Items where Author is "Kranzer, Katharina"
Number of items: 165.
  • Delivery of index-linked HIV testing for children: learnings from a qualitative process evaluation of the B-GAP study in Zimbabwe. (2023) Dringus, Stefanie; Davis, Katherine; Simms, Victoria; Bernays, Sarah; Redzo, Nicol; Bandason, Tsitsi; Chikodzore, Rudo; Sibanda, Edwin; Webb, Karen; Ncube, Getrude; Kranzer, Katharina; Ferrand, Rashida A; Dziva Chikwari, Chido
  • Investigating point-of-care diagnostics for sexually transmitted infections and antimicrobial resistance in antenatal care in Zimbabwe (IPSAZ): protocol for a mixed-methods study. (2023) Martin, Kevin; Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Dauya, Ethel; Mackworth-Young, Constance RS; Bath, David; Tucker, Joseph; Simms, Victoria; Bandason, Tsitsi; Ndowa, Francis; Katsidzira, Leolin; Mugurungi, Owen; Machiha, Anna; Marks, Michael; Kranzer, Katharina; Ferrand, Rashida
  • 2022
  • Ancient and recent differences in the intrinsic susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex to pretomanid. (2022) Bateson, Anna; Ortiz Canseco, Julio; McHugh, Timothy D; Witney, Adam A; Feuerriegel, Silke; Merker, Matthias; Kohl, Thomas A; Utpatel, Christian; Niemann, Stefan; Andres, Sönke; Kranzer, Katharina; Maurer, Florian P; Ghodousi, Arash; Borroni, Emanuele; Cirillo, Daniela Maria; Wijkander, Maria; Toro, Juan C; Groenheit, Ramona; Werngren, Jim; Machado, Diana; Viveiros, Miguel; Warren, Robin M; Sirgel, Frederick; Dippenaar, Anzaan; Köser, Claudio U; Sun, Eugene; Timm, Juliano
  • Psychological distress among healthcare workers accessing occupational health services during the COVID-19 pandemic in Zimbabwe. (2022) Chingono, Rudo MS; Nzvere, Farirayi P; Marambire, Edson T; Makwembere, Mirriam; Mhembere, Nesbert; Herbert, Tania; Maunganidze, Aspect JV; Pasi, Christopher; Chiwanga, Michael; Chonzi, Prosper; Ndhlovu, Chiratidzo E; Mujuru, Hilda; Rusakaniko, Simbarashe; Olaru, Ioana D; Ferrand, Rashida A; Simms, Victoria; Kranzer, Katharina
  • Vitamin D3 and calcium carbonate supplementation for adolescents with HIV to reduce musculoskeletal morbidity and immunopathology (VITALITY trial): study protocol for a randomised placebo-controlled trial. (2022) Dzavakwa, Nyasha Veronica; Chisenga, Molly; McHugh, Grace; Filteau, Suzanne; Gregson, Celia Louise; Kasonka, Lackson; Kranzer, Katharina; Mabuda, Hildah Banda; Mujuru, Hilda; Redzo, Nicol; Rowland-Jones, Sarah; Schaible, Ulrich E; Simms, Victoria; Ferrand, Rashida Abbas; VITALITY team
  • The impact of community-based integrated HIV and sexual and reproductive health services for youth on population-level HIV viral load and sexually transmitted infections in Zimbabwe: protocol for the CHIEDZA cluster-randomised trial. (2022) Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Dauya, Ethel; Bandason, Tsitsi; Tembo, Mandikudza; Mavodza, Constancia; Simms, Victoria; Mackworth-Young, Constance; Apollo, Tsitsi; Grundy, Chris; Weiss, Helen; Kranzer, Katharina; Mavimba, Tino; Indravudh, Pitchaya; Doyle, Aoife; Mugurungi, Owen; Machiha, Anna; Bernays, Sarah; Busza, Joanna; Madzima, Bernard; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; McCarthy, Ona; Hayes, Richard; Francis, Suzanna; Ferrand, Rashida
  • Investigating resistance in clinical Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex isolates with genomic and phenotypic antimicrobial susceptibility testing: a multicentre observational study. (2022) Finci, Iris; Albertini, Audrey; Merker, Matthias; Andres, Sönke; Bablishvili, Nino; Barilar, Ivan; Cáceres, Tatiana; Crudu, Valeriu; Gotuzzo, Eduardo; Hapeela, Nchimunya; Hoffmann, Harald; Hoogland, Christine; Kohl, Thomas A; Kranzer, Katharina; Mantsoki, Anna; Maurer, Florian P; Nicol, Mark P; Noroc, Ecaterina; Plesnik, Sara; Rodwell, Timothy; Ruhwald, Morten; Savidge, Theresa; Salfinger, Max; Streicher, Elizabeth; Tukvadze, Nestani; Warren, Robin; Zemanay, Widaad; Zurek, Anna; Niemann, Stefan; Denkinger, Claudia M
  • The Effect of Integration of Family Planning Into HIV Services on Contraceptive Use Among Women Accessing HIV Services in Low and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review. (2022) Grant-Maidment, Tallulah; Kranzer, Katharina; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • Early risk assessment in paediatric and adult household contacts of confirmed tuberculosis cases by novel diagnostic tests (ERASE-TB): protocol for a prospective, non-interventional, longitudinal, multicountry cohort study. (2022) Marambire, Edson Tawanda; Banze, Denise; Mfinanga, Alfred; Mutsvangwa, Junior; Mbunda, Theodora D; Ntinginya, Nyanda Elias; Celso, Khosa; Kallenius, Gunilla; Calderwood, Claire J; Geldmacher, Christof; Held, Kathrin; Appalarowthu, Tejaswi; Rieß, Friedrich; Panzner, Ursula; Heinrich, Norbert; Kranzer, Katharina; ERASE-TB Consortium
  • "It was difficult to offer same day results": evaluation of community-based point-of-care testing for sexually transmitted infections among youth using the GeneXpert platform in Zimbabwe. (2022) Martin, Kevin; Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Mackworth-Young, Constance RS; Chisenga, Mutsawashe; Bandason, Tsitsi; Dauya, Ethel; Olaru, Ioana D; Francis, Suzanna C; Mavodza, Constancia; Nzombe, Portia; Nyamwanza, Rangarirayi; Hove, Fadzanai; Tshuma, Maureen; Machiha, Anna; Kranzer, Katharina; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • Interrupted Access to and Use of Family Planning Among Youth in a Community-Based Service in Zimbabwe During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic. (2022) Mavodza, Constancia V; Bernays, Sarah; Mackworth-Young, Constance RS; Nyamwanza, Rangarirayi; Nzombe, Portia; Dauya, Ethel; Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Tembo, Mandikudza; Apollo, Tsitsi; Mugurungi, Owen; Madzima, Bernard; Kranzer, Katharina; Abbas Ferrand, Rashida; Busza, Joanna
  • Clinical and bacteriological outcomes in patients with urinary tract infections presenting to primary care in Harare, Zimbabwe: a cohort study. (2022) Olaru, Ioana D; Chisenga, Mutsawashe; Yeung, Shunmay; Chonzi, Prosper; Masunda, Kudzai PE; Ferrand, Rashida A; Kranzer, Katharina picture_as_pdf
  • Clinical and bacteriological outcomes in patients with urinary tract infections presenting to primary care in Harare, Zimbabwe: a cohort study. (2022) Olaru, Ioana D; Chisenga, Mutsawashe; Yeung, Shunmay; Chonzi, Prosper; Masunda, Kudzai PE; Ferrand, Rashida A; Kranzer, Katharina picture_as_pdf
  • Process evaluation of an intervention to improve HIV treatment outcomes among children and adolescents. (2022) Seguin, M; Dringus, S; Chiomvu, S; Apollo, T; Sibanda, E; Simms, V; Bernays, S; Chikodzore, R; Redzo, N; Mlilo, P; Ndlovu, L; Nzombe, P; Ncube, B; Kranzer, K; Abbas Ferrand, R; Chikwari, CD
