Items where Author is "Shannon, Caitlin"
Number of items: 31.
  • Direct maternal morbidity and the risk of pregnancy-related deaths, stillbirths, and neonatal deaths in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa: A population-based prospective cohort study in 8 countries. (2021) Aftab, Fahad; Ahmed, Imran; Ahmed, Salahuddin; Ali, Said Mohammed; Amenga-Etego, Seeba; Ariff, Shabina; Bahl, Rajiv; Baqui, Abdullah H; Begum, Nazma; Bhutta, Zulfiqar A; Biemba, Godfrey; Cousens, Simon; Das, Vinita; Deb, Saikat; Dhingra, Usha; Dutta, Arup; Edmond, Karen; Esamai, Fabian; Ghosh, Amit Kumar; Gisore, Peter; Grogan, Caroline; Hamer, Davidson H; Herlihy, Julie; Hurt, Lisa; Ilyas, Muhammad; Jehan, Fyezah; Juma, Mohammed Hamad; Kalonji, Michel; Khanam, Rasheda; Kirkwood, Betty R; Kumar, Aarti; Kumar, Alok; Kumar, Vishwajeet; Manu, Alexander; Marete, Irene; Mehmood, Usma; Minckas, Nicole; Mishra, Shambhavi; Mitra, Dipak K; Moin, Mamun Ibne; Muhammad, Karim; Newton, Sam; Ngaima, Serge; Nguwo, Andre; Nisar, Muhammad Imran; Otomba, John; Quaiyum, Mohammad Abdul; Sarrassat, Sophie; Sazawal, Sunil; Semrau, Katherine E; Shannon, Caitlin; Singh, Vinay Pratap; Soofi, Sajid; Soremekun, Seyi; Suleiman, Atifa Mohammed; Sunday, Venantius; Dilip, Thandassery R; Tshefu, Antoinette; Wasan, Yaqub; Yeboah-Antwi, Kojo; Yoshida, Sachiyo; Zaidi, Anita K; Alliance for Maternal and Newborn Health Improvement (AMANHI) ma
  • 2018
  • Safety of Tubal Occlusion by Minilaparotomy Provided by Trained Clinical Officers Versus Assistant Medical Officers in Tanzania: A Randomized, Controlled, Noninferiority Trial. (2018) Barone, Mark A; Mbuguni, Zuhura; Achola, Japhet Ominde; Almeida, Annette; Cordero, Carmela; Kanama, Joseph; Marquina, Adriana; Muganyizi, Projestine; Mwanga, Jamilla; Ouma, Daniel; Shannon, Caitlin; Tibyehabwa, Leopold
  • Client Perceptions of Quality and Choice at Static, Mobile Outreach, and Special Family Planning Day Services in 3 African Countries. (2018) Jarvis, Leah; Wickstrom, Jane; Shannon, Caitlin
  • 2017
  • Development and validation of a simplified algorithm for neonatal gestational age assessment - protocol for the Alliance for Maternal Newborn Health Improvement (AMANHI) prospective cohort study. (2017) AMANHI (Alliance for Maternal and Newborn Health Improvement); Baqui, Abdullah; Ahmed, Parvez; Dasgupta, Sushil Kanta; Begum, Nazma; Rahman, Mahmoodur; Islam, Nasreen; Quaiyum, Mohammad; Kirkwood, Betty; Edmond, Karen; Shannon, Caitlin; Newton, Samuel; Hurt, Lisa; Jehan, Fyezah; Nisar, Imran; Hussain, Atiya; Nadeem, Naila; Ilyas, Muhammad; Zaidi, Anita; Sazawal, Sunil; Deb, Saikat; Dutta, Arup; Dhingra, Usha; Ali, Said Moh'd; Hamer, Davidson H; Semrau, Katherine Ea; Straszak-Suri, Marina; Grogan, Caroline; Bemba, Godfrey; Lee, Anne Cc; Wylie, Blair J; Manu, Alexander; Yoshida, Sachiyo; Bahl, Rajiv
  • Safety of tubal ligation by minilaparotomy provided by clinical officers versus assistant medical officers: study protocol for a noninferiority randomized controlled trial in Tanzanian women. (2017) Barone, Mark A; Mbuguni, Zuhura; Achola, Japhet Ominde; Cordero, Carmela; Kanama, Joseph; Muganyizi, Projestine S; Mwanga, Jamilla; Shannon, Caitlin; Tibyehabwa, Leopold
  • Determinants of morbidity associated with infant male circumcision: community-level population-based study in rural Ghana. (2017) Gyan, Thomas; McAuley, Kimberley; Strobel, Natalie A; Shannon, Caitlin; Newton, Sam; Tawiah-Agyemang, Charlotte; Amenga-Etego, Seeba; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Kirkwood, Betty; Edmond, Karen M
