Items where Author is "Brooker, S"

Number of items: 22.
Book Section
  • Malaria in Middle Childhood and Adolescence. (2017) Brooker, SJ; Clarke, S; Fernando, D; Gitonga, CW; Nankabirwa, J; Schellenberg, D; Greenwood, B
  • Helminth infections of children: prospects for control. (2005) Hotez, PJ; Arora, S; Bethony, J; Bottazzi, ME; Loukas, A; Brooker, S
  • Soil-transmitted Helminth Infections. (2006) Hotez, PJ; Bethony, J; Brooker, S
  • Helminth Infections: soil-transmitted helminth infections and schistosomiasis. (2006) Hotez, PJ; Bundy, DAP; Beegle, K; Brooker, S; Drake, L; de Silva, N; Montresor, A; Engels, D; Jukes, M; Chitsulo, L; Chow, J; Laxminarayan, R; Michaud, C; Bethony, J; Oliveira, R; Xiao, SH; Fenwick, A; Savioli, L
  • Conference or Workshop Item
  • Testing Validity of Reported Drug Coverage Rates of the Neglected Tropical Disease Control Program in Four Countries. (2008) Baker, MC; Trofimovich, L; Sankara, D; Linehan, M; Brooker, S; Bosque-Oliva, E; Garba, A; Toure, S; Biritwum, N; Onapa, A; Namwanje, H
  • Distribution of malaria risk among schoolchildren in highland and lowland Kenya [Abstract]. (2003) Clarke, S; Brooker, S; Njagi, JK; Polack, S; Ouma, J
  • The impact of intermittent parasite clearance on malaria, anaemia, and cognition in schoolchildren: new evidence from an area of highly seasonal transmission. (2013) Clarke, S; Rouhani, S; Diarra, S; Bamadio, M; Jones, R; Traore, D; Jukes, M; Thuilliez, J; Sacko, M; Brooker, S; Roschnik, N
  • Randomised controlled trial of intermittent preventive treatment in schoolchildren: Impact on malaria, anaemia and school performance. (2006) Clarke, SE; Brooker, S; Jukes, MC; Njagi, K; Khasakhala, L; Otido, J; Crudder, C; McGlone, B; Magnussen, P; Estambale, B
  • The impact of schistosomiasis and intestinal helminth control program on health in rural Uganda. (2006) Fenwick, A; Kabatereine, N; Koukounari, Artemis; Webster, J; Brooker, S
  • Helminth infections of children: Prospects for control. (2005) Hotez, PJ; Arora, S; Bethony, J; Bottazzi, ME; Loukas, A; Correa-Oliveira, R; Brooker, S
  • The impact of retail-sector delivery of artemether-lumefantrine on malaria treatment of children under five in Kenya: cluster randomized controlled trial. (2011) Kangwana, B; Kedenge, S; Alegana, V; Noor, A; Fegan, G; Brooker, S; Todd, J; Snow, R; Goodman, C; Nyandigisi, A; Pandit, J
  • Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for 291 diseases and injuries in 21 regions, 1990-2010: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. (2012) Murray, CJ; Vos, T; Lozano, R; Naghavi, M; Flaxman, AD; Michaud, C; Ezzati, M; Shibuya, K; Salomon, JA; Abdalla, S; Aboyans, V; Abraham, J; Ackerman, I; Aggarwal, R; Ahn, SY; Ali, MK; Alvarado, M; Anderson, HR; Anderson, LM; Andrews, KG; Atkinson, C; Baddour, LM; Bahalim, AN; Barker-Collo, S; Barrero, LH; Bartels, DH; Basáñez, MG; Baxter, A; Bell, ML; Benjamin, EJ; Bennett, D; Bernabé, E; Bhalla, K; Bhandari, B; Bikbov, B; Bin