  • Youth researchers academy: a report on an innovative research training programme for young people in Zimbabwe. (2022) Tembo, Mandikudza; Mackworth-Young, Constance; Kranzer, Katharina; Dziva-Chikwari, Chido; Mavodza, Constancia Vimbayi; Dauya, Ethel; Makuni, Mufaro; Chipare, Dakarai; Munyavi-Dehwe, Blessing; Raradza, Daniel; Bernays, Sarah; Chingono, Rudo; Dzavakwa, Nyasha; Nyamwanza, Rudo; Francis, Suzanna Carter; Simms, Victoria; Ferrand, Rashida
  • Coverage and effectiveness of conditional cash transfer for people with drug resistant tuberculosis in Zimbabwe: A mixed methods study. (2022) Timire, Collins; Sandy, Charles; Ferrand, Rashida A; Mubau, Regina; Shiri, Peter; Mbiriyawanda, Obert; Mbiba, Fredrick; Houben, Rein MGJ; Pedrazzoli, Debora; Bond, Virginia; Foster, Nicola; Kranzer, Katharina
  • 2021
  • Evaluation of a Novel Culture System for Rapid Pathogen Identification and Detection of Cephalosporin Resistance in Neonatal Gram-negative Sepsis at a Tertiary Referral Unit in Harare, Zimbabwe. (2021) Chimhini, Gwendoline; Olaru, Ioana Diana; Fitzgerald, Felicity; Chisenga, Mutsawashe; Ferreyra, Cecilia; Malou, Nada; Piton, Jeremie; Chimhuya, Simbarashe; Yeung, Shunmay; De, Surjo; Mujuru, Hilda A; Kranzer, Katharina
  • Better data for country-level TB resource allocation are urgently required. (2021) Clarkson, MC; McQuaid, CF; Houben, RM; Kranzer, K; White, RG
  • Feasibility and Accuracy of HIV Testing of Children by Caregivers Using Oral Mucosal Transudate HIV Tests. (2021) Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Simms, Victoria; Kranzer, Katharina; Dringus, Stefanie; Chikodzore, Rudo; Sibanda, Edwin; Webb, Karen; Redzo, Nicol; Mujuru, Hilda; Apollo, Tsitsi; Ncube, Getrude; Hatzold, Karin; Bernays, Sarah; Weiss, Helen A; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • Community SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence before and after the second wave of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Harare, Zimbabwe. (2021) Fryatt, Arun; Simms, Victoria; Bandason, Tsitsi; Redzo, Nicol; Olaru, Ioana D; Ndhlovu, Chiratidzo E; Mujuru, Hilda; Rusakaniko, Simbarashe; Hoelscher, Michael; Rubio-Acero, Raquel; Paunovic, Ivana; Wieser, Andreas; Chonzi, Prosper; Masunda, Kudzai; Ferrand, Rashida A; Kranzer, Katharina
  • Comprehensive occupational health services for healthcare workers in Zimbabwe during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. (2021) Kavenga, Fungai; Rickman, Hannah M; Chingono, Rudo; Taruvinga, Tinotenda; Marembo, Takudzwa; Manasa, Justen; Marambire, Edson; McHugh, Grace; Gregson, Celia L; Bandason, Tsitsi; Redzo, Nicol; Maunganidze, Aspect; Magure, Tsitsi; Ndhlovu, Chiratidzo; Mujuru, Hilda; Rusakaniko, Simbarashe; Manangazira, Portia; Ferrand, Rashida A; Kranzer, Katharina
  • Mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on tuberculosis and HIV services: A cross-sectional survey of 669 health professionals in 64 low and middle-income countries. (2021) Khan, Mishal S; Rego, Sonia; Rajal, Joaquín Benítez; Bond, Virginia; Fatima, Razia Kaneez; Isani, Afshan Khurshid; Sutherland, Jayne; Kranzer, Katharina
  • Identifying youth at high risk for sexually transmitted infections in community-based settings using a risk prediction tool: a validation study. (2021) Kranzer, Katharina; Simms, Victoria; Dauya, Ethel; Olaru, Ioana D; Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Martin, Kevin; Redzo, Nicol; Bandason, Tsitsi; Tembo, Mandikudza; Francis, Suzanna C; Weiss, Helen A; Hayes, Richard J; Mavodza, Constancia; Apollo, Tsitsi; Ncube, Gertrude; Machiha, Anna; Ferrand, Rashida Abbas
  • The impact of COVID-19 on global tuberculosis control. (2021) Lipman, Marc; McQuaid, C Finn; Abubakar, Ibrahim; Khan, Mishal; Kranzer, Katharina; McHugh, Timothy D; Padmapriyadarsini, Chandrasekaran; Rangaka, Molebogeng X; Stoker, Neil
  • Uptake of and factors associated with testing for sexually transmitted infections in community-based settings among youth in Zimbabwe: a mixed-methods study. (2021) Martin, Kevin; Olaru, Ioana D; Buwu, Nyasha; Bandason, Tsitsi; Marks, Michael; Dauya, Ethel; Muzangwa, Joice; Mabey, David; Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Francis, Suzanna C; Tembo, Mandikudza; Mavodza, Constancia; Simms, Victoria; Mackworth-Young, Constance RS; Machiha, Anna; Kranzer, Katharina; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • When healthcare providers are supportive, 'I'd rather not test alone': Exploring uptake and acceptability of HIV self-testing for youth in Zimbabwe - A mixed method study. (2021) Mavodza, Constancia V; Mackworth-Young, Constance RS; Bandason, Tsitsi; Dauya, Ethel; Chikwari, Chido Dziva; Tembo, Mandikudza; Apollo, Tsitsi; Ncube, Getrude; Kranzer, Katharina; Ferrand, Rashida Abbas; Bernays, Sarah
  • When healthcare providers are supportive, 'I'd rather not test alone': Exploring uptake and acceptability of HIV self-testing for youth in Zimbabwe - A mixed method study. (2021) Mavodza, Constancia V; Mackworth-Young, Constance RS; Bandason, Tsitsi; Dauya, Ethel; Chikwari, Chido Dziva; Tembo, Mandikudza; Apollo, Tsitsi; Ncube, Getrude; Kranzer, Katharina; Ferrand, Rashida Abbas; Bernays, Sarah
  • Evaluation of the Roche cobas MTB and MTB-RIF/INH Assays in Samples from Germany and Sierra Leone. (2021) Nadarajan, Darshaalini; Hillemann, Doris; Kamara, Rashidatu; Foray, Lynda; Conteh, Ousman S; Merker, Matthias; Niemann, Stefan; Lau, Jasmine; Njoya, Merlin; Kranzer, Katharina; Somoskovi, Akos; Maurer, Florian P
  • Clinical and bacteriological outcomes in patients with urinary tract infections presenting to primary care in Harare, Zimbabwe: a cohort study. (2021) Olaru, Ioana D; Chisenga, Mutsawashe; Yeung, Shunmay; Chonzi, Prosper; Masunda, Kudzai PE; Ferrand, Rashida A; Kranzer, Katharina picture_as_pdf
  • Sexually transmitted infections and prior antibiotic use as important causes for negative urine cultures among adults presenting with urinary tract infection symptoms to primary care clinics in Zimbabwe: a cross-sectional study. (2021) Olaru, Ioana D; Chisenga, Mutsawashe; Yeung, Shunmay; Mabey, David; Marks, Michael; Chonzi, Prosper; Masunda, Kudzai Pe; Machiha, Anna; Ferrand, Rashida A; Kranzer, Katharina
  • Evaluation of the InTray and Compact Dry culture systems for the diagnosis of urinary tract infections in patients presenting to primary health clinics in Harare, Zimbabwe. (2021) Olaru, Ioana D; Elamin, Wael; Chisenga, Mutsawashe; Malou, Nada; Piton, Jeremie; Yeung, Shunmay; Ferrand, Rashida A; Hopkins, Heidi; Chonzi, Prosper; Masunda, Kudzai PE; Manangazira, Portia; Ferreyra, Cecilia; Kranzer, Katharina
