Items where Author is "Cousens, S"
Number of items: 284.
  • Measurement of stillbirths and neonatal deaths in standardised population-based surveys. (2022) Akuze Waiswa, J picture_as_pdf
  • Early Kangaroo mother care for mild-moderately unstable neonates <2000g in The Gambia. (2022) Brotherton, HC
  • 2021
  • Direct maternal morbidity and the risk of pregnancy-related deaths, stillbirths, and neonatal deaths in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa: A population-based prospective cohort study in 8 countries. (2021) Aftab, Fahad; Ahmed, Imran; Ahmed, Salahuddin; Ali, Said Mohammed; Amenga-Etego, Seeba; Ariff, Shabina; Bahl, Rajiv; Baqui, Abdullah H; Begum, Nazma; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Biemba, Godfrey; Cousens, Simon; Das, Vinita; Deb, Saikat; Dhingra, Usha; Dutta, Arup; Edmond, Karen; Esamai, Fabian; Ghosh, Amit Kumar; Gisore, Peter; Grogan, Caroline; Hamer, Davidson H; Herlihy, Julie; Hurt, Lisa; Ilyas, Muhammad; Jehan, Fyezah; Juma, Mohammed Hamad; Kalonji, Michel; Khanam, Rasheda; Kirkwood, Betty R; Kumar, Aarti; Kumar, Alok; Kumar, Vishwajeet; Manu, Alexander; Marete, Irene; Mehmood, Usma; Minckas, Nicole; Mishra, Shambhavi; Mitra, Dipak K; Moin, Mamun Ibne; Muhammad, Karim; Newton, Sam; Ngaima, Serge; Nguwo, Andre; Nisar, Muhammad Imran; Otomba, John; Quaiyum, Mohammad Abdul; Sarrassat, Sophie; Sazawal, Sunil; Semrau, Katherine E; Shannon, Caitlin; Singh, Vinay Pratap; Soofi, Sajid; Soremekun, Seyi; Suleiman, Atifa Mohammed; Sunday, Venantius; Dilip, Thandassery R; Tshefu, Antoinette; Wasan, Yaqub; Yeboah-Antwi, Kojo; Yoshida, Sachiyo; Zaidi, Anita K; Alliance for Maternal and Newborn Health Improvement (AMANHI) ma
  • Four decades of measuring stillbirths and neonatal deaths in Demographic and Health Surveys: historical review. (2021) Akuze, Joseph; Cousens, Simon; Lawn, Joy E; Waiswa, Peter; Gordeev, Vladimir Sergeevich; Arnold, Fred; Croft, Trevor; Baschieri, Angela; Blencowe, Hannah
  • Dietary diversity and social determinants of nutrition among late adolescent girls in rural Pakistan. (2021) Baxter, Jo-Anna B; Wasan, Yaqub; Islam, Muhammad; Cousens, Simon; Soofi, Sajid B; Ahmed, Imran; Sellen, Daniel W; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A
  • Stillbirth outcome capture and classification in population-based surveys: EN-INDEPTH study. (2021) Blencowe, Hannah; Bottecchia, Matteo; Kwesiga, Doris; Akuze, Joseph; Haider, M Moinuddin; Galiwango, Edward; Dzabeng, Francis; Fisker, Ane B; Enuameh, Yeetey Akpe Kwesi; Geremew, Bisrat Misganaw; Nareeba, Tryphena; Woodd, Susannah; Beedle, Alexandra; Peven, Kimberly; Cousens, Simon; Waiswa, Peter; Lawn, Joy E; Every Newborn-INDEPTH Study Collaborative Group
  • Impact of early kangaroo mother care versus standard care on survival of mild-moderately unstable neonates <2000 grams: A randomised controlled trial. (2021) Brotherton, Helen; Gai, Abdou; Kebbeh, Bunja; Njie, Yusupha; Walker, Georgia; Muhammad, Abdul K; Darboe, Saffiatou; Jallow, Mamadou; Ceesay, Buntung; Samateh, Ahmadou Lamin; Tann, Cally J; Cousens, Simon; Roca, Anna; Lawn, Joy E
  • PRIME-IPD SERIES Part 1. The PRIME-IPD tool promoted verification and standardization of study datasets retrieved for IPD meta-analysis. (2021) Dewidar, Omar; Riddle, Alison; Ghogomu, Elizabeth; Hossain, Alomgir; Arora, Paul; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Black, Robert E; Cousens, Simon; Gaffey, Michelle F; Mathew, Christine; Trawin, Jessica; Tugwell, Peter; Welch, Vivian; Wells, George A
  • Stillbirth maternity care measurement and associated factors in population-based surveys: EN-INDEPTH study. (2021) Di Stefano, Lydia; Bottecchia, Matteo; Yargawa, Judith; Akuze, Joseph; Haider, M Moinuddin; Galiwango, Edward; Dzabeng, Francis; Fisker, Ane B; Geremew, Bisrat Misganaw; Cousens, Simon; Lawn, Joy E; Blencowe, Hannah; Waiswa, Peter; the Every Newborn-INDEPTH Study Collaborative Group
  • The impact of improved water supply on cholera and diarrhoeal diseases in Uvira, Democratic Republic of the Congo: a protocol for a pragmatic stepped-wedge cluster randomised trial and economic evaluation. (2021) Gallandat, Karin; Jeandron, Aurélie; Ross, Ian; Mufitini Saidi, Jaime; Bashige Rumedeka, Baron; Lumami Kapepula, Vercus; Cousens, Simon; Allen, Elizabeth; MacDougall, Amy; Cumming, Oliver
  • The Clean pilot study: evaluation of an environmental hygiene intervention bundle in three Tanzanian hospitals. (2021) Gon, Giorgia; Kabanywanyi, Abdunoor M; Blinkhoff, Petri; Cousens, Simon; Dancer, Stephanie J; Graham, Wendy J; Hokororo, Joseph; Manzi, Fatuma; Marchant, Tanya; Mkoka, Dickson; Morrison, Emma; Mswata, Sarah; Oza, Shefali; Penn-Kekana, Loveday; Sedekia, Yovitha; Virgo, Sandra; Woodd, Susannah; Aiken, Alexander M
  • Gestational age data completeness, quality and validity in population-based surveys: EN-INDEPTH study. (2021) Haider, M Moinuddin; Mahmud, Kaiser; Blencowe, Hannah; Ahmed, Tahmeed; Akuze, Joseph; Cousens, Simon; Delwar, Nafisa; Fisker, Ane B; Ponce Hardy, Victoria; Hasan, SM Tafsir; Imam, Md Ali; Kajungu, Dan; Khan, Md Alfazal; Martins, Justiniano SD; Nahar, Quamrun; Nettey, Obed Ernest A; Tesega, Adane Kebede; Yargawa, Judith; Alam, Nurul; Lawn, Joy E; Every Newborn-INDEPTH Study Collaborative Group
  • Global, regional, and national estimates and trends in stillbirths from 2000 to 2019: a systematic assessment. (2021) Hug, Lucia; You, Danzhen; Blencowe, Hannah; Mishra, Anu; Wang, Zhengfan; Fix, Miranda J; Wakefield, Jon; Moran, Allisyn C; Gaigbe-Togbe, Victor; Suzuki, Emi; Blau, Dianna M; Cousens, Simon; Creanga, Andreea; Croft, Trevor; Hill, Kenneth; Joseph, KS; Maswime, Salome; McClure, Elizabeth M; Pattinson, Robert; Pedersen, Jon; Smith, Lucy K; Zeitlin, Jennifer; Alkema, Leontine; UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation and its Cor
  • Improving estimates of the burden of severe wasting: analysis of secondary prevalence and incidence data from 352 sites. (2021) Isanaka, Sheila; Andersen, Christopher T; Cousens, Simon; Myatt, Mark; Briend, André; Krasevec, Julia; Hayashi, Chika; Mayberry, Amy; Mwirigi, Louise; Guerrero, Saul
  • Investigating the effect of relationship satisfaction on postpartum women's health-related quality of life in Burkina Faso: a cross-sectional analysis. (2021) Lokubal, Paul; Calvert, Clara; Cousens, Simon; Daniele, Marina; Ganaba, Rasmané; Filippi, Veronique
  • The polychoric dual-component wealth index as an alternative to the DHS index: Addressing the urban bias. (2021) Martel, Pierre; Mbofana, Francisco; Cousens, Simon
  • An Integrated eDiagnosis Approach (IeDA) versus standard IMCI for assessing and managing childhood illness in Burkina Faso: a stepped-wedge cluster randomised trial. (2021) Sarrassat, Sophie; Lewis, James J; Some, Arsene S; Somda, Serge; Cousens, Simon; Blanchet, Karl
  • 2020
  • Randomised comparison of two household survey modules for measuring stillbirths and neonatal deaths in five countries: the Every Newborn-INDEPTH study. (2020) Akuze, Joseph; Blencowe, Hannah; Waiswa, Peter; Baschieri, Angela; Gordeev, Vladimir S; Kwesiga, Doris; Fisker, Ane B; Thysen, Sanne M; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Biks, Gashaw A; Abebe, Solomon M; Gelaye, Kassahun A; Mengistu, Mezgebu Y; Geremew, Bisrat M; Delele, Tadesse G; Tesega, Adane K; Yitayew, Temesgen A; Kasasa, Simon; Galiwango, Edward; Natukwatsa, Davis; Kajungu, Dan; Enuameh, Yeetey Ak; Nettey, Obed E; Dzabeng, Francis; Amenga-Etego, Seeba; Newton, Sam K; Tawiah, Charlotte; Asante, Kwaku P; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Alam, Nurul; Haider, Moinuddin M; Imam, Ali; Mahmud, Kaiser; Cousens, Simon; Lawn, Joy E; Every Newborn-INDEPTH Study Collaborative Group
  • Design and evaluation of an intervention to increase handwashing with soap after toilet use in Koumassi, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire: A cluster randomised trial. (2020) Amon-Tanoh, MA
  • Protocol for a randomised trial of early kangaroo mother care compared to standard care on survival of pre-stabilised preterm neonates in The Gambia (eKMC). (2020) Brotherton, Helen; Gai, Abdou; Tann, Cally J; Samateh, Ahmadou Lamin; Seale, Anna C; Zaman, Syed MA; Cousens, Simon; Roca, Anna; Lawn, Joy E
  • Assessment of the validity of the measurement of newborn and maternal health-care coverage in hospitals (EN-BIRTH): an observational study. (2020) Day, Louise Tina; Sadeq-Ur Rahman, Qazi; Ehsanur Rahman, Ahmed; Salim, Nahya; Kc, Ashish; Ruysen, Harriet; Tahsina, Tazeen; Masanja, Honorati; Basnet, Omkar; Gore-Langton, Georgia R; Zaman, Sojib Bin; Shabani, Josephine; Jha, Anjani Kumar; Gordeev, Vladimir Sergeevich; Ameen, Shafiqul; Shamba, Donat; Jha, Bijay; Boggs, Dorothy; Hossain, Tanvir; Shirima, Kizito; Bastola, Ram Chandra; Peven, Kimberly; Siddique, Abu Bakkar; Mbaruku, Godfrey; Paudel, Rajendra; Baschieri, Angela; Hossain, Aniqa Tasnim; Kong, Stefanie; Paudel, Asmita; Ahmed, Anisuddin; Cousens, Simon; El Arifeen, Shams; Lawn, Joy E; EN-BIRTH validation collaborative group; EN-BIRTH Expert Advisory Group
  • Tap water access and its relationship with cholera and other diarrhoeal diseases in an urban, cholera-endemic setting in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. (2020) Jeandron, A
  • 2019
  • "Every Newborn-INDEPTH" (EN-INDEPTH) study protocol for a randomised comparison of household survey modules for measuring stillbirths and neonatal deaths in five Health and Demographic Surveillance sites. (2019) Baschieri, Angela; Gordeev, Vladimir S; Akuze, Joseph; Kwesiga, Doris; Blencowe, Hannah; Cousens, Simon; Waiswa, Peter; Fisker, Ane B; Thysen, Sanne M; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Biks, Gashaw A; Abebe, Solomon M; Gelaye, Kassahun A; Mengistu, Mezgebu Y; Geremew, Bisrat M; Delele, Tadesse G; Tesega, Adane K; Yitayew, Temesgen A; Kasasa, Simon; Galiwango, Edward; Natukwatsa, Davis; Kajungu, Dan; Enuameh, Yeetey Ak; Nettey, Obed E; Dzabeng, Francis; Amenga-Etego, Seeba; Newton, Sam K; Manu, Alexander A; Tawiah, Charlotte; Asante, Kwaku P; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Alam, Nurul; Haider, MM; Alam, Sayed S; Arnold, Fred; Byass, Peter; Croft, Trevor N; Herbst, Kobus; Kishor, Sunita; Serbanescu, Florina; Lawn, Joy E
  • National, regional, and worldwide estimates of low birthweight in 2015, with trends from 2000: a systematic analysis. (2019) Blencowe, Hannah; Krasevec, Julia; de Onis, Mercedes; Black, Robert E; An, Xiaoyi; Stevens, Gretchen A; Borghi, Elaine; Hayashi, Chika; Estevez, Diana; Cegolon, Luca; Shiekh, Suhail; Ponce Hardy, Victoria; Lawn, Joy E; Cousens, Simon
  • Review of the evidence regarding the use of antenatal multiple micronutrient supplementation in low- and middle-income countries. (2019) Bourassa, Megan W; Osendarp, Saskia JM; Adu-Afarwuah, Seth; Ahmed, Saima; Ajello, Clayton; Bergeron, Gilles; Black, Robert; Christian, Parul; Cousens, Simon; de Pee, Saskia; Dewey, Kathryn G; Arifeen, Shams El; Engle-Stone, Reina; Fleet, Alison; Gernand, Alison D; Hoddinott, John; Klemm, Rolf; Kraemer, Klaus; Kupka, Roland; McLean, Erin; Moore, Sophie E; Neufeld, Lynnette M; Persson, Lars-Åke; Rasmussen, Kathleen M; Shankar, Anuraj H; Smith, Emily; Sudfeld, Christopher R; Udomkesmalee, Emorn; Vosti, Stephen A
