Racial Differences in Satisfaction with VA Health Care: A Mixed Methods Pilot Study.
INTRODUCTION: As satisfied patients are more adherent and play a more active role in their own care, a better understanding of factors associated with patient satisfaction is important. PURPOSE: In response to a United States Veterans Administration (VA) Hospital Report Card that revealed lower levels of satisfaction with health care for African Americans compared to Whites, we conducted a mixed methods pilot study to obtain preliminary qualitative and quantitative information about possible underlying reasons for these racial differences. METHODS: We conducted telephone interviews with 30 African American and 31 White veterans with recent inpatient and/or outpatient health care visits at three urban VA Medical Centers. We coded the qualitative interviews in terms of identified themes within defined domains. We summarized racial differences using ordinal logistic regression for Likert scale outcomes and used random effects logistic regression to assess racial differences at the domain level. RESULTS: Compared to Whites, African Americans were younger (p < 0.001) and better educated (p = 0.04). Qualitatively, African Americans reported less satisfaction with trust/confidence in their VA providers and healthcare system and less satisfaction with patient-provider communication. Quantitatively, African Americans reported less satisfaction with outpatient care (odds ratio = 0.28; 95 % confidence interval (CI) 0.10-0.82), but not inpatient care. At the domain level, African Americans were significantly less likely than Whites to express satisfaction themes in the domain of trust/confidence (odds ratio = 0.36; 95 % CI 0.18-0.73). CONCLUSION: The current pilot study demonstrates racial differences in satisfaction with outpatient care and identifies some specific sources of dissatisfaction. Future research will include a large national cohort, including Hispanic veterans, in order to gain further insight into the sources of racial and ethnic differences in satisfaction with VA care and inform future interventions.