Items where Author is "Alexander, Neal DE"
Number of items: 188.
  • Cutaneous leishmaniasis treatment and therapeutic outcomes in special populations: A collaborative retrospective study. (2023) Castro, Maria Del Mar; Rode, Joelle; Machado, Paulo RL; Llanos-Cuentas, Alejandro; Hueb, Marcia; Cota, Gláucia; Rojas, Isis Valentina; Orobio, Yenifer; Oviedo Sarmiento, Oscar; Rojas, Ernesto; Quintero, Juliana; Pimentel, Maria Inês Fernandes; Soto, Jaime; Suprien, Carvel; Alvarez, Fiorela; Ramos, Ana Pilar; Arantes, Rayssa Basílio Dos Santos; da Silva, Rosiana Estéfane; Arenas, Claudia Marcela; Vélez, Ivan Darío; Lyra, Marcelo Rosandiski; Saravia, Nancy Gore; Arana, Byron; Alexander, Neal
  • 2022
  • Characterization and Involvement of Exosomes Originating from Chikungunya Virus-Infected Epithelial Cells in the Transmission of Infectious Viral Elements. (2022) Le, Bao Chi Thi; Burassakarn, Ati; Tongchai, Panwad; Ekalaksananan, Tipaya; Aromseree, Sirinart; Phanthanawiboon, Supranee; Polsan, Yada; Alexander, Neal; Overgaard, Hans J; Pientong, Chamsai
  • Evaluation of insecticide treated window curtains and water container covers for dengue vector control in a large-scale cluster-randomized trial in Venezuela. (2022) Lenhart, Audrey; Castillo, Carmen Elena; Villegas, Elci; Alexander, Neal; Vanlerberghe, Veerle; van der Stuyft, Patrick; McCall, Philip J
  • Post-Viral Fatigue Following SARS-CoV-2 Infection during Pregnancy: A Longitudinal Comparative Study. (2022) Oliveira, Ana Maria da Silva Sousa; Carvalho, Mariana Azevedo; Nacul, Luis; Cabar, Fábio Roberto; Fabri, Amanda Wictky; Peres, Stela Verzinhasse; Zaccara, Tatiana Assuncao; O'Boyle, Shennae; Alexander, Neal; Takiuti, Nilton Hideto; Mayaud, Philippe; Brizot, Maria de Lourdes; Francisco, Rossana Pulcineli Vieira
  • Improving knowledge, attitudes, and practices on dengue and diarrhea in rural primary school students, their parents, and teachers in Colombia: A cluster-randomized controlled trial. (2022) Sarmiento-Senior, Diana; Matiz, Maria Ines; Vargas-Cruz, Sandra; Jaramillo, Juan Felipe; Olano, Victor Alberto; Lenhart, Audrey; Stenström, Thor Axel; Alexander, Neal; Overgaard, Hans J
  • 2021
  • Estimating force of infection from serologic surveys with imperfect tests. (2021) Alexander, Neal; Carabali, Mabel; Lim, Jacqueline K
  • Estimating Force of Infection from Serologic Surveys with Imperfect Tests. (2021) Alexander, Neal; Carabali, Mabel; Lim, Jacqueline K
  • Performance verification of the Abbott SARS-CoV-2 test for qualitative detection of IgG in Cali, Colombia. (2021) Castro, Maria Del Mar; Caicedo, Isabella; Ortiz-Rojas, Helen Johanna; Castillo, Carmen Manuela; Medina, Adriana Giovanna; Alexander, Neal; Gómez, Maria Adelaida; Albornoz, Ludwig L
  • High initial IgG antibody levels against Orientia tsutsugamushi are associated with an increased risk of severe scrub typhus infection. (2021) Devamani, Carol S; Prakash, John AJ; Alexander, Neal; Stone, William; Gunasekaran, Karthik; Rose, Winsley; Schmidt, Wolf-Peter
  • Serological biomarker for assessing human exposure to Aedes mosquito bites during a randomized vector control intervention trial in northeastern Thailand. (2021) Fustec, Benedicte; Phanitchat, Thipruethai; Aromseree, Sirinart; Pientong, Chamsai; Thaewnongiew, Kesorn; Ekalaksananan, Tipaya; Cerqueira, Dominique; Poinsignon, Anne; Elguero, Eric; Bangs, Michael J; Alexander, Neal; Overgaard, Hans J; Corbel, Vincent
  • Field Efficacy of Larvivorous Fish and Pyriproxyfen Combined with Community Engagement on Dengue Vectors in Cambodia: A Randomized Controlled Trial. (2021) Hustedt, John Christian; Doum, Dyna; Keo, Vanney; Ly, Sokha; Sam, BunLeng; Chan, Vibol; Alexander, Neal; Bradley, John; Liverani, Marco; Prasetyo, Didot Budi; Rachmat, Agus; Shafique, Muhammad; Lopes, Sergio; Rithea, Leang; Hii, Jeffrey picture_as_pdf
  • Clinical features and natural history of the first 2073 suspected COVID-19 cases in the Corona São Caetano primary care programme: a prospective cohort study. (2021) Leal, Fabio E; Mendes-Correa, Maria C; Buss, Lewis Fletcher; Costa, Silvia F; Bizario, Joao CS; de Souza, Sonia RP; Thomaz, Osorio; Tozetto-Mendoza, Tania Regina; Villas-Boas, Lucy S; de Oliveira-da Silva, Léa Campos; Grespan, Regina MZ; Capuani, Ligia; Buccheri, Renata; Domingues, Helves; Alexander, Neal; Mayaud, Philippe; Sabino, Ester Cerdeira
  • Estimating the Force of Infection for Dengue Virus Using Repeated Serosurveys, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. (2021) Lim, Jacqueline K; Carabali, Mabel; Edwards, Tansy; Barro, Ahmed; Lee, Jung-Seok; Dahourou, Desire; Lee, Kang Sung; Nikiema, Teguewende; Shin, Mee Young; Bonnet, Emmanuel; Kagone, Therese; Kaba, Losseni; Namkung, Suk; Somé, Paul-André; Yang, Jae Seung; Ridde, Valéry; Yoon, In-Kyu; Alexander, Neal; Seydou, Yaro
  • Epidemiology of dengue fever in Gabon: Results from a health facility-based fever surveillance in Lambaréné and its surroundings. (2021) Lim, Jacqueline Kyungah; Fernandes, José Francisco; Yoon, In-Kyu; Lee, Jung-Seok; Mba, Regis Obiang; Lee, Kang Sung; Namkung, Suk; Yang, Jae Seung; Bae, So Hee; Lim, Sl-Ki; Lell, Bertrand; Esen, Meral; Loembe, Marguerite Massinga; Kremsner, Peter G; Alexander, Neal; Agnandji, Selidji Todagbe
  • Tracking the emergence of disparities in the subnational spread of COVID-19 in Brazil using an online application for real-time data visualisation: a longitudinal analysis. (2021) Mee, Paul; Alexander, Neal; Mayaud, Philippe; Colon Gonzalez, Felipe de Jesus; Abbott, Sam; de Souza Santos, Andreza Aruska; Acosta, Andre Luis; Parag, Kris V; Pereira, Rafael HM; Prete Jr, Carlos A; Sabino, Ester C; Faria, Nuno R; Brady, Oliver J; LSHTM Centre for Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Disease CO
  • Tracking the emergence of disparities in the subnational spread of COVID-19 in Brazil using an online application for real-time data visualisation: A longitudinal analysis. (2021) Mee, Paul; Alexander, Neal; Mayaud, Philippe; González, Felipe de Jesus Colón; Abbott, Sam; Santos, Andreza Aruska de Souza; Acosta, André Luís; Parag, Kris V; Pereira, Rafael HM; Prete, Carlos A; Sabino, Ester C; Faria, Nuno R; LSHTM Centre for Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Disease CO; Brady, Oliver J
  • Lymphatic filariasis elimination endgame in an urban Indian setting: the roles of surveillance and residual microfilaremia after mass drug administration. (2021) Modi, Anjali; Vaishnav, Keshav G; Kothiya, Kailash; Alexander, Neal
  • Dengue virus in humans and mosquitoes and their molecular characteristics in northeastern Thailand 2016-2018. (2021) Nonyong, Patcharaporn; Ekalaksananan, Tipaya; Phanthanawiboon, Supranee; Aromseree, Sirinart; Phadungsombat, Juthamas; Nakayama, Emi E; Shioda, Tatsuo; Sawaswong, Vorthon; Payungporn, Sunchai; Thaewnongiew, Kesorn; Overgaard, Hans J; Bangs, Michael J; Alexander, Neal; Pientong, Chamsai
  • Integrated disease management: arboviral infections and waterborne diarrhoea. (2021) Overgaard, Hans J; Dada, Nsa; Lenhart, Audrey; Stenström, Thor Axel B; Alexander, Neal
