Items where Author is "Lewis, James J"
Number of items: 63.
  • Stepped wedge randomised controlled trials: systematic review of studies published between 2010 and 2014. (2015) Beard, Emma; Lewis, James J; Copas, Andrew; Davey, Calum; Osrin, David; Baio, Gianluca; Thompson, Jennifer A; Fielding, Katherine L; Omar, Rumana Z; Ononge, Sam; Hargreaves, James; Prost, Audrey
  • Age-specific back-projection of HIV diagnosis data. (2003) Becker, Niels G; Lewis, James JC; Li, Zhengfeng; McDonald, Ann
  • A mixed methods protocol to evaluate the effect and cost-effectiveness of an Integrated electronic Diagnosis Approach (IeDA) for the management of childhood illnesses at primary health facilities in Burkina Faso. (2016) Blanchet, Karl; Lewis, James J; Pozo-Martin, Francisco; Satouro, Arsene; Somda, Serge; Ilboudo, Patrick; Sarrassat, Sophie; Cousens, Simon
  • Towards cash transfer interventions for tuberculosis prevention, care and control: key operational challenges and research priorities. (2016) Boccia, Delia; Pedrazzoli, Debora; Wingfield, Tom; Jaramillo, Ernesto; Lönnroth, Knut; Lewis, James; Hargreaves, James; Evans, Carlton A
  • Symptom and chest radiographic screening for infectious tuberculosis prior to starting isoniazid preventive therapy: yield and proportion missed at screening. (2010) Churchyard, Gavin J; Fielding, Katherine L; Lewis, James J; Chihota, Violet N; Hanifa, Yasmeen; Grant, Alison D
  • A trial of mass isoniazid preventive therapy for tuberculosis control. (2014) Churchyard, Gavin J; Fielding, Katherine L; Lewis, James J; Coetzee, Leonie; Corbett, Elizabeth L; Godfrey-Faussett, Peter; Hayes, Richard J; Chaisson, Richard E; Grant, Alison D; Thibela TB Study Team
  • Designing a stepped wedge trial: three main designs, carry-over effects and randomisation approaches. (2015) Copas, Andrew J; Lewis, James J; Thompson, Jennifer A; Davey, Calum; Baio, Gianluca; Hargreaves, James R
  • Analysis and reporting of stepped wedge randomised controlled trials: synthesis and critical appraisal of published studies, 2010 to 2014. (2015) Davey, Calum; Hargreaves, James; Thompson, Jennifer A; Copas, Andrew J; Beard, Emma; Lewis, James J; Fielding, Katherine L
  • Genotype MTBDRplus for direct detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and drug resistance in strains from gold miners in South Africa. (2012) Dorman, Susan E; Chihota, Violet N; Lewis, James J; van der Meulen, Minty; Mathema, Barun; Beylis, Natalie; Fielding, Katherine L; Grant, Alison D; Churchyard, Gavin J
  • Linking women who test HIV-positive in pregnancy-related services to HIV care and treatment services in Kenya: a mixed methods prospective cohort study. (2014) Ferguson, Laura; Grant, Alison D; Lewis, James; Kielmann, Karina; Watson-Jones, Deborah; Vusha, Sophie; Ong'ech, John O; Ross, David A
  • Patient attrition between diagnosis with HIV in pregnancy-related services and long-term HIV care and treatment services in Kenya: a retrospective study. (2012) Ferguson, Laura; Lewis, James; Grant, Alison D; Watson-Jones, Deborah; Vusha, Sophie; Ong'ech, John O; Ross, David A
  • 'Team up against TB': promoting involvement in Thibela TB, a trial of community-wide tuberculosis preventive therapy. (2010) Grant, Alison D; Coetzee, Leonie; Fielding, Katherine L; Lewis, James J; Ntshele, Smanga; Luttig, Mariëtha M; Mngadi, Kathryn T; Muller, Dorothy; Popane, Flora; Mdluli, John; Mngadi, Nkosinathi; Sefuthi, Clement; Clark, David A; Churchyard, Gavin