  • Prevalence of ESBL-producing Escherichia coli in adults with and without HIV presenting with urinary tract infections to primary care clinics in Zimbabwe. (2021) Olaru, Ioana D; Ferrand, Rashida A; Chisenga, Mutsawashe; Yeung, Shunmay; Macrae, Bruce; Chonzi, Prosper; Stabler, Richard A; Hopkins, Heidi; Mabey, David; Masunda, Kudzai PE; Kranzer, Katharina
  • The association between antimicrobial resistance and HIV infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2021) Olaru, Ioana D; Tacconelli, Evelina; Yeung, Shunmay; Ferrand, Rashida A; Stabler, Richard A; Hopkins, Heidi; Aiken, Alexander M; Kranzer, Katharina
  • The burden of drug resistance tuberculosis in Ghana; results of the First National Survey. (2021) Sylverken, Augustina Angelina; Kwarteng, Alexander; Twumasi-Ankrah, Sampson; Owusu, Michael; Arthur, Rejoice Agyeiwaa; Dumevi, Rexford Mawunyo; Adu-Amoah, Louis; Addofoh, Nicholas; Okyere, Portia Boakye; Dzata, Francisca; Bonsu, Frank; Adusi-Poku, Yaw; Kranzer, Katharina; Siroka, Andrew; Gemert, Wayne van; Dean, Anna; Owusu-Dabo, Ellis
  • Catastrophic costs among tuberculosis-affected households in Zimbabwe: A national health facility-based survey. (2021) Timire, Collins; Ngwenya, Mkhokheli; Chirenda, Joconiah; Metcalfe, John Z; Kranzer, Katharina; Pedrazzoli, Debora; Takarinda, Kudakwashe C; Nguhiu, Peter; Madzingaidzo, Geshem; Ndlovu, Kwenzikweyinkosi; Mapuranga, Tawanda; Cornell, Morna; Sandy, Charles
  • The impact of changing the diagnostic algorithm for TB in Manicaland, Zimbabwe. (2021) Zvinoera, K; Olaru, ID; Khan, P; Mutsvangwa, J; Denkinger, CM; Kampira, V; Coutinho, D; Mutunzi, H; Pepukai, M; Chikaka, E; Zinyowera, S; Mharakurwa, S; Kranzer, K
  • 2020
  • MDR M. tuberculosis outbreak clone in Eswatini missed by Xpert has elevated bedaquiline resistance dated to the pre-treatment era. (2020) Beckert, Patrick; Sanchez-Padilla, Elisabeth; Merker, Matthias; Dreyer, Viola; Kohl, Thomas A; Utpatel, Christian; Köser, Claudio U; Barilar, Ivan; Ismail, Nazir; Omar, Shaheed Vally; Klopper, Marisa; Warren, Robin M; Hoffmann, Harald; Maphalala, Gugu; Ardizzoni, Elisa; de Jong, Bouke C; Kerschberger, Bernhard; Schramm, Birgit; Andres, Sönke; Kranzer, Katharina; Maurer, Florian P; Bonnet, Maryline; Niemann, Stefan
  • Trade-offs between cost and accuracy in active case finding for tuberculosis: A dynamic modelling analysis. (2020) Cilloni, Lucia; Kranzer, Katharina; Stagg, Helen R; Arinaminpathy, Nimalan
  • Phylogenomic Perspective on a Unique Mycobacterium bovis Clade Dominating Bovine Tuberculosis Infections among Cattle and Buffalos in Northern Brazil. (2020) Conceição, Marília Lima da; Conceição, Emilyn Costa; Furlaneto, Ismari Perini; Silva, Sandro Patroca da; Guimarães, Arthur Emil Dos Santos; Gomes, Pedro; Boschiroli, María Laura; Michelet, Lorraine; Kohl, Thomas Andreas; Kranzer, Katharina; Francez, Loreno da Costa; Lima, Luana Nepomuceno Gondim Costa; Portugal, Isabel; Perdigão, João; Lima, Karla Valéria Batista
  • Antibiotics, rational drug use and the architecture of global health in Zimbabwe. (2020) Dixon, Justin; Manyau, Salome; Kandiye, Faith; Kranzer, Katharina; Chandler, Clare IR
  • Addressing the challenges and relational aspects of index-linked HIV testing for children and adolescents: insights from the B-GAP study in Zimbabwe. (2020) Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Bernays, Sarah; Dringus, Stefanie; Simms, Victoria; Weiss, Helen A; Sibanda, Edwin; Kranzer, Katharina; Ncube, Gertrude; Chikodzore, Rudo; Webb, Karen; Chirimambowa, Trevor; Sithole, Kenny; Ndondo, Nonhlanhla; Apollo, Tsitsi; Mutseta, Miriam; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • Comparison of index-linked HIV testing for children and adolescents in health facility and community settings in Zimbabwe: findings from the interventional B-GAP study. (2020) Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Simms, Victoria; Kranzer, Katharina; Dringus, Stefanie; Chikodzore, Rudo; Sibanda, Edwin; Webb, Karen; Engelsmann, Barbara; Redzo, Nicol; Bandason, Tsitsi; Mujuru, Hilda; Apollo, Tsitsi; Ncube, Getrude; Hatzold, Karen; Weiss, Helen A; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • Effect of Once-Weekly Azithromycin vs Placebo in Children With HIV-Associated Chronic Lung Disease: The BREATHE Randomized Clinical Trial. (2020) Ferrand, Rashida A; McHugh, Grace; Rehman, Andrea M; Mujuru, Hilda; Simms, Victoria; Majonga, Edith D; Nicol, Mark P; Flaegstad, Trond; Gutteberg, Tore J; Gonzalez-Martinez, Carmen; Corbett, Elizabeth L; Rowland-Jones, Sarah L; Kranzer, Katharina; Weiss, Helen A; Odland, Jon O; BREATHE Trial Group
  • Febrile Illness Evaluation in a Broad Range of Endemicities (FIEBRE): protocol for a multisite prospective observational study of the causes of fever in Africa and Asia. (2020) Hopkins, Heidi; Bassat, Quique; Chandler, Clare Ir; Crump, John A; Feasey, Nicholas A; Ferrand, Rashida A; Kranzer, Katharina; Lalloo, David G; Mayxay, Mayfong; Newton, Paul N; Mabey, David; FIEBRE Consortium
  • Concurrent adult pulmonary tuberculosis prevalence survey using digital radiography and Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra and child interferon-gamma release assay Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection survey in Karachi, Pakistan: a study protocol. (2020) Khan, Palwasha Y; Paracha, M Shariq; Grundy, Chris; Saeed, Saadia; Dojki, Maqboola; Madhani, Falak; Page-Shipp, Liesl; Khursheed, Nazia; Rabbani, Waleed; Riaz, Najam; Khowaja, Saira; Hussain, Owais; Habib, Ali; Khan, Uzma; Kranzer, Katharina; Ferrand, Rashida A; Lewis, James J; Khan, Aamir J; Fielding, Katherine L
  • Population Structure of Mycobacterium bovis in Germany: a Long-Term Study Using Whole-Genome Sequencing Combined with Conventional Molecular Typing Methods. (2020) Kohl, Thomas A; Kranzer, Katharina; Andres, Sönke; Wirth, Thierry; Niemann, Stefan; Moser, Irmgard
  • Chronic lung disease in children and adolescents with HIV: a case-control study. (2020) McHugh, Grace; Rehman, Andrea M; Simms, Victoria; Gonzalez-Martinez, Carmen; Bandason, Tsitsi; Dauya, Ethel; Moyo, Brewster; Mujuru, Hilda; Rylance, Jamie; Sovershaeva, Evgeniya; Weiss, Helen A; Kranzer, Katharina; Odland, Jon; Ferrand, Rashida A; BREATHE Clinical Trial Team
  • Risk assessment for rationalizing the use of personal protective equipment for SARS-CoV2 in healthcare settings with special focus on low- and middle-income settings. (2020) Olaru, Ioana D; Ferrand, Rashida A; Magwenzi, Marcelyn T; Robertson, Valerie; Musenyereki, Vimbainashe; Kranzer, Katharina description
  • Assessment of antimicrobial use and prescribing practices among pediatric inpatients in Zimbabwe. (2020) Olaru, Ioana D; Meierkord, Anne; Godman, Brian; Ngwenya, Crispen; Fitzgerald, Felicity; Dondo, Vongai; Ferrand, Rashida A; Kranzer, Katharina
