Ozturk, Serefnur; Phillips, Stephen; Pocock, Stuart; Szatmari, Szabolcs; Wardlaw, Joanna; Sprigg, Nikola; Bath, Philip M; for ENOS Investigators
Reduction in First and Total Ischemic Events With Icosapent Ethyl Across Baseline Triglyceride Tertiles. (2019)
Bhatt, Deepak L; Steg, Ph Gabriel; Miller, Michael; Brinton, Eliot A; Jacobson, Terry A; Jiao, Lixia; Tardif, Jean-Claude; Gregson, John; Pocock, Stuart J; Ballantyne, Christie M; REDUCE-IT Investigators
Effects of Icosapent Ethyl on Total Ischemic Events: From REDUCE-IT. (2019)
Bhatt, Deepak L; Steg, Ph Gabriel; Miller, Michael; Brinton, Eliot A; Jacobson, Terry A; Ketchum, Steven B; Doyle, Ralph T; Juliano, Rebecca A; Jiao, Lixia; Granowitz, Craig; Tardif, Jean-Claude; Gregson, John; Pocock, Stuart J; Ballantyne, Christie M; REDUCE-IT Investigators
Prevention of Decline in Cognition after Stroke Trial (PODCAST): a study protocol for a factorial randomised controlled trial of intensive versus guideline lowering of blood pressure and lipids. (2013)
Blackburn, Daniel J; Krishnan, Kailash; Fox, Lydia; Ballard, Clive; Burns, Alistair; Ford, Gary A; Mant, Jonathan; Passmore, Peter; Pocock, Stuart; Reckless, John; Sprigg, Nikola; Stewart, Rob; Wardlaw, Joanna; Bath, Philip MW
Two-year outcomes among stable high-risk patients following acute MI. Insights from a global registry in 25 countries. (2020)
Brieger, David; Pocock, Stuart J; Blankenberg, Stefan; Chen, Ji Yan; Cohen, Mauricio G; Granger, Christopher B; Grieve, Richard; Nicolau, Jose C; Simon, Tabassome; Westermann, Dirk; Yasuda, Satoshi; Gregson, John; Rennie, Kirsten L; Hedman, Katarina; Sundell, Karolina Andersson; Goodman, Shaun G
Association Between Clinical Pathways Leading to Medical Management and Prognosis in Patients With NSTEACS. (2017)
Bueno, H; Pocock, S; Medina, J; Danchin, N; Annemans, L; Licour, M; Gregson, J; Vega, AM; van de Werf, F
International patterns of dual antiplatelet therapy duration after acute coronary syndromes. (2016)
Bueno, Héctor; Pocock, Stuart; Danchin, Nicolas; Annemans, Lieven; Gregson, John; Medina, Jesús; Van de Werf, Frans
In-Hospital Coronary Revascularization Rates and Post-Discharge Mortality Risk in Non-ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome. (2019)
Bueno, Héctor; Rossello, Xavier; Pocock, Stuart J; Van de Werf, Frans; Chin, Chee Tang; Danchin, Nicolas; Lee, Stephen W-L; Medina, Jesús; Huo, Yong
Empagliflozin and health-related quality of life outcomes in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: the EMPEROR-Reduced trial. (2021)
Butler, Javed; Anker, Stefan D; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Khan, Muhammad Shahzeb; Ferreira, João Pedro; Pocock, Stuart J; Giannetti, Nadia; Januzzi, James L; Piña, Ileana L; Lam, Carolyn SP; Ponikowski, Piotr; Sattar, Naveed; Verma, Subodh; Brueckmann, Martina; Jamal, Waheed; Vedin, Ola; Peil, Barbara; Zeller, Cordula; Zannad, Faiez; Packer, Milton; EMPEROR-Reduced Trial Committees and Investigators
Empagliflozin, Health Status, and Quality of Life in Patients With Heart Failure and Preserved Ejection Fraction: The EMPEROR-Preserved Trial. (2022)
Butler, Javed; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Jamal Siddiqi, Tariq; Brueckmann, Martina; Böhm, Michael; Chopra, Vijay K; Pedro Ferreira, João; Januzzi, James L; Kaul, Sanjay; Piña, Ileana L; Ponikowski, Piotr; Shah, Sanjiv J; Senni, Michele; Vedin, Ola; Verma, Subodh; Peil, Barbara; Pocock, Stuart J; Zannad, Faiez; Packer, Milton; Anker, Stefan D
Effects of Empagliflozin in Women and Men With Heart Failure and Preserved Ejection Fraction. (2022)
Butler, Javed; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Siddiqi, Tariq Jamal; Ferreira, João Pedro; Brueckmann, Martina; Bocchi, Edimar; Böhm, Michael; Chopra, Vijay K; Giannetti, Nadia; Iwata, Tomoko; Januzzi, James L; Kaul, Sanjay; Piña, Ileana L; Ponikowski, Piotr; Rauch-Kröhnert, Ursula; Shah, Sanjiv J; Senni, Michele; Sumin, Mikhail; Verma, Subodh; Zhang, Jian; Pocock, Stuart J; Zannad, Faiez; Packer, Milton; Anker, Stefan D
The potential role and rationale for treatment of heart failure with sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors. (2017)
Butler, Javed; Hamo, Carine E; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Pocock, Stuart J; Bernstein, Richard A; Brueckmann, Martina; Cheung, Alfred K; George, Jyothis T; Green, Jennifer B; Januzzi, James L; Kaul, Sanjay; Lam, Carolyn SP; Lip, Gregory YH; Marx, Nikolaus; McCullough, Peter A; Mehta, Cyrus R; Ponikowski, Piotr; Rosenstock, Julio; Sattar, Naveed; Salsali, Afshin; Scirica, Benjamin M; Shah, Sanjiv J; Tsutsui, Hiroyuki; Verma, Subodh; Wanner, Christoph; Woerle, Hans-Juergan; Zannad, Faiez; Anker, Stefan D; EMPEROR Trials Program
Effect of empagliflozin in patients with heart failure across the spectrum of left ventricular ejection fraction. (2022)
Butler, Javed; Packer, Milton; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Ferreira, Joao Pedro; Zeller, Cordula; Schnee, Janet; Brueckmann, Martina; Pocock, Stuart J; Zannad, Faiez; Anker, Stefan D
Early benefit with empagliflozin in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: insights from the EMPEROR-Preserved trial. (2022)
Butler, Javed; Siddiqi, Tariq Jamal; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Ferreira, João Pedro; Pocock, Stuart J; Zannad, Faiez; Anker, Stefan D
Empagliflozin Improves Cardiovascular and Renal Outcomes in Heart Failure Irrespective of Systolic Blood Pressure. (2021)
Böhm, Michael; Anker, Stefan D; Butler, Javed; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Ferreira, João Pedro; Pocock, Stuart J; Mahfoud, Felix; Brueckmann, Martina; Jamal, Waheed; Ofstad, Anne Pernille; Schüler, Elke; Ponikowski, Piotr; Wanner, Christoph; Zannad, Faiez; Packer, Milton; EMPEROR-Reduced Trial Committees and Investigators
Empagliflozin Improves Outcomes in Patients With Heart Failure and Preserved Ejection Fraction Irrespective of Age. (2022)
Böhm, Michael; Butler, Javed; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Ferreira, João Pedro; Pocock, Stuart J; Abdin, Amr; Mahfoud, Felix; Brueckmann, Martina; Gollop, Nicholas D; Iwata, Tomoko; Ponikowski, Piotr; Wanner, Christoph; Zannad, Faiez; Packer, Milton; Anker, Stefan D; EMPEROR-Preserved Trial Committees and Investigators
A re-examination of the SPYRAL HTN-OFF MED Pivotal trial with respect to the underlying model assumptions. (2021)
Böhm, Michael; Fahy, Martin; Hickey, Graeme L; Pocock, Stuart; Brar, Sandeep; DeBruin, Vanessa; Weber, Michael A; Mahfoud, Felix; Kandzari, David E
Rationale and design of two randomized sham-controlled trials of catheter-based renal denervation in subjects with uncontrolled hypertension in the absence (SPYRAL HTN-OFF MED Pivotal) and presence (SPYRAL HTN-ON MED Expansion) of antihypertensive medications: a novel approach using Bayesian design. (2020)
Böhm, Michael; Townsend, Raymond R; Kario, Kazuomi; Kandzari, David; Mahfoud, Felix; Weber, Michael A; Schmieder, Roland E; Tsioufis, Konstantinos; Hickey, Graeme L; Fahy, Martin; DeBruin, Vanessa; Brar, Sandeep; Pocock, Stuart
Correction to: Rationale and design of two randomized sham‑controlled of catheter‑based renal denervation in subjects with uncontrolled hypertension in the absence (SPYRAL HTN‑OFF MED Pivotal) and presence (SPYRAL HTN‑ON MED Expansion) of antihypertensive medications: a novel approach using Bayesian design. (2020)
Böhm, Michael; Townsend, Raymond R; Kario, Kazuomi; Kandzari, David; Mahfoud, Felix; Weber, Michael A; Schmieder, Roland E; Tsioufis, Konstantinos; Hickey, Graeme L; Fahy, Martin; DeBruin, Vanessa; Brar, Sandeep; Pocock, Stuart
Atrial fibrillation and clinical outcomes 1 to 3 years after myocardial infarction. (2021)
Carnicelli, Anthony P; Owen, Ruth; Pocock, Stuart J; Brieger, David B; Yasuda, Satoshi; Nicolau, Jose Carlos; Goodman, Shaun G; Cohen, Mauricio G; Simon, Tabassome; Westermann, Dirk; Hedman, Katarina; Andersson Sundell, Karolina; Granger, Christopher B
Polypill Strategy in Secondary Cardiovascular Prevention. (2022)
Castellano, Jose M; Pocock, Stuart J; Bhatt, Deepak L; Quesada, Antonio J; Owen, Ruth; Fernandez-Ortiz, Antonio; Sanchez, Pedro L; Marin Ortuño, Francisco; Vazquez Rodriguez, Jose M; Domingo-Fernández, Alexandra; Lozano, Iñigo; Roncaglioni, Maria C; Baviera, Marta; Foresta, Andreana; Ojeda-Fernandez, Luisa; Colivicchi, Furio; Di Fusco, Stefania A; Doehner, Wolfram; Meyer, Antje; Schiele, François; Ecarnot, Fiona; Linhart, Aleš; Lubanda, Jean-Claude; Barczi, Gyorgy; Merkely, Bela; Ponikowski, Piotr; Kasprzak, Marta; Fernandez Alvira, Juan M; Andres, Vicente; Bueno, Hector; Collier, Timothy; Van de Werf, Frans; Perel, Pablo; Rodriguez-Manero, Moises; Alonso Garcia, Angeles; Proietti, Marco; Schoos, Mikkel M; Simon, Tabassome; Fernandez Ferro, Jose; Lopez, Nicolas; Beghi, Ettore; Bejot, Yannick; Vivas, David; Cordero, Alberto; Ibañez, Borja; Fuster, Valentin; SECURE Investigators
Associations Between Complex PCI and Prasugrel or Clopidogrel Use in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome Who Undergo PCI: From the PROMETHEUS Study. (2017)
Chandrasekhar, Jaya; Baber, Usman; Sartori, Samantha; Aquino, Melissa; Kini, Annapoorna S; Rao, Sunil; Weintraub, William; Henry, Timothy D; Farhan, Serdar; Vogel, Birgit; Sorrentino, Sabato; Ge, Zhen; Kapadia, Samir; Muhlestein, Joseph B; Weiss, Sandra; Strauss, Craig; Toma, Catalin; DeFranco, Anthony; Effron, Mark B; Keller, Stuart; Baker, Brian A; Pocock, Stuart; Dangas, George; Mehran, Roxana
Development of a Yoga-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation (Yoga-CaRe) Programme for Secondary Prevention of Myocardial Infarction. (2019)
Chattopadhyay, Kaushik; Chandrasekaran, Ambalam M; Praveen, Pradeep A; Manchanda, Subhash C; Madan, Kushal; Ajay, Vamadevan S; Singh, Kavita; Tillin, Therese; Hughes, Alun D; Chaturvedi, Nishi; Ebrahim, Shah; Pocock, Stuart; Reddy, K Srinath; Tandon, Nikhil; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Kinra, Sanjay
Impact of eplerenone on major cardiovascular outcomes in patients with systolic heart failure according to baseline heart rate. (2019)
Chin, Ken Lee; Collier, Timothy; Pocock, Stuart; Pitt, Bertram; McMurray, John JV; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J; Swedberg, Karl; Vincent, John; Zannad, Faiez; Liew, Danny
Risk score for predicting death, myocardial infarction, and stroke in patients with stable angina, based on a large randomised trial cohort of patients. (2005)
Clayton, Tim C; Lubsen, Jacobus; Pocock, Stuart J; Vokó, Zoltán; Kirwan, Bridget-Anne; Fox, Keith AA; Poole-Wilson, Philip A
