Items where Author is "Sear, R"
Number of items: 112.
Life-history tradeoffs in a historical population (1896-1939) undergoing rapid fertility decline: Costs of reproduction? (2022)
Jaeggi, Adrian V; Martin, Jordan S; Floris, Joël; Bender, Nicole; Haeusler, Martin; Sear, Rebecca; Staub, Kaspar
Religiosity is associated with greater size, kin density, and geographic dispersal of women's social networks in Bangladesh. (2022)
Lynch, R; Schaffnit, S; Sear, R; Sosis, R; Shaver, J; Alam, N; Blumenfield, T; Mattison, SM; Shenk, M
Exploring the link between gendered division of labour and reproductive decision-making in high-income countries. (2022)
Raybould, AG
The impact of market integration on arranged marriages in Matlab, Bangladesh. (2022)
Schaffnit, SB; Page, AE; Lynch, R; Spake, L; Sear, R; Sosis, R; Shaver, J; Alam, N; Towner, MC; Shenk, MK
Nutritional status and adult mortality in a mid-20<sup>th</sup> century Gambian population: do different types of physical ‘capital’ have different associations with mortality? (2022)
Sear, Rebecca; Prentice, Andrew M; Wells, Jonathan
Disentangling the relationships between religion and fertility. (2022)
Spake, Laure; Hassan, Anushé; Sear, Rebecca; Shenk, Mary K; Sosis, Richard; Shaver, John H
Understanding Sex Differences in Childhood Undernutrition: A Narrative Review. (2022)
Thurstans, Susan; Opondo, Charles; Seal, Andrew; Wells, Jonathan C; Khara, Tanya; Dolan, Carmel; Briend, André; Myatt, Mark; Garenne, Michel; Mertens, Andrew; Sear, Rebecca; Kerac, Marko
Fertility and faith: The danger of a grand narrative. (2022)
Walters, Sarah; Sear, Rebecca
Life history trade-offs associated with exposure to low maternal capital are different in sons compared to daughters: Evidence from a prospective Brazilian birth cohort. (2022)
Wells, Jonathan CK; Cole, Tim J; Cortina-Borja, Mario; Sear, Rebecca; Leon, David A; Marphatia, Akanksha A; Murray, Joseph; Wehrmeister, Fernando C; Oliveira, Paula D; Gonçalves, Helen; Oliveira, Isabel O; Menezes, Ana Maria B
Beyond the mother-child dyad: Is co-residence with a grandmother associated with adolescent girls' family planning knowledge? (2022)
Zevallos-Roberts, Emilia; Cunningham, Kenda; Adhikari, Ramesh Prasad; Thapa, Basant; Sear, Rebecca
How do reproduction, parenting, and health cluster together? Exploring diverging destinies, life histories and weathering in two UK cohort studies. (2021)
Brown, Laura J; Sear, Rebecca
Parental care, allomothering and child health in north-western Tanzania : who cares for children and does it matter? (2021)
Hassan, A
Historical Context Changes Pathways of Parental Influence on Reproduction: An Empirical Test from 20th-Century Sweden. (2021)
Moya, Cristina; Goodman, Anna; Koupil, Ilona; Sear, Rebecca
The male breadwinner nuclear family is not the 'traditional' human family, and promotion of this myth may have adverse health consequences. (2021)
Sear, Rebecca
Demography and the rise, apparent fall, and resurgence of eugenics. (2021)
Sear, Rebecca
Social support, nutrition and health among women in rural Bangladesh: complex tradeoffs in allocare, kin proximity and support network size. (2021)
Shenk, Mary K; Morse, Anne; Mattison, Siobhán M; Sear, Rebecca; Alam, Nurul; Raqib, Rubhana; Kumar, Anjan; Haque, Farjana; Blumenfield, Tami; Shaver, John; Sosis, Richard; Wander, Katherine
Archaeology, demography and life history theory together can help us explain past and present population patterns. (2021)
Shennan, Stephen; Sear, Rebecca
75 years of Population Studies: A diamond anniversary special issue. (2021)
Sigle, Wendy; Reid, Alice; Sear, Rebecca
Mother’s Partnership Status and Allomothering Networks in the United Kingdom and United States. (2021)
Spake, Laure; Schaffnit, Susan B; Sear, Rebecca; Shenk, Mary K; Sosis, Richard; Shaver, John H