  • Comparison of household-survey estimates with projections of mortality and orphan numbers in sub-Saharan Africa in the era of HIV/AIDS. (2004) Grassly, Nicholas C; Lewis, James JC; Mahy, Mary; Walker, Neff; Timaeus, Ian M
  • Multiple behaviour change intervention for diarrhoea control in Lusaka, Zambia: a cluster randomised trial. (2016) Greenland, Katie; Chipungu, Jenala; Curtis, Val; Schmidt, Wolf-Peter; Siwale, Zumbe; Mudenda, Mweetwa; Chilekwa, Joyce; Lewis, James J; Chilengi, Roma
  • HIV infection and reproductive health in teenage women orphaned and made vulnerable by AIDS in Zimbabwe. (2005) Gregson, S; Nyamukapa, CA; Garnett, GP; Wambe, M; Lewis, JJC; Mason, PR; Chandiwana, SK; Anderson, RM
  • HIV decline associated with behavior change in eastern Zimbabwe. (2006) Gregson, Simon; Garnett, Geoffrey P; Nyamukapa, Constance A; Hallett, Timothy B; Lewis, James JC; Mason, Peter R; Chandiwana, Stephen K; Anderson, Roy M
  • Prevalence of latent tuberculosis infection among gold miners in South Africa. (2009) Hanifa, Y; Grant, AD; Lewis, J; Corbett, EL; Fielding, K; Churchyard, G
  • Evaluation of the Arkansas method of urine testing for isoniazid in South Africa. (2007) Hanifa, Y; Mngadi, K; Lewis, J; Fielding, K; Churchyard, G; Grant, AD
  • Five questions to consider before conducting a stepped wedge trial. (2015) Hargreaves, James R; Copas, Andrew J; Beard, Emma; Osrin, David; Lewis, James J; Davey, Calum; Thompson, Jennifer A; Baio, Gianluca; Fielding, Katherine L; Prost, Audrey
  • Factors associated with HIV-testing and acceptance of an offer of home-based testing by men in rural Zambia. (2015) Hensen, B; Lewis, JJ; Schaap, A; Tembo, M; Mutale, W; Weiss, HA; Hargreaves, J; Ayles, H
  • Frequency of HIV-testing and factors associated with multiple lifetime HIV-testing among a rural population of Zambian men. (2015) Hensen, B; Lewis, JJ; Schaap, A; Tembo, M; Vera-Hernández, M; Mutale, W; Weiss, HA; Hargreaves, J; Stringer, Jsa; Ayles, H
  • Systematic review of strategies to increase men's HIV-testing in sub-Saharan Africa. (2014) Hensen, Bernadette; Taoka, Sachiko; Lewis, James J; Weiss, Helen A; Hargreaves, James
  • The timing of tuberculosis after isoniazid preventive therapy among gold miners in South Africa: a prospective cohort study. (2016) Hermans, Sabine M; Grant, Alison D; Chihota, Violet; Lewis, James J; Vynnycky, Emilia; Churchyard, Gavin J; Fielding, Katherine L
  • Mortality associated with delays between clinic entry and ART initiation in resource-limited settings: results of a transition-state model. (2013) Hoffmann, Christopher J; Lewis, James J; Dowdy, David W; Fielding, Katherine L; Grant, Alison D; Martinson, Neil A; Churchyard, Gavin J; Chaisson, Richard E
  • Performance of a Novel Algorithm Using Automated Digital Microscopy for Diagnosing Tuberculosis. (2015) Ismail, Nazir A; Omar, Shaheed V; Lewis, James J; Dowdy, David W; Dreyer, Andries W; van der Meulen, Hermina; Nconjana, George; Clark, David A; Churchyard, Gavin J
  • Cost-Effectiveness of Automated Digital Microscopy for Diagnosis of Active Tuberculosis. (2016) Jha, Swati; Ismail, Nazir; Clark, David; Lewis, James J; Omar, Shaheed; Dreyer, Andries; Chihota, Violet; Churchyard, Gavin; Dowdy, David W
