Items where Author is "Clemens, F"
Number of items: 33.
  • Using dynamic path analysis to estimate a mediation effect through a survival variable. (2019) Clemens, F
  • 2012
  • Inorganic arsenic and basal cell carcinoma in areas of Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia: a case-control study. (2012) Leonardi, Giovanni; Vahter, Marie; Clemens, Felicity; Goessler, Walter; Gurzau, Eugen; Hemminki, Kari; Hough, Rupert; Koppova, Kvetoslava; Kumar, Rajiv; Rudnai, Peter; Surdu, Simona; Fletcher, Tony
  • 2010
  • Inadequate control of heart rate in patients with stable angina: results from the European heart survey. (2010) Daly, Caroline A; Clemens, Felicity; Sendon, Jose L Lopez; Tavazzi, Luigi; Boersma, Eric; Danchin, Nicolas; Delahaye, François; Gitt, Anselm; Julian, Desmond; Mulcahy, David; Ruzyllo, Witold; Thygesen, Kristian; Verheugt, Freek; Fox, Kim M; Euro Heart Survey Investigators
  • Lifetime exposure to arsenic in residential drinking water in Central Europe. (2010) Hough, Rupert Lloyd; Fletcher, Tony; Leonardi, Giovanni Sebastiano; Goessler, Walter; Gnagnarella, Patrizia; Clemens, Felicity; Gurzau, Eugen; Koppova, Kvetoslava; Rudnai, Peter; Kumar, Rajiv; Vahter, Marie
  • Randomised controlled trial and parallel economic evaluation of conventional ventilatory support versus extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for severe adult respiratory failure (CESAR). (2010) Peek, GJ; Elbourne, D; Mugford, M; Tiruvoipati, R; Wilson, A; Allen, E; Clemens, F; Firmin, R; Hardy, P; Hibbert, C; Jones, N; Killer, H; Thalanany, M; Truesdale, A
  • 2009
  • Efficacy and economic assessment of conventional ventilatory support versus extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for severe adult respiratory failure (CESAR): a multicentre randomised controlled trial. (2009) Peek, Giles J; Mugford, Miranda; Tiruvoipati, Ravindranath; Wilson, Andrew; Allen, Elizabeth; Thalanany, Mariamma M; Hibbert, Clare L; Truesdale, Ann; Clemens, Felicity; Cooper, Nicola; Firmin, Richard K; Elbourne, Diana; CESAR trial collaboration
  • 2008
  • Lifestyle of UK commercial aircrews relative to air traffic controllers and the general population. (2008) Pizzi, Costanza; Evans, Sally A; De Stavola, Bianca L; Evans, Anthony; Clemens, Felicity; Silva, Isabel dos Santos
  • Methods of data collection and analysis for the economic evaluation alongside a national, multi-centre trial in the UK: conventional ventilation or ECMO for Severe Adult Respiratory Failure (CESAR). (2008) Thalanany, Mariamma M; Mugford, Miranda; Hibbert, Clare; Cooper, Nicola J; Truesdale, Ann; Robinson, Steven; Tiruvoipati, Ravindranath; Elbourne, Diana R; Peek, Giles J; Clemens, Felicity; Hardy, Polly; Wilson, Andrew; CESAR Trial Group
  • 2007
  • The BLISS cluster randomised controlled trial of the effect of 'active dissemination of information' on standards of care for premature babies in England (BEADI) study protocol [ISRCTN89683698]. (2007) Acolet, Dominique; Jelphs, Kim; Davidson, Deborah; Peck, Edward; Clemens, Felicity; Houston, Rosie; Weindling, Michael; Lavis, John; Elbourne, Diana picture_as_pdf