New medicinal products for chronic heart failure: advances in clinical trial design and efficacy assessment. (2017)
Cowie, Martin R; Filippatos, Gerasimos S; Alonso Garcia, Maria de Los Angeles; Anker, Stefan D; Baczynska, Anna; Bloomfield, Daniel M; Borentain, Maria; Bruins Slot, Karsten; Cronin, Maureen; Doevendans, Pieter A; El-Gazayerly, Amany; Gimpelewicz, Claudio; Honarpour, Narimon; Janmohamed, Salim; Janssen, Heidi; Kim, Albert M; Lautsch, Dominik; Laws, Ian; Lefkowitz, Martin; Lopez-Sendon, Jose; Lyon, Alexander R; Malik, Fady I; McMurray, John JV; Metra, Marco; Figueroa Perez, Santiago; Pfeffer, Marc A; Pocock, Stuart J; Ponikowski, Piotr; Prasad, Krishna; Richard-Lordereau, Isabelle; Roessig, Lothar; Rosano, Giuseppe MC; Sherman, Warren; Stough, Wendy Gattis; Swedberg, Karl; Tyl, Benoit; Zannad, Faiez; Boulton, Caroline; De Graeff, Pieter
Ticagrelor With or Without Aspirin After Complex PCI. (2020)
Dangas, George; Baber, Usman; Sharma, Samin; Giustino, Gennaro; Mehta, Shamir; Cohen, David J; Angiolillo, Dominick J; Sartori, Samantha; Chandiramani, Rishi; Briguori, Carlo; Dudek, Dariusz; Escaned, Javier; Huber, Kurt; Collier, Timothy; Kornowski, Ran; Kunadian, Vijay; Kaul, Upendra; Oldroyd, Keith; Sardella, Gennaro; Shlofmitz, Richard; Witzenbichler, Bernhard; Ya-Ling, Han; Pocock, Stuart; Gibson, C Michael; Mehran, Roxana
Safety and efficacy of ticagrelor monotherapy according to drug-eluting stent type: the TWILIGHT-STENT study. (2023)
Dangas, George; Baber, Usman; Sharma, Samin; Giustino, Gennaro; Sartori, Samantha; Nicolas, Johny; Goel, Ridhima; Mehta, Shamir; Cohen, David; Angiolillo, Dominick J; Zhang, Zhongjie; Camaj, Anton; Cao, Davide; Briguori, Carlo; Dudek, Dariusz; Escaned, Javier; Huber, Kurt; Collier, Timothy; Kornowski, Ran; Kunadian, Vijay; Moliterno, David J; Ohman, E Magnus; Weisz, Giora; Gil, Robert; Krucoff, Mitchell W; Kaul, Upendra; Oldroyd, Keith G; Sardella, Gennaro; Shlofmitz, Richard; Witzenbichler, Bernhard; Kastrati, Adnan; Han, Ya-Ling; Steg, Philippe Gabriel; Pocock, Stuart; Gibson, C Michael; Mehran, Roxana
Ticagrelor monotherapy after PCI in patients with concomitant diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease: TWILIGHT DM-CKD. (2022)
Dehghani, Payam; Cao, Davide; Baber, Usman; Nicolas, Johny; Sartori, Samantha; Pivato, Carlo A; Zhang, Zhongjie; Dangas, George; Angiolillo, Dominick J; Briguori, Carlo; Cohen, David J; Collier, Timothy; Dudek, Dariusz; Gibson, Michael; Gil, Robert; Huber, Kurt; Kaul, Upendra; Kornowski, Ran; Krucoff, Mitchell W; Kunadian, Vijay; Mehta, Shamir; Moliterno, David J; Ohman, E Magnus; Escaned, Javier; Sardella, Gennaro; Sharma, Samin K; Shlofmitz, Richard; Weisz, Giora; Witzenbichler, Bernhard; Pocock, Stuart; Mehran, Roxana
Uric acid and sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibition with empagliflozin in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: the EMPEROR-reduced trial. (2022)
Doehner, Wolfram; Anker, Stefan D; Butler, Javed; Zannad, Faiez; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Ferreira, João Pedro; Salsali, Afshin; Kaempfer, Carolyn; Brueckmann, Martina; Pocock, Stuart J; Januzzi, James L; Packer, Milton
The risk of fractures associated with thiazolidinediones: a self-controlled case-series study. (2009)
Douglas, Ian J; Evans, Stephen J; Pocock, Stuart; Smeeth, Liam
Risks to healthcare workers following tracheal intubation of patients with COVID-19: a prospective international multicentre cohort study. (2020)
El-Boghdadly, K; Wong, DJN; Owen, R; Neuman, MD; Pocock, S; Carlisle, JB; Johnstone, C; Andruszkiewicz, P; Baker, PA; Biccard, BM; Bryson, GL; Chan, MTV; Cheng, MH; Chin, KJ; Coburn, M; Jonsson Fagerlund, M; Myatra, SN; Myles, PS; O'Sullivan, E; Pasin, L; Shamim, F; van Klei, WA; Ahmad, I
Comparison of Propensity Score Methods and Covariate Adjustment: Evaluation in 4 Cardiovascular Studies. (2017)
Elze, Markus C; Gregson, John; Baber, Usman; Williamson, Elizabeth; Sartori, Samantha; Mehran, Roxana; Nichols, Melissa; Stone, Gregg W; Pocock, Stuart J
Ticagrelor monotherapy in patients at high bleeding risk undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: TWILIGHT-HBR. (2021)
Escaned, Javier; Cao, Davide; Baber, Usman; Nicolas, Johny; Sartori, Samantha; Zhang, Zhongjie; Dangas, George; Angiolillo, Dominick J; Briguori, Carlo; Cohen, David J; Collier, Timothy; Dudek, Dariusz; Gibson, Michael; Gil, Robert; Huber, Kurt; Kaul, Upendra; Kornowski, Ran; Krucoff, Mitchell W; Kunadian, Vijay; Mehta, Shamir; Moliterno, David J; Ohman, E Magnus; Oldroyd, Keith G; Sardella, Gennaro; Sharma, Samin K; Shlofmitz, Richard; Weisz, Giora; Witzenbichler, Bernhard; Pocock, Stuart; Mehran, Roxana
Societal responsibilities of clinical trial sponsors. Lack of commercial pay off is not a legitimate reason for stopping a trial. (2001)
Evans, S; Pocock, S
Use of prasugrel vs clopidogrel and outcomes in patients with and without diabetes mellitus presenting with acute coronary syndrome undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. (2019)
Faggioni, Michela; Baber, Usman; Chandrasekhar, Jaya; Sartori, Samantha; Claessen, Bimmer E; Rao, Sunil V; Vogel, Birgit; Effron, Mark B; Poddar, Kanhaiya; Farhan, Serdar; Kini, Annapoorna; Weintraub, William; Toma, Catalin; Sorrentino, Sabato; Weiss, Sandra; Snyder, Clayton; Muhlestein, Joseph B; Kapadia, Samir; Keller, Stuart; Strauss, Craig; Aquino, Melissa; Baker, Brian; Defranco, Anthony; Pocock, Stuart; Henry, Timothy; Mehran, Roxana
Use of prasugrel and clinical outcomes in African-American patients treated with percutaneous coronary intervention for acute coronary syndromes. (2019)
Faggioni, Michela; Baber, Usman; Chandrasekhar, Jaya; Sartori, Samantha; Weintraub, William; Rao, Sunil V; Vogel, Birgit; Claessen, Bimmer; Kini, Annapoorna; Effron, Mark; Ge, Zhen; Keller, Stuart; Strauss, Craig; Snyder, Clayton; Toma, Catalin; Weiss, Sandra; Aquino, Melissa; Baker, Brian; Defranco, Anthony; Bansilal, Sameer; Muhlestein, Brent; Kapadia, Samir; Pocock, Stuart; Poddar, Kanhaiya L; Henry, Timothy D; Mehran, Roxana
Incidence, Patterns, and Associations Between Dual-Antiplatelet Therapy Cessation and Risk for Adverse Events Among Patients With and Without Diabetes Mellitus Receiving Drug-Eluting Stents: Results From the PARIS Registry. (2017)
Faggioni, Michela; Baber, Usman; Sartori, Samantha; Giustino, Gennaro; Cohen, David J; Henry, Timothy D; Farhan, Serdar; Ariti, Cono; Dangas, George; Gibson, Michael; Giacoppo, Daniele; Krucoff, Mitchell W; Aquino, Melissa; Chandrasekhar, Jaya; Moliterno, David J; Colombo, Antonio; Vogel, Birgit; Chieffo, Alaide; Kini, Annapoorna S; Witzenbichler, Bernhard; Weisz, Giora; Steg, Philippe Gabriel; Pocock, Stuart; Mehran, Roxana
Predicting Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Low-Risk Individuals: Ideal Cardiovascular Health Score and Fuster-BEWAT Score. (2017)
Fernández-Alvira, Juan Miguel; Fuster, Valentín; Pocock, Stuart; Sanz, Javier; Fernández-Friera, Leticia; Laclaustra, Martín; Fernández-Jiménez, Rodrigo; Mendiguren, José; Fernández-Ortiz, Antonio; Ibáñez, Borja; Bueno, Héctor
Normal LDL-Cholesterol Levels Are Associated With Subclinical Atherosclerosis in the Absence of Risk Factors. (2017)
Fernández-Friera, Leticia; Fuster, Valentín; López-Melgar, Beatriz; Oliva, Belén; García-Ruiz, José M; Mendiguren, José; Bueno, Héctor; Pocock, Stuart; Ibáñez, Borja; Fernández-Ortiz, Antonio; Sanz, Javier
Individualizing treatment choices in the systolic blood pressure intervention trial. (2017)
Ferreira, JP; Gregson, J; Duarte, K; Gueyffier, F; Rossignol, P; Zannad, F; Pocock, S
Renal function stratified dose comparisons of eplerenone versus placebo in the EMPHASIS-HF trial. (2019)
Ferreira, João Pedro; Abreu, Paula; McMurray, John JV; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J; Swedberg, Karl; Pocock, Stuart J; Vincent, John; Lins, Katharina; Rossignol, Patrick; Pitt, Bertram; Zannad, Faiez
Impact of anaemia and the effect of empagliflozin in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: findings from EMPEROR-Reduced. (2022)
Ferreira, João Pedro; Anker, Stefan D; Butler, Javed; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Iwata, Tomoko; Salsali, Afshin; Zeller, Cordula; Pocock, Stuart J; Zannad, Faiez; Packer, Milton
Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonists and Empagliflozin in Patients With Heart Failure and Preserved Ejection Fraction. (2022)
Ferreira, João Pedro; Butler, Javed; Zannad, Faiez; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Schueler, Elke; Steubl, Dominik; Zeller, Cordula; Januzzi, James L; Pocock, Stuart; Packer, Milton; Anker, Stefan D
Estimating the Lifetime Benefits of Treatments for Heart Failure. (2020)
Ferreira, João Pedro; Docherty, Kieran F; Stienen, Susan; Jhund, Pardeep S; Claggett, Brian L; Solomon, Scott D; Petrie, Mark C; Gregson, John; Pocock, Stuart J; Zannad, Faiez; McMurray, John JV
Blood pressure reduction and anti-hypertensive treatment choice: A post-hoc analysis of the SPRINT trial. (2021)
Ferreira, João Pedro; Gregson, John; Böhm, Michael; Rossignol, Patrick; Zannad, Faiez; Pocock, Stuart J
Empagliflozin and serum potassium in heart failure: an analysis from EMPEROR-Pooled. (2022)
Ferreira, João Pedro; Zannad, Faiez; Butler, Javed; Filipattos, Gerasimos; Ritter, Ivana; Schüler, Elke; Kraus, Bettina J; Pocock, Stuart J; Anker, Stefan D; Packer, Milton
Association of Empagliflozin Treatment With Albuminuria Levels in Patients With Heart Failure: A Secondary Analysis of EMPEROR-Pooled. (2022)
Ferreira, João Pedro; Zannad, Faiez; Butler, Javed; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Pocock, Stuart J; Brueckmann, Martina; Steubl, Dominik; Schueler, Elke; Anker, Stefan D; Packer, Milton
Interplay of Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonists and Empagliflozin in Heart Failure: EMPEROR-Reduced. (2021)
Ferreira, João Pedro; Zannad, Faiez; Pocock, Stuart J; Anker, Stefan D; Butler, Javed; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Brueckmann, Martina; Jamal, Waheed; Steubl, Dominik; Schueler, Elke; Packer, Milton
Empagliflozin for Heart Failure With Preserved Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction With and Without Diabetes. (2022)
Filippatos, Gerasimos; Butler, Javed; Farmakis, Dimitrios; Zannad, Faiez; Ofstad, Anne Pernille; Ferreira, João Pedro; Green, Jennifer B; Rosenstock, Julio; Schnaidt, Sven; Brueckmann, Martina; Pocock, Stuart J; Packer, Milton; Anker, Stefan D; EMPEROR-Preserved Trial Committees and Investigators
Statistical analysis plan for the 'Tranexamic acid for hyperacute primary IntraCerebral Haemorrhage' (TICH-2) trial. (2017)
