Better Point-Of-Care Testing For TB Urgently Needed - 1 March 2011
Better Point-Of-Care Testing For TB Urgently Needed - 1 March 2011.
[['eprint_typename_podcast' not defined]]
LONDON - A plea for improved field-diagnostic methods for TB has been made in the scientific journal: Nature Reviews: Microbiology. Ruth McNerney of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine tells Audio News that better tests are needed because tuberculosis kills two million people every year even though it is curable. In the article she co-wrote with Peter Daley, from Memorial University, Newfoundland, Canada, she has assessed the “point of care” diagnostic tests available so far and examined what needs to be done to improve TB diagnosis - especially in resource-poor settings.
Item Type | ['eprint_typename_podcast' not defined] |
Contributors | Mcnerney, Ruth; UNSPECIFIED |
Official URL | |
audio_file - better-point-of-care-testing.mp3
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