Items where Author is "Mendelsohn, Joshua"
Number of items: 18.
  • "Live a normal life": Constructions of resilience among people in mixed HIV status relationships in Canada. (2023) Yang, Minhui; Daftary, Amrita; Mendelsohn, Joshua B; Ryan, Molly; Bullock, Sandra; Bisaillon, Laura; Bourne, Adam; Lebouché, Bertrand; Thompson, Tamara; Calzavara, Liviana
  • 2022
  • Social capital and HIV-serodiscordance: Disparities in access to personal and professional resources for HIV-positive and HIV-negative partners. (2022) Iveniuk, James; Calzavara, Liviana; Bullock, Sandra; Mendelsohn, Joshua; Burchell, Ann; Bisaillon, Laura; Daftary, Amrita; Lebouché, Bertrand; Masching, Renée; Thompson, Tamara; Positive Plus One Team
  • Disclosure of HIV-serodiscordant relationships and association with viral suppression: results from the Positive Plus One study. (2022) Mendelsohn, Joshua B; Calzavara, Liviana; Bullock, Sandra; Iveniuk, James; Tan, Darrell HS; Burchell, Ann N; Bourne, Adam; Lebouché, Bertrand; Daftary, Amrita; Moravan, Veronika; Loutfy, Mona; Conway, Brian; Positive Plus One Study Team
  • Reducing HIV-related stigma among young people attending school in Northern Uganda: study protocol for a participatory arts-based population health intervention and stepped-wedge cluster-randomized trial. (2022) Mendelsohn, Joshua B; Fournier, Bonnie; Caron-Roy, Stéphanie; Maina, Geoffrey; Strudwick, Gillian; Ojok, Santo; Lim, Hyun June; Sanches, Marcos; Logie, Carmen H; Sommerfeldt, Susan; Nykiforuk, Candace; Harrowing, Jean; Adyanga, Francis Akena; Hakiigaba, Jussy Okello; Bilash, Olenka
  • Dual pharmaceutical citizenship: Exploring biomedicalization in the daily lives of mixed HIV-serostatus couples in Canada. (2022) Ryan, Molly; Mendelsohn, Joshua B; Daftary, Amrita; Yang, Minhui; Bullock, Sandra; Lebouché, Bertrand; Calzavara, Liviana; Positive Plus One Team picture_as_pdf
  • A national recruitment strategy for HIV-serodiscordant partners living in Canada for the Positive Plus One study: a mixed-methods study. (2022) Xi, Min; Bullock, Sandra; Mendelsohn, Joshua B; Iveniuk, James; Moravan, Veronika; Burchell, Ann N; Tan, Darrell HS; Daftary, Amrita; Thompson, Tamara; Lebouché, Bertrand; Bisaillon, Laura; Myers, Ted; Calzavara, Liviana
  • 2021
  • Health-care professionals' assessment of a person-centred intervention to empower self-management and health across chronic illness: Qualitative findings from a process evaluation study. (2021) Heggdal, Kristin; Mendelsohn, Joshua B; Stepanian, Natalie; Oftedal, Bjørg Frøysland; Larsen, Marie Hamilton
  • Health Care Professionals' Experiences of Facilitating Patient Activation and Empowerment in Chronic Illness using a Person-Centered and Strengths-Based Self-Management Program. (2021) Heggdal, Kristin; Stepanian, Natalie; Oftedal, Bjørg Frøysland; Mendelsohn, Joshua B; Larsen, Marie Hamilton
  • 2020
  • Epidemiology and clinical course of COVID-19 in Shanghai, China. (2020) Shen, Yinzhong; Zheng, Fang; Sun, Danfeng; Ling, Yun; Chen, Jun; Li, Feng; Li, Tao; Qian, Zhiping; Zhang, Yuyi; Xu, Qingnian; Liu, Li; Huang, Qin; Shan, Fei; Xu, Lie; Wu, Jun; Zhu, Zhaoqin; Song, Zhigang; Li, Shenyang; Shi, Yuxin; Zhang, Jianliang; Wu, Xueyun; Mendelsohn, Joshua B; Zhu, Tongyu; Lu, Hongzhou
  • 2017
  • Low levels of viral suppression among refugees and host nationals accessing antiretroviral therapy in a Kenyan refugee camp. (2017) Mendelsohn, Joshua B; Spiegel, Paul; Grant, Alison; Doraiswamy, Sathyanarayanan; Schilperoord, Marian; Larke, Natasha; Burton, John Wagacha; Okonji, Jully A; Zeh, Clement; Muhindo, Bosco; Mohammed, Ibrahim M; Mukui, Irene N; Patterson, Njogu; Sondorp, Egbert; Ross, David A
  • 2015
  • Impact evaluation of a community-based intervention to reduce risky sexual behaviour among female sex workers in Shanghai, China. (2015) Liu, Juan; Calzavara, Liviana; Mendelsohn, Joshua B; O'Leary, Ann; Kang, Laiyi; Pan, Qichao; Myers, Ted; Ren, Jinma; Cha, Yanfeng; Shi, Guozheng; Liu, Xiaofeng; Tian, Xiuhong; Fan, Huili; Ni, Yinqing; Remis, Robert S
  • A scoping review and thematic analysis of social and behavioural research among HIV-serodiscordant couples in high-income settings. (2015) Mendelsohn, Joshua B; Calzavara, Liviana; Daftary, Amrita; Mitra, Sanjana; Pidutti, Joel; Allman, Dan; Bourne, Adam; Loutfy, Mona; Myers, Ted
  • Design and implementation of a sexual health intervention for migrant construction workers situated in Shanghai, China. (2015) Mendelsohn, Joshua B; Calzavara, Liviana; Light, Lucia; Burchell, Ann N; Ren, Jinma; Kang, Laiyi
  • 2014
  • Bounded agency in humanitarian settings: a qualitative study of adherence to antiretroviral therapy among refugees situated in Kenya and Malaysia. (2014) Mendelsohn, Joshua B; Rhodes, Tim; Spiegel, Paul; Schilperoord, Marian; Burton, John Wagacha; Balasundaram, Susheela; Wong, Chunting; Ross, David A
  • Is forced migration a barrier to treatment success? Similar HIV treatment outcomes among refugees and a surrounding host community in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (2014) Mendelsohn, Joshua B; Schilperoord, Marian; Spiegel, Paul; Balasundaram, Susheela; Radhakrishnan, Anuradha; Lee, Christopher KC; Larke, Natasha; Grant, Alison D; Sondorp, Egbert; Ross, David A
  • Antiretroviral therapy for refugees and internally displaced persons: a call for equity. (2014) Mendelsohn, Joshua B; Spiegel, Paul; Schilperoord, Marian; Cornier, Nadine; Ross, David A
  • 2012
  • Adherence to antiretroviral therapy and treatment outcomes among conflict-affected and forcibly displaced populations: a systematic review. (2012) Mendelsohn, Joshua B; Schilperoord, Marian; Spiegel, Paul; Ross, David A
  • 2008
  • Climate and cholera in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: the role of environmental factors and implications for epidemic preparedness. (2008) Mendelsohn, Joshua; Dawson, Terry