An age-dependent ovulatory strategy explains the evolution of dizygotic twinning in humans. (2020)
Hazel, Wade N; Black, Robert; Smock, Richard C; Sear, Rebecca; Tomkins, Joseph L
Children of the (gender) revolution: A theoretical and empirical synthesis of how gendered division of labour influences fertility. (2020)
Raybould, Alyce; Sear, Rebecca
Do human ‘life history strategies’ exist? (2020)
Sear, Rebecca
Strengthening the evolutionary social sciences with more data, less ‘theory-worship’. (2020)
Sear, Rebecca
Church attendance and alloparenting: an analysis of fertility, social support and child development among English mothers. (2020)
Shaver, John H; Power, Eleanor A; Purzycki, Benjamin G; Watts, Joseph; Sear, Rebecca; Shenk, Mary K; Sosis, Richard; Bulbulia, Joseph A
Boys are more likely to be undernourished than girls: A systematic review and meta-analysis of sex differences in undernutrition. (2020)
Thurstans, Susan; Opondo, Charles; Seal, Andrew; Wells, Jonathan C; Khara, Tanya; Dolan, Carmel; Briend, André; Myatt, Mark; Garenne, Michel; Sear, Rebecca; Kerac, Marko
Boys are more likely to be undernourished than girls: a systematic review and meta-analysis of sex differences in undernutrition. (2020)
Thurstans, Susan; Opondo, Charles; Seal, Andrew; Wells, Jonathan; Khara, Tanya; Dolan, Carmel; Briend, André; Myatt, Mark; Garenne, Michel; Sear, Rebecca; Kerac, Marko
Differences between sons and daughters in the intergenerational transmission of wealth. (2019)
Borgerhoff Mulder, Monique; Towner, Mary C; Baldini, Ryan; Beheim, Bret A; Bowles, Samuel; Colleran, Heidi; Gurven, Michael; Kramer, Karen L; Mattison, Siobhán M; Nolin, David A; Scelza, Brooke A; Schniter, Eric; Sear, Rebecca; Shenk, Mary K; Voland, Eckart; Ziker, John
Are mothers less likely to breastfeed in harsh environments? Physical environmental quality and breastfeeding in the Born in Bradford study. (2019)
Brown, Laura J; Sear, Rebecca
Fathers favour sons, mothers don't discriminate: Sex-biased parental care in northwestern Tanzania. (2019)
Hassan, Anushé; Schaffnit, Susan B; Sear, Rebecca; Urassa, Mark; Lawson, David W
Children's work and parental investment in education in north-western Tanzania. (2019)
Hedges, Sophie
Sharing the Load: How Do Coresident Children Influence the Allocation of Work and Schooling in Northwestern Tanzania? (2019)
Hedges, Sophie; Lawson, David W; Todd, Jim; Urassa, Mark; Sear, Rebecca
Earning their keep? Fostering, children's education, and work in north-western Tanzania. (2019)
Hedges, Sophie; Sear, Rebecca; Todd, Jim; Urassa, Mark; Lawson, David W
Cross-cultural evidence does not support universal acceleration of puberty in father-absent households. (2019)
Sear, Rebecca; Sheppard, Paula; Coall, David A
How might life history theory contribute to life course theory? (2019)
Stulp, Gert; Sear, Rebecca
Low Maternal Capital Predicts Life History Trade-Offs in Daughters: Why Adverse Outcomes Cluster in Individuals. (2019)
Wells, Jonathan CK; Cole, Tim J; Cortina-Borja, Mario; Sear, Rebecca; Leon, David A; Marphatia, Akanksha A; Murray, Joseph; Wehrmeister, Fernando C; Oliveira, Paula D; Gonçalves, Helen; Oliveira, Isabel O; Menezes, Ana Maria B
Interdisciplinary perspectives on grandparental investment: a journey towards causality. (2018)
Coall, David A; Hilbrand, Sonja; Sear, Rebecca; Hertwig, Ralph
Trade-Offs in Children’s Time Allocation: Mixed Support for Embodied Capital Models of the Demographic Transition in Tanzania. (2018)
Hedges, Sophie; Sear, Rebecca; Todd, Jim; Urassa, Mark; Lawson, David W
Worldwide fertility declines do not rely on stopping at ideal parities. (2018)
Hruschka, Daniel J; Sear, Rebecca; Hackman, Joseph; Drake, Alexandria
Family and fertility: does kin help influence women’s fertility, and how does this vary worldwide? (2018)
