Items where Author is "Waiswa, Peter"
Number of items: 23.
Randomised comparison of two household survey modules for measuring stillbirths and neonatal deaths in five countries: the Every Newborn-INDEPTH study. (2020)
Akuze, Joseph; Blencowe, Hannah; Waiswa, Peter; Baschieri, Angela; Gordeev, Vladimir S; Kwesiga, Doris; Fisker, Ane B; Thysen, Sanne M; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Biks, Gashaw A; Abebe, Solomon M; Gelaye, Kassahun A; Mengistu, Mezgebu Y; Geremew, Bisrat M; Delele, Tadesse G; Tesega, Adane K; Yitayew, Temesgen A; Kasasa, Simon; Galiwango, Edward; Natukwatsa, Davis; Kajungu, Dan; Enuameh, Yeetey Ak; Nettey, Obed E; Dzabeng, Francis; Amenga-Etego, Seeba; Newton, Sam K; Tawiah, Charlotte; Asante, Kwaku P; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Alam, Nurul; Haider, Moinuddin M; Imam, Ali; Mahmud, Kaiser; Cousens, Simon; Lawn, Joy E; Every Newborn-INDEPTH Study Collaborative Group
Four decades of measuring stillbirths and neonatal deaths in Demographic and Health Surveys: historical review. (2021)
Akuze, Joseph; Cousens, Simon; Lawn, Joy E; Waiswa, Peter; Gordeev, Vladimir Sergeevich; Arnold, Fred; Croft, Trevor; Baschieri, Angela; Blencowe, Hannah
"Every Newborn-INDEPTH" (EN-INDEPTH) study protocol for a randomised comparison of household survey modules for measuring stillbirths and neonatal deaths in five Health and Demographic Surveillance sites. (2019)
Baschieri, Angela; Gordeev, Vladimir S; Akuze, Joseph; Kwesiga, Doris; Blencowe, Hannah; Cousens, Simon; Waiswa, Peter; Fisker, Ane B; Thysen, Sanne M; Rodrigues, Amabelia; Biks, Gashaw A; Abebe, Solomon M; Gelaye, Kassahun A; Mengistu, Mezgebu Y; Geremew, Bisrat M; Delele, Tadesse G; Tesega, Adane K; Yitayew, Temesgen A; Kasasa, Simon; Galiwango, Edward; Natukwatsa, Davis; Kajungu, Dan; Enuameh, Yeetey Ak; Nettey, Obed E; Dzabeng, Francis; Amenga-Etego, Seeba; Newton, Sam K; Manu, Alexander A; Tawiah, Charlotte; Asante, Kwaku P; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Alam, Nurul; Haider, MM; Alam, Sayed S; Arnold, Fred; Byass, Peter; Croft, Trevor N; Herbst, Kobus; Kishor, Sunita; Serbanescu, Florina; Lawn, Joy E
Birthweight data completeness and quality in population-based surveys: EN-INDEPTH study. (2021)
Biks, Gashaw Andargie; Blencowe, Hannah; Hardy, Victoria Ponce; Geremew, Bisrat Misganaw; Angaw, Dessie Abebaw; Wagnew, Alemakef; Abebe, Solomon Mekonnen; Guadu, Tadesse; Martins, Justiniano SD; Fisker, Ane Baerent; Imam, Md Ali; Nettey, Obed Ernest A; Kasasa, Simon; Di Stefano, Lydia; Akuze, Joseph; Kwesiga, Doris; Lawn, Joy E; Every Newborn-INDEPTH Study Collaborative Group
Stillbirth outcome capture and classification in population-based surveys: EN-INDEPTH study. (2021)
Blencowe, Hannah; Bottecchia, Matteo; Kwesiga, Doris; Akuze, Joseph; Haider, M Moinuddin; Galiwango, Edward; Dzabeng, Francis; Fisker, Ane B; Enuameh, Yeetey Akpe Kwesi; Geremew, Bisrat Misganaw; Nareeba, Tryphena; Woodd, Susannah; Beedle, Alexandra; Peven, Kimberly; Cousens, Simon; Waiswa, Peter; Lawn, Joy E; Every Newborn-INDEPTH Study Collaborative Group
Stillbirth maternity care measurement and associated factors in population-based surveys: EN-INDEPTH study. (2021)