  • The effect of the Alive & Thrive initiative on exclusive breastfeeding in rural Burkina Faso: a repeated cross-sectional cluster randomised controlled trial. (2019) Cresswell, Jenny A; Ganaba, Rasmané; Sarrassat, Sophie; Somé, Henri; Diallo, Abdoulaye Hama; Cousens, Simon; Filippi, Veronique
  • "Every Newborn-BIRTH" protocol: observational study validating indicators for coverage and quality of maternal and newborn health care in Bangladesh, Nepal and Tanzania. (2019) Day, Louise T; Ruysen, Harriet; Gordeev, Vladimir S; Gore-Langton, Georgia R; Boggs, Dorothy; Cousens, Simon; Moxon, Sarah G; Blencowe, Hannah; Baschieri, Angela; Rahman, Ahmed Ehsanur; Tahsina, Tazeen; Zaman, Sojib Bin; Hossain, Tanvir; Rahman, Qazi Sadeq-Ur; Ameen, Shafiqul; El Arifeen, Shams; Kc, Ashish; Shrestha, Shree Krishna; Kc, Naresh P; Singh, Dela; Jha, Anjani Kumar; Jha, Bijay; Rana, Nisha; Basnet, Omkar; Joshi, Elisha; Paudel, Asmita; Shrestha, Parashu Ram; Jha, Deepak; Bastola, Ram Chandra; Ghimire, Jagat Jeevan; Paudel, Rajendra; Salim, Nahya; Shamb, Donat; Manji, Karim; Shabani, Josephine; Shirima, Kizito; Mkopi, Namala; Mrisho, Mwifadhi; Manzi, Fatuma; Jaribu, Jennie; Kija, Edward; Assenga, Evelyne; Kisenge, Rodrick; Pembe, Andrea; Hanson, Claudia; Mbaruku, Godfrey; Masanja, Honorati; Amouzou, Agbessi; Azim, Tariq; Jackson, Debra; Kabuteni, Theopista John; Mathai, Matthews; Monet, Jean-Pierre; Moran, Allisyn; Ram, Pavani; Rawlins, Barbara; Sæbø, Johan Ivar; Serbanescu, Florina; Vaz, Lara; Zaka, Nabila; Lawn, Joy E
  • Predicting quality and quantity of water used by urban households based on tap water service. (2019) Jeandron, Aurelie; Cumming, Oliver; Kapepula, Lumami; Cousens, Simon
  • National, regional, and state-level all-cause and cause-specific under-5 mortality in India in 2000-15: a systematic analysis with implications for the Sustainable Development Goals. (2019) Liu, Li; Chu, Yue; Oza, Shefali; Hogan, Dan; Perin, Jamie; Bassani, Diego G; Ram, Usha; Fadel, Shaza A; Pandey, Arvind; Dhingra, Neeraj; Sahu, Damodar; Kumar, Pradeep; Cibulskis, Richard; Wahl, Brian; Shet, Anita; Mathers, Colin; Lawn, Joy; Jha, Prabhat; Kumar, Rakesh; Black, Robert E; Cousens, Simon
  • Postdischarge Mortality Prediction in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2019) Madrid, Lola; Casellas, Aina; Sacoor, Charfudin; Quintó, Llorenç; Sitoe, Antonio; Varo, Rosauro; Acácio, Sozinho; Nhampossa, Tacilta; Massora, Sergio; Sigaúque, Betuel; Mandomando, Inacio; Cousens, Simon; Menéndez, Clara; Alonso, Pedro; Macete, Eusebio; Bassat, Quique
  • Coverage and equity of maternal and newborn health care in rural Nigeria, Ethiopia and India. (2019) Marchant, Tanya; Beaumont, Emma; Makowiecka, Krystyna; Berhanu, Della; Tessema, Tsegahun; Gautham, Meenakshi; Singh, Kultar; Umar, Nasir; Usman, Adamu Umar; Tomlin, Keith; Cousens, Simon; Allen, Elizabeth; Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong picture_as_pdf
  • Children and Young People's Health Partnership (CYPHP) Evelina London model of care: protocol for an opportunistic cluster randomised controlled trial (cRCT) to assess child health outcomes, healthcare quality and health service use. (2019) Newham, James Joseph; Forman, Julia; Heys, Michelle; Cousens, Simon; Lemer, Claire; Elsherbiny, Mohamed; Satherley, Rose-Marie; Lingam, Raghu; Wolfe, Ingrid
  • Aetiology of invasive bacterial infection and antimicrobial resistance in neonates in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis in line with the STROBE-NI reporting guidelines. (2019) Okomo, Uduak; Akpalu, Edem NK; Le Doare, Kirsty; Roca, Anna; Cousens, Simon; Jarde, Alexander; Sharland, Mike; Kampmann, Beate; Lawn, Joy E
  • The use of statistical models to estimate the timing and causes of neonatal deaths. (2019) Oza, SB
  • Mass deworming for soil‐transmitted helminths and schistosomiasis among pregnant women: A systematic review and individual participant data meta‐analysis. (2019) Salam, RA; Cousens, S; Welch, V; Gaffey, M; Middleton, P; Makrides, M; Arora, P; Bhutta, ZA
  • Suboptimal infant and young child feeding practices in rural Boucle du Mouhoun, Burkina Faso: Findings from a cross-sectional population-based survey. (2019) Sarrassat, Sophie; Ganaba, Rasmane; Some, Henri; Cresswell, Jenny A; Diallo, Abdoulaye H; Cousens, Simon; Filippi, Veronique
  • Mass deworming for improving health and cognition of children in endemic helminth areas: A systematic review and individual participant data network meta-analysis. (2019) Welch, Vivian A; Ghogomu, Elizabeth; Hossain, Alomgir; Riddle, Alison; Gaffey, Michelle; Arora, Paul; Dewidar, Omar; Salam, Rehana; Cousens, Simon; Black, Robert; Hollingsworth, T Déirdre; Horton, Sue; Tugwell, Peter; Bundy, Donald; Castro, Mary Christine; Elliott, Alison; Friis, Henrik; Le, Huong T; Liu, Chengfang; Rousham, Emily K; Rohner, Fabian; King, Charles; Sartono, Erliyani; Supali, Taniawati; Steinmann, Peter; Webb, Emily; Wieringa, Franck; Winnichagoon, Pattanee; Yazdanbakhsh, Maria; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Wells, George
  • Deworming children for soil-transmitted helminths in low and middle-income countries: systematic review and individual participant data network meta-analysis. (2019) Welch, Vivian Andrea; Hossain, Alomgir; Ghogomu, Elizabeth; Riddle, Alison; Cousens, Simon; Gaffey, Michelle; Arora, Paul; Black, Robert; Bundy, Donald; Castro, Mary Christine; Chen, Li; Dewidar, Omar; Elliott, Alison; Friis, Henrik; Hollingsworth, T Déirdre; Horton, Sue; King, Charles H; Thi, Huong Le; Liu, Chengfang; Rohner, Fabian; Rousham, Emily K; Salam, Rehana; Sartono, Erliyani; Steinmann, Peter; Supali, Taniawati; Tugwell, Peter; Webb, Emily; Wieringa, Franck; Winnichagoon, Pattanee; Yazdanbakhsh, Maria; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Wells, George A description
  • Evaluation of the CHNRI Process for Setting Health Research Priorities. (2019) Yoshida, S
  • 2018
  • Associations between increased intervention coverage for mothers and newborns and the number and quality of contacts between families and health workers: An analysis of cluster level repeat cross sectional survey data in Ethiopia. (2018) Allen, Elizabeth; Schellenberg, Joanna; Berhanu, Della; Cousens, Simon; Marchant, Tanya
  • The legitimacy of modelling the impact of an intervention based on important intermediate outcomes in a trial. (2018) Cousens, Simon; Head, Roy
  • Involving male partners in maternity care in Burkina Faso: a randomized controlled trial. (2018) Daniele, Marina As; Ganaba, Rasmané; Sarrassat, Sophie; Cousens, Simon; Rossier, Clémentine; Drabo, Seydou; Ouedraogo, Djeneba; Filippi, Veronique
  • Confirmation of cholera by rapid diagnostic test amongst patients admitted to the cholera treatment centre in Uvira, Democratic Republic of the Congo. (2018) Jeandron, Aurelie; Cumming, Oliver; Rumedeka, Baron Bashige; Saidi, Jaime Mufitini; Cousens, Simon
  • Cost-effectiveness and economies of scale of a mass radio campaign to promote household life-saving practices in Burkina Faso. (2018) Kasteng, Frida; Murray, Joanna; Cousens, Simon; Sarrassat, Sophie; Steel, Jennifer; Meda, Nicolas; Ouedraogo, Moctar; Head, Roy; Borghi, Josephine
  • Update of: Marx Delaney et al., Improving Adherence to Essential Birth Practices Using the WHO Safe Childbirth Checklist With Peer Coaching: Experience From 60 Public Health Facilities in Uttar Pradesh, India. (2018) Marx Delaney, Megan; Maji, Pinki; Kalita, Tapan; Kara, Nabihah; Rana, Darpan; Kumar, Krishan; Masoinneuve, Jenny; Cousens, Simon; Gawande, Atul A; Kumar, Vishwajeet; Kodkany, Bhala; Sharma, Narender; Saurastri, Rajiv; Pratap Singh, Vinay; Hirschhorn, Lisa R; Semrau, Katherine Ea; Firestone, Rebecca
  • Estimating the birth prevalence and pregnancy outcomes of congenital malformations worldwide. (2018) Moorthie, Sowmiya; Blencowe, Hannah; Darlison, Matthew W; Lawn, Joy; Morris, Joan K; Modell, Bernadette; Congenital Disorders Expert Group; Bittles, AH; Blencowe, H; Christianson, A; Cousens, S; Darlison, MW; Gibbons, S; Hamamy, H; Khoshnood, B; Howson, CP; Lawn, J; Mastroiacovo, P; Modell, B; Moorthie, S; Morris, JK; Mossey, PA; Neville, AJ; Petrou, M; Povey, S; Rankin, J; Schuler-Faccini, L; Wren, C; Yunnis, KA
  • Modelling the effect of a mass radio campaign on child mortality using facility utilisation data and the Lives Saved Tool (LiST): findings from a cluster randomised trial in Burkina Faso. (2018) Murray, Joanna; Head, Roy; Sarrassat, Sophie; Hollowell, Jennifer; Remes, Pieter; Lavoie, Matthew; Borghi, Josephine; Kasteng, Frida; Meda, Nicolas; Badolo, Hermann; Ouedraogo, Moctar; Bambara, Robert; Cousens, Simon
  • Distance to care, care seeking and child mortality in rural Burkina Faso: findings from a population-based cross-sectional survey. (2018) Sarrassat, S; Meda, N; Badolo, H; Ouedraogo, M; Somé, H; Cousens, S
  • Estimating drowning mortality in Tanzania: a systematic review and meta-analysis of existing data sources. (2018) Sarrassat, Sophie; Mrema, Sigilbert; Tani, Kassimu; Mecrow, Thomas; Ryan, Dan; Cousens, Simon
  • 2017
  • Prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in China in 1990 and 2010. (2017) Chan, Kit Yee; Li, Xue; Chen, Wanjing; Song, Peige; Wong, Nuen Wing Katy; Poon, Adrienne N; Jian, Weiyan; Soyiri, Ireneous N; Cousens, Simon; Adeloye, Davies; Sheikh, Aziz; Campbell, Harry; Rudan, Igor; Global Health Epidemiology Research Group (GHERG)
  • Modelling stunting in LiST: the effect of applying smoothing to linear growth data. (2017) Cousens, Simon; Perin, Jamie; Christian, Parul; Wu, Lee Shu-Fune; Soofi, Sajid; Bhutta, Zulfiqar; Lanata, Claudio; Guerrant, Richard L; Lima, Aldo AM; Mølbak, Kåre; Valentiner-Branth, Palle; Checkley, William; Gilman, Robert H; Sack, R Bradley; Black, Robert E; Humphrey, Jean; Walker, Neff
  • Predictors of exclusive breastfeeding and consumption of soft, semi-solid or solid food among infants in Boucle du Mouhoun, Burkina Faso: A cross-sectional survey. (2017) Cresswell, Jenny A; Ganaba, Rasmané; Sarrassat, Sophie; Cousens, Simon; Somé, Henri; Diallo, Abdoulaye Hama; Filippi, Veronique
  • Effect on Neonatal Mortality of Newborn Infection Management at Health Posts When Referral Is Not Possible: A Cluster-Randomized Trial in Rural Ethiopia. (2017) Degefie Hailegebriel, Tedbabe; Mulligan, Brian; Cousens, Simon; Mathewos, Bereket; Wall, Steve; Bekele, Abeba; Russell, Jeanne; Sitrin, Deborah; Tensou, Biruk; Lawn, Joy; de Graft Johnson, Joseph; Legesse, Hailemariam; Hailu, Sirak; Nigussie, Assaye; Worku, Bogale; Baqui, Abdullah
  • The effect of community health worker-led education on women's health and treatment-seeking: A cluster randomised trial and nested process evaluation in Gujarat, India. (2017) Desai, Sapna; Mahal, Ajay; Sinha, Tara; Schellenberg, Joanna; Cousens, Simon
