Items where Author is "Sear, R"
Number of items: 112.
  • Life-history tradeoffs in a historical population (1896-1939) undergoing rapid fertility decline: Costs of reproduction? (2022) Jaeggi, Adrian V; Martin, Jordan S; Floris, Joël; Bender, Nicole; Haeusler, Martin; Sear, Rebecca; Staub, Kaspar
  • Religiosity is associated with greater size, kin density, and geographic dispersal of women's social networks in Bangladesh. (2022) Lynch, R; Schaffnit, S; Sear, R; Sosis, R; Shaver, J; Alam, N; Blumenfield, T; Mattison, SM; Shenk, M
  • Exploring the link between gendered division of labour and reproductive decision-making in high-income countries. (2022) Raybould, AG
  • The impact of market integration on arranged marriages in Matlab, Bangladesh. (2022) Schaffnit, SB; Page, AE; Lynch, R; Spake, L; Sear, R; Sosis, R; Shaver, J; Alam, N; Towner, MC; Shenk, MK
  • Nutritional status and adult mortality in a mid-20<sup>th</sup> century Gambian population: do different types of physical ‘capital’ have different associations with mortality? (2022) Sear, Rebecca; Prentice, Andrew M; Wells, Jonathan
  • Disentangling the relationships between religion and fertility. (2022) Spake, Laure; Hassan, Anushé; Sear, Rebecca; Shenk, Mary K; Sosis, Richard; Shaver, John H picture_as_pdf
  • Understanding Sex Differences in Childhood Undernutrition: A Narrative Review. (2022) Thurstans, Susan; Opondo, Charles; Seal, Andrew; Wells, Jonathan C; Khara, Tanya; Dolan, Carmel; Briend, André; Myatt, Mark; Garenne, Michel; Mertens, Andrew; Sear, Rebecca; Kerac, Marko
  • Fertility and faith: The danger of a grand narrative. (2022) Walters, Sarah; Sear, Rebecca
  • Life history trade-offs associated with exposure to low maternal capital are different in sons compared to daughters: Evidence from a prospective Brazilian birth cohort. (2022) Wells, Jonathan CK; Cole, Tim J; Cortina-Borja, Mario; Sear, Rebecca; Leon, David A; Marphatia, Akanksha A; Murray, Joseph; Wehrmeister, Fernando C; Oliveira, Paula D; Gonçalves, Helen; Oliveira, Isabel O; Menezes, Ana Maria B
  • Beyond the mother-child dyad: Is co-residence with a grandmother associated with adolescent girls' family planning knowledge? (2022) Zevallos-Roberts, Emilia; Cunningham, Kenda; Adhikari, Ramesh Prasad; Thapa, Basant; Sear, Rebecca
  • 2021
  • How do reproduction, parenting, and health cluster together? Exploring diverging destinies, life histories and weathering in two UK cohort studies. (2021) Brown, Laura J; Sear, Rebecca picture_as_pdf
  • Parental care, allomothering and child health in north-western Tanzania : who cares for children and does it matter? (2021) Hassan, A
  • Historical Context Changes Pathways of Parental Influence on Reproduction: An Empirical Test from 20th-Century Sweden. (2021) Moya, Cristina; Goodman, Anna; Koupil, Ilona; Sear, Rebecca
  • The male breadwinner nuclear family is not the 'traditional' human family, and promotion of this myth may have adverse health consequences. (2021) Sear, Rebecca
  • Demography and the rise, apparent fall, and resurgence of eugenics. (2021) Sear, Rebecca
  • Social support, nutrition and health among women in rural Bangladesh: complex tradeoffs in allocare, kin proximity and support network size. (2021) Shenk, Mary K; Morse, Anne; Mattison, Siobhán M; Sear, Rebecca; Alam, Nurul; Raqib, Rubhana; Kumar, Anjan; Haque, Farjana; Blumenfield, Tami; Shaver, John; Sosis, Richard; Wander, Katherine
  • Archaeology, demography and life history theory together can help us explain past and present population patterns. (2021) Shennan, Stephen; Sear, Rebecca