  • Socioeconomic Determinants of Antibiotic Consumption in the State of São Paulo, Brazil: The Effect of Restricting Over-The-Counter Sales. (2016) Kliemann, Breno S; Levin, Anna S; Moura, M Luísa; Boszczowski, Icaro; Lewis, James J
  • Treatment interruption in a primary care antiretroviral therapy program in South Africa: cohort analysis of trends and risk factors. (2010) Kranzer, Katharina; Lewis, James J; Ford, Nathan; Zeinecker, Jennifer; Orrell, Catherine; Lawn, Stephen D; Bekker, Linda-Gail; Wood, Robin
  • Antiretroviral treatment cohort analysis using time-updated CD4 counts: assessment of bias with different analytic methods. (2011) Kranzer, Katharina; Lewis, James J; White, Richard G; Glynn, Judith R; Lawn, Stephen D; Middelkoop, Keren; Bekker, Linda-Gail; Wood, Robin
  • Antiretrovirals and isoniazid preventive therapy in the prevention of HIV-associated tuberculosis in settings with limited health-care resources. (2010) Lawn, Stephen D; Wood, Robin; De Cock, Kevin M; Kranzer, Katharina; Lewis, James J; Churchyard, Gavin J
  • Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome associated with Kaposi sarcoma: higher incidence and mortality in Africa than in the UK. (2013) Letang, Emilio; Lewis, James J; Bower, Mark; Mosam, Anisa; Borok, Margareth; Campbell, Thomas B; Naniche, Denise; Newsom-Davis, Tom; Shaik, Fahmida; Fiorillo, Suzanne; Miro, Jose M; Schellenberg, David; Easterbrook, Philippa J
  • Patterns of uptake of treatment for self reported sexually transmitted infection symptoms in rural Zimbabwe. (2005) Lewis, JJC; Garnett, GP; Nyamukapa, CA; Donnelly, CA; Mason, PR; Gregson, S
  • HIV infection does not affect active case finding of tuberculosis in South African gold miners. (2009) Lewis, James J; Charalambous, Salome; Day, John H; Fielding, Katherine L; Grant, Alison D; Hayes, Richard J; Corbett, Elizabeth L; Churchyard, Gavin J
  • "Proof-of-concept" evaluation of an automated sputum smear microscopy system for tuberculosis diagnosis. (2012) Lewis, James J; Chihota, Violet N; van der Meulen, Minty; Fourie, P Bernard; Fielding, Katherine L; Grant, Alison D; Dorman, Susan E; Churchyard, Gavin J
  • Eligibility for isoniazid preventive therapy in South African gold mines. (2013) Lewis, James J; Fielding, Katherine L; Grant, Alison D; Chihota, Violet N; Popane, Flora; Luttig, Mariette; Muller, Dorothy; Coetzee, Leonie; Churchyard, Gavin J
  • Evaluation of a medication monitor-based treatment strategy for drug-sensitive tuberculosis patients in China: study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial. (2018) Lewis, James J; Liu, Xiaoqiu; Zhang, Zhiying; Thomas, Bruce V; Vassall, Anna; Sweeney, Sedona; Caihong, Xu; Dongmei, Hu; Xue, Li; Yongxin, Gao; Huan, Shitong; Shiwen, Jiang; Fielding, Katherine L
  • Increasing drug resistant tuberculosis in the UK. (2008) Lewis, James JC; Chihota, Violet N
  • Evaluating the proximate determinants framework for HIV infection in rural Zimbabwe. (2007) Lewis, James JC; Donnelly, Christl A; Mare, Paul; Mupambireyi, Zivai; Garnett, Geoffrey P; Gregson, Simon
  • Beer halls as a focus for HIV prevention activities in rural Zimbabwe. (2005) Lewis, James JC; Garnett, Geoffrey P; Mhlanga, Spiwe; Nyamukapa, Constance A; Donnelly, Christl A; Gregson, Simon
