Impact of two vulnerability reduction strategies on HIV risk reduction among female sex workers
Training female sex workers (FSW) in alternative income generation has emerged as an innovative HIV/AIDS prevention strategy. This new report published by KHPT focuses on a range of interlinking community mobilisation strategies.
The study demonstrates the impact of two vulnerability reduction strategies on HIV risk among female sex workers:
Collectivisation Participation in savings activities
The report argues that FSWs participating in group organising and savings activities are more likely to adopt safer sex practices. The intervention was carried out in three districts of Karnakata state, south India. The results offer comparative insights on community mobilisation in all three settings. For example:
In two of the settings, FSWs had access to microfinance facilities. The comparative success of these two groups demonstrates that community mobilisation activities should address economic vulnerability as an integral part of their approach; Women dealing wth crises such as violence highlights the role of social stigma, while the success of groups and collectives in dealing with such issues throws light on the importance of peer group solidarity.
Item Type | Monograph (Technical Report) |
Official URL | |
Copyright Holders | Karnataka Health Promotion Trust |