  • Data management plan for a community-level study of the hidden burden of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Colombia. (2021) Oviedo Sarmiento, Oscar Javier; Castro, María Del Mar; Lerma, Yenifer Orobio; Bernal, Leonardo Vargas; Navarro, Andrés; Alexander, Neal DE
  • Adaptation and performance of a mobile application for early detection of cutaneous leishmaniasis. (2021) Rubiano, Luisa; Alexander, Neal DE; Castillo, Ruth Mabel; Martínez, Álvaro José; García Luna, Jonny Alejandro; Arango, Juan David; Vargas, Leonardo; Madriñán, Patricia; Hurtado, Lina-Rocío; Orobio, Yenifer; Rojas, Carlos A; Del Corral, Helena; Navarro, Andrés; Gore Saravia, Nancy; Aronoff-Spencer, Eliah
  • Measuring the effectiveness of integrated vector management with targeted outdoor residual spraying and autodissemination devices on the incidence of dengue in urban Malaysia in the iDEM trial (intervention for Dengue Epidemiology in Malaysia): study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial. (2021) Saadatian-Elahi, Mitra; Alexander, Neal; Möhlmann, Tim; Langlois-Jacques, Carole; Suer, Remco; Ahmad, Nazni Wasi; Mudin, Rose Nani; Ariffin, Farah Diana; Baur, Frederic; Schmitt, Frederic; Richardson, Jason H; Rabilloud, Muriel; Hamid, Nurulhusna Ab
  • Does anthropogenic introduction of guppy fish (Poecilia reticulata) impact faunal species diversity and abundance in natural aquatic habitats? A systematic review protocol. (2021) Sasanami, Misaki; Hustedt, John; Alexander, Neal; Horstick, Olaf; Bowman, Leigh; Hii, Jeffrey; Echaubard, Pierre; Braack, Leo; Overgaard, Hans J
  • Clinical characteristics of and antibody response to spotted fever group rickettsial infections in South India: Case series and serological cohort study. (2021) Schmidt, Wolf-Peter; Devamani, Carol S; Elangovan, Divyaa; Alexander, Neal; Rose, Winsley; Prakash, John AJ
  • 2020
  • Zika virus infection in pregnancy: a protocol for the joint analysis of the prospective cohort studies of the ZIKAlliance, ZikaPLAN and ZIKAction consortia. (2020) Ades, AE; Brickley, Elizabeth B; Alexander, Neal; Brown, David; Jaenisch, Thomas; Miranda-Filho, Demócrito de Barros; Pohl, Moritz; Rosenberger, Kerstin D; Soriano-Arandes, Antoni; Thorne, Claire; Ximenes, Ricardo Arraes de Alencar; de Araújo, Thalia Velho Barreto; Avelino-Silva, Vivian I; Bethencourt Castillo, Sarah Esperanza; Borja Aburto, Victor Hugo; Brasil, Patrícia; Christie, Celia DC; de Souza, Wayner Vieira; Gotuzzo H, Jose Eduardo; Hoen, Bruno; Koopmans, Marion; Martelli, Celina Maria Turchi; Martins Teixeira, Mauro; Marques, Ernesto TA; Miranda, Maria Consuelo; Montarroyos, Ulisses Ramos; Moreira, Maria Elisabeth; Morris, J Glenn; Rockx, Barry; Saba Villarroel, Paola Mariela; Soria Segarra, Carmen; Tami, Adriana; Turchi, Marília Dalva; Giaquinto, Carlo; de Lamballerie, Xavier; Wilder-Smith, Annelies; EC Zika Consortia Vertical Transmission Study Group
  • Spatiotemporal Analysis of the Population Risk of Congenital Microcephaly in Pernambuco State, Brazil. (2020) Alexander, Neal DE; Souza, Wayner V; Rodrigues, Laura C; Braga, Cynthia; Sá, André; Bezerra, Luciana Caroline Albuquerque; Turchi Martelli, Celina Maria
  • Spatial spillover analysis of a cluster-randomized trial against dengue vectors in Trujillo, Venezuela. (2020) Alexander, Neal; Lenhart, Audrey; Anaya-Izquierdo, Karim
  • Spatial regression and spillover effects in cluster randomized trials with count outcomes. (2020) Anaya-Izquierdo, Karim; Alexander, Neal
  • Complex relationships between Aedes vectors, socio-economics and dengue transmission-Lessons learned from a case-control study in northeastern Thailand. (2020) Fustec, Benedicte; Phanitchat, Thipruethai; Hoq, Mohammad Injamul; Aromseree, Sirinart; Pientong, Chamsai; Thaewnongiew, Kesorn; Ekalaksananan, Tipaya; Bangs, Michael J; Corbel, Vincent; Alexander, Neal; Overgaard, Hans J
  • Determining Effectiveness of New Approaches to Dengue Vector Control in Cambodia. (2020) Hustedt, John
  • Use of pyriproxyfen in control of Aedes mosquitoes: A systematic review. (2020) Hustedt, John Christian; Boyce, Ross; Bradley, John; Hii, Jeffrey; Alexander, Neal
  • Ability of the Premise Condition Index to Identify Premises with Adult and Immature Aedes Mosquitoes in Kampong Cham, Cambodia. (2020) Hustedt, John; Doum, Dyna; Keo, Vanney; Ly, Sokha; Sam, BunLeng; Chan, Vibol; Boyer, Sebastien; Liverani, Marco; Alexander, Neal; Bradley, John; Prasetyo, Didot Budi; Rachmat, Agus; Lopes, Sergio; Leang, Rithea; Hii, Jeffrey
  • The impact of insecticide treated curtains on dengue virus transmission: A cluster randomized trial in Iquitos, Peru. (2020) Lenhart, Audrey; Morrison, Amy C; Paz-Soldan, Valerie A; Forshey, Brett M; Cordova-Lopez, Jhonny J; Astete, Helvio; Elder, John P; Sihuincha, Moises; Gotlieb, Esther E; Halsey, Eric S; Kochel, Tadeusz J; Scott, Thomas W; Alexander, Neal; McCall, Philip J
  • Clinical and epidemiologic characteristics associated with dengue fever in Mombasa, Kenya. (2020) Lim, Jacqueline Kyungah; Matendechero, Sultani Hadley; Alexander, Neal; Lee, Jung-Seok; Lee, Kang Sung; Namkung, Suk; Andia, Esther; Oyembo, Noah; Lim, Sl-Ki; Kanyi, Henry; Bae, So Hee; Yang, Jae Seung; Ochola, Mary A; Edwards, Tansy; Yoon, In-Kyu; Njenga, Sammy M
  • An investigation into the knowledge, perceptions and role of personal protective technologies in Zika prevention in Colombia. (2020) Mendoza, Carolina; Jaramillo, Gloria-Isabel; Ant, Thomas H; Power, Grace M; Jones, Robert T; Quintero, Juliana; Alexander, Neal; Webster, Jayne; Osorio, Lyda; Logan, James G
  • Land use in relation to composition and abundance of phlebotomines (Diptera: Psychodidae) in five foci of domiciliary transmission of cutaneous leishmaniasis in the Andean region of Colombia. (2020) Moreno, Mabel; Guzmán-Rodríguez, Lina; Valderrama-Ardila, Carlos; Alexander, Neal; Ocampo, Clara B
  • Severe dengue categories as research endpoints-Results from a prospective observational study in hospitalised dengue patients. (2020) Rosenberger, Kerstin D; Alexander, Neal; Martinez, Eric; Lum, Lucy CS; Dempfle, Carl-Erik; Junghanss, Thomas; Wills, Bridget; Jaenisch, Thomas; DENCO Clinical Study Group
  • Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of the COVID-19 epidemic in Brazil. (2020) de Souza, William Marciel; Buss, Lewis Fletcher; Candido, Darlan da Silva; Carrera, Jean-Paul; Li, Sabrina; Zarebski, Alexander E; Pereira, Rafael Henrique Moraes; Prete, Carlos A; de Souza-Santos, Andreza Aruska; Parag, Kris V; Belotti, Maria Carolina TD; Vincenti-Gonzalez, Maria F; Messina, Janey; da Silva Sales, Flavia Cristina; Andrade, Pamela Dos Santos; Nascimento, Vítor Heloiz; Ghilardi, Fabio; Abade, Leandro; Gutierrez, Bernardo; Kraemer, Moritz UG; Braga, Carlos KV; Aguiar, Renato Santana; Alexander, Neal; Mayaud, Philippe; Brady, Oliver J; Marcilio, Izabel; Gouveia, Nelson; Li, Guangdi; Tami, Adriana; de Oliveira, Silvano Barbosa; Porto, Victor Bertollo Gomes; Ganem, Fabiana; de Almeida, Walquiria Aparecida Ferreira; Fantinato, Francieli Fontana Sutile Tardetti; Macário, Eduardo Marques; de Oliveira, Wanderson Kleber; Nogueira, Mauricio L; Pybus, Oliver G; Wu, Chieh-Hsi; Croda, Julio; Sabino, Ester C; Faria, Nuno Rodrigues
