Items where Author is "Kim, Joseph"
Number of items: 27.
  • Effectiveness of Liraglutide and Lixisenatide in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes: Real-World Evidence from The Health Improvement Network (THIN) Database in the United Kingdom. (2017) Feher, Michael; Vega-Hernandez, Gabriela; Mocevic, Emina; Buysse, Brian; Myland, Melissa; Power, Geraldine S; Nystrup Husemoen, Lise L; Kim, Joseph; Witte, Daniel R
  • 2016
  • Early drug use of dapagliflozin prescribed by general practitioners and diabetologists in Germany. (2016) Hankins, Matthew; Tsai, Katherine; Kim, Joseph; Hammar, Niklas
  • 2013
  • Quality, satisfaction, and financial efficiency associated with elements of primary care practice transformation: preliminary findings. (2013) Day, Julie; Scammon, Debra L; Kim, Jaewhan; Sheets-Mervis, Annie; Day, Rachel; Tomoaia-Cotisel, Andrada; Waitzman, Norman J; Magill, Michael K
  • 2011
  • Why a Bayesian approach to safety analysis in pharmacovigilance is important. (2011) Prieto-Merino, David; Quartey, George; Wang, Jixian; Kim, Joseph
  • Opportunities for minimization of confounding in observational research. (2011) Quartey, George; Feudjo-Tepie, Maurille; Wang, Jixian; Kim, Joseph
  • 2010
  • Do selected drugs increase the risk of lupus? A matched case-control study. (2010) Schoonen, W Marieke; Thomas, Sara L; Somers, Emily C; Smeeth, Liam; Kim, Joseph; Evans, Stephen; Hall, Andrew J
  • 2008
  • Exploring the role of economic empowerment in HIV prevention. (2008) Kim, Julia; Pronyk, Paul; Barnett, Tony; Watts, Charlotte
  • Health related quality of life after combined hormone replacement therapy: randomised controlled trial. (2008) Welton, Amanda J; Vickers, Madge R; Kim, Joseph; Ford, Deborah; Lawton, Beverley A; MacLennan, Alastair H; Meredith, Sarah K; Martin, Jeannett; Meade, Tom W; WISDOM team
  • 2007
  • Risk of mortality following hospitalization for heart failure is lower in obese patients: 2-year findings from the Minnesota heart survey. (2007) Kim, J; Jacobs, DR; Berger, AK; Duval, S; Luepker, RV
  • Intergenerational continuity in foetal growth rate: to what extent do social characteristics and size at birth of grandparents contribute to health inequalities in younger generations? (2007) Koupil, I; Kim, J; de Stavola, B; Leon, D
  • 2006
  • Uncontrolled Trials. (2006) Kim, J; Nitsch, D; Wang, D; Bakhai, A
  • Response: Response to the Stampfer commentary. (2006) Kim, Joseph; Evans, Stephen; Smeeth, Liam; Pocock, Stuart
  • Hormone replacement therapy and acute myocardial infarction: a large observational study exploring the influence of age. (2006) Kim, Joseph; Evans, Stephen; Smeeth, Liam; Pocock, Stuart
  • Prognostic value of a novel classification scheme for heart failure: the Minnesota Heart Failure Criteria. (2006) Kim, Joseph; Jacobs, David R; Luepker, Russell V; Shahar, Eyal; Margolis, Karen L; Becker, Mark P
  • Skinfold thickness, body mass index, and fatal coronary heart disease: 30 year follow up of the Northwick Park heart study. (2006) Kim, Joseph; Meade, Tom; Haines, Andy
  • Comparative study of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus serological assays using clinically and serologically defined reference standards and latent class analysis. (2006) Nascimento, Maria Claudia; de Souza, Vanda Akico; Sumita, Laura Masami; Freire, Wilton; Munoz, Fernando; Kim, Joseph; Pannuti, Claudio S; Mayaud, Philippe
  • 2005
  • Health-related quality of life after interventional or conservative strategy in patients with unstable angina or non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: one-year results of the third Randomized Intervention Trial of unstable Angina (RITA-3). (2005) Kim, Joseph; Henderson, Robert A; Pocock, Stuart J; Clayton, Tim; Sculpher, Mark J; Fox, Keith AA; RITA-3 Trial Investigators
  • 2004
  • Effect of obesity on risks after coronary artery bypass grafting - Reply. (2004) Kim, J; Hammar, N; Jakobsson, K; Luepker, RV; McGovern, PG; Ivert, T
  • Health related quality of life after an interventional V conservative treatment strategy for unstable angina or non-ST elevation myocardial infarction: Interim results of the RITA-3 trial. (2004) Kim, J; Henderson, RA; Pocock, SJ; Clayton, T; Fox, KAA
  • Hospitalized heart failure: rates and long-term mortality. (2004) Shahar, Eyal; Lee, Seungmin; Kim, Joseph; Duval, Sue; Barber, Cheryl; Luepker, Russell V
  • 2003
  • Obesity and the risk of early and late mortality after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. (2003) Kim, Joseph; Hammar, Niklas; Jakobsson, Kristina; Luepker, Russell V; McGovern, Paul G; Ivert, Torbjörn
  • Congestive heart failure in metropolitan Minneapolis-St. Paul: Varying hospitalization rates and high mortality [Abstract]. (2003) Shahar, E; Lee, S; Barber, C; Kim, J; Duval, S; McGovern, P; Luepker, RV
  • 2002
  • Prognostic Factors for Long-term Mortality Following Hospitalization for Heart Failure: A Community-Based Perspective. (2002) Kim, J; Shahar, E; Luepker, RV; Jacobs, D; Duval, S; Barber, C; Margolis, K
  • Gender Modifies the Effect of Left Ventricular Function on Mortality Following Hospitalization for Heart Failure: The Minnesota Experience. (2002) Luepker, RV; Kim, J; Shahar, E; Jacobs, D; Duval, S; Barber, C; Margolis, K
  • 2001
  • Cardiac transplant outcome of patients supported on left ventricular assist device vs. intravenous inotropic therapy. (2001) Jaski, BE; Kim, JC; Naftel, DC; Jarcho, J; Costanzo, MR; Eisen, HJ; Kirklin, JK; Bourge, RC; Cardiac Transplant Research Database Research Group
  • Long-term Survival of Hospitalized Patients with a Heart Failure Discharge Code: Early Experience of a Community Based Study. (2001) Kim, J; Shahar, E; McGovern, P; Barber, C; Duval, S; Luepker, RV
  • Calculating Sample Size with Consideration of Uncertain Input Assumptions. (2001) Phillips, CV; Kim, J; Goodman, KJ