Flaherty, Katie; Bath, Philip M; Dineen, Robert; Law, Zhe; Scutt, Polly; Pocock, Stuart; Sprigg, Nikola; TICH-2 investigators
Analysis of repeated measures in clinical trials using summary statistics. (1994)
Frison, LJ
Influenza Vaccination After Myocardial Infarction: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multicenter Trial. (2021)
Fröbert, Ole; Götberg, Matthias; Erlinge, David; Akhtar, Zubair; Christiansen, Evald H; MacIntyre, Chandini R; Oldroyd, Keith G; Motovska, Zuzana; Erglis, Andrejs; Moer, Rasmus; Hlinomaz, Ota; Jakobsen, Lars; Engstrøm, Thomas; Jensen, Lisette O; Fallesen, Christian O; Jensen, Svend E; Angerås, Oskar; Calais, Fredrik; Kåregren, Amra; Lauermann, Jörg; Mokhtari, Arash; Nilsson, Johan; Persson, Jonas; Stalby, Per; Islam, Abu KMM; Rahman, Afzalur; Malik, Fazila; Choudhury, Sohel; Collier, Timothy; Pocock, Stuart J; Pernow, John
2-Year Outcomes of High Bleeding Risk Patients After Polymer-Free Drug-Coated Stents. (2016)
Garot, Philippe; Morice, Marie-Claude; Tresukosol, Damras; Pocock, Stuart J; Meredith, Ian T; Abizaid, Alexandre; Carrié, Didier; Naber, Christoph; Iñiguez, Andres; Talwar, Suneel; Menown, Ian BA; Christiansen, Evald H; Gregson, John; Copt, Samuel; Hovasse, Thomas; Lurz, Philipp; Maillard, Luc; Krackhardt, Florian; Ong, Paul; Byrne, Jonathan; Redwood, Simon; Windhövel, Ute; Greene, Samantha; Stoll, Hans-Peter; Urban, Philip; LEADERS FREE Investigators
Rationale and design of ApoA-I Event Reducing in Ischemic Syndromes II (AEGIS-II): A phase 3, multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study to investigate the efficacy and safety of CSL112 in subjects after acute myocardial infarction. (2021)
Gibson, C Michael; Kastelein, John JP; Phillips, Adam T; Aylward, Philip E; Yee, Megan K; Tendera, Michal; Nicholls, Stephen J; Pocock, Stuart; Goodman, Shaun G; Alexander, John H; Lincoff, A Michael; Bode, Christoph; Duffy, Danielle; Heise, Mark; Berman, Gail; Mears, Sojaita Jenny; Tricoci, Pierluigi; Deckelbaum, Lawrence I; Steg, P Gabriel; Ridker, Paul; Mehran, Roxana
Characterization of the Average Daily Ischemic and Bleeding Risk After Primary PCI for STEMI. (2017)
Giustino, Gennaro; Mehran, Roxana; Dangas, George D; Kirtane, Ajay J; Redfors, Björn; Généreux, Philippe; Brener, Sorin J; Prats, Jayne; Pocock, Stuart J; Deliargyris, Efthymios N; Stone, Gregg W
Left Main Revascularization With PCI or CABG in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease: EXCEL Trial. (2018)
Giustino, Gennaro; Mehran, Roxana; Serruys, Patrick W; Sabik, Joseph F; Milojevic, Milan; Simonton, Charles A; Puskas, John D; Kandzari, David E; Morice, Marie-Claude; Taggart, David P; Gershlick, Anthony H; Généreux, Philippe; Zhang, Zixuan; McAndrew, Thomas; Redfors, Björn; Ragosta, Michael; Kron, Irving L; Dressler, Ovidiu; Leon, Martin B; Pocock, Stuart J; Ben-Yehuda, Ori; Kappetein, Arie Pieter; Stone, Gregg W
Mortality After Repeat Revascularization Following PCI or CABG for Left Main Disease: The EXCEL Trial. (2020)
Giustino, Gennaro; Serruys, Patrick W; Sabik, Joseph F; Mehran, Roxana; Maehara, Akiko; Puskas, John D; Simonton, Charles A; Lembo, Nicholas J; Kandzari, David E; Morice, Marie-Claude; Taggart, David P; Gershlick, Anthony H; Ragosta, Michael; Kron, Irving L; Liu, Yangbo; Zhang, Zixuan; McAndrew, Thomas; Dressler, Ovidiu; Généreux, Philippe; Ben-Yehuda, Ori; Pocock, Stuart J; Kappetein, Arie Pieter; Stone, Gregg W
Central masked adjudication of stroke diagnosis at trial entry offered no advantage over diagnosis by local clinicians: Secondary analysis and simulation. (2018)
Godolphin, Peter J; Hepburn, Trish; Sprigg, Nikola; Walker, Liz; Berge, Eivind; Collins, Ronan; Gommans, John; Ntaios, George; Pocock, Stuart; Prasad, Kameshwar; Wardlaw, Joanna M; Bath, Philip M; Montgomery, Alan A
Central adjudication of serious adverse events did not affect trial's safety results: Data from the Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke (ENOS) trial. (2018)
Godolphin, Peter J; Montgomery, Alan A; Woodhouse, Lisa J; Bereczki, Daniel; Berge, Eivind; Collins, Rónán; Díez-Tejedor, Exuperio; Gommans, John; Lees, Kennedy R; Ozturk, Serefnur; Phillips, Stephen; Pocock, Stuart; Prasad, Kameshwar; Szatmari, Szabolcs; Wang, Yongjun; Bath, Philip M; Sprigg, Nikola; ENOS Investigators
Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus worldwide: Baseline patient characteristics in the global DISCOVER study. (2019)
Gomes, Marilia B; Rathmann, Wolfgang; Charbonnel, Bernard; Khunti, Kamlesh; Kosiborod, Mikhail; Nicolucci, Antonio; Pocock, Stuart J; Shestakova, Marina V; Shimomura, Iichiro; Tang, Fengming; Watada, Hirotaka; Chen, Hungta; Cid-Ruzafa, Javier; Fenici, Peter; Hammar, Niklas; Surmont, Filip; Ji, Linong; DISCOVER investigators
Longer-term oral antiplatelet use in stable post-myocardial infarction patients: Insights from the long Term rIsk, clinical manaGement and healthcare Resource utilization of stable coronary artery dISease (TIGRIS) observational study. (2017)
Goodman, Shaun G; Nicolau, Jose C; Requena, Gema; Maguire, Andrew; Blankenberg, Stefan; Chen, Ji Yan; Granger, Christopher B; Grieve, Richard; Pocock, Stuart J; Simon, Tabassome; Yasuda, Satoshi; Vega, Ana Maria; Brieger, David; TIGRIS Study Investigators
Issues in data monitoring and interim analysis of trials. (2005)
Grant, AM; Altman, DG; Babiker, AB; Campbell, MK; Clemens, FJ; Darbyshire, JH; Elbourne, DR; McLeer, SK; Parmar, MKB; Pocock, SJ; Spiegelhalter, DJ; Sydes, MR; Walker, AE; Wallace, SA; DAMOCLES study group
A Framework for Methodological Choice and Evidence Assessment for Studies Using External Comparators from Real-World Data. (2020)
Gray, Christen M; Grimson, Fiona; Layton, Deborah; Pocock, Stuart; Kim, Joseph
Blood pressure and risk of dementia and its subtypes: a historical cohort study with long-term follow-up in 2.6 million people. (2019)
Gregson, J; Qizilbash, N; Iwagami, M; Douglas, I; Johnson, M; Pearce, N; Pocock, S
Raised blood pressure and risk of dementia. (2019)
Gregson, John; Qizilbash, Nawab; Pocock, Stuart
Nonproportional Hazards for Time-to-Event Outcomes in Clinical Trials: JACC Review Topic of the Week. (2019)
Gregson, John; Sharples, Linda; Stone, Gregg W; Burman, Carl-Fredrik; Öhrn, Fredrik; Pocock, Stuart
Efficacy and safety of alirocumab and evolocumab: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. (2019)
Guedeney, Paul; Giustino, Gennaro; Sorrentino, Sabato; Claessen, Bimmer E; Camaj, Anton; Kalkman, Deborah N; Vogel, Birgit; Sartori, Samantha; De Rosa, Salvatore; Baber, Usman; Indolfi, Ciro; Montalescot, Gilles; Dangas, George D; Rosenson, Robert S; Pocock, Stuart J; Mehran, Roxana
Long-term mortality after blood pressure-lowering and lipid-lowering treatment in patients with hypertension in the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial (ASCOT) Legacy study: 16-year follow-up results of a randomised factorial trial. (2018)
Gupta, Ajay; Mackay, Judith; Whitehouse, Andrew; Godec, Thomas; Collier, Tim; Pocock, Stuart; Poulter, Neil; Sever, Peter
10-Year Mortality Outcome of a Routine Invasive Strategy Versus a Selective Invasive Strategy in Non-ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome: The British Heart Foundation RITA-3 Randomized Trial. (2015)
Henderson, Robert A; Jarvis, Christopher; Clayton, Tim; Pocock, Stuart J; Fox, Keith AA
The effect of internal thoracic artery grafts on long-term clinical outcomes after coronary bypass surgery. (2011)
Hlatky, Mark A; Shilane, David; Boothroyd, Derek B; Boersma, Eric; Brooks, Maria M; Carrié, Didier; Clayton, Tim C; Danchin, Nicolas; Flather, Marcus; Hamm, Christian W; Hueb, Whady A; Kahler, Jan; Lopes, Neuza; Pocock, Stuart J; Rodriguez, Alfredo; Serruys, Patrick; Sigwart, Ulrich; Stables, Rodney H
Rosiglitazone RECORD study: glucose control outcomes at 18 months. (2007)
Home, PD; Jones, NP; Pocock, SJ; Beck-Nielsen, H; Gomis, R; Hanefeld, M; Komajda, M; Curtis, P; RECORD Study Group
Rosiglitazone evaluated for cardiovascular outcomes--an interim analysis. (2007)
Home, Philip D; Pocock, Stuart J; Beck-Nielsen, Henning; Gomis, Ramón; Hanefeld, Markolf; Jones, Nigel P; Komajda, Michel; McMurray, John JV; RECORD Study Group
Long-Term Antithrombotic Therapy and Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome and Renal Impairment: Insights from EPICOR and EPICOR Asia. (2021)
Huo, Yong; Van de Werf, Frans; Han, Yaling; Rossello, Xavier; Pocock, Stuart J; Chin, Chee Tang; Lee, Stephen W-L; Li, Yi; Jiang, Jie; Vega, Ana Maria; Medina, Jesús; Bueno, Héctor
Blood cholesterol and risk of dementia in more than 1·8 million people over two decades: a retrospective cohort study. (2021)
Iwagami, Masao; Qizilbash, Nawab; Gregson, John; Douglas, Ian; Johnson, Michelle; Pearce, Neil; Evans, Stephen; Pocock, Stuart
Heart 'omics' in AGEing (HOMAGE): design, research objectives and characteristics of the common database. (2014)
Jacobs, Lotte; Thijs, Lutgarde; Jin, Yu; Zannad, Faiez; Mebazaa, Alexandre; Rouet, Philippe; Pinet, Florence; Bauters, Christophe; Pieske, Burkert; Tomaschitz, Andreas; Mamas, Mamas; Diez, Javier; McDonald, Kenneth; Cleland, John GF; Brunner-La Rocca, Hans-Peter; Heymans, Stephane; Latini, Roberto; Masson, Serge; Sever, Peter; Delles, Christian; Pocock, Stuart; Collier, Timothy; Kuznetsova, Tatiana; Staessen, Jan A
Predictors of high-cost hospitalization in the treatment of acute coronary syndrome in Asia: findings from EPICOR Asia. (2018)
Jan, Stephen; Lee, Stephen W-L; Sawhney, Jitendra PS; Ong, Tiong K; Chin, Chee Tang; Kim, Hyo-Soo; Krittayaphong, Rungroj; Nhan, Vo T; Pocock, Stuart J; Vega, Ana M; Hayashi, Nobuya; Huo, Yong
The effect of intravenous ferric carboxymaltose on health-related quality of life in iron-deficient patients with acute heart failure: the results of the AFFIRM-AHF study. (2021)
Jankowska, Ewa A; Kirwan, Bridget-Anne; Kosiborod, Mikhail; Butler, Javed; Anker, Stefan D; McDonagh, Theresa; Dorobantu, Maria; Drozdz, Jarosław; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Keren, Andre; Khintibidze, Irakli; Kragten, Hans; Martinez, Felipe A; Metra, Marco; Milicic, Davor; Nicolau, José C; Ohlsson, Marcus; Parkhomenko, Alexander; Pascual-Figal, Domingo A; Ruschitzka, Frank; Sim, David; Skouri, Hadi; van der Meer, Peter; Lewis, Basil S; Comin-Colet, Josep; von Haehling, Stephan; Cohen-Solal, Alain; Danchin, Nicolas; Doehner, Wolfram; Dargie, Henry J; Motro, Michael; Friede, Tim; Fabien, Vincent; Dorigotti, Fabio; Pocock, Stuart; Ponikowski, Piotr
Prognostic Implications of N-Terminal Pro-B-Type Natriuretic Peptide and High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin T in EMPEROR-Preserved. (2022)
