Items where Author is "Lamping, DL"
Number of items: 52.
  • The Patient Outcomes of Surgery-Hand/Arm (POS-Hand/Arm): a new patient-based outcome measure. (2004) Cano, SJ; Browne, JP; Lamping, DL; Roberts, AH; McGrouther, DA; Black, NA
  • Measuring health-related quality of life in diabetic peripheral neuropathy: A systematic review. (2011) Smith, SC; Lamping, DL; Maclaine, GD
  • Book Section
  • Consensus development methods, and their use in creating clinical guidelines. (2001) Black, N; Murphy, M; Lamping, D; McKee, M; Sanderson, C; Askham, J; Marteau, T
  • Health-related quality of life in chronic renal failure. (2004) Lamping, D
  • Why age should not be a barrier to dialysis: implications of the North Thames Dialysis Study. (2001) Lamping, DL; Roderick, P; Brown, E; Normand, CEM
  • Conference or Workshop Item
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of renal satellite units in the UK: Findings from the national renal satellite unit evaluation study phase 2. (2002) Armitage, AJ; Roderick, PJ; Feest, TG; Lamping, D; Greenwood, R; Tomson, CRV; Drey, N; Nicholson, T; Mehta, R; Mullee, M; Gerard, K; Townsend, J
  • DEMQOL - Evaluation of a new system for measuring quality of life in people with dementia: Validity, reliability and use in regular practice. (2004) Banerjee, S; Smith, S; Lamping, D; Foley, B; Smith, P; Murray, J
  • DEMQOL: A new measure of health related quality of life in dementia. (2002) Banerjee, S; Smith, S; Murray, J; Foley, B; Smith, P; Lamping, D
  • Clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction in the Optimal Surgical Care for Arterial Revascularisation (OSCAR) study. (2001) Booth, J; Mister, R; Flather, M; Goodman, H; Peters, E; Godden, J; Pepper, J; Investigators, O.B.O.O. INC Lamping, D
  • How safe are hospital at home programmes for CABG? Results of a randomised study (OSCAR). (2001) Booth, J; Mister, R; Flather, M; Roberts, J; Lamping, D; Wang, D; Goodman, H; Peters, E; Godden, J; Pepper, J; Investigators, OBOO
  • Quality of life, outcomes and diagnostic uncertainty in the first year in polymyalgia rheumatica. (2006) Dasgupta, B; Hutching, A; Hollywood, J; Lamping, D; Pease, C; Chakravarty, K; Silverman, B; Hazleman, B; Scoff, DGI; Choy, E; Bourke, B; Gendi, N
  • Quality of life and functional status at pre5entation in polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR): Results from a multi-centre prospective cohort study. (2004) Dasgupta, B; Hutchings, A; Hollywood, J; Lamping, D
  • Disease Activity, Quality of Life and Adverse Events in the First Two Years of Polymyalgia Rheumatica. (2009) Dasgupta, B; Hutchings, A; Hollywood, J; Lamping, D; Gendi, N; Chakravarty, K; Scott, DG; Bourke, B; Choy, E; Silverman, B; Pease, C
  • Disease activity, functional status and quality of life in polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR): A multi-centre prospective cohort study. (2004) Dasgupta, B; Hutchings, A; Hollywood, J; Lamping, D; Pease, C; Chakravarty, K; Hazelman, B; Silverman, B; Choy, EHS; Scott, DGI; Bourke, B; Gendi, N
  • Clinical features at presentation in pulymyalgia rheumatica (PMR): Results from a multi-centre prospective cohort study. (2004) Dasgupta, B; Hutchings, A; Hollywood, J; Pease, C; Chakravarty, K; Hazleman, B; Silverman, B; Choy, E; Scott, D; Bourke, B; Gendi, N; Lamping, D
  • Clinical outcomes, quality of life and diagnostic uncertainty in the first year in polymyalgia rheumatica: A prospective cohort study. (2006) Dasgupta, B; Hutchings, A; Hollywood, J; Pease, C; Chakravarty, K; Silverman, B; Hazleman, B; Choy, E; Scott, D; Gendi, N; Bourke, B; Lamping, D
  • Understanding the components of HRQL amongst the Kamba of Kenya: Putting a qualitatively-derived conceptual model to the psychometric test. (2003) Fox-Rushby, J; Bowden, A; Smith, S; Lamping, D