  • 2019
  • Hospitalisations and outpatient visits for undifferentiated fever attributable to scrub typhus in rural South India: Retrospective cohort and nested case-control study. (2019) Devamani, Carol S; Prakash, John AJ; Alexander, Neal; Suzuki, Motoi; Schmidt, Wolf-Peter
  • A randomized trial of AmBisome monotherapy and AmBisome and miltefosine combination to treat visceral leishmaniasis in HIV co-infected patients in Ethiopia. (2019) Diro, Ermias; Blesson, Severine; Edwards, Tansy; Ritmeijer, Koert; Fikre, Helina; Admassu, Henok; Kibret, Aderajew; Ellis, Sally J; Bardonneau, Clelia; Zijlstra, Eduard E; Soipei, Peninah; Mutinda, Brian; Omollo, Raymond; Kimutai, Robert; Omwalo, Gabriel; Wasunna, Monique; Tadesse, Fentahun; Alves, Fabiana; Strub-Wourgaft, Nathalie; Hailu, Asrat; Alexander, Neal; Alvar, Jorge
  • Long term outcomes and prognostics of visceral leishmaniasis in HIV infected patients with use of pentamidine as secondary prophylaxis based on CD4 level: a prospective cohort study in Ethiopia. (2019) Diro, Ermias; Edwards, Tansy; Ritmeijer, Koert; Fikre, Helina; Abongomera, Charles; Kibret, Aderajew; Bardonneau, Clélia; Soipei, Peninah; Mutinda, Brian; Omollo, Raymond; van Griensven, Johan; Zijlstra, Eduard E; Wasunna, Monique; Alves, Fabiana; Alvar, Jorge; Hailu, Asrat; Alexander, Neal; Blesson, Séverine
  • Local human movement patterns and land use impact exposure to zoonotic malaria in Malaysian Borneo. (2019) Fornace, Kimberly M; Alexander, Neal; Abidin, Tommy R; Brock, Paddy M; Chua, Tock H; Vythilingam, Indra; Ferguson, Heather M; Manin, Benny O; Wong, Meng L; Ng, Sui H; Cox, Jon; Drakeley, Chris
  • Spatial Effects of Permethrin-Impregnated Bed Nets on Child Mortality: 26 Years on, a Spatial Reanalysis of a Cluster Randomized Trial. (2019) Jarvis, Christopher I; Multerer, Lea; Lewis, Daniel; Binka, Fred; Edmunds, W John; Alexander, Neal; Smith, Thomas A
  • Undocumented Burden of Dengue in Africa. (2019) Lim, JK
  • Clinical and epidemiologic characteristics associated with dengue during and outside the 2016 outbreak identified in health facility-based surveillance in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. (2019) Lim, Jacqueline K; Seydou, Yaro; Carabali, Mabel; Barro, Ahmed; Dahourou, Desire Lucien; Lee, Kang Sung; Nikiema, Teguewende; Namkung, Suk; Lee, Jung-Seok; Shin, Mee Young; Bonnet, Emmanuel; Kagone, Therese; Kaba, Losseni; Edwards, Tansy; Somé, Paul-André; Yang, Jae Seung; Alexander, Neal; Yoon, In-Kyu; Ridde, Valéry
  • VECTOS: An Integrated System for Monitoring Risk Factors Associated With Urban Arbovirus Transmission. (2019) Ocampo, Clara B; Mina, Neila J; Echavarria, Maria I; Acuña, Miguel; Caballero, Alexi; Navarro, Andres; Aguirre, Andres; Criollo, Ingrid S; Forero, Francia; Azuero, Oscar; Alexander, Neal D
  • Spatial and temporal patterns of dengue incidence in northeastern Thailand 2006-2016. (2019) Phanitchat, Thipruethai; Zhao, Bingxin; Haque, Ubydul; Pientong, Chamsai; Ekalaksananan, Tipaya; Aromseree, Sirinart; Thaewnongiew, Kesorn; Fustec, Benedicte; Bangs, Michael J; Alexander, Neal; Overgaard, Hans J
  • No evidence of Zika, dengue, or chikungunya virus infection in field-caught mosquitoes from the Recife Metropolitan Region, Brazil, 2015. (2019) Ramesh, Anita; Jeffries, Claire L; Castanha, Priscila; Oliveira, Paula AS; Alexander, Neal; Cameron, Mary; Braga, Cynthia; Walker, Thomas
  • Knowledge, attitudes, and practices about dengue among pupils from rural schools in an endemic area in Colombia. (2019) Sarmiento-Senior, Diana; Matiz, María Inés; Jaramillo-Gómez, Juan Felipe; Olano, Víctor Alberto; Vargas, Sandra Lucía; Alexander, Neal; Lenhart, Audrey; Stenström, Thor Axel; Overgaard, Hans Jörgen
  • Antibody response following scrub typhus infection: clinical cohort study. (2019) Schmidt, Wolf-Peter; Devamani, Carol S; Rose, Winsley; Alexander, Neal; Prakash, John AJ
  • Implementation of guppy fish (Poecilia reticulata), and a novel larvicide (Pyriproxyfen) product (Sumilarv 2MR) for dengue control in Cambodia: A qualitative study of acceptability, sustainability and community engagement. (2019) Shafique, Muhammad; Lopes, Sergio; Doum, Dyna; Keo, Vanney; Sokha, Ly; Sam, BunLeng; Vibol, Chan; Alexander, Neal; Bradley, John; Liverani, Marco; Hii, Jeffrey; Rithea, Leang; Aryal, Siddhi; Hustedt, John
  • Frequent inappropriate use of unweighted summary statistics in systematic reviews of pathogen genotypes or genogroups. (2019) Tran, Linh; Nhu Y, Mai; Le Ba Nghia, Thai; Hendam, Abdulrahman; Vuong, Nguyen Lam; Alzalal, Ebrahim; Sayed, Ahmed M; Hussain, Mustafa Mushtaq; Sharma, Akash; Tieu, Thuan; Mathenge, Peterson Gitonga; Hirayama, Kenji; Alexander, Neal; Huy, Nguyen Tien
  • 2018
  • Time series analysis of dengue surveillance data in two Brazilian cities. (2018) Cortes, Fanny; Turchi Martelli, Celina Maria; Arraes de Alencar Ximenes, Ricardo; Montarroyos, Ulisses Ramos; Siqueira Junior, João Bosco; Gonçalves Cruz, Oswaldo; Alexander, Neal; Vieira de Souza, Wayner
  • Spatial Analysis of Cluster Randomised Trials. (2018) Jarvis, C
  • Dengue knowledge, attitudes and practices and their impact on community-based vector control in rural Cambodia. (2018) Kumaran, Emmanuelle; Doum, Dyna; Keo, Vanney; Sokha, Ly; Sam, BunLeng; Chan, Vibol; Alexander, Neal; Bradley, John; Liverani, Marco; Prasetyo, Didot Budi; Rachmat, Agus; Lopes, Sergio; Hii, Jeffrey; Rithea, Leang; Shafique, Muhammad; Hustedt, John
  • Caregivers' compliance with referral advice: evidence from two studies introducing mRDTs into community case management of malaria in Uganda. (2018) Lal, Sham; Ndyomugenyi, Richard; Paintain, Lucy; Alexander, Neal D; Hansen, Kristian S; Magnussen, Pascal; Chandramohan, Daniel; Clarke, Siân E
  • Evaluating dengue burden in Africa in passive fever surveillance and seroprevalence studies: protocol of field studies of the Dengue Vaccine Initiative. (2018) Lim, Jacqueline Kyungah; Carabali, Mabel; Lee, Jung-Seok; Lee, Kang-Sung; Namkung, Suk; Lim, Sl-Ki; Ridde, Valéry; Fernandes, Jose; Lell, Bertrand; Matendechero, Sultani Hadley; Esen, Meral; Andia, Esther; Oyembo, Noah; Barro, Ahmed; Bonnet, Emmanuel; Njenga, Sammy M; Agnandji, Selidji Todagbe; Yaro, Seydou; Alexander, Neal; Yoon, In-Kyu
  • Developing mobile health applications for neglected tropical disease research. (2018) Navarro, Andrés; Rubiano, Luisa; Arango, Juan David; Rojas, Carlos A; Alexander, Neal; Saravia, Nancy Gore; Aronoff-Spencer, Eliah
  • Assessing dengue transmission risk and a vector control intervention using entomological and immunological indices in Thailand: study protocol for a cluster-randomized controlled trial. (2018) Overgaard, Hans J; Pientong, Chamsai; Thaewnongiew, Kesorn; Bangs, Michael J; Ekalaksananan, Tipaya; Aromseree, Sirinart; Phanitchat, Thipruethai; Phanthanawiboon, Supranee; Fustec, Benedicte; Corbel, Vincent; Cerqueira, Dominique; Alexander, Neal