Di Stefano, Lydia; Bottecchia, Matteo; Yargawa, Judith; Akuze, Joseph; Haider, M Moinuddin; Galiwango, Edward; Dzabeng, Francis; Fisker, Ane B; Geremew, Bisrat Misganaw; Cousens, Simon; Lawn, Joy E; Blencowe, Hannah; Waiswa, Peter; the Every Newborn-INDEPTH Study Collaborative Group
A case-control study of factors associated with caesarean sections at health facilities in Kabarole District, Western Uganda, 2016. (2018)
Dusabe, Jacinta; Akuze, Joseph; Kisakye, Angela Nakanwagi; Kwesiga, Benon; Nsubuga, Peter; Ekirapa, Elizabeth
Termination of pregnancy data completeness and feasibility in population-based surveys: EN-INDEPTH study. (2021)
Enuameh, Yeetey Akpe Kwesi; Dzabeng, Francis; Blencowe, Hannah; Thysen, Sanne M; Abebe, Solomon Mekonnen; Asante, Kwaku Poku; Tawiah, Charlotte; Gordeev, Vladimir Sergeevich; Adeapena, Wisdom; Kwesiga, Doris; Kasasa, Simon; Zandoh, Charles; Imam, Md Ali; Amenga-Etego, Seeba; Newton, Sam K; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Lawn, Joy E; Waiswa, Peter; Cresswell, Jenny A; Every Newborn-INDEPTH Study Collaborative Group
Paradata analyses to inform population-based survey capture of pregnancy outcomes: EN-INDEPTH study. (2021)
Gordeev, Vladimir Sergeevich; Akuze, Joseph; Baschieri, Angela; Thysen, Sanne M; Dzabeng, Francis; Haider, M Moinuddin; Smuk, Melanie; Wild, Michael; Lokshin, Michael M; Yitayew, Temesgen Azemeraw; Abebe, Solomon Mokonnen; Natukwatsa, Davis; Gyezaho, Collins; Amenga-Etego, Seeba; Lawn, Joy E; Blencowe, Hannah; Every Newborn-INDEPTH Study Collaborative Group
Gestational age data completeness, quality and validity in population-based surveys: EN-INDEPTH study. (2021)
Haider, M Moinuddin; Mahmud, Kaiser; Blencowe, Hannah; Ahmed, Tahmeed; Akuze, Joseph; Cousens, Simon; Delwar, Nafisa; Fisker, Ane B; Ponce Hardy, Victoria; Hasan, SM Tafsir; Imam, Md Ali; Kajungu, Dan; Khan, Md Alfazal; Martins, Justiniano SD; Nahar, Quamrun; Nettey, Obed Ernest A; Tesega, Adane Kebede; Yargawa, Judith; Alam, Nurul; Lawn, Joy E; Every Newborn-INDEPTH Study Collaborative Group
Expanded Quality Management Using Information Power (EQUIP): protocol for a quasi-experimental study to improve maternal and newborn health in Tanzania and Uganda. (2014)
Hanson, Claudia; Waiswa, Peter; Marchant, Tanya; Marx, Michael; Manzi, Fatuma; Mbaruku, Godfrey; Rowe, Alex; Tomson, Göran; Schellenberg, Joanna; Peterson, Stefan; EQUIP Study Team
Counting stillbirths and COVID 19-there has never been a more urgent time. (2020)
Homer, Caroline SE; Leisher, Susannah Hopkins; Aggarwal, Neelam; Akuze, Joseph; Babona, Delly; Blencowe, Hannah; Bolgna, John; Chawana, Richard; Christou, Aliki; Davies-Tuck, Miranda; Dandona, Rakhi; Gordijn, Sanne; Gordon, Adrienne; Jan, Rafat; Korteweg, Fleurisca; Maswime, Salome; Murphy, Margaret M; Quigley, Paula; Storey, Claire; Vallely, Lisa M; Waiswa, Peter; Whitehead, Clare; Zeitlin, Jennifer; Flenady, Vicki
Birth, stillbirth and death registration data completeness, quality and utility in population-based surveys: EN-INDEPTH study. (2021)
