Items where Author is "Pearson, Carl AB"
Number of items: 36.
  • Assessing the impacts of COVID-19 vaccination programme's timing and speed on health benefits, cost-effectiveness, and relative affordability in 27 African countries. (2023) Liu, Yang; Procter, Simon R; Pearson, Carl AB; Montero, Andrés Madriz; Torres-Rueda, Sergio; Asfaw, Elias; Uzochukwu, Benjamin; Drake, Tom; Bergren, Eleanor; Eggo, Rosalind M; Ruiz, Francis; Ndembi, Nicaise; Nonvignon, Justice; Jit, Mark; Vassall, Anna
  • What, how and who: Cost-effectiveness analyses of COVID-19 vaccination to inform key policies in Nigeria. (2023) Ruiz, Francis J; Torres-Rueda, Sergio; Pearson, Carl AB; Bergren, Eleanor; Okeke, Chinyere; Procter, Simon R; Madriz-Montero, Andres; Jit, Mark; Vassall, Anna; Uzochukwu, Benjamin SC
  • 2022
  • Heavy-tailed sexual contact networks and monkeypox epidemiology in the global outbreak, 2022. (2022) Endo, Akira; Murayama, Hiroaki; Abbott, Sam; Ratnayake, Ruwan; Pearson, Carl AB; Edmunds, W John; Fearon, Elizabeth; Funk, Sebastian
  • Dosing interval strategies for two-dose COVID-19 vaccination in 13 middle-income countries of Europe: Health impact modelling and benefit-risk analysis. (2022) Liu, Yang; Pearson, Carl AB; Sandmann, Frank G; Barnard, Rosanna C; Kim, Jong-Hoon; CMMID COVID-19 Working Group; Flasche, Stefan; Jit, Mark; Abbas, Kaja
  • Optimising health and economic impacts of COVID-19 vaccine prioritisation strategies in the WHO European Region: a mathematical modelling study. (2022) Liu, Yang; Sandmann, Frank G; Barnard, Rosanna C; Pearson, Carl AB; Pastore, Roberta; Pebody, Richard; Flasche, Stefan; Jit, Mark
  • Effect of Population Partitioning on the Probability of Silent Circulation of Poliovirus. (2022) Vallejo, Celeste; Pearson, Carl AB; Koopman, James S; Hladish, Thomas J
  • 2021
  • Strategies to reduce the risk of SARS-CoV-2 importation from international travellers: modelling estimations for the United Kingdom, July 2020. (2021) Clifford, Samuel; Quilty, Billy J; Russell, Timothy W; Liu, Yang; Chan, Yung-Wai D; Pearson, Carl AB; Eggo, Rosalind M; Endo, Akira; CMMID COVID-19 Working Group; Flasche, Stefan; Edmunds, W John; Centre for Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases (CMMID)
  • Estimated transmissibility and impact of SARS-CoV-2 lineage B.1.1.7 in England. (2021) Davies, Nicholas G; Abbott, Sam; Barnard, Rosanna C; Jarvis, Christopher I; Kucharski, Adam J; Munday, James D; Pearson, Carl AB; Russell, Timothy W; Tully, Damien C; Washburne, Alex D; Wenseleers, Tom; Gimma, Amy; Waites, William; Wong, Kerry LM; van Zandvoort, Kevin; Silverman, Justin D; CMMID COVID-19 Working Group; COVID-19 Genomics UK (COG-UK) Consortium; Diaz-Ordaz, Karla; Keogh, Ruth; Eggo, Rosalind M; Funk, Sebastian; Jit, Mark; Atkins, Katherine E; Edmunds, W John
  • Detecting behavioural changes in human movement to inform the spatial scale of interventions against COVID-19. (2021) Gibbs, Hamish; Nightingale, Emily; Liu, Yang; Cheshire, James; Danon, Leon; Smeeth, Liam; Pearson, Carl AB; Grundy, Chris; LSHTM CMMID COVID-19 working group; Kucharski, Adam J; Eggo, Rosalind M
