Items where Author is "Piot, Peter"

Number of items: 128.
  • Randomized Trial of Vaccines for Zaire Ebola Virus Disease. (2022) PREVAC Study Team; Kieh, Mark; Richert, Laura; Beavogui, Abdoul H; Grund, Birgit; Leigh, Bailah; D'Ortenzio, Eric; Doumbia, Seydou; Lhomme, Edouard; Sow, Samba; Vatrinet, Renaud; Roy, Céline; Kennedy, Stephen B; Faye, Sylvain; Lees, Shelley; Millimouno, Niouma P; Camara, Alseny M; Samai, Mohamed; Deen, Gibrilla F; Doumbia, Moussa; Espérou, Hélène; Pierson, Jerome; Watson-Jones, Deborah; Diallo, Alpha; Wentworth, Deborah; McLean, Chelsea; Simon, Jakub; Wiedemann, Aurélie; Dighero-Kemp, Bonnie; Hensley, Lisa; Lane, H Clifford; Levy, Yves; Piot, Peter; Greenwood, Brian; Chêne, Geneviève; Neaton, James; Yazdanpanah, Yazdan
  • 2020
  • A commentary on the interagency symposium: 'Building a Healthier Future: A Human Capital Perspective on Health and Education', presented at the European Congress of Tropical Medicine and International Health, Liverpool, UK, October 2019. (2020) Bundy, Donald; Burbano, Carmen; Lloyd-Evans, Edward; Sorgho, Gaston; Lavadenz, Fernando; Adam, Zeinab; Drake, Lesley; Rowland-Jones, Sarah; Piot, Peter
  • Mapping male circumcision for HIV prevention efforts in sub-Saharan Africa. (2020) Cork, Michael A; Wilson, Kate F; Perkins, Samantha; Collison, Michael L; Deshpande, Aniruddha; Eaton, Jeffrey W; Earl, Lucas; Haeuser, Emily; Justman, Jessica E; Kinyoki, Damaris K; Mayala, Benjamin K; Mosser, Jonathan F; Murray, Christopher JL; Nkengasong, John N; Piot, Peter; Sartorius, Benn; Schaeffer, Lauren E; Serfes, Audrey L; Sligar, Amber; Steuben, Krista M; Tanser, Frank C; VanderHeide, John D; Yang, Mingyou; Wabiri, Njeri; Hay, Simon I; Dwyer-Lindgren, Laura
  • Defeating neglected tropical diseases in our new world living with COVID-19. (2020) Martínez-Juárez, Luis Alberto; Álvarez-Hernandez, Diego-Abelardo; Sedas, Ana Cristina; Spencer, Julia; Piot, Peter
  • 2019
  • Ebola Vaccines: Biomedical Advances, Human Rights Challenges. (2019) Bausch, Daniel G; Piot, Peter
  • Governance for health: the HIV response and general global health. (2019) Bekker, Linda-Gail; Ratevosian, Jirair; Spencer, Julia; Piot, Peter; Beyrer, Chris
  • Mapping HIV prevalence in sub-Saharan Africa between 2000 and 2017. (2019) Dwyer-Lindgren, Laura; Cork, Michael A; Sligar, Amber; Steuben, Krista M; Wilson, Kate F; Provost, Naomi R; Mayala, Benjamin K; VanderHeide, John D; Collison, Michael L; Hall, Jason B; Biehl, Molly H; Carter, Austin; Frank, Tahvi; Douwes-Schultz, Dirk; Burstein, Roy; Casey, Daniel C; Deshpande, Aniruddha; Earl, Lucas; El Bcheraoui, Charbel; Farag, Tamer H; Henry, Nathaniel J; Kinyoki, Damaris; Marczak, Laurie B; Nixon, Molly R; Osgood-Zimmerman, Aaron; Pigott, David; Reiner, Robert C; Ross, Jennifer M; Schaeffer, Lauren E; Smith, David L; Davis Weaver, Nicole; Wiens, Kirsten E; Eaton, Jeffrey W; Justman, Jessica E; Opio, Alex; Sartorius, Benn; Tanser, Frank; Wabiri, Njeri; Piot, Peter; Murray, Christopher JL; Hay, Simon I
  • Importance of diagnostics in epidemic and pandemic preparedness. (2019) Kelly-Cirino, Cassandra D; Nkengasong, John; Kettler, Hannah; Tongio, Isabelle; Gay-Andrieu, Françoise; Escadafal, Camille; Piot, Peter; Peeling, Rosanna W; Gadde, Renuka; Boehme, Catharina