  • Development of an urban molecular xenomonitoring system for lymphatic filariasis in the Recife Metropolitan Region, Brazil. (2018) Ramesh, Anita; Cameron, Mary; Spence, Kirstin; Hoek Spaans, Remy; Melo-Santos, Maria AV; Paiva, Marcelo HS; Guedes, Duschinka RD; Barbosa, Rosangela MR; Oliveira, Claudia MF; Sá, André; Jeffries, Claire L; Castanha, Priscila MS; Oliveira, Paula AS; Walker, Thomas; Alexander, Neal; Braga, Cynthia
  • 2017
  • Prevalence of signs of trachoma, ocular Chlamydia trachomatis infection and antibodies to Pgp3 in residents of Kiritimati Island, Kiribati. (2017) Cama, Anaseini; Müller, Andreas; Taoaba, Raebwebwe; Butcher, Robert MR; Itibita, Iakoba; Migchelsen, Stephanie J; Kiauea, Tokoriri; Pickering, Harry; Willis, Rebecca; Roberts, Chrissy H; Bakhtiari, Ana; Le Mesurier, Richard T; Alexander, Neal DE; Martin, Diana L; Tekeraoi, Rabebe; Solomon, Anthony W; Global Trachoma Mapping Project
  • Determining the efficacy of guppies and pyriproxyfen (Sumilarv® 2MR) combined with community engagement on dengue vectors in Cambodia: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. (2017) Hustedt, John; Doum, Dyna; Keo, Vanney; Ly, Sokha; Sam, BunLeng; Chan, Vibol; Alexander, Neal; Bradley, John; Prasetyo, Didot Budi; Rachmat, Agus; Muhammad, Shafique; Lopes, Sergio; Leang, Rithea; Hii, Jeffrey
  • Spatial analysis of cluster randomised trials: a systematic review of analysis methods. (2017) Jarvis, Christopher; Di Tanna, Gian Luca; Lewis, Daniel; Alexander, Neal; Edmunds, W John
  • Spatial clustering of high load ocular Chlamydia trachomatis infection in trachoma: a cross-sectional population-based study. (2017) Last, Anna; Burr, Sarah; Alexander, Neal; Harding-Esch, Emma; Roberts, Chrissy H; Nabicassa, Meno; Cassama, Eunice Teixeira da Silva; Mabey, David; Holland, Martin; Bailey, Robin
  • A systematic review of the economic impact of rapid diagnostic tests for dengue. (2017) Lim, Jacqueline Kyungah; Alexander, Neal; Di Tanna, Gian Luca
  • Defining Seropositivity Thresholds for Use in Trachoma Elimination Studies. (2017) Migchelsen, Stephanie J; Martin, Diana L; Southisombath, Khamphoua; Turyaguma, Patrick; Heggen, Anne; Rubangakene, Peter Paul; Joof, Hassan; Makalo, Pateh; Cooley, Gretchen; Gwyn, Sarah; Solomon, Anthony W; Holland, Martin J; Courtright, Paul; Willis, Rebecca; Alexander, Neal DE; Mabey, David CW; Roberts, Chrissy H
  • A cross-sectional survey of Aedes aegypti immature abundance in urban and rural household containers in central Colombia. (2017) Overgaard, Hans J; Olano, Víctor Alberto; Jaramillo, Juan Felipe; Matiz, María Inés; Sarmiento, Diana; Stenström, Thor Axel; Alexander, Neal
  • 2016
  • Can the buck always be passed to the highest level of clustering? (2016) Bottomley, Christian; Kirby, Matthew J; Lindsay, Steve W; Alexander, Neal
  • Prospective birth cohort in a hyperendemic dengue area in Northeast Brazil: methods and preliminary results. (2016) Braga, Cynthia; Albuquerque, Maria de Fátima Pessoa Militão de; Cordeiro, Marli Tenório; Castanha, Priscila MS; Ramesh, Anita; Alexander, Neal; Mello, Maria Júlia G de; Marques, Ernesto TA; Martelli, Celina M Turchi
  • Association between Landscape Factors and Spatial Patterns of Plasmodium knowlesi Infections in Sabah, Malaysia. (2016) Fornace, Kimberly M; Abidin, Tommy Rowel; Alexander, Neal; Brock, Paddy; Grigg, Matthew J; Murphy, Amanda; William, Timothy; Menon, Jayaram; Drakeley, Chris J; Cox, Jonathan
  • Referral Patterns of Community Health Workers Diagnosing and Treating Malaria: Cluster-Randomized Trials in Two Areas of High- and Low-Malaria Transmission in Southwestern Uganda. (2016) Lal, Sham; Ndyomugenyi, Richard; Magnussen, Pascal; Hansen, Kristian S; Alexander, Neal D; Paintain, Lucy; Chandramohan, Daniel; Clarke, Siân E
  • Community health workers adherence to referral guidelines: evidence from studies introducing RDTs in two malaria transmission settings in Uganda. (2016) Lal, Sham; Ndyomugenyi, Richard; Paintain, Lucy; Alexander, Neal D; Hansen, Kristian S; Magnussen, Pascal; Chandramohan, Daniel; Clarke, Siân E
  • Low Prevalence of Ocular Chlamydia trachomatis Infection and Active Trachoma in the Western Division of Fiji. (2016) Macleod, Colin K; Butcher, Robert; Mudaliar, Umesh; Natutusau, Kinisimere; Pavluck, Alexandre L; Willis, Rebecca; Alexander, Neal; Mabey, David CW; Cikamatana, Luisa; Kama, Mike; Rafai, Eric; Roberts, Chrissy H; Solomon, Anthony W
  • A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial to Reduce Diarrheal Disease and Dengue Entomological Risk Factors in Rural Primary Schools in Colombia. (2016) Overgaard, Hans J; Alexander, Neal; Matiz, Maria Ines; Jaramillo, Juan Felipe; Olano, Victor Alberto; Vargas, Sandra; Sarmiento, Diana; Lenhart, Audrey; Stenström, Thor Axel
  • Factors Associated with Correct and Consistent Insecticide Treated Curtain Use in Iquitos, Peru. (2016) Paz-Soldan, Valerie A; Bauer, Karin; Morrison, Amy C; Cordova Lopez, Jhonny J; Izumi, Kiyohiko; Scott, Thomas W; Elder, John P; Alexander, Neal; Halsey, Eric S; McCall, Philip J; Lenhart, Audrey
  • Spatial modeling of cutaneous leishmaniasis in the Andean region of Colombia. (2016) Pérez-Flórez, Mauricio; Ocampo, Clara Beatriz; Valderrama-Ardila, Carlos; Alexander, Neal
  • Cost of rotavirus diarrhea for programmatic evaluation of vaccination in Vietnam. (2016) Riewpaiboon, Arthorn; Shin, Sunheang; Le, Thi Phuong Mai; Vu, Dinh Thiem; Nguyen, Thi Hien Anh; Alexander, Neal; Dang, Duc Anh; Rotavirus Economic Study Group
  • Vascular leakage in dengue--clinical spectrum and influence of parenteral fluid therapy. (2016) Rosenberger, Kerstin D; Lum, Lucy; Alexander, Neal; Junghanss, Thomas; Wills, Bridget; Jaenisch, Thomas; DENCO Clinical Study Group
  • Efficacy and Safety of AmBisome in Combination with Sodium Stibogluconate or Miltefosine and Miltefosine Monotherapy for African Visceral Leishmaniasis: Phase II Randomized Trial. (2016) Wasunna, Monique; Njenga, Simon; Balasegaram, Manica; Alexander, Neal; Omollo, Raymond; Edwards, Tansy; Dorlo, Thomas PC; Musa, Brima; Ali, Mohammed Hassan Sharaf; Elamin, Mohammed Yasein; Kirigi, George; Juma, Rashid; Kip, Anke E; Schoone, Gerard J; Hailu, Asrat; Olobo, Joseph; Ellis, Sally; Kimutai, Robert; Wells, Susan; Khalil, Eltahir Awad Gasim; Strub Wourgaft, Nathalie; Alves, Fabiana; Musa, Ahmed
  • Plasmodium vivax malaria recurrence after radical treatment with chloroquine-primaquine standard regimen in Turbo, Colombia: Results from a prospective study. (2016) Zuluaga-Idárraga, L; Blair, S; Akinyi Okoth, S; Udhayakumar, V; Marcet, PL; Escalante, AA; Alexander, N; Rojas, C