  • Optimising health and economic impacts of COVID-19 vaccine prioritisation strategies in the WHO European Region. (2021) Liu, Yang; Sandmann, Frank G; Barnard, Rosanna C; Pearson, Carl AB; CMMID COVID-19 Working Group; Pastore, Roberta; Pebody, Richard; Flasche, Stefan; Jit, Mark
  • Implications of the school-household network structure on SARS-CoV-2 transmission under school reopening strategies in England. (2021) Munday, James D; Sherratt, Katharine; Meakin, Sophie; Endo, Akira; Pearson, Carl AB; Hellewell, Joel; Abbott, Sam; Bosse, Nikos I; CMMID COVID-19 Working Group; Atkins, Katherine E; Wallinga, Jacco; Edmunds, W John; van Hoek, Albert Jan; Funk, Sebastian
  • COVID-19 vaccination in Sindh Province, Pakistan: A modelling study of health impact and cost-effectiveness. (2021) Pearson, Carl AB; Bozzani, Fiammetta; Procter, Simon R; Davies, Nicholas G; Huda, Maryam; Jensen, Henning Tarp; Keogh-Brown, Marcus; Khalid, Muhammad; Sweeney, Sedona; Torres-Rueda, Sergio; CHiL COVID-19 Working Group; CMMID COVID-19 Working Group; Eggo, Rosalind M; Vassall, Anna; Jit, Mark
  • Pre-vaccination testing could expand coverage of two-dose COVID vaccines. (2021) Pearson, Carl AB; Clifford, Sam; Pulliam, Juliet RC; Eggo, Rosalind M
  • Potential test-negative design study bias in outbreak settings: application to Ebola vaccination in Democratic Republic of Congo. (2021) Pearson, Carl AB; Edmunds, W John; Hladish, Thomas J; Eggo, Rosalind M
  • Stark choices: exploring health sector costs of policy responses to COVID-19 in low-income and middle-income countries. (2021) Torres-Rueda, Sergio; Sweeney, Sedona; Bozzani, Fiammetta; Naylor, Nichola R; Baker, Tim; Pearson, Carl; Eggo, Rosalind; Procter, Simon R; Davies, Nicholas; Quaife, Matthew; Kitson, Nichola; Keogh-Brown, Marcus R; Jensen, Henning Tarp; Saadi, Nuru; Khan, Mishal; Huda, Maryam; Kairu, Angela; Zaidi, Raza; Barasa, Edwine; Jit, Mark; Vassall, Anna
  • 2020
  • Estimating the time-varying reproduction number of SARS-CoV-2 using national and subnational case counts. (2020) Abbott, Sam; Hellewell, Joel; Thompson, Robin N; Sherratt, Katharine; Gibbs, Hamish P; Bosse, Nikos I; Munday, James D; Meakin, Sophie; Doughty, Emma L; Chun, June Young; Chan, Yung-Wai Desmond; Finger, Flavio; Campbell, Paul; Endo, Akira; Pearson, Carl AB; Gimma, Amy; Russell, Tim; Flasche, Stefan; Kucharski, Adam J; Eggo, Rosalind M; Funk, Sebastian
  • Estimating the time-varying reproduction number of SARS-CoV-2 using national and subnational case counts. (2020) Abbott, Sam; Hellewell, Joel; Thompson, Robin N; Sherratt, Katharine; Gibbs, Hamish P; Bosse, Nikos I; Munday, James D; Meakin, Sophie; Doughty, Emma L; Chun, June Young; Chan, Yung-Wai Desmond; Finger, Flavio; Campbell, Paul; Endo, Akira; Pearson, Carl AB; Gimma, Amy; Russell, Tim; Flasche, Stefan; Kucharski, Adam J; Eggo, Rosalind M; Funk, Sebastian