  • 2016
  • Burden of severe maternal morbidity and association with adverse birth outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa and south Asia: protocol for a prospective cohort study. (2016) Baqui, Abdullah H; Mitra, Dipak; Moin, Mamun Ibne; Naher, Nurun; Quaiyum, Mohammad Abdul; Tshefu, Antoinette; Otomba, John; Kalonji, Michel; Ngowu, Andre; Ngaima, Serge; Kirkwood, Betty; Hurt, Lisa; Shannon, Caitlin; Newton, Samuel; Edmond, Karen; Kumar, Vishwajeet; Kumar, Aarti; Kumar, Vishwajeet; Kumar, Aarti; Singh, Shambhavi; Singh, Jai Vir; Ghosh, Amit Kumar; Esamai, Fabian; Marete, Irene; Gisore, Peter; Nisar, Imran; Jehan, Fyezah; Ilyas, Muhammad; Hussain, Atiya; Zaid, Anita; Soofi, Sajid; Ariff, Shabina; Wasan, Yaqub; Hussain, Amjid; Ahmed, Imran; Sazawal, Sunil; Dhingra, Usha; Dutta, Arup; Ali, Said Moh'd; Ame, Shaali Makame; Hamer, Davidson; Semrau, Katherine; Hamomba, Fern; Banda, Bowen; Herlihy, Julie; Bahl, Rajiv; Manu, Alexander; Yoshida, Sachiyo
  • Risk Factors for Premature Birth in Austria from 2008-2012-Analysis of the Austrian National Birth Registry. (2016) Cardona, F; Leitner, H; Oberaigner, W; Shannon, C
  • Health service provider education and/or training in infant male circumcision to improve short- and long-term morbidity outcomes: protocol for systematic review. (2016) Gyan, Thomas; Strobel, Natalie; McAuley, Kimberley; Shannon, Caitlin; Newton, Sam; Tawiah-Agyemang, Charlotte; Amenga-Etego, Seeba; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Forbes, David; Edmond, Karen
  • Vaccination timing of low-birth-weight infants in rural Ghana: a population-based, prospective cohort study. (2016) O'Leary, Maureen; Thomas, Sara; Hurt, Lisa; Floyd, Sian; Shannon, Caitlin; Newton, Sam; Thomas, Gyan; Amenga-Etego, Seeba; Tawiah-Agyemang, Charlotte; Gram, Lu; Hurt, Chris; Bahl, Rajiv; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Kirkwood, Betty; Edmond, Karen
  • 2014
  • Effect of early neonatal vitamin A supplementation on mortality during infancy in Ghana (Neovita): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. (2014) Edmond, Karen M; Newton, Sam; Shannon, Caitlin; O'Leary, Maureen; Hurt, Lisa; Thomas, Gyan; Amenga-Etego, Seeba; Tawiah-Agyemang, Charlotte; Gram, Lu; Hurt, Chris N; Bahl, Rajiv; Owusu-Agyei, Seth; Kirkwood, Betty R
  • 2013
  • First-trimester medical abortion with mifepristone 200 mg and misoprostol: a systematic review. (2013) Raymond, Elizabeth G; Shannon, Caitlin; Weaver, Mark A; Winikoff, Beverly
  • 2012
  • Efficacy of early neonatal vitamin A supplementation in reducing mortality during infancy in Ghana, India and Tanzania: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. (2012) Bahl, R; Bhandari, N; Dube, B; Edmond, K; Fawzi, W; Fontaine, O; Kaur, J; Kirkwood, BR; Martines, J; Masanja, H; Mazumder, S; Msham, S; Newton, S; Oleary, M; Ruben, J; Shannon, C; Smith, E; Taneja, S; Yoshida, S
  • Efficacy of early neonatal vitamin A supplementation in reducing mortality during infancy in Ghana, India and Tanzania: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. (2012) NEOVITA Study Author Group; Bahl, Rajiv; Bhandari, Nita; Dube, Brinda; Edmond, Karen; Fawzi, Wafaie; Fontaine, Olivier; Kaur, Jasmine; Kirkwood, Betty R; Martines, Jose; Masanja, Honorati; Mazumder, Sarmila; Msham, Salum; Newton, Sam; Oleary, Maureen; Ruben, Julia; Shannon, Caitlin; Smith, Emily; Taneja, Sunita; Yoshida, Sachiyo
