Number of items: 7.
Conference or Workshop Item
District decision-making for health in low- and middle-income countries: assessing the feasibility of a data-informed platform for health through multi-country studies.
Avan, Bi; Wickremasinghe, D; Berhanu, D; Umar, N; Gautham, M; Schellenberg, Ja; Bhattacharyya, S
Where there’s ‘willingness’ there’s a way: barriers and facilitators to maternal, newborn and child health data sharing by the private health sector in Uttar Pradesh, India.
Gautham, M; Spicer, N; Srivastava, A; Bhattacharya, S; Avan, BI; Schellenberg, JA
IDEAS Private Sector Study of Maternal Newborn Child Health Data Sharing in Uttar Pradesh, India.
Gautham, M; Spicer, N; Subharwal, Manish; Gupta, Sanjay; Mishra, Nirmala
Methodological approaches to evaluation of complex interventions in maternal and newborn health: IDEAS project. (2012)
Hill, Z; Allen, E; Avan, BI; Berhanu, D; Gautham, M; Mangham-Jefferies, L; Makowiecka, K; Marchant, T; Rechel, B; Schellenberg, JA; Spicer, N; Kumar, N