  • Antimicrobial Resistance in Gram-negative bacteria from Urinary Specimens: a study of prevalence, risk factors and molecular mechanisms of resistance (ARGUS) in Zimbabwe - a study protocol. (2020) Olaru, Ioana D; Yeung, Shunmay; Ferrand, Rashida A; Stabler, Richard; Chonzi, Prosper; Mabey, David; Hopkins, Heidi; Bradley, John; Masunda, Kudzai PE; Munyati, Shungu; Kranzer, Katharina
  • Antimicrobial Resistance in Gram-negative bacteria from Urinary Specimens: a study of prevalence, risk factors and molecular mechanisms of resistance (ARGUS) in Zimbabwe - a study protocol. (2020) Olaru, Ioana D; Yeung, Shunmay; Ferrand, Rashida A; Stabler, Richard; Chonzi, Prosper; Mabey, David; Hopkins, Heidi; Bradley, John; Masunda, Kudzai PE; Munyati, Shungu; Kranzer, Katharina
  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex Lineage 3 as Causative Agent of Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Eastern Sudan1. (2020) Shuaib, Yassir A; Khalil, Eltahir AG; Wieler, Lothar H; Schaible, Ulrich E; Bakheit, Mohammed A; Mohamed-Noor, Saad E; Abdalla, Mohamed A; Kerubo, Glennah; Andres, Sönke; Hillemann, Doris; Richter, Elvira; Kranzer, Katharina; Niemann, Stefan; Merker, Matthias
  • 2019
  • A Diagnostic Algorithm To Investigate Pyrazinamide and Ethambutol Resistance in Rifampin-Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis Isolates in a Low-Incidence Setting. (2019) Andres, Söenke; Gröschel, Matthias I; Hillemann, Doris; Merker, Matthias; Niemann, Stefan; Kranzer, Katharina
  • Evaluating the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of health facility-based and community-based index-linked HIV testing strategies for children: protocol for the B-GAP study in Zimbabwe. (2019) Dziva Chikwari, Chido; Simms, Victoria; Dringus, Stefanie; Kranzer, Katharina; Bandason, Tsitsi; Vasantharoopan, Arthi; Chikodzore, Rudo; Sibanda, Edwin; Mutseta, Miriam; Webb, Karen; Engelsmann, Barbara; Ncube, Gertrude; Mujuru, Hilda; Apollo, Tsitsi; Weiss, Helen Anne; Ferrand, Rashida
  • Population structure of drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Central Asia. (2019) Engström, Anna; Antonenka, Uladzimir; Kadyrov, Abdylat; Kalmambetova, Gulmira; Kranzer, Katharina; Merker, Matthias; Kabirov, Olim; Parpieva, Nargiza; Rajabov, Asliddin; Sahalchyk, Evgeni; Sayfudtinov, Zayniddin; Niemann, Stefan; Hoffmann, Harald
  • Population structure of drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Central Asia. (2019) Engström, Anna; Antonenka, Uladzimir; Kadyrov, Abdylat; Kalmambetova, Gulmira; Kranzer, Katharina; Merker, Matthias; Kabirov, Olim; Parpieva, Nargiza; Rajabov, Asliddin; Sahalchyk, Evgeni; Sayfudtinov, Zayniddin; Niemann, Stefan; Hoffmann, Harald
  • Random glucose sampling as screening tool for diabetes among disadvantaged tuberculosis patients residing in urban slums in India. (2019) Gröschel, Matthias I; Luz, Christian F; Batra, Sonali; Ahuja, Sandeep; Batra, Shelly; Kranzer, Katharina; van der Werf, Tjip S
  • Introduction of quality management in a National Reference Laboratory in Germany. (2019) Homolka, Susanne; Zallet, Julia; Albert, Heidi; Witt, Anne-Kathrin; Kranzer, Katharina
  • New World Health Organization Treatment Recommendations for Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis: Are We Well Enough Prepared? (2019) Kranzer, Katharina; Kalsdorf, Barbara; Heyckendorf, Jan; Andres, Sönke; Merker, Matthias; Hofmann-Thiel, Sabine; Bloemberg, Guido V; Hoffmann, Harald; Niemann, Stefan; Lange, Christoph; Maurer, Florian P
  • 'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it': Drug-susceptibility testing for bedaquiline and delamanid. (2019) Köser, Claudio U; Maurer, Florian P; Kranzer, Katharina
  • Clinical and Economic Impact of Implementing OVIVA Criteria on Patients With Bone and Joint Infections in Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy. (2019) Marks, Michael; Bell, Lucy CK; Jones, Imogen; Rampling, Tommy; Kranzer, Katharina; Morris-Jones, Stephen; Logan, Sarah; Pollara, Gabriele
  • Typhoid Vi-conjugate vaccine for outbreak control in Zimbabwe. (2019) Olaru, Ioana D; Mtapuri-Zinyowera, Sekesai; Feasey, Nicholas; Ferrand, Rashida A; Kranzer, Katharina
  • Trends and risk factors for death and excess all-cause mortality among notified tuberculosis patients in the UK: an analysis of surveillance data. (2019) Pedrazzoli, Debora; Kranzer, Katharina; Thomas, H Lucy; Lalor, Maeve K
  • World Tuberculosis Day March 24th 2019 Theme: "It's TIME" - International Journal of Infectious Diseases Tuberculosis Theme Series. (2019) Petersen, Eskild; Rao, Martin; Ippolito, Giuseppe; Gualano, Gina; Chakaya, Jeremiah; Ntoumi, Francine; Moore, David; Allen, Rhiannon; Gaskell, Katherine; Öhd, Joanna Nederby; Hergens, Maria-Pia; Krishnamoorthy, Sriram; Ugarte-Gil, Cesar; Kirwan, Daniela E; Honeyborne, Isobella; McHugh, Timothy D; Köser, Claudio U; Kranzer, Katharina; Tiberi, Simon; Migliori, Giovanni Battista; Mao, Qiang; Yang, Yahong; Oliveira, Simoni P; Cardoso, Rosilene F; Detjen, Anne; Marais, Ben; de Gijsel, David; von Reyn, C Fordham; Goscé, Lara; Abubakar, Ibrahim; Maeurer, Markus; Zumla, Alimuddin
  • Emergence of Low-level Delamanid and Bedaquiline Resistance During Extremely Drug-resistant Tuberculosis Treatment. (2019) Polsfuss, Silke; Hofmann-Thiel, Sabine; Merker, Matthias; Krieger, David; Niemann, Stefan; Rüssmann, Holger; Schönfeld, Nicolas; Hoffmann, Harald; Kranzer, Katharina description
  • Adolescent tuberculosis. (2019) Snow, Kathryn J; Cruz, Andrea T; Seddon, James A; Ferrand, Rashida A; Chiang, Silvia S; Hughes, Jennifer A; Kampmann, Beate; Graham, Steve M; Dodd, Peter J; Houben, Rein M; Denholm, Justin T; Sawyer, Susan M; Kranzer, Katharina
  • History of tuberculosis is associated with lower exhaled nitric oxide levels in HIV-infected children. (2019) Sovershaeva, Evgeniya; Kranzer, Katharina; Mchugh, Grace; Bandason, Tsitsi; Majonga, Edith D; Usmani, Omar S; Rowland-Jones, Sarah; Gutteberg, Tore; Flægstad, Trond; Ferrand, Rashida A; Odland, Jon Ø
  • 2018
  • Screening tool to identify adolescents living with HIV in a community setting in Zimbabwe: A validation study. (2018) Bandason, Tsitsi; Dauya, Ethel; Dakshina, Subathira; McHugh, Grace; Chonzi, Prosper; Munyati, Shungu; Weiss, Helen A; Simms, Victoria; Kranzer, Katharina; Ferrand, Rashida Abbas
  • Validation of the FluoroType MTBDR Assay for Detection of Rifampin and Isoniazid Resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex Isolates. (2018) Hillemann, Doris; Haasis, Carsten; Andres, Sönke; Behn, Tobias; Kranzer, Katharina
  • What if They Don't Have Tuberculosis? The Consequences and Trade-offs Involved in False-positive Diagnoses of Tuberculosis. (2018) Houben, Rein MGJ; Lalli, Marek; Kranzer, Katharina; Menzies, Nick A; Schumacher, Samuel G; Dowdy, David W