  • Mortality rate is reduced in ra patients treated with TNF antagonists. Data from biobadaser. (2006) Gomez-Reino, JJ; Dasgupta, B; Haugeberg, G; Descalzo, MA; Hutchings, A; Conaghans, P; Pampin, EP; Hollywood, J; Morton, S; Carmona, L; Lamping, D; Proudman, S; Pease, C; Stewarts, S; Chakravarty, K; Emery, P; Silverman, B; Hazleman, B; Scott, DGI; Choy, E; Bourke, B; Gendl, N
  • Pressure ulcers and quality of life. (2007) Gorecki, C; Nixon, J; On Behalf Of The Equip (European Quality Of Life Pressure Ulcer
  • A systematic review of patient-reported outcomes in pressure ulcers. (2007) Gorecki, CA; Brown, JB; Lamping, DL; Nixon, JE
  • Successful ageing among the older old. (2007) Grundy, E; Smith, S; Fletcher, A; Lamping, D
  • Economic Burden and Cost Determinants of Deep Venous Thrombosis During the Two Years Following Diagnosis a Prospective Evaluation. (2010) Guanella, R; Ducruet, T; John, M; Miron, MJ; Roussin, A; Desmarais, S; Joyal, F; Kassis, J; Solymoss, S; Desjardins, L; Ginsberg, JS; Lamping, DL; Shriner, I; Kahn, SR
  • A culturally-specific measure of visual outcome in India: Development and validation of the Indian Visual Function Questionnaire-33 (IND-VFQ33). (2003) Gupta, S; Viswanath, K; Thulasiraj, R; Murthy, G; Lamping, D; Smith, S; Donoghue, M; Fletcher, A
  • The art and science of questionnaire development: Developing the Carer Well-Being & Support (CWS) questionnaire. (2008) Hamilton, H; Quirk, A; Lamping, D; EtAl
  • The Stroke and Aphasia Quality of Life scale-39-item version (SAQOL-39). (2002) Hilari, K; Byng, S; Lamping, D; Smith, S
  • Psychometric properties of the Stroke and Aphasia Quality of Life scale (SAQOL-39) in a generic stroke population. (2007) Hilari, K; Lamb, A; Northcott, S; Marshall, J; Lamping, DL; Smith, SC; Wiggins, RD
  • Psychometric properties of the Stroke & Aphasia QOL scale (SAQOL-39) in generic stroke. (2007) Hilari, K; Lamb, A; Northcott, S; Marshall, J; Lamping, DL; Smith, SC; Wiggins, RD
  • The Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale (MSIS-29): Reliability and validity in hospital-based samples. (2001) Hobart, J; Riazi, A; Lamping, D; Fitzpatrick, R; Thompson, A
  • Choosing quality of life measures for clinical trials of multiple sclerosis (MS): Evidence-based measurement. (2001) Hobart, J; Riazi, A; Lamping, D; Fitzpatrick, R; Thompson, A
  • Item reduction: Do different methods produce different scales? (2001) Hobart, J; Riazi, A; Lamping, D; R, F; Aj, T
  • Quality of life measurement: Is Rasch item analysis too good to be true? (2001) Hobart, J; Wright, B; Fitzpatrick, R; Lamping, D; Riazi, A; Thompson, A
  • Resource utilisation and loss of productivity during the 4 months following a diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis. (2003) Kahn, S; Ducruet, T; Johri, M; Arsenault, L; Desjardins, L; Desmarais, S; Boucher, P; Joyal, F; Kassis, J; Lamping, D; Miron, M.-, J; Roussin, A; Shrier, I; Solymoss, S; for the Venous Thrombosis Outcomes (VETO), StudyInvestigators
  • Patients with post-thrombotic syndrome have worse disease severity and quality of life than patients with primary chronic venous disease. (2003) Kahn, S; Kurz, X; Lamping, D; Berard, A; Abenhaim, L; Group, FTVS
  • The VEINES-QOL/Sym questionnaire is a valid and reliable measure of quality of life in patients with deep venous thrombosis. (2005) Kahn, S; Lamping, D; Ducruet, T; Arsenault, L; Miron, M; Roussin, A; Desmarais, S; Joyal, F; Kassis, J; Solymoss, S; Desjardins, L
  • Incidence, timing of onset and severity of post-thrombotic syndrome after acute symptomatic deep vein thrombosis: Two-year results from a Canadian multicenter prospective cohort study (The VETO study). (2005) Kahn, SR; Ducruet, T; Arsenault, L; Miron, MJ; Roussin, A; Desmarais, S; Joyal, F; Kassis, J; Solymoss, S; Desjardins, L; Johri, M; Shrier, I; Lamping, DL; Ginsberg, JS