  • Phacoemulsification compared with phacotrabeculectomy surgery: a within-person observational cohort study. (2017) Dhalla, K; Cousens, S; Murdoch, IE
  • Community engagement and integrated health and polio immunisation campaigns in conflict-affected areas of Pakistan: a cluster randomised controlled trial. (2017) Habib, Muhammad Atif; Soofi, Sajid; Cousens, Simon; Anwar, Saeed; Haque, Najib Ul; Ahmed, Imran; Ali, Noshad; Tahir, Rehman; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A
  • Estimates of burden and consequences of infants born small for gestational age in low and middle income countries with INTERGROWTH-21st standard: analysis of CHERG datasets. (2017) Lee, Anne Cc; Kozuki, Naoko; Cousens, Simon; Stevens, Gretchen A; Blencowe, Hannah; Silveira, Mariangela F; Sania, Ayesha; Rosen, Heather E; Schmiegelow, Christentze; Adair, Linda S; Baqui, Abdullah H; Barros, Fernando C; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Caulfield, Laura E; Christian, Parul; Clarke, Siân E; Fawzi, Wafaie; Gonzalez, Rogelio; Humphrey, Jean; Huybregts, Lieven; Kariuki, Simon; Kolsteren, Patrick; Lusingu, John; Manandhar, Dharma; Mongkolchati, Aroonsri; Mullany, Luke C; Ndyomugyenyi, Richard; Nien, Jyh Kae; Roberfroid, Dominique; Saville, Naomi; Terlouw, Dianne J; Tielsch, James M; Victora, Cesar G; Velaphi, Sithembiso C; Watson-Jones, Deborah; Willey, Barbara A; Ezzati, Majid; Lawn, Joy E; Black, Robert E; Katz, Joanne; CHERG Small-for-Gestational-Age-Preterm Birth Working Group
  • Improving Adherence to Essential Birth Practices Using the WHO Safe Childbirth Checklist With Peer Coaching: Experience From 60 Public Health Facilities in Uttar Pradesh, India. (2017) Marx Delaney, Megan; Maji, Pinki; Kalita, Tapan; Kara, Nabihah; Rana, Darpan; Kumar, Krishan; Masoinneuve, Jenny; Cousens, Simon; Gawande, Atul A; Kumar, Vishwajeet; Kodkany, Bhala; Sharma, Narender; Saurastri, Rajiv; Pratap Singh, Vinay; Hirschhorn, Lisa R; Semrau, Katherine Ea; Firestone, Rebecca
  • Community-Based Interventions for Newborns in Ethiopia (COMBINE): Cost-effectiveness analysis. (2017) Mathewos, B; Owen, H; Sitrin, D; Cousens, S; Degefie, T; Wall, S; Bekele, A; Lawn, JE; Daviaud, E
  • Pre-control relationship of onchocercal skin disease with onchocercal infection in Guinea Savanna, Northern Nigeria. (2017) Murdoch, Michele E; Murdoch, Ian E; Evans, Jennifer; Yahaya, Haliru; Njepuome, Ngozi; Cousens, Simon; Jones, Barrie R; Abiose, Adenike
  • Setting health research priorities using the CHNRI method: VII. A review of the first 50 applications of the CHNRI method. (2017) Rudan, Igor; Yoshida, Sachiyo; Chan, Kit Yee; Sridhar, Devi; Wazny, Kerri; Nair, Harish; Sheikh, Aziz; Tomlinson, Mark; Lawn, Joy E; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Bahl, Rajiv; Chopra, Mickey; Campbell, Harry; El Arifeen, Shams; Black, Robert E; Cousens, Simon
  • Effect of a mass radio campaign on family behaviours and child survival in Burkina Faso: a repeated cross-sectional, cluster-randomised trial. (2017) Sarrassat, Sophie; Meda, Nicolas; Badolo, Hermann; Ouedraogo, Moctar; Some, Henri; Bambara, Robert; Murray, Joanna; Remes, Pieter; Lavoie, Matthiew; Cousens, Simon; Head, Roy
  • Estimates of the Burden of Group B Streptococcal Disease Worldwide for Pregnant Women, Stillbirths, and Children. (2017) Seale, Anna C; Bianchi-Jassir, Fiorella; Russell, Neal J; Kohli-Lynch, Maya; Tann, Cally J; Hall, Jenny; Madrid, Lola; Blencowe, Hannah; Cousens, Simon; Baker, Carol J; Bartlett, Linda; Cutland, Clare; Gravett, Michael G; Heath, Paul T; Ip, Margaret; Le Doare, Kirsty; Madhi, Shabir A; Rubens, Craig E; Saha, Samir K; Schrag, Stephanie J; Sobanjo-Ter Meulen, Ajoke; Vekemans, Johan; Lawn, Joy E
  • Effect of provision of home-based curative health services by public sector health-care providers on neonatal survival: a community-based cluster-randomised trial in rural Pakistan. (2017) Soofi, Sajid; Cousens, Simon; Turab, Ali; Wasan, Yaqub; Mohammed, Shah; Ariff, Shabina; Bhatti, Zaid; Ahmed, Imran; Wall, Steve; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A
  • 2016
  • A mixed methods protocol to evaluate the effect and cost-effectiveness of an Integrated electronic Diagnosis Approach (IeDA) for the management of childhood illnesses at primary health facilities in Burkina Faso. (2016) Blanchet, Karl; Lewis, James J; Pozo-Martin, Francisco; Satouro, Arsene; Somda, Serge; Ilboudo, Patrick; Sarrassat, Sophie; Cousens, Simon
  • Measuring maternal, foetal and neonatal mortality: Challenges and solutions. (2016) Blencowe, H; Calvert PhD, C; Lawn, JE; Cousens, S; Campbell, OM
  • National, regional, and worldwide estimates of stillbirth rates in 2015, with trends from 2000: a systematic analysis. (2016) Blencowe, Hannah; Cousens, Simon; Jassir, Fiorella Bianchi; Say, Lale; Chou, Doris; Mathers, Colin; Hogan, Dan; Shiekh, Suhail; Qureshi, Zeshan U; You, Danzhen; Lawn, Joy E; Lancet Stillbirth Epidemiology Investigator Group
  • Incidence and determinants of hysterectomy in a low-income setting in Gujarat, India. (2016) Desai, S; Campbell, OM; Sinha, T; Mahal, A; Cousens, S
  • Is Beta Radiation Better than 5 Flurouracil as an Adjunct for Trabeculectomy Surgery When Combined with Cataract Surgery? A Randomised Controlled Trial. (2016) Dhalla, Kazim; Cousens, Simon; Bowman, Richard; Wood, Mark; Murdoch, Ian
  • Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology for Newborn Infection (STROBE-NI): an extension of the STROBE statement for neonatal infection research. (2016) Fitchett, EJ; Seale, AC; Vergnano, S; Sharland, M; Heath, PT; Saha, SK; Agarwal, R; Ayede, AI; Bhutta, ZA; Black, R; Bojang, K; Campbell, H; Cousens, S; Darmstadt, GL; Madhi, SA; Meulen, AS; Modi, N; Patterson, J; Qazi, S; Schrag, SJ; Stoll, BJ; Wall, SN; Wammanda, RD; Lawn, JE; SPRING (Strengthening Publications Reporting Infection in Newbor description
  • Stillbirths: rates, risk factors, and acceleration towards 2030. (2016) Lawn, Joy E; Blencowe, Hannah; Waiswa, Peter; Amouzou, Agbessi; Mathers, Colin; Hogan, Dan; Flenady, Vicki; Frøen, J Frederik; Qureshi, Zeshan U; Calderwood, Claire; Shiekh, Suhail; Jassir, Fiorella Bianchi; You, Danzhen; McClure, Elizabeth M; Mathai, Matthews; Cousens, Simon; Lancet Ending Preventable Stillbirths Series study group; Lancet Stillbirth Epidemiology investigator group description
  • Global, regional, and national causes of under-5 mortality in 2000-15: an updated systematic analysis with implications for the Sustainable Development Goals. (2016) Liu, Li; Oza, Shefali; Hogan, Dan; Chu, Yue; Perin, Jamie; Zhu, Jun; Lawn, Joy E; Cousens, Simon; Mathers, Colin; Black, Robert E
  • Trial size, HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis, and breastfeeding - Authors' reply. (2016) Lombard, Carl; Cousens, Simon; Tylleskär, Thorkild; Van de Perre, Philippe; Nagot, Nicolas
  • Simplified antibiotic regimens for treatment of clinical severe infection in the outpatient setting when referral is not possible for young infants in Pakistan (Simplified Antibiotic Therapy Trial [SATT]): a randomised, open-label, equivalence trial. (2016) Mir, Fatima; Nisar, Imran; Tikmani, Shiyam S; Baloch, Benazir; Shakoor, Sadia; Jehan, Fyezah; Ahmed, Imran; Cousens, Simon; Zaidi, Anita KM
  • Setting health research priorities using the CHNRI method: I. Involving funders. (2016) Rudan, Igor; Yoshida, Sachiyo; Chan, Kit Yee; Cousens, Simon; Sridhar, Devi; Bahl, Rajiv; Martines, Jose
  • Setting health research priorities using the CHNRI method: V. Quantitative properties of human collective knowledge. (2016) Rudan, Igor; Yoshida, Sachiyo; Wazny, Kerri; Chan, Kit Yee; Cousens, Simon
  • Evaluation of the uptake and impact of neonatal vitamin A supplementation delivered through the Lady Health Worker programme on neonatal and infant morbidity and mortality in rural Pakistan: an effectiveness trial. (2016) Soofi, S; Ariff, S; Sadiq, K; Habib, A; Bhatti, Z; Ahmad, I; Hussain, M; Ali, N; Cousens, S; Bhutta, ZA description
  • Small-for-Gestational-Age Births are Associated with Maternal Relationship Status: A Population-Wide Analysis. (2016) Steinberg, Jecca Rhea; Sanders, Lee; Cousens, Simon description
  • Setting health research priorities using the CHNRI method: II. Involving researchers. (2016) Yoshida, Sachiyo; Cousens, Simon; Wazny, Kerri; Chan, Kit Yee
  • Setting health research priorities using the CHNRI method: VI. Quantitative properties of human collective opinion. (2016) Yoshida, Sachiyo; Rudan, Igor; Cousens, Simon
  • Setting health research priorities using the CHNRI method: III. Involving stakeholders. (2016) Yoshida, Sachiyo; Wazny, Kerri; Cousens, Simon; Chan, Kit Yee
  • 2015
  • Oral amoxicillin compared with injectable procaine benzylpenicillin plus gentamicin for treatment of neonates and young infants with fast breathing when referral is not possible: a randomised, open-label, equivalence trial. (2015) African Neonatal Sepsis Trial (AFRINEST) group; Tshefu, A; Lokangaka, A; Ngaima, S; Engmann, C; Esamai, F; Gisore, P; Ayede, AI; Falade, AG; Adejuyigbe, EA; Anyabolu, CH; Wammanda, RD; Ejembi, CL; Ogala, WN; Gram, L; Cousens, S
  • Simplified antibiotic regimens compared with injectable procaine benzylpenicillin plus gentamicin for treatment of neonates and young infants with clinical signs of possible serious bacterial infection when referral is not possible: a randomised, open-label, equivalence trial. (2015) African Neonatal Sepsis Trial (AFRINEST) group; Tshefu, A; Lokangaka, A; Ngaima, S; Engmann, C; Esamai, F; Gisore, P; Ayede, AI; Falade, AG; Adejuyigbe, EA; Anyabolu, CH; Wammanda, RD; Ejembi, CL; Ogala, WN; Gram, L; Cousens, S
  • Simplified antibiotic regimens compared with injectable procaine benzylpenicillin plus gentamicin for treatment of neonates and young infants with clinical signs of possible serious bacterial infection when referral is not possible: a randomised, open-label, equivalence trial. (2015) African Neonatal Sepsis Trial (AFRINEST) group; Tshefu, Antoinette; Lokangaka, Adrien; Ngaima, Serge; Engmann, Cyril; Esamai, Fabian; Gisore, Peter; Ayede, Adejumoke Idowu; Falade, Adegoke Gbadegesin; Adejuyigbe, Ebunoluwa A; Anyabolu, Chineme Henry; Wammanda, Robinson D; Ejembi, Clara L; Ogala, William N; Gram, Lu; Cousens, Simon
  • Oral amoxicillin compared with injectable procaine benzylpenicillin plus gentamicin for treatment of neonates and young infants with fast breathing when referral is not possible: a randomised, open-label, equivalence trial. (2015) African Neonatal Sepsis Trial (AFRINEST) group; Tshefu, Antoinette; Lokangaka, Adrien; Ngaima, Serge; Engmann, Cyril; Esamai, Fabian; Gisore, Peter; Ayede, Adejumoke Idowu; Falade, Adegoke Gbadegesin; Adejuyigbe, Ebunoluwa A; Anyabolu, Chineme Henry; Wammanda, Robinson D; Ejembi, Clara L; Ogala, William N; Gram, Lu; Cousens, Simon