  • New filovirus disease classification and nomenclature. (2019) Kuhn, Jens H; Adachi, Takuya; Adhikari, Neill KJ; Arribas, Jose R; Bah, Ibrahima Elhadj; Bausch, Daniel G; Bhadelia, Nahid; Borchert, Matthias; Brantsæter, Arne Broch; Brett-Major, David M; Burgess, Timothy H; Chertow, Daniel S; Chute, Christopher G; Cieslak, Theodore J; Colebunders, Robert; Crozier, Ian; Davey, Richard T; de Clerck, Hilde; Delgado, Rafael; Evans, Laura; Fallah, Mosoka; Fischer, William A; Fletcher, Tom E; Fowler, Robert A; Grünewald, Thomas; Hall, Andy; Hewlett, Angela; Hoepelman, Andy IM; Houlihan, Catherine F; Ippolito, Giuseppe; Jacob, Shevin T; Jacobs, Michael; Jakob, Robert; Jacquerioz, Frederique A; Kaiser, Laurent; Kalil, Andre C; Kamara, Rashidatu F; Kapetshi, Jimmy; Klenk, Hans-Dieter; Kobinger, Gary; Kortepeter, Mark G; Kraft, Colleen S; Kratz, Thomas; Bosa, Henry S Kyobe; Lado, Marta; Lamontagne, François; Lane, H Cliff; Lobel, Leslie; Lutwama, Julius; Lyon, G Marshall; Massaquoi, Moses BF; Massaquoi, Thomas A; Mehta, Aneesh K; Makuma, Vital Mondonge; Murthy, Srinivas; Musoke, Tonny Seikikongo; Muyembe-Tamfum, Jean-Jacques; Nakyeyune, Phiona; Nanclares, Carolina; Nanyunja, Miriam; Nsio-Mbeta, Justus; O'Dempsey, Tim; Pawęska, Janusz T; Peters, Clarence J; Piot, Peter; Rapp, Christophe; Renaud, Bertrand; Ribner, Bruce; Sabeti, Pardis C; Schieffelin, John S; Slenczka, Werner; Soka, Moses J; Sprecher, Armand; Strong, James; Swanepoel, Robert; Uyeki, Timothy M; van Herp, Michel; Vetter, Pauline; Wohl, David A; Wolf, Timo; Wolz, Anja; Wurie, Alie H; Yoti, Zabulon
  • Immunization: vital progress, unfinished agenda. (2019) Piot, Peter; Larson, Heidi J; O'Brien, Katherine L; N'kengasong, John; Ng, Edmond; Sow, Samba; Kampmann, Beate
  • Emergent threats: lessons learnt from Ebola. (2019) Piot, Peter; Soka, Moses J; Spencer, Julia
  • 2018
  • Advancing global health and strengthening the HIV response in the era of the Sustainable Development Goals: the International AIDS Society-Lancet Commission. (2018) Bekker, Linda-Gail; Alleyne, George; Baral, Stefan; Cepeda, Javier; Daskalakis, Demetre; Dowdy, David; Dybul, Mark; Eholie, Serge; Esom, Kene; Garnett, Geoff; Grimsrud, Anna; Hakim, James; Havlir, Diane; Isbell, Michael T; Johnson, Leigh; Kamarulzaman, Adeeba; Kasaie, Parastu; Kazatchkine, Michel; Kilonzo, Nduku; Klag, Michael; Klein, Marina; Lewin, Sharon R; Luo, Chewe; Makofane, Keletso; Martin, Natasha K; Mayer, Kenneth; Millett, Gregorio; Ntusi, Ntobeko; Pace, Loyce; Pike, Carey; Piot, Peter; Pozniak, Anton; Quinn, Thomas C; Rockstroh, Jurgen; Ratevosian, Jirair; Ryan, Owen; Sippel, Serra; Spire, Bruno; Soucat, Agnes; Starrs, Ann; Strathdee, Steffanie A; Thomson, Nicholas; Vella, Stefano; Schechter, Mauro; Vickerman, Peter; Weir, Brian; Beyrer, Chris
  • Prevention of Ebola virus disease through vaccination: where we are in 2018. (2018) Lévy, Yves; Lane, Clifford; Piot, Peter; Beavogui, Abdul Habib; Kieh, Mark; Leigh, Bailah; Doumbia, Seydou; D'Ortenzio, Eric; Lévy-Marchal, Claire; Pierson, Jerome; Watson-Jones, Deborah; Nguyen, Vinh-Kim; Larson, Heidi; Lysander, Julia; Lacabaratz, Christine; Thiebaut, Rodolphe; Augier, Augustin; Ishola, David; Kennedy, Stephen; Chêne, Geneviève; Greenwood, Brian; Neaton, James; Yazdanpanah, Yazdan
  • UK's role in global health research innovation. (2018) Mannell, Jenevieve; Abubakar, Ibrahim; Bastawrous, Andrew; Osrin, David; Patel, Preeti; Piot, Peter; Prince, Martin; Smith, Jim; Wilkinson, Robert J; Horton, Richard
  • From 1976 to 2018: reflections on early investigations into the Ebola virus. (2018) Piot, Peter; Spencer, Julia
  • 2017
  • The path to longer and healthier lives for all Africans by 2030: the Lancet Commission on the future of health in sub-Saharan Africa. (2017) Agyepong, Irene Akua; Sewankambo, Nelson; Binagwaho, Agnes; Coll-Seck, Awa Marie; Corrah, Tumani; Ezeh, Alex; Fekadu, Abebaw; Kilonzo, Nduku; Lamptey, Peter; Masiye, Felix; Mayosi, Bongani; Mboup, Souleymane; Muyembe, Jean-Jacques; Pate, Muhammad; Sidibe, Myriam; Simons, Bright; Tlou, Sheila; Gheorghe, Adrian; Legido-Quigley, Helena; McManus, Joanne; Ng, Edmond; O'Leary, Maureen; Enoch, Jamie; Kassebaum, Nicholas; Piot, Peter