  • Computer-assisted chest radiography reading for tuberculosis screening in people living with diabetes mellitus. (2018) Koesoemadinata, RC; Kranzer, K; Livia, R; Susilawati, N; Annisa, J; Soetedjo, NNM; Ruslami, R; Philipsen, R; van Ginneken, B; Soetikno, RD; van Crevel, R; Alisjahbana, B; Hill, PC
  • Racial Variation in Echocardiographic Reference Ranges for Left Chamber Dimensions in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review. (2018) Majonga, Edith D; Norrish, Gabrielle; Rehman, Andrea M; Kranzer, Katharina; Mujuru, Hilda A; Nathoo, Kusum; Odland, Jon O; Kaski, Juan P; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • Impact of quality improvement in tuberculosis laboratories in low- and lower-middle-income countries: a systematic review. (2018) Olaru, ID; Albert, H; Zallet, J; Werner, U-E; Ahmed, N; Rieder, HL; Salfinger, M; Kranzer, K
  • Smear Microscopy for Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Eastern Sudan. (2018) Shuaib, Yassir A; Khalil, Eltahir AG; Schaible, Ulrich E; Wieler, Lothar H; Bakheit, Mohammed AM; Mohamed-Noor, Saad E; Abdalla, Mohamed A; Homolka, Susanne; Andres, Sönke; Hillemann, Doris; Lonnroth, Knut; Richter, Elvira; Niemann, Stefan; Kranzer, Katharina picture_as_pdf
  • A cluster of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis among patients arriving in Europe from the Horn of Africa: a molecular epidemiological study. (2018) Walker, Timothy M; Merker, Matthias; Knoblauch, Astrid M; Helbling, Peter; Schoch, Otto D; van der Werf, Marieke J; Kranzer, Katharina; Fiebig, Lena; Kröger, Stefan; Haas, Walter; Hoffmann, Harald; Indra, Alexander; Egli, Adrian; Cirillo, Daniela M; Robert, Jérôme; Rogers, Thomas R; Groenheit, Ramona; Mengshoel, Anne T; Mathys, Vanessa; Haanperä, Marjo; Soolingen, Dick van; Niemann, Stefan; Böttger, Erik C; Keller, Peter M; MDR-TB Cluster Consortium
  • Evaluation of OMNIgene®•SPUTUM reagent for mycobacterial culture. (2018) Zallet, J; Olaru, ID; Witt, A-K; Vock, P; Kalsdorf, B; Andres, S; Hillemann, D; Kranzer, K
  • 2017
  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Associated Chronic Lung Disease in Children and Adolescents in Zimbabwe: Chest Radiographic and High-Resolution Computed Tomographic Findings. (2017) Desai, Sujal R; Nair, Arjun; Rylance, Jamie; Mujuru, Hilda; Nathoo, Kusum; McHugh, Grace; Majonga, Edith; Metcalfe, John; Kranzer, Katharina; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • The effect of community-based support for caregivers on the risk of virological failure in children and adolescents with HIV in Harare, Zimbabwe (ZENITH): an open-label, randomised controlled trial. (2017) Ferrand, Rashida A; Simms, Victoria; Dauya, Ethel; Bandason, Tsitsi; Mchugh, Grace; Mujuru, Hilda; Chonzi, Prosper; Busza, Joanna; Kranzer, Katharina; Munyati, Shungu; Weiss, Helen A; Hayes, Richard J
  • Azithromycin versus placebo for the treatment of HIV-associated chronic lung disease in children and adolescents (BREATHE trial): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. (2017) Gonzalez-Martinez, Carmen; Kranzer, Katharina; McHugh, Grace; Corbett, Elizabeth L; Mujuru, Hilda; Nicol, Mark P; Rowland-Jones, Sarah; Rehman, Andrea M; Gutteberg, Tore J; Flaegstad, Trond; Odland, Jon O; Ferrand, Rashida A; BREATHE study team
  • How should discordance between molecular and growth-based assays for rifampicin resistance be investigated? (2017) Hofmann-Thiel, S; Hoffmann, H; Hillemann, D; Rigouts, L; Van Deun, A; Kranzer, K
  • Does antiretroviral treatment increase the infectiousness of smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis? (2017) Khan, PY; Crampin, AC; Mzembe, T; Koole, O; Fielding, KL; Kranzer, K; Glynn, JR
  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission from patients with drug-resistant compared to drug-susceptible TB: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2017) Kodama, Chiori; Lange, Berit; Olaru, Ioana D; Khan, Palwasha; Lipman, Marc; Seddon, James A; Sloan, Derek; Grandjean, Louis; Ferrand, Rashida Abbas; Kranzer, Katharina
  • Loss to follow-up among children and adolescents growing up with HIV infection: age really matters. (2017) Kranzer, Katharina; Bradley, John; Musaazi, Joseph; Nyathi, Mary; Gunguwo, Hilary; Ndebele, Wedu; Dixon, Mark; Ndhlovu, Mbongeni; Rehman, Andrea; Khan, Palwasha; Vogt, Florian; Apollo, Tsitsi; Ferrand, Rashida Abbas
  • Economic incentives for HIV testing by adolescents in Zimbabwe: a randomised controlled trial. (2017) Kranzer, Katharina; Simms, Victoria; Bandason, Tsitsi; Dauya, Ethel; McHugh, Grace; Munyati, Shungu; Chonzi, Prosper; Dakshina, Suba; Mujuru, Hilda; Weiss, Helen A; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • Diagnostic accuracy of the Xpert® MTB/RIF cycle threshold level to predict smear positivity: a meta-analysis. (2017) Lange, B; Khan, P; Kalmambetova, G; Al-Darraji, HA; Alland, D; Antonenka, U; Brown, T; Balcells, ME; Blakemore, R; Denkinger, CM; Dheda, K; Hoffmann, H; Kadyrov, A; Lemaitre, N; Miller, MB; Nikolayevskyy, V; Ntinginya, EN; Ozkutuk, N; Palacios, JJ; Popowitch, EB; Porcel, JM; Teo, J; Theron, G; Kranzer, K
  • The case for viral load testing in adolescents in resource-limited settings. (2017) Marcus, Rebecca; Ferrand, Rashida A; Kranzer, Katharina; Bekker, Linda-Gail
  • Clinical outcomes in children and adolescents initiating antiretroviral therapy in decentralized healthcare settings in Zimbabwe. (2017) McHugh, Grace; Simms, Victoria; Dauya, Ethel; Bandason, Tsitsi; Chonzi, Prosper; Metaxa, Dafni; Munyati, Shungu; Nathoo, Kusum; Mujuru, Hilda; Kranzer, Katharina; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • Language discordance between tuberculosis patients and healthcare providers challenging universal access. (2017) Nakiwala, Dorothy; Kellgren, Lusha; Herzmann, Christian; Olaru, Ioana D; Brown, Mike; Ferrand, Rashida; Khan, Palwasha; Kranzer, Katharina
  • Turnaround time of whole genome sequencing for mycobacterial identification and drug susceptibility testing in routine practice. (2017) Olaru, ID; Patel, H; Kranzer, K; Perera, N
  • False-negative HIV tests using oral fluid tests in children taking antiretroviral therapy from Harare, Zimbabwe. (2017) Olaru, Ioana D; McHugh, Grace; Dakshina, Suba; Majonga, Edith; Dauya, Ethel; Bandason, Tsitsi; Kranzer, Katharina; Mujuru, Hilda; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • Can tuberculosis patients in resource-constrained settings afford chest radiography? (2017) Pedrazzoli, D; Lalli, M; Boccia, D; Houben, R; Kranzer, K