  • Safety and efficacy of alternative antibiotic regimens compared with 7 day injectable procaine benzylpenicillin and gentamicin for outpatient treatment of neonates and young infants with clinical signs of severe infection when referral is not possible: a randomised, open-label, equivalence trial. (2015) Baqui, Abdullah H; Saha, Samir K; Ahmed, ASM Nawshad Uddin; Shahidullah, Mohammad; Quasem, Iftekhar; Roth, Daniel E; Samsuzzaman, AKM; Ahmed, Wazir; Tabib, SM Shahnawaz Bin; Mitra, Dipak K; Begum, Nazma; Islam, Maksuda; Mahmud, Arif; Rahman, Mohammad Hefzur; Moin, Mamun Ibne; Mullany, Luke C; Cousens, Simon; El Arifeen, Shams; Wall, Stephen; Brandes, Neal; Santosham, Mathuram; Black, Robert E; Projahnmo Study Group in Bangladesh
  • The effect of health education on women's treatment-seeking behaviour: Findings from a cluster randomised trial and an in-depth investigation of hysterectomy in Gujarat, India. (2015) Desai, S
  • Effectiveness of a Home-Based Counselling Strategy on Neonatal Care and Survival: A Cluster-Randomised Trial in Six Districts of Rural Southern Tanzania. (2015) Hanson, Claudia; Manzi, Fatuma; Mkumbo, Elibariki; Shirima, Kizito; Penfold, Suzanne; Hill, Zelee; Shamba, Donat; Jaribu, Jennie; Hamisi, Yuna; Soremekun, Seyi; Cousens, Simon; Marchant, Tanya; Mshinda, Hassan; Schellenberg, David; Tanner, Marcel; Schellenberg, Joanna
  • Can mass media interventions reduce child mortality? (2015) Head, Roy; Murray, Joanna; Sarrassat, Sophie; Snell, Will; Meda, Nicolas; Ouedraogo, Moctar; Deboise, Laurent; Cousens, Simon
  • Short Maternal Stature Increases Risk of Small-for-Gestational-Age and Preterm Births in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis and Population Attributable Fraction. (2015) Kozuki, Naoko; Katz, Joanne; Lee, Anne CC; Vogel, Joshua P; Silveira, Mariangela F; Sania, Ayesha; Stevens, Gretchen A; Cousens, Simon; Caulfield, Laura E; Christian, Parul; Huybregts, Lieven; Roberfroid, Dominique; Schmiegelow, Christentze; Adair, Linda S; Barros, Fernando C; Cowan, Melanie; Fawzi, Wafaie; Kolsteren, Patrick; Merialdi, Mario; Mongkolchati, Aroonsri; Saville, Naomi; Victora, Cesar G; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Blencowe, Hannah; Ezzati, Majid; Lawn, Joy E; Black, Robert E; Child Health Epidemiology Reference Group Small-for-Gestational- description
  • Causes of child death: comparison of MCEE and GBD 2013 estimates. (2015) Liu, Li; Black, Robert E; Cousens, Simon; Mathers, Colin; Lawn, Joy E; Hogan, Daniel R
  • Erratum: cost-effectiveness of strategies to improve the utilization and provision of maternal and newborn health care in low-income and lower-middle-income countries: a systematic review. (2015) Mangham-Jefferies, Lindsay; Pitt, Catherine; Cousens, Simon; Mills, Anne; Schellenberg, Joanna
  • Adding content to contacts: measurement of high quality contacts for maternal and newborn health in Ethiopia, north east Nigeria, and Uttar Pradesh, India. (2015) Marchant, Tanya; Tilley-Gyado, Ritgak Dimka; Tessema, Tsegahun; Singh, Kultar; Gautham, Meenakshi; Umar, Nasir; Berhanu, Della; Cousens, Simon; Armstrong Schellenberg, Joanna RM
  • Behavior Change After 20 Months of a Radio Campaign Addressing Key Lifesaving Family Behaviors for Child Survival: Midline Results From a Cluster Randomized Trial in Rural Burkina Faso. (2015) Sarrassat, Sophie; Meda, Nicolas; Ouedraogo, Moctar; Some, Henri; Bambara, Robert; Head, Roy; Murray, Joanna; Remes, Pieter; Cousens, Simon
  • Setting research priorities to improve global newborn health and prevent stillbirths by 2025. (2015) Yoshida, Sachiyo; Martines, José; Lawn, Joy E; Wall, Stephen; Souza, Joăo Paulo; Rudan, Igor; Cousens, Simon; neonatal health research priority setting group; Aaby, Peter; Adam, Ishag; Adhikari, Ramesh Kant; Ambalavanan, Namasivayam; Arifeen, Shams Ei; Aryal, Dhana Raj; Asiruddin, Sk; Baqui, Abdullah; Barros, Aluisio Jd; Benn, Christine S; Bhandari, Vineet; Bhatnagar, Shinjini; Bhattacharya, Sohinee; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Black, Robert E; Blencowe, Hannah; Bose, Carl; Brown, Justin; Bührer, Christoph; Carlo, Wally; Cecatti, Jose Guilherme; Cheung, Po-Yin; Clark, Robert; Colbourn, Tim; Conde-Agudelo, Agustin; Corbett, Erica; Czeizel, Andrew E; Das, Abhik; Day, Louise Tina; Deal, Carolyn; Deorari, Ashok; Dilmen, Uğur; English, Mike; Engmann, Cyril; Esamai, Fabian; Fall, Caroline; Ferriero, Donna M; Gisore, Peter; Hazir, Tabish; Higgins, Rosemary D; Homer, Caroline Se; Hoque, DE; Irgens, Lorentz; Islam, MT; de Graft-Johnson, Joseph; Joshua, Martias Alice; Keenan, William; Khatoon, Soofia; Kieler, Helle; Kramer, Michael S; Lackritz, Eve M; Lavender, Tina; Lawintono, Laurensia; Luhanga, Richard; Marsh, David; McMillan, Douglas; McNamara, Patrick J; Mol, Ben Willem J; Molyneux, Elizabeth; Mukasa, GK; Mutabazi, Miriam; Nacul, Luis Carlos; Nakakeeto, Margaret; Narayanan, Indira; Olusanya, Bolajoko; Osrin, David; Paul, Vinod; Poets, Christian; Reddy, Uma M; Santosham, Mathuram; Sayed, Rubayet; Schlabritz-Loutsevitch, Natalia E; Singhal, Nalini; Smith, Mary Alice; Smith, Peter G; Soofi, Sajid; Spong, Catherine Y; Sultana, Shahin; Tshefu, Antoinette; van Bel, Frank; Gray, Lauren Vestewig; Waiswa, Peter; Wang, Wei; Williams, Sarah LA; Wright, Linda; Zaidi, Anita; Zhang, Yanfeng; Zhong, Nanbert; Zuniga, Isabel; Bahl, Rajiv
  • 2014
  • Control of Salmonella infection in pigs at the farm level in Great Britain. (2014) Cook, AJC
  • Causal mediation analysis with multiple mediators. (2014) Daniel, RM; De Stavola, BL; Cousens, SN; Vansteelandt, S
  • Who has been caring for the baby? (2014) Darmstadt, Gary L; Kinney, Mary V; Chopra, Mickey; Cousens, Simon; Kak, Lily; Paul, Vinod K; Martines, Jose; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Lawn, Joy E; Lancet Every Newborn Study Group
  • Understanding CBHI hospitalisation patterns: a comparison of insured and uninsured women in Gujarat, India. (2014) Desai, Sapna; Sinha, Tara; Mahal, Ajay; Cousens, Simon
  • Every Newborn: Progress, priorities, and potential beyond survival. (2014) Lawn, JE; Blencowe, H; Oza, S; You, D; Lee, AC; Waiswa, P; Lalli, M; Bhutta, Z; Barros, AJ; Christian, P; Mathers, C; Cousens, SN; Lancet Every Newborn Study Group
  • Every Newborn: progress, priorities, and potential beyond survival. (2014) Lawn, Joy E; Blencowe, Hannah; Oza, Shefali; You, Danzhen; Lee, Anne CC; Waiswa, Peter; Lalli, Marek; Bhutta, Zulfiqar; Barros, Aluisio JD; Christian, Parul; Mathers, Colin; Cousens, Simon N; Lancet Every Newborn Study Group
  • Global, regional, and national causes of child mortality in 2000-13, with projections to inform post-2015 priorities: an updated systematic analysis. (2014) Liu, Li; Oza, Shefali; Hogan, Daniel; Perin, Jamie; Rudan, Igor; Lawn, Joy E; Cousens, Simon; Mathers, Colin; Black, Robert E
  • Cost-effectiveness of strategies to improve the utilization and provision of maternal and newborn health care in low-income and lower-middle-income countries: a systematic review. (2014) Mangham-Jefferies, Lindsay; Pitt, Catherine; Cousens, Simon; Mills, Anne; Schellenberg, Joanna ['material/summary:fileicon_text/html' not defined]
  • Estimation of daily risk of neonatal death, including the day of birth, in 186 countries in 2013: a vital-registration and modelling-based study. (2014) Oza, Shefali; Cousens, Simon N; Lawn, Joy E
  • Neonatal cause-of-death estimates for the early and late neonatal periods for 194 countries: 2000-2013. (2014) Oza, Shefali; Lawn, Joy E; Hogan, Daniel R; Mathers, Colin; Cousens, Simon N
  • Effect of home-based counselling on newborn care practices in southern Tanzania one year after implementation: a cluster-randomised controlled trial. (2014) Penfold, Suzanne; Manzi, Fatuma; Mkumbo, Elibariki; Temu, Silas; Jaribu, Jennie; Shamba, Donat D; Mshinda, Hassan; Cousens, Simon; Marchant, Tanya; Tanner, Marcel; Schellenberg, David; Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong
  • Estimates of possible severe bacterial infection in neonates in sub-Saharan Africa, south Asia, and Latin America for 2012: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2014) Seale, AC; Blencowe, H; Manu, AA; Nair, H; Bahl, R; Qazi, SA; Zaidi, AK; Berkley, JA; Cousens, SN; Lawn, JE
  • Estimates of possible severe bacterial infection in neonates in sub-Saharan Africa, south Asia, and Latin America for 2012: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2014) Seale, Anna C; Blencowe, Hannah; Manu, Alexander A; Nair, Harish; Bahl, Rajiv; Qazi, Shamim A; Zaidi, Anita K; Berkley, James A; Cousens, Simon N; Lawn, Joy E; pSBI Investigator Group
  • 2013
  • Safety and efficacy of simplified antibiotic regimens for outpatient treatment of serious infection in neonates and young infants 0-59 days of age in Bangladesh: design of a randomized controlled trial. (2013) Baqui, Abdullah H; Saha, Samir Kumar; Ahmed, ASM Nawshad Uddin; Shahidullah, Mohammad; Quasem, Iftekhar; Roth, Daniel E; Williams, Emma K; Mitra, Dipak; Shamsuzzaman, AKM; Ahmed, Wazir; Mullany, Luke C; Cousens, Simon; Wall, Stephen; Brandes, Neal; Black, Robert E
  • Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and Rhesus disease of the newborn: incidence and impairment estimates for 2010 at regional and global levels. (2013) Bhutani, Vinod K; Zipursky, Alvin; Blencowe, Hannah; Khanna, Rajesh; Sgro, Michael; Ebbesen, Finn; Bell, Jennifer; Mori, Rintaro; Slusher, Tina M; Fahmy, Nahed; Paul, Vinod K; Du, Lizhong; Okolo, Angela A; de Almeida, Maria-Fernanda; Olusanya, Bolajoko O; Kumar, Praveen; Cousens, Simon; Lawn, Joy E
  • Micronutrient powders for young children - Authors' reply. (2013) Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Cousens, Simon; Soofi, Sajid picture_as_pdf
  • Addressing the challenge of neonatal mortality. (2013) Blencowe, H; Cousens, S
  • Born too soon: the global epidemiology of 15 million preterm births. (2013) Blencowe, Hannah; Cousens, Simon; Chou, Doris; Oestergaard, Mikkel; Say, Lale; Moller, Ann-Beth; Kinney, Mary; Lawn, Joy; Born Too Soon Preterm Birth Action Group
  • Preterm birth-associated neurodevelopmental impairment estimates at regional and global levels for 2010. (2013) Blencowe, Hannah; Lee, Anne CC; Cousens, Simon; Bahalim, Adil; Narwal, Rajesh; Zhong, Nanbert; Chou, Doris; Say, Lale; Modi, Neena; Katz, Joanne; Vos, Theo; Marlow, Neil; Lawn, Joy E
  • Estimates of neonatal morbidities and disabilities at regional and global levels for 2010: introduction, methods overview, and relevant findings from the Global Burden of Disease study. (2013) Blencowe, Hannah; Vos, Theo; Lee, Anne CC; Philips, Rachel; Lozano, Rafael; Alvarado, Miriam R; Cousens, Simon; Lawn, Joy E
  • Onchocerciasis: the pre-control association between prevalence of palpable nodules and skin microfilariae. (2013) Coffeng, Luc E; Pion, Sébastien DS; O'Hanlon, Simon; Cousens, Simon; Abiose, Adenike O; Fischer, Peter U; Remme, Jan HF; Dadzie, K Yankum; Murdoch, Michele E; de Vlas, Sake J; Basáñez, María-Gloria; Stolk, Wilma A; Boussinesq, Michel
  • New estimates of incidence of encephalitis in England. (2013) Granerod, Julia; Cousens, Simon; Davies, Nicholas WS; Crowcroft, Natasha S; Thomas, Sara L
