Conference or Workshop Item
Severe undifferentiated febrile illness outbreaks in the Federal Republic of Sudan - A retrospective epidemiological and diagnostic study. (2019)
Bower, H; Fletcher, TE; Mohamed, R; Alzain, M; Elhalawi, A; Osman, A; Semper, A; Brooks, T; Osborne, J; Furneaux, J; Dowall, S; Graham, V; Slack, G; Hewson, R; Beeching, N; Whitworth, J; Bausch, D; Mustafa, M
Mansonella perstans infection in a cohort of HIV-infected adults in Uganda. (2003)
Brown, M; Nkurunziza, P; Pickering, J; Khaukha, P; Kizza, M; Mawa, P; Watera, C; Whitworth, J; Elliott, A
Gender, Risk And Alcohol: Perceptions From Rural Uganda. (2003)
Bufumbo, L; Wolff, B; Busza, J; Whitworth, J
A randomised controlled trial (RCT) of syndromic STD management and behavioural change interventions to reduce HIV infection in rural Uganda [abstract]. (2001)
Kamali, A; Kintu, P; Nalweyiso, N; Kinsman, J; Whitworth, JAG
Self-reported cure rates among STD patients at government health units (HUs) in Uganda and why patients do not return for follow-up review [abstract]. (2001)
Nalweyiso, N; Kasse, M; Kamali, A; Kintu, P; Whitworth, JAG
Higher risk behaviours and STD rates in Tanzania compared to Uganda - contribution to different outcomes of STD treatment trials? [abstract]. (2001)
Orroth, KK; Korenromp, EL; White, RG; Kamali, A; Serwadda, D; Sewankambo, NK; Whitworth, JAG; Grosskurth, H; Habbema, JDF; Hayes, RJ
Vitamin A status in early HIV infection and subsequent rate of HIV disease progression in Ugandan adults. (2002)
Ross, DA; Filteau, SM; Maude, GM; Mulder, DW; Quigley, M; Raynes, JG; Whitworth, JAG
Resource requirements of a community-based intervention for behaviour change and treatment of sexually transmitted infections Abstract [E10279]. (2004)
Terris-Prestholt, F; Foster, S; Kumaranayake, L; Kamali, A; Whitworth, J
Why does HIV infection not lead to disseminated strongyloidiasis? (2003)
Viney, ME; Brown, M; Omoding, NE; Bailey, JW; Gardner, MP; Roberts, E; Morgan, D; Elliott, A; Whitworth, JAG