Baseline entomologic data on malaria transmission in prelude to an indoor residual spraying intervention in the regions of Alibori and Donga, Northern Benin, West Africa.
BACKGROUND: Despite the success of indoor residual insecticide spraying (IRS) in Africa, particularly in Benin, some gaps of information need to be filled to optimize the effectiveness of this intervention in the perspective of the country's effort to eliminate malaria. In anticipation to the 2018 IRS campaign in two targeted regions of northern Benin, this study aimed, to collect baseline information on vector composition, spatio-temporal variation and peak malaria transmission in the Alibori and Donga, two targeted regions of northern Benin. Information collected will help to better plan the implementation and later on the impact assessment of this IRS campaign. METHODS: The study was carried out in four districts of the two IRS targeted regions of northern Benin. Human landing catches and pyrethrum spray catches protocols were used to assess the biting rate (HBR) and, biting/resting behaviour of malaria vector populations. After morphological identification of collected Anopheles, the heads and thoraxes of Anopheles gambiae sensu lato (s.l.) were analysed by the ELISA CSP tests to estimate the sporozoite index (SI). The entomological inoculation rate was calculated as the product of mosquito biting rate (HBR) and the SI. RESULTS: The biting rates of An. gambiae s.l., the major vector in this study sites, varied significantly from region to region. It was higher: in rural than in urban areas, in rainy season than in dry season, indoors than outdoors. Overall, SI was comparable between sites. The highest EIRs were observed in the Donga region (16.84 infectious bites/man/month in Djougou district and 17.64 infectious bites/man/month in Copargo district) and the lowest in the Alibori region (10.74 infectious bites/man/month at Kandi district and 11.04 infectious bites/man/month at Gogounou district). CONCLUSION: This study showed the heterogeneous and various nature of malaria epidemiology in Northern Benin. Indeed, the epidemiological profile of malaria transmission in the Alibori and Donga regions is made of a single season of transmission interrupted by a dry season. This period of transmission is relatively longer in Donga region than in Alibori. This information can be used to guide the extension of IRS in the Alibori and in the Donga, by primarily targeting areas with short periods of transmission, and easy to cover.
Item Type | Article |
Elements ID | 199392 |
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