  • Ending cervical cancer: A call to action. (2017) Aranda, Sanchia; Berkley, Seth; Cowal, Sally; Dybul, Mark; Evans, Tim; Iversen, Katja; Moeti, Matshidiso; Osotimehin, Babatunde; Peterson, Stefan; Piot, Peter; Purandare, Chittaranjan N; Sidibé, Michel; Trimble, Ted; Tsu, Vivien Davis
  • Interventions and approaches to integrating HIV and mental health services: a systematic review. (2017) Chuah, Fiona Leh Hoon; Haldane, Victoria Elizabeth; Cervero-Liceras, Francisco; Ong, Suan Ee; Sigfrid, Louise A; Murphy, Georgina; Watt, Nicola; Balabanova, Dina; Hogarth, Sue; Maimaris, Will; Otero, Laura; Buse, Kent; McKee, Martin; Piot, Peter; Perel, Pablo; Legido-Quigley, Helena
  • Human Rights in the Fourth Decade of the HIV/AIDS Response: An Inspiring Legacy and Urgent Imperative. (2017) Enoch, Jamie; Piot, Peter
  • Integrating cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, and diabetes with HIV services: a systematic review. (2017) Haldane, V; Legido-Quigley, H; Chuah, FLH; Sigfrid, L; Murphy, G; Ong, SE; Cervero-Liceras, F; Watt, N; Balabanova, D; Hogarth, S; Maimaris, W; Buse, K; McKee, M; Piot, P; Perel, P
  • Integrating HIV and substance use services: a systematic review. (2017) Haldane, Victoria; Cervero-Liceras, Francisco; Chuah, Fiona Lh; Ong, Suan Ee; Murphy, Georgina; Sigfrid, Louise; Watt, Nicola; Balabanova, Dina; Hogarth, Sue; Maimaris, Will; Buse, Kent; Piot, Peter; McKee, Martin; Perel, Pablo; Legido-Quigley, Helena
  • Post-Ebola reforms: ample analysis, inadequate action. (2017) Moon, Suerie; Leigh, Jennifer; Woskie, Liana; Checchi, Francesco; Dzau, Victor; Fallah, Mosoka; Fitzgerald, Gabrielle; Garrett, Laurie; Gostin, Lawrence; Heymann, David L; Katz, Rebecca; Kickbusch, Ilona; Morrison, J Stephen; Piot, Peter; Sands, Peter; Sridhar, Devi; Jha, Ashish K
  • Local, national, and regional viral haemorrhagic fever pandemic potential in Africa: a multistage analysis. (2017) Pigott, David M; Deshpande, Aniruddha; Letourneau, Ian; Morozoff, Chloe; Reiner, Robert C; Kraemer, Moritz UG; Brent, Shannon E; Bogoch, Isaac I; Khan, Kamran; Biehl, Molly H; Burstein, Roy; Earl, Lucas; Fullman, Nancy; Messina, Jane P; Mylne, Adrian QN; Moyes, Catherine L; Shearer, Freya M; Bhatt, Samir; Brady, Oliver J; Gething, Peter W; Weiss, Daniel J; Tatem, Andrew J; Caley, Luke; De Groeve, Tom; Vernaccini, Luca; Golding, Nick; Horby, Peter; Kuhn, Jens H; Laney, Sandra J; Ng, Edmond; Piot, Peter; Sankoh, Osman; Murray, Christopher JL; Hay, Simon I
  • Preface: 'The 2013-2016 West African Ebola epidemic: data, decision-making and disease control'. (2017) Piot, Peter; Coltart, Cordelia EM; Atkins, Katherine E
  • Accounting for the future of health in India. (2017) Prasad, A; Lakhanpaul, M; Narula, S; Patel, V; Piot, P; Venkatapuram, S
  • Ebola Virus Neutralizing Antibodies Detectable in Survivors of theYambuku, Zaire Outbreak 40 Years after Infection. (2017) Rimoin, Anne W; Lu, Kai; Bramble, Matthew S; Steffen, Imke; Doshi, Reena H; Hoff, Nicole A; Mukadi, Patrick; Nicholson, Bradly P; Alfonso, Vivian H; Olinger, Gerrard; Sinai, Cyrus; Yamamoto, Lauren K; Ramirez, Christina M; Okitolonda Wemakoy, Emile; Kebela Illunga, Benoit; Pettitt, James; Logue, James; Bennett, Richard S; Jahrling, Peter; Heymann, David L; Piot, Peter; Muyembe-Tamfum, Jean Jacques; Hensley, Lisa E; Simmons, Graham
  • New Vaccines against Epidemic Infectious Diseases. (2017) Røttingen, John-Arne; Gouglas, Dimitrios; Feinberg, Mark; Plotkin, Stanley; Raghavan, Krishnaswamy V; Witty, Andrew; Draghia-Akli, Ruxandra; Stoffels, Paul; Piot, Peter
