On fuzzy familywise error rate and false discovery rate procedures for discrete distributions
E Kulinskaya;
A Lewin
On fuzzy familywise error rate and false discovery rate procedures for discrete distributions.
Biometrika, 96 (1).
pp. 201-211.
ISSN 0006-3444
DOI: 10.1093/biomet/asn061
Fuzzy multiple comparisons procedures are introduced as a solution to the problem of multiple comparisons for discrete test statistics. The critical function of the randomized p-values is proposed as a measure of evidence against the null hypotheses. The classical concept of randomized tests is extended to multiple comparisons. This approach makes all theory of multiple comparisons developed for continuously distributed statistics automatically applicable to the discrete case. Examples of familywise error rate and false discovery rate procedures are discussed and an application to linkage disequilibrium testing is given. Software for implementing the procedures is available. © 2009 Biometrika Trust.
Item Type | Article |
Keywords | Benjamini-Hochberg procedure, Bonferroni procedure, False discovery, rate, Fuzzy decision-making, Multiple comparisons, Randomized test, bonferroni procedure, random-variables, multiple tests, Life Sciences & Biomedicine - Other Topics, Mathematical & Computational, Biology, Mathematics |
ISI | 263406100015 |
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0081-7582