Abdulhak, A; Birbeck, G; Black, JA; Blencowe, H; Blore, JD; Blyth, F; Bolliger, I; Bonaventure, A; Boufous, S; Bourne, R; Boussinesq, M; Braithwaite, T; Brayne, C; Bridgett, L; Brooker, S; Brooks, P; Brugha, TS; Bryan-Hancock, C; Bucello, C; Buchbinder, R; Buckle, G; Budke, CM; Burch, M; Burney, P; Burstein, R; Calabria, B; Campbell, B; Canter, CE; Carabin, H; Carapetis, J; Carmona, L; Cella, C; Charlson, F; Chen, H; Cheng, AT; Chou, D; Chugh, SS; Coffeng, LE; Colan, SD; Colquhoun, S; Colson, KE; Condon, J; Connor, MD; Cooper, LT; Corriere, M; Cortinovis, M; de Vaccaro, KC; Couser, W; Cowie, BC; Criqui, MH; Cross, M; Dabhadkar, KC; Dahiya, M; Dahodwala, N; Damsere-Derry, J; Danaei, G; Davis, A; De Leo, D; Degenhardt, L; Dellavalle, R; Delossantos, A; Denenberg, J; Derrett, S; Des Jarlais, DC; Dharmaratne, SD; Dherani, M; Diaz-Torne, C; Dolk, H; Dorsey, ER; Driscoll, T; Duber, H; Ebel, B; Edmond, K; Elbaz, A; Ali, SE; Erskine, H; Erwin, PJ; Espindola, P; Ewoigbokhan, SE; Farzadfar, F; Feigin, V; Felson, DT; Ferrari, A; Ferri, CP; Fèvre, EM; Finucane, MM; Flaxman, S; Flood, L; Foreman, K; Forouzanfar, MH; Fowkes, FG; Fransen, M; Freeman, MK; Gabbe, BJ; Gabriel, SE; Gakidou, E; Ganatra, HA; Garcia, B; Gaspari, F; Gillum, RF; Gmel, G; Gonzalez-Medina, D; Gosselin, R; Grainger, R; Grant, B; Groeger, J; Guillemin, F; Gunnell, D; Gupta, R; Haagsma, J; Hagan, H; Halasa, YA; Hall, W; Haring, D; Haro, JM; Harrison, JE; Havmoeller, R; Hay, RJ; Higashi, H; Hill, C; Hoen, B; Hoffman, H; Hotez, PJ; Hoy, D; Huang, JJ; Ibeanusi, SE; Jacobsen, KH; James, SL; Jarvis, D; Jasrasaria, R; Jayaraman, S; Johns, N; Jonas, JB; Karthikeyan, G; Kassebaum, N; Kawakami, N; Keren, A; Khoo, JP; King, CH; Knowlton, LM; Kobusingye, O; Koranteng, A; Krishnamurthi, R; Laden, F; Lalloo, R; Laslett, LL; Lathlean, T; Leasher, JL; Lee, YY; Leigh, J; Levinson, D; Lim, SS; Limb, E; Lin, JK; Lipnick, M; Lipshultz, SE; Liu, W; Loane, M; Ohno, SL; Lyons, R; Mabweijano, J; MacIntyre, MF; Malekzadeh, R; Mallinger, L; Manivannan, S; Marcenes, W; March, L; Margolis, DJ; Marks, GB; Marks, R; Matsumori, A; Matzopoulos, R; Mayosi, BM; McAnulty, JH; McDermott, MM; McGill, N; McGrath, J; Medina-Mora, ME; Meltzer, M; Mensah, GA; Merriman, TR; Meyer, AC; Miglioli, V; Miller, M; Miller, TR; Mitchell, PB; Mock, C; Mocumbi, AO; Moffitt, TE; Mokdad, AA; Monasta, L; Montico, M; Moradi-Lakeh, M; Moran, A; Morawska, L; Mori, R; Murdoch, ME; Mwaniki, MK; Naidoo, K; Nair, MN; Naldi, L; Narayan, KM; Nelson, PK; Nelson, RG; Nevitt, MC; Newton, CR; Nolte, S; Norman, P; Norman, R; O'Donnell, M; O'Hanlon, S; Olives, C; Omer, SB; Ortblad, K; Osborne, R; Ozgediz, D; Page, A; Pahari, B; Pandian, JD; Rivero, AP; Patten, SB; Pearce, N; Padilla, RP; Perez-Ruiz, F; Perico, N; Pesudovs, K; Phillips, D; Phillips, MR; Pierce, K; Pion, S; Polanczyk, GV; Polinder, S; Pope, CA3rd; Popova, S; Porrini, E; Pourmalek, F; Prince, M; Pullan, RL; Ramaiah, KD; Ranganathan, D; Razavi, H; Regan, M; Rehm, JT; Rein, DB; Remuzzi, G; Richardson, K; Rivara, FP; Roberts, T; Robinson, C; De