Januzzi, James L; Butler, Javed; Zannad, Faiez; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Ferreira, João Pedro; Pocock, Stuart J; Sattar, Naveed; Verma, Subodh; Vedin, Ola; Iwata, Tomoko; Brueckmann, Martina; Packer, Milton; Anker, Stefan D; EMPEROR-Preserved Trial Study Group
Prognostic Importance of NT-proBNP and Effect of Empagliflozin in the EMPEROR-Reduced Trial. (2021)
Januzzi, James L; Zannad, Faiez; Anker, Stefan D; Butler, Javed; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Pocock, Stuart J; Ferreira, João Pedro; Sattar, Naveed; Verma, Subodh; Vedin, Ola; Schnee, Janet; Iwata, Tomoko; Cotton, Dan; Packer, Milton; EMPEROR-Reduced Trial Committees and Investigators
Towards an improved global understanding of treatment and outcomes in people with type 2 diabetes: Rationale and methods of the DISCOVER observational study program. (2017)
Ji, Linong; Bonnet, Fabrice; Charbonnel, Bernard; Gomes, Marilia B; Kosiborod, Mikhail; Khunti, Kamlesh; Nicolucci, Antonio; Pocock, Stuart; Rathmann, Wolfgang; Shestakova, Marina V; Shimomura, Iichiro; Watada, Hirotaka; Fenici, Peter; Hammar, Niklas; Hashigami, Kiyoshi; Macaraeg, Greg; Surmont, Filip; Medina, Jesús
Dual-Antiplatelet Therapy Cessation and Cardiovascular Risk in Relation to Age: Analysis From the PARIS Registry. (2019)
Joyce, Lauren C; Baber, Usman; Claessen, Bimmer E; Sartori, Samantha; Chandrasekhar, Jaya; Cohen, David J; Henry, Timothy D; Ariti, Cono; Dangas, George; Faggioni, Michela; Aoi, Shunsuke; Gibson, C Michael; Aquino, Melissa; Krucoff, Mitchell W; Vogel, Birgit; Moliterno, David J; Sorrentino, Sabato; Colombo, Antonio; Chieffo, Alaide; Kini, Annapoorna; Guedeney, Paul; Witzenbichler, Bernhard; Weisz, Giora; Steg, Philippe Gabriel; Pocock, Stuart; Mehran, Roxana
The effect of empagliflozin on the total burden of cardiovascular and hospitalization events in the Asian and non-Asian populations of the EMPA-REG OUTCOME trial of patients with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. (2022)
Kaku, Kohei; Wanner, Christoph; Anker, Stefan D; Pocock, Stuart; Yasui, Atsutaka; Mattheus, Michaela; Lund, Søren S
Effect of renal denervation on blood pressure in the presence of antihypertensive drugs: 6-month efficacy and safety results from the SPYRAL HTN-ON MED proof-of-concept randomised trial. (2018)
Kandzari, DE; Böhm, M; Mahfoud, F; Townsend, RR; Weber, MA; Pocock, S; Tsioufis, K; Tousoulis, D; Choi, JW; East, C; Brar, S; Cohen, SA; Fahy, M; Pilcher, G; Kario, K; SPYRAL HTN-ON MED Trial Investigators; COLLABORATORS; Aoki, J; Batson, B; Böhm, M; Choi, JW; Cohen, DL; Dangas, G; David, S; Davies, J; Devireddy, CM; Kandzari, D; Kario, K; Lee, DP; Lurz, PC; Papademetriou, V; Patel, M; Patel, K; Schmieder, RE; Sharp, ASP; Singh, J; Tsioufis, K; Walton, A; Weber, T; Weil, J; Zeller, T; Ziada, K; Tanabe, K; Wilkins, R; Mahfoud, F; East, C; Wilensky, R; Contreras, J; Steigerwalt, S; Chapman, N; Lea, JP; Reedus, D; Hoshide, S; Ma, A; Fengler, K; Li, P; Svetkey, L; Rao, A; Schmid, A; Watkinson, AF; Brown, A; Tousoulis, D; Hopper, I; Suppan, M; Agdirlioglu, T; Noory, E; Chasen, C
Cerebral Embolic Protection during Transcatheter Aortic-Valve Replacement. (2022)
Kapadia, Samir R; Makkar, Raj; Leon, Martin; Abdel-Wahab, Mohamed; Waggoner, Thomas; Massberg, Steffen; Rottbauer, Wolfgang; Horr, Samuel; Sondergaard, Lars; Karha, Juhana; Gooley, Robert; Satler, Lowell; Stoler, Robert C; Messé, Steven R; Baron, Suzanne J; Seeger, Julia; Kodali, Susheel; Krishnaswamy, Amar; Thourani, Vinod H; Harrington, Katherine; Pocock, Stuart; Modolo, Rodrigo; Allocco, Dominic J; Meredith, Ian T; Linke, Axel; PROTECTED TAVR Investigators
The percutaneous coronary intervention prior to transcatheter aortic valve implantation (ACTIVATION) trial: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. (2014)
Khawaja, Muhammed Zeeshan; Wang, Duolao; Pocock, Stuart; Redwood, Simon Robert; Thomas, Martyn Rhys
Glycaemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes initiating second-line therapy: Results from the global DISCOVER study programme. (2019)
Khunti, Kamlesh; Chen, Hungta; Cid-Ruzafa, Javier; Fenici, Peter; Gomes, Marilia B; Hammar, Niklas; Ji, Linong; Kosiborod, Mikhail; Pocock, Stuart; Shestakova, Marina V; Shimomura, Iichiro; Tang, Fengming; Watada, Hirotaka; Nicolucci, Antonio; DISCOVER investigators
Patterns of glycaemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus initiating second-line therapy after metformin monotherapy: Retrospective data for 10 256 individuals from the United Kingdom and Germany. (2017)
Khunti, Kamlesh; Godec, Thomas R; Medina, Jesús; Garcia-Alvarez, Laura; Hiller, Josh; Gomes, Marilia B; Cid-Ruzafa, Javier; Charbonnel, Bernard; Fenici, Peter; Hammar, Niklas; Hashigami, Kiyoshi; Kosiborod, Mikhail; Nicolucci, Antonio; Shestakova, Marina V; Ji, Linong; Pocock, Stuart
Metformin discontinuation in patients beginning second-line glucose-lowering therapy: results from the global observational DISCOVER study programme. (2020)
Khunti, Kamlesh; Gomes, Marilia B; Kosiborod, Mikhail; Nicolucci, Antonio; Pocock, Stuart; Rathmann, Wolfgang; Shestakova, Marina V; Shimomura, Iichiro; Watada, Hirotaka; Chen, Hungta; Cid-Ruzafa, Javier; Fenici, Peter; Hammar, Niklas; Tang, Fengming; Ji, Linong; DISCOVER Scientific Committee and all DISCOVER investigators
Therapeutic inertia in the treatment of hyperglycaemia in patients with type 2 diabetes: A systematic review. (2017)
Khunti, Kamlesh; Gomes, Marilia B; Pocock, Stuart; Shestakova, Marina V; Pintat, Stéphane; Fenici, Peter; Hammar, Niklas; Medina, Jesús
Socioeconomic Deprivation: An Important, Largely Unrecognized Risk Factor in Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease. (2022)
Kimenai, Dorien M; Pirondini, Leah; Gregson, John; Prieto, David; Pocock, Stuart J; Perel, Pablo; Hamilton, Tilly; Welsh, Paul; Campbell, Archie; Porteous, David J; Hayward, Caroline; Sattar, Naveed; Mills, Nicholas L; Shah, Anoop SV
Effect of the addition of rosiglitazone to metformin or sulfonylureas versus metformin/sulfonylurea combination therapy on ambulatory blood pressure in people with type 2 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial (the RECORD study). (2008)
Komajda, Michel; Curtis, Paula; Hanefeld, Markolf; Beck-Nielsen, Henning; Pocock, Stuart J; Zambanini, Andrew; Jones, Nigel P; Gomis, Ramon; Home, Philip D; RECORD Study Group
Heart failure events with rosiglitazone in type 2 diabetes: data from the RECORD clinical trial. (2010)
Komajda, Michel; McMurray, John JV; Beck-Nielsen, Henning; Gomis, Ramon; Hanefeld, Markolf; Pocock, Stuart J; Curtis, Paula S; Jones, Nigel P; Home, Philip D
Vascular complications in patients with type 2 diabetes: prevalence and associated factors in 38 countries (the DISCOVER study program). (2018)
Kosiborod, Mikhail; Gomes, Marilia B; Nicolucci, Antonio; Pocock, Stuart; Rathmann, Wolfgang; Shestakova, Marina V; Watada, Hirotaka; Shimomura, Iichiro; Chen, Hungta; Cid-Ruzafa, Javier; Fenici, Peter; Hammar, Niklas; Surmont, Filip; Tang, Fengming; Khunti, Kamlesh; DISCOVER investigators
Cryoballoon or Radiofrequency Ablation for Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation. (2016)
Kuck, Karl-Heinz; Brugada, Josep; Fürnkranz, Alexander; Metzner, Andreas; Ouyang, Feifan; Chun, KR Julian; Elvan, Arif; Arentz, Thomas; Bestehorn, Kurt; Pocock, Stuart J; Albenque, Jean-Paul; Tondo, Claudio; FIRE AND ICE Investigators
Regional and ethnic influences on the response to empagliflozin in patients with heart failure and a reduced ejection fraction: the EMPEROR-Reduced trial. (2021)
Lam, Carolyn SP; Ferreira, João Pedro; Pfarr, Egon; Sim, David; Tsutsui, Hiroyuki; Anker, Stefan D; Butler, Javed; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Pocock, Stuart J; Sattar, Naveed; Verma, Subodh; Brueckmann, Martina; Schnee, Janet; Cotton, Daniel; Zannad, Faiez; Packer, Milton
Improving public health by improving clinical trial guidelines and their application. (2017)
Landray, Martin J; Bax, Jeroen J; Alliot, Laurence; Buyse, Marc; Cohen, Adam; Collins, Rory; Hindricks, Gerhard; James, Stefan K; Lane, Sile; Maggioni, Aldo P; Meeker-O'Connell, Ann; Olsson, Gunnar; Pocock, Stuart J; Rawlins, Michael; Sellors, Jonathan; Shinagawa, Kaori; Sipido, Karin R; Smeeth, Liam; Stephens, Richard; Stewart, Murray W; Stough, Wendy Gattis; Sweeney, Fergus; Van de Werf, Frans; Woods, Kerrie; Casadei, Barbara
Infections Up to 76 Days After Stroke Increase Disability and Death. (2017)
Learoyd, Annastazia E; Woodhouse, Lisa; Shaw, Laurence; Sprigg, Nikola; Bereczki, Daniel; Berge, Eivind; Caso, Valeria; Christensen, Hanne; Collins, Ronan; Czlonkowska, Anna; El Etribi, Anwar; Farr, Tracy D; Gommans, John; Laska, Ann-Charlotte; Ntaios, George; Ozturk, Serefnur; Pocock, Stuart J; Prasad, Kameshwar; Wardlaw, Joanna M; Fone, Kevin C; Bath, Philip M; Trueman, Rebecca C; ENOS Trial investigators
Transcatheter aortic-valve implantation for aortic stenosis in patients who cannot undergo surgery. (2010)
Leon, Martin B; Smith, Craig R; Mack, Michael; Miller, D Craig; Moses, Jeffrey W; Svensson, Lars G; Tuzcu, E Murat; Webb, John G; Fontana, Gregory P; Makkar, Raj R; Brown, David L; Block, Peter C; Guyton, Robert A; Pichard, Augusto D; Bavaria, Joseph E; Herrmann, Howard C; Douglas, Pamela S; Petersen, John L; Akin, Jodi J; Anderson, William N; Wang, Duolao; Pocock, Stuart; PARTNER Trial Investigators
Incidence and prevalence of unrecognized myocardial infarction in people with diabetes: a substudy of the Rosiglitazone Evaluated for Cardiac Outcomes and Regulation of Glycemia in Diabetes (RECORD) study. (2011)
MacDonald, Michael R; Petrie, Mark C; Home, Philip D; Komajda, Michel; Jones, Nigel P; Beck-Nielsen, Henning; Gomis, Ramon; Hanefeld, Markolf; Pocock, Stuart J; Curtis, Paula S; McMurray, John JV
Challenges in the Design and Interpretation of Noninferiority Trials: Insights From Recent Stent Trials. (2017)
Macaya, F; Ryan, N; Salinas, P; Pocock, SJ
Transcatheter Aortic-Valve Replacement with a Balloon-Expandable Valve in Low-Risk Patients. (2019)
Mack, Michael J; Leon, Martin B; Thourani, Vinod H; Makkar, Raj; Kodali, Susheel K; Russo, Mark; Kapadia, Samir R; Malaisrie, S Chris; Cohen, David J; Pibarot, Philippe; Leipsic, Jonathon; Hahn, Rebecca T; Blanke, Philipp; Williams, Mathew R; McCabe, James M; Brown, David L; Babaliaros, Vasilis; Goldman, Scott; Szeto, Wilson Y; Genereux, Philippe; Pershad, Ashish; Pocock, Stuart J; Alu, Maria C; Webb, John G; Smith, Craig R; PARTNER 3 Investigators
Changes in Plasma Renin Activity After Renal Artery Sympathetic Denervation. (2021)