  • Integrating cervical cancer with HIV healthcare services: A systematic review. (2017) Sigfrid, Louise; Murphy, Georgina; Haldane, Victoria; Chuah, Fiona Leh Hoon; Ong, Suan Ee; Cervero-Liceras, Francisco; Watt, Nicola; Alvaro, Alconada; Otero-Garcia, Laura; Balabanova, Dina; Hogarth, Sue; Maimaris, Will; Buse, Kent; Mckee, Martin; Piot, Peter; Perel, Pablo; Legido-Quigley, Helena
  • Health systems facilitators and barriers to the integration of HIV and chronic disease services: a systematic review. (2017) Watt, Nicola; Sigfrid, Louise; Legido-Quigley, Helena; Hogarth, Sue; Maimaris, Will; Otero-García, Laura; Perel, Pablo; Buse, Kent; McKee, Martin; Piot, Peter; Balabanova, Dina
  • 2016
  • Discovery and Description of Ebola Zaire Virus in 1976 and Relevance to the West African Epidemic During 2013-2016. (2016) Breman, Joel G; Heymann, David L; Lloyd, Graham; McCormick, Joseph B; Miatudila, Malonga; Murphy, Frederick A; Muyembé-Tamfun, Jean-Jacques; Piot, Peter; Ruppol, Jean-François; Sureau, Pierre; van der Groen, Guido; Johnson, Karl M
  • Toward a Common Secure Future: Four Global Commissions in the Wake of Ebola. (2016) Gostin, Lawrence O; Tomori, Oyewale; Wibulpolprasert, Suwit; Jha, Ashish K; Frenk, Julio; Moon, Suerie; Phumaphi, Joy; Piot, Peter; Stocking, Barbara; Dzau, Victor J; Leung, Gabriel M
  • The counter effects of the Ebola epidemic on control and treatment of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria in West Africa. (2016) Hira, Subhash; Piot, Peter
  • Building from the HIV Response toward Universal Health Coverage. (2016) Jay, Jonathan; Buse, Kent; Hart, Marielle; Wilson, David; Marten, Robert; Kellerman, Scott; Odetoyinbo, Morolake; Quick, Jonathan D; Evans, Timothy; Piot, Peter; Dybul, Mark; Binagwaho, Agnes
  • How to choose the world's top health diplomat. (2016) Kickbusch, Ilona; Woods, Ngaire; Piot, Peter; Abbasi, Kamran
  • Ebola: How a People's Science Helped End an Epidemic. (2016) Piot, P
  • Innovating healthcare delivery to address noncommunicable diseases in low-income settings: the example of hypertension. (2016) Piot, Peter; Aerts, Ann; Wood, David A; Lamptey, Peter; Oti, Samuel; Connell, Kenneth; Dorairaj, Prabhakaran; Boufford, Jo I; Caldwell, Aya; Perel, Pablo
  • Addressing the growing burden of non-communicable disease by leveraging lessons from infectious disease management. (2016) Piot, Peter; Caldwell, Aya; Lamptey, Peter; Nyrirenda, Moffat; Mehra, Sunil; Cahill, Kathy; Aerts, Ann
  • Facing forward after Ebola: questions for the next director general of the World Health Organization. (2016) Sridhar, Devi; Kickbusch, Ilona; Moon, Suerie; Dzau, Victor; Heymann, David; Jha, Ashish K; Saavendra, Jorge; Stocking, Barbara; Woskie, Liana; Piot, Peter
  • Inaugural Lecture - Helen Weiss: Global adolescent health: Reducing storm and stress. (2016) Weiss, Ha
  • 2015
  • March 2015 - Ebola one year on, finding out about sex, and a Suffrage Science award winner. (2015) UNSPECIFIED
  • Peter Piot - Ebola: one year on. (2015) UNSPECIFIED
  • Making sense of health estimates. (2015) Agyepong, Irene; Corrah, Tumani; Guo, Yan; Hollingsworth, Bruce; Klag, Michael; Longfield, Kim; de Fatima Marinho de Souza, Maria; Piot, Peter; Rao, JVR Prasada; Røttingen, John-Arne; Smith, Peter; Sprenger, Marc; Sutton, Trevor; Curran, Sarah; Ng, Edmond SW; Independent Advisory Committee to the Global Burden of Disease
  • A tribute to NHS staff volunteering overseas. (2015) Ahmed, Faheem; Ahmed, Na'eem; Compson, Jonathan; Piot, Peter; Davies, Sally; Keogh, Bruce
  • Nepali earthquakes and the risk of an epidemic of hepatitis E. (2015) Basnyat, Buddha; Dalton, Harry R; Kamar, Nassim; Rein, David B; Labrique, Alain; Farrar, Jeremy; Piot, Peter; 21 signatories