  • Evaluation of Convalescent Plasma for Ebola Virus Disease in Guinea. (2016) van Griensven, J; Edwards, T; de Lamballerie, X; Semple, MG; Gallian, P; Baize, S; Horby, PW; Raoul, H; Magassouba, N; Antierens, A; Lomas, C; Faye, O; Sall, AA; Fransen, K; Buyze, J; Ravinetto, R; Tiberghien, P; Claeys, Y; De Crop, M; Lynen, L; Bah, EI; Smith, PG; Delamou, A; De Weggheleire, A; Haba, N; Ebola-Tx Consortium; COLLABORATORS; Camara, BS; Olivier, KJ; Ballo, Y; Sakoba, K; Konde, K; Colebunders, R; Muyembe, JJ; Menten, J; Alexander, N; Van Den Broecke, S; Custers, A; Temmerman, S; Ingelbeen, B; Arango, D; Crucitti, T; Jacobs, J; Cuylaerts, V; Vermoessen, T; Ronse, M; Saez, AM; Bigey, F; Briki, M; Chambe, E; Chavarin, P; Devillers, M; Gauthier, M; Guillard, A; Isola, H; Jacquot, C; Lardin, B; Lavedrine, V; Lazaygues, C; Van de Kerckhove, P; Gueguen, M; Jonckheere, S; Andersen, HB
  • 2015
  • A multimedia consent tool for research participants in the Gambia: a randomized controlled trial. (2015) Afolabi, Muhammed Olanrewaju; McGrath, Nuala; D'Alessandro, Umberto; Kampmann, Beate; Imoukhuede, Egeruan B; Ravinetto, Raffaella M; Alexander, Neal; Larson, Heidi J; Chandramohan, Daniel; Bojang, Kalifa
  • What's more general than a whole population? (2015) Alexander, Neal
  • Are we nearly there yet? Coverage and compliance of mass drug administration for lymphatic filariasis elimination. (2015) Alexander, Neal DE
  • Travel-associated infections in Europe. (2015) Behrens, Ron H; Alexander, Neal; Noble, Lorraine M
  • Sample size calculations for skewed distributions. (2015) Cundill, Bonnie; Alexander, Neal DE
  • Health Facility Utilisation Changes during the Introduction of Community Case Management of Malaria in South Western Uganda: An Interrupted Time Series Approach. (2015) Lal, Sham; Ndyomugenyi, Richard; Alexander, Neal D; Lagarde, Mylene; Paintain, Lucy; Magnussen, Pascal; Chandramohan, Daniel; Clarke, Siân E picture_as_pdf
  • Impact of foot-and-mouth disease on milk production on a large-scale dairy farm in Kenya. (2015) Lyons, Nicholas A; Alexander, Neal; Stärk, Katharina DC; Dulu, Thomas D; Sumption, Keith J; James, Andrew D; Rushton, Jonathan; Fine, Paul EM
  • Impact of foot-and-mouth disease on mastitis and culling on a large-scale dairy farm in Kenya. (2015) Lyons, Nicholas A; Alexander, Neal; Stӓrk, Katharina DC; Dulu, Thomas D; Rushton, Jonathan; Fine, Paul EM
  • Schools as Potential Risk Sites for Vector-Borne Disease Transmission: Mosquito Vectors in Rural Schools in Two Municipalities in Colombia. (2015) Olano, Víctor Alberto; Matiz, María Inés; Lenhart, Audrey; Cabezas, Laura; Vargas, Sandra Lucía; Jaramillo, Juan Felipe; Sarmiento, Diana; Alexander, Neal; Stenström, Thor Axel; Overgaard, Hans J
  • Effectiveness of Provider and Community Interventions to Improve Treatment of Uncomplicated Malaria in Nigeria: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. (2015) Onwujekwe, Obinna; Mangham-Jefferies, Lindsay; Cundill, Bonnie; Alexander, Neal; Langham, Julia; Ibe, Ogochukwu; Uzochukwu, Benjamin; Wiseman, Virginia
  • The Global Trachoma Mapping Project: Methodology of a 34-Country Population-Based Study. (2015) Solomon, Anthony W; Pavluck, Alexandre L; Courtright, Paul; Aboe, Agatha; Adamu, Liknaw; Alemayehu, Wondu; Alemu, Menbere; Alexander, Neal DE; Kello, Amir Bedri; Bero, Berhanu; Brooker, Simon J; Chu, Brian K; Dejene, Michael; Emerson, Paul M; Flueckiger, Rebecca M; Gadisa, Solomon; Gass, Katherine; Gebre, Teshome; Habtamu, Zelalem; Harvey, Erik; Haslam, Dominic; King, Jonathan D; Mesurier, Richard Le; Lewallen, Susan; Lietman, Thomas M; MacArthur, Chad; Mariotti, Silvio P; Massey, Anna; Mathieu, Els; Mekasha, Addis; Millar, Tom; Mpyet, Caleb; Muñoz, Beatriz E; Ngondi, Jeremiah; Ogden, Stephanie; Pearce, Joseph; Sarah, Virginia; Sisay, Alemayehu; Smith, Jennifer L; Taylor, Hugh R; Thomson, Jo; West, Sheila K; Willis, Rebecca; Bush, Simon; Haddad, Danny; Foster, Allen
  • 2014
  • Evaluation of diagnostic tests for Wuchereria bancrofti infection in Brazilian schoolchildren. (2014) Oliveira, Paula; Braga, Cynthia; Alexander, Neal; Brandão, Eduardo; Silva, Almerice; Wanderley, Leandro; Aguiar, Ana Maria; Diniz, George; Medeiros, Zulma; Rocha, Abraham
  • House-level risk factors for Triatoma dimidiata infestation in Colombia. (2014) Parra-Henao, Gabriel; Cardona, Ángela Segura; Quirós-Gómez, Oscar; Angulo, Víctor; Alexander, Neal
  • 2013
  • Comments on 'Log transformation: application and interpretation in biomedical research'. (2013) Alexander, Neal; Anaya-Izquierdo, Karim
  • Defining ELISpot cut-offs from unreplicated test and control wells. (2013) Alexander, Neal; Fox, Annette; Lien, Vu Thi Kim; Dong, Tao; Lee, Laurel Yong-Hwa; Hang, Nguyen Le Khanh; Mai, Le Quynh; Horby, Peter
  • Malaria knowledge and utilization of chemoprophylaxis in the UK population and in UK passengers departing to malaria-endemic areas. (2013) Behrens, Ron H; Alexander, Neal
  • Serum CCL11 (eotaxin-1) and CCL17 (TARC) are serological indicators of multiple helminth infections and are driven by Schistosoma mansoni infection in humans. (2013) Geiger, Stefan M; Jardim-Botelho, Anne; Williams, Weston; Alexander, Neal; Diemert, David J; Bethony, Jeffrey M
  • A cluster-randomized trial of insecticide-treated curtains for dengue vector control in Thailand. (2013) Lenhart, Audrey; Trongtokit, Yuwadee; Alexander, Neal; Apiwathnasorn, Chamnarn; Satimai, Wichai; Vanlerberghe, Veerle; Van der Stuyft, Patrick; McCall, Philip J
  • Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis: knowledge, attitudes, and practices among paraguayan communities, patients, and health professionals. (2013) Ruoti, Mónica; Oddone, Rolando; Lampert, Nathalie; Orué, Elizabeth; Miles, Michael A; Alexander, Neal; Rehman, Andrea M; Njord, Rebecca; Shu, Stephanie; Brice, Susannah; Sinclair, Bryony; Krentel, Alison
  • 2012
  • Review: analysis of parasite and other skewed counts. (2012) Alexander, Neal
  • Multicentre prospective study on dengue classification in four South-east Asian and three Latin American countries. (2012) Alexander, Neal; Balmaseda, Angel; Coelho, Ivo CB; Dimaano, Efren; Hien, Tran T; Hung, Nguyen T; Jänisch, Thomas; Kroeger, Axel; Lum, Lucy CS; Martinez, Eric; Siqueira, Joao B; Thuy, Tran T; Villalobos, Iris; Villegas, Elci; Wills, Bridget; European Union, World Health Organization (WHO‐TDR) supported DE
  • Diarrhea and dengue control in rural primary schools in Colombia: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. (2012) Overgaard, Hans J; Alexander, Neal; Mátiz, Maria Ines; Jaramillo, Juan Felipe; Olano, Victor Alberto; Vargas, Sandra; Sarmiento, Diana; Lenhart, Audrey; Seidu, Razak; Stenström, Thor Axel
  • 2011
  • Review of Design and Analysis of Vaccine Studies by Halloran, M. E., Longini Jr., I. M., and Struchiner, C. J. (2011) Alexander, N
  • Bayesian Disease Mapping: Hierarchical Modeling in Spatial Epidemiology. (2011) Alexander, Neal
  • Can studies where subjects have different follow-up times be analysed through binomial regression? (2011) Alexander, Neal