Mahfoud, Felix; Townsend, Raymond R; Kandzari, David E; Kario, Kazuomi; Schmieder, Roland E; Tsioufis, Konstantinos; Pocock, Stuart; David, Shukri; Patel, Kiritkumar; Rao, Anjani; Walton, Antony; Bloom, Jason E; Weber, Thomas; Suppan, Markus; Lauder, Lucas; Cohen, Sidney A; McKenna, Pamela; Fahy, Martin; Böhm, Michael; Weber, Michael A
Transcatheter aortic-valve replacement for inoperable severe aortic stenosis. (2012)
Makkar, Raj R; Fontana, Gregory P; Jilaihawi, Hasan; Kapadia, Samir; Pichard, Augusto D; Douglas, Pamela S; Thourani, Vinod H; Babaliaros, Vasilis C; Webb, John G; Herrmann, Howard C; Bavaria, Joseph E; Kodali, Susheel; Brown, David L; Bowers, Bruce; Dewey, Todd M; Svensson, Lars G; Tuzcu, Murat; Moses, Jeffrey W; Williams, Matthew R; Siegel, Robert J; Akin, Jodi J; Anderson, William N; Pocock, Stuart; Smith, Craig R; Leon, Martin B; PARTNER Trial Investigators
Liraglutide and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes. (2016)
Marso, Steven P; Daniels, Gilbert H; Brown-Frandsen, Kirstine; Kristensen, Peter; Mann, Johannes FE; Nauck, Michael A; Nissen, Steven E; Pocock, Stuart; Poulter, Neil R; Ravn, Lasse S; Steinberg, William M; Stockner, Mette; Zinman, Bernard; Bergenstal, Richard M; Buse, John B; LEADER Steering Committee; LEADER Trial Investigators
Design of the liraglutide effect and action in diabetes: evaluation of cardiovascular outcome results (LEADER) trial. (2013)
Marso, Steven P; Poulter, Neil R; Nissen, Steven E; Nauck, Michael A; Zinman, Bernard; Daniels, Gilbert H; Pocock, Stuart; Steinberg, William M; Bergenstal, Richard M; Mann, Johannes FE; Ravn, Lasse Steen; Frandsen, Kirstine Brown; Moses, Alan C; Buse, John B
Ticagrelor with or without Aspirin in High-Risk Patients after PCI. (2019)
Mehran, Roxana; Baber, Usman; Sharma, Samin K; Cohen, David J; Angiolillo, Dominick J; Briguori, Carlo; Cha, Jin Y; Collier, Timothy; Dangas, George; Dudek, Dariusz; Džavík, Vladimír; Escaned, Javier; Gil, Robert; Gurbel, Paul; Hamm, Christian W; Henry, Timothy; Huber, Kurt; Kastrati, Adnan; Kaul, Upendra; Kornowski, Ran; Krucoff, Mitchell; Kunadian, Vijay; Marx, Steven O; Mehta, Shamir R; Moliterno, David; Ohman, E Magnus; Oldroyd, Keith; Sardella, Gennaro; Sartori, Samantha; Shlofmitz, Richard; Steg, P Gabriel; Weisz, Giora; Witzenbichler, Bernhard; Han, Ya-Ling; Pocock, Stuart; Gibson, C Michael
Impact of tricuspid regurgitation on survival in patients with heart failure: a large electronic health record patient-level database analysis. (2020)
Messika-Zeitoun, David; Verta, Patrick; Gregson, John; Pocock, Stuart J; Boero, Isabel; Feldman, Ted E; Abraham, William T; Lindenfeld, JoAnn; Bax, Jeroen; Leon, Martin; Enriquez-Sarano, Maurice
Predicting 30-Day Mortality for Patients With Acute Heart Failure in the Emergency Department: A Cohort Study. (2017)
Miró, Òscar; Rossello, Xavier; Gil, Víctor; Martín-Sánchez, Francisco Javier; Llorens, Pere; Herrero-Puente, Pablo; Jacob, Javier; Bueno, Héctor; Pocock, Stuart J; ICA-SEMES Research Group
Biolimus-A9 polymer-free coated stent in high bleeding risk patients with acute coronary syndrome: a Leaders Free ACS sub-study. (2016)
Naber, Christoph K; Urban, Philip; Ong, Paul J; Valdes-Chavarri, Mariano; Abizaid, Alexandre A; Pocock, Stuart J; Fabbiocchi, Franco; Dubois, Christophe; Copt, Samuel; Greene, Samantha; Morice, Marie-Claude; LEADERS FREE Investigators
Health-related quality of life in people with type 2 diabetes participating in the LEADER trial. (2018)
Nauck, Michael A; Buse, John B; Mann, Johannes FE; Pocock, Stuart; Bosch-Traberg, Heidrun; Frimer-Larsen, Helle; Ye, Qing; Gray, Alastair; LEADER Publication Committee for the LEADER Trial Investigators
Diabetes association with self-reported health, resource utilization, and prognosis post-myocardial infarction. (2020)
Nicolau, José C; Brieger, David; Owen, Ruth; Furtado, Remo HM; Goodman, Shaun G; Cohen, Mauricio G; Simon, Tabassome; Westermann, Dirk; Granger, Christopher B; Grieve, Richard; Yasuda, Satoshi; Chen, Jiyan; Hedman, Katarina; Mellström, Carl; Brandrup-Wognsen, Gunnar; Pocock, Stuart J
Treatment patterns and associated factors in 14 668 people with type 2 diabetes initiating a second-line therapy: Results from the global DISCOVER study programme. (2019)
Nicolucci, Antonio; Charbonnel, Bernard; Gomes, Marília B; Khunti, Kamlesh; Kosiborod, Mikhail; Shestakova, Marina V; Shimomura, Iichiro; Watada, Hirotaka; Chen, Hungta; Cid-Ruzafa, Javier; Fenici, Peter; Hammar, Niklas; Surmont, Filip; Tang, Fengming; Pocock, Stuart
Effect of eplerenone in patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction: potential effect modification by abdominal obesity: Insight from the EMPHASIS-HF trial. (2017)
Olivier, A; Pitt, B; Girerd, N; Lamiral, Z; Machu, JL; McMurray, JJ; Swedberg, K; van Veldhuisen, DJ; Collier, TJ; Pocock, SJ; Rossignol, P; Zannad, F; Pizard, A
Influence of neprilysin inhibition on the efficacy and safety of empagliflozin in patients with chronic heart failure and a reduced ejection fraction: the EMPEROR-Reduced trial. (2021)
Packer, Milton; Anker, Stefan D; Butler, Javed; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Ferreira, Joao Pedro; Pocock, Stuart J; Rocca, Hans-Peter Brunner-La; Janssens, Stefan; Tsutsui, Hiroyuki; Zhang, Jian; Brueckmann, Martina; Jamal, Waheed; Cotton, Daniel; Iwata, Tomoko; Schnee, Janet; Zannad, Faiez; EMPEROR-Reduced Trial Committees and Investigators
Empagliflozin in Patients With Heart Failure, Reduced Ejection Fraction, and Volume Overload: EMPEROR-Reduced Trial. (2021)
Packer, Milton; Anker, Stefan D; Butler, Javed; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Ferreira, Joao Pedro; Pocock, Stuart J; Sattar, Naveed; Brueckmann, Martina; Jamal, Waheed; Cotton, Daniel; Iwata, Tomoko; Zannad, Faiez; EMPEROR-Reduced Trial Committees and Investigators
Effect of Empagliflozin on the Clinical Stability of Patients With Heart Failure and a Reduced Ejection Fraction: The EMPEROR-Reduced Trial. (2021)
Packer, Milton; Anker, Stefan D; Butler, Javed; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Ferreira, João Pedro; Pocock, Stuart J; Carson, Peter; Anand, Inder; Doehner, Wolfram; Haass, Markus; Komajda, Michel; Miller, Alan; Pehrson, Steen; Teerlink, John R; Brueckmann, Martina; Jamal, Waheed; Zeller, Cordula; Schnaidt, Sven; Zannad, Faiez
Effect of Empagliflozin on Worsening Heart Failure Events in Patients With Heart Failure and Preserved Ejection Fraction: EMPEROR-Preserved Trial. (2021)
Packer, Milton; Butler, Javed; Zannad, Faiez; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Ferreira, Joao Pedro; Pocock, Stuart J; Carson, Peter; Anand, Inder; Doehner, Wolfram; Haass, Markus; Komajda, Michel; Miller, Alan; Pehrson, Steen; Teerlink, John R; Schnaidt, Sven; Zeller, Cordula; Schnee, Janet M; Anker, Stefan D
Empagliflozin and Major Renal Outcomes in Heart Failure. (2021)
Packer, Milton; Butler, Javed; Zannad, Faiez; Pocock, Stuart J; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Ferreira, João P; Brueckmann, Martina; Jamal, Waheed; Zeller, Cordula; Wanner, Christoph; Anker, Stefan D; EMPEROR Study Group
Concentration-dependent clinical and prognostic importance of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T in heart failure and a reduced ejection fraction and the influence of empagliflozin: the EMPEROR-Reduced trial. (2021)
Packer, Milton; Januzzi, James L; Ferreira, Joao Pedro; Anker, Stefan D; Butler, Javed; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Pocock, Stuart J; Brueckmann, Martina; Jamal, Waheed; Cotton, Daniel; Iwata, Tomoko; Zannad, Faiez; EMPEROR-Reduced Trial Committees and Investigators
Influence of endpoint definitions on the effect of empagliflozin on major renal outcomes in the EMPEROR-Preserved trial. (2021)
Packer, Milton; Zannad, Faiez; Butler, Javed; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Ferreira, Joao Pedro; Pocock, Stuart J; Brueckmann, Martina; Zeller, Cordula; Hauske, Sibylle; Anker, Stefan D; EMPEROR-Preserved Trial Study Group
Personalising the decision for prolonged dual antiplatelet therapy: development, validation and potential impact of prognostic models for cardiovascular events and bleeding in myocardial infarction survivors. (2017)
Pasea, Laura; Chung, Sheng-Chia; Pujades-Rodriguez, Mar; Moayyeri, Alireza; Denaxas, Spiros; Fox, Keith AA; Wallentin, Lars; Pocock, Stuart J; Timmis, Adam; Banerjee, Amitava; Patel, Riyaz; Hemingway, Harry
Global patterns of comprehensive cardiovascular risk factor control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: Insights from the DISCOVER study. (2021)
Patel, Krishna K; Gomes, Marilia B; Charbonnel, Bernard; Chen, Hungta; Cid-Ruzafa, Javier; Fenici, Peter; Hammar, Niklas; Ji, Linong; Kennedy, Kevin F; Khunti, Kamlesh; Kosiborod, Mikhail; Pocock, Stuart; Shestakova, Marina V; Shimomura, Iichiro; Surmont, Filip; Watada, Hirotaka; Arnold, Suzanne V
Association Between a Social-Business Eating Pattern and Early Asymptomatic Atherosclerosis. (2016)
Peñalvo, José L; Fernández-Friera, Leticia; López-Melgar, Beatriz; Uzhova, Irina; Oliva, Belén; Fernández-Alvira, Juan Miguel; Laclaustra, Martín; Pocock, Stuart; Mocoroa, Agustín; Mendiguren, José M; Sanz, Ginés; Guallar, Eliseo; Bansilal, Sameer; Vedanthan, Rajesh; Jiménez-Borreguero, Luis Jesús; Ibañez, Borja; Ordovás, José M; Fernández-Ortiz, Antonio; Bueno, Héctor; Fuster, Valentin
A cluster randomized trial to evaluate the efficacy of a school-based behavioral intervention for health promotion among children aged 3 to 5. (2013)
Peñalvo, José L; Santos-Beneit, Gloria; Sotos-Prieto, Mercedes; Martínez, Ramona; Rodríguez, Carla; Franco, Manuel; López-Romero, Pedro; Pocock, Stuart; Redondo, Juliana; Fuster, Valentín
The Program SI! intervention for enhancing a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers: first results from a cluster randomized trial. (2013)
Peñalvo, José L; Sotos-Prieto, Mercedes; Santos-Beneit, Gloria; Pocock, Stuart; Redondo, Juliana; Fuster, Valentín
Reporting of noninferiority and equivalence randomized trials: an extension of the CONSORT statement. (2006)
Piaggio, Gilda; Elbourne, Diana R; Altman, Douglas G; Pocock, Stuart J; Evans, Stephen JW; CONSORT Group
Covariate Adjustment in Cardiovascular Randomized Controlled Trials: Its Value, Current Practice, and Need for Improvement. (2022)
Pirondini, Leah; Gregson, John; Owen, Ruth; Collier, Tim; Pocock, Stuart
Statistics in practice - The simplest statistical test: how to check for a difference between treatments. (2006)
Pocock, SJ