  • Inaugural Lecture - Frank Dudbridge: All in the genes, or in all the genes. (2015) Dudbridge, F
  • Will Ebola change the game? Ten essential reforms before the next pandemic. The report of the Harvard-LSHTM Independent Panel on the Global Response to Ebola. (2015) Moon, Suerie; Sridhar, Devi; Pate, Muhammad A; Jha, Ashish K; Clinton, Chelsea; Delaunay, Sophie; Edwin, Valnora; Fallah, Mosoka; Fidler, David P; Garrett, Laurie; Goosby, Eric; Gostin, Lawrence O; Heymann, David L; Lee, Kelley; Leung, Gabriel M; Morrison, J Stephen; Saavedra, Jorge; Tanner, Marcel; Leigh, Jennifer A; Hawkins, Benjamin; Woskie, Liana R; Piot, Peter
  • Defeating AIDS--advancing global health. (2015) Piot, Peter; Abdool Karim, Salim S; Hecht, Robert; Legido-Quigley, Helena; Buse, Kent; Stover, John; Resch, Stephen; Ryckman, Theresa; Møgedal, Sigrun; Dybul, Mark; Goosby, Eric; Watts, Charlotte; Kilonzo, Nduku; McManus, Joanne; Sidibé, Michel; UNAIDS–Lancet Commission
  • Ebola virus disease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1976-2014. (2015) Rosello, Alicia; Mossoko, Mathias; Flasche, Stefan; Van Hoek, Albert Jan; Mbala, Placide; Camacho, Anton; Funk, Sebastian; Kucharski, Adam; Ilunga, Benoit Kebela; Edmunds, W John; Piot, Peter; Baguelin, Marc; Tamfum, Jean-Jacques Muyembe
  • 2014
  • September 2014 - Ebola, antibiotics and ME/CFS. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Peter Piot - the Ebola epidemic - past and present. (2014) UNSPECIFIED
  • Randomised controlled trials for Ebola: practical and ethical issues. (2014) Adebamowo, Clement; Bah-Sow, Oumou; Binka, Fred; Bruzzone, Roberto; Caplan, Arthur; Delfraissy, Jean-François; Heymann, David; Horby, Peter; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Tamfum, Jean-Jacques Muyembe; Olliaro, Piero; Piot, Peter; Tejan-Cole, Abdul; Tomori, Oyewale; Toure, Aissatou; Torreele, Els; Whitehead, John
  • Potential for large outbreaks of Ebola virus disease. (2014) Camacho, A; Kucharski, AJ; Funk, S; Breman, J; Piot, P; Edmunds, WJ
  • The Ebola emergency--immediate action, ongoing strategy. (2014) Farrar, Jeremy J; Piot, Peter
  • Mapping Ebola in wild animals for better disease control. (2014) Funk, Sebastian; Piot, Peter
  • No health without perinatal mental health. (2014) Howard, Louise M; Piot, Peter; Stein, Alan
  • Transformation of HIV from pandemic to low-endemic levels: a public health approach to combination prevention. (2014) Jones, Alexandra; Cremin, Ide; Abdullah, Fareed; Idoko, John; Cherutich, Peter; Kilonzo, Nduku; Rees, Helen; Hallett, Timothy; O'Reilly, Kevin; Koechlin, Florence; Schwartlander, Bernhard; de Zalduondo, Barbara; Kim, Susan; Jay, Jonathan; Huh, Jacqueline; Piot, Peter; Dybul, Mark
  • Containing Ebola virus infection in West Africa. (2014) Kucharski, Aj; Piot, P
  • Food insecurity is associated with increased risk of non-adherence to antiretroviral therapy among HIV-infected adults in the Democratic Republic of Congo: a cross-sectional study. (2014) Musumari, Patou Masika; Wouters, Edwin; Kayembe, Patrick Kalambayi; Kiumbu Nzita, Modeste; Mbikayi, Samclide Mutindu; Suguimoto, S Pilar; Techasrivichien, Teeranee; Lukhele, Bhekumusa Wellington; El-Saaidi, Christina; Piot, Peter; Ono-Kihara, Masako; Kihara, Masahiro
  • Ebola's perfect storm. (2014) Piot, Peter
  • The F1000Research: Ebola article collection. (2014) Piot, Peter
  • Appeal to global donors to save the Treatment Action Campaign. (2014) Piot, Peter; Barré-Sinoussi, Françoise; Karim, Quarraisha Abdool; Karim, Salim S Abdool; Beyrer, Chris
  • Ebola in west Africa: from disease outbreak to humanitarian crisis. (2014) Piot, Peter; Muyembe, Jean-Jacques; Edmunds, W John