  • Disability, social functioning and school inclusion among older children and adolescents living with HIV in Zimbabwe. (2017) Rukuni, Ruramayi; McHugh, Grace; Majonga, Edith; Kranzer, Katharina; Mujuru, Hilda; Munyati, Shungu; Nathoo, Kusum; Gregson, Celia L; Kuper, Hannah; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • Community burden of undiagnosed HIV infection among adolescents in Zimbabwe following primary healthcare-based provider-initiated HIV testing and counselling: A cross-sectional survey. (2017) Simms, Victoria; Dauya, Ethel; Dakshina, Subathira; Bandason, Tsitsi; McHugh, Grace; Munyati, Shungu; Chonzi, Prosper; Kranzer, Katharina; Ncube, Getrude; Masimirembwa, Collen; Thelingwani, Roslyn; Apollo, Tsitsi; Hayes, Richard; Weiss, Helen A; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • Carriage of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in HIV-infected children in Zimbabwe. (2017) Wilmore, SMS; Kranzer, K; Williams, A; Makamure, B; Nhidza, AF; Mayini, J; Bandason, T; Metcalfe, J; Nicol, MP; Balakrishnan, I; Ellington, MJ; Woodford, N; Hopkins, S; McHugh, TD; Ferrand, RA
  • 2016
  • Validation of a screening tool to identify older children living with HIV in primary care facilities in high HIV prevalence settings. (2016) Bandason, Tsitsi; McHugh, Grace; Dauya, Ethel; Mungofa, Stanley; Munyati, Shungu M; Weiss, Helen A; Mujuru, Hilda; Kranzer, Katharina; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • Viral suppression in adolescents on antiretroviral treatment: review of the literature and critical appraisal of methodological challenges. (2016) Ferrand, Rashida A; Briggs, Datonye; Ferguson, Jane; Penazzato, Martina; Armstrong, Alice; MacPherson, Peter; Ross, David A; Kranzer, Katharina
  • Implementation and Operational Research: The Effectiveness of Routine Opt-Out HIV Testing for Children in Harare, Zimbabwe. (2016) Ferrand, Rashida Abbas; Meghji, Jamilah; Kidia, Khameer; Dauya, Ethel; Bandason, Tsitsi; Mujuru, Hilda; Ncube, Getrude; Mungofa, Stanley; Kranzer, Katharina
  • Risk factors for Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in 2-4 year olds in a rural HIV-prevalent setting. (2016) Khan, PY; Glynn, JR; Fielding, KL; Mzembe, T; Mulawa, D; Chiumya, R; Fine, PEM; Koole, O; Kranzer, K; Crampin, AC
  • Challenges in the Estimation of the Annual Risk of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection in Children Aged Less Than 5 Years. (2016) Khan, PY; Glynn, Judith R; Mzembe, T; Mulawa, D; Chiumya, R; Crampin, Amelia C; Kranzer, Katharina; Fielding, Katherine L
  • Tuberculosis control. (2016) Kranzer, Katharina; Khan, Palwasha; Godfrey-Fausset, Peter; Ayles, Helen; Lönnroth, Knut
  • Chronic Morbidity Among Older Children and Adolescents at Diagnosis of HIV Infection. (2016) McHugh, Grace; Rylance, Jamie; Mujuru, Hilda; Nathoo, Kusum; Chonzi, Prosper; Dauya, Ethel; Bandason, Tsitsi; Simms, Victoria; Kranzer, Katharina; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • Whole genome sequencing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis for detection of recent transmission and tracing outbreaks: A systematic review. (2016) Nikolayevskyy, Vlad; Kranzer, Katharina; Niemann, Stefan; Drobniewski, Francis
  • Attitudes and Behaviours to Antimicrobial Prescribing following Introduction of a Smartphone App. (2016) Panesar, Preet; Jones, Alisdair; Aldous, Alicia; Kranzer, Katharina; Halpin, Eamus; Fifer, Helen; Macrae, Bruce; Curtis, Carmel; Pollara, Gabriele
  • Evaluation of Xpert MTB/RIF for Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Cerebrospinal Fluid. (2016) Pink, F; Brown, TJ; Kranzer, K; Drobniewski, F
  • What are the most efficacious treatment regimens for isoniazid-resistant tuberculosis? A systematic review and network meta-analysis. (2016) Stagg, HR; Harris, RJ; Hatherell, H-A; Obach, D; Zhao, H; Tsuchiya, N; Kranzer, K; Nikolayevskyy, V; Kim, J; Lipman, MC; Abubakar, I
  • Relationship Between Time to Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy and Treatment Outcomes: A Cohort Analysis of ART Eligible Adolescents in Zimbabwe. (2016) Vogt, Florian; Rehman, Andrea M; Kranzer, Katharina; Nyathi, Mary; Van Griensven, Johan; Dixon, Mark; Ndebele, Wedu; Gunguwo, Hilary; Colebunders, Robert; Ndlovu, Mbongeni; Apollo, Tsitsi; Ferrand, Rashida A description
  • 2015
  • TB as a cause of hospitalization and in-hospital mortality among people living with HIV worldwide: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2015) Ford, Nathan; Matteelli, Alberto; Shubber, Zara; Hermans, Sabine; Meintjes, Graeme; Grinsztejn, Beatriz; Waldrop, Greer; Kranzer, Katharina; Doherty, Meg; Getahun, Haileyesus
  • Management of latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection: WHO guidelines for low tuberculosis burden countries. (2015) Getahun, Haileyesus; Matteelli, Alberto; Abubakar, Ibrahim; Aziz, Mohamed Abdel; Baddeley, Annabel; Barreira, Draurio; Den Boon, Saskia; Borroto Gutierrez, Susana Marta; Bruchfeld, Judith; Burhan, Erlina; Cavalcante, Solange; Cedillos, Rolando; Chaisson, Richard; Chee, Cynthia Bin-Eng; Chesire, Lucy; Corbett, Elizabeth; Dara, Masoud; Denholm, Justin; de Vries, Gerard; Falzon, Dennis; Ford, Nathan; Gale-Rowe, Margaret; Gilpin, Chris; Girardi, Enrico; Go, Un-Yeong; Govindasamy, Darshini; D Grant, Alison; Grzemska, Malgorzata; Harris, Ross; Horsburgh, C Robert; Ismayilov, Asker; Jaramillo, Ernesto; Kik, Sandra; Kranzer, Katharina; Lienhardt, Christian; LoBue, Philip; Lönnroth, Knut; Marks, Guy; Menzies, Dick; Migliori, Giovanni Battista; Mosca, Davide; Mukadi, Ya Diul; Mwinga, Alwyn; Nelson, Lisa; Nishikiori, Nobuyuki; Oordt-Speets, Anouk; Rangaka, Molebogeng Xheedha; Reis, Andreas; Rotz, Lisa; Sandgren, Andreas; Sañé Schepisi, Monica; Schünemann, Holger J; Sharma, Surender Kumar; Sotgiu, Giovanni; Stagg, Helen R; Sterling, Timothy R; Tayeb, Tamara; Uplekar, Mukund; van der Werf, Marieke J; Vandevelde, Wim; van Kessel, Femke; van't Hoog, Anna; Varma, Jay K; Vezhnina, Natalia; Voniatis, Constantia; Vonk Noordegraaf-Schouten, Marije; Weil, Diana; Weyer, Karin; Wilkinson, Robert John; Yoshiyama, Takashi; Zellweger, Jean Pierre; Raviglione, Mario
  • Uptake and yield of HIV testing and counselling among children and adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review. (2015) Govindasamy, Darshini; Ferrand, Rashida A; Wilmore, Stephanie Ms; Ford, Nathan; Ahmed, Saeed; Afnan-Holmes, Hoviyeh; Kranzer, Katharina
  • Superior virologic and treatment outcomes when viral load is measured at 3 months compared to 6 months on antiretroviral therapy. (2015) Kerschberger, Bernhard; Boulle, Andrew M; Kranzer, Katharina; Hilderbrand, Katherine; Schomaker, Michael; Coetzee, David; Goemaere, Eric; Van Cutsem, Gilles
  • A systematic review and meta-analysis of the efficacy and safety of N-acetylcysteine in preventing aminoglycoside-induced ototoxicity: implications for the treatment of multidrug-resistant TB. (2015) Kranzer, Katharina; Elamin, Wael F; Cox, Helen; Seddon, James A; Ford, Nathan; Drobniewski, Francis