  • Use of recombinant activated factor VII in primary postpartum hemorrhage: the Northern European registry 2000-2004. (2007) Alfirevic, Zarko; Elbourne, Diana; Pavord, Sue; Bolte, Antoinette; Van Geijn, Herman; Mercier, Frederic; Ahonen, Jouni; Bremme, Katarina; Bødker, Birgit; Magnúsdóttir, Ebba Margrét; Salvesen, Kjell; Prendiville, Walter; Truesdale, Ann; Clemens, Felicity; Piercy, Deborah; Gyte, Gill
  • Comparison of the effectiveness of trauma services provided by secondary and tertiary hospitals in Malaysia. (2007) Sethi, Dinesh; Aljunid, Syed; Saperi, Sulong B; Clemens, Felicity; Hardy, Pollyanna; Elbourne, Diana; Zwi, Anthony B; Research Steering Committee
  • 2006
  • Predicting prognosis in stable angina--results from the Euro heart survey of stable angina: prospective observational study. (2006) Daly, Caroline A; De Stavola, Bianca; Sendon, Jose L Lopez; Tavazzi, Luigi; Boersma, Eric; Clemens, Felicity; Danchin, Nicholas; Delahaye, Francois; Gitt, Anselm; Julian, Desmond; Mulcahy, David; Ruzyllo, Witold; Thygesen, Kristian; Verheugt, Freek; Fox, Kim M; Euro Heart Survey Investigators
  • Gender differences in the management and clinical outcome of stable angina. (2006) Daly, Caroline; Clemens, Felicity; Lopez Sendon, Jose L; Tavazzi, Luigi; Boersma, Eric; Danchin, Nicholas; Delahaye, Francois; Gitt, Anselm; Julian, Desmond; Mulcahy, David; Ruzyllo, Witold; Thygesen, Kristian; Verheugt, Freek; Fox, Kim M; Euro Heart Survey Investigators
  • The impact of guideline compliant medical therapy on clinical outcome in patients with stable angina: findings from the Euro Heart Survey of stable angina. (2006) Daly, Caroline; Clemens, Felicity; Lopez-Sendon, Jose L; Tavazzi, Luigi; Boersma, Eric; Danchin, Nicholas; Delahaye, Francois; Gitt, Anselm; Julian, Desmond; Mulcahy, David; Ruzyllo, Witold; Thygesen, Kristian; Verheugt, Freek; Fox, Kim M; Euro Heart Survey Investigators
  • A randomised controlled trial investigating the effect of n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation on cognitive and retinal function in cognitively healthy older people: the Older People And n-3 Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (OPAL) study protocol [ISRCTN72331636]. (2006) Dangour, Alan D; Clemens, Felicity; Elbourne, Diana; Fasey, Nicky; Fletcher, Astrid E; Hardy, Pollyanna; Holder, Graham E; Huppert, Felicia A; Knight, Rosemary; Letley, Louise; Richards, Marcus; Truesdale, Ann; Vickers, Madge; Uauy, Ricardo
  • Long-term arsenic exposure and cancer risk-sensitivity to choice of indicators based on recent and lifetime arsenic intake. (2006) Fletcher, T; Leonardi, G; Hough, R; Goessler, W; Gurzau, E; Koppova, K; Rudnai, P; Clemens, F; Kumar, R; Vahter, M
  • Stopping a randomized trial early: from protocol to publication. Commentary to Thome at al.: outcome of extremely preterm infants randomized at birth to different PaCO2 targets during the first seven days of life (Biol Neonate 2006;90:218-225). (2006) Hardy, Pollyanna; Clemens, Felicity
  • Overview of Reporting. (2006) Nitsch, D; Clemens, F; Wang, D; Bakhia, A
  • CESAR: conventional ventilatory support vs extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for severe adult respiratory failure. (2006) Peek, Giles J; Clemens, Felicity; Elbourne, Diana; Firmin, Richard; Hardy, Pollyanna; Hibbert, Clare; Killer, Hilliary; Mugford, Miranda; Thalanany, Mariamma; Tiruvoipati, Ravin; Truesdale, Ann; Wilson, Andrew