  • ["Ebola: a major humanitarian crisis that may linger" (Pr Peter Piot)]. (2014) Piot, Peter; Nau, Jean-Yves
  • Health system strengthening in Myanmar during political reforms: perspectives from international agencies. (2014) Risso-Gill, Isabelle; McKee, Martin; Coker, Richard; Piot, Peter; Legido-Quigley, Helena
  • Infectious disease: tough choices to reduce Ebola transmission. (2014) Whitty, Christopher JM; Farrar, Jeremy; Ferguson, Neil; Edmunds, W John; Piot, Peter; Leach, Melissa; Davies, Sally C
  • 2013
  • Improving responsiveness of health systems to non-communicable diseases. (2013) Atun, Rifat; Jaffar, Shabbar; Nishtar, Sania; Knaul, Felicia M; Barreto, Mauricio L; Nyirenda, Moffat; Banatvala, Nicholas; Piot, Peter
  • The new role of antiretrovirals in combination HIV prevention: a mathematical modelling analysis. (2013) Cremin, Ide; Alsallaq, Ramzi; Dybul, Mark; Piot, Peter; Garnett, Geoffrey; Hallett, Timothy B
  • Tackling non-communicable diseases in low- and middle-income countries: is the evidence from high-income countries all we need? (2013) Ebrahim, Shah; Pearce, Neil; Smeeth, Liam; Casas, Juan P; Jaffar, Shabbar; Piot, Peter
  • Trends in life expectancy in Europe: one big explanation or many small ones? (2013) McKee, Martin; Legido-Quigley, Helena; Piot, Peter
  • GBD 2.0: a continuously updated global resource. (2013) Murray, Christopher JL; Frenk, Julio; Piot, Peter; Mundel, Trevor
  • Response to the AIDS pandemic--a global health model. (2013) Piot, Peter; Quinn, Thomas C
  • How the Avahan HIV prevention program transitioned from the Gates Foundation to the government of India. (2013) Sgaier, Sema K; Ramakrishnan, Aparajita; Dhingra, Neeraj; Wadhwani, Alkesh; Alexander, Ashok; Bennett, Sara; Bhalla, Aparajita; Kumta, Sameer; Jayaram, Matangi; Gupta, Pankaj; Piot, Peter K; Bertozzi, Stefano M; Anthony, John
  • A promise to save 100,000 trauma patients. (2013) Shakur, Haleema; Roberts, Ian; Piot, Peter; Horton, Richard; Krug, Etienne; Mersch, Jeannot
  • AIDS is not over. (2013) Sidibé, Michel; Piot, Peter; Dybul, Mark
  • Financing essential HIV services: a new economic agenda. (2013) Vassall, Anna; Remme, Michelle; Watts, Charlotte; Hallett, Timothy; Siapka, Mariana; Vickerman, Peter; Terris-Prestholt, Fern; Haacker, Markus; Heise, Lori; Haines, Andy; Atun, Rifat; Piot, Peter
  • Are Thai MSM willing to take PrEP for HIV prevention? An analysis of attitudes, preferences and acceptance. (2013) Wheelock, Ana; Eisingerich, Andreas B; Ananworanich, Jintanat; Gomez, Gabriela B; Hallett, Timothy B; Dybul, Mark R; Piot, Peter
  • UNITAID can address HCV/HIV co-infection. (2013) von Schoen-Angerer, Tido; Cohn, Jennifer; Swan, Tracy; Piot, Peter
  • 2012
  • Reshaping global health. (2012) Dybul, M; Piot, P; Frenk, J
  • Attitudes and acceptance of oral and parenteral HIV preexposure prophylaxis among potential user groups: a multinational study. (2012) Eisingerich, Andreas B; Wheelock, Ana; Gomez, Gabriela B; Garnett, Geoffrey P; Dybul, Mark R; Piot, Peter K
  • Global public health leadership for the twenty-first century: towards improved health of all populations. (2012) Fried, Linda P; Piot, Peter; Frenk, Julio J; Flahault, Antoine; Parker, Richard
  • The changing landscape of global public health. (2012) Fried, Linda P; Piot, Peter; Spencer, Harrison C; Parker, Richard
  • Scientific evidence alone is not sufficient basis for health policy. (2012) Humphreys, Keith; Piot, Peter
  • Prevention of sexual transmission of HIV: real results, science progressing, societies remaining behind. (2012) Laga, Marie; Piot, Peter
