West Africa 2013 Ebola: From Virus Outbreak to Humanitarian Crisis.
The 2013 outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in West Africa constituted a major humanitarian crisis. The outbreak numbered over 28,500 cases, more than 10 times the number cumulatively registered from all previous EVD outbreaks combined, with at least 11,000 deaths, and resulted in billions of dollars of lost economic growth to an already impoverished region. The unprecedented scale of West Africa 2013 took the world by surprise and laid bare deficiencies in our response capacity to complex humanitarian disasters of highly infectious and lethal pathogens. However, the magnitude of West Africa 2013 also provided a unique opportunity and obligation to better understand not only the biology and epidemiology of EVD, but also the many scientific, economic, social, political, ethical, and logistical challenges in confronting emerging infectious diseases in the modern era.
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