  • Service delivery interventions to improve adolescents' linkage, retention and adherence to antiretroviral therapy and HIV care. (2015) MacPherson, Peter; Munthali, Chigomezgo; Ferguson, Jane; Armstrong, Alice; Kranzer, Katharina; Ferrand, Rashida A; Ross, David A
  • 2014
  • Mobile HIV screening in Cape Town, South Africa: clinical impact, cost and cost-effectiveness. (2014) Bassett, Ingrid V; Govindasamy, Darshini; Erlwanger, Alison S; Hyle, Emily P; Kranzer, Katharina; van Schaik, Nienke; Noubary, Farzad; Paltiel, A David; Wood, Robin; Walensky, Rochelle P; Losina, Elena; Bekker, Linda-Gail; Freedberg, Kenneth A
  • Children growing up with HIV infection: the responsibility of success. (2014) Bernays, Sarah; Jarrett, Prudence; Kranzer, Katharina; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • Effect of community-based HIV counselling and testing on HIV incidence. (2014) Ferrand, Rashida A; Kranzer, Katharina
  • Maximising the benefits of home-based HIV testing. (2014) Ferrand, Rashida; Ford, Nathan; Kranzer, Katharina
  • Interventions to improve or facilitate linkage to or retention in pre-ART (HIV) care and initiation of ART in low- and middle-income settings--a systematic review. (2014) Govindasamy, Darshini; Meghij, Jamilah; Kebede Negussi, Eyerusalem; Clare Baggaley, Rachel; Ford, Nathan; Kranzer, Katharina
  • Barriers to provider-initiated testing and counselling for children in a high HIV prevalence setting: a mixed methods study. (2014) Kranzer, Katharina; Meghji, Jamilah; Bandason, Tsitsi; Dauya, Ethel; Mungofa, Stanley; Busza, Joanna; Hatzold, Karin; Kidia, Khameer; Mujuru, Hilda; Ferrand, Rashida A
  • Strength of recommendations in WHO guidelines using GRADE was associated with uptake in national policy. (2014) Nasser, Syed Muhammad Umar; Cooke, Graham; Kranzer, Katharina; Norris, Susan L; Olliaro, Piero; Ford, Nathan
  • 2013
  • Strengthening the HIV cascade to ensure an effective future ART response in sub-Saharan Africa. (2013) Govindasamy, Darshini; Kranzer, Katharina; Ford, Nathan
  • Linkage to HIV, TB and non-communicable disease care from a mobile testing unit in Cape Town, South Africa. (2013) Govindasamy, Darshini; Kranzer, Katharina; van Schaik, Nienke; Noubary, Farzad; Wood, Robin; Walensky, Rochelle P; Freedberg, Kenneth A; Bassett, Ingrid V; Bekker, Linda-Gail
  • The benefits to communities and individuals of screening for active tuberculosis disease: a systematic review. (2013) Kranzer, K; Afnan-Holmes, H; Tomlin, K; Golub, JE; Shapiro, AE; Schaap, A; Corbett, EL; Lönnroth, K; Glynn, JR
  • Community viral load and CD4 count distribution among people living with HIV in a South African Township: implications for treatment as prevention. (2013) Kranzer, Katharina; Lawn, Stephen D; Johnson, Leigh F; Bekker, Linda-Gail; Wood, Robin
  • Pre-treatment loss to follow-up in tuberculosis patients in low- and lower-middle-income countries and high-burden countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2013) MacPherson, Peter; Houben, Rein MGJ; Glynn, Judith R; Corbett, Elizabeth L; Kranzer, Katharina
  • Methodological and policy limitations of quantifying the saving of lives: a case study of the Global Fund's approach. (2013) McCoy, David; Jensen, Nele; Kranzer, Katharina; Ferrand, Rashida A; Korenromp, Eline L
  • 2012
  • Antiretroviral therapy outcomes among adolescents and youth in rural Zimbabwe. (2012) Bygrave, Helen; Mtangirwa, Judith; Ncube, Kwenzakwenkosi; Ford, Nathan; Kranzer, Katharina; Munyaradzi, Dhodho
  • Risk factors, barriers and facilitators for linkage to antiretroviral therapy care: a systematic review. (2012) Govindasamy, Darshini; Ford, Nathan; Kranzer, Katharina
  • Systematic review of TST responses in people living with HIV in under-resourced settings: implications for isoniazid preventive therapy. (2012) Kerkhoff, Andrew D; Kranzer, Katharina; Samandari, Taraz; Nakiyingi-Miiro, Jessica; Whalen, Christopher C; Harries, Anthony D; Lawn, Stephen D
  • Quantifying and addressing losses along the continuum of care for people living with HIV infection in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review. (2012) Kranzer, Katharina; Govindasamy, Darshini; Ford, Nathan; Johnston, Victoria; Lawn, Stephen D
  • Feasibility, yield, and cost of active tuberculosis case finding linked to a mobile HIV service in Cape Town, South Africa: a cross-sectional study. (2012) Kranzer, Katharina; Lawn, Stephen D; Meyer-Rath, Gesine; Vassall, Anna; Raditlhalo, Eudoxia; Govindasamy, Darshini; van Schaik, Nienke; Wood, Robin; Bekker, Linda-Gail
  • Very early anthropometric changes after antiretroviral therapy predict subsequent survival, in karonga, Malawi. (2012) Maman, David; Glynn, Judith R; Crampin, Amelia C; Kranzer, Katharina; Saul, Jacqueline; Jahn, Andreas; Mwinuka, Venance; Ngwira, Msenga Hc; Mvula, Hazzie; Munthali, Fipson; McGrath, Nuala
  • Treatment outcomes in HIV-infected adolescents attending a community-based antiretroviral therapy clinic in South Africa. (2012) Nglazi, Mweete D; Kranzer, Katharina; Holele, Pearl; Kaplan, Richard; Mark, Daniella; Jaspan, Heather; Lawn, Stephen D; Wood, Robin; Bekker, Linda-Gail
  • An incentivized HIV counseling and testing program targeting hard-to-reach unemployed men in Cape Town, South Africa. (2012) Nglazi, Mweete D; van Schaik, Nienke; Kranzer, Katharina; Lawn, Stephen D; Wood, Robin; Bekker, Linda-Gail
  • 2011
  • Implementing a tenofovir-based first-line regimen in rural Lesotho: clinical outcomes and toxicities after two years. (2011) Bygrave, Helen; Ford, Nathan; van Cutsem, Gilles; Hilderbrand, Katherine; Jouquet, Guillaume; Goemaere, Eric; Vlahakis, Nathalie; Triviño, Laura; Makakole, Lipontso; Kranzer, Katharina
  • Renal safety of a tenofovir-containing first line regimen: experience from an antiretroviral cohort in rural Lesotho. (2011) Bygrave, Helen; Kranzer, Katharina; Hilderbrand, Katherine; Jouquet, Guillaume; Goemaere, Eric; Vlahakis, Nathalie; Triviño, Laura; Makakole, Lipontso; Ford, Nathan
  • The impact of isoniazid preventive therapy and antiretroviral therapy on tuberculosis in children infected with HIV in a high tuberculosis incidence setting. (2011) Frigati, LJ; Kranzer, K; Cotton, MF; Schaaf, HS; Lombard, CJ; Zar, HJ
  • Linkage to HIV care from a mobile testing unit in South Africa by different CD4 count strata. (2011) Govindasamy, Darshini; van Schaik, Nienke; Kranzer, Katharina; Wood, Robin; Mathews, Catherine; Bekker, Linda-Gail
  • Cost and cost-effectiveness of switching from d4T or AZT to a TDF-based first-line regimen in a resource-limited setting in rural Lesotho. (2011) Jouquet, Guillaume; Bygrave, Helen; Kranzer, Katharina; Ford, Nathan; Gadot, Laurent; Lee, Janice; Hilderbrand, Katherine; Goemaere, Eric; Vlahakis, Natalie; Trivino, Laura; Makakole, Lipontso; Cleary, Susan