  • Selection and quantification of infection endpoints for trials of vaccines against intestinal helminths. (2011) Alexander, Neal; Cundill, Bonnie; Sabatelli, Lorenzo; Bethony, Jeffrey M; Diemert, David; Hotez, Peter; Smith, Peter G; Rodrigues, Laura C; Brooker, Simon picture_as_pdf
  • Rates and intensity of re-infection with human helminths after treatment and the influence of individual, household, and environmental factors in a Brazilian community. (2011) Cundill, Bonnie; Alexander, Neal; Bethony, Jeff M; Diemert, David; Pullan, Rachel L; Brooker, Simon
  • Necator americanus and helminth co-infections: further down-modulation of hookworm-specific type 1 immune responses. (2011) Geiger, Stefan Michael; Alexander, Neal Douglas Edward; Fujiwara, Ricardo Toshio; Brooker, Simon; Cundill, Bonnie; Diemert, David Joseph; Correa-Oliveira, Rodrigo; Bethony, Jeffrey Michael
  • Social contact patterns in Vietnam and implications for the control of infectious diseases. (2011) Horby, Peter; Pham, Quang Thai; Hens, Niel; Nguyen, Thi Thu Yen; Le, Quynh Mai; Dang, Dinh Thoang; Nguyen, Manh Linh; Nguyen, Thu Huong; Alexander, Neal; Edmunds, W John; Tran, Nhu Duong; Fox, Annette; Nguyen, Tran Hien
  • Safety and efficacy of miltefosine alone and in combination with sodium stibogluconate and liposomal amphotericin B for the treatment of primary visceral leishmaniasis in East Africa: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. (2011) Omollo, Raymond; Alexander, Neal; Edwards, Tansy; Khalil, Eltahir AG; Younis, Brima M; Abuzaid, Abuzaid A; Wasunna, Monique; Njoroge, Njenga; Kinoti, Dedan; Kirigi, George; Dorlo, Thomas PC; Ellis, Sally; Balasegaram, Manica; Musa, Ahmed M
  • Effects of chronic ascariasis and trichuriasis on cytokine production and gene expression in human blood: a cross-sectional study. (2011) Reina Ortiz, Miguel; Schreiber, Fernanda; Benitez, Susana; Broncano, Nely; Chico, Martha E; Vaca, Maritza; Alexander, Neal; Lewis, David J; Dougan, Gordon; Cooper, Philip J
  • Reduction in acute filariasis morbidity during a mass drug administration trial to eliminate lymphatic filariasis in Papua New Guinea. (2011) Tisch, Daniel J; Alexander, Neal DE; Kiniboro, Benson; Dagoro, Henry; Siba, Peter M; Bockarie, Moses J; Alpers, Michael P; Kazura, James W picture_as_pdf
  • 2010
  • Assessing agreement between malaria slide density readings. (2010) Alexander, Neal; Schellenberg, David; Ngasala, Billy; Petzold, Max; Drakeley, Chris; Sutherland, Colin
  • Profound and sustained reduction in Chlamydia trachomatis in The Gambia: a five-year longitudinal study of trachoma endemic communities. (2010) Burton, Matthew J; Holland, Martin J; Makalo, Pateh; Aryee, Esther AN; Sillah, Ansumana; Cohuet, Sandra; Natividad, Angels; Alexander, Neal DE; Mabey, David CW; Bailey, Robin L
  • Urine output on an intensive care unit: case-control study. (2010) Solomon, Anthony W; Kirwan, Christopher J; Alexander, Neal DE; Nimako, Kofi; Jurukov, Angela; Forth, Rebecca J; Rahman, Tony M; Prospective Analysis of Renal Compensation for Hypohydration in
  • Oral activated charcoal prevents experimental cerebral malaria in mice and in a randomized controlled clinical trial in man did not interfere with the pharmacokinetics of parenteral artesunate. (2010) de Souza, J Brian; Okomo, Uduak; Alexander, Neal D; Aziz, Naveed; Owens, Benjamin MJ; Kaur, Harparkash; Jasseh, Momodou; Muangnoicharoen, Sant; Sumariwalla, Percy F; Warhurst, David C; Ward, Stephen A; Conway, David J; Ulloa, Luis; Tracey, Kevin J; Foxwell, Brian MJ; Kaye, Paul M; Walther, Michael
  • 2009
  • How Should Nets be Dried After Insecticide Treatment in the Field? (2009) Magris, Magda; Lines, Jonathan D; Magbity, Edward; Alexander, Neal; Rubio-Palis, Yasmin
  • How should nets be dried after insecticide treatment in the field? (2009) Magris, Magda; Lines, Jonathan D; Magbity, Edward; Alexander, Neal; Rubio-Palis, Yasmin
  • Composition and biting activity of Anopheles (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Amazon region of Colombia. (2009) Rodríguez, Mauricio; Pérez, Ligia; Caicedo, Juan Carlos; Prieto, Guillermo; Arroyo, José Antonio; Kaur, Harparkash; Suárez-Mutis, Martha; de La Hoz, Fernando; Lines, Jo; Alexander, Neal
  • 2008
  • Precision of rate estimation under uniform interval censoring. (2008) Alexander, Neal
  • Declining incidence of malaria imported into the UK from West Africa. (2008) Behrens, Ron H; Carroll, Bernadette; Smith, Valerie; Alexander, Neal picture_as_pdf
  • Environmental determinants of total IgE among school children living in the rural Tropics: importance of geohelminth infections and effect of anthelmintic treatment. (2008) Cooper, Philip J; Alexander, Neal; Moncayo, Ana-Lucia; Benitez, Susana M; Chico, Martha E; Vaca, Maritza G; Griffin, George E
  • BCG revaccination does not protect against leprosy in the Brazilian Amazon: a cluster randomised trial. (2008) Cunha, Sérgio S; Alexander, Neal; Barreto, Mauricio L; Pereira, Emilia S; Dourado, Inês; Maroja, Maria de Fátima; Ichihara, Yury; Brito, Silvana; Pereira, Susan; Rodrigues, Laura C picture_as_pdf
  • Modelling of malaria temporal variations in Iran. (2008) Haghdoost, Ali-Akbar; Alexander, Neal; Cox, Jonathan
  • Efficacy of Insecticide Treated Materials (Itms) for Dengue Control in Latin America and Asia: Cluster Randomized Controlled Trials in Venezuela and Thailand. (2008) Lenhart, A; Villegas, E; Castillo, CE; Trongtokit, Y; Apiwathnasorn, C; Alexander, N; McCall, PJ
  • Insecticide-treated bednets to control dengue vectors: preliminary evidence from a controlled trial in Haiti. (2008) Lenhart, Audrey; Orelus, Nicolas; Maskill, Rachael; Alexander, Neal; Streit, Thomas; McCall, PJ
  • Plasmodium falciparum antigens on the surface of the gametocyte-infected erythrocyte. (2008) Saeed, Maha; Roeffen, Will; Alexander, Neal; Drakeley, Christopher J; Targett, Geoffrey AT; Sutherland, Colin J
  • Two doses of azithromycin to eliminate trachoma in a Tanzanian community. (2008) Solomon, Anthony W; Harding-Esch, Emma; Alexander, Neal DE; Aguirre, Aura; Holland, Martin J; Bailey, Robin L; Foster, Allen; Mabey, David CW; Massae, Patrick A; Courtright, Paul; Shao, John F
  • 2007
  • Repeatability of paired counts. (2007) Alexander, Neal; Bethony, Jeff; Corrêa-Oliveira, Rodrigo; Rodrigues, Laura C; Hotez, Peter; Brooker, Simon
  • Modelling the impact of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria on selection pressure for drug resistance. (2007) Alexander, Neal; Sutherland, Colin; Roper, Cally; Cissé, Badara; Schellenberg, David
  • Community-randomized trial of lambdacyhalothrin-treated hammock nets for malaria control in Yanomami communities in the Amazon region of Venezuela. (2007) Magris, M; Rubio-Palis, Y; Alexander, N; Ruiz, B; Galván, N; Frias, D; Blanco, M; Lines, J
  • Impact of intermittent preventive anti-malarial treatment on the growth and nutritional status of preschool children in rural Senegal (west Africa). (2007) Ntab, Balthazar; Cissé, Badara; Boulanger, Denis; Sokhna, Cheikh; Targett, Geoffrey; Lines, Jo; Alexander, Neal; Trape, Jean-François; Simondon, François; Greenwood, Brian M; Simondon, Kirsten B