  • The population impact of HIV on fertility in sub-Saharan Africa. (2004) Lewis, James JC; Ronsmans, Carine; Ezeh, Alex; Gregson, Simon
  • Effectiveness of Electronic Reminders to Improve Medication Adherence in Tuberculosis Patients: A Cluster-Randomised Trial. (2015) Liu, Xiaoqiu; Lewis, James J; Zhang, Hui; Lu, Wei; Zhang, Shun; Zheng, Guilan; Bai, Liqiong; Li, Jun; Li, Xue; Chen, Hongguang; Liu, Mingming; Chen, Rong; Chi, Junying; Lu, Jian; Huan, Shitong; Cheng, Shiming; Wang, Lixia; Jiang, Shiwen; Chin, Daniel P; Fielding, Katherine L
  • HIV incidence and poverty in Manicaland, Zimbabwe: is HIV becoming a disease of the poor? (2007) Lopman, Ben; Lewis, James; Nyamukapa, Constance; Mushati, Phyllis; Chandiwana, Steven; Gregson, Simon
  • Treatment outcomes of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis patients in Gauteng, South Africa. (2013) Marais, E; Mlambo, CK; Lewis, JJ; Rastogi, N; Zozio, T; Grobusch, MP; Duse, A; Victor, T; Warren, RW
  • Black patients sustain vision loss while White and South Asian patients gain vision following delamination or segmentation surgery for tractional complications associated with proliferative diabetic retinopathy. (2017) Mastropasqua, R; Luo, YH-L; Cheah, YS; Egan, C; Lewis, JJ; da Cruz, L
  • Molecular epidemiology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis among South African gold miners. (2015) Mathema, Barun; Lewis, James J; Connors, Jeremy; Chihota, Violet N; Shashkina, Elena; van der Meulen, Minty; Graviss, Edward A; Ha, Ngan P; Kreiswirth, Barry N; Grant, Alison D; Fielding, Katherine L; Dorman, Susan E; Churchyard, Gavin J
  • Application of balanced scorecard in the evaluation of a complex health system intervention: 12 months post intervention findings from the BHOMA intervention: a cluster randomised trial in Zambia. (2014) Mutale, Wilbroad; Stringer, Jeffrey; Chintu, Namwinga; Chilengi, Roma; Mwanamwenge, Margaret Tembo; Kasese, Nkatya; Balabanova, Dina; Spicer, Neil; Lewis, James; Ayles, Helen
  • Effectiveness and safety of misoprostol distributed to antenatal women to prevent postpartum haemorrhage after child-births: a stepped-wedge cluster-randomized trial. (2015) Ononge, Sam; Campbell, Oona MR; Kaharuza, Frank; Lewis, James J; Fielding, Katherine; Mirembe, Florence
  • Household point of care CD4 testing and isoniazid preventive therapy initiation in a household TB contact tracing programme in two districts of South Africa. (2018) Page-Shipp, Liesl; Lewis, James J; Velen, Kavindhran; Senoge, Sedikanelo; Zishiri, Elizabeth; Popane, Flora; Chihota, Violet N; Clark, Dave; Churchyard, Gavin J; Charalambous, Salome
  • Logistic, ethical, and political dimensions of stepped wedge trials: critical review and case studies. (2015) Prost, Audrey; Binik, Ariella; Abubakar, Ibrahim; Roy, Anjana; De Allegri, Manuela; Mouchoux, Christelle; Dreischulte, Tobias; Ayles, Helen; Lewis, James J; Osrin, David
  • The distribution of sex acts and condom use within partnerships in a rural sub-Saharan African population. (2014) Smith, Jennifer; Nyamukapa, Constance; Gregson, Simon; Lewis, James; Magutshwa, Sitholubuhle; Schumacher, Christina; Mushati, Phyllis; Hallett, Tim; Garnett, Geoff
  • Comparison of tenofovir, zidovudine, or stavudine as part of first-line antiretroviral therapy in a resource-limited-setting: a cohort study. (2013) Velen, Kavindhran; Lewis, James J; Charalambous, Salome; Grant, Alison D; Churchyard, Gavin J; Hoffmann, Christopher J
