Keeping to the same old pathways. Seven years after coming up with radical proposals to demolish professional boundaries the government has retired defeated.
Jill Maben;
Peter Griffiths;
Sarah Robinson;
Keeping to the same old pathways. Seven years after coming up with radical proposals to demolish professional boundaries the government has retired defeated.
Nurs Stand, 21 (26).
pp. 62-63.
ISSN 2047-9018
DOI: 10.7748/ns.21.26.62.s55
The Department of Health (DH) once had lofty aspirations for reform of the healthcare workforce. Its document A Health Service of All The Talents (HSAT) advocated patient-led planning with a workforce of 'teams... rather than different professional tribes' (DH 2000) (see box page 63 ).
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