  • Effectiveness of interventions targeting air travellers for delaying local outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2. (2020) Clifford, Samuel; Pearson, Carl AB; Klepac, Petra; Van Zandvoort, Kevin; Quilty, Billy J; CMMID COVID-19 working group; Eggo, Rosalind M; Flasche, Stefan
  • The contribution of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections to transmission on the Diamond Princess cruise ship. (2020) Emery, Jon C; Russell, Timothy W; Liu, Yang; Hellewell, Joel; Pearson, Carl Ab; CMMID COVID-19 Working Group; Knight, Gwenan M; Eggo, Rosalind M; Kucharski, Adam J; Funk, Sebastian; Flasche, Stefan; Houben, Rein Mgj
  • Changing travel patterns in China during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. (2020) Gibbs, Hamish; Liu, Yang; Pearson, Carl AB; Jarvis, Christopher I; Grundy, Chris; Quilty, Billy J; Diamond, Charlie; LSHTM CMMID COVID-19 working group; Eggo, Rosalind M
  • Designing effective control of dengue with combined interventions. (2020) Hladish, Thomas J; Pearson, Carl AB; Toh, Kok Ben; Rojas, Diana Patricia; Manrique-Saide, Pablo; Vazquez-Prokopec, Gonzalo M; Halloran, M Elizabeth; Longini, Ira M
  • Inferring the number of COVID-19 cases from recently reported deaths. (2020) Jombart, Thibaut; van Zandvoort, Kevin; Russell, Timothy W; Jarvis, Christopher I; Gimma, Amy; Abbott, Sam; Clifford, Sam; Funk, Sebastian; Gibbs, Hamish; Liu, Yang; Pearson, Carl AB; Bosse, Nikos I; Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases COV; Eggo, Rosalind M; Kucharski, Adam J; Edmunds, W John
  • Inferring the number of COVID-19 cases from recently reported deaths. (2020) Jombart, Thibaut; van Zandvoort, Kevin; Russell, Timothy W; Jarvis, Christopher I; Gimma, Amy; Abbott, Sam; Clifford, Sam; Funk, Sebastian; Gibbs, Hamish; Liu, Yang; Pearson, Carl AB; Bosse, Nikos I; Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases COV; Eggo, Rosalind M; Kucharski, Adam J; Edmunds, W John description
  • Projected early spread of COVID-19 in Africa through 1 June 2020. (2020) Pearson, Carl Ab; Van Schalkwyk, Cari; Foss, Anna M; O'Reilly, Kathleen M; SACEMA Modelling and Analysis Response Team; CMMID COVID-19 working group; Pulliam, Juliet Rc
  • The effect of travel restrictions on the geographical spread of COVID-19 between large cities in China: a modelling study. (2020) Quilty, Billy J; Diamond, Charlie; Liu, Yang; Gibbs, Hamish; Russell, Timothy W; Jarvis, Christopher I; Prem, Kiesha; Pearson, Carl AB; Clifford, Samuel; Flasche, Stefan; CMMID COVID-19 working group; Klepac, Petra; Eggo, Rosalind M; Jit, Mark
  • COVID-19 length of hospital stay: a systematic review and data synthesis. (2020) Rees, Eleanor M; Nightingale, Emily S; Jafari, Yalda; Waterlow, Naomi; Clifford, Samuel; Pearson, Carl AB; Jombert, Thibaut; Procter, Simon R; Knight, Gwenan M
  • Reconstructing the early global dynamics of under-ascertained COVID-19 cases and infections. (2020) Russell, Timothy W; Golding, Nick; Hellewell, Joel; Abbott, Sam; Wright, Lawrence; Pearson, Carl AB; Zandvoort, Kevin van; Jarvis, Christopher I; Gibbs, Hamish; Liu, Yang; Eggo, Rosalind M; Edmunds, W John; Kucharski, Adam J