A score for predicting risk of death from cardiovascular disease in adults with raised blood pressure, based on individual patient data from randomised controlled trials. (2001)
Pocock, SJ; McCormack, V; Gueyffier, F; Boutitie, F; Fagard, RH; Boissel, JP
Predicting risk of death from cardiovascular disease - Reply. (2001)
Pocock, SJ; McCormack, V; Gueyffier, F; Fagard, RH
The relationship between blood lead, blood pressure, stroke, and heart attacks in middle-aged British men. (1988)
Pocock, SJ; Shaper, AG; Ashby, D; Delves, HT; Clayton, BE
The simplest statistical test: how to check for a difference between treatments. (2006)
Pocock, Stuart J
When (not) to stop a clinical trial for benefit. (2005)
Pocock, Stuart J
Predicting risk of cardiovascular events 1 to 3 years post-myocardial infarction using a global registry. (2019)
Pocock, Stuart J; Brieger, David; Gregson, John; Chen, Ji Y; Cohen, Mauricio G; Goodman, Shaun G; Granger, Christopher B; Grieve, Richard; Nicolau, Jose C; Simon, Tabassome; Westermann, Dirk; Yasuda, Satoshi; Hedman, Katarina; Rennie, Kirsten L; Sundell, Karolina Andersson; TIGRIS Study Investigators
Design of Major Randomized Trials: Part 3 of a 4-Part Series on Statistics for Clinical Trials. (2015)
Pocock, Stuart J; Clayton, Tim C; Stone, Gregg W
Challenging Issues in Clinical Trial Design: Part 4 of a 4-Part Series on Statistics for Clinical Trials. (2015)
Pocock, Stuart J; Clayton, Tim C; Stone, Gregg W
Critical Appraisal of the 2018 ACC Scientific Sessions Late-Breaking Trials From a Statistician's Perspective. (2018)
Pocock, Stuart J; Collier, Tim J
Statistical Appraisal of 6 Recent Clinical Trials in Cardiology: JACC State-of-the-Art Review. (2019)
Pocock, Stuart J; Collier, Tim J
Issues in the reporting of epidemiological studies: a survey of recent practice. (2004)
Pocock, Stuart J; Collier, Timothy J; Dandreo, Kimberley J; de Stavola, Bianca L; Goldman, Marlene B; Kalish, Leslie A; Kasten, Linda E; McCormack, Valerie A
The win ratio method in heart failure trials: lessons learnt from EMPULSE. (2023)
Pocock, Stuart J; Ferreira, João Pedro; Collier, Timothy J; Angermann, Christiane E; Biegus, Jan; Collins, Sean P; Kosiborod, Mikhail; Nassif, Michael E; Ponikowski, Piotr; Psotka, Mitchell A; Teerlink, John R; Tromp, Jasper; Gregson, John; Blatchford, Jonathan P; Zeller, Cordula; Voors, Adriaan A
Novel biomarker-driven prognostic models to predict morbidity and mortality in chronic heart failure: the EMPEROR-Reduced trial. (2021)
Pocock, Stuart J; Ferreira, João Pedro; Gregson, John; Anker, Stefan D; Butler, Javed; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Gollop, Nicholas D; Iwata, Tomoko; Brueckmann, Martina; Januzzi, James L; Voors, Adriaan A; Zannad, Faiez; Packer, Milton
Predicting two-year mortality from discharge after acute coronary syndrome: An internationally-based risk score. (2017)
Pocock, Stuart J; Huo, Yong; Van de Werf, Frans; Newsome, Simon; Chin, Chee Tang; Vega, Ana Maria; Medina, Jesús; Bueno, Héctor
More on subgroup analyses in clinical trials. (2008)
Pocock, Stuart J; Lubsen, Jacobus
Making Sense of Statistics in Clinical Trial Reports: Part 1 of a 4-Part Series on Statistics for Clinical Trials. (2015)
Pocock, Stuart J; McMurray, John JV; Collier, Tim J
Statistical Controversies in Reporting of Clinical Trials: Part 2 of a 4-Part Series on Statistics for Clinical Trials. (2015)
Pocock, Stuart J; McMurray, John JV; Collier, Tim J
Primary and Secondary Outcome Reporting in Randomized Trials: JACC State-of-the-Art Review. (2021)
Pocock, Stuart J; Rossello, Xavier; Owen, Ruth; Collier, Tim J; Stone, Gregg W; Rockhold, Frank W
The Primary Outcome Fails - What Next? (2016)
Pocock, Stuart J; Stone, Gregg W
The Nature of the P Value. (2016)
Pocock, Stuart J; Stone, Gregg W
The Primary Outcome Is Positive - Is That Good Enough? (2016)
Pocock, Stuart J; Stone, Gregg W
How to interpret figures in reports of clinical trials. (2008)
Pocock, Stuart J; Travison, Thomas G; Wruck, Lisa M
Figures in clinical trial reports: current practice & scope for improvement. (2007)
Pocock, Stuart J; Travison, Thomas G; Wruck, Lisa M
Health-related quality of life 1-3 years post-myocardial infarction: its impact on prognosis. (2021)
Pocock, Stuart; Brieger, David B; Owen, Ruth; Chen, Jiyan; Cohen, Mauricio G; Goodman, Shaun; Granger, Christopher B; Nicolau, José C; Simon, Tabassome; Westermann, Dirk; Yasuda, Satoshi; Hedman, Katarina; Mellström, Carl; Andersson Sundell, Karolina; Grieve, Richard
Predictors of one-year mortality at hospital discharge after acute coronary syndromes: A new risk score from the EPICOR (long-tErm follow uP of antithrombotic management patterns In acute CORonary syndrome patients) study. (2014)
Pocock, Stuart; Bueno, Héctor; Licour, Muriel; Medina, Jesús; Zhang, Lin; Annemans, Lieven; Danchin, Nicholas; Huo, Yong; Van de Werf, Frans
Yoga-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation After Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Randomized Trial. (2020)
Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Chandrasekaran, Ambalam M; Singh, Kalpana; Mohan, Bishav; Chattopadhyay, Kaushik; Chadha, Davinder S; Negi, Prakash C; Bhat, Prabhavathi; Sadananda, Kanchanahalli S; Ajay, Vamadevan S; Singh, Kavita; Praveen, Pradeep A; Devarajan, Raji; Kondal, Dimple; Soni, Divya; Mallinson, Poppy; Manchanda, Subhash C; Madan, Kushal; Hughes, Alun D; Chathurvedi, Nishi; Roberts, Ian; Ebrahim, Shah; Reddy, Kolli S; Tandon, Nikhil; Pocock, Stuart; Roy, Ambuj; Kinra, Sanjay; Yoga-CaRe Trial Investigators
Analysis of recurrent events with an associated informative dropout time: Application of the joint frailty model. (2016)
Rogers, Jennifer K; Yaroshinsky, Alex; Pocock, Stuart J; Stokar, David; Pogoda, Janice
Amphilimus- vs. zotarolimus-eluting stents in patients with diabetes mellitus and coronary artery disease: the SUGAR trial. (2021)
Romaguera, Rafael; Salinas, Pablo; Gomez-Lara, Josep; Brugaletta, Salvatore; Gómez-Menchero, Antonio; Romero, Miguel A; García-Blas, Sergio; Ocaranza, Raymundo; Bordes, Pascual; Kockar, Marcelo Jiménez; Salvatella, Neus; Jiménez-Díaz, Victor A; Alameda, Mar; Trillo, Ramiro; Lee, Dae Hyun; Martín, Pedro; López-Benito, María; Freites, Alfonso; Pascual-Tejerina, Virginia; Hernández-Hernández, Felipe; Blanco, Bruno García Del; Mohandes, Mohsen; Bosa, Francisco; Pinar, Eduardo; Roura, Gerard; Comin-Colet, Josep; Fernández-Ortiz, Antonio; Macaya, Carlos; Rossello, Xavier; Sabate, Manel; Pocock, Stuart J; Gómez-Hospital, Joan A; SUGAR trial investigators
Predictors of all-cause mortality and ischemic events within and beyond 1 year after an acute coronary syndrome: Results from the EPICOR registry. (2019)
Rossello, Xavier; Bueno, Héctor; Pocock, Stuart J; Van de Werf, Frans; Danchin, Nicolas; Annemans, Lieven; Medina, Jesús; Zeymer, Uwe
Global geographical variations in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction management and post-discharge mortality. (2017)
Rosselló, Xavier; Huo, Yong; Pocock, Stuart; Van de Werf, Frans; Chin, Chee Tang; Danchin, Nicolas; Lee, Stephen W-L; Medina, Jesús; Vega, Ana; Bueno, Héctor
Cardiovascular risk associated with serum potassium in the context of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist use in patients with heart failure and left ventricular dysfunction. (2020)
Rossignol, Patrick; Duarte, Kevin; Girerd, Nicolas; Karoui, Moez; McMurray, John JV; Swedberg, Karl; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J; Pocock, Stuart; Dickstein, Kenneth; Zannad, Faiez; Pitt, Bertram
Associations between change in blood pressure and functional outcome, early events and death: results from the Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke trial. (2019)
Sandset, Else C; Appleton, Jason P; Berge, Eivind; Christensen, Hanne; Gommans, John; Krishnan, Kailash; Ntaios, George; Phillips, Stephen; Pocock, Stuart; Sprigg, Nikola; Woodhouse, Lisa J; Bath, Philip M; ENOS trial investigators*
Causes, Timing, and Impact of Dual Antiplatelet Therapy Interruption for Surgery (from the Patterns of Non-adherence to Anti-platelet Regimens In Stented Patients Registry). (2017)
Schoos, M; Chandrasekhar, J; Baber, U; Bhasin, A; Sartori, S; Aquino, M; Vogel, B; Farhan, S; Sorrentino, S; Kini, A; Kruckoff, M; Moliterno, D; Henry, TD; Weisz, G; Gibson, CM; Iakovou, I; Colombo, A; Steg, PG; Witzenbichler, B; Chieffo, A; Cohen, D; Stuckey, T; Ariti, C; Dangas, G; Pocock, S; Mehran, R
Statistical analysis plan for the ‘Rapid Intervention with Glyceryl trinitrate in Hypertensive stroke Trial-2 (RIGHT-2)’. (2018)
Scutt, Polly; Appleton, Jason P; Dixon, Mark; Woodhouse, Lisa J; Sprigg, Nikola; Wardlaw, Joanna M; Montgomery, Alan A; Pocock, Stuart; Bath, Philip M
Baseline characteristics, analysis plan and report on feasibility for the Prevention Of Decline in Cognition After Stroke Trial (PODCAST). (2015)
Scutt, Polly; Blackburn, Dan; Krishnan, Kailash; Ballard, Clive; Burns, Alistair; Ford, Gary A; Mant, Jonathan; Passmore, Peter; Pocock, Stuart; Reckless, John; Sprigg, Nikola; Stewart, Rob; Wardlaw, Joanna M; Bath, Philip M
White Blood Cell Count and Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in the Contemporary Era: Insights From the PARIS Study (Patterns of Non-Adherence to Anti-Platelet Regimens in Stented Patients Registry). (2017)
Shah, B; Baber, U; Pocock, SJ; Krucoff, MW; Ariti, C; Gibson, CM; Steg, PG; Weisz, G; Witzenbichler, B; Henry, TD; Kini, AS; Stuckey, T; Cohen, DJ; Iakovou, I; Dangas, G; Aquino, MB; Sartori, S; Chieffo, A; Moliterno, DJ; Colombo, A; Mehran, R
Transcatheter versus surgical aortic-valve replacement in high-risk patients. (2011)
Smith, Craig R; Leon, Martin B; Mack, Michael J; Miller, D Craig; Moses, Jeffrey W; Svensson, Lars G; Tuzcu, E Murat; Webb, John G; Fontana, Gregory P; Makkar, Raj R; Williams, Mathew; Dewey, Todd; Kapadia, Samir; Babaliaros, Vasilis; Thourani, Vinod H; Corso, Paul; Pichard, Augusto D; Bavaria, Joseph E; Herrmann, Howard C; Akin, Jodi J; Anderson, William N; Wang, Duolao; Pocock, Stuart J; PARTNER Trial Investigators
Parental and self-reported dietary and physical activity habits in pre-school children and their socio-economic determinants. (2014)
Sotos-Prieto, Mercedes; Santos-Beneit, Gloria; Pocock, Stuart; Redondo, Juliana; Fuster, Valentín; Peñalvo, José L
Sex-Based Differences in Bleeding Risk After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention and Implications for the Academic Research Consortium High Bleeding Risk Criteria. (2021)
