Items where Author is "Timaeus, IM"
Number of items: 79.
Bibliographic data only
Children on the Brink : A Joint Report on Orphan Estimates and Program Strategies. (2002)
20 contributors including Timaeus, IM
Determinants of perceived morbidity and use of health services by children less than 15 years old in rural Bangladesh. (2009)
Alam, Nurul; van Ginneken, Jeroen K; Timaeus, Ian
Levels and trends of adult mortality. (2006)
Bradshaw, D; Timaeus, IM
The socioeconomic determinants of HIV incidence: evidence from a longitudinal, population-based study in rural South Africa. (2007)
Bärnighausen, Till; Hosegood, Victoria; Timaeus, Ian M; Newell, Marie-Louise
Reed Elsevier and the arms trade revisited. (2007)
Campbell, Oona; Coleman, Michel; Cousens, Simon; Doyle, Pat; Elbourne, Diana; Evans, Stephen; Filteau, Suzanne; Fine, Paul EM; Glynn, Judith R; Grundy, Emily; Haines, Andy; Hall, Andrew J; Hayes, Richard; Kenward, Mike; Kirkwood, Betty; Lamping, Donna L; Lee, Kelley; Leon, Dave; Mabey, David; McKee, Martin; Meade, Tom; Milligan, Paul; Mills, Anne; Patel, Vikram; Peto, Julian; Pocock, Stuart; Prentice, Andrew; Roberts, Ian; Rodrigues, Laura C; dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Smeeth, Liam; Sondorp, Egbert; De Stavola, Bianca; Timaeus, Ian M; Walt, Gill; Whittaker, John; Wilkinson, Paul; Zaba, Basia
Fertility decline in Nepal. (2001)
Collumbien, M; Timaeus, IM; Acharya, L
The impact of HIV/AIDS on adult mortality in South Africa. (2001)
Dorrington, R; Bourne, D; Bradshaw, D; Laubscher, R; Timaeus, IM
Estimation of Mortality using the South African Census 2001 Data. (2004)
Dorrington, R; Moultrie, TA; Timaeus, IM
Estimates of provincial fertility and mortality in South Africa, 1985-1996. (2004)
Dorrington, R; Timaeus, IM; Moultrie, T; Nannan, N
Some implications of HIV/AIDS on adult mortality in South Africa. (2002)
Dorrington, RE; Bourne, D; Bradshaw, D; Laubscher, R; Timaeus, IM
HIV/AIDS data in South Africa. (2002)
Dorrington, Rob; Bourne, David; Bradshaw, Debbie; Laubscher, Ria; Timaeus, Ian M
Methods to estimate the number of orphans as a result of AIDS and other causes in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2005)
Grassly, Nicholas C; Timaeus, Ian M
HIV/AIDS and older people in South Africa. (2006)
Hosegood, V; Timaeus, IM
Household composition and dynamics in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa: mirroring social reality in longitudinal data collection. (2006)
Hosegood, V; Timaeus, IM
The impact of adult mortality on household dissolution and migration in rural South Africa. (2004)
Hosegood, Victoria; McGrath, Nuala; Herbst, Kobus; Timaeus, Ian M
Levels and causes of adult mortality in rural South Africa: the impact of AIDS. (2004)
Hosegood, Victoria; Vanneste, Anna-Maria; Timaeus, Ian M
The South African disability grant: Influence on HIV treatment outcomes and household well-being in KwaZulu-Natal. (2013)
Knight, Lucia; Hosegood, Victoria; Timæus, Ian M
Changes in food security in South Africa since the end of apartheid: Evidence using child malnourishment. (2015)
May, JD; Timæus, IM
Trends in South African fertility between 1970 and 1998: an analysis of the 1996 Census and 1998 Demographic and Health Survey. (2002)
Moultrie, TA; Timaeus, IM
Introduction to model life tables. (2013)
Moultrie, TA; Timæus, IM
Impact on mortality of the AIDS epidemic in northern Namibia assessed using parish registers. (2004)
Notkola, Veijo; Timaeus, Ian M; Siiskonen, Harri
Impact of HIV on mortality in Southern Africa: Evidence from demographic surveillance. (2007)
Timaeus, IM
Indirect estimation from orphanhood in multiple inquiries. (2013)
Timaeus, IM
Estimation of adult mortality from sibling histories. (2013)
Timaeus, IM
Indirect estimation of adult mortality from data on siblings. (2013)
Timaeus, IM
