'If you start thinking positively, you won't miss sex': narratives of sexual (in)activity among people living with HIV in Nairobi's informal settlements.

Chi-ChiUndie; Abdhalah KasiiraZiraba; NyovaniMadise; JohnKebaso; ElizabethKimani-Murage; (2009) 'If you start thinking positively, you won't miss sex': narratives of sexual (in)activity among people living with HIV in Nairobi's informal settlements. Culture, health & sexuality, 11 (8). pp. 767-782. ISSN 1369-1058 DOI: 10.1080/13691050903105031

Drawing on qualitative data, this paper examines narratives of sexual activity (or the lack thereof) among people living with HIV in two urban poor contexts in Kenya and the ways in which these narratives intersect with the discourse of a ubiquitous HIV-prevention strategy - the 'ABC' (Abstinence, Be Faithful, Condom Use) approach. The exploration of these narratives gives insight into the ways that the notions and meanings around sexual activity are informed and re-shaped by the experience of living with HIV in urban poor settings and into the complex ways in which the components of the ABC approach feature in the lives of PLHIV in these contexts. As the sexuality of people living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa is an under-researched area, this paper sheds light on the realities of living with HIV in urban poor settings and illuminates the context that informs constructions of sexuality in this milieui.

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