  • Single nucleotide polymorphisms in DNA repair genes and basal cell carcinoma of skin. (2006) Thirumaran, Ranjit Kumar; Bermejo, Justo Lorenzo; Rudnai, Peter; Gurzau, Eugene; Koppova, Kvetoslava; Goessler, Walter; Vahter, Marie; Leonardi, Giovanni S; Clemens, Felicity; Fletcher, Tony; Hemminki, Kari; Kumar, Rajiv
  • Comparison of Proportions. (2006) Wang, D; Clayton, T; Clemens, F
  • Comparison of Means. (2006) Wang, D; Clemens, F; Clayton, T
  • 2005
  • Data monitoring in randomized controlled trials: surveys of recent practice and policies. (2005) Clemens, Felicity; Elbourne, Diana; Darbyshire, Janet; Pocock, Stuart; DAMOCLES Group
  • The clinical characteristics and investigations planned in patients with stable angina presenting to cardiologists in Europe: from the Euro Heart Survey of Stable Angina. (2005) Daly, Caroline A; Clemens, Felicity; Sendon, Jose L Lopez; Tavazzi, Luigi; Boersma, Eric; Danchin, Nicholas; Delahaye, Francois; Gitt, Anselm; Julian, Desmond; Mulcahy, David; Ruzyllo, Witold; Thygesen, Kristian; Verheugt, Freek; Fox, Kim M; Euro Heart Survey Investigators
  • The initial management of stable angina in Europe, from the Euro Heart Survey: a description of pharmacological management and revascularization strategies initiated within the first month of presentation to a cardiologist in the Euro Heart Survey of Stable Angina. (2005) Daly, Caroline A; Clemens, Felicity; Sendon, Jose L Lopez; Tavazzi, Luigi; Boersma, Eric; Danchin, Nicholas; Delahaye, Francois; Gitt, Anselm; Julian, Desmond; Mulcahy, David; Ruzyllo, Witold; Thygesen, Kristian; Verheugt, Freek; Fox, Kim M; Euro Heart Survey Investigators
  • Arsenic and cancer in Central Europe. (2005) Fletcher, T; Leonardi, G; Clemens, F; Gurzau, E; Koppova, K; Rudnai, P; Goessler, W; Kumar, R; Vahter, M
  • Issues in data monitoring and interim analysis of trials. (2005) Grant, AM; Altman, DG; Babiker, AB; Campbell, MK; Clemens, FJ; Darbyshire, JH; Elbourne, DR; McLeer, SK; Parmar, MKB; Pocock, SJ; Spiegelhalter, DJ; Sydes, MR; Walker, AE; Wallace, SA; DAMOCLES study group
  • Teenage Parenthood and Social Exclusion: a multi-method study: Summary report of findings. (2005) Wiggins, M; Oakley, A; Sawtell, M; Austerberry, H; Clemens, F; and Elbourne, D
  • 2004
  • Age and gender bias at multiple levels in the investigation and management of stable angina: findings from the Euro Heart Survey of newly presenting stable angina. (2004) Daly, C; Clemens, F; Lopez-Sendon, J; Tavazzi, L; Fox, K
  • A survey of medical treatment and revascularisation recommended to patients with new onset stable angina presenting to cardiology services in the UK, and how this compares with the rest of Europe. The UK results of the Euro Heart Survey of Newly Presenting Angina. (2004) Daly, CA; Clemens, F; Fox, KF; Fox, KM
  • A survey of the investigation of new onset stable angina presenting to cardiology services in the UK, and how this compares the rest of Europe. The UK results of the Euro Heart Survey of Newly Presenting Angina. (2004) Daly, CA; Clemens, F; Fox, KF; Fox, KM
  • 2002
  • Survey of policies about data monitoring committees from major funders [Abstract P54]. (2002) Clemens, F; Elbourne, D; ForTheDamoclesGroup
  • Practical issues in trial design: meta-analysis in clinical research Part 13. (2002) Wang, D; Clemens, F; Bakhai, A