  • The effect of umbilical cord cleansing with chlorhexidine on omphalitis and neonatal mortality in community settings in developing countries: a meta-analysis. (2013) Imdad, Aamer; Mullany, Luke C; Baqui, Abdullah H; El Arifeen, Shams; Tielsch, James M; Khatry, Subarna K; Shah, Rasheduzzaman; Cousens, Simon; Black, Robert E; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A
  • Mortality risk in preterm and small-for-gestational-age infants in low-income and middle-income countries: a pooled country analysis. (2013) Katz, Joanne; Lee, Anne Cc; Kozuki, Naoko; Lawn, Joy E; Cousens, Simon; Blencowe, Hannah; Ezzati, Majid; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Marchant, Tanya; Willey, Barbara A; Adair, Linda; Barros, Fernando; Baqui, Abdullah H; Christian, Parul; Fawzi, Wafaie; Gonzalez, Rogelio; Humphrey, Jean; Huybregts, Lieven; Kolsteren, Patrick; Mongkolchati, Aroonsri; Mullany, Luke C; Ndyomugyenyi, Richard; Nien, Jyh Kae; Osrin, David; Roberfroid, Dominique; Sania, Ayesha; Schmiegelow, Christentze; Silveira, Mariangela F; Tielsch, James; Vaidya, Anjana; Velaphi, Sithembiso C; Victora, Cesar G; Watson-Jones, Deborah; Black, Robert E; CHERG Small-for-Gestational-Age-Preterm Birth Working Group picture_as_pdf
  • Newborn survival: a multi-country analysis of a decade of change. (2013) Lawn, Joy E; Kinney, Mary V; Black, Robert E; Pitt, Catherine; Cousens, Simon; Kerber, Kate; Corbett, Erica; Moran, Allisyn C; Morrissey, Claudia S; Oestergaard, Mikkel Z
  • National and regional estimates of term and preterm babies born small for gestational age in 138 low-income and middle-income countries in 2010. (2013) Lee, ACC; Katz, J; Blencowe, H; Cousens, S; Kozuki, N; Vogel, JP; Adair, L; Baqui, AH; Bhutta, ZA; Caulfield, LE; Christian, P; Clarke, SE; Ezzati, M; Fawzi, W; Gonzalez, R; Huybregts, L; Kariuki, S; Kolsteren, P; Lusingu, J; Marchant, T; Merialdi, M; Mongkolchati, A; Mullany, LC; Ndirangu, J; Newell, ML; Nien, JK; Osrin, D; Roberfroid, D; Rosen, HE; Sania, A; Silveira, MF; Tielsch, J; Vaidya, A; Willey, BA; Lawn, JE; Black, RE
  • National and regional estimates of term and preterm babies born small for gestational age in 138 low-income and middle-income countries in 2010. (2013) Lee, Anne CC; Katz, Joanne; Blencowe, Hannah; Cousens, Simon; Kozuki, Naoko; Vogel, Joshua P; Adair, Linda; Baqui, Abdullah H; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Caulfield, Laura E; Christian, Parul; Clarke, Siân E; Ezzati, Majid; Fawzi, Wafaie; Gonzalez, Rogelio; Huybregts, Lieven; Kariuki, Simon; Kolsteren, Patrick; Lusingu, John; Marchant, Tanya; Merialdi, Mario; Mongkolchati, Aroonsri; Mullany, Luke C; Ndirangu, James; Newell, Marie-Louise; Nien, Jyh Kae; Osrin, David; Roberfroid, Dominique; Rosen, Heather E; Sania, Ayesha; Silveira, Mariangela F; Tielsch, James; Vaidya, Anjana; Willey, Barbara A; Lawn, Joy E; Black, Robert E; CHERG SGA-Preterm Birth Working Group
  • Intrapartum-related neonatal encephalopathy incidence and impairment at regional and global levels for 2010 with trends from 1990. (2013) Lee, Anne CC; Kozuki, Naoko; Blencowe, Hannah; Vos, Theo; Bahalim, Adil; Darmstadt, Gary L; Niermeyer, Susan; Ellis, Matthew; Robertson, Nicola J; Cousens, Simon; Lawn, Joy E
  • The effectiveness of birth plans in increasing use of skilled care at delivery and postnatal care in rural Tanzania: a cluster randomised trial. (2013) Magoma, Moke; Requejo, Jennifer; Campbell, Oona; Cousens, Simon; Merialdi, Mario; Filippi, Veronique
  • Does implementation of the IMCI strategy have an impact on child mortality? A retrospective analysis of routine data from Egypt. (2013) Rakha, Mona Ali; Abdelmoneim, Ahmed-Nagaty Mohamed; Farhoud, Suzanne; Pièche, Sergio; Cousens, Simon; Daelmans, Bernadette; Bahl, Rajiv
  • Neonatal severe bacterial infection impairment estimates in South Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America for 2010. (2013) Seale, Anna C; Blencowe, Hannah; Zaidi, Anita; Ganatra, Hammad; Syed, Sana; Engmann, Cyril; Newton, Charles R; Vergnano, Stefania; Stoll, Barbara J; Cousens, Simon N; Lawn, Joy E; Neonatal Infections Estimation Team
  • Effect of provision of daily zinc and iron with several micronutrients on growth and morbidity among young children in Pakistan: a cluster-randomised trial. (2013) Soofi, Sajid; Cousens, Simon; Iqbal, Saleem P; Akhund, Tauseef; Khan, Javed; Ahmed, Imran; Zaidi, Anita KM; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A
  • Simplified antibiotic regimens for the management of clinically diagnosed severe infections in newborns and young infants in first-level facilities in Karachi, Pakistan: study design for an outpatient randomized controlled equivalence trial. (2013) Zaidi, Anita KM; Tikmani, Shiyam Sundar; Sultana, Shazia; Baloch, Benazir; Kazi, Momin; Rehman, Hamidur; Karimi, Khairunnissa; Jehan, Fyezah; Ahmed, Imran; Cousens, Simon
  • 2012
  • National, regional, and worldwide estimates of preterm birth rates in the year 2010 with time trends since 1990 for selected countries: a systematic analysis and implications. (2012) Blencowe, Hannah; Cousens, Simon; Oestergaard, Mikkel Z; Chou, Doris; Moller, Ann-Beth; Narwal, Rajesh; Adler, Alma; Vera Garcia, Claudia; Rohde, Sarah; Say, Lale; Lawn, Joy E picture_as_pdf
  • Methods for dealing with time-dependent confounding. (2012) Daniel, RM; Cousens, SN; De Stavola, BL; Kenward, MG; Sterne, JAC
  • Time-varying confounding: some practical considerations in a likelihood framework. (2012) Daniel, RM; De Stavola, BL; Cousens, SN
  • Using causal diagrams to guide analysis in missing data problems. (2012) Daniel, Rhian M; Kenward, Michael G; Cousens, Simon N; De Stavola, Bianca L
  • Group B streptococcal disease in infants aged younger than 3 months: systematic review and meta-analysis. (2012) Edmond, Karen M; Kortsalioudaki, Christina; Scott, Susana; Schrag, Stephanie J; Zaidi, Anita KM; Cousens, Simon; Heath, Paul T picture_as_pdf
  • The high burden of infant deaths in rural Burkina Faso: a prospective community-based cohort study. (2012) Hama Diallo, Abdoulaye; Meda, Nicolas; Sommerfelt, Halvor; Traore, Germain S; Cousens, Simon; Tylleskar, Thorkild; PROMISE-EBF Study Group
  • Reducing preterm births in China – Authors' reply. (2012) Lawn, Joy E; Blencowe, Hannah; Chou, Doris; Say, Lale; Cousens, Simon
  • Newborn survival: a multi-country analysis of a decade of change. (2012) Lawn, Joy E; Kinney, Mary V; Black, Robert E; Pitt, Catherine; Cousens, Simon; Kerber, Kate; Corbett, Erica; Moran, Allisyn C; Morrissey, Claudia S; Oestergaard, Mikkel Z ['material/summary:fileicon_text/html' not defined]
  • Global, regional, and national causes of child mortality: an updated systematic analysis for 2010 with time trends since 2000. (2012) Liu, Li; Johnson, Hope L; Cousens, Simon; Perin, Jamie; Scott, Susana; Lawn, Joy E; Rudan, Igor; Campbell, Harry; Cibulskis, Richard; Li, Mengying; Mathers, Colin; Black, Robert E; Child Health Epidemiology Reference Group of WHO and UNICEF
  • Integrated community case management of fever in children under five using rapid diagnostic tests and respiratory rate counting: a multi-country cluster randomized trial. (2012) Mukanga, David; Tiono, Alfred B; Anyorigiya, Thomas; Källander, Karin; Konaté, Amadou T; Oduro, Abraham R; Tibenderana, James K; Amenga-Etego, Lucas; Sirima, Sodiomon B; Cousens, Simon; Barnish, Guy; Pagnoni, Franco
  • Effect of geographical access to health facilities on child mortality in rural Ethiopia: a community based cross sectional study. (2012) Okwaraji, Yemisrach B; Cousens, Simon; Berhane, Yemane; Mulholland, Kim; Edmond, Karen
  • Topical application of chlorhexidine to neonatal umbilical cords for prevention of omphalitis and neonatal mortality in a rural district of Pakistan: a community-based, cluster-randomised trial. (2012) Soofi, Sajid; Cousens, Simon; Imdad, Aamer; Bhutto, Naveed; Ali, Nabeela; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A
  • Impact of long-term treatment of onchocerciasis with ivermectin in Kaduna State, Nigeria: first evidence of the potential for elimination in the operational area of the African Programme for Onchocerciasis Control. (2012) Tekle, Afework Hailemariam; Elhassan, Elizabeth; Isiyaku, Sunday; Amazigo, Uche V; Bush, Simon; Noma, Mounkaila; Cousens, Simon; Abiose, Adenike; Remme, Jan H
  • Investment case for eliminating mother-to-child transmission of syphilis: promoting better maternal and child health and stronger health systems. (2012) WHO ( inc. Cousens, S; Hanson, K; Peeling, R; Vickerman, P; Gomez, G; )
  • 2011
  • Improvement of perinatal and newborn care in rural Pakistan through community-based strategies: a cluster-randomised effectiveness trial. (2011) Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Soofi, Sajid; Cousens, Simon; Mohammad, Shah; Memon, Zahid A; Ali, Imran; Feroze, Asher; Raza, Farrukh; Khan, Amanullah; Wall, Steve; Martines, Jose picture_as_pdf
  • Lives Saved Tool supplement detection and treatment of syphilis in pregnancy to reduce syphilis related stillbirths and neonatal mortality. (2011) Blencowe, Hannah; Cousens, Simon; Kamb, Mary; Berman, Stuart; Lawn, Joy E
  • Clean birth and postnatal care practices to reduce neonatal deaths from sepsis and tetanus: a systematic review and Delphi estimation of mortality effect. (2011) Blencowe, Hannah; Cousens, Simon; Mullany, Luke C; Lee, Anne CC; Kerber, Kate; Wall, Steve; Darmstadt, Gary L; Lawn, Joy E
  • National, regional, and worldwide estimates of stillbirth rates in 2009 with trends since 1995: a systematic analysis. (2011) Cousens, Simon; Blencowe, Hannah; Stanton, Cynthia; Chou, Doris; Ahmed, Saifuddin; Steinhardt, Laura; Creanga, Andreea A; Tunçalp, Ozge; Balsara, Zohra Patel; Gupta, Shivam; Say, Lale; Lawn, Joy E picture_as_pdf
  • Gformula: Estimating Causal Effects in the Presence of Time-Varying Confounding or Mediation using the G-Computation Formula. (2011) Daniel, Rhian M; De Stavola, Bianca L; Cousens, Simon N
  • A prospective study on neonatal mortality and its predictors in a rural area in Burkina Faso: can MDG-4 be met by 2015? (2011) Diallo, AH; Meda, N; Ouédraogo, WT; Cousens, S; Tylleskar, T; PROMISE-EBF Study Group
  • Malaria morbidity in children in the year after they had received intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in Mali: a randomized control trial. (2011) Dicko, Alassane; Barry, Amadou; Dicko, Mohamed; Diallo, Abdoulbaki I; Tembine, Intimbeye; Dicko, Yahia; Dara, Niawanlou; Sidibe, Youssoufa; Santara, Gaoussou; Conaré, Toumani; Chandramohan, Daniel; Cousens, Simon; Milligan, Paul J; Diallo, Diadier A; Doumbo, Ogobara K; Greenwood, Brian
  • Intermittent preventive treatment of malaria provides substantial protection against malaria in children already protected by an insecticide-treated bednet in Mali: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. (2011) Dicko, Alassane; Diallo, Abdoulbaki I; Tembine, Intimbeye; Dicko, Yahia; Dara, Niawanlou; Sidibe, Youssoufa; Santara, Gaoussou; Diawara, Halimatou; Conaré, Toumani; Djimde, Abdoulaye; Chandramohan, Daniel; Cousens, Simon; Milligan, Paul J; Diallo, Diadier A; Doumbo, Ogobara K; Greenwood, Brian