  • Predictors of the development of post-thrombotic syndrome after acute symptomatic deep vein thrombosis: Two-year results from a Canadian multicenter prospective cohort study (The VETO study). (2005) Kahn, SR; Ducruet, T; Arsenault, L; Miron, MJ; Roussin, A; Desmarais, S; Joyal, F; Kassis, J; Solymoss, S; Ginsberg, JS; Desjardins, L; Johri, M; Lamping, DL; Shrier, I
  • Change in health-related quality of life during the 4 months following a diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis. (2003) Kahn, SR; Ducruet, T; Lamping, DL; Arsenault, L; Miron, MJ; Roussin, A; Desmarais, S; Joyal, F; Kassis, J; Solymoss, S; Desjardins, L; Johri, M; Shrier, I
  • The VEINES-QOL/Sym questionnaire is a valid and reliable measure of quality of life in patients with deep venous thrombosis. (2004) Kahn, SR; Lamping, DL; Ducruet, T; Arsenault, L; Miron, MJ; Roussin, A; Desmarais, S; Joyal, F; Kassis, J; Solymoss, S; Desjardins, L
  • Determinants of health-related quality of life after deep venous thrombosis: Two-year results from a Canadian multicenter prospective cohort study - (The VETO study). (2005) Kahn, SR; Vydykhan, T; Lamping, DL; Ducruet, T; Arsenault, L; Miron, MJ; Roussin, A; Desmarais, S; Joyal, F; Kassis, J; Solymoss, S; Ginsberg, JS; Desjardins, L; Johri, M; Shrier, I
  • Psychometric evaluation of the CAP-Sym questionnaire: A new, patient-based measure of symptoms in community acquired pneumonia. (2001) Lamping, D; Schroter, S; Sagnier, P; Duprat-Lomon, I
  • Socio-demographic predictors of health-related quality of life in multiple sclerosis and comparisons with other populations. (2001) Riazi, A; Hobart, J; Lamping, D; Fitzpatrick, R; Freeman, J; Thompson, A
  • Final psychometric evaluation of the Coronary Revascularisation Outcome Questionnaire (CROQ-CABG/PTCA). (2001) Schroter, S; Lamping, D
  • The relative responsiveness of generic and disease-specific measures of HRQOL in patients undergoing coronary revascularisation. (2001) Schroter, S; Lamping, D
  • Routine use of patient-reported outcome measures in surgical treatment centres: Developing an evidence base. (2005) Smith, S; Cano, S; Browne, J; Lamping, D; Black, N; van der Meulen, J; Staniszewska, S; Lewsey, J; Cairns, J
  • Self- or proxy report in evaluating HRQL in dementia? Development and validation of DEMQOL. (2003) Smith, S; Lamping, D; Banerjee, S; Harwood, R; Foley, B; Smith, P; Cook, J; Murray, J; Prince, M; Levin, E; Mann, A; Knapp, M
  • Obtaining self-reports about HRQL from cognitively impaired respondents. (2001) Smith, S; Lamping, D; Foley, B; Murray, J; Banerjee, S
  • Evaluating patient-based outcomes in critical care: Putting clinical wisdom to the psychometric test. (2005) Smith, S; Lamping, D; Nightingale, P; MacFarlane, S; Rowan, K
  • Predictors of successful ageing in the very old: the importance of social interaction. (2007) Smith, SC; Grundy, E; Fletcher, A; Lamping, DL
  • Cost-effectiveness of magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound surgery for treatment of uterine fibroids. (2008) Zowall, H; Cairns, JA; Brewer, C; Lamping, DL; Gedroyc, WM; Regan, L
  • Thesis
  • Understanding the concept of health related quality of life in adult, general critical care survivors. (2011) Chin Lim, Wan
  • The comparison of the impact two comprehensive geriatric assessment procedures on quality of life and service use. (1998) Morin, Diane
  • Primary Care Physicians' Knowledge of, Attitudes Towards, and Practices in Sexual Healthcare for Patients of Middle and Old Age in Trinidad & Tobago. (2019) Rabathaly, PA