Evidence Or Ideology To Guide Britain’s NHS Changes? - 6 June 2011
Evidence Or Ideology To Guide Britain’s NHS Changes? - 6 June 2011.
[['eprint_typename_podcast' not defined]]
LONDON - Evidence and not just opinion and ideology could soon be at the fore of the debates concerning widespread reforms to UK health policy - and by comparison health systems globally - thanks to the new: Lancet UK Policy Matters website produced by scientists in London. Katie Cole from The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine explains how they’re gathering evidence from experts and the public on the impact health service policies and reforms have on health outcomes.
Item Type | ['eprint_typename_podcast' not defined] |
Contributors | Cole, K |
Official URL | http://soundcloud.com/lshtm/evidence-or-ideology-t... |
audio_file - evidence-or-ideology-to-guide.mp3
subject - Published Version
- Available under Creative Commons: NC-ND 3.0
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