Spirito, Alessandro; Gragnano, Felice; Corpataux, Noé; Vaisnora, Lukas; Galea, Roberto; Svab, Stefano; Gargiulo, Giuseppe; Siontis, George CM; Praz, Fabien; Lanz, Jonas; Billinger, Michael; Hunziker, Lukas; Stortecky, Stefan; Pilgrim, Thomas; Capodanno, Davide; Urban, Philip; Pocock, Stuart; Mehran, Roxana; Heg, Dik; Windecker, Stephan; Räber, Lorenz; Valgimigli, Marco
Tranexamic acid for hyperacute primary IntraCerebral Haemorrhage (TICH-2): an international randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 superiority trial. (2018)
Sprigg, Nikola; Flaherty, Katie; Appleton, Jason P; Al-Shahi Salman, Rustam; Bereczki, Daniel; Beridze, Maia; Christensen, Hanne; Ciccone, Alfonso; Collins, Ronan; Czlonkowska, Anna; Dineen, Robert A; Duley, Lelia; Egea-Guerrero, Juan Jose; England, Timothy J; Krishnan, Kailash; Laska, Ann Charlotte; Law, Zhe Kang; Ozturk, Serefnur; Pocock, Stuart J; Roberts, Ian; Robinson, Thompson G; Roffe, Christine; Seiffge, David; Scutt, Polly; Thanabalan, Jegan; Werring, David; Whynes, David; Bath, Philip M; TICH-2 Investigators
Tranexamic acid to improve functional status in adults with spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage: the TICH-2 RCT. (2019)
Sprigg, Nikola; Flaherty, Katie; Appleton, Jason P; Al-Shahi Salman, Rustam; Bereczki, Daniel; Beridze, Maia; Ciccone, Alfonso; Collins, Ronan; Dineen, Robert A; Duley, Lelia; Egea-Guerrero, Juan José; England, Timothy J; Karlinski, Michal; Krishnan, Kailash; Laska, Ann Charlotte; Law, Zhe Kang; Ovesen, Christian; Ozturk, Serefnur; Pocock, Stuart J; Roberts, Ian; Robinson, Thompson G; Roffe, Christine; Peters, Nils; Scutt, Polly; Thanabalan, Jegan; Werring, David; Whynes, David; Woodhouse, Lisa; Bath, Philip M
Ticagrelor monotherapy in patients with chronic kidney disease undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: TWILIGHT-CKD. (2021)
Stefanini, Giulio G; Briguori, Carlo; Cao, Davide; Baber, Usman; Sartori, Samantha; Zhang, Zhongjie; Dangas, George; Angiolillo, Dominick J; Mehta, Shamir; Cohen, David J; Collier, Timothy; Dudek, Dariusz; Escaned, Javier; Gibson, C Michael; Gil, Robert; Huber, Kurt; Kaul, Upendra; Kornowski, Ran; Krucoff, Mitchell W; Kunadian, Vijay; Moliterno, David J; Ohman, E Magnus; Oldroyd, Keith G; Sardella, Gennaro; Sharma, Samin K; Shlofmitz, Richard; Weisz, Giora; Witzenbichler, Bernhard; Pocock, Stuart; Mehran, Roxana
Bivalirudin started during emergency transport for primary PCI. (2013)
Steg, Philippe Gabriel; van 't Hof, Arnoud; Hamm, Christian W; Clemmensen, Peter; Lapostolle, Frédéric; Coste, Pierre; Ten Berg, Jurrien; Van Grunsven, Pierre; Eggink, Gerrit Jan; Nibbe, Lutz; Zeymer, Uwe; Campo dell' Orto, Marco; Nef, Holger; Steinmetz, Jacob; Soulat, Louis; Huber, Kurt; Deliargyris, Efthymios N; Bernstein, Debra; Schuette, Diana; Prats, Jayne; Clayton, Tim; Pocock, Stuart; Hamon, Martial; Goldstein, Patrick; EUROMAX Investigators
Routine upstream initiation vs deferred selective use of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors in acute coronary syndromes: the ACUITY Timing trial. (2007)
Stone, Gregg W; Bertrand, Michel E; Moses, Jeffrey W; Ohman, E Magnus; Lincoff, A Michael; Ware, James H; Pocock, Stuart J; McLaurin, Brent T; Cox, David A; Jafar, M Zubair; Chandna, Harish; Hartmann, Franz; Leisch, Franz; Strasser, Ruth H; Desaga, Martin; Stuckey, Thomas D; Zelman, Richard B; Lieber, Ira H; Cohen, David J; Mehran, Roxana; White, Harvey D; ACUITY Investigators
Five-Year Outcomes after PCI or CABG for Left Main Coronary Disease. (2019)
Stone, Gregg W; Kappetein, A Pieter; Sabik, Joseph F; Pocock, Stuart J; Morice, Marie-Claude; Puskas, John; Kandzari, David E; Karmpaliotis, Dimitri; Brown, W Morris; Lembo, Nicholas J; Banning, Adrian; Merkely, Béla; Horkay, Ferenc; Boonstra, Piet W; van Boven, Ad J; Ungi, Imre; Bogáts, Gabor; Mansour, Samer; Noiseux, Nicolas; Sabaté, Manel; Pomar, Jose; Hickey, Mark; Gershlick, Anthony; Buszman, Pawel E; Bochenek, Andrzej; Schampaert, Erick; Pagé, Pierre; Modolo, Rodrigo; Gregson, John; Simonton, Charles A; Mehran, Roxana; Kosmidou, Ioanna; Généreux, Philippe; Crowley, Aaron; Dressler, Ovidiu; Serruys, Patrick W; EXCEL Trial Investigators
Paclitaxel-eluting stents versus bare-metal stents in acute myocardial infarction. (2009)
Stone, Gregg W; Lansky, Alexandra J; Pocock, Stuart J; Gersh, Bernard J; Dangas, George; Wong, S Chiu; Witzenbichler, Bernhard; Guagliumi, Giulio; Peruga, Jan Z; Brodie, Bruce R; Dudek, Dariusz; Möckel, Martin; Ochala, Andrzej; Kellock, Alison; Parise, Helen; Mehran, Roxana; HORIZONS-AMI Trial Investigators
Bivalirudin for patients with acute coronary syndromes. (2006)
Stone, Gregg W; McLaurin, Brent T; Cox, David A; Bertrand, Michel E; Lincoff, A Michael; Moses, Jeffrey W; White, Harvey D; Pocock, Stuart J; Ware, James H; Feit, Frederick; Colombo, Antonio; Aylward, Philip E; Cequier, Angel R; Darius, Harald; Desmet, Walter; Ebrahimi, Ramin; Hamon, Martial; Rasmussen, Lars H; Rupprecht, Hans-Jürgen; Hoekstra, James; Mehran, Roxana; Ohman, E Magnus; ACUITY Investigators
Safety and efficacy of sirolimus- and paclitaxel-eluting coronary stents. (2007)
Stone, Gregg W; Moses, Jeffrey W; Ellis, Stephen G; Schofer, Joachim; Dawkins, Keith D; Morice, Marie-Claude; Colombo, Antonio; Schampaert, Erick; Grube, Eberhard; Kirtane, Ajay J; Cutlip, Donald E; Fahy, Martin; Pocock, Stuart J; Mehran, Roxana; Leon, Martin B
Everolimus-Eluting Stents or Bypass Surgery for Left Main Coronary Artery Disease. (2016)
Stone, Gregg W; Sabik, Joseph F; Serruys, Patrick W; Simonton, Charles A; Généreux, Philippe; Puskas, John; Kandzari, David E; Morice, Marie-Claude; Lembo, Nicholas; Brown, W Morris; Taggart, David P; Banning, Adrian; Merkely, Béla; Horkay, Ferenc; Boonstra, Piet W; van Boven, Ad J; Ungi, Imre; Bogáts, Gabor; Mansour, Samer; Noiseux, Nicolas; Sabaté, Manel; Pomar, José; Hickey, Mark; Gershlick, Anthony; Buszman, Pawel; Bochenek, Andrzej; Schampaert, Erick; Pagé, Pierre; Dressler, Ovidiu; Kosmidou, Ioanna; Mehran, Roxana; Pocock, Stuart J; Kappetein, A Pieter; EXCEL Trial Investigators
Antithrombotic strategies in patients with acute coronary syndromes undergoing early invasive management: one-year results from the ACUITY trial. (2007)
Stone, Gregg W; Ware, James H; Bertrand, Michel E; Lincoff, A Michael; Moses, Jeffrey W; Ohman, E Magnus; White, Harvey D; Feit, Frederick; Colombo, Antonio; McLaurin, Brent T; Cox, David A; Manoukian, Steven V; Fahy, Martin; Clayton, Tim C; Mehran, Roxana; Pocock, Stuart J; ACUITY Investigators
Bivalirudin during primary PCI in acute myocardial infarction. (2008)
Stone, Gregg W; Witzenbichler, Bernhard; Guagliumi, Giulio; Peruga, Jan Z; Brodie, Bruce R; Dudek, Dariusz; Kornowski, Ran; Hartmann, Franz; Gersh, Bernard J; Pocock, Stuart J; Dangas, George; Wong, S Chiu; Kirtane, Ajay J; Parise, Helen; Mehran, Roxana; HORIZONS-AMI Trial Investigators
Challenges to Data Monitoring Committees When Regulatory Authorities Intervene. (2016)
Swedberg, Karl; Borer, Jeffrey S; Pitt, Bertram; Pocock, Stuart; Rouleau, Jean
Catheter-based renal denervation in patients with uncontrolled hypertension in the absence of antihypertensive medications (SPYRAL HTN-OFF MED): a randomised, sham-controlled, proof-of-concept trial. (2017)
Townsend, RR; Mahfoud, F; Kandzari, DE; Kario, K; Pocock, S; Weber, MA; Ewen, S; Tsioufis, K; Tousoulis, D; Sharp, ASP; Watkinson, AF; Schmieder, RE; Schmid, A; Choi, JW; East, C; Walton, A; Hopper, I; Cohen, DL; Wilensky, R; Lee, DP; Ma, A; Devireddy, CM; Lea, JP; Lurz, PC; Fengler, K; Davies, J; Chapman, N; Cohen, SA; DeBruin, V; Fahy, M; Jones, DE; Rothman, M; Böhm, M; SPYRAL HTN-OFF MED trial investigators*; COLLABORATORS; Aoki, J; Batson, B; Böhm, M; Choi, JW; Cohen, DL; Dangas, G; David, S; Davies, J; Devireddy, CM; Kandzari, D; Kario, K; Lee, DP; Lurz, PC; Patel, M; Patel, K; Schmieder, RE; Sharp, ASP; Singh, J; Tsioufis, K; Walton, A; Weber, T; Weil, J; Zeller, T; Ziada, K; Tanabe, K; Wilkins, R; Mahfoud, F; East, C; Wilensky, R; Contreras, J; Steigerwalt, S; Chapman, N; Lea, JP; Reedus, D; Hoshide, S; Ma, A; Fengler, K; Svetkey, L; Rao, A; Schmid, A; Watkinson, AF; Brown, A; Tousoulis, D; Hopper, I; Suppan, M; Agdirlioglu, T; Noory, E; Chasen, C
Categorisation of continuous risk factors in epidemiological publications: a survey of current practice. (2010)
Turner, Elizabeth L; Dobson, Joanna E; Pocock, Stuart J
Defining high bleeding risk in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: a consensus document from the Academic Research Consortium for High Bleeding Risk. (2019)
Urban, Philip; Mehran, Roxana; Colleran, Roisin; Angiolillo, Dominick J; Byrne, Robert A; Capodanno, Davide; Cuisset, Thomas; Cutlip, Donald; Eerdmans, Pedro; Eikelboom, John; Farb, Andrew; Gibson, C Michael; Gregson, John; Haude, Michael; James, Stefan K; Kim, Hyo-Soo; Kimura, Takeshi; Konishi, Akihide; Laschinger, John; Leon, Martin B; Magee, PF Adrian; Mitsutake, Yoshiaki; Mylotte, Darren; Pocock, Stuart; Price, Matthew J; Rao, Sunil V; Spitzer, Ernest; Stockbridge, Norman; Valgimigli, Marco; Varenne, Olivier; Windhoevel, Ute; Yeh, Robert W; Krucoff, Mitchell W; Morice, Marie-Claude
Defining High Bleeding Risk in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. (2019)
Urban, Philip; Mehran, Roxana; Colleran, Roisin; Angiolillo, Dominick J; Byrne, Robert A; Capodanno, Davide; Cuisset, Thomas; Cutlip, Donald; Eerdmans, Pedro; Eikelboom, John; Farb, Andrew; Gibson, C Michael; Gregson, John; Haude, Michael; James, Stefan K; Kim, Hyo-Soo; Kimura, Takeshi; Konishi, Akihide; Laschinger, John; Leon, Martin B; Magee, PF Adrian; Mitsutake, Yoshiaki; Mylotte, Darren; Pocock, Stuart; Price, Matthew J; Rao, Sunil V; Spitzer, Ernest; Stockbridge, Norman; Valgimigli, Marco; Varenne, Olivier; Windhoevel, Ute; Yeh, Robert W; Krucoff, Mitchell W; Morice, Marie-Claude
Polymer-free Drug-Coated Coronary Stents in Patients at High Bleeding Risk. (2015)
Urban, Philip; Meredith, Ian T; Abizaid, Alexandre; Pocock, Stuart J; Carrié, Didier; Naber, Christoph; Lipiecki, Janusz; Richardt, Gert; Iñiguez, Andres; Brunel, Philippe; Valdes-Chavarri, Mariano; Garot, Philippe; Talwar, Suneel; Berland, Jacques; Abdellaoui, Mohamed; Eberli, Franz; Oldroyd, Keith; Zambahari, Robaayah; Gregson, John; Greene, Samantha; Stoll, Hans-Peter; Morice, Marie-Claude; LEADERS FREE Investigators
Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE): Explanation and Elaboration. (2022)
Vandenbroucke, Jan P; Von Elm, Erik; Altman, Douglas G; Gotzsche, Peter C; Mulrow, Cynthia D; Pocock, Stuart J; Poole, Charles; Schlesselman, James J; Egger, Matthias
Повышение качества отчётов о наблюдательных исследованиях в эпидемиологии (STROBE): разъяснения и уточнения. (2021)
