Global Health Lab: Welfare State, Sustainable In An Ageing Population? - 22 Jan 2012
LONDON - The 'Welfare State' can be sustained globally - even in the rapidly ageing societies of low - and middle-income countries. Social protection should not be delayed until a country is rich, and should be a state obligation. These views came out of the Global Health Lab symposium entitled: "Is the welfare state sustainable with an ageing society?" hosted by Professor Martin McKee of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and Dr Richard Horton, Editor of the Lancet. The experts presenting data to the meeting - Professor Athina Vlachantoni from Centre for Research on Ageing at Southampton University, Astrid Walker Bourne of HelpAge International and Professor Peter Lloyd-Sherlock from the School of International Development at the University of East Anglia - explained to Peter Goodwin why there is an urgent need to prioritise the welfare of older citizens.
Item Type | ['eprint_typename_podcast' not defined] |
Contributors | Vlachantoni, A; Walker Bourne, A; Lloyd-Sherlock, P; Goodwin, P |
Official URL | |
audio_file - global-health-lab-welfare.mp3
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