  • The influence of distance and level of care on delivery place in rural Zambia: a study of linked national data in a geographic information system. (2011) Gabrysch, Sabine; Cousens, Simon; Cox, Jonathan; Campbell, Oona MR
  • Mathematical models in the evaluation of health programmes. (2011) Garnett, Geoffrey P; Cousens, Simon; Hallett, Timothy B; Steketee, Richard; Walker, Neff picture_as_pdf
  • Morbidity from malaria in children in the year after they had received intermittent preventive treatment of malaria: a randomised trial. (2011) Konaté, Amadou T; Yaro, Jean Baptiste; Ouédraogo, Amidou Z; Diarra, Amidou; Gansané, Adama; Soulama, Issiaka; Kangoyé, David T; Kaboré, Youssouf; Ouédraogo, Espérance; Ouédraogo, Alphonse; Tiono, Alfred B; Ouédraogo, Issa N; Chandramohan, Daniel; Cousens, Simon; Milligan, Paul J; Sirima, Sodiomon B; Greenwood, Brian M; Diallo, Diadier A
  • Intermittent preventive treatment of malaria provides substantial protection against malaria in children already protected by an insecticide-treated bednet in Burkina Faso: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. (2011) Konaté, Amadou T; Yaro, Jean Baptiste; Ouédraogo, Amidou Z; Diarra, Amidou; Gansané, Adama; Soulama, Issiaka; Kangoyé, David T; Kaboré, Youssouf; Ouédraogo, Espérance; Ouédraogo, Alphonse; Tiono, Alfred B; Ouédraogo, Issa N; Chandramohan, Daniel; Cousens, Simon; Milligan, Paul J; Sirima, Sodiomon B; Greenwood, Brian; Diallo, Diadier A
  • Epidemiology and scope of the problem: low income countries. (2011) Lawn, J; Blencowe, H; Pattinson, R; Stanton, C; Cousens, S
  • Stillbirths: Where? When? Why? How to make the data count? (2011) Lawn, Joy E; Blencowe, Hannah; Pattinson, Robert; Cousens, Simon; Kumar, Rajesh; Ibiebele, Ibinabo; Gardosi, Jason; Day, Louise T; Stanton, Cynthia; Lancet's Stillbirths Series steering committee picture_as_pdf
  • Care during labor and birth for the prevention of intrapartum-related neonatal deaths: a systematic review and Delphi estimation of mortality effect. (2011) Lee, Anne CC; Cousens, Simon; Darmstadt, Gary L; Blencowe, Hannah; Pattinson, Robert; Moran, Neil F; Hofmeyr, G Justus; Haws, Rachel A; Bhutta, Shereen Zulfiqar; Lawn, Joy E
  • Neonatal resuscitation and immediate newborn assessment and stimulation for the prevention of neonatal deaths: a systematic review, meta-analysis and Delphi estimation of mortality effect. (2011) Lee, Anne CC; Cousens, Simon; Wall, Stephen N; Niermeyer, Susan; Darmstadt, Gary L; Carlo, Waldemar A; Keenan, William J; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Gill, Christopher; Lawn, Joy E
  • How much time is available for antenatal care consultations? Assessment of the quality of care in rural Tanzania. (2011) Magoma, Moke; Requejo, Jennifer; Merialdi, Mario; Campbell, Oona MR; Cousens, Simon; Filippi, Veronique
  • Neonatal mortality levels for 193 countries in 2009 with trends since 1990: a systematic analysis of progress, projections, and priorities. (2011) Oestergaard, Mikkel Zahle; Inoue, Mie; Yoshida, Sachiyo; Mahanani, Wahyu Retno; Gore, Fiona M; Cousens, Simon; Lawn, Joy E; Mathers, Colin Douglas; United Nations Inter-Agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation
  • Impact of community case management of malaria and pneumonia on clinical outcome and rational use of drugs: results from a multi-country study in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2011) Pagnoni, F; Mukanga, D; Tiono, A; Anyorigiyia, T; Cousens, S; Barnish, G
  • Protection against malaria by MSP3 candidate vaccine. (2011) Sirima, Sodiomon B; Cousens, Simon; Druilhe, Pierre
  • Effect of case management on neonatal mortality due to sepsis and pneumonia. (2011) Zaidi, Anita KM; Ganatra, Hammad A; Syed, Sana; Cousens, Simon; Lee, Anne CC; Black, Robert; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Lawn, Joy E
  • 2010
  • Poor public health knowledge about glaucoma: fact or fiction? (2010) Baker, H; Cousens, SN; Murdoch, IE
  • Global, regional, and national causes of child mortality in 2008: a systematic analysis. (2010) Black, Robert E; Cousens, Simon; Johnson, Hope L; Lawn, Joy E; Rudan, Igor; Bassani, Diego G; Jha, Prabhat; Campbell, Harry; Walker, Christa Fischer; Cibulskis, Richard; Eisele, Thomas; Liu, Li; Mathers, Colin; Child Health Epidemiology Reference Group of WHO and UNICEF
  • Folic acid to reduce neonatal mortality from neural tube disorders. (2010) Blencowe, Hannah; Cousens, Simon; Modell, Bernadette; Lawn, Joy
  • Tetanus toxoid immunization to reduce mortality from neonatal tetanus. (2010) Blencowe, Hannah; Lawn, Joy; Vandelaer, Jos; Roper, Martha; Cousens, Simon
  • Adding fever to WHO criteria for diagnosing pneumonia enhances the ability to identify pneumonia cases among wheezing children. (2010) Cardoso, Maria-Regina A; Nascimento-Carvalho, Cristiana M; Ferrero, Fernando; Alves, Fátima M; Cousens, Simon N
  • An Application of Hidden Markov Models to the French Variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob Disease Epidemic. (2010) Chadeau-Hyam, Marc; Clarke, Paul S; Guihenneuc-Jouyaux, Chantal; Cousens, Simon N; Will, Robert G; Ghani, Azra C
  • Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in a transfusion recipient: coincidence or cause? (2010) Chohan, Gurjit; Llewelyn, Charlotte; Mackenzie, Jan; Cousens, Simon; Kennedy, Angus; Will, Robert; Hewitt, Patricia
  • Antibiotics for pre-term pre-labour rupture of membranes: prevention of neonatal deaths due to complications of pre-term birth and infection. (2010) Cousens, Simon; Blencowe, Hannah; Gravett, Michael; Lawn, Joy E
  • Perinatal mortality in rural Burkina Faso: a prospective community-based cohort study. (2010) Diallo, Abdoulaye Hama; Meda, Nicolas; Zabsonré, Emmanuel; Sommerfelt, Halvor; Cousens, Simon; Tylleskär, Thorkild; PROMISE-EBF Study Group
  • Comparing modelled predictions of neonatal mortality impacts using LiST with observed results of community-based intervention trials in South Asia. (2010) Friberg, Ingrid K; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Darmstadt, Gary L; Bang, Abhay; Cousens, Simon; Baqui, Abdullah H; Kumar, Vishwajeet; Walker, Neff; Lawn, Joy E
  • The influences of distance on health facility delivery in rural Zambia. (2010) Gabrysch, Sabine
  • 3.6 million neonatal deaths--what is progressing and what is not? (2010) Lawn, Joy E; Kerber, Kate; Enweronu-Laryea, Christabel; Cousens, Simon
  • ‘Kangaroo mother care’ to prevent neonatal deaths due to pre-term birth complications. (2010) Lawn, Joy E; Mwansa-Kambafwile, Judith; Barros, Fernando C; Horta, Bernando L; Cousens, Simon
  • 'Kangaroo mother care' to prevent neonatal deaths due to preterm birth complications. (2010) Lawn, Joy E; Mwansa-Kambafwile, Judith; Horta, Bernardo L; Barros, Fernando C; Cousens, Simon
  • High ANC coverage and low skilled attendance in a rural Tanzanian district: a case for implementing a birth plan intervention. (2010) Magoma, Moke; Requejo, Jennifer; Campbell, Oona MR; Cousens, Simon; Filippi, Veronique
  • Antenatal steroids in preterm labour for the prevention of neonatal deaths due to complications of preterm birth. (2010) Mwansa-Kambafwile, Judith; Cousens, Simon; Hansen, Thomas; Lawn, Joy E
  • Variant CJD infection in the spleen of a neurologically asymptomatic UK adult patient with haemophilia. (2010) Peden, A; McCardle, L; Head, MW; Love, S; Ward, HJT; Cousens, SN; Keeling, DM; Millar, CM; Hill, FGH; Ironside, JW
  • Causes of deaths in children younger than 5 years in China in 2008. (2010) Rudan, Igor; Chan, Kit Yee; Zhang, Jian SF; Theodoratou, Evropi; Feng, Xing Lin; Salomon, Joshua A; Lawn, Joy E; Cousens, Simon; Black, Robert E; Guo, Yan; Campbell, Harry; WHO/UNICEF's Child Health Epidemiology Reference Group (CHERG)
  • Standards for CHERG reviews of intervention effects on child survival. (2010) Walker, Neff; Fischer-Walker, Christa; Bryce, Jennifer; Bahl, Rajiv; Cousens, Simon; CHERG Review Groups on Intervention Effects
  • 2009
  • Alternatives to randomisation in the evaluation of public health interventions: design challenges and solutions. (2009) Bonell, CP; Hargreaves, J; Cousens, S; Ross, D; Hayes, R; Petticrew, M; Kirkwood, BR ['material/summary:fileicon_text/html' not defined]
  • Alternatives to randomisation in the evaluation of public-health interventions: statistical analysis and causal inference. (2009) Cousens, S; Hargreaves, J; Bonell, C; Armstrong, B; Thomas, J; Kirkwood, BR; Hayes, R
  • 60 Million non-facility births: who can deliver in community settings to reduce intrapartum-related deaths? (2009) Darmstadt, Gary L; Lee, Anne CC; Cousens, Simon; Sibley, Lynn; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Donnay, France; Osrin, Dave; Bang, Abhay; Kumar, Vishwajeet; Wall, Steven N; Baqui, Abdullah; Lawn, Joy E
  • Access to emergency obstetric care in rural Zambia - linking national data in a geographic information system. (2009) Gabrysch, S; Cousens, S; Cox, J; Campbell, O
  • Linking families and facilities for care at birth: What works to avert intrapartum-related deaths? (2009) Lee, ACC; Lawn, JE; Cousens, S; Kumar, V; Osrin, D; Bhutta, ZA; Wall, SN; Nandakumar, AK; Syed, U; Darmstadt, GL
  • Linking families and facilities for care at birth: what works to avert intrapartum-related deaths? (2009) Lee, Anne CC; Lawn, Joy E; Cousens, Simon; Kumar, Vishwajeet; Osrin, David; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Wall, Steven N; Nandakumar, Allyala K; Syed, Uzma; Darmstadt, Gary L
  • Satisfactory safety and immunogenicity of MSP3 malaria vaccine candidate in Tanzanian children aged 12-24 months. (2009) Lusingu, John PA; Gesase, Samwel; Msham, Salum; Francis, Filbert; Lemnge, Martha; Seth, Misago; Sembuche, Samwel; Rutta, Acleus; Minja, Daniel; Segeja, Method D; Bosomprah, Samuel; Cousens, Simon; Noor, Ramadhani; Chilengi, Roma; Druilhe, Pierre
  • Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in the United Kingdom: a countrywide or local risk? (2009) Molesworth, Anna M; Cousens, Simon N; Noel, Gill O; Ward, Hester JT; local investigation teams
  • HIV-1 infection in Zambian children impairs the development and avidity maturation of measles virus-specific immunoglobulin G after vaccination and infection. (2009) Nair, Nitya; Moss, William J; Scott, Susana; Mugala, Nanthalile; Ndhlovu, Zaza M; Lilo, Kareem; Ryon, Judith J; Monze, Mwaka; Quinn, Thomas C; Cousens, Simon; Cutts, Felicity; Griffin, Diane E
  • Humoral and cell-mediated immunity to MSP3 peptides in adults immunized with MSP3 in malaria endemic area, Burkina Faso. (2009) Nebie, I; Diarra, A; Ouedraogo, A; Tiono, AB; Konate, AT; Gansane, A; Soulama, I; Cousens, S; Leroy, O; Sirima, SB
  • Drawing blood from young children: lessons learned from a trial in Ghana. (2009) Newton, Sam; Doku, Victor; Geissler, Wenzel; Asante, Kwaku Poku; Cousens, Simon
  • Measures of between-cluster variability in cluster randomized trials with binary outcomes. (2009) Thomson, Andrew; Hayes, Richard; Cousens, Simon
