Design and content validation of a survey questionnaire assessing the determinants of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine hesitancy in France: A reactive Delphi study.
INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to develop and undertake a preliminary validation of a French Survey Questionnaire for the Determinants of HPV Vaccine Hesitancy (FSQD-HPVH). METHODS: We undertook an electronic-based Delphi consultation among a panel of Francophone experts in two rounds. Round 1 consisted of the assessment of a structured questionnaire comprising of three parts ((i) Contextual influences, (ii) Individual and group influences, and (iii) Vaccine/vaccination-specific issues), in line with the WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) Vaccine Hesitancy (VH) Model of Determinants. Items included in this questionnaire were based on a literature review. Definitions of the factors included in the SAGE model were provided in the questionnaire. The panel of experts was asked to score each item using a 3-point Likert scale, in which 1 meant "Essential", 2 "Useful but not essential", and 3 "Not necessary". The panel was also invited to comment on the clarity/comprehension of the questions and suggest reformulations/additional items. Lawshe's Content Validity Ratio (CVR) was computed to assess the level of consensus for each statement. Only items upon which agreement was not reached in Round 1 (CVR < 0.6) and newly proposed items were submitted for evaluation in Round 2, using the same procedure. RESULTS: Fifteen experts completed the two rounds. Of 83 items evaluated in Round 1, 35 (42%) had a CVR ≥ 0.6 and were accepted without modification. In Round 2, 66 items were submitted to the same panel and consensus was reached for 22 (33%) items using the threshold of 0.6. The final FSQD-HPVH version includes 57 items. CONCLUSION: This study developed a survey instrument for the evaluation of HPV VH in France with good content validity. It will be used to assess the determinants of HPV VH, the first step towards an evidence-based approach to improving HPV vaccination rates in France.
Item Type | Article |
Elements ID | 149936 |