  • 75 years of Population Studies: A diamond anniversary special issue. (2021) Sigle, Wendy; Reid, Alice; Sear, Rebecca picture_as_pdf
  • Mother’s Partnership Status and Allomothering Networks in the United Kingdom and United States. (2021) Spake, Laure; Schaffnit, Susan B; Sear, Rebecca; Shenk, Mary K; Sosis, Richard; Shaver, John H
  • 2020
  • An age-dependent ovulatory strategy explains the evolution of dizygotic twinning in humans. (2020) Hazel, Wade N; Black, Robert; Smock, Richard C; Sear, Rebecca; Tomkins, Joseph L
  • Children of the (gender) revolution: A theoretical and empirical synthesis of how gendered division of labour influences fertility. (2020) Raybould, Alyce; Sear, Rebecca
  • Do human ‘life history strategies’ exist? (2020) Sear, Rebecca
  • Strengthening the evolutionary social sciences with more data, less ‘theory-worship’. (2020) Sear, Rebecca
  • Church attendance and alloparenting: an analysis of fertility, social support and child development among English mothers. (2020) Shaver, John H; Power, Eleanor A; Purzycki, Benjamin G; Watts, Joseph; Sear, Rebecca; Shenk, Mary K; Sosis, Richard; Bulbulia, Joseph A
  • Boys are more likely to be undernourished than girls: A systematic review and meta-analysis of sex differences in undernutrition. (2020) Thurstans, Susan; Opondo, Charles; Seal, Andrew; Wells, Jonathan C; Khara, Tanya; Dolan, Carmel; Briend, André; Myatt, Mark; Garenne, Michel; Sear, Rebecca; Kerac, Marko
  • Boys are more likely to be undernourished than girls: a systematic review and meta-analysis of sex differences in undernutrition. (2020) Thurstans, Susan; Opondo, Charles; Seal, Andrew; Wells, Jonathan; Khara, Tanya; Dolan, Carmel; Briend, André; Myatt, Mark; Garenne, Michel; Sear, Rebecca; Kerac, Marko
  • 2019
  • Differences between sons and daughters in the intergenerational transmission of wealth. (2019) Borgerhoff Mulder, Monique; Towner, Mary C; Baldini, Ryan; Beheim, Bret A; Bowles, Samuel; Colleran, Heidi; Gurven, Michael; Kramer, Karen L; Mattison, Siobhán M; Nolin, David A; Scelza, Brooke A; Schniter, Eric; Sear, Rebecca; Shenk, Mary K; Voland, Eckart; Ziker, John
  • Are mothers less likely to breastfeed in harsh environments? Physical environmental quality and breastfeeding in the Born in Bradford study. (2019) Brown, Laura J; Sear, Rebecca
  • Fathers favour sons, mothers don't discriminate: Sex-biased parental care in northwestern Tanzania. (2019) Hassan, Anushé; Schaffnit, Susan B; Sear, Rebecca; Urassa, Mark; Lawson, David W
  • Children's work and parental investment in education in north-western Tanzania. (2019) Hedges, Sophie
  • Sharing the Load: How Do Coresident Children Influence the Allocation of Work and Schooling in Northwestern Tanzania? (2019) Hedges, Sophie; Lawson, David W; Todd, Jim; Urassa, Mark; Sear, Rebecca
  • Earning their keep? Fostering, children's education, and work in north-western Tanzania. (2019) Hedges, Sophie; Sear, Rebecca; Todd, Jim; Urassa, Mark; Lawson, David W
  • Cross-cultural evidence does not support universal acceleration of puberty in father-absent households. (2019) Sear, Rebecca; Sheppard, Paula; Coall, David A
  • How might life history theory contribute to life course theory? (2019) Stulp, Gert; Sear, Rebecca
  • Low Maternal Capital Predicts Life History Trade-Offs in Daughters: Why Adverse Outcomes Cluster in Individuals. (2019) Wells, Jonathan CK; Cole, Tim J; Cortina-Borja, Mario; Sear, Rebecca; Leon, David A; Marphatia, Akanksha A; Murray, Joseph; Wehrmeister, Fernando C; Oliveira, Paula D; Gonçalves, Helen; Oliveira, Isabel O; Menezes, Ana Maria B
  • 2018
  • Interdisciplinary perspectives on grandparental investment: a journey towards causality. (2018) Coall, David A; Hilbrand, Sonja; Sear, Rebecca; Hertwig, Ralph