Vandenbroucke, Jan P; Von Elm, Erik; Altman, Douglas G; Gotzsche, Peter C; Mulrow, Cynthia D; Pocock, Stuart J; Poole, Charles; Schlesselman, James J; Egger, Matthias
Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE): explanation and elaboration. (2014)
Vandenbroucke, Jan P; von Elm, Erik; Altman, Douglas G; Gøtzsche, Peter C; Mulrow, Cynthia D; Pocock, Stuart J; Poole, Charles; Schlesselman, James J; Egger, Matthias; STROBE Initiative
Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE): explanation and elaboration. (2007)
Vandenbroucke, Jan P; von Elm, Erik; Altman, Douglas G; Gøtzsche, Peter C; Mulrow, Cynthia D; Pocock, Stuart J; Poole, Charles; Schlesselman, James J; Egger, Matthias; STROBE Initiative
Sex Differences Among Patients With High Risk Receiving Ticagrelor With or Without Aspirin After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Subgroup Analysis of the TWILIGHT Randomized Clinical Trial. (2021)
Vogel, Birgit; Baber, Usman; Cohen, David J; Sartori, Samantha; Sharma, Samin K; Angiolillo, Dominick J; Farhan, Serdar; Goel, Ridhima; Zhang, Zhongjie; Briguori, Carlo; Collier, Timothy; Dangas, George; Dudek, Dariusz; Escaned, Javier; Gil, Robert; Han, Ya-Ling; Kaul, Upendra; Kornowski, Ran; Krucoff, Mitchell W; Kunadian, Vijay; Mehta, Shamir R; Moliterno, David; Ohman, E Magnus; Sardella, Gennaro; Witzenbichler, Bernhard; Gibson, C Michael; Pocock, Stuart; Huber, Kurt; Mehran, Roxana
Hypertension urgencies in the SPYRAL HTN-OFF MED Pivotal trial. (2022)
Weber, Michael A; Schmieder, Roland E; Kandzari, David E; Townsend, Raymond R; Mahfoud, Felix; Tsioufis, Konstantinos; Kario, Kazuomi; Pocock, Stuart; Tatakis, Fotis; Ewen, Sebastian; Choi, James W; East, Cara; Lee, David P; Ma, Adrian; Cohen, Debbie L; Wilensky, Robert; Devireddy, Chandan M; Lea, Janice P; Schmid, Axel; Fahy, Martin; Böhm, Michael
Rationale and design of the long-Term rIsk, clinical manaGement, and healthcare Resource utilization of stable coronary artery dISease in post-myocardial infarction patients (TIGRIS) study. (2017)
Westermann, Dirk; Goodman, Shaun G; Nicolau, José C; Requena, Gema; Maguire, Andrew; Chen, Ji Yan; Granger, Christopher B; Grieve, Richard; Pocock, Stuart J; Blankenberg, Stefan; Vega, Ana Maria; Yasuda, Satoshi; Simon, Tabassome; Brieger, David; TIGRIS Study Investigators
Strategy for intention to treat analysis in randomised trials with missing outcome data. (2011)
White, Ian R; Horton, Nicholas J; Carpenter, James; Pocock, Stuart J
Changes in HbA1c and weight, and treatment persistence, over the 18 months following initiation of second-line therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes: results from the United Kingdom Clinical Practice Research Datalink. (2018)
Wilding, John; Godec, Thomas; Khunti, Kamlesh; Pocock, Stuart; Fox, Robin; Smeeth, Liam; Clauson, Per; Fenici, Peter; Hammar, Niklas; Medina, Jesús
Experience collecting interim data on mortality: an example from the RALES study. (2001)
Wittes, Janet; Palensky, Jolie; Asner, Debra; Julian, Desmond; Boissel, Jean-Pierre; Furberg, Curt D; Kulbertus, Henri; Pocock, Stuart; Roniker, Barbara
Contribution of cardiac and extra-cardiac disease burden to risk of cardiovascular outcomes varies by ejection fraction in heart failure. (2017)
Wolsk, Emil; Claggett, Brian; Køber, Lars; Pocock, Stuart; Yusuf, Salim; Swedberg, Karl; McMurray, John JV; Granger, Christopher B; Pfeffer, Marc A; Solomon, Scott D
Effect of continuing versus stopping pre-stroke antihypertensive agents within 12 h on outcome after stroke: A subgroup analysis of the efficacy of nitric oxide in stroke (ENOS) trial. (2022)
Woodhouse, Lisa J; Appleton, Jason P; Scutt, Polly; Everton, Lisa; Wilkinson, Gwenllian; Caso, Valeria; Czlonkowska, Anna; Gommans, John; Krishnan, Kailash; Laska, Ann C; Ntaios, George; Ozturk, Serefnur; Phillips, Stephen; Pocock, Stuart; Prasad, Kameshwar; Szatmari, Szabolcs; Wardlaw, Joanna M; Sprigg, Nikola; Bath, Philip M
Statistical reanalysis of vascular event outcomes in primary and secondary vascular prevention trials. (2021)
Woodhouse, Lisa J; Montgomery, Alan A; Mant, Jonathan; Davis, Barry R; Algra, Ale; Mas, Jean-Louis; Staessen, Jan A; Thijs, Lutgarde; Tonkin, Andrew; Kirby, Adrienne; Pocock, Stuart J; Chalmers, John; Hankey, Graeme J; Spence, J David; Sandercock, Peter; Diener, Hans-Christoph; Uchiyama, Shinichiro; Sprigg, Nikola; Bath, Philip M
Effect of empagliflozin on circulating proteomics in heart failure: mechanistic insights into the EMPEROR programme. (2022)
Zannad, Faiez; Ferreira, João Pedro; Butler, Javed; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Januzzi, James L; Sumin, Mikhail; Zwick, Matthias; Saadati, Maral; Pocock, Stuart J; Sattar, Naveed; Anker, Stefan D; Packer, Milton
Cardiac and Kidney Benefits of Empagliflozin in Heart Failure Across the Spectrum of Kidney Function: Insights From EMPEROR-Reduced. (2021)
Zannad, Faiez; Ferreira, João Pedro; Pocock, Stuart J; Zeller, Cordula; Anker, Stefan D; Butler, Javed; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Hauske, Sibylle Jenny; Brueckmann, Martina; Pfarr, Egon; Schnee, Janet; Wanner, Christoph; Packer, Milton
Eplerenone in patients with systolic heart failure and mild symptoms. (2010)
Zannad, Faiez; McMurray, John JV; Krum, Henry; van Veldhuisen, Dirk J; Swedberg, Karl; Shi, Harry; Vincent, John; Pocock, Stuart J; Pitt, Bertram; EMPHASIS-HF Study Group
Impact of known or new-onset atrial fibrillation on 2-year cardiovascular event rate in patients with acute coronary syndromes: results from the prospective EPICOR Registry. (2018)
Zeymer, Uwe; Annemans, Lieven; Danchin, Nicolas; Pocock, Stuart; Newsome, Simon; Van de Werf, Frans; Medina, Jesús; Bueno, Héctor
Long-term antithrombotic management patterns in Asian patients with acute coronary syndrome: 2-year observations from the EPICOR Asia study. (2020)
Zheng, Bo; Huo, Yong; Lee, Stephen W-L; Sawhney, Jitendra PS; Kim, Hyo-Soo; Krittayaphong, Rungroj; Pocock, Stuart J; Nhan, Vo T; Alonso Garcia, Angeles; Chin, Chee Tang; Jiang, Jie; Jan, Stephen; Vega, Ana Maria; Hayashi, Nobuya; Ong, Tiong K
Long-term antiplatelet therapy in medically managed non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes: The EPICOR Asia study. (2021)
Zhou, Juan; Chin, Chee Tang; Huang, Xin; Guo, Ning; Wu, Yue; Yu, Bo; Qiao, Shubin; Chen, Jiyan; Han, Yaling; Ge, Junbo; Pocock, Stuart J; Huo, Yong; Wang, Zhaohong; Yuan, Zuyi
Prolonged dual antiplatelet therapy in patients with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: 2-year findings from EPICOR Asia. (2020)
Zou, Yanan; Yang, Shuang; Wang, Shipeng; Lv, Bo; Xiu, Lili; Li, Lulu; Lee, Stephen W-L; Chin, Chee Tang; Pocock, Stuart J; Huo, Yong; Yu, Bo
The Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) statement: guidelines for reporting observational studies. (2007)
von Elm, Erik; Altman, Douglas G; Egger, Matthias; Pocock, Stuart J; Gøtzsche, Peter C; Vandenbroucke, Jan P; STROBE Initiative
The Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) Statement: guidelines for reporting observational studies. (2014)
von Elm, Erik; Altman, Douglas G; Egger, Matthias; Pocock, Stuart J; Gøtzsche, Peter C; Vandenbroucke, Jan P; STROBE Initiative
The Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) statement: guidelines for reporting observational studies. (2007)
von Elm, Erik; Altman, Douglas G; Egger, Matthias; Pocock, Stuart J; Gøtzsche, Peter C; Vandenbroucke, Jan P; STROBE Initiative
Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) statement: guidelines for reporting observational studies. (2007)
von Elm, Erik; Altman, Douglas G; Egger, Matthias; Pocock, Stuart J; Gøtzsche, Peter C; Vandenbroucke, Jan P; STROBE Initiative
Weight change and clinical outcomes in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: insights from EMPEROR-Reduced. (2022)
Anker, Stefan D; Khan, Muhammad Shahzeb; Butler, Javed; Ofstad, Anne Pernille; Peil, Barbara; Pfarr, Egon; Doehner, Wolfram; Sattar, Naveed; Coats, Andrew JS; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Ferreira, João Pedro; Zannad, Faiez; Pocock, Stuart; Packer, Milton
Bleeding and Ischemic Outcomes With Ticagrelor Monotherapy According to Body Mass Index. (2022)
Kunadian, Vijay; Baber, Usman; Pivato, Carlo A; Cao, Davide; Dangas, George; Sartori, Samantha; Zhang, Zhongjie; Angiolillo, Dominick J; Briguori, Carlo; Cohen, David J; Collier, Timothy; Dudek, Dariusz; Gibson, Michael; Gil, Robert; Huber, Kurt; Kaul, Upendra; Kornowski, Ran; Krucoff, Mitchell W; Dehghani, Payam; Mehta, Shamir; Moliterno, David J; Ohman, E Magnus; Escaned, Javier; Sardella, Gennaro; Sharma, Samin K; Shlofmitz, Richard; Weisz, Giora; Witzenbichler, Bernhard; Džavík, Vladimír; Gurbel, Paul; Hamm, Christian W; Henry, Timothy; Kastrati, Adnan; Marx, Steven O; Oldroyd, Keith; Steg, P Gabriel; Pocock, Stuart; Mehran, Roxana
Design of a prospective patient-level pooled analysis of two parallel trials of empagliflozin in patients with established heart failure. (2020)
Packer, Milton; Butler, Javed; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Zannad, Faiez; Ferreira, Joao Pedro; Zeller, Cordula; Brueckmann, Martina; Jamal, Waheed; Pocock, Stuart J; Anker, Stefan D; EMPEROR Trial Committees and Investigators
Biomarker-driven prognostic models in chronic heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: the EMPEROR-Preserved trial. (2022)
Pocock, Stuart J; Ferreira, João Pedro; Packer, Milton; Zannad, Faiez; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Kondo, Toru; McMurray, John JV; Solomon, Scott D; Januzzi, James L; Iwata, Tomoko; Salsali, Afshin; Butler, Javed; Anker, Stefan D
Biolimus-eluting vs. other limus-eluting stents in NSTE-ACS: A pooled analysis of GLASSY and TWILIGHT. (2023)
Spirito, Alessandro; Valgimigli, Marco; Cao, Davide; Baber, Usman; Mehta, Shamir R; Gibson, C Michael; Steg, Gabriel P; Sharma, Samin K; Goel, Ridhima; Huber, Kurt; Kunadian, Vijay; Escaned, Javier; Franzone, Anna; Yaling, Han; Collier, Timothy; Kaul, Upendra; Kornowski, Ran; Krucoff, Mitchell; Moliterno, David; Sartori, Samantha; Owen, Ruth; Zhang, Zhongjie; Dangas, George D; Kastrati, Adnan; Angiolillo, Dominick J; Cohen, David J; Vranckx, Pascal; Windecker, Stephan; Pocock, Stuart; Mehran, Roxana
Early changes in estimated glomerular filtration rate post-initiation of empagliflozin in EMPEROR-Reduced. (2022)
Zannad, Faiez; Ferreira, João Pedro; Gregson, John; Kraus, Bettina Johanna; Mattheus, Michaela; Hauske, Sibylle Jenny; Butler, Javed; Filippatos, Gerasimos; Wanner, Christoph; Anker, Stefan D; Pocock, Stuart J; Packer, Milton; EMPEROR-Reduced Trial Committees and Investigators