  • 2008
  • Effectiveness of artemisinin-based combination therapy used in the context of home management of malaria: a report from three study sites in sub-Saharan Africa. (2008) Ajayi, Ikeoluwapo O; Browne, Edmund N; Bateganya, Fred; Yar, Denis; Happi, Christian; Falade, Catherine O; Gbotosho, Grace O; Yusuf, Bidemi; Boateng, Samuel; Mugittu, Kefas; Cousens, Simon; Nanyunja, Miriam; Pagnoni, Franco
  • Feasibility and acceptability of artemisinin-based combination therapy for the home management of malaria in four African sites. (2008) Ajayi, Ikeoluwapo O; Browne, Edmund N; Garshong, Bertha; Bateganya, Fred; Yusuf, Bidemi; Agyei-Baffour, Peter; Doamekpor, Leticia; Balyeku, Andrew; Munguti, Kaendi; Cousens, Simon; Pagnoni, Franco
  • What works? Interventions for maternal and child undernutrition and survival. (2008) Bhutta, ZA; Ahmed, T; Black, RE; Cousens, S; Dewey, K; Giugliani, E; Haider, BA; Kirkwood, B; Morris, SS; Sachdev, HP; Shekar, M
  • Alma-Ata: Rebirth and revision 6 - Interventions to address maternal, newborn, and child survival: what difference can integrated primary health care strategies make? (2008) Bhutta, ZA; Ali, S; Cousens, S; Ali, TM; Haider, BA; Rizvi, A; Okong, P; Bhutta, SZ; Black, RE
  • What works? Interventions for maternal and child undernutrition and survival. (2008) Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Ahmed, Tahmeed; Black, Robert E; Cousens, Simon; Dewey, Kathryn; Giugliani, Elsa; Haider, Batool A; Kirkwood, Betty; Morris, Saul S; Sachdev, HPS; Shekar, Meera; Maternal and Child Undernutrition Study Group
  • Alma-Ata: Rebirth and Revision 6 Interventions to address maternal, newborn, and child survival: what difference can integrated primary health care strategies make? (2008) Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Ali, Samana; Cousens, Simon; Ali, Talaha M; Haider, Batool Azra; Rizvi, Arjumand; Okong, Pius; Bhutta, Shereen Z; Black, Robert E
  • Kwashiorkor and severe acute malnutrition in childhood – Authors' reply. (2008) Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Black, Robert E; Cousens, Simon; Ahmed, Tahmeed
  • Response to "Conflicting evidence for neonatal vitamin A supplementation (letter)" by Benn et al. [Vaccine, 2008]. (2008) Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Haider, Batool A; Cousens, Simon; Black, Robert E
  • Implementing community-based perinatal care: results from a pilot study in rural Pakistan. (2008) Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Memon, Zahid A; Soofi, Sajid; Salat, Muhammad Suhail; Cousens, Simon; Martines, Jose
  • Saving newborn lives in Asia and Africa: cost and impact of phased scale-up of interventions within the continuum of care. (2008) Darmstadt, Gary L; Walker, Neff; Lawn, Joy E; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Haws, Rachel A; Cousens, Simon
  • Four million neonatal deaths: counting and attribution of cause of death. (2008) Lawn, Joy E; Osrin, David; Adler, Alma; Cousens, Simon
  • Do antibody responses to malaria vaccine candidates influenced by the level of malaria transmission protect from malaria? (2008) Nebie, I; Tiono, AB; Diallo, DA; Samandoulougou, S; Diarra, A; Konate, AT; Cuzin-Ouattara, N; Theisen, M; Corradin, G; Cousens, S; Ouattara, AS; Ilboudo-Sanogo, E; Sirima, BS
  • 30 years after Alma-Ata: has primary health care worked in countries? (2008) Rohde, Jon; Cousens, Simon; Chopra, Mickey; Tangcharoensathien, Viroj; Black, Robert; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Lawn, Joy E
  • Setting priorities in global child health research investments: guidelines for implementation of CHNRI method. (2008) Rudan, Igor; Gibson, Jennifer L; Ameratunga, Shanthi; El Arifeen, Shams; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Black, Maureen; Black, Robert E; Brown, Kenneth H; Campbell, Harry; Carneiro, Ilona; Chan, Kit Yee; Chandramohan, Daniel; Chopra, Mickey; Cousens, Simon; Darmstadt, Gary L; Meeks Gardner, Julie; Hess, Sonja Y; Hyder, Adnan A; Kapiriri, Lydia; Kosek, Margaret; Lanata, Claudio F; Lansang, Mary Ann; Lawn, Joy; Tomlinson, Mark; Tsai, Alexander C; Webster, Jayne; Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative
  • Predicted impact of the HIV-1 epidemic on measles in developing countries: results from a dynamic age-structured model. (2008) Scott, Susana; Mossong, Joel; Moss, William J; Cutts, Felicity T; Cousens, Simon
  • Survival from 9 months of age among HIV-infected and uninfected Zambian children prior to the availability of antiretroviral therapy. (2008) Sutcliffe, Catherine G; Scott, Susana; Mugala, Nanthalile; Ndhlovu, Zaza; Monze, Mwaka; Quinn, Thomas C; Cousens, Simon; Griffin, Diane E; Moss, William J
  • Risk factors for sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. (2008) Ward, Hester JT; Everington, Dawn; Cousens, Simon N; Smith-Bathgate, Blaire; Gillies, Michelle; Murray, Katy; Knight, Richard SG; Smith, Peter G; Will, Robert G
  • 2007
  • Reed Elsevier and the arms trade revisited. (2007) Campbell, Oona; Coleman, Michel; Cousens, Simon; Doyle, Pat; Elbourne, Diana; Evans, Stephen; Filteau, Suzanne; Fine, Paul EM; Glynn, Judith R; Grundy, Emily; Haines, Andy; Hall, Andrew J; Hayes, Richard; Kenward, Mike; Kirkwood, Betty; Lamping, Donna L; Lee, Kelley; Leon, Dave; Mabey, David; McKee, Martin; Meade, Tom; Milligan, Paul; Mills, Anne; Patel, Vikram; Peto, Julian; Pocock, Stuart; Prentice, Andrew; Roberts, Ian; Rodrigues, Laura C; dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Smeeth, Liam; Sondorp, Egbert; De Stavola, Bianca; Timaeus, Ian M; Walt, Gill; Whittaker, John; Wilkinson, Paul; Zaba, Basia
  • Children in Burkina Faso who are protected by insecticide-treated materials are able to clear drug-resistant parasites better than unprotected children. (2007) Diallo, Diadier A; Sutherland, Colin; Nebie, Issa; Konate, Amadou T; Ord, Rosalynn; Ilboudo-Sanogo, Edith; Greenwood, Brian M; Cousens, Simon N
  • Sustained use of insecticide-treated curtains is not associated with greater circulation of drug-resistant malaria parasites, or with higher risk of treatment failure among children with uncomplicated malaria in Burkina Faso. (2007) Diallo, Diadier A; Sutherland, Colin; Nebié, Issa; Konaté, Amadou T; Ord, Rosalynn; Pota, Hirva; Roper, Cally; Ilboudo-Sanogo, Edith; Greenwood, Brian M; Cousens, Simon N
  • Effect of expanded insecticide-treated bednet coverage on child survival in rural Kenya: a longitudinal study. (2007) Fegan, Greg W; Noor, Abdisalan M; Akhwale, Willis S; Cousens, Simon; Snow, Robert W
  • Immunogenicity of standard-titer measles vaccine in HIV-1-infected and uninfected Zambian children: an observational study. (2007) Moss, William J; Scott, Susana; Mugala, Nanthalile; Ndhlovu, Zaza; Beeler, Judy A; Audet, Susette A; Ngala, Mirriam; Mwangala, Sheila; Nkonga-Mwangilwa, Chansa; Ryon, Judith J; Monze, Mwaka; Kasolo, Francis; Quinn, Thomas C; Cousens, Simon; Griffin, Diane E; Cutts, Felicity T
  • Does selenium supplementation slow progression of HIV? Potentially misleading presentation of the results of a trial. (2007) Ross, David A; Cousens, Simon; Wedner, Susanne Hildegard; Sismanidis, Charalambos
  • Setting priorities in global child health research investments: assessment of principles and practice. (2007) Rudan, Igor; Gibson, Jennifer; Kapiriri, Lydia; Lansang, Mary Ann; Hyder, Adnan A; Lawn, Joy; Darmstadt, Gary L; Cousens, Simon; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Brown, Kenneth H; Hess, Sonja Y; Black, Maureen; Gardner, Julie Meeks; Webster, Jayne; Carneiro, Ilona; Chandramohan, Daniel; Kosek, Margaret; Lanata, Claudio F; Tomlinson, Mark; Chopra, Mickey; Ameratunga, Shanthi; Campbell, Harry; El Arifeen, Shams; Black, Robert E; Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative (CHNRI)
  • Source of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease outside United Kingdom. (2007) Sanchez-Juan, Pascual; Cousens, Simon N; Will, Robert G; van Duijn, Cornelia M
  • The Influence of HIV exposure and infection on levels of passively-acquired antibodies to measles virus in Zambian infants. (2007) Scott, S; Moss, WJ; Cousens, S; Beeler, J; Audet, S; Mugala, N; Quinn, TC; Griffin, DE; Cutts, FT
  • The influence of HIV-1 exposure and infection on levels of passively acquired antibodies to measles virus in Zambian infants. (2007) Scott, Susana; Moss, William J; Cousens, Simon; Beeler, Judy A; Audet, Susette A; Mugala, Nanthalile; Quinn, Thomas C; Griffin, Diane E; Cutts, Felicity T
  • Safety and immunogenicity of the Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein-3 long synthetic peptide (MSP3-LSP) malaria vaccine in healthy, semi-immune adult males in Burkina Faso, West Africa. (2007) Sirima, Sodiomon B; Nébié, Issa; Ouédraogo, Alphonse; Tiono, Alfred B; Konaté, Amadou T; Gansané, Adama; Dermé, Assetou I; Diarra, Amidou; Ouédraogo, Amidou; Soulama, Issiaka; Cuzzin-Ouattara, Nadine; Cousens, Simon; Leroy, Odile
  • 2006
  • Methodological issues in the assessment of antimalarial drug treatment: Analysis of 13 studies in eight African countries from 2001 to 2004. (2006) Guthmann, JP; Pinoges, L; Checchi, F; Cousens, S; Balkan, S; van Herp, M; Legros, D; Olliaro, P
  • Methodological issues in the assessment of antimalarial drug treatment: analysis of 13 studies in eight African countries from 2001 to 2004. (2006) Guthmann, Jean-Paul; Pinoges, Loretxu; Checchi, Francesco; Cousens, Simon; Balkan, Suna; van Herp, Michel; Legros, Dominique; Olliaro, Piero
  • Effect of beta radiation on success of glaucoma drainage surgery in South Africa: randomised controlled trial. (2006) Kirwan, James F; Cousens, Simon; Venter, Lynette; Cook, Colin; Stulting, Andries; Roux, Paul; Murdoch, Ian
  • 1 year after The Lancet Neonatal Survival Series--was the call for action heard? (2006) Lawn, Joy E; Cousens, Simon N; Darmstadt, Gary L; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Martines, Jose; Paul, Vinod; Knippenberg, Rudolf; Fogstad, Helga; Lancet Neonatal Survival Series steering team
  • Where is maternal and child health now? (2006) Lawn, Joy E; Tinker, Anne; Munjanja, Stephen P; Cousens, Simon
  • Estimating the causes of 4 million neonatal deaths in the year 2000. (2006) Lawn, Joy E; Wilczynska-Ketende, Katarzyna; Cousens, Simon N
  • Risk factors for variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: a case-control study. (2006) Ward, Hester JT; Everington, Dawn; Cousens, Simon N; Smith-Bathgate, Blaire; Leitch, Margaret; Cooper, Sarah; Heath, Craig; Knight, Richard SG; Smith, Peter G; Will, Robert G
  • 2005
  • Evidence-based, cost-effective interventions: how many newborn babies can we save? (2005) Darmstadt, Gary L; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Cousens, Simon; Adam, Taghreed; Walker, Neff; de Bernis, Luc; Lancet Neonatal Survival Steering Team
  • 4 million neonatal deaths: when? Where? Why? (2005) Lawn, Joy E; Cousens, Simon; Zupan, Jelka; Lancet Neonatal Survival Steering Team