  • The next 25 years: the need for a long-term view. (2012) Piot, Peter
  • Innovation and technology for global public health. (2012) Piot, Peter
  • Views of policymakers, healthcare workers and NGOs on HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP): a multinational qualitative study. (2012) Wheelock, Ana; Eisingerich, Andreas B; Gomez, Gabriela B; Gray, Emily; Dybul, Mark R; Piot, Peter
  • 2011
  • UN High-Level Meeting on Non-Communicable Diseases: addressing four questions. (2011) Beaglehole, Robert; Bonita, Ruth; Alleyne, George; Horton, Richard; Li, Liming; Lincoln, Paul; Mbanya, Jean Claude; McKee, Martin; Moodie, Rob; Nishtar, Sania; Piot, Peter; Reddy, K Srinath; Stuckler, David; Lancet NCD Action Group
  • Priority actions for the non-communicable disease crisis. (2011) Beaglehole, Robert; Bonita, Ruth; Horton, Richard; Adams, Cary; Alleyne, George; Asaria, Perviz; Baugh, Vanessa; Bekedam, Henk; Billo, Nils; Casswell, Sally; Cecchini, Michele; Colagiuri, Ruth; Colagiuri, Stephen; Collins, Tea; Ebrahim, Shah; Engelgau, Michael; Galea, Gauden; Gaziano, Thomas; Geneau, Robert; Haines, Andy; Hospedales, James; Jha, Prabhat; Keeling, Ann; Leeder, Stephen; Lincoln, Paul; McKee, Martin; Mackay, Judith; Magnusson, Roger; Moodie, Rob; Mwatsama, Modi; Nishtar, Sania; Norrving, Bo; Patterson, David; Piot, Peter; Ralston, Johanna; Rani, Manju; Reddy, K Srinath; Sassi, Franco; Sheron, Nick; Stuckler, David; Suh, Il; Torode, Julie; Varghese, Cherian; Watt, Judith; Lancet NCD Action Group; NCD Alliance
  • Shared innovations in measurement and evaluation. (2011) Bhutta, Z; Frenk, J; Horton, R; Lopez, A; de Souza, FM; Mills, A; Piot, P; Murray, C; Sankoh, O; Shibuya, K; Zewdie, D
  • Informing the 2011 UN Session on Noncommunicable Diseases: applying lessons from the AIDS response. (2011) Lamptey, Peter; Merson, Michael; Piot, Peter; Reddy, K Srinath; Dirks, Rebecca
  • Redesigning the AIDS response for long-term impact. (2011) Larson, Heidi J; Bertozzi, Stefano; Piot, Peter
  • Old and New Challenges in Global Health. (2011) Piot, P
  • Expectations for the United Nations high-level meeting on noncommunicable diseases. (2011) Sridhar, D; Morrison, JS; Piot, P
  • Expectations for the United Nations high-level meeting on noncommunicable diseases. (2011) Sridhar, Devi; Morrison, J Stephen; Piot, Peter
  • 2010
  • World AIDS Day: Towards A Sustained Strategic Response To Fight AIDS - 1 December 2010. (2010) UNSPECIFIED
  • London School Of Hygiene And Tropical Medicine: New Director And The Global... - 14 October 2010. (2010) UNSPECIFIED
  • Global Health Metrics and Evaluation—a call for abstracts. (2010) Bhutta, Zulfiqar; Frenk, Julio; Horton, Richard; Lopez, Alan; de Souza, Fatima Marinho; Mills, Anne; Piot, Peter; Murray, Christopher; Sankoh, Osman; Shibuya, Kenji; Zewdie, Debrework
  • Expansion of cancer care and control in countries of low and middle income: a call to action. (2010) Farmer, Paul; Frenk, Julio; Knaul, Felicia M; Shulman, Lawrence N; Alleyne, George; Armstrong, Lance; Atun, Rifat; Blayney, Douglas; Chen, Lincoln; Feachem, Richard; Gospodarowicz, Mary; Gralow, Julie; Gupta, Sanjay; Langer, Ana; Lob-Levyt, Julian; Neal, Claire; Mbewu, Anthony; Mired, Dina; Piot, Peter; Reddy, K Srinath; Sachs, Jeffrey D; Sarhan, Mahmoud; Seffrin, John R
  • Planning for pre-exposure prophylaxis to prevent HIV transmission: challenges and opportunities. (2010) Kim, Susan C; Becker, Stephen; Dieffenbach, Carl; Hanewall, Blair S; Hankins, Catherine; Lo, Ying-Ru; Mellors, John W; O'Reilly, Kevin; Paxton, Lynn; Roffenbender, Jason S; Warren, Mitchell; Piot, Peter; Dybul, Mark R