Sear, Rebecca
Local environmental quality positively predicts breastfeeding in the UK's Millennium Cohort Study. (2017)
Brown, Laura J; Sear, Rebecca
Marital Status and Sleeping Arrangements Predict Salivary Testosterone Levels in Rural Gambian Men. (2017)
Lawson, David W; Nuñez-de la Mora, Alejandra; Cooper, Gillian D; Prentice, Andrew M; Moore, Sophie E; Sear, Rebecca
Supportive families versus support from families: The decision to have a child in the Netherlands. (2017)
Schaffnit, Susan B; Sear, Rebecca
Support for new mothers and fertility in the United Kingdom: Not all support is equal in the decision to have a second child. (2017)
Schaffnit, Susan B; Sear, Rebecca
Supportive families versus support from families: The decision to have a child in the Netherlands. (2017)
Schaffnit, Susan; Sear, Rebecca
It's not just about the future: The present payoffs to behaviour vary in degree and kind between the rich and the poor. (2017)
Sear, Rebecca; Schaffnit, Susan B
Local environmental quality positively predicts breastfeeding in the UK’s Millennium Cohort Study. (2017)
Streeter, LJ; Sear, R
Evolutionary public health: introducing the concept. (2017)
Wells, JCK; Nesse, RM; Sear, R; Johnstone, RA; Stearns, SC
A New Niche? The Theory of Grandfather Involvement. (2016)
Coall, DA; Hilbrand, S; Sear, R; Hertwig, R
Modernizing Evolutionary Anthropology : Introduction to the Special Issue. (2016)
Mattison, SM; Sear, R
What do men want? Re-examining whether men benefit from higher fertility than is optimal for women. (2016)
Moya, Cristina; Snopkowski, Kristin; Sear, Rebecca
Why demography needs psychologists. (2016)
Pepper, Gillian; McAllister, Lisa; Sear, Rebecca
Understanding variation in human fertility: what can we learn from evolutionary demography? (2016)
Sear, Rebecca; Lawson, David W; Kaplan, Hillard; Shenk, Mary K
Do grandparents compete with or support their grandchildren? In Guatemala, paternal grandmothers may compete, and maternal grandmothers may cooperate. (2016)
Sheppard, Paula; Sear, Rebecca
Does grandparental help mediate the relationship between kin presence and fertility? (2016)
Snopkowski, K; Sear, R
Does grandparental help mediate the relationship between kin presence and fertility? (2016)
Snopkowski, Kristin; Sear, Rebecca
The Reproductive Ecology of Industrial Societies, Part I : Why Measuring Fertility Matters. (2016)
Stulp, Gert; Sear, Rebecca; Barrett, Louise
The Reproductive Ecology of Industrial Societies, Part II : The Association between Wealth and Fertility. (2016)
Stulp, Gert; Sear, Rebecca; Schaffnit, Susan B; Mills, Melinda C; Barrett, Louise
Are risk of mortality and morbidity determinants of abortion behaviour and attitudes in England & Wales? (2016)
Virgo, SJ
Area-level mortality and morbidity predict ‘abortion proportion’ in England and Wales. (2016)
Virgo, Sandra; Sear, Rebecca
Intergenerational support and women’s fertility in high-income countries: an evolutionary analysis. (2015)
Schaffnit, SB
Sociobiology. (2015)
Sear, R
Evolutionary Demography: A Darwinian Renaissance in Demography. (2015)
Sear, R
Evolutionary contributions to the study of human fertility. (2015)
Sear, Rebecca
Beyond the nuclear family: an evolutionary perspective on parenting. (2015)
Sear, Rebecca
How We Do It: The Evolution and Future of Human Reproduction. (2015)
Sear, Rebecca
Childhood family disruption and adult height: is there a mediating role of puberty? (2015)
Sheppard, Paula; Garcia, Justin R; Sear, Rebecca
How does childhood socioeconomic hardship affect reproductive strategy? Pathways of development. (2015)
Sheppard, Paula; Pearce, Mark S; Sear, Rebecca
Grandparental help in Indonesia is directed preferentially towards needier descendants: a potential confounder when exploring grandparental influences on child health. (2015)
Snopkowski, Kristin; Sear, Rebecca