  • Seasonal carriage of pfcrt and pfmdr1 alleles in Gambian Plasmodium falciparum imply reduced fitness of chloroquine-resistant parasites. (2007) Ord, Rosalynn; Alexander, Neal; Dunyo, Sam; Hallett, Rachel; Jawara, Musa; Targett, Geoffrey; Drakeley, Christopher J; Sutherland, Colin J
  • Familial aggregation of acute lymphatic filariasis in Papua New Guinea. (2007) Tisch, DJ; Salvana, E; Kastens, W; Bockarie, M; Alexander, N; Kazura, JW
  • 2006
  • Spatial analysis of spill-over effects of insecticide-treated materials in a cluster-randomized trial against Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in Trujillo, Venezeula. (2006) Alexander, N; Lenhart, A; Villegas, E; Levy, M; Moyeed, R; Kroeger, A; McCall, PJ
  • Sample sizes for identifying the key types of container occupied by dengue-vector pupae: the use of entropy in analyses of compositional data. (2006) Alexander, N; Lenhart, AE; Romero-Vivas, CME; Barbazan, P; Morrison, AC; Barrera, R; Arredondo-Jiménez, JI; Focks, DA
  • Distance to water source and altitude in relation to active trachoma in Rombo district, Tanzania. (2006) Baggaley, RF; Solomon, AW; Kuper, H; Polack, S; Massae, PA; Kelly, J; Safari, S; Alexander, NDE; Courtright, P; Foster, A; Mabey, DC
  • Contrasting patterns in the small-scale heterogeneity of human helminth infections in urban and rural environments in Brazil. (2006) Brooker, Simon; Alexander, Neal; Geiger, Stefan; Moyeed, Rana A; Stander, Julian; Fleming, Fiona; Hotez, Peter J; Correa-Oliveira, Rodrigo; Bethony, Jeffrey
  • The long-term natural history of trachomatous trichiasis in the Gambia. (2006) Burton, Matthew J; Bowman, Richard JC; Faal, Hannah; Aryee, Esther AN; Ikumapayi, Usman N; Alexander, Neal DE; Adegbola, Richard A; Mabey, David CW; Foster, Allen; Johnson, Gordon J; Bailey, Robin L
  • Seasonal intermittent preventive treatment with artesunate and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for prevention of malaria in Senegalese children: a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial. (2006) Cissé, Badara; Sokhna, Cheikh; Boulanger, Denis; Milet, Jacqueline; Bâ, El Hadj; Richardson, Keshena; Hallett, Rachel; Sutherland, Colin; Simondon, Kirsten; Simondon, François; Alexander, Neal; Gaye, Oumar; Targett, Geoffrey; Lines, Jo; Greenwood, Brian; Trape, Jean-François
  • Randomised trial of chloroquine/sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine in Gambian children with malaria: impact against multidrug-resistant P. falciparum. (2006) Dunyo, Samuel; Ord, Rosalynn; Hallett, Rachel; Jawara, Musa; Walraven, Gijs; Mesa, Eduardo; Coleman, Rosalind; Sowe, Maimuna; Alexander, Neal; Targett, Geoffrey AT; Pinder, Margaret; Sutherland, Colin J
  • Chloroquine/sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine for gambian children with malaria: transmission to mosquitoes of multidrug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum. (2006) Hallett, Rachel L; Dunyo, Samuel; Ord, Rosalynn; Jawara, Musa; Pinder, Margaret; Randall, Anna; Alloueche, Ali; Walraven, Gijs; Targett, Geoffrey AT; Alexander, Neal; Sutherland, Colin J
  • Effective control of dengue vectors with curtains and water container covers treated with insecticide in Mexico and Venezuela: cluster randomised trials. (2006) Kroeger, Axel; Lenhart, Audrey; Ochoa, Manuel; Villegas, Elci; Levy, Michael; Alexander, Neal; McCall, PJ
  • Insecticide treated bednets for the control of dengue vectors in Haiti. (2006) Lenhart, A; Orelus, N; Alexander, N; Streit, T; McCall, PJ
  • Insecticide-treated bednets for the prevention of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Cambodia: a cluster-randomized trial. (2006) Sochantha, T; Hewitt, S; Nguon, C; Okell, L; Alexander, N; Yeung, S; Vannara, H; Rowland, M; Socheat, D
  • Operational evaluation of the use of photographs for grading active trachoma. (2006) Solomon, Anthony W; Bowman, Richard JC; Yorston, David; Massae, Patrick A; Safari, Salesia; Savage, Brian; Alexander, Neal DE; Foster, Allen; Mabey, David CW
  • 2005
  • An index of community ocular Chlamydia trachomatis load for control of trachoma. (2005) Alexander, NDE; Solomon, AW; Holland, MJ; Bailey, RL; West, SK; Shao, JF; Mabey, DCW; Foster, A
  • Analysis of incidence rates in cluster-randomized trials of interventions against recurrent infections, with an application to trachoma. (2005) Alexander, Neal; Emerson, Paul
  • Case-control study of mosquito nets against malaria in the Amazon region of Colombia. (2005) Alexander, Neal; Rodríguez, Mauricio; Pérez, Ligia; Caicedo, Juan Carlos; Cruz, Jesús; Prieto, Guillermo; Arroyo, José Antonio; Cotacio, Maria Cristina; Suárez, Martha; DE LA Hoz, Fernando; Hall, Andrew J
  • Bancroftian filariasis in an endemic area of Brazil: differences between genders during puberty. (2005) Braga, C; Dourado, I; Ximenes, R; Miranda, J; Alexander, N
  • Bancroftian filariasis in an endemic area of Brazil: differences between genders during puberty. (2005) Braga, Cynthia; Dourado, Inês; Ximenes, Ricardo; Miranda, Janaína; Alexander, Neal
  • Epidemiologic, immunologic and practical considerations in developing and evaluating a human hookworm vaccine. (2005) Brooker, S; Bethony, JM; Rodrigues, LC; Alexander, N; Geiger, SM; Hotez, PJ
  • Epidemiologic, immunologic and practical considerations in developing and evaluating a human hookworm vaccine. (2005) Brooker, Simon; Bethony, Jeffrey M; Rodrigues, Laura C; Alexander, Neal; Geiger, Stefan M; Hotez, Peter J
  • Long term outcome of trichiasis surgery in the Gambia. (2005) Burton, MJ; Bowman, RJC; Faal, H; Aryee, EAN; Ikumapayi, UN; Alexander, NDE; Adegbola, RA; West, SK; Mabey, DCW; Foster, A; Johnson, GJ; Bailey, RL
  • A randomised controlled trial of azithromycin following surgery for trachomatous trichiasis in the Gambia. (2005) Burton, MJ; Kinteh, F; Jallow, O; Sillah, A; Bah, M; Faye, M; Aryee, EAN; Ikumapayi, UN; Alexander, NDE; Adegbola, RA; Faal, H; Mabey, DCW; Foster, A; Johnson, GJ; Bailey, RL
  • Re-emergence of Chlamydia trachomatis infection after mass antibiotic treatment of a trachoma-endemic Gambian community: a longitudinal study. (2005) Burton, Matthew J; Holland, Martin J; Makalo, Pateh; Aryee, Esther AN; Alexander, Neal DE; Sillah, Ansumana; Faal, Hannah; West, Sheila K; Foster, Allen; Johnson, Gordon J; Mabey, David CW; Bailey, Robin L
  • Insecticide treated materials for the control of dengue vectors in Latin America. (2005) Lenhart, A; McCall, P; Villegas, E; Ochoa, M; Alexander, N; Kroeger, A
  • Risk of trachomatous scarring and trichiasis in Gambians varies with SNP haplotypes at the interferon-gamma and interleukin-10 loci. (2005) Natividad, A; Wilson, J; Koch, O; Holland, MJ; Rockett, K; Faal, N; Jallow, O; Joof, HM; Burton, MJ; Alexander, NDE; Kwiatkowski, DP; Mabey, DCW; Bailey, RL
  • The household distribution of trachoma in a Tanzanian village: an application of GIS to the study of trachoma. (2005) Polack, SR; Solomon, AW; Alexander, NDE; Massae, PA; Safari, S; Shao, JF; Foster, A; Mabey, DC