Kasasa, Simon; Natukwatsa, Davis; Galiwango, Edward; Nareeba, Tryphena; Gyezaho, Collins; Fisker, Ane Baerent; Mengistu, Mezgebu Yitayal; Dzabeng, Francis; Haider, M Moinuddin; Yargawa, Judith; Akuze, Joseph; Baschieri, Angela; Cappa, Claudia; Jackson, Debra; Lawn, Joy E; Blencowe, Hannah; Kajungu, Dan; Every Newborn-INDEPTH Study Collaborative Group
The use of continuous surveys to generate and continuously report high quality timely maternal and newborn health data at the district level in Tanzania and Uganda. (2014)
Marchant, Tanya; Schellenberg, Joanna; Peterson, Stefan; Manzi, Fatuma; Waiswa, Peter; Hanson, Claudia; Temu, Silas; Darious, Kajjo; Sedekia, Yovitha; Akuze, Joseph; Rowe, Alexander K; EQUIP Study Group
Neonatal and child mortality data in retrospective population-based surveys compared with prospective demographic surveillance: EN-INDEPTH study. (2021)
Nareeba, Tryphena; Dzabeng, Francis; Alam, Nurul; Biks, Gashaw A; Thysen, Sanne M; Akuze, Joseph; Blencowe, Hannah; Helleringer, Stephane; Lawn, Joy E; Mahmud, Kaiser; Yitayew, Temesgen Azemeraw; Fisker, Ane B; the Every Newborn-INDEPTH Study Collaborative Group
What is the role of community capabilities for maternal health? An exploration of community capabilities as determinants to institutional deliveries in Bangladesh, India, and Uganda. (2016)
Paina, Ligia; Vadrevu, Lalitha; Hanifi, SM Manzoor Ahmed; Akuze, Joseph; Rieder, Rachel; Chan, Kitty S; Peters, David H
Electronic data collection in a multi-site population-based survey: EN-INDEPTH study. (2021)
Thysen, Sanne M; Tawiah, Charlotte; Blencowe, Hannah; Manu, Grace; Akuze, Joseph; Haider, M Moinuddin; Alam, Nurul; Yitayew, Temesgen Azemeraw; Baschieri, Angela; Biks, Gashaw A; Dzabeng, Francis; Fisker, Ane B; Imam, Md Ali; Martins, Justiniano SD; Natukwatsa, Davis; Lawn, Joy E; Gordeev, Vladimir Sergeevich; Every Newborn-INDEPTH Study Collaborative Group
Status of birth and pregnancy outcome capture in Health Demographic Surveillance Sites in 13 countries. (2019)
Waiswa, Peter; Akuze, Joseph; Moyer, Cheryl; Kwesiga, Doris; Arthur, Samuelina; Sankoh, Osman; Welaga, Paul; Bangha, Martin; Eminas, Jacques; Muuo, Sheru; Ziraba, Abdhalah; Kerber, Kate; INDEPTH Network MNCH team
Differences in essential newborn care at birth between private and public health facilities in eastern Uganda. (2015)
Waiswa, Peter; Akuze, Joseph; Peterson, Stefan; Kerber, Kate; Tetui, Moses; Forsberg, Birger C; Hanson, Claudia
Using research priority-setting to guide bridging the implementation gap in countries - a case study of the Uganda newborn research priorities in the SDG era. (2019)
Waiswa, Peter; Okuga, Monica; Kabwijamu, Lydia; Akuze, Joseph; Sengendo, Hanifah; Aliganyira, Patrick; Pirio, Patricia; Hanson, Claudia; Kaharuza, Frank
Effect of the Uganda Newborn Study on care-seeking and care practices: a cluster-randomised controlled trial. (2015)
Waiswa, Peter; Pariyo, George; Kallander, Karin; Akuze, Joseph; Namazzi, Gertrude; Ekirapa-Kiracho, Elizabeth; Kerber, Kate; Sengendo, Hanifah; Aliganyira, Patrick; Lawn, Joy E; Peterson, Stefan; Uganda Newborn Study Team
Linking data sources for measurement of effective coverage in maternal and newborn health: what do we learn from individual- vs ecological-linking methods? (2018)
Willey, Barbara; Waiswa, Peter; Kajjo, Darious; Munos, Melinda; Akuze, Joseph; Allen, Elizabeth; Marchant, Tanya