Postdoctoral researchers in the UK: a snapshot at factors affecting their research output. (2014)
Felisberti, Fatima M; Sear, Rebecca
Intergenerational conflicts may help explain parental absence effects on reproductive timing: a model of age at first birth in humans. (2014)
Moya, Cristina; Sear, Rebecca
Wealth modifies relationships between kin and women's fertility in high-income countries. (2014)
Schaffnit, SB; Sear, R
A not-so-grim tale: how childhood family structure influences reproductive and risk-taking outcomes in a historical U.S. Population. (2014)
Sheppard, Paula; Garcia, Justin R; Sear, Rebecca
Fostering relations: first sex and marital timings for children raised by kin and non-kin carers. (2014)
Sheppard, Paula; Schaffnit, Susan B; Garcia, Justin R; Sear, Rebecca
Father absence and reproduction-related outcomes in Malaysia, a transitional fertility population. (2014)
Sheppard, Paula; Snopkowski, Kristin; Sear, Rebecca
A test of the intergenerational conflict model in Indonesia shows no evidence of earlier menopause in female-dispersing groups. (2014)
Snopkowski, Kristin; Moya, Cristina; Sear, Rebecca
Family and fertility: kin influence on the progression to a second birth in the British Household Panel Study. (2013)
Mathews, Paul; Sear, Rebecca
Does the kin orientation of a British woman�s social network influence her entry into motherhood? (2013)
Mathews, Paul; Sear, Rebecca
Response: how much you need to engage with mechanism depends on what you are trying to do. (2013)
Nettle, D; Gibson, MA; Lawson, DW; Sear, R
Human behavioral ecology: current research and future prospects. (2013)
Nettle, Daniel; Gibson, Mhairi A; Lawson, David W; Sear, Rebecca
Kin influences on fertility in Thailand: Effects and mechanisms. (2013)
Snopkowski, Kristin; Sear, Rebecca
Grandma plays favourites: X-chromosome relatedness and sex-specific childhood mortality. (2010)
Fox, M; Sear, R; Beise, J; Ragsdale, G; Voland, E; Knapp, LA
Does Wealth Increase Parental Investment Biases in Child Education? (2010)
Gibson, Mhairi A; Sear, Rebecca
Domestication Alone Does Not Lead to Inequality. (2010)
Gurven, Michael; Borgerhoff Mulder, Monique; Hooper, Paul L; Kaplan, Hillard; Quinlan, Robert; Sear, Rebecca; Schniter, Eric; von Rueden, Christopher; Bowles, Samuel; Hertz, Tom; Bell, Adrian
Height and reproductive success: is bigger always better? (2010)
Sear, R
We are family. (2010)
Sear, Rebecca
The generation game is the cooperation game: The role of grandparents in the timing of reproduction. (2010)
Sear, Rebecca; Dickins, Thomas E
Intergenerational wealth transmission and the dynamics of inequality in small-scale societies. (2009)
Borgerhoff Mulder, Monique; Bowles, Samuel; Hertz, Tom; Bell, Adrian; Beise, Jan; Clark, Greg; Fazzio, Ila; Gurven, Michael; Hill, Kim; Hooper, Paul L; Irons, William; Kaplan, Hillard; Leonetti, Donna; Low, Bobbi; Marlowe, Frank; McElreath, Richard; Naidu, Suresh; Nolin, David; Piraino, Patrizio; Quinlan, Rob; Schniter, Eric; Sear, Rebecca; Shenk, Mary; Smith, Eric Alden; von Rueden, Christopher; Wiessner, Polly
Family matters: kin, demography and child health in a rural Gambian population. (2009)
Sear, R; Mace, R
How universal are human mate choices? Size does not matter when Hadza foragers are choosing a mate. (2009)
Sear, Rebecca; Marlowe, Frank W
Mind the gap(s)... in theory, method and data: Re-examining Kanazawa (2006). (2007)
Dickins, TE; Sear, R; Wells, AJ
The impact of reproduction on gambian women: does controlling for phenotypic quality reveal costs of reproduction? (2007)
Sear, Rebecca
Synthesis in the human evolutionary behavioural sciences. (2007)
Sear, Rebecca; Lawson, David W; Dickins, Thomas E
Testing evolutionary theories of menopause. (2007)
Shanley, Daryl P; Sear, Rebecca; Mace, Ruth; Kirkwood, Thomas BL