Indirect estimation of adult mortality from orphanhood. (2013)
Timaeus, IM
Adult mortality in the less developed world. (2001)
Timaeus, IM
Estimation of fertility by reverse survival. (2013)
Timaeus, IM; Moultrie, T., A
Estimation of adult mortality from data on adult siblings. (2001)
Timaeus, IM; Zaba, B; Ali, MM
What would Happen if UK Residents Stopped Having Babies? (2016)
Timaeus, Ian
Father figures: the progress at school of orphans in South Africa. (2007)
Timaeus, Ian M; Boler, Tania
Introduction to adult mortality analysis. (2013)
Timæus, IM; Dorrington, RE; Hill, K
Fitting model life tables to a pair of estimates of childhood and adult mortality. (2013)
Timæus, IM; Moultrie, TA
Combining indirect estimates of child and adult mortality to produce a life table. (2013)
Timæus, IM; Moultrie, TA
Commentary: Mortality decline in Senegal. (2001)
Timæus, Ian M
Facing the Consequences of AIDS: Orphans, Educational Outcomes and Cash Grants in South Africa. (2007)
Boler, Tania Melissa
Initial burden of disease estimates for South Africa, 2000. (2003)
Bradshaw, Debbie; Groenewald, Pam; Laubscher, Ria; Nannan, Nadine; Nojilana, Beatrice; Norman, Rosana; Pieterse, Desiréé; Schneider, Michelle; Bourne, David E; Timaeus, Ian M; Dorrington, Rob; Johnson, Leigh
Unabated rise in number of adult deaths in South Africa. (2004)
Bradshaw, Debbie; Laubscher, Ria; Dorrington, Rob; Bourne, David E; Timaeus, Ian M
Contraceptive method use among women and its association with age, relationship status and duration: findings from the third British National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3). (2018)
Firman, Nicola; Palmer, Melissa J; Timæus, Ian M; Wellings, Kaye
Comparison of household-survey estimates with projections of mortality and orphan numbers in sub-Saharan Africa in the era of HIV/AIDS. (2004)
Grassly, Nicholas C; Lewis, James JC; Mahy, Mary; Walker, Neff; Timaeus, Ian M
The impact of adult mortality on the living arrangements of older people in rural South Africa. (2005)
Unconventional approaches to mortality estimation. (2005)
Hill, Kenneth; Choi, Yoonjoung; Timaeus, Ian
Revealing the full extent of households' experiences of HIV and AIDS in rural South Africa. (2007)
Hosegood, Victoria; Preston-Whyte, Eleanor; Busza, Joanna; Moitse, Sindile; Timaeus, Ian M
Age Patterns of Mortality within Childhood in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2003)
Jasseh, M
Assessment of the consistency of health and demographic surveillance and household survey data: A demonstration at two HDSS sites in The Gambia. (2022)
Jasseh, Momodou; Rerimoi, Anne J; Reniers, Georges; Timæus, Ian M
The International Network for the Demographic Evaluation of Populations and their Health (INDEPTH), the Importance of Core Support. (2010)
Kinyanjui, S; Timaeus, IM
Obligation to family during times of transition: care, support and the response to HIV and AIDS in rural South Africa. (2016)
Knight, Lucia; Hosegood, Victoria; Timæus, Ian M
Social networks and state grants: sustaining the livelihoods of households affected by HIV and AIDS in KwaZuluNatal, South Africa. (2011)
Knight, Lucy Catherine
Changing family structures and self-rated health of India's older population (1995-96 to 2014). (2020)
Lieber, Judith; Clarke, Lynda; Timæus, Ian M; Mallinson, Poppy Alice Carson; Kinra, Sanjay
Forecasting the prevalence of overweight and obesity in India to 2040. (2020)
Luhar, Shammi; Timæus, Ian M; Jones, Rebecca; Cunningham, Solveig; Patel, Shivani A; Kinra, Sanjay; Clarke, Lynda; Houben, Rein
The KwaZulu-Natal Income Dynamics Study (KIDS) third wave: methods, first findings and an agenda for future research. (2007)
May, Julian D; Agüero, Jorge; Carter, Michael R; Timæus, Ian M
Inequities in under-five child nutritional status in South Africa: What progress has been made? (2014)