  • Incentivized recruitment of a population sample to a mobile HIV testing service increases the yield of newly diagnosed cases, including those in need of antiretroviral therapy. (2011) Kranzer, K; Govindasamy, D; van Schaik, N; Thebus, E; Davies, N; Zimmermann, Ma; Jeneker, S; Lawn, Sd; Wood, R; Bekker, L-G
  • Quality of induced sputum using a human-powered nebuliser in a mobile human immunodeficiency virus testing service in South Africa. (2011) Kranzer, K; Olson, L; van Schaik, N; Raditlhalo, E; Hudson, E; Panigrahi, P; Bekker, L-G
  • Improving tuberculosis diagnostics and treatment. (2011) Kranzer, Katharina
  • Unstructured treatment interruption of antiretroviral therapy in clinical practice: a systematic review. (2011) Kranzer, Katharina; Ford, Nathan
  • Incentivized recruitment of a population sample to a mobile HIV testing service increases the yield of newly diagnosed cases, including those in need of antiretroviral therapy. (2011) Kranzer, Katharina; Govindasamy, D; van Schaik, N; Thebus, E; Davies, N; Zimmermann, M; Jeneker, S; Lawn, S; Wood, R; Bekker, LG
  • Antiretroviral treatment cohort analysis using time-updated CD4 counts: assessment of bias with different analytic methods. (2011) Kranzer, Katharina; Lewis, James J; White, Richard G; Glynn, Judith R; Lawn, Stephen D; Middelkoop, Keren; Bekker, Linda-Gail; Wood, Robin
  • High prevalence of self-reported undiagnosed HIV despite high coverage of HIV testing: a cross-sectional population based sero-survey in South Africa. (2011) Kranzer, Katharina; van Schaik, Nienke; Karmue, Unice; Middelkoop, Keren; Sebastian, Elaine; Lawn, Stephen D; Wood, Robin; Bekker, Linda-Gail
  • Screening for HIV-associated tuberculosis and rifampicin resistance before antiretroviral therapy using the Xpert MTB/RIF assay: a prospective study. (2011) Lawn, Stephen D; Brooks, Sophie V; Kranzer, Katharina; Nicol, Mark P; Whitelaw, Andrew; Vogt, Monica; Bekker, Linda-Gail; Wood, Robin
  • Provider-initiated HIV testing increases access of patients with HIV-associated tuberculosis to antiretroviral treatment. (2011) Lawn, Stephen D; Fraenzel, Anna; Kranzer, Katharina; Caldwell, Judy; Bekker, Linda-Gail; Wood, Robin
  • Treatment interruption and variation in tablet taking behaviour result in viral failure: a case-control study from Cape Town, South Africa. (2011) Ncaca, Lisa-Noelle; Kranzer, Katharina; Orrell, Catherine
  • Changes in programmatic outcomes during 7 years of scale-up at a community-based antiretroviral treatment service in South Africa. (2011) Nglazi, Mweete D; Lawn, Stephen D; Kaplan, Richard; Kranzer, Katharina; Orrell, Catherine; Wood, Robin; Bekker, Linda-Gail
  • 2010
  • Trends in loss to follow-up among migrant workers on antiretroviral therapy in a community cohort in Lesotho. (2010) Bygrave, Helen; Kranzer, Katharina; Hilderbrand, Katherine; Whittall, Jonathan; Jouquet, Guillaume; Goemaere, Eric; Vlahakis, Nathalie; Triviño, Laura; Makakole, Lipontso; Ford, Nathan picture_as_pdf
  • Early initiation of antiretroviral therapy and associated reduction in mortality, morbidity and defaulting in a nurse-managed, community cohort in Lesotho. (2010) Ford, Nathan; Kranzer, Katharina; Hilderbrand, Katherine; Jouquet, Guillaume; Goemaere, Eric; Vlahakis, Nathalie; Triviño, Laura; Makakole, Lipontso; Bygrave, Helen
  • Safety of efavirenz in first-trimester of pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis of outcomes from observational cohorts. (2010) Ford, Nathan; Mofenson, Lynne; Kranzer, Katharina; Medu, Lanre; Frigati, Lisa; Mills, Edward J; Calmy, Alexandra
  • Community health care workers in South Africa are at increased risk for tuberculosis. (2010) Kranzer, Katharina; Bekker, L-G; van Schaik, N; Thebus, L; Dawson, M; Caldwell, J; Hausler, H; Grant, R; Wood, R
  • Yield of HIV-associated tuberculosis during intensified case finding in resource-limited settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (2010) Kranzer, Katharina; Houben, Rein Mgj; Glynn, Judith R; Bekker, Linda-Gail; Wood, Robin; Lawn, Stephen D
  • Treatment interruption in a primary care antiretroviral therapy program in South Africa: cohort analysis of trends and risk factors. (2010) Kranzer, Katharina; Lewis, James J; Ford, Nathan; Zeinecker, Jennifer; Orrell, Catherine; Lawn, Stephen D; Bekker, Linda-Gail; Wood, Robin
  • Linkage to HIV care and antiretroviral therapy in Cape Town, South Africa. (2010) Kranzer, Katharina; Zeinecker, Jennifer; Ginsberg, Philip; Orrell, Catherine; Kalawe, Nosindiso N; Lawn, Stephen D; Bekker, Linda-Gail; Wood, Robin
  • Tuberculosis during the first year of antiretroviral therapy in a South African cohort using an intensive pretreatment screening strategy. (2010) Lawn, Stephen D; Kranzer, Katharina; Edwards, David J; McNally, Matthew; Bekker, Linda-Gail; Wood, Robin
  • Antiretrovirals and isoniazid preventive therapy in the prevention of HIV-associated tuberculosis in settings with limited health-care resources. (2010) Lawn, Stephen D; Wood, Robin; De Cock, Kevin M; Kranzer, Katharina; Lewis, James J; Churchyard, Gavin J
  • What happens to ART-eligible patients who do not start ART? Dropout between screening and ART initiation: a cohort study in Karonga, Malawi. (2010) McGrath, Nuala; Glynn, Judith R; Saul, Jacqueline; Kranzer, Katharina; Jahn, Andreas; Mwaungulu, Frank; Ngwira, Msenga HC; Mvula, Hazzie; Munthali, Fipson; Mwinuka, Venance; Mwaungulu, Lorren; Fine, Paul EM; Crampin, Amelia C
  • Earlier HIV diagnosis--are mobile services the answer? (2010) van Schaik, N; Kranzer, K; Wood, R; Bekker, L-G
  • 2009
  • Urine lipoarabinomannan assay for tuberculosis screening before antiretroviral therapy diagnostic yield and association with immune reconstitution disease. (2009) Lawn, Stephen D; Edwards, David J; Kranzer, Katharina; Vogt, Monica; Bekker, Linda-Gail; Wood, Robin
  • Screening for active tuberculosis among patients accessing antiretroviral therapy in sub-Saharan Africa. (2009) Lawn, Stephen D; Kranzer, Katharina; Edwards, David J; Wood, Robin
  • Antiretroviral therapy for control of the HIV-associated tuberculosis epidemic in resource-limited settings. (2009) Lawn, Stephen D; Kranzer, Katharina; Wood, Robin
  • 2008
  • Individual, household and community factors associated with HIV test refusal in rural Malawi. (2008) Kranzer, Katharina; McGrath, Nuala; Saul, Jacky; Crampin, Amelia C; Jahn, Andreas; Malema, Simon; Mulawa, Dominic; Fine, Paul EM; Zaba, Basia; Glynn, Judith R
  • 2007
  • Estimating the need for antiretroviral treatment and an assessment of a simplified HIV/AIDS case definition in rural Malawi. (2007) McGrath, Nuala; Kranzer, Katharina; Saul, Jacqueline; Crampin, Amelia C; Malema, Simon; Kachiwanda, Lackson; Zaba, Basia; Jahn, Andreas; Fine, Paul Em; Glynn, Judith R