  • Reconstructing the early global dynamics of under-ascertained COVID-19 cases and infections. (2020) Russell, Timothy W; Golding, Nick; Hellewell, Joel; Abbott, Sam; Wright, Lawrence; Pearson, Carl AB; van Zandvoort, Kevin; Jarvis, Christopher I; Gibbs, Hamish; Liu, Yang; Eggo, Rosalind M; Edmunds, W John; Kucharski, Adam J; CMMID COVID-19 working group
  • Key questions for modelling COVID-19 exit strategies. (2020) Thompson, Robin N; Hollingsworth, T Déirdre; Isham, Valerie; Arribas-Bel, Daniel; Ashby, Ben; Britton, Tom; Challenor, Peter; Chappell, Lauren HK; Clapham, Hannah; Cunniffe, Nik J; Dawid, A Philip; Donnelly, Christl A; Eggo, Rosalind M; Funk, Sebastian; Gilbert, Nigel; Glendinning, Paul; Gog, Julia R; Hart, William S; Heesterbeek, Hans; House, Thomas; Keeling, Matt; Kiss, István Z; Kretzschmar, Mirjam E; Lloyd, Alun L; McBryde, Emma S; McCaw, James M; McKinley, Trevelyan J; Miller, Joel C; Morris, Martina; O'Neill, Philip D; Parag, Kris V; Pearson, Carl AB; Pellis, Lorenzo; Pulliam, Juliet RC; Ross, Joshua V; Tomba, Gianpaolo Scalia; Silverman, Bernard W; Struchiner, Claudio J; Tildesley, Michael J; Trapman, Pieter; Webb, Cerian R; Mollison, Denis; Restif, Olivier
  • Response strategies for COVID-19 epidemics in African settings: a mathematical modelling study. (2020) van Zandvoort, Kevin; Jarvis, Christopher I; Pearson, Carl AB; Davies, Nicholas G; CMMID COVID-19 working group; Ratnayake, Ruwan; Russell, Timothy W; Kucharski, Adam J; Jit, Mark; Flasche, Stefan; Eggo, Rosalind M; Checchi, Francesco
  • 2019
  • Serostatus testing and dengue vaccine cost-benefit thresholds. (2019) Pearson, Carl AB; Abbas, Kaja M; Clifford, Samuel; Flasche, Stefan; Hladish, Thomas J
  • Evaluating the probability of silent circulation of polio in small populations using the silent circulation statistic. (2019) Vallejo, Celeste; Pearson, Carl AB; Koopman, James; Hladish, Thomas J
  • 2018
  • Forecasting the effectiveness of indoor residual spraying for reducing dengue burden. (2018) Hladish, Thomas J; Pearson, Carl AB; Patricia Rojas, Diana; Gomez-Dantes, Hector; Halloran, M Elizabeth; Vazquez-Prokopec, Gonzalo M; Longini, Ira M
  • 2016
  • The Long-Term Safety, Public Health Impact, and Cost-Effectiveness of Routine Vaccination with a Recombinant, Live-Attenuated Dengue Vaccine (Dengvaxia): A Model Comparison Study. (2016) Flasche, Stefan; Jit, Mark; Rodríguez-Barraquer, Isabel; Coudeville, Laurent; Recker, Mario; Koelle, Katia; Milne, George; Hladish, Thomas J; Perkins, T Alex; Cummings, Derek AT; Dorigatti, Ilaria; Laydon, Daniel J; España, Guido; Kelso, Joel; Longini, Ira; Lourenco, Jose; Pearson, Carl AB; Reiner, Robert C; Mier-Y-Terán-Romero, Luis; Vannice, Kirsten; Ferguson, Neil
  • Projected Impact of Dengue Vaccination in Yucatán, Mexico. (2016) Hladish, Thomas J; Pearson, Carl AB; Chao, Dennis L; Rojas, Diana Patricia; Recchia, Gabriel L; Gómez-Dantés, Héctor; Halloran, M Elizabeth; Pulliam, Juliet RC; Longini, Ira M