  • Reduction of malaria transmission to Anopheles mosquitoes with a six-dose regimen of co-artemether. (2005) Sutherland, Colin J; Ord, Rosalynn; Dunyo, Sam; Jawara, Musa; Drakeley, Christopher J; Alexander, Neal; Coleman, Rosalind; Pinder, Margaret; Walraven, Gijs; Targett, Geoffrey AT
  • Longitudinal analysis of acute lymphatic filariasis in papua new Guinea: Evaluation of annual mass drug administration on disease. (2005) Tisch, DJ; Alexander, ND; Kastens, W; Bockarie, MJ; Kazura, JW
  • An immune basis for malaria protection by the sickle cell trait. (2005) Williams, Thomas N; Mwangi, Tabitha W; Roberts, David J; Alexander, Neal D; Weatherall, David J; Wambua, Sammy; Kortok, Moses; Snow, Robert W; Marsh, Kevin
  • Sickle cell trait and the risk of Plasmodium falciparum malaria and other childhood diseases. (2005) Williams, Thomas N; Mwangi, Tabitha W; Wambua, Sammy; Alexander, Neal D; Kortok, Moses; Snow, Robert W; Marsh, Kevin
  • 2004
  • Are there clinical phenotypes of homozygous sickle cell disease? (2004) Alexander, Neal; Higgs, Douglas; Dover, George; Serjeant, Graham R
  • Flies and Helicobacter pylori infection. (2004) Allen, SJ; Thomas, JE; Alexander, NDE; Bailey, R; Emerson, PM
  • Design of the leprosy component of the Brazilian BCG revaccination trial for assessing BCG effectiveness against leprosy in school children. (2004) Cunha, Sérgio S; Dourado, Inês; Barreto, Mauricio L; Alexander, Neal; Pereira, Susan M; Ichihara, Yury; Pereira, Emilia S; Pedrosa, Valderiza; Maroja, Fatima; Ribas, Carla; Rodrigues, Laura C
  • Role of flies and provision of latrines in trachoma control: cluster-randomised controlled trial. (2004) Emerson, Paul M; Lindsay, Steve W; Alexander, Neal; Bah, Momodou; Dibba, Sheik-Mafuji; Faal, Hannah B; Lowe, Kebba O; McAdam, Keith PWJ; Ratcliffe, Amy A; Walraven, Gijs EL; Bailey, Robin L
  • Assessment of seasonal and climatic effects on the incidence and species composition of malaria by using GIS methods. (2004) Haghdoost, A picture_as_pdf
  • Combination therapy counteracts the enhanced transmission of drug-resistant malaria parasites to mosquitoes. (2004) Hallett, Rachel L; Sutherland, Colin J; Alexander, Neal; Ord, Rosalynn; Jawara, Musa; Drakeley, Chris J; Pinder, Margaret; Walraven, Gijs; Targett, Geoffrey AT; Alloueche, Ali
  • Iron deficiency and malaria among children living on the coast of Kenya. (2004) Nyakeriga, Alice M; Troye-Blomberg, Marita; Dorfman, Jeffrey R; Alexander, Neal D; Bäck, Rune; Kortok, Moses; Chemtai, Alex K; Marsh, Kevin; Williams, Thomas N
  • Mass treatment with single-dose azithromycin for trachoma. (2004) Solomon, Anthony W; Holland, Martin J; Alexander, Neal DE; Massae, Patrick A; Aguirre, Aura; Natividad-Sancho, Angels; Molina, Sandra; Safari, Salesia; Shao, John F; Courtright, Paul; Peeling, Rosanna W; West, Sheila K; Bailey, Robin L; Foster, Allen; Mabey, David CW
  • 2003
  • Paper critique as an educational method in epidemiology. (2003) Alexander, Neal
  • Spatial variation of Anopheles-transmitted Wuchereria bancrofti and Plasmodium falciparum infection densities in Papua New Guinea. (2003) Alexander, Neal D; Moyeed, Rana A; Hyun, Phil J; Dimber, Zachary B; Bockarie, Moses J; Stander, Julian; Grenfell, Bryan T; Kazura, James W; Alpers, Michael P
  • Incidence and risk factors of paediatric rotavirus diarrhoea in northern Ghana. (2003) Binka, Fred N; Anto, Francis K; Oduro, Abraham R; Awini, Elizabeth A; Nazzar, Alex K; Armah, George E; Asmah, Richard H; Hall, Andrew J; Cutts, Felicity; Alexander, Neal; Brown, David; Green, Jon; Gray, Jim; Iturriza-Gómara, Miren; Navrongo Rotavirus Research Group
  • Field evaluation of the whole blood immunochromatographic test for rapid bancroftian filariasis diagnosis in the northeast of Brazil. (2003) Braga, Cynthia; Dourado, Maria Inês; Ximenes, Ricardo Arraes de A; Alves, Luiz; Brayner, Fabio; Rocha, Abraham; Alexander, Neal
  • Which members of a community need antibiotics to control trachoma? Conjunctival Chlamydia trachomatis infection load in Gambian villages. (2003) Burton, Matthew J; Holland, Martin J; Faal, Nkoyo; Aryee, Esther AN; Alexander, Neal DE; Bah, Momodou; Faal, Hannah; West, Sheila K; Foster, Allen; Johnson, Gordon J; Mabey, David CW; Bailey, Robin L
  • Strategies for control of trachoma: observational study with quantitative PCR11Lancet 2003;362:198–204. (2003) Solomon, AW; Holland, MJ; Burton, MJ; West, SK; Alexander, NDE; Aguirre, A; Massae, PA; Mkocha, H; Muñoz, B; Johnson, GJ; Peeling, RW; Bailey, RL; Foster, A; Mabey, DCW
  • Strategies for control of trachoma: observational study with quantitative PCR. (2003) Solomon, Anthony W; Holland, Martin J; Burton, Matthew J; West, Sheila K; Alexander, Neal DE; Aguirre, Aura; Massae, Patrick A; Mkocha, Harran; Muñoz, Beatriz; Johnson, Gordon J; Peeling, Rosanna W; Bailey, Robin L; Foster, Allen; Mabey, David CW
  • The effect of mass administration of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine combined with artesunate on malaria incidence: a double-blind, community-randomized, placebo-controlled trial in The Gambia. (2003) von Seidlein, Lorenz; Walraven, Gijs; Milligan, Paul J; Alexander, Neal; Manneh, Fandingding; Deen, Jacqueline L; Coleman, Roz; Jawara, Musa; Lindsay, Steve W; Drakeley, Chris; De Martin, Sarah; Olliaro, Piero; Bennett, Steve; Schim van der Loeff, Maarten; Okunoye, Kunle; Targett, Geoff A; McAdam, Keith P; Doherty, Justin F; Greenwood, Brian M; Pinder, Margaret
  • 2002
  • Mass treatment to eliminate filariasis in Papua New Guinea. (2002) Bockarie, Moses J; Tisch, Daniel J; Kastens, Will; Alexander, Neal DE; Dimber, Zachary; Bockarie, Florence; Ibam, Ervin; Alpers, Michael P; Kazura, James W
  • Lymphatic filariasis in the Karonga district of northern Malawi: a prevalence survey. (2002) Ngwira, BMM; Jabu, CH; Kanyongoloka, H; Mponda, M; Crampin, AC; Branson, K; Alexander, NDE; Fine, PEM
  • Treatment uptake by individuals infected with Plasmodium falciparum in rural Gambia, West Africa. (2002) von Seidlein, Lorenz; Clarke, Sian; Alexander, Neâl; Manneh, Fandingding; Doherty, Tom; Pinder, Margaret; Walraven, Gijs; Greenwood, Brian
  • 2001
  • Migration and dispersal of lymphatic filariasis in Papua New Guinea. (2001) Alexander, ND; Bockarie, MJ; Dimber, ZB; Griffin, L; Kazura, JW; Alpers, MP
  • Rationale and prospects of combination therapy as a strategy for delaying antimalarial drug resistance [Editorial]. (2001) Alexander, NDE
  • Area effects of bednet use in a malaria-endemic area in Papua New Guinea. (2001) Hii, JL; Smith, T; Vounatsou, P; Alexander, N; Mai, A; Ibam, E; Alpers, MP
  • 1997
  • Impact of annual dosing with ivermectin on progression of onchocercal visual field loss. (1997) Cousens, SN; Cassels-Brown, A; Murdoch, I; Babalola, OE; Jatau, D; Alexander, ND; Evans, JE; Danboyi, P; Abiose, A; Jones, BR
  • 1993
  • Ivermectin dose assessment without weighing scales. (1993) Alexander, ND; Cousens, SN; Yahaya, H; Abiose, A; Jones, BR