May, Julian; Timæus, Ian M
Men's involvement in the South African family: engendering change in the AIDS era. (2006)
Montgomery, Catherine M; Hosegood, Victoria; Busza, Joanna; Timaeus, Ian M
Apartheid's children: Social institutions and birth intervals during the South African fertility decline, 1960-1998. (2001)
Moultrie, TA
Tools for Demographic Estimation. (2013)
Moultrie, TA; Dorrington, RE; Hill, AG; Hill, K; Timaeus, IM; Zaba, B
Birth intervals, postponement, and fertility decline in Africa: a new type of transition? (2012)
Moultrie, Tom A; Sayi, Takudzwa S; Timæus, Ian M
The South African fertility decline: Evidence from two censuses and a Demographic and Health Survey. (2003)
Moultrie, Tom A; Timaeus, Ian M
Fertility and Living Arrangements in South Africa. (2001)
Moultrie, Tom A; Timæus, Ian M
Levels and differentials in childhood mortality in South Africa, 1977-1998. (2007)
Nannan, Nadine; Timaeus, Ian M; Laubscher, Ria; Bradshaw, Debbie
Premature adult mortality in urban Zambia: a repeated population-based cross-sectional study. (2016)
Rathod, Sujit D; Timæus, Ian M; Banda, Richard; Thankian, Kusanthan; Chilengi, Roma; Banda, Andrew; Lemba, Musonda; Stringer, Jeffrey SA; Chi, Benjamin H
Development and assessment of systems for population-based estimation of neonatal and perinatal mortality in The Gambia. (2019)
Rerimoi, AJ
Gambian cultural beliefs, attitudes and discourse on reproductive health and mortality: Implications for data collection in surveys from the interviewer's perspective. (2019)
Rerimoi, AJ; Niemann, J; Lange, I; Timæus, IM
Under-five mortality in The Gambia: Comparison of the results of the first demographic and health survey with those from existing inquiries. (2019)
Rerimoi, Anne J; Jasseh, Momodou; Agbla, Schadrac C; Reniers, Georges; Roca, Anna; Timæus, Ian M
Mortality differentials 1991-2005 by self-reported ethnicity: findings from the ONS Longitudinal Study. (2013)
Scott, Anne P; Timæus, Ian M
The Spectrum projection package: improvements in estimating incidence by age and sex, mother-to-child transmission, HIV progression in children and double orphans. (2010)
Stover, J; Johnson, P; Hallett, T; Marston, M; Becquet, R; Timaeus, IM
Advances in the Measurement of Adult Mortality from Data on Orphanhood. (1990)
Timaeus, IM
Adult mortality in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from Demographic and Health Surveys. (2004)
Timaeus, Ian M; Jasseh, Momodou
On Postponement and Birth Intervals. (2008)
Timaeus, Ian M; Moultrie, Tom A
Teenage Childbearing and Educational Attainment in South Africa. (2015)
Timaeus, Ian M; Moultrie, Tom A
Stunting and obesity in childhood: a reassessment using longitudinal data from South Africa. (2012)
Timæus, Ian M
Distinguishing the impact of postponement, spacing and stopping on birth intervals: evidence from a model with heterogeneous fecundity. (2012)
Timæus, Ian M; Moultrie, Tom A
Pathways to Low Fertility: 50 Years of Limitation, Curtailment, and Postponement of Childbearing. (2020)
Timæus, Ian M; Moultrie, Tom A
Poverty, Race, and Children's Progress at School in South Africa. (2013)
Timæus, Ian M; Simelane, Sandile; Letsoalo, Thabo
Birth Intervals and Reproductive Intentions in Eastern Africa:
Insights from Urban Fertility Transitions. (2014)
Towriss, CA
Planning a family in Nairobi's informal settlements: results of a qualitative study. (2019)
Towriss, Catriona A; Beguy, Donatien; Wringe, Alison; Hussein, Barwako Hassan; Timæus, Ian M
Modelling period fertility: Schooling and intervals following a birth in Eastern Africa. (2017)
Towriss, Catriona A; Timæus, Ian M
Contraceptive use and lengthening birth intervals in rural and urban Eastern Africa. (2018)
Towriss, Catriona; Timaeus, Ian
Adult mortality and its impact on children in two informal settlements in Nairobi, Kenya. (2013)
Ziraba, AK