  • Vitamin a supplementation does not affect infants' immune responses to polio and tetanus vaccines. (2005) Newton, Sam; Cousens, Simon; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Filteau, Suzanne; Stanley, Carolynne; Linsell, Louise; Kirkwood, Betty
  • Gaps in policy-relevant information on burden of disease in children: a systematic review. (2005) Rudan, Igor; Lawn, Joy; Cousens, Simon; Rowe, Alexander K; Boschi-Pinto, Cynthia; Tomasković, Lana; Mendoza, Walter; Lanata, Claudio F; Roca-Feltrer, Arantxa; Carneiro, Ilona; Schellenberg, Joanna A; Polasek, Ozren; Weber, Martin; Bryce, Jennifer; Morris, Saul S; Black, Robert E; Campbell, Harry
  • Neonatal measles immunity in rural Kenya: the influence of HIV and placental malaria infections on placental transfer of antibodies and levels of antibody in maternal and cord serum samples. (2005) Scott, Susana; Cumberland, Phillippa; Shulman, Caroline E; Cousens, Simon; Cohen, Bernard J; Brown, David WG; Bulmer, Judith N; Dorman, Edgar K; Kawuondo, Ken; Marsh, Kevin; Cutts, Felicity
  • A theme issue by, for, and about Africa: maternal mortality in rural Burkina Faso. (2005) Sombie, Issiaka; Meda, Nicolas; Ky-Zerbo, Odette; Dramaix-Wilmet, Michèle; Cousens, Simon
  • 2004
  • Crowding: risk factor or protective factor for lower respiratory disease in young children? (2004) Cardoso, Maria Regina Alves; Cousens, Simon Nicholas; de Góes Siqueira, Luiz Fernando; Alves, Fátima Maria; D'Angelo, Luiz Antônio V
  • A simple model to predict the sensitivity to change of visual acuity measurements. (2004) Cousens, Simon N; Rosser, Daniel A; Murdoch, Ian E; Laidlaw, David A
  • Child mortality in a West African population protected with insecticide-treated curtains for a period of up to 6 years. (2004) Diallo, DA; Cousens, SN; Cuzin-Ouattara, N; Nebié, I; Ilboudo-Sanogo, E; Esposito, F
  • Why are 4 million newborn babies dying each year? (2004) Lawn, Joy E; Cousens, Simon; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Darmstadt, Gary L; Martines, Jose; Paul, Vinod; Knippenberg, Rudolf; Fogstadt, Helga; Shetty, Priya; Horton, Richard
  • Why are 4 million newborn babies dying every year? (2004) Lawn, Joy E; Cousens, Simon; Darmstadt, Gary L; Paul, Vinod; Martines, Jose
  • A case-control study of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in the United Kingdom: analysis of clustering. (2004) Linsell, L; Cousens, SN; Smith, PG; Knight, RSG; Zeidler, M; Stewart, G; de Silva, R; Esmonde, TFG; Ward, HJT; Will, RG
  • Possible transmission of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease by blood transfusion. (2004) Llewelyn, CA; Hewitt, PE; Knight, RSG; Amar, K; Cousens, S; Mackenzie, J; Will, RG
  • Impact of counselling on careseeking behaviour in families with sick children: cluster randomised trial in rural India. (2004) Mohan, Pavitra; Iyengar, Sharad D; Martines, Jose; Cousens, Simon; Sen, Kalpana
  • The effect of optical defocus on the test-retest variability of visual acuity measurements. (2004) Rosser, D; Murdoch, I; Cousens, S
  • The effect of optical defocus on the test-retest variability of visual acuity measurements. (2004) Rosser, Daniel A; Murdoch, Ian E; Cousens, Simon N
  • Estimating the force of measles virus infection from hospitalised cases in Lusaka, Zambia. (2004) Scott, Susana; Mossong, Joel; Moss, William J; Cutts, Felicity T; Kasolo, Francis; Sinkala, Moses; Cousens, Simon
  • The epidemiology of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. (2004) Smith, PG; Cousens, SN; Huillard d'Aignaux, JN; Ward, HJT; Will, RG
  • The epidemiology of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. (2004) Smith, PG; Cousens, SN; d' Huillard Aignaux, JN; Ward, HJT; Will, RG
  • Glaucoma case finding: a cluster-randomised intervention trial. (2004) Theodossiades, J; Murdoch, I; Cousens, S
  • Obstacles to conducting epidemiological research in the UK general population. (2004) Ward, Hester JT; Cousens, Simon N; Smith-Bathgate, Blaire; Leitch, Margaret; Everington, Dawn; Will, Robert G; Smith, Peter G
  • 2003
  • Deaths from variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in the UK. (2003) Andrews, NJ; Farrington, CP; Ward, HJT; Cousens, SN; Smith, PG; Molesworth, AM; Knight, RSG; Ironside, JW; Will, RG
  • Blindness: how to assess numbers and causes? (2003) Babalola, OE; Murdoch, IE; Cousens, S; Abiose, A; Jones, B
  • Urban air pollution and other factors related with the occurrence of wheezing in childhood: A birth cohort in the city of Sao Paulo (projeto chiado). (2003) Cardoso, MRA; Siqueira, LFD; Pannuti, CS; Machado, C; Filho, Lvff; D'Angelo, LAV; Cacavallo, R; Golcalves, FLT; Sampaio, MC; Cousens, SN
  • The geographical distribution of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease cases in the UK: what can we learn from it? (2003) Cousens, Simon; Everington, Dawn; Ward, Hester JT; Huillard, Jerome; Will, Robert G; Smith, Peter G
  • The predictability of the epidemic of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease by back-calculation methods. (2003) Huillard d'Aignaux, Jérôme N; Cousens, Simon N; Smith, Peter G
  • Sensitivity and specificity of two glaucoma case-finding strategies for optometrists. (2003) Ieong, A; Murdoch, I; Cousens, S; Healey, P; Theodossiades, J
  • Humoral responses to defined malaria antigens in children living since birth under insecticide treated curtains in Burkina Faso. (2003) Nébié, Issa; Cuzin-Ouattara, N; Diallo, DA; Cousens, SN; Theisen, M; Corradin, G; Traoré, AS; Esposito, F
  • How sensitive to clinical change are ETDRS logMAR visual acuity measurements? (2003) Rosser, DA; Cousens, S; Murdoch, IE; Fitzke, FW; Laidlaw, DA
  • How sensitive to clinical change are ETDRS logMAR visual acuity measurements? (2003) Rosser, Daniel A; Cousens, Simon N; Murdoch, Ian E; Fitzke, Fred W; Laidlaw, David AH
  • IFN-gamma is associated with risk of Schistosoma japonicum infection in China. (2003) Shen, L; Zhang, ZS; Wu, HW; Weir, RE; Xie, ZW; Hu, LS; Chen, SZ; Ji, MJ; Su, C; Zhang, Y; Bickle, QD; Cousens, SN; Taylor, MG; Wu, GL
  • Early treatment of childhood fevers with pre-packaged antimalarial drugs in the home reduces severe malaria morbidity in Burkina Faso. (2003) Sirima, Sodiomon Bienvenu; Konaté, Amadou; Tiono, Alfred B; Convelbo, Nathalie; Cousens, Simon; Pagnoni, Franco
  • Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: An epidemiological update in relation to geographically associated cases and history of vaccination. (2003) Ward, HJT; Everington, D; Cousens, S; Gill, N; Smith, PG; Will, R
  • Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses strategy: compliance with referral and follow-up recommendations in Gezira State, Sudan. (2003) al Fadil, Sumaia Mohammed; Alrahman, Samira Hamid Abd; Cousens, Simon; Bustreo, Flavia; Shadoul, Ahmed; Farhoud, Suzanne; el Hassan, Samia Mohamed
  • 2002
  • Methods for the analysis of incidence rates in cluster randomized trials. (2002) Bennett, Steve; Parpia, Tamiza; Hayes, Richard; Cousens, Simon
  • Strain characterization of natural sheep scrapie and comparison with BSE. (2002) Bruce, Moira E; Boyle, Aileen; Cousens, Simon; McConnell, Irene; Foster, James; Goldmann, Wilfred; Fraser, Hugh
  • Epidemiologic analysis: a case-oriented approach [Book review]. (2002) Cousens, S
  • Analysis of the geographical distribution of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in France between 1992 and 1998. (2002) D'Aignaux, Jérôme Huillard; Cousens, Simon N; Delasnerie-Lauprêtre, Nicole; Brandel, Jean-Philippe; Salomon, Dominique; Laplanche, Jean-Louis; Hauw, Jean-Jacques; Alpérovitch, Annick
  • The incubation period of kuru. (2002) Huillard d'Aignaux, Jérôme N; Cousens, Simon N; Maccario, Jean; Costagliola, Dominique; Alpers, Michael P; Smith, Peter G; Alpérovitch, Annick
  • Down-regulation of specific antigen-driven cytokine production in a population with endemic Schistosoma japonicum infection. (2002) Shen, L; Zhang, ZS; Wu, HW; Weir, RE; Xie, ZW; Hu, LS; Chen, SZ; Ji, MJ; Su, C; Zhang, Y; Bickle, QD; Cousens, SN; Taylor, MG; Wu, GL
  • 2001
  • Insecticide treated curtains and allelic polymorphism of Plasmodium falciparum genes in a rural area of Burkina Faso (west Africa). (2001) Chiucchiuini, A; Babiker, H; Ranford-Cartwright, L; Cuzin-Ouattara, N; Nebié, I; Cousens, SN; Walliker, D; Esposito, F
  • Geographical distribution of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in Great Britain, 1994-2000. (2001) Cousens, S; Smith, PG; Ward, H; Everington, D; Knight, RS; Zeidler, M; Stewart, G; Smith-Bathgate, EA; Macleod, MA; Mackenzie, J; Will, RG
  • Evidence of behaviour change following a hygiene promotion programme in Burkina Faso. (2001) Curtis, V; Kanki, B; Cousens, S; Diallo, I; Kpozehouen, A; Sangaré, M; Nikiema, M
  • Efficacy of oral azithromycin versus topical tetracycline in mass treatment of endemic trachoma. (2001) Fraser-Hurt, N; Bailey, RL; Cousens, S; Mabey, D; Faal, H; Mabey, DC
  • Insecticide-treated materials, mosquito adaptation and mass effect: entomological observations after five years of vector control in Burkina Faso. (2001) Ilboudo-Sanogo, E; Cuzin-Ouattara, N; Diallo, DA; Cousens, SN; Esposito, F; Habluetzel, A; Sanon, S; Ouédraogo, AP
  • Glaucoma prevalence may not be uniformly high in all 'black' populations. (2001) Murdoch, IE; Cousens, SN; Babalola, OE; Yang, YF; Abiose, A; Jones, BR
  • Intraocular pressure and gonioscopic findings in rural communities mesoendemic and nonendemic for onchoceriasis, Kaduna State, Nigeria. (2001) Yang, YF; Cousens, S; Murdoch, IE; Babalola, OE; Abiose, A; Jones, B
  • Predictability of the UK variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease epidemic. (2001) d'Aignaux, JN; Cousens, SN; Smith, PG
  • 1997
  • Impact of annual dosing with ivermectin on progression of onchocercal visual field loss. (1997) Cousens, SN; Cassels-Brown, A; Murdoch, I; Babalola, OE; Jatau, D; Alexander, ND; Evans, JE; Danboyi, P; Abiose, A; Jones, BR
  • 1996
  • Red-dot card test of the paracentral field as a screening test for optic nerve disease in onchocerciasis. (1996) Murdoch, I; Jones, BR; Babalola, OE; Cousens, SN; Bolarin, I; Abiose, A
  • 1995
  • A study of the incubation period, or age at onset, of the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies/prion diseases. (1995) Wooldridge, Marion Joan Anstee
  • 1993
  • Ivermectin dose assessment without weighing scales. (1993) Alexander, ND; Cousens, SN; Yahaya, H; Abiose, A; Jones, BR
  • Prolonged breast-feeding: no association with increased risk of clinical malnutrition in young children in Burkina Faso. (1993) Cousens, S; Nacro, B; Curtis, V; Kanki, B; Tall, F; Traore, E; Diallo, I; Mertens, T
  • Structured observations of hygiene behaviours in Burkina Faso: validity, variability, and utility. (1993) Curtis, V; Cousens, S; Mertens, T; Traore, E; Kanki, B; Diallo, I
  • 1990
  • A case-control study of the impact of improved sanitation on diarrhoea morbidity in Lesotho. (1990) Daniels, DL; Cousens, SN; Makoae, LN; Feachem, RG