  • The new age of global health governance holds promise. (2010) Pang, Tikki; Daulaire, Nils; Keusch, Gerald; Leke, Rose; Piot, Peter; Reddy, Srinath; Rys, Andrzej; Szlezak, Nicole
  • L'Epidemie du sida. Mondialisation des risques, transformations de la sante publique et developpement. (2010) Piot, P
  • Setting new standards for targeted HIV prevention: the Avahan initiative in India. (2010) Piot, Peter
  • Prevention and control of chronic diseases. (2010) Piot, Peter; Ebrahim, Shah
  • 2009
  • The evolving HIV/AIDS response and the urgent tasks ahead. (2009) Bertozzi, Stefano M; Martz, Tyler E; Piot, Peter
  • Health is global. (2009) Piot, Peter; Garnett, Geoff
  • AIDS: lessons learnt and myths dispelled. (2009) Piot, Peter; Kazatchkine, Michel; Dybul, Mark; Lob-Levyt, Julian
  • 2008
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases. (2008) Holmes, KK; Sparling, PF; Stamm, WE; Piot, P; Wasserheit, JN; Corey, L; Cohen, MS
  • Combination HIV prevention. (2008) Merson, Michael; Padian, Nancy; Coates, Thomas J; Gupta, Geeta Rao; Bertozzi, Stefano M; Piot, Peter; Mane, Purnima; Bartos, Michael; Lancet HIV Prevention Series Authors
  • Coming to terms with complexity: a call to action for HIV prevention. (2008) Piot, Peter; Bartos, Michael; Larson, Heidi; Zewdie, Debrework; Mane, Purnima
  • 2007
  • Interview with Peter Piot. Interview by Marc Vandenbruaene. (2007) Piot, Peter
  • Squaring the circle: AIDS, poverty, and human development. (2007) Piot, Peter; Greener, Robert; Russell, Sarah
  • Good politics, bad politics: the experience of AIDS. (2007) Piot, Peter; Russell, Sarah; Larson, Heidi
  • Sustaining treatment costs: who will pay? (2007) Zewdie, Debrework; De Cock, Kevin; Piot, Peter
  • 2006
  • AIDS: from crisis management to sustained strategic response. (2006) Piot, Peter
  • 2005
  • L'Epidemie de Sida et la Mondialisation des Risques. (2005) Piot, P; Carael, M
  • 2004
  • Public health. A global response to AIDS: lessons learned, next steps. (2004) Piot, Peter; Feachem, Richard GA; Lee, Jong-Wook; Wolfensohn, James D
  • 2003
  • Medicine. The need for a global HIV vaccine enterprise. (2003) Klausner, Richard D; Fauci, Anthony S; Corey, Lawrence; Nabel, Gary J; Gayle, Helene; Berkley, Seth; Haynes, Barton F; Baltimore, David; Collins, Chris; Douglas, R Gordon; Esparza, Jose; Francis, Donald P; Ganguly, NK; Gerberding, Julie Louise; Johnston, Margaret I; Kazatchkine, Michel D; McMichael, Andrew J; Makgoba, Malegapuru W; Pantaleo, Giuseppe; Piot, Peter; Shao, Yiming; Tramont, Edmund; Varmus, Harold; Wasserheit, Judith N
  • One-on-one with Dr. Peter Piot. Interview by Charles E. Clifton. (2003) Piot, Peter
  • Peter Piot-executive director of UNAIDS. Interview by Pam Das. (2003) Piot, Peter
  • 2002
  • HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment. (2002) Piot, Peter; Zewdie, Debrework; Türmen, Tomris
  • 2001
  • Wealthy nations called on to boost support efforts. Five-year plan estimated to cost $9.2 billion. (2001) Annan, K; Piot, P; Schwartlander, B; Berman, D; Davis, P; Kaninda, AV; Ouma, C; Leghentsev, K
  • Microbicides 2000 conference. Welcoming remarks. Microbicides: global opportunities. (2001) Piot, P
  • A gendered epidemic: women and the risks and burdens of HIV. (2001) Piot, P
  • Stigma, bias present barriers in fight against AIDS pandemic. (2001) Piot, P
  • Introduction. (2001) Piot, P
  • The global impact of HIV/AIDS. (2001) Piot, P; Bartos, M; Ghys, PD; Walker, N; Schwartländer, B
  • International response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic: planning for success. (2001) Piot, P; Coll Seck, AM
  • AIDS in Africa: an epidemiologic paradigm. 1986. (2001) Quinn, TC; Mann, JM; Curran, JW; Piot, P