Conference or Workshop Item
The revised CONSORT statement for reporting randomized trials: Explanation and elaboration. (2001)
Altman, DG; Schulz, KF; Moher, D; Egger, M; Davidoff, F; Elbourne, D; Gotzsche, PC; Lang, T
The efficacy of tacrolimus versus microemulsified cyclosporin in prevention of early acute cellular rejection following liver transplantation: A histopathological assessment; On behalf of the UK and Republic of Ireland liver transplant study group. (2002)
Arul, D; Burroughs, A; Truesdale, A; Elbourne, D; Hardy, P; Davies, S
Intracluster correlation coefficients in cluster randomised: how should they be reported? [Abstract 33]. (2002)
Campbell, MK; Grimshaw, JM; Elbourne, D
Survey of policies about data monitoring committees from major funders [Abstract P54]. (2002)
Clemens, F; Elbourne, D; ForTheDamoclesGroup
New strategies for clinical trials in patients with sepsis and septic shock. (2001)
Cohen, J; Guyatt, G; Bernard, GR; Calandra, T; Cook, D; Elbourne, D; Marshall, J; Nunn, A; Opal, S
Involving consumers in the design, conduct and interpretation of randomised controlled trials (Abstract). (2001)
Elbourne, D; Hanley, B; Truesdale, A; King, A; Chalmers, I
The CONSORT statement: revised recommendations for improving the quality of reports of parallel-group randomized trials. (2001)
Moher, D; Schultz, KF; Altman, DG; For The Consort Group (Including Elbourne, D., Pocock, S.)
The CONSORT statement: revised recommendations for improving the quality of reports of parallel-group randomized trials. (2001)
Moher, D; Schultz, KF; Altman, DG; For The Consort Group (Including Elbourne, D., Pocock, S.)
Methods for randomisation, concealment and blinding in the WHO Misoprostol Third Stage of Labour Trial. [Abstract 6]. (2002)
Piaggio, G; Elbourne, D; Schulz, KF; Villar, J; Pinol, APY; Gulmezoglu, AM; OnBehalfOfTheWhoResearchGroup
Reporting of noninferiority and equivalence randomized trials: Extension of the CONSORT 2010 statement. (2012)
Piaggio, G; Elbourne, DR; Pocock, SJ; Evans, SJ; Altman, DG; CONSORT Group
Ethical aspects and stopping rules in equivalence trials: Two case studies. (2003)
Piaggio, G; von Hertzen, H; Elbourne, D