Leòn, FR; Ronfani, L; Room, R; Rosenfeld, LC; Rushton, L; Sacco, RL; Saha, S; Sampson, U; Sanchez-Riera, L; Sanman, E; Schwebel, DC; Scott, JG; Segui-Gomez, M; Shahraz, S; Shepard, DS; Shin, H; Shivakoti, R; Singh, D; Singh, GM; Singh, JA; Singleton, J; Sleet, DA; Sliwa, K; Smith, E; Smith, JL; Stapelberg, NJ; Steer, A; Steiner, T; Stolk, WA; Stovner, LJ; Sudfeld, C; Syed, S; Tamburlini, G; Tavakkoli, M; Taylor, HR; Taylor, JA; Taylor, WJ; Thomas, B; Thomson, WM; Thurston, GD; Tleyjeh, IM; Tonelli, M; Towbin, JA; Truelsen, T; Tsilimbaris, MK; Ubeda, C; Undurraga, EA; van der Werf, MJ; van Os, J; Vavilala, MS; Venketasubramanian, N; Wang, M; Wang, W; Watt, K; Weatherall, DJ; Weinstock, MA; Weintraub, R; Weisskopf, MG; Weissman, MM; White, RA; Whiteford, H; Wiebe, N; Wiersma, ST; Wilkinson, JD; Williams, HC; Williams, SR; Witt, E; Wolfe, F; Woolf, AD; Wulf, S; Yeh, PH; Zaidi, AK; Zheng, ZJ; Zonies, D; Lopez, AD; AlMazroa, MA; Memish, ZA
  • Intermittent Preventive Treatment (Ipt) in Schoolchildren: A Randomized Trial to Compare the Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Antimalarial Regimens in Uganda. (2008) Nankabirwa, JI; Clarke, SE; Kabatereine, N; Cundill, B; Brooker, S; Staedke, SG
  • Malaria in School Children in Highland and Lowland Kenya [Abstract]. (2002) Njagi, JK; Clarke, SE; Brooker, S; Geissler, PW; Meinert, L; Nyamongo, I; Magnussen, P; Estambale, B; Ouma, J
  • Human hookworm vaccine trial: Modeling trial efficacy and health impact. (2006) Sabatelli, L; Ghani, A; Hotez, P; Rodrigues, L; Brooker, S
  • MAPPING THE GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION OF TRACHOMA: AN UPDATED ATLAS. (2010) Smith, J; Brooker, S; Haddad, D; Polack, S; Hooper, P; Harding-Esch, E; Bailey, R; Mabey, D
  • Thesis
  • Measuring low and unstable malaria transmission in Ethiopia: strategies for malaria surveillance and epidemic detection. (2014) Ashton, RA
  • The epidemiology, surveillance and control of malaria in Kenyan school children. (2013) Gitonga, CW picture_as_pdf
  • School-based malaria control in Kenya: Evaluating heterogeneity in risk, impact and process. (2015) Halliday, KE
  • The spatial distribution and epidemiology of trachoma: application and evaluation of geographical information in defining disease burden and planning control. (2014) Smith, JL
  • Spatial epidemiology of parasitic infections and optimal survey design. (2011) Strurrock, H
  • ['eprint_typename_podcast' not defined]
  • "This Wormy World": Global Atlas of Worm Infections - 25 August 2010. (2010) UNSPECIFIED audio_file