  • Household HIV Testing Uptake among Contacts of TB Patients in South Africa. (2016) Velen, Kavindhran; Lewis, James J; Charalambous, Salome; Page-Shipp, Liesl; Popane, Flora; Churchyard, Gavin J; Hoffmann, Christopher J
  • Tuberculosis control in South African gold mines: mathematical modeling of a trial of community-wide isoniazid preventive therapy. (2015) Vynnycky, Emilia; Sumner, Tom; Fielding, Katherine L; Lewis, James J; Cox, Andrew P; Hayes, Richard J; Corbett, Elizabeth L; Churchyard, Gavin J; Grant, Alison D; White, Richard G
  • Designing and implementing a socioeconomic intervention to enhance TB control: operational evidence from the CRESIPT project in Peru. (2015) Wingfield, Tom; Boccia, Delia; Tovar, Marco A; Huff, Doug; Montoya, Rosario; Lewis, James J; Gilman, Robert H; Evans, Carlton A
  • The seasonality of tuberculosis, sunlight, vitamin D, and household crowding. (2014) Wingfield, Tom; Schumacher, Samuel G; Sandhu, Gurjinder; Tovar, Marco A; Zevallos, Karine; Baldwin, Matthew R; Montoya, Rosario; Ramos, Eric S; Jongkaewwattana, Chulanee; Lewis, James J; Gilman, Robert H; Friedland, Jon S; Evans, Carlton A
  • A randomized controlled study of socioeconomic support to enhance tuberculosis prevention and treatment, Peru. (2017) Wingfield, Tom; Tovar, Marco A; Huff, Doug; Boccia, Delia; Montoya, Rosario; Ramos, Eric; Datta, Sumona; Saunders, Matthew J; Lewis, James J; Gilman, Robert H; Evans, Carlton A
  • The economic effects of supporting tuberculosis-affected households in Peru. (2016) Wingfield, Tom; Tovar, Marco A; Huff, Doug; Boccia, Delia; Montoya, Rosario; Ramos, Eric; Lewis, James J; Gilman, Robert H; Evans, Carlton A
  • Beyond pills and tests: addressing the social determinants of tuberculosis. (2016) Wingfield, Tom; Tovar, Marco A; Huff, Doug; Boccia, Delia; Saunders, Matthew J; Datta, Sumona; Montoya, Rosario; Ramos, Eric; Lewis, James J; Gilman, Robert H; Evans, Carlton
  • Brief Report: The Effect of Antiretroviral Therapy and CD4 Count on Markers of Infectiousness in HIV-Associated Tuberculosis. (2015) van Halsema, CL; Fielding, KL; Chihota, VN; George, EC; Lewis, JJ; Churchyard, GJ; Grant, AD desktop_windows
  • Trends in drug-resistant tuberculosis in a gold-mining workforce in South Africa, 2002-2008. (2012) van Halsema, CL; Fielding, KL; Chihota, VN; Lewis, JJ; Churchyard, GJ; Grant, AD
  • Clinical Relevance of Nontuberculous Mycobacteria Isolated from Sputum in a Gold Mining Workforce in South Africa: An Observational, Clinical Study. (2015) van Halsema, Clare L; Chihota, Violet N; Gey van Pittius, Nicolaas C; Fielding, Katherine L; Lewis, James J; van Helden, Paul D; Churchyard, Gavin J; Grant, Alison D
  • Tuberculosis outcomes and drug susceptibility in individuals exposed to isoniazid preventive therapy in a high HIV prevalence setting. (2010) van Halsema, Clare L; Fielding, Katherine L; Chihota, Violet N; Russell, Elizabeth C; Lewis, James JC; Churchyard, Gavin J; Grant, Alison D
  • Conference or Workshop Item
  • The effect of antiretroviral therapy on chest radiograph appearance in HIV-associated pulmonary tuberculosis. (2013) van Halsema, C; Chihota, V; Gorsuch, T; Lewis, J; George, E; Fielding, K; Churchyard, G; Grant, A