  • 2010
  • Medical abortion: outcomes in a family medicine setting. (2010) Prine, Linda; Shannon, Caitlin; Gillespie, Ginger; Crowden, William A; Fortin, Jennifer; Howe, Michelle; Dzuba, Ilana
  • Re: Meta-analysis of 200 or 600 mg mifepristone in association with two prostaglandins for termination of early pregnancy. (2010) Shannon, Caitlin; Winikoff, Beverly
  • 2008
  • Thrombospondin 1 and vasoactive agents indirectly alter tumor blood flow. (2008) Isenberg, Jeff S; Hyodo, Fuminori; Ridnour, Lisa A; Shannon, Caitlin S; Wink, David A; Krishna, Murali C; Roberts, David D
  • Comment on "Misoprostol impairs female reproductive tract innate immunity against Clostridium sordellii". (2008) Shannon, Caitlin; Winikoff, Beverly
  • How much supervision is necessary for women taking mifepristone and misoprostol for early medical abortion? (2008) Shannon, Caitlin; Winikoff, Beverly
  • Two distinct oral routes of misoprostol in mifepristone medical abortion: a randomized controlled trial. (2008) Winikoff, Beverly; Dzuba, Ilana G; Creinin, Mitchell D; Crowden, William A; Goldberg, Alisa B; Gonzales, Juliana; Howe, Michelle; Moskowitz, Jeffrey; Prine, Linda; Shannon, Caitlin S
  • 2006
  • Mifepristone medical abortion in Albania: results from a pilot clinical research study. (2006) Bracken, Hillary; Gliozheni, Orion; Kati, Kreston; Manoku, Nikita; Moisiu, Rubena; Shannon, Caitlin; Tare, Vjollca; Tasha, Ilir; Winikoff, Beverly; Medical Abortion Research Group
  • Regimens of misoprostol with mifepristone for early medical abortion: a randomised trial. (2006) Shannon, C; Wiebe, E; Jacot, F; Guilbert, E; Dunn, S; Sheldon, WR; Winikoff, B
  • 2005
  • Knowledge and attitudes about abortion legislation and abortion methods among abortion clients in Latvia. (2005) Melgalve, I; Lazdane, G; Trapenciere, I; Shannon, C; Bracken, H; Winikoff, B
  • Randomized trial of mifepristone and buccal or vaginal misoprostol for abortion through 56 days of last menstrual period. (2005) Middleton, Tamer; Schaff, Eric; Fielding, Stephen L; Scahill, Mary; Shannon, Caitlin; Westheimer, Emily; Wilkinson, Tracey; Winikoff, Beverly
  • Chemotherapy for breast cancer during pregnancy: an 18-year experience from five London teaching hospitals. (2005) Ring, Alistair E; Smith, Ian E; Jones, Alison; Shannon, Catherine; Galani, Eleni; Ellis, Paul A
  • Multicenter trial of a simplified mifepristone medical abortion regimen. (2005) Shannon, Caitlin S; Winikoff, Beverly; Hausknecht, Richard; Schaff, Eric; Blumenthal, Paul D; Oyer, Deborah; Sankey, Heather; Wolff, Jessica; Goldberg, Rachel
  • 2004
  • Infection after medical abortion: a review of the literature. (2004) Shannon, Caitlin; Brothers, L Perry; Philip, Neena M; Winikoff, Beverly
  • Ectopic pregnancy and medical abortion. (2004) Shannon, Caitlin; Brothers, L Perry; Philip, Neena M; Winikoff, Beverly
  • A fatal case of Clostridium sordellii septic shock syndrome associated with medical abortion. (2004) Wiebe, Ellen; Guilbert, Edith; Jacot, Francis; Shannon, Caitlin; Winikoff, Beverly
  • 2002
  • Misoprostol for women's health: a review. (2002) Blanchard, Kelly; Clark, Shelley; Winikoff, Beverly; Gaines, Gayle; Kabani, Ghazala; Shannon, Caitlin
  • Use of misoprostol in third stage of labour. (2002) Shannon, Caitlin; Winikoff, Beverly