Sandy Cairncross, Maggie Black and Girish Menon - 28 Mar 2008
Sandy Cairncross, Maggie Black and Girish Menon - 28 Mar 2008.
[['eprint_typename_podcast' not defined]]
In this edition of Audio News, presented by Peter Goodwin, Sandy Cairncross, Maggie Black (Earthscan), and Girish Menon (Water Aid) talk about:
The Last Taboo: Opening The Door On The Global Sanitation Crisis a book by Maggie Black and Ben Fawcett, published by Earthscan with UNICEF.
A massive improvement in health and wealth in developing countries could be achieved by providing systems to dispose of human excreta safely. A new book: "The Last Taboo" was launched at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine by the Professor of Environmental Health, Sandy Cairncross.
Item Type | ['eprint_typename_podcast' not defined] |
Contributors | Cairncross, Sandy; Black, M; Menon, G; Goodwin, P |
Official URL | |
audio_file - sandy-cairncross-maggie-black.mp3
subject - Published Version
- Available under Creative Commons: NC-ND 3.0
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