Items where Author is "Normand, C"
Number of items: 10.
  • New BMJ policy on economic evaluations: economic evaluations are often based on many studies [Letter to editor]. (2003) Normand, C
  • All pain and no gain? A study of mergers of NHS trusts in London: two year post-merger findings on the drivers of mergers and the processes of merging. (2003) Protopsaltis, G; Fulop, N; King, A; Allen, P; Hutchings, A; Normand, C; Walters, R
  • 2002
  • The Impact of Hospital Trust Mergers in London A Process Analysis of NHS Provider Organisations :Final report. (2002) Fulop, N; Protopsaltis, G; King, A; Hutchings, A; Allen, P; Normand, C
  • Health economics: an international perspective [textbook]. (2002) McPake, B; Kumaranayake, L; Normand, C
  • Social health insurance. (2002) Normand, C; Busse, R
  • NHS resource allocation scoping study overview report: report prepared for the Department of Health, February 2002. (2002) Normand, C; Sanderson, C; McCartney, P; Cox, H; Dolea, C; Castlenuovo, E; Chambers, M; Hutton, J
  • Evaluation of the Teenage Pregnancy Strategy: annual synthesis report No.1. (2002) Teenage Pregnancy Strategy Evaluation Research Team Including:; Wellings, K; Wilkinson, P; Grundy, C; Kane, R; Jacklin, P; Gilmour, M; Gerressu, M; Creed-Miles, M; Normand, C; Barrett, G
  • 2001
  • Resource use and outcomes of acute coronary syndromes stratified by electrocardiogram on admission. Results from PRAIS-UK. (2001) Bakhai, A; Collinson, J; Shibata, MC; de Arenaza, DP; Wang, DL; Flather, M; Normand, C
  • Health economic burden of non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes in Europe. Results from PRAIS-UK. (2001) Bakhai, A; Shibata, MC; Collinson, J; Normand, C; Coles, J; Flather, M; Ward, B
  • Why age should not be a barrier to dialysis: implications of the North Thames Dialysis Study. (2001) Lamping, DL; Roderick, P; Brown, E; Normand, CEM