Inaugural Lecture - Steven Cummins - Improving Health in Cities: the Challenge of our Urban Environment
S Cummins;
Inaugural Lecture - Steven Cummins - Improving Health in Cities: the Challenge of our Urban Environment.
Steven Cummins is Professor of Population Health at the School, and holds a National Institute for Health Research Senior Fellowship. He leads the Healthy Environments Research Programme, dedicated to understanding the impact of the built, social, cultural and policy environment on health.
His research focuses on how factors including access to food, physical activity and other aspects of urban environments impact on diet, obesity and health. Current projects include the National Evaluation of the Healthy Towns Programme, funded by the Department of Health and ORiEL (Olympic Regeneration in East London), a major 5-year project investigating the health and social impact of regeneration associated with the 2012 Olympics.
Item Type | Video |
Contributors | Mills, Anne |
Official URL | |
video_file - 2373950.mp4
subject - Published Version
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