  • Trade-Offs in Children’s Time Allocation: Mixed Support for Embodied Capital Models of the Demographic Transition in Tanzania. (2018) Hedges, Sophie; Sear, Rebecca; Todd, Jim; Urassa, Mark; Lawson, David W
  • Worldwide fertility declines do not rely on stopping at ideal parities. (2018) Hruschka, Daniel J; Sear, Rebecca; Hackman, Joseph; Drake, Alexandria
  • Family and fertility: does kin help influence women’s fertility, and how does this vary worldwide? (2018) Sear, Rebecca
  • 2017
  • Local environmental quality positively predicts breastfeeding in the UK's Millennium Cohort Study. (2017) Brown, Laura J; Sear, Rebecca
  • Marital Status and Sleeping Arrangements Predict Salivary Testosterone Levels in Rural Gambian Men. (2017) Lawson, David W; Nuñez-de la Mora, Alejandra; Cooper, Gillian D; Prentice, Andrew M; Moore, Sophie E; Sear, Rebecca
  • Supportive families versus support from families: The decision to have a child in the Netherlands. (2017) Schaffnit, Susan B; Sear, Rebecca
  • Support for new mothers and fertility in the United Kingdom: Not all support is equal in the decision to have a second child. (2017) Schaffnit, Susan B; Sear, Rebecca
  • Supportive families versus support from families: The decision to have a child in the Netherlands. (2017) Schaffnit, Susan; Sear, Rebecca
  • It's not just about the future: The present payoffs to behaviour vary in degree and kind between the rich and the poor. (2017) Sear, Rebecca; Schaffnit, Susan B
  • Local environmental quality positively predicts breastfeeding in the UK’s Millennium Cohort Study. (2017) Streeter, LJ; Sear, R
  • Evolutionary public health: introducing the concept. (2017) Wells, JCK; Nesse, RM; Sear, R; Johnstone, RA; Stearns, SC
  • 2016
  • A New Niche? The Theory of Grandfather Involvement. (2016) Coall, DA; Hilbrand, S; Sear, R; Hertwig, R
  • Modernizing Evolutionary Anthropology : Introduction to the Special Issue. (2016) Mattison, SM; Sear, R
  • What do men want? Re-examining whether men benefit from higher fertility than is optimal for women. (2016) Moya, Cristina; Snopkowski, Kristin; Sear, Rebecca
  • Why demography needs psychologists. (2016) Pepper, Gillian; McAllister, Lisa; Sear, Rebecca picture_as_pdf
  • Understanding variation in human fertility: what can we learn from evolutionary demography? (2016) Sear, Rebecca; Lawson, David W; Kaplan, Hillard; Shenk, Mary K
  • Do grandparents compete with or support their grandchildren? In Guatemala, paternal grandmothers may compete, and maternal grandmothers may cooperate. (2016) Sheppard, Paula; Sear, Rebecca
  • Does grandparental help mediate the relationship between kin presence and fertility? (2016) Snopkowski, K; Sear, R
  • Does grandparental help mediate the relationship between kin presence and fertility? (2016) Snopkowski, Kristin; Sear, Rebecca
  • The Reproductive Ecology of Industrial Societies, Part I : Why Measuring Fertility Matters. (2016) Stulp, Gert; Sear, Rebecca; Barrett, Louise
  • The Reproductive Ecology of Industrial Societies, Part II : The Association between Wealth and Fertility. (2016) Stulp, Gert; Sear, Rebecca; Schaffnit, Susan B; Mills, Melinda C; Barrett, Louise
  • Are risk of mortality and morbidity determinants of abortion behaviour and attitudes in England & Wales? (2016) Virgo, SJ
  • Area-level mortality and morbidity predict ‘abortion proportion’ in England and Wales. (2016) Virgo, Sandra; Sear, Rebecca
  • 2015
  • Intergenerational support and women’s fertility in high-income countries: an evolutionary analysis. (2015) Schaffnit, SB
  • Sociobiology. (2015) Sear, R
  • Evolutionary Demography: A Darwinian Renaissance in Demography. (2015) Sear, R
  • Evolutionary contributions to the study of human fertility. (2015) Sear, Rebecca description
  • Beyond the nuclear family: an evolutionary perspective on parenting. (2015) Sear, Rebecca
  • How We Do It: The Evolution and Future of Human Reproduction. (2015) Sear, Rebecca picture_as_pdf
  • Childhood family disruption and adult height: is there a mediating role of puberty? (2015) Sheppard, Paula; Garcia, Justin R; Sear, Rebecca
  • How does childhood socioeconomic hardship affect reproductive strategy? Pathways of development. (2015) Sheppard, Paula; Pearce, Mark S; Sear, Rebecca
  • Grandparental help in Indonesia is directed preferentially towards needier descendants: a potential confounder when exploring grandparental influences on child health. (2015) Snopkowski, Kristin; Sear, Rebecca description
  • 2014
  • Postdoctoral researchers in the UK: a snapshot at factors affecting their research output. (2014) Felisberti, Fatima M; Sear, Rebecca
  • Intergenerational conflicts may help explain parental absence effects on reproductive timing: a model of age at first birth in humans. (2014) Moya, Cristina; Sear, Rebecca
  • Wealth modifies relationships between kin and women's fertility in high-income countries. (2014) Schaffnit, SB; Sear, R picture_as_pdf
  • A not-so-grim tale: how childhood family structure influences reproductive and risk-taking outcomes in a historical U.S. Population. (2014) Sheppard, Paula; Garcia, Justin R; Sear, Rebecca
  • Fostering relations: first sex and marital timings for children raised by kin and non-kin carers. (2014) Sheppard, Paula; Schaffnit, Susan B; Garcia, Justin R; Sear, Rebecca
  • Father absence and reproduction-related outcomes in Malaysia, a transitional fertility population. (2014) Sheppard, Paula; Snopkowski, Kristin; Sear, Rebecca
  • A test of the intergenerational conflict model in Indonesia shows no evidence of earlier menopause in female-dispersing groups. (2014) Snopkowski, Kristin; Moya, Cristina; Sear, Rebecca
  • 2013
  • Family and fertility: kin influence on the progression to a second birth in the British Household Panel Study. (2013) Mathews, Paul; Sear, Rebecca
  • Does the kin orientation of a British woman�s social network influence her entry into motherhood? (2013) Mathews, Paul; Sear, Rebecca
  • Response: how much you need to engage with mechanism depends on what you are trying to do. (2013) Nettle, D; Gibson, MA; Lawson, DW; Sear, R picture_as_pdf
  • Human behavioral ecology: current research and future prospects. (2013) Nettle, Daniel; Gibson, Mhairi A; Lawson, David W; Sear, Rebecca
  • Kin influences on fertility in Thailand: Effects and mechanisms. (2013) Snopkowski, Kristin; Sear, Rebecca
  • 2012
  • Father absence predicts age at sexual maturity and reproductive timing in British men. (2012) Sheppard, Paula; Sear, Rebecca
  • 2011
  • Evolutionary accounts of human behavioural diversity. (2011) Brown, Gillian R; Dickins, Thomas E; Sear, Rebecca; Laland, Kevin N picture_as_pdf
  • Parenting and families. (2011) Sear, R
  • How much does family matter? Cooperative breeding and the demographic transition. (2011) Sear, Rebecca; Coall, David
  • 2010
  • Grandma plays favourites: X-chromosome relatedness and sex-specific childhood mortality. (2010) Fox, M; Sear, R; Beise, J; Ragsdale, G; Voland, E; Knapp, LA picture_as_pdf
  • Does Wealth Increase Parental Investment Biases in Child Education? (2010) Gibson, Mhairi A; Sear, Rebecca
  • Domestication Alone Does Not Lead to Inequality. (2010) Gurven, Michael; Borgerhoff Mulder, Monique; Hooper, Paul L; Kaplan, Hillard; Quinlan, Robert; Sear, Rebecca; Schniter, Eric; von Rueden, Christopher; Bowles, Samuel; Hertz, Tom; Bell, Adrian picture_as_pdf
  • Height and reproductive success: is bigger always better? (2010) Sear, R
  • We are family. (2010) Sear, Rebecca picture_as_pdf
  • The generation game is the cooperation game: The role of grandparents in the timing of reproduction. (2010) Sear, Rebecca; Dickins, Thomas E
  • 2009
  • Intergenerational wealth transmission and the dynamics of inequality in small-scale societies. (2009) Borgerhoff Mulder, Monique; Bowles, Samuel; Hertz, Tom; Bell, Adrian; Beise, Jan; Clark, Greg; Fazzio, Ila; Gurven, Michael; Hill, Kim; Hooper, Paul L; Irons, William; Kaplan, Hillard; Leonetti, Donna; Low, Bobbi; Marlowe, Frank; McElreath, Richard; Naidu, Suresh; Nolin, David; Piraino, Patrizio; Quinlan, Rob; Schniter, Eric; Sear, Rebecca; Shenk, Mary; Smith, Eric Alden; von Rueden, Christopher; Wiessner, Polly
  • Family matters: kin, demography and child health in a rural Gambian population. (2009) Sear, R; Mace, R
  • How universal are human mate choices? Size does not matter when Hadza foragers are choosing a mate. (2009) Sear, Rebecca; Marlowe, Frank W
  • 2008
  • Life after death: An investigation into how mortality perceptions influence fertility preferences using evidence from an internet-based experiment. (2008) Mathews, Paul; Sear, Rebecca picture_as_pdf
  • Who keeps children alive? A review of the effects of kin on child survival. (2008) SEAR, R; MACE, R
  • Kin and Child Survival in Rural Malawi : Are Matrilineal Kin Always Beneficial in a Matrilineal Society? (2008) Sear, Rebecca picture_as_pdf
  • 2007
  • Mind the gap(s)... in theory, method and data: Re-examining Kanazawa (2006). (2007) Dickins, TE; Sear, R; Wells, AJ
  • The impact of reproduction on gambian women: does controlling for phenotypic quality reveal costs of reproduction? (2007) Sear, Rebecca picture_as_pdf
  • Synthesis in the human evolutionary behavioural sciences. (2007) Sear, Rebecca; Lawson, David W; Dickins, Thomas E
  • Testing evolutionary theories of menopause. (2007) Shanley, Daryl P; Sear, Rebecca; Mace, Ruth; Kirkwood, Thomas BL picture_as_pdf
  • 2006
  • The uptake of modern contraception in a Gambian community: the diffusion of an innovation over 25 years. (2006) Mace, R; Allal, N; Sear, R; Prentice, A
  • Size‐dependent reproductive success in Gambian men: Does height or weight matter more? (2006) Sear, Rebecca picture_as_pdf
  • Height and reproductive success : How a Gambian population compares with the west. (2006) Sear, Rebecca picture_as_pdf
  • 2005
  • Are humans cooperative breeders? (2005) Mace, R; Sear, R picture_as_pdf
  • Biology at work: Rethinking sexual equality. (2005) Sear, R picture_as_pdf
  • 2004
  • An evolutionary model of stature, age at first birth and reproductive success in Gambian women. (2004) Allal, N; Sear, R; Prentice, AM; Mace, R picture_as_pdf
  • Height and reproductive success. (2004) Sear, Rebecca
  • 2003
  • A life-history approach to fertility rates in rural Gambia: evidence for trade-offs or phenotypic correlations? (2003) Sear, R; MacE, R; McGregor, IA picture_as_pdf
  • The effects of kin on female fertility in rural Gambia. (2003) Sear, Rebecca; Mace, Ruth; McGregor, Ian A
  • 2002
  • The effects of kin on child mortality in rural Gambia. (2002) Sear, Rebecca; Steele, Fiona; McGregor, Ian A; Mace, Ruth
  • 2001
  • The fitness of twin mothers: evidence from rural Gambia. (2001) Sear, R; Shanley, D; Mcgregor, IA; Mace, R
  • 1996
  • Maternal mortality in a